
Defines functions version_updater trans_table_convert trans_process_load trans_fun_names trans_upper_versions trans_action_dt trans_action trans_postprocess trans_process trans_preprocess f2220t2310 f2210t2220 f960t2210 f950t960 f940t950 f930t940 f920t930 f910t920 f900t910 f890t900 f880t890 f870t880 f860t870 f850t860 f840t850 f830t840 f820t830 f810t820 f800t810 f720t800 trans_apply transition

Documented in transition version_updater

# }}}

#' Perform version transition of EnergyPlus model
#' `transition()` takes an [Idf] object or a path of IDF file and a target
#' version, performs version transitions and returns an [Idf] object of
#' specified version.
#' @param idf An [Idf] object or a path of IDF file.
#' @param ver A valid EnergyPlus IDD version, e.g. `"9"`, `"8.8"`, or `"8.8.0"`.
#' @param save If `TRUE`, the models will be saved into specified directory.
#' Default: `FALSE`.
#' @param dir Only applicable when `save` is `TRUE`. The directory to save the
#' new IDF files. If the directory does not exist, it will be created before
#' save. If `NULL`, the directory of input [Idf] object or IDF file will be
#' used. Default: `NULL`.
#' @param keep_all If `TRUE`, a list will be return which contains all
#' [Idf] objects of intermediate versions. The list will be named using first
#' two number of that version, e.g. `8.1`, `8.2`. If `FALSE`, only the [Idf]
#' object of the version specified by `ver` will be returned. Default: `FALSE`.
#' @return An [Idf] object if `keep_all` is `FALSE` or a list of [Idf] objects
#' if `keep_all` is `TRUE`.
#' @seealso See [version_updater()] which directly call EnergyPlus preprocessor
#' `IDFVersionUpdater` to perform the version transitions.
#' @author Hongyuan Jia
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (any(avail_eplus()) > "7.2") {
#'     # create an empty IDF
#'     idf <- empty_idf("7.2")
#'     # convert it from v7.2 to the latest EnergyPlus installed
#'     transition(idf, max(avail_eplus()))
#'     # convert it from v7.2 to the latest EnergyPlus installed and keep all
#'     # intermediate versions
#'     transition(idf, max(avail_eplus()), keep_all = TRUE)
#'     # convert it from v7.2 to the latest EnergyPlus installed and keep all
#'     # intermediate versions and save all them
#'     idf$save(tempfile(fileext = ".idf"))
#'     transition(idf, max(avail_eplus()), keep_all = TRUE,
#'         save = TRUE, dir = tempdir()
#'     )
#' }
#' }
#' @export
# transition {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_vector
# TODO: how to give the names of saved files
transition <- function(idf, ver, keep_all = FALSE, save = FALSE, dir = NULL) {
    if (!is_idf(idf)) idf <- read_idf(idf)

    if (length(ver) != 1L || is.na(ver <- convert_to_idd_ver(ver))) {
        abort("'ver' must be a valid EnergyPlus IDD version")
    ver <- ver[, 1:2]

    if (idf$version() < "7.2") {
        abort(paste0("Input IDF has version ", surround(idf$version()), ". ",
            "Currently only EnergyPlus v7.2 and above are suppored."

    # only compare Major and Mversioninor version, skip patch version
    if (idf$version()[, 1L:2L] == ver) {
        verbose_info("IDF is already at latest version ", ver, ". No transition is needed.")
        if (keep_all) {
            res <- list(idf)
            setattr(res, "names", as.character(idf$version()[, 1L:2L]))
        } else {
    # cannot go reverse
    } else if (idf$version()[, 1L:2L] > ver) {
        abort("Only version updating is supported. Downgrading is not supported.")

    # stop if unsaved
    if (idf$is_unsaved()) {
        abort("Idf has been modified since read or last saved. Please save Idf using '$save()' before transition.")

    # clone original input
    idf <- idf$clone(TRUE)

    # perform transition
    res <- trans_apply(idf, ver, keep_all)

    # directly return if no saving is required
    if (!save) return(res)

    # check if original file exists
    if (is.null(idf$path())) {
        abort("The Idf object is not created from local file. Please save Idf using '$save()' before transition.", "idf_not_local")

    if (is.null(dir)) {
        dir <- dirname(idf$path())
    } else if (!dir.exists(dir)) {
        dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE)

    save_new <- function(idf, dir, path) {
        nm <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(path)), "V", idf$version()[, 1L], idf$version()[, 2L], "0.idf")
        idf$save(file.path(dir, nm), overwrite = TRUE)

    if (!keep_all) {
        save_new(res, dir, path = idf$path())
    } else {
        lapply(res, save_new, dir = dir, path = idf$path())

# }}}

# trans_apply {{{
trans_apply <- function(idf, ver, keep_all) {
    # get all versions needed to handle
    vers <- trans_upper_versions(idf, ver)

    # get corresponding transition function names
    funs <- trans_fun_names(vers)

    # apply transition functions
    if (!keep_all) {
        for (i in seq_along(funs))  {
                " From  Ver: ", vers[i], "\n",
                "Toward Ver: ", vers[i + 1L]
            idf <- without_checking(trans_funs[[funs[i]]](idf))
            verbose_info("[", vers[i], " --> ", vers[i + 1L], "] SUCCEEDED.\n")
    } else {
        res <- vector("list", length(funs) + 1L)
        res[[1L]] <- idf

        for (i in seq_along(res)) {
            if (i == length(res)) break
                " From  Ver: ", vers[i], "\n",
                "Toward Ver: ", vers[i + 1L]
            res[[i + 1L]] <- without_checking(trans_funs[[funs[[i]]]](res[[i]]))
            verbose_info("[", vers[i], " --> ", vers[i + 1L], "] SUCCEEDED.\n")
        nms <- paste0(stri_sub(funs, 6L, 6L), ".", stri_sub(funs, 7L, 7L))
        setattr(res, "names", c(as.character(idf$version()[, 1L:2L]), nms))

# }}}

trans_funs <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
# trans_720_800 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f720t800 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "7.2")

    target_cls <- c(
        "ShadowCalculation",                                       # 1
        "Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed",                              # 2
        "EnergyManagementSystem:OutputVariable",                   # 3
        "EnergyManagementSystem:MeteredOutputVariable",            # 4
        "Branch",                                                  # 5
        "PlantEquipmentList",                                      # 6
        "CondenserEquipmentList",                                  # 7
        "HeatExchanger:WatersideEconomizer",                       # 8
        "HeatExchanger:Hydronic",                                  # 9
        "HeatExchanger:Plate",                                     # 10
        "BuildingSurface:Detailed",                                # 11
        "Wall:Detailed",                                           # 12
        "RoofCeiling:Detailed",                                    # 13
        "Floor:Detailed",                                          # 14
        "FenestrationSurface:Detailed",                            # 15
        "Shading:Site:Detailed",                                   # 16
        "Shading:Building:Detailed",                               # 17
        "Shading:Zone:Detailed",                                   # 18
        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ConstantVolumeFan", # 19
        "ZoneHVAC:HighTemperatureRadiant",                         # 20
        "AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow",                  # 21
        "ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump",                             # 22
        "AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:WaterToAir",                  # 23
        "Boiler:HotWater",                                         # 24
        "Chiller:Electric",                                        # 25
        "Chiller:ConstantCOP",                                     # 26
        "Chiller:EngineDriven",                                    # 27
        "Chiller:CombustionTurbine",                               # 28
        "Chiller:Electric:EIR",                                    # 29
        "Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR",                        # 30
        "Chiller:Absorption",                                      # 31
        "Chiller:Absorption:Indirect"                              # 32

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "8.0", target_cls)

    # 1: ShadowCalculation {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "ShadowCalculation", insert = list(1L, "AverageOverDaysInFrequency"))
    # }}}
    # 2: Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, class = "Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed",
        insert = list(6L),
        insert = list(17L),
        insert = list(22L),
        insert = list(33L),
        insert = list(44L),
        insert = list(55L)
    # }}}
    # 3: EnergyManagementSystem:OutputVariable {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "EnergyManagementSystem:OutputVariable", add = list(6L))
    if (nrow(dt3)) {
        # add unit if applicable
        units <- dt3[J(1L), on = "index"][, c("value", "unit") := {
            as.data.table(stri_match_first_regex(value, "^(.+)\\s+\\[(.*)\\]$"))[, 2:3]

        # update key value
        dt3[units, on = c("id", "index"), value := i.value]
        # update unit
        set(units, NULL, "index", 6L)
        dt3[units, on = c("id", "index"), value := i.unit]
    # }}}
    # 4: EnergyManagementSystem:MeteredOutputVariable {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "EnergyManagementSystem:MeteredOutputVariable", add = list(9L))
    if (nrow(dt4)) {
        # add unit if applicable
        units <- dt4[J(1L), on = "index"][, c("value", "unit") := {
            as.data.table(stri_match_first_regex(value, "^(.+)\\s+\\[(.*)\\]$"))[, 2:3]

        # update key value
        dt4[units, on = c("id", "index"), value := i.value]
        # update unit
        set(units, NULL, "index", 9L)
        dt4[units, on = c("id", "index"), value := i.unit]
    # }}}
    # 5: Branch {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "Branch")
    if (nrow(dt5)) {
        dt5[(index - 4L) %% 5L == 0L & stri_trans_tolower(value) %in% paste0("heatexchanger:", c("watersideeconomizer", "hydronic", "plate")),
            value := "HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid"]
    # }}}
    # 6: PlantEquipmentList {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "PlantEquipmentList")
    if (nrow(dt6)) {
        dt6[(index - 2L) %% 2L == 0L & stri_trans_tolower(value) %in% paste0("heatexchanger:", c("watersideeconomizer", "hydronic", "plate")),
            value := "HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid"]
    # }}}
    # 7: CondenserEquipmentList {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "CondenserEquipmentList")
    if (nrow(dt7)) {
        dt7[(index - 2L) %% 2L == 0L & stri_trans_tolower(value) %in% paste0("heatexchanger:", c("watersideeconomizer", "hydronic", "plate")),
            value := "HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid"]
    # }}}
    # 8: HeatExchanger:WatersideEconomizer {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, c("HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid" = "HeatExchanger:WatersideEconomizer"), all = TRUE,
        offset = list(
            c(3L, 6L, 7L, 9L, 4L, 5L, 8L, 2L),
            c(2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L)
        reset = list(9L, "PlateFrame", "CrossFlowBothUnMixed"),
        insert = list(11L, "CoolingDifferentialOnOff"),
        insert = list(12L),
        add = list(14L, "FreeCooling")
    # }}}
    # 9: HeatExchanger:Hydronic {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, c("HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid" = "HeatExchanger:Hydronic"), all = TRUE,
        delete = list(18L),
        offset = list(
            c(5L, 6L, 13L, 7L, 8L, 14L, 11L, 12L, 17L, 15L,  9L),
            c(3L, 4L,  5L, 6L, 7L,  8L,  9L, 10L, 15L, 16L, 17L)
        reset = list(2L, NA_character_),
        reset = list(9L, "UFactorTimesAreaEffectiveness", "CrossFlowBothUnMixed"),
        add = list(11L, "CoolingSetpointOnOffWithComponentOverride"),
        add = list(12L),
        add = list(13L, "0.0"),
        add = list(14L, "FreeCooling")
    if (nrow(dt9)) {
        dt9[, value := {value[12L] <- value[7L]; value}, by = "id"]

        # create corresponding SetpointManager:Schedule objects
        dt9_spm <- trans_action(idf, c("SetpointManager:Scheduled" = "HeatExchanger:Hydronic"), min_fields = 8L)[
            J(c(1L, 2L, 4L, 8L)), on = "index"]
        dt9_spm[J(1L), on = "index", value := {
            if (any(!is.na(value))) {
                value[!is.na(value)] <- paste0(value[!is.na(value)], " Setpoint Manager")
        dt9_spm[J(2L), on = "index", value := "Temperature"]
        dt9_spm[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
        new_idf$load(dt9_spm, .unique = FALSE, .default = FALSE)
    # }}}
    # 10: HeatExchanger:Plate {{{
    dt10 <- trans_action(idf, c("HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid" = "HeatExchanger:Plate"), all = TRUE,
        offset = list(
            c(4L, 5L, 10L, 11L,  8L,  9L),
            c(3L, 4L,  5L,  8L,  9L, 10L)
        reset = list(2L, NA_character_),
        reset = list(9L, "UFactorTimesAreaEffectiveness", "CrossFlowBothUnMixed"),
        add = list(11L, "UncontrolledOn"),
        add = list(12L:13L),
        add = list(14L, "LoopToLoop"),
        add = list(15L:17L)
    # }}}

    # standardize_vertices {{{
    standardize_vertices <- function(idf, class, start) {
        dt <- trans_action(idf, class)
        if (nrow(dt)) dt[index >= start & is.na(value), value := "0.0"]
    # }}}
    # 11: BuildingSurface:Detailed {{{
    dt11 <- standardize_vertices(idf, "BuildingSurface:Detailed", 11L)
    # }}}
    # 12: Wall:Detailed {{{
    dt12 <- standardize_vertices(idf, "Wall:Detailed", 10L)
    # }}}
    # 13: RoofCeiling:Detailed {{{
    dt13 <- standardize_vertices(idf, "RoofCeiling:Detailed", 10L)
    # }}}
    # 14: Floor:Detailed {{{
    dt14 <- standardize_vertices(idf, "Floor:Detailed", 10L)
    # }}}
    # 15: FenestrationSurface:Detailed {{{
    dt15 <- standardize_vertices(idf, "FenestrationSurface:Detailed", 11L)
    # }}}
    # 16: Shading:Site:Detailed {{{
    dt16 <- standardize_vertices(idf, "Shading:Site:Detailed", 4L)
    # }}}
    # 17: Shading:Building:Detailed {{{
    dt17 <- standardize_vertices(idf, "Shading:Building:Detailed", 4L)
    # }}}
    # 18: Shading:Zone:Detailed {{{
    dt18 <- standardize_vertices(idf, "Shading:Zone:Detailed", 5L)
    # }}}
    # 19: AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ConstantVolumeFan {{{
    dt19 <- trans_action(idf, c("AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Fan" = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ConstantVolumeFan"))
    # }}}
    # 20: ZoneHVAC:HighTemperatureRadiant {{{
    dt20 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:HighTemperatureRadiant",
        reset = list(5L, "electric", "Electricity"),
        reset = list(5L, "gas", "NaturalGas")
    # }}}
    # 21: AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow {{{
    dt21 <- trans_action(idf, "AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow",
        reset = list(67L, "electric", "Electricity")
    # }}}

    # warning_reset {{{
    warning_reset <- function(idf, class, index = NULL, old = NULL, new = NULL) {
        if (is.null(index)) return(trans_action(idf, class))

        dt <- trans_action(idf, class, reset = list(index, old, new))

        if (nrow(dt)) {
            warn(paste0("Default values for some fields in class ", surround(class),
                    " have been changed from v7.2 to v8.0. ",
                    "Results may be different than previous. ",
                    "See InputOutputReference document for details."

    # }}}
    # 22: ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump {{{
    dt22 <- warning_reset(idf, "ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump")
    # }}}
    # 23: AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:WaterToAir {{{
    dt23 <- warning_reset(idf, "AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:WaterToAir")
    # }}}
    # 24: Boiler:HotWater {{{
    dt24 <- warning_reset(idf, "Boiler:HotWater", 15L, "VariableFlow", "LeavingSetpointModulated")
    # }}}
    # 25: Chiller:Electric {{{
    dt25 <- warning_reset(idf, "Chiller:Electric", 27L, "VariableFlow", "LeavingSetpointModulated")
    # }}}
    # 26: Chiller:ConstantCOP {{{
    dt26 <- warning_reset(idf, "Chiller:ConstantCOP", 11L, "VariableFlow", "LeavingSetpointModulated")
    # }}}
    # 27: Chiller:EngineDriven {{{
    dt27 <- warning_reset(idf, "Chiller:EngineDriven", 41L, "VariableFlow", "LeavingSetpointModulated")
    # }}}
    # 28: Chiller:CombustionTurbine {{{
    dt28 <- warning_reset(idf, "Chiller:CombustionTurbine", 54L, "VariableFlow", "LeavingSetpointModulated")
    # }}}
    # 29: Chiller:Electric:EIR {{{
    dt29 <- warning_reset(idf, "Chiller:Electric:EIR", 23L, "VariableFlow", "LeavingSetpointModulated")
    # }}}
    # 30: Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR {{{
    dt30 <- warning_reset(idf, "Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR", 21L, "VariableFlow", "LeavingSetpointModulated")
    # }}}
    # 31: Chiller:Absorption {{{
    dt31 <- warning_reset(idf, "Chiller:Absorption", 23L, "VariableFlow", "LeavingSetpointModulated")
    # }}}
    # 32: Chiller:Absorption:Indirect {{{
    dt32 <- warning_reset(idf, "Chiller:Absorption:Indirect", 16L, "VariableFlow", "LeavingSetpointModulated")
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:32))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_800_810 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f800t810 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "8.0")

    target_cls <- c(
        "People",                                            # 1
        "CoolingTower:SingleSpeed",                          # 2
        "CoolingTower:TwoSpeed",                             # 3
        "EvaporativeFluidCooler:SingleSpeed",                # 4
        "EvaporativeFluidCooler:TwoSpeed",                   # 5
        "FluidCooler:TwoSpeed",                              # 6
        "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Heating",         # 7
        "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Cooling",         # 8
        "HeatPump:WaterToWater:ParameterEstimation:Heating", # 9
        "HeatPump:WaterToWater:ParameterEstimation:Cooling", # 10
        "HVACTemplate:Zone:PTAC",                            # 11
        "HVACTemplate:Zone:PTHP",                            # 12
        "HVACTemplate:Zone:WaterToAirHeatPump",              # 13
        "HVACTemplate:System:Unitary",                       # 14
        "HVACTemplate:System:UnitaryHeatPump:AirToAir"       # 15

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "8.1", target_cls)

    # 1: People {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "People",
        insert = list(16L, "ClothingInsulationSchedule"),
        insert = list(17L)
    # }}}
    # 2: CoolingTower:SingleSpeed {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, class = "CoolingTower:SingleSpeed", min_fields = 12L,
        reset = list(8L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(9L),
        reset = list(10L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(11L),
        insert = list(13L),
        insert = list(16L)
    # }}}
    # 3: CoolingTower:TwoSpeed {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "CoolingTower:TwoSpeed", min_fields = 16L,
        reset = list(8L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(9L),
        reset = list(10L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(11L),
        insert = list(13L),
        reset = list(14L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(15L),
        reset = list(16L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(17L),
        insert = list(19L),
        insert = list(22L),
        insert = list(24L)
    # }}}
    # 4: EvaporativeFluidCooler:SingleSpeed {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "EvaporativeFluidCooler:SingleSpeed", min_fields = 9L,
        insert = list(9L)
    # }}}
    # 5: EvaporativeFluidCooler:TwoSpeed {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "EvaporativeFluidCooler:TwoSpeed", min_fields = 17L,
        reset = list(6L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(7L),
        reset = list(8L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(9L),
        insert = list(13L),
        insert = list(16L),
        reset = list(18L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(19L),
        insert = list(23L)
    # }}}
    # 6: FluidCooler:TwoSpeed {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "FluidCooler:TwoSpeed", min_fields = 16L,
        reset = list(6L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(7L),
        insert = list(10L),
        reset = list(17L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(18L),
        reset = list(19L, "autosize", "Autocalculate"),
        insert = list(20L)
    # }}}
    # 7: HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Heating {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Heating", min_fields = 19L,
        delete = list(20L)
    # }}}
    # 8: HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Cooling {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Cooling", min_fields = 19L,
        delete = list(20L)
    # }}}
    # 9: HeatPump:WaterToWater:ParameterEstimation:Heating {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "HeatPump:WaterToWater:ParameterEstimation:Heating", min_fields = 20L,
        delete = list(23L)
    # }}}
    # 10: HeatPump:WaterToWater:ParameterEstimation:Cooling {{{
    dt10 <- trans_action(idf, "HeatPump:WaterToWater:ParameterEstimation:Cooling", min_fields = 20L,
        delete = list(23L)
    # }}}

    # Add `Any Number` ScheduleTypeLimits {{{
    if (any(idf$is_valid_class(c(
        "HVACTemplate:Zone:PTAC", "HVACTemplate:Zone:PTHP",
        "HVACTemplate:Zone:WaterToAirHeatPump", "HVACTemplate:System:Unitary",
    )))) {
        # check if there are any `Any Number` ScheduleTypeLimits objects
        if (idf$is_valid_class("ScheduleTypeLimits")) {
            nm_schtype <- idf$object_name(class = "ScheduleTypeLimits", simplify = TRUE)
            if (!any(stri_trans_tolower(nm_schtype) == "any number")) {
                new_idf$add(ScheduleTypeLimits = list("Any Number"))
        } else {
            new_idf$add(ScheduleTypeLimits = list("Any Number"))
    # }}}
    # update_hvactemplate_fan {{{
    update_hvactemplate_fan <- function(new_idf, idf, class, min_fields) {
        dt <- trans_action(idf, class = class, min_fields = min_fields)

        if (!nrow(dt)) return(dt)

        dt[, value := {
            if (!is.na(value[min_fields])) {
                if (stri_trans_tolower(value[min_fields]) == "cycling") {
                    sch <- "CyclingFanSchedule"
                    len <- 100L - nchar(paste0(class[[1L]], sch)) - 1L
                    nm <- stri_sub(value[1L], to = len)
                    if (is.na(nm)) nm <- ""
                    value[min_fields] <- paste0(class[[1L]], nm, sch)
                    new_idf$add(`Schedule:Constant` = list(value[[min_fields]], "Any Number", 0))
                } else if (stri_trans_tolower(value[min_fields]) == "continuous") {
                    sch <- "ContinuousFanSchedule"
                    len <- 100L - nchar(paste0(class[[1L]], sch)) - 1L
                    nm <- stri_sub(value[1L], to = len)
                    if (is.na(nm)) nm <- ""
                    value[min_fields] <- paste0(class[[1L]], nm, sch)
                    new_idf$add(`Schedule:Constant` = list(value[[min_fields]], "Any Number", 1))
        }, by = "id"]

    # }}}
    # 11: HVACTemplate:Zone:PTAC {{{
    dt11 <- update_hvactemplate_fan(new_idf, idf, "HVACTemplate:Zone:PTAC", min_fields = 13L)
    # }}}
    # 12: HVACTemplate:Zone:PTHP {{{
    dt12 <- update_hvactemplate_fan(new_idf, idf, "HVACTemplate:Zone:PTHP", min_fields = 13L)
    # }}}
    # 13: HVACTemplate:Zone:WaterToAirHeatPump {{{
    dt13 <- update_hvactemplate_fan(new_idf, idf, "HVACTemplate:Zone:WaterToAirHeatPump", min_fields = 13L)
    # }}}
    # 14: HVACTemplate:System:Unitary {{{
    dt14 <- update_hvactemplate_fan(new_idf, idf, "HVACTemplate:System:Unitary", min_fields = 5L)
    # }}}
    # 15: HVACTemplate:System:UnitaryHeatPump:AirToAir {{{
    dt15 <- update_hvactemplate_fan(new_idf, idf, "HVACTemplate:System:UnitaryHeatPump:AirToAir", min_fields = 7L)
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:15))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_810_820 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f810t820 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "8.1")

    target_cls <- c(
        "ZoneHVAC:UnitVentilator",                       # 1
        "ZoneHVAC:UnitHeater",                           # 2
        "PlantLoop",                                     # 3
        "CondenserLoop",                                 # 4
        "HVACTemplate:Plant:ChilledWaterLoop",           # 5
        "HVACTemplate:Plant:HotWaterLoop",               # 6
        "HVACTemplate:Plant:MixedWaterLoop",             # 7
        "Sizing:System",                                 # 8
        "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Water",    # 9
        "ZoneHVAC:HighTemperatureRadiant",               # 10
        "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Steam",    # 11
        "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Electric", # 12
        "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Water",           # 13
        "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Electric",        # 14
        "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow",   # 15
        "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:Electric"        # 16

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "8.2", target_cls)

    # 1: ZoneHVAC:UnitVentilator {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:UnitVentilator", min_fields = 16L,
        insert = list(17L)
    # }}}
    # 2: ZoneHVAC:UnitHeater {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, class = "ZoneHVAC:UnitHeater", all = TRUE, add = list(15L))
    if (nrow(dt2)) {
        dt2[, by = "id", value := {
            fantype <- value[[8L]]
            fantype[stri_trans_tolower(fantype) == "onoff"] <- "No"
            fantype[stri_trans_tolower(fantype) == "continuous"] <- "Yes"
            if (any(!fantype %in% c("No", "Yes"))) {
                warn(paste0("Invalid 'Fan Control Type' value for object [ID:", id, "] ",
                    "in class 'ZoneHVAC:UnitHeater' in original v8.1 IDF. ",
                    "Expected 'OnOff' or 'Continuous'. Assuming 'OnOff'..."),
                fantype[!fantype %in% c("No", "Yes")] <- "No"
            c(value[c(1:7, 9:10)], value[15], fantype, value[11:14])
    # }}}
    # 3: PlantLoop {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "PlantLoop", min_fields = 19L,
        reset = list(19L, "Sequential", "SequentialLoad"),
        reset = list(19L, "Uniform", "UniformLoad")
    # }}}
    # 4: CondenserLoop {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "CondenserLoop", min_fields = 19L,
        reset = list(19L, "Sequential", "SequentialLoad"),
        reset = list(19L, "Uniform", "UniformLoad")
    # }}}
    # 5: HVACTemplate:Plant:ChilledWaterLoop {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "HVACTemplate:Plant:ChilledWaterLoop", min_fields = 33L,
        reset = list(32L, "Sequential", "SequentialLoad"),
        reset = list(32L, "Uniform", "UniformLoad"),
        reset = list(33L, "Sequential", "SequentialLoad"),
        reset = list(33L, "Uniform", "UniformLoad")
    # }}}
    # 6: HVACTemplate:Plant:HotWaterLoop {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "HVACTemplate:Plant:HotWaterLoop", min_fields = 21L,
        reset = list(21L, "Sequential", "SequentialLoad"),
        reset = list(21L, "Uniform", "UniformLoad")
    # }}}
    # 7: HVACTemplate:Plant:MixedWaterLoop {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "HVACTemplate:Plant:MixedWaterLoop", min_fields = 17L,
        reset = list(17L, "Sequential", "SequentialLoad"),
        reset = list(17L, "Uniform", "UniformLoad")
    # }}}
    # 8: Sizing:System {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "Sizing:System", min_fields = 21L,
        insert = list(18:20),
        insert = list(23:26)
    # }}}
    # 9: ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Water {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Water", min_fields = 8L,
        insert = list(7L, "HeatingDesignCapacity"),
        insert = list(9:10)
    # }}}
    # 10: ZoneHVAC:HighTemperatureRadiant {{{
    dt10 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:HighTemperatureRadiant", min_fields = 4L,
        insert = list(4L, "HeatingDesignCapacity"),
        insert = list(6:7)
    # }}}
    # 11: ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Steam {{{
    dt11 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Steam", min_fields = 4L,
        insert = list(5L, "HeatingDesignCapacity"),
        insert = list(6L, "Autosize"),
        insert = list(7:8)
    # }}}
    # 12: ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Electric {{{
    dt12 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Electric", min_fields = 3L,
        insert = list(3L, "HeatingDesignCapacity"),
        insert = list(5:6)
    # }}}
    # 13: ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Water {{{
    dt13 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Water", min_fields = 4L,
        insert = list(5L, "HeatingDesignCapacity"),
        insert = list(6L, "Autosize"),
        insert = list(7:8)
    # }}}
    # 14: ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Electric {{{
    dt14 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Electric", min_fields = 4L,
        insert = list(3L, "HeatingDesignCapacity"),
        insert = list(5:6)
    # }}}
    # 15: ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow {{{
    dt15 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow", min_fields = 12L,
        insert = list(8L, "HeatingDesignCapacity"),
        insert = list(9L, "Autosize"),
        insert = list(10:11),
        insert = list(17L, "CoolingDesignCapacity"),
        insert = list(18L, "Autosize"),
        insert = list(19:20)
    # }}}
    # 16: ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:Electric {{{
    dt16 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:Electric", min_fields = 5L,
        insert = list(5L, "HeatingDesignCapacity"),
        insert = list(7:8)
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:16))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_820_830 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f820t830 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "8.2")

    target_cls <- c(
        "Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR",           # 1
        "Site:GroundDomain",                          # 2
        "GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical",               # 3
        "EvaporativeCooler:Indirect:ResearchSpecial", # 4
        "EvaporativeCooler:Direct:ResearchSpecial"    # 5

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "8.3", target_cls)

    # 1: Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR", min_fields = 10L,
        insert = list(10L, "LeavingCondenserWaterTemperature")
    # }}}
    # 2: Site:GroundDomain {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, class = c("Site:GroundDomain:Slab" = "Site:GroundDomain"))
    # }}}
    # 3: GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical", offset = list(11L, 4L))
    if (nrow(dt3)) dt3[index > 10L, index := index - 1L]
    # }}}
    # 4: EvaporativeCooler:Indirect:ResearchSpecial {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "EvaporativeCooler:Indirect:ResearchSpecial", all = TRUE,
        reset = list(4L, NA_character_),
        insert = list(5L:6L),
        insert = list(8L:9L),
        insert = list(11L, "1.0"),
        insert = list(12L, "Autosize"),
        reset = list(17L, "Autosize"),
        insert = list(20L)
    if (nrow(dt4)) {
        dt4[J(c(13L:14L)), on = "index", value := {
            val <- suppressWarnings(as.double(value))
            value[1L] <- sprintf("%.5f", val[[2L]] / val[[1L]])
            value[2L] <- NA_character_
        }, by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 5: EvaporativeCooler:Direct:ResearchSpecial {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "EvaporativeCooler:Direct:ResearchSpecial",
        insert = list(4L),
        insert = list(6L:7L)
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:5))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_830_840 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f830t840 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "8.3")

    target_cls <- c(
        "Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump",     # 1
        "WaterHeater:Stratified",                   # 2
        "WaterHeater:HeatPump",                     # 3
        "Branch",                                   # 4
        "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList",                   # 5
        "PlantEquipmentList",                       # 6
        "EvaporativeCooler:Direct:ResearchSpecial", # 7
        "Controller:MechanicalVentilation",         # 8
        "Site:GroundDomain:Slab",                   # 9
        "Site:GroundDomain:Basement",               # 10
        "PipingSystem:Underground:Domain",          # 11
        "Pipe:Underground",                         # 12
        "GroundHeatExchanger:HorizontalTrench",     # 13
        "GroundHeatExchanger:Slinky",               # 14
        "HVACTemplate:Plant:ChilledWaterLoop",      # 15
        "HVACTemplate:Plant:HotWaterLoop",          # 16
        "HVACTemplate:Plant:MixedWaterLoop",        # 17
        "ZoneAirMassFlowConservation"               # 18

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "8.4", target_cls)

    # 1: Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, class = c("Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump:Pumped" = "Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump"))
    # }}}
    # 2: WaterHeater:Stratified {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, "WaterHeater:Stratified", all = TRUE, insert = list(64L:65L))
    # }}}
    # 3: WaterHeater:HeatPump {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, all = TRUE,
        class = c("WaterHeater:HeatPump:PumpedCondenser" = "WaterHeater:HeatPump"),
        reset = list(21L, "Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump", "Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump:Pumped"),
        insert = list(24L),
        add = list(37L:39L)
    if (nrow(dt3)) {
        dt3[, value := {
            if (is.na(value[17L])) {
                heater_num <- 0L
            } else if (stri_trans_tolower(value[17L]) == "waterheater:stratified") {
                heater_num <- 0L
            } else if (stri_trans_tolower(value[36L]) == "heater1") {
                heater_num <- 1L
            } else if (stri_trans_tolower(value[36L]) == "heater2") {
                heater_num <- 2L
            } else {
                heater_num <- 0L
            value[36L] <- NA_character_

            if (heater_num > 0L) {
                tank <- with_silent(idf$object(.BY$id)$ref_to_object(18L)[[1L]])
                if (length(tank)) {
                    if (stri_trans_tolower(tank$class_name()) == "waterheater:stratified") {
                        if (heater_num == 1L) {
                            value[37L] <- as.character(tank$Heater_1_Height)
                        } else {
                            value[37L] <- as.character(tank$Heater_2_Height)

        }, by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 4: Branch {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "Branch")
    if (nrow(dt4)) {
        dt4[(index - 4L) %% 5L == 0L & stri_trans_tolower(value) == "waterheater:heatpump",
            value := "WaterHeater:HeatPump:PumpedCondenser"
    # }}}
    # 5: ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList")
    if (nrow(dt5)) {
        dt5[(index - 2L) %% 4L == 0L & stri_trans_tolower(value) == "waterheater:heatpump",
            value := "WaterHeater:HeatPump:PumpedCondenser"
    # }}}
    # 6: PlantEquipmentList {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "PlantEquipmentList")
    if (nrow(dt6)) {
        dt6[(index - 2L) %% 2L == 0L & stri_trans_tolower(value) == "waterheater:heatpump",
            value := "WaterHeater:HeatPump:PumpedCondenser"
    # }}}
    # 7: EvaporativeCooler:Direct:ResearchSpecial {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "EvaporativeCooler:Direct:ResearchSpecial", min_fields = 5L,
        insert = list(5L, "Autosize")
    # }}}
    # 8: Controller:MechanicalVentilation {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "Controller:MechanicalVentilation",
        reset = list(4L, "ProportionalControl", "ProportionalControlBasedonOccupancySchedule")
    # }}}
    ka_num <- 0L
    # 9: Site:GroundDomain:Slab {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "Site:GroundDomain:Slab", all = TRUE)
    if (nrow(dt9)) {
        dt9_2 <- dt9[J(c(1L, 5L:7L, 10L:12L)), on = "index"]
        set(dt9_2, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt9_2, "id"))
        set(dt9_2, NULL, "class", "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach")
        dt9_2[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]

        dt9_1 <- dt9[!J(12L), on = "index"][
            J(10L), on = "index", value := "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach"][
            J(11L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]
        set(dt9_1, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt9_1, "id"))

        dt9 <- rbindlist(list(dt9_1, dt9_2))
        ka_num <- ka_num + length(unique(dt9_1$id))
    # }}}
    # 10: Site:GroundDomain:Basement {{{
    dt10 <- trans_action(idf, "Site:GroundDomain:Basement", all = TRUE)
    if (nrow(dt10)) {
        dt10_2 <- dt10[J(c(1L, 5L:7L, 10L:12L)), on = "index"]
        set(dt10_2, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt10_2, "id"))
        set(dt10_2, NULL, "class", "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach")
        dt10_2[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]

        dt10_1 <- dt10[!J(12L), on = "index"][
            J(10L), on = "index", value := "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach"][
            J(11L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]
        set(dt10_1, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt10_1, "id"))

        dt10 <- rbindlist(list(dt10_1, dt10_2))
        ka_num <- ka_num + length(unique(dt10_1$id))
    # }}}
    # 11: PipingSystem:Underground:Domain {{{
    dt11 <- trans_action(idf, "PipingSystem:Underground:Domain", all = TRUE)
    if (nrow(dt11)) {
        dt11_2 <- dt11[J(c(1L, 14L:16L, 19L:21L)), on = "index"]
        set(dt11_2, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt11_2, "id"))
        set(dt11_2, NULL, "class", "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach")
        dt11_2[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]

        dt11_1 <- dt11[!J(21L), on = "index"][
            J(19L), on = "index", value := "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach"][
            J(20L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]
        set(dt11_1, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt11_1, "id"))

        dt11 <- rbindlist(list(dt11_1, dt11_2))
        ka_num <- ka_num + length(unique(dt11_1$id))
    # }}}
    # 12: Pipe:Underground {{{
    dt12 <- trans_action(idf, "Pipe:Underground", all = TRUE)
    if (nrow(dt12)) {
        dt12_2 <- dt12[J(c(1L:3L, 8L:11L)), on = "index"]
        set(dt12_2, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt12_2, "id"))
        set(dt12_2, NULL, "class", "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach")
        dt12_2[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]
        dt12_2[J(c(2L:4L)), on = "index", value := {
            # get material properties
            mat <- with_silent(idf$object(.BY$id)$ref_to_object(8L, "Material")[[1L]])
            if (length(mat)) {
                value <- mat$value(simplify = TRUE)[2L:4L]
        }, by = "id"]

        dt12_1 <- dt12[!J(11L), on = "index"][
            J(9L), on = "index", value := "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach"][
            J(10L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]
        set(dt12_1, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt12_1, "id"))

        dt12 <- rbindlist(list(dt12_1, dt12_2))
        ka_num <- ka_num + length(unique(dt12_1$id))
    # }}}
    # 13: GroundHeatExchanger:HorizontalTrench {{{
    dt13 <- trans_action(idf, "GroundHeatExchanger:HorizontalTrench", all = TRUE)
    if (nrow(dt13)) {
        dt13_2 <- dt13[J(c(1L, 11L:13L, 19L:21L)), on = "index"]
        set(dt13_2, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt13_2, "id"))
        set(dt13_2, NULL, "class", "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach")
        dt13_2[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]

        dt13_1 <- dt13[!J(21L), on = "index"][
            J(19L), on = "index", value := "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach"][
            J(20L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]
        set(dt13_1, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt13_1, "id"))

        dt13 <- rbindlist(list(dt13_1, dt13_2))
        ka_num <- ka_num + length(unique(dt13_1$id))
    # }}}
    # 14: GroundHeatExchanger:Slinky {{{
    dt14 <- trans_action(idf, "GroundHeatExchanger:Slinky", all = TRUE)
    if (nrow(dt14)) {
        dt14_2 <- dt14[J(c(1L, 5L:7L, 20L:22L)), on = "index"]
        set(dt14_2, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt14_2, "id"))
        set(dt14_2, NULL, "class", "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach")
        dt14_2[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]

        dt14_1 <- dt14[!J(22L), on = "index"][
            J(20L), on = "index", value := "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach"][
            J(21L), on = "index", value := paste("KATemp", seq.int(.N) + ka_num)]
        set(dt14_1, NULL, "index", rowidv(dt14_1, "id"))

        dt14 <- rbindlist(list(dt14_1, dt14_2))
        ka_num <- ka_num + length(unique(dt14_1$id))
    # }}}
    # 15: HVACTemplate:Plant:ChilledWaterLoop {{{
    dt15 <- trans_action(idf, "HVACTemplate:Plant:ChilledWaterLoop",
        reset = list(32L, "Sequential", "SequentialLoad"),
        reset = list(32L, "Uniform", "UniformLoad"),
        reset = list(33L, "Sequential", "SequentialLoad"),
        reset = list(33L, "Uniform", "UniformLoad")
    # }}}
    # 16: HVACTemplate:Plant:HotWaterLoop {{{
    dt16 <- trans_action(idf, "HVACTemplate:Plant:HotWaterLoop",
        reset = list(21L, "Sequential", "SequentialLoad"),
        reset = list(21L, "Uniform", "UniformLoad")
    # }}}
    # 17: HVACTemplate:Plant:MixedWaterLoop {{{
    dt17 <- trans_action(idf, "HVACTemplate:Plant:MixedWaterLoop",
        reset = list(17L, "Sequential", "SequentialLoad"),
        reset = list(17L, "Uniform", "UniformLoad")
    # }}}
    # 18: ZoneAirMassFlowConservation {{{
    dt18 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneAirMassFlowConservation",
        add = list(3L, "MixingSourceZonesOnly")
    if (nrow(dt18)) {
        dt18[, value := {
            if (stri_trans_tolower(value[1L]) != "yes") {
                value[2L] <- "None"
        }, by = "id"]
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:18))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_840_850 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f840t850 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "8.4")

    target_cls <- c(
        "EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator" # 1

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "8.5", target_cls)

    # 1: EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator {{{
    dt <- trans_action(idf, "EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator",
        reset = list(4L, "outdoor air dryblub temperature", "Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature"),
        reset = list(4L, "outdoor air wetblub temperature", "Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature")
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, dt)

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_850_860 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f850t860 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "8.5")

    target_cls <- c(
        "Exterior:FuelEquipment",                             # 1
        "HVACTemplate:System:UnitarySystem",                  # 2
        "HVACTemplate:System:Unitary",                        # 3
        "ChillerHeater:Absorption:DirectFired",               # 4
        "SetpointManager:SingleZone:Humidity:Minimum",        # 5
        "SetpointManager:SingleZone:Humidity:Maximum",        # 6
        "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat",                  # 7
        "Branch",                                             # 8
        "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:InletSideMixer",              # 9
        "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:SupplySideMixer",             # 10
        "ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit",                       # 11
        "OtherEquipment",                                     # 12
        "Coil:Heating:Gas",                                   # 13
        "Daylighting:Controls",                               # 14
        "Daylighting:DELight:ReferencePoint",                 # 15
        "Daylighting:DELight:Controls",                       # 16
        "MaterialProperty:MoisturePenetrationDepth:Settings", # 17
        "EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator"                     # 18

    # replace all "Coil:Heating:Gas" with "Coil:Heating:Fuel"
        stri_detect_fixed(value_chr, "coil:heating:gas", case_insensitive = TRUE),
        value_chr := "Coil:Heating:Fuel"

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "8.6", target_cls)

    # 1: Exterior:FuelEquipment {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "Exterior:FuelEquipment",
        reset = list(2L, "Gas", "NaturalGas"),
        reset = list(2L, "LPG", "PropaneGas")
    # }}}
    # 2: HVACTemplate:System:UnitarySystem {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, "HVACTemplate:System:UnitarySystem", all = TRUE, delete = list(57))
    if (nrow(dt2)) dt2[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 3: HVACTemplate:System:Unitary {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "HVACTemplate:System:Unitary", all = TRUE, delete = list(40L))
    if (nrow(dt3)) dt3[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 4: ChillerHeater:Absorption:DirectFired {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "ChillerHeater:Absorption:DirectFired", delete = list(33L))
    if (nrow(dt4)) dt4[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 5: SetpointManager:SingleZone:Humidity:Minimum {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "SetpointManager:SingleZone:Humidity:Minimum", delete = list(2:3))
    if (nrow(dt5)) dt5[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 6: SetpointManager:SingleZone:Humidity:Maximum {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "SetpointManager:SingleZone:Humidity:Maximum", delete = list(2:3))
    if (nrow(dt2)) dt6[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 7: AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat", all = TRUE)
    if (nrow(dt7)) {
        dt7[, value := {
            if (!anyNA(value[16L:18L]) & stri_trans_tolower(value[16]) == "reverse") {
                value[16] <- "ReverseWithLimits"
        }, by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 8: Branch {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "Branch", delete = list(2), delete = list(8, step = 5))
    if (nrow(dt8)) dt8[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 9: AirTerminal:SingleDuct:InletSideMixer {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, all = TRUE,
        class = c("AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Mixer" = "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:InletSideMixer"),
        add = list(7L, "InletSide")
    # }}}
    # 10: AirTerminal:SingleDuct:SupplySideMixer {{{
    dt10 <- trans_action(idf, all = TRUE,
        class = c("AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Mixer" = "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:SupplySideMixer"),
        add = list(7L, "SupplySide")
    # }}}
    # 11: ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit {{{
    dt11 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit", all = TRUE,
        reset = list(3L, "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:InletSideMixer", "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:InletSideMixer"),
        reset = list(3L, "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:SupplySideMixer", "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:InletSideMixer")
    # }}}
    # 12: OtherEquipment {{{
    dt12 <- trans_action(idf, "OtherEquipment", insert = list(2L, "None"))
    # }}}
    # 13: Coil:Heating:Gas {{{
    dt13 <- trans_action(idf, min_fields = 2L,
        class = c("Coil:Heating:Fuel" = "Coil:Heating:Gas"),
        insert = list(3L, "NaturalGas"))
    # }}}
    # 14: Daylighting:Controls {{{
    dt14_1 <- trans_action(idf, "Daylighting:Controls", all = TRUE,
        offset = list(
            c(20L, 16:19, 13L, 14:15, 9L,  11L, 10L, 12L),
            c(4L,  6:9,   5L,  11:12, 15L, 16L, 18L, 19L)
        add = list(c(10L, 13L, 14L, 17L)),
        reset = list(3L, "SplitFlux"),
        reset = list(8L, "0", NA_character_),
        reset = list(13L, NA_character_)

    if (!nrow(dt14_1)) {
        dt14_2 <- data.table()
        dt14_3 <- data.table()
    } else {
        dt14_1[, value := {
            nm <- if (is.na(value[1L])) "" else value[1L]
            value[10L] <- paste0(nm, "_DaylRefPt1")
            value[14L] <- paste0(nm, "_DaylRefPt1")
            if (value[2L] == "2") {
                value[17L] <- paste0(nm, "_DaylRefPt2")
            } else {
                value[17L:19L] <- NA_character_
            value[2L] <- value[1L]
            value[1L] <- paste0(nm, "_DaylCtrl")

        }, by = "id"]

        # remove #2 ref point if applicable
        obj_id <- dt14_1[J(17L:19L), on = "index", list(all(is.na(value))), by = "id"][V1 == TRUE, id]
        if (length(obj_id)) {
            dt14_1 <- dt14_1[!data.table::CJ(id = obj_id, index = 17L:19L), on = c("id", "index")]

        dt14_1[J(5L), on = "index", value := {
            if (is.na(value)) {
            } else if (value == "1") {
            } else if (value == "2") {
            } else if (value == "3") {
            } else {
        }, by = "id"]

        # add reference points
        dt14_2 <- trans_action(idf, all = TRUE,
            class = c("Daylighting:ReferencePoint" = "Daylighting:Controls")
        dt14_3 <- dt14_2[J(c(1L, 2L, 6L:8L)), on = "index"]

        dt14_2 <- dt14_2[index <= 5L]
        dt14_2[, value := {
            value[2L] <- value[1L]
            value[1L] <- if (is.na(value[1L])) "_DaylRefPt1" else paste0(value[1L], "_DaylRefPt1")
        }, by = "id"]

        obj_id <- dt14_3[J(2L, "2"), on = c("index", "value"), id, nomatch = 0L]
        if (!length(obj_id)) {
            dt14_3 <- data.table()
        } else {
            dt14_3 <- dt14_3[J(obj_id), on = "id"][
                J(c(6L:8L)), on = "index", index := c(3L:5L), by = "id"
            ][, value := {
                value[2L] <- value[1L]
                value[1L] <- if (is.na(value[1L])) "_DaylRefPt2" else paste0(value[1L], "_DaylRefPt2")
            }, by = "id"]
            # in order to distinguish from first ref point's id
            dt14_3[, id := -id]
    dt14 <- rbindlist(list(dt14_1, dt14_2, dt14_3))
    # }}}
    # 15: Daylighting:DELight:ReferencePoint {{{
    dt15 <- trans_action(idf, all = TRUE,
        class = c("Daylighting:ReferencePoint" = "Daylighting:DELight:ReferencePoint")
    if (nrow(dt15)) {
        dt15 <- dt15[index <= 5L]
        nm_zone <- vcapply(unique(dt15$id),
            function(id) {
                zone <- with_silent(idf$object(id)$ref_to_object(2L, class = "Zone", depth = NULL)[[1L]])
                if (!length(zone)) NA_character_ else zone$value(2)[[1L]]
        dt15[J(2L), on = "index", value := nm_zone]
    # }}}
    # 16: Daylighting:DElight:Controls {{{
    dt16 <- trans_action(idf, all = TRUE,
        class = c("Daylighting:Controls" = "Daylighting:DELight:Controls"),
        insert = list(3L, "DElight"),
        insert = list(4L, NA_character_),
        add = list(11L:13L, c("0", NA_character_, NA_character_))
    if (nrow(dt16)) {
        dt16_1 <- dt16[index <= 13L][, value := {
            if (is.na(value[5L])) {
                value[5L] <- "Continuous"
            } else if (value[5L] == "1") {
                value[5L] <- "Continuous"
            } else if (value[5L] == "2") {
                value[5L] <- "Stepped"
            } else if (value[5L] == "3") {
                value[5L] <- "ContinuousOff"
            } else {
                value[5L] <- "Continuous"

            val <- value[8L]
            if (!is.na(value[8L]) && value[8L] == "0") value[8L] <- NA_character_
            value[13L] <- value[10L]
            value[10L] <- NA_character_

        }, by = "id"]

        # extract reference point name, zone name, and illuminance setpoint
        dt16_2 <- lapply(unique(dt16_1$id),
            function(id) {
                refp <- with_silent(idf$object(id)$ref_by_object(1L, class = "Daylighting:DELight:ReferencePoint"))
                if (!length(refp)) {
                } else {
                    dt <- rbindlist(lapply(refp, function(x) x$to_table(all = TRUE)))[index %in% c(1L, 6L, 7L)]
                    # update object id
                    set(dt, NULL, "id", id)
                    set(dt, NULL, "class", "Daylighting:Controls")
                    set(dt, NULL, "index", seq.int(nrow(dt)) + 13L)

        dt16 <- rbindlist(c(list(dt16_1), dt16_2))
        setorderv(dt16, c("id", "index"))
    # }}}
    # 17: MaterialProperty:MoisturePenetrationDepth:Settings {{{
    dt17 <- trans_action(idf, all = TRUE,
        class = "MaterialProperty:MoisturePenetrationDepth:Settings",
        add = list(7L:10L, "0")
    if (nrow(dt17)) {
        # cal_mu_empd {{{
        # reference: CalculateMuEMPD() in UtilityRoutines.f90 under Transition
        cal_mu_empd <- function(a, b, c, d, d_empd, density) {
            TEMP <- 24
            RH <- 0.45
            P_ambient <- 101325
            Seconds <- 24L * 60L * 60L

            slope_MC <- a * b * RH ** (b - 1) + c * d * RH ** (d - 1)
            PV_sat <- psat_fn_tdb(TEMP) * 1000
            diffusivity_EMPD <- d_empd ** 2 * 3.1415926535 * slope_MC * density / (Seconds * PV_sat)
            diffusivity_air <- 2.0e-7 * (TEMP + 273.15) ** 0.81 / P_ambient
            diffusivity_air / diffusivity_EMPD
        # }}}
        # psat_fn_tdb {{{
        # reference: GetSatVapPressFromDryBulb() in UtilityRoutines.f90 under Transition
        psat_fn_tdb <- function(tdb) {
            tk <- tdb + 273.15
            C1 <- -5674.5359
            C2 <- 6.3925247
            C3 <- -0.009677843
            C4 <- 0.00000062215701
            C5 <- 2.0747825E-09
            C6 <- -9.484024E-13
            C7 <- 4.1635019
            C8 <- -5800.2206
            C9 <- 1.3914993
            C10 <- -0.048640239
            C11 <- 0.000041764768
            C12 <- -0.000000014452093
            C13 <- 6.5459673
            psat <- rep(NA_real_, length(tdb))
            psat[tdb <= 0] <- exp(C1/tk + C2 + C3*tk + C4*tk**2 + C5*tk**3 + C6*tk**4 + C7*log(tk)) / 1000
            psat[tdb  > 0] <- exp(C8/tk + C9 + C10*tk + C11*tk**2 + C12*tk**3 + C13*log(tk)) / 1000
        # }}}
        dt17 <- dt17[, by = "id",
            value := {
                value[7L] <- value[2L]

                # get material density
                mat <- with_silent(idf$object(.BY$id)$ref_to_object(1L, "Material")[[1L]])
                if (length(mat)) {
                    den <- mat$Density
                } else {
                            "Material match issue:\n",
                            "Did not find a matched material component for name '",
                            value[[1L]], "' referenced in class ",
                    den <- NA_real_

                # calculate
                coeffs <- suppressWarnings(as.double(value[3L:6L]))
                d_empd <- suppressWarnings(as.double(value[2L]))
                mu <- cal_mu_empd(coeffs[1L], coeffs[2L], coeffs[3L], coeffs[4L], d_empd, den)
                if (is.na(mu)) {
                    value[2L] <- paste0("Could not find Material Match for ",
                        if (is.na(value[1L])) "" else value[1L]
                } else {
                    value[2L] <- sprintf("%.7f", mu)
    # }}}
    # 18: EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator {{{
    dt18 <- trans_action(idf, "EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator",
        reset = list(4L, "outdoor air dryblub temperature", "Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature"),
        reset = list(4L, "outdoor air wetblub temperature", "Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature")
    # }}}
    # 19: Output:Variable (DIRECTLY UPDATE) {{{
    # For Output:Variable that reference a specific Daylighting:Controls object
    # need update to the new reference point name
    if (new_idf$is_valid_class("Output:Variable")) {
        dt19 <- new_idf$to_table(class = "Output:Variable", wide = TRUE)
        set(dt19, NULL, "key_value", stri_trans_tolower(stri_trim_both(dt19$`Key Value`)))
        set(dt19, NULL, "variable_name", stri_trans_tolower(stri_trim_both(dt19$`Variable Name`)))

        dt19_1 <- dt19[key_value != "*" & stri_sub(variable_name, to = 27L) == "daylighting reference point"]
        if (nrow(dt19_1)) {
            # DELight Reference Point
            if (nrow(dt15)) {
                refpt <- dt15[index == 1L, list(id, key_value = stri_trans_tolower(stri_trim_both(value)))]
                dt19_1[!refpt, on = "key_value", list(id, class, index = 1L, value = paste0(stri_trim_both(`Key Value`), "_DaylCtrl"))]
            } else {
                dt19_1 <- dt19_1[, list(id, class = class, index = 1L, value = paste0(stri_trim_both(`Key Value`), "_DaylCtrl"))]
            set(dt19_1, NULL, c("key_value", "variable_name"), NULL)
            dt19_1 <- dt_to_load(dt19_1)
        } else {
            dt19_1 <- data.table()

        dt19_2 <- dt19[key_value != "*" & variable_name == "daylighting lighting power multiplier"]
        if (nrow(dt19_2)) {
            # DELight Reference Point
            if (nrow(dt15)) {
                refpt <- dcast.data.table(dt15[J(c(1:2)), on = "index"], id + class ~ field, value.var = "value")
                # add control name
                refpt[, `:=`(ctrlname = idf$object(id[[1L]])$value(2L)[[1L]]), by = "id"]
                dt19_2 <- dt19_2[refpt, on = c("key_value" = "DElight Name"), list(id, class, index = 1L, value = ctrlname), nomatch = 0L]
            } else {
                dt19_2 <- dt19_2[, list(id, class = class, index = 1L, value = paste0(stri_trim_both(`Key Value`), "_DaylCtrl"))]
        } else {
            dt19_2 <- data.table()

        dt19 <- rbindlist(list(dt19_1, dt19_2), fill = TRUE)

        if (nrow(dt19)) new_idf$update(dt19, .default = FALSE)
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:18))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_860_870 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f860t870 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "8.6")

    target_cls <- c(
        "Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed",                # 1
        "Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed",                # 2
        "CoolingTower:SingleSpeed",                  # 3
        "CoolingTower:TwoSpeed",                     # 4
        "CoolingTower:VariableSpeed:Merkel",         # 5
        "AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl",          # 6
        "ZoneCapacitanceMultiplier:ResearchSpecial", # 7
        "WaterHeater:HeatPump:WrappedCondenser",     # 8
        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Duct" # 9

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "8.7", target_cls)

    # 1: Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed",
        reset = list(16, NA_character_, "NaturalGas"),
        reset = list(16, "PropaneGas", "Propane")
    # }}}
    # 2: Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed",
        reset = list(16, NA_character_, "NaturalGas"),
        reset = list(16, "PropaneGas", "Propane")
    # }}}
    # 3: CoolingTower:SingleSpeed {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "CoolingTower:SingleSpeed", insert = list(17:20))
    # }}}
    # 4: CoolingTower:TwoSpeed {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "CoolingTower:TwoSpeed", insert = list(25:28))
    # }}}
    # 5: CoolingTower:VariableSpeed:Merkel {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "CoolingTower:VariableSpeed:Merkel", insert = list(25:28))
    # }}}
    # 6: AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl", delete = list(4L))
    if (nrow(dt6)) dt6[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 7: ZoneCapacitanceMultiplier:ResearchSpecial {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneCapacitanceMultiplier:ResearchSpecial",
        insert = list(1:2, c("Multiplier", NA_character_))
    # }}}
    # 8: WaterHeater:HeatPump:WrappedCondenser {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "WaterHeater:HeatPump:WrappedCondenser",
        reset = list(35, "MutuallyExlcusive", "MutuallyExclusive"))
    # }}}
    # 9: AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Duct {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Duct", all = TRUE,
        add = list(9:10)
    if (nrow(dt9)) {
        dt9[index >= 7L, value := {
            AFNDuctFracRcond <- 0.815384615
            AFNDuctFracRout <- 0.153846154
            AFNDuctFracRin <- 0.030769231

            val <- suppressWarnings(as.double(value))
            # 7
            value[1L] <- sprintf("%.6f", val[1L] / AFNDuctFracRcond)
            # 9
            value[3L] <- sprintf("%.6f", val[1L] / AFNDuctFracRout)
            # 10
            value[4L] <- sprintf("%.6f", val[1L] / AFNDuctFracRin)

        }, by = "id"]
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:9))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_870_880 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f870t880 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "8.7")

    target_cls <- c(
        "Output:Surfaces:List",                            # 1
        "Table:TwoIndependentVariables",                   # 2
       # Only used to check corresponding perimeter object
       #"BuildingSurface:Detailed",                        # 3
       # Only used to check corresponding perimeter object
       #"Floor:Detailed",                                  # 4
        "SurfaceProperty:ExposedFoundationPerimeter",      # 5
        "Foundation:Kiva:Settings",                        # 6
        "UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed",             # 7
        "Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed",                     # 8
        "Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoSpeed",                        # 9
        "Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed",                      # 10
        "Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableSpeed",                   # 11
        "Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoStageWithHumidityControlMode", # 12
        "ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalHeatPump",               # 13
        "ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem",                    # 14
        "ZoneControl:ContaminantController",               # 15
        "AvailabilityManager:NightCycle"                   # 16

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "8.8", target_cls)

    # 1: Output:Surfaces:List {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "Output:Surfaces:List",
        reset = list(1, "DecayCurvesfromZoneComponentLoads", "DecayCurvesFromComponentLoadsSummary")
    # }}}
    # 2: Table:TwoIndependentVariables {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, "Table:TwoIndependentVariables", insert = list(14))
    # }}}
    # 3: BuildingSurface:Detailed {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "BuildingSurface:Detailed", min_fields = 5L)
    if (nrow(dt3)) {
        targets <- dt3[index == 5L, !is.na(value) & tolower(value) == "foundation"] &
                   dt3[index == 2L, !is.na(value) & tolower(value) == "floor"]
        obj_id <- dt3[index == 1L, id][targets]

        if (!length(obj_id)) {
            dt3 <- data.table()
        } else {
            # check if surface has a corresponding perimeter object
            # if not, give a warning and add one
            dt3 <- rbindlist(lapply(obj_id,
                function(i) {
                    perim <- with_silent(idf$object(i)$ref_by_object(1L, class = "SurfaceProperty:ExposedFoundationPerimeter")[[1L]])

                    if (length(perim)) return(data.table())

                    dt <- dt3[J(i), on = "id"]
                    n <- ceiling((nrow(dt) - 10L) / 3L)
                    dt <- dt[index <= 4L + n]
                    set(dt, NULL, "class", "SurfaceProperty:ExposedFoundationPerimeter")

                    dt[J(2L), on = "index", value := "BySegment"]
                    dt[J(c(3L, 4L)), on = "index", value := NA_character_]
                    dt[index > 4L, value := "Yes"]

                            "Foundation floors now require a ",
                            "'SurfaceProperty:ExposedFoundationPerimeter' ",
                            "object. One was added with each segment of the ",
                            "floor surface exposed (", surround(idf$object(i)$name()), "). ",
                            "Please check your inputs to make sure this ",
                            "reflects your foundation."

    # }}}
    # 4: Floor:Detailed {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "Floor:Detailed", min_fields = 4L)
    if (nrow(dt4)) {
        targets <- dt4[index == 4L, !is.na(value) & tolower(value) == "foundation"]
        obj_id <- dt4[index == 1L, id][targets]

        if (!length(obj_id)) {
            dt4 <- data.table()
        } else {
            # check if surface has a corresponding perimeter object
            # if not, give a warning and add one
            dt4 <- rbindlist(lapply(obj_id,
                function(i) {
                    perim <- with_silent(idf$object(i)$ref_by_object(1L, class = "SurfaceProperty:ExposedFoundationPerimeter")[[1L]])

                    if (length(perim)) return(data.table())
                    dt <- dt4[J(i), on = "id"]
                    n <- ceiling((nrow(dt) - 9L) / 3L)
                    dt <- dt[index <= 4L + n]

                    set(dt, NULL, "class", "SurfaceProperty:ExposedFoundationPerimeter")

                    dt[J(2L), on = "index", value := "BySegment"]
                    dt[J(c(3L, 4L)), on = "index", value := NA_character_]
                    dt[index > 4L, value := "Yes"]
                            "Foundation floors now require a ",
                            "'SurfaceProperty:ExposedFoundationPerimeter' ",
                            "object. One was added with each segment of the ",
                            "floor surface exposed (", surround(idf$object(i)$name()), "). ",
                            "Please check your inputs to make sure this ",
                            "reflects your foundation."

    # }}}
    # 5: SurfaceProperty:ExposedFoundationPerimeter {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "SurfaceProperty:ExposedFoundationPerimeter",
        insert = list(2L, "BySegment")
    # }}}
    # 6: Foundation:Kiva:Settings {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "Foundation:Kiva:Settings",
        reset = list(8L, "autocalculate", "autoselect")
    # }}}
    # 7: UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed", insert = list(5))
    # }}}
    # 8: Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed", insert = list(15))
    # }}}
    # 9: Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoSpeed {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoSpeed", insert = list(23))
    # }}}
    # 10: Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed {{{
    dt10 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed", insert = list(7))
    # }}}
    # 11: Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableSpeed {{{
    dt11 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableSpeed", insert = list(16))
    # }}}
    # 12: Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoStageWithHumidityControlMode {{{
    dt12 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoStageWithHumidityControlMode", insert = list(19))
    # }}}
    # 13: ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalHeatPump {{{
    dt13 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalHeatPump", delete = list(18))
    if (nrow(dt13)) dt13[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 14: ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem {{{
    dt14 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem", insert = list(5))
    # }}}
    # 15: ZoneControl:ContaminantController{{{
    dt15 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneControl:ContaminantController", insert = list(6))
    # }}}
    # 16: AvailabilityManager:NightCycle {{{
    dt16 <- trans_action(idf, "AvailabilityManager:NightCycle", insert = list(6, "FixedRunTime"))
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:16))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_880_890 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f880t890 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "8.8")

    target_cls <- c(
        "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList",          # 1
        "GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical",    # 2
        "Branch",                          # 3
        "CondenserEquipmentList",          # 4
        "ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled", # 5
        "Schedule:Day:Interval",           # 6
        "Schedule:Day:List",               # 7
        "Schedule:Compact"                 # 8

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "8.9", target_cls)

    # 1: ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList", insert = list(2, "SequentialLoad"))
    # }}}
    # 2: GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical {{{
    # GroundHeatExchanger:System {{{
    dt2_1 <- trans_action(idf, min_fields = 9,
        class = c("GroundHeatExchanger:System" = "GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical"),
        # this will remove #9
        offset = list(8:9, 7:8),
        reset = list(5L, "Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach"),
        add = list(9L)
    if (nrow(dt2_1)) {
        dt2_1 <- dt2_1[index <= 9L]
        dt2_1[, value := {
            name <- if (is.na(value[1L])) "" else value[1L]
            value[6L] <- paste(name, "Ground Temps")
            value[9L] <- paste(name, "Response Factors")
        }, by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical:Properties {{{
    dt2_2 <- trans_action(idf, min_fields = 15L,
        class = c("GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical:Properties" = "GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical"),
        offset = list(c(6L, 7L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 15L, 14L),
                      c(3L, 4L,  5L,  7L,  9L, 10L, 11L)
        reset = list(2L, "1"),
        add = list(6L, "3.90e+6"),
        reset = list(8L, "1.77e+6")

    if (nrow(dt2_2)) {
        dt2_2 <- dt2_2[index <= 11L]
        dt2_2[J(1L), on = "index", value := {
            paste(if (is.na(value)) "" else value, "Properties")
        }, by = "id"]
        dt2_2[J(4L), on = "index", value := as.character(as.double(value) * 2)]
    # }}}
    # Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach {{{
    dt2_3 <- trans_action(idf, min_fields = 10L,
        class = c("Site:GroundTemperature:Undisturbed:KusudaAchenbach" = "GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical"),
        offset = list(c(8L, 9L, 10L),
                      c(2L, 4L,  5L)
        reset = list(3L, "920"),
        reset = list(6L, "3.2"),
        reset = list(7L, "8")
    if (nrow(dt2_3)) {
        dt2_3 <- dt2_3[index <= 7L]
        dt2_3[J(1L), on = "index", value := {
            value[!is.na(value)] <- paste(value[!is.na(value)], "Ground Temps")
        dt2_3[J(4L), on = "index", value := {
            val <- suppressWarnings(as.double(value))
            val[is.na(val)] <- 0.0
            val <- val / 920
            sprintf("%.5f", val)
        }, by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # GroundHeatExchanger:ResponseFactors {{{
    dt2_4 <- trans_action(idf, min_fields = 17L,
        class = c("GroundHeatExchanger:ResponseFactors" = "GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical"),
        offset = list(c(5L, 17L),
                      c(3L,  4L)
        delete = list(c(6:18))
    if (nrow(dt2_4)) {
        dt2_4[index >= 19L, index := index - 14L]
        dt2_4[J(c(1L, 2L)), on = "index", value := {
            nm <- if (is.na(value[1L])) "" else value[1L]
            value[1L] <- paste(nm, "Response Factors")
            value[2L] <- paste(nm, "Properties")
        }, by = "id"]
    # }}}
    dt2 <- rbindlist(list(dt2_1, dt2_2, dt2_3, dt2_4))
    # }}}
    # 3: Branch {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "Branch")
    if (nrow(dt3)) {
        dt3[(index - 2L) %% 4L == 1, value := gsub("GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical", "GroundHeatExchanger:System", value, ignore.case = TRUE)]
    # }}}
    # 4: CondenserEquipmentList {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "CondenserEquipmentList")
    if (nrow(dt4)) {
        dt4[(index - 2L) %% 2L == 0L, value := gsub("GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical",
            "GroundHeatExchanger:System", value, ignore.case = TRUE)
    # }}}
    # 5: ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled", insert = list(3L, "FlowFromSystem"))
    # }}}
    # 6: Schedule:Day:Interval {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "Schedule:Day:Interval", reset = list(3L, "yes", "Average"))
    # }}}
    # 7: Schedule:Day:List {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "Schedule:Day:List", reset = list(3L, "yes", "Average"))
    # }}}
    # 8: Schedule:Compact {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "Schedule:Compact")
    if (nrow(dt8)) {
        dt8[index >= 3L & grepl("interpolate.+yes", value, ignore.case = TRUE), value := "Interpolate:Average"]
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:8))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_890_900 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f890t900 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "8.9")

    target_cls <- c(
        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:OutdoorAirFlow", # 1
        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ReliefAirFlow",  # 2
        "Boiler:HotWater",                                      # 3
        "FenestrationSurface:Detailed",                         # 4
        "GlazedDoor",                                           # 5
        "RunPeriod:CustomRange",                                # 6
        "RunPeriod",                                            # 7
        "Table:OneIndependentVariable",                         # 8
        "WindowMaterial:ComplexShade",                          # 9
        "Window",                                               # 10
        "WindowProperty:ShadingControl"                         # 11

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "9.0", target_cls)

    # 1: AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:OutdoorAirFlow {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf,
        class = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:OutdoorAirFlow",
        insert = list(2,
            tryCatch(idf$object_name("OutdoorAir:Mixer", simplify = TRUE)[[1L]],
                eplusr_error_invalid_class_name = function(e) NA_character_
    if (nrow(dt1) && idf$object_num("OutdoorAir:Mixer") > 1L) {
        warn("Multiple 'OutdoorAir:Mixer' object found.", "trans_890_900")
    # }}}
    # 2: AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ReliefAirFlow {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ReliefAirFlow",
        insert = list(2,
            tryCatch(idf$object_name("OutdoorAir:Mixer", simplify = TRUE)[[1L]],
                eplusr_error_invalid_class_name = function(e) NA_character_
    if (nrow(dt2) && idf$object_num("OutdoorAir:Mixer") > 1L) {
        warn("Multiple 'OutdoorAir:Mixer' object found.", "trans_890_900")
    # }}}
    # 3: Boiler:HotWater {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "Boiler:HotWater", delete = list(7L))
    if (nrow(dt3)) dt3[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 4: FenestrationSurface:Detailed {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "FenestrationSurface:Detailed", delete = list(7L))
    if (nrow(dt4)) dt4[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 5: GlazedDoor {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "GlazedDoor", delete = list(4L))
    if (nrow(dt5)) dt5[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 6: RunPeriod:CustomRange {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, c("RunPeriod" = "RunPeriod:CustomRange"))
    if (nrow(dt6)) {
        dt6[index == 8L, value := {
            if (any(usewthrfile <- tolower(value) == "useweatherfile")) {
                        "For 'RunPeriod:CustomRange' ", surround(name[[1L]]), " [ID:", id[[1L]], "]:\n",
                        "Option 'UseWeatherFile' for 'Start Day of Week' has been removed, ",
                        "start week day is set by the input start date."
                value[usewthrfile] <- NA_character_
    # }}}
    # 7: RunPeriod {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "RunPeriod", all = TRUE,
        insert = list(c(`Begin Year` = 4L)),
        insert = list(c(`End Year` = 7L))

    # calculate start year and do some checkings
    if (nrow(dt7)) {
        dt7[, value :=
                start_year <- value[14L + 2L]
                num_rep <- value[12L + 2L]

                if (!is.na(start_year)) {
                    if (!checkmate::test_count(as.numeric(start_year))) {
                            "For 'RunPeriod' ", surround(name[[1L]]), " [ID:", id[[1L]], "]:\n",
                            "Invalid 'Start Year' value (", surround(start_year), ") found."
                    # if start year is set in the old run period, use it
                    value[4L] <- start_year
                start_year <- as.integer(start_year)

                # convert num of repeats to integer
                if (!is.na(num_rep)) {
                    if (!checkmate::test_count(as.numeric(num_rep))) {
                            "For 'RunPeriod' ", surround(name[[1L]]), " [ID:", id[[1L]], "]:\n",
                            "Invalid 'Number of Times Runperiod to be Repeated' value (",
                            surround(num_rep), ") found."

                    if (!is.na(value[8L]) && tolower(value[8L]) == "useweatherfile") {
                                "For 'RunPeriod' ", surround(name[[1L]]), " [ID:", id[[1L]], "]:\n",
                                "Option 'UseWeatherFile' for 'Start Day of Week' has been removed, ",
                                "start week day is set by the input start date."
                        value[8L] <- NA_character_

                    num_rep <- as.integer(num_rep)
                } else {
                    num_rep <- 0L
                    if (!is.na(value[8L]) && tolower(value[8L]) == "useweatherfile") {
                                "For 'RunPeriod' ", surround(name[[1L]]), " [ID:", id[[1L]], "]:\n",
                                "Option 'UseWeatherFile' for 'Start Day of Week' has been removed, ",
                                "start week day is set by the input start date."
                        value[8L] <- NA_character_

                if (num_rep > 1L) {
                    # for case when start year is given
                    if (!is.na(start_year)) {
                        if (!is.na(value[8L]) && tolower(value[8L]) == "useweatherfile") {
                                    "For 'RunPeriod' ", surround(name[[1L]]), " [ID:", id[[1L]], "]:\n",
                                    "Option 'UseWeatherFile' for 'Start Day of Week' has been removed, ",
                                    "start week day is set by the input start date."
                            value[8L] <- NA_character_
                    # if start year is not set but repeat times larger than 1
                    # need to calculate start year
                    } else {
                        # in case of leap year
                        start_date <- lubridate::make_date(year = 2016L, month = value[2L], day = value[3L])
                        # validate start month and day
                        if (is.na(start_date)) {
                                "For 'RunPeriod' ", surround(name[[1L]]), " [ID:", id[[1L]], "]:\n",
                                "Invalid 'Start Month' (", surround(value[2]), ") or ",
                                "'Start Day of Month' (", surround(value[3]), ") found."

                        # validate day of week
                        if (is.na(value[8L])) {
                            # Sunday
                            weekday <- 1L
                        } else if (tolower(value[8L]) == "useweatherfile") {
                                    "For 'RunPeriod' ", surround(name[[1L]]), " [ID:", id[[1L]], "]:\n",
                                    "Option 'UseWeatherFile' for 'Start Day of Week' has been removed, ",
                                    "start week day is set by the input start date."
                            value[8L] <- NA_character_
                            # Sunday
                            weekday <- 0L
                        } else {
                            weekday <- get_epw_wday(value[8L], monday_start = FALSE)
                            if (is.na(weekday)) {
                                        "For 'RunPeriod' ", surround(name[[1L]]), " [ID:", id[[1L]], "]:\n",
                                        "Invalid 'Start Day of Week' (", surround(value[8L]), ") found. ",
                                        "Assuming 'Sunday'."

                        # NOTE: just to make sure the year calculation results are
                        # the same as VersionUpdater
                        YEARS <- c(2013, 2014, 2015, 2010, 2011, 2017, 2007, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2010, 2011, 2017)
                        LYEARS <- c(2008, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2000, 2012, 1996, 2008, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2000, 2012)

                        if (lubridate::month(start_date) == 2 && lubridate::mday(start_date) == 29) {
                            leap <- TRUE
                        } else {
                            leap <- FALSE
                            lubridate::year(start_date) <- 2017L
                        ord <- lubridate::yday(start_date)
                        rem <- ord %% 7L

                        # start year
                        if (leap) {
                            start_year <- LYEARS[weekday - rem + 6]
                        } else {
                            start_year <- YEARS[weekday - rem + 6]
                        value[4L] <- as.character(start_year)

                    # end year
                    end_year <- start_year + num_rep
                    value[7L] <- as.character(end_year)

                    end_month <- assert_integerish(as.numeric(value[5L]), len = 1L, lower = 1L, upper = 12L, any.missing = FALSE, coerce = TRUE, .var.name = "End Month")
                    end_day <- assert_integerish(as.numeric(value[6L]), len = 1L, lower = 1L, upper = 31L, any.missing = FALSE, coerce = TRUE, .var.name = "End Day of Month")

                    # check if leap day of end date is specified in an non-leap year
                    if ((!leap_year(end_year)) && end_month == 2L && end_day == 29L) {
                            "For 'RunPeriod' ", surround(name[[1L]]), " [ID:", id[[1L]], "]:\n",
                            "With 'Number of Times Runperiod to be Repeated' being ", num_rep,
                            "the end year will be ", end_year, ", which is not a leap year. ",
                            "The end date will be reset to Feb 28th."
                        ), "trans_890_900")
                        value[6L] <- "28"

                    # validate end month and day
                    end_date <- lubridate::make_date(year = end_year, month = end_month, day = end_day)
                    # validate start month and day
                    if (is.na(end_date)) {
                            "For 'RunPeriod' ", surround(name[[1L]]), " [ID:", id[[1L]], "]:\n",
                            "Invalid 'End Month' (", surround(value[2]), ") or ",
                            "'End Day of Month' (", surround(value[3]), ") found."
            by = "id"
        dt7 <- dt7[!J(c(15L:16L)), on = "index"][J(14L), on = "index", value := NA_character_]
    # }}}
    # 8: Table:OneIndependentVariable {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "Table:OneIndependentVariable", reset = list(2L, "exponent", NA_character_))
    # }}}
    # 9: WindowMaterial:ComplexShade {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "WindowMaterial:ComplexShade",
        reset = list(2L, "venetian", "VenetianHorizontal")
    # }}}
    # 10: Window {{{
    dt10 <- trans_action(idf, "Window", delete = list(4L))
    if (nrow(dt10)) dt10[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 11: WindowProperty:ShadingControl {{{
    if (!idf$is_valid_class("WindowProperty:ShadingControl")) {
        dt11 <- data.table()
    } else {
        # get all old shading control objects
        shadctrl <- idf$objects_in_class("WindowProperty:ShadingControl")

        # get zone that is being controled {{{
        fene_daylight_zone <- lapply(shadctrl,
            function(ctrl) {
                # get all fenestrations that uses this control
                fene <- with_silent(ctrl$ref_by_object("Name",
                    class = c("FenestrationSurface:Detailed", "Window", "GlazedDoor")

                if (!length(fene)) {
                    data.table(id_ctrl = ctrl$id(), name_ctrl = ctrl$name(),
                        id_fene = NA_integer_, name_fene = NA_character_,
                        id_zone = NA_integer_, name_zone = NA_character_,
                        id_daylgt = NA_integer_, name_daylgt = NA_character_
                } else {
                    # use low-level API to speed up
                    fene <- data.table(id_fene = viapply(fene, function(f) f$id()), name_fene = names(fene))

                    surf <- get_idf_value(
                        object = fene$id_fene, field = rep("Building Surface Name", nrow(fene)),
                        align = TRUE
                    # combine
                    fene[surf, on = c("id_fene" = "object_id"), `:=`(id_surf = i.value_id, name_surf = i.value_chr)]

                    # get zone name this fenestration belongs to
                    zone <- get_idf_relation(
                        value_id = unique(fene$id_surf), name = TRUE,
                        direction = "ref_to", keep_all = TRUE, depth = 1
                    # get surface name
                    surf <- zone[dep == 0L, list(id_surf = src_object_id, name_surf = value_chr)]
                    # get zone name
                    zone <- zone[J(1L, "Zone"), on = c("dep", "src_class_name")][
                        surf, on = c("object_id" = "id_surf"), list(id_zone = src_object_id, name_zone = value_chr)]

                    # combine
                    set(fene, NULL, c("id_zone", "name_zone"), zone)

                    # get daylighting control for each zone
                    daylgt <- get_idf_relation(
                        object_id = unique(zone$id_zone), name = TRUE,
                        direction = "ref_by", keep_all = TRUE
                    )[class_name == "Daylighting:Controls",
                        list(id_zone = src_object_id, id_daylgt = object_id)]
                    # get daylighting control name
                    if (!nrow(daylgt)) {
                        set(daylgt, NULL, "name_daylgt", character())
                    } else {
                        daylgt[get_priv_env(idf)$idf_env()$object, on = c("id_daylgt" = "object_id"),
                            name_daylgt := i.object_name

                    # combine
                    fene[daylgt, on = "id_zone", `:=`(id_daylgt = i.id_daylgt, name_daylgt = i.name_daylgt)]

                    # add control id and name
                    set(fene, NULL, c("id_ctrl", "name_ctrl"), list(ctrl$id(), ctrl$name()))

                    # clean
                    set(fene, NULL, c("id_surf", "name_surf"), NULL)
        # }}}
        fene_daylight_zone <- rbindlist(fene_daylight_zone, use.names = TRUE)[,
            list(rleid = .GRP, name_fene = list(name_fene)),
            by = c("id_ctrl", "id_zone", "name_ctrl", "name_zone", "name_daylgt")

        dt11 <- trans_action(idf, all = TRUE,
            class = c("WindowShadingControl" = "WindowProperty:ShadingControl"),
            insert = list(c(`Zone Name` = 2L, `Shading Control Sequence Number` = 3L)),
            add = list(c(`Daylighting Control Object Name` = 15L,
                         `Multiple Surface Control Type` = 16L

        # duplicate
        dt11 <- rbindlist(lapply(seq.int(nrow(fene_daylight_zone)), function(i) {
            set(copy(dt11), NULL, "rleid", i)

        # update name with zone name suffix
        set(fene_daylight_zone, NULL, "index", 1L)
        dt11[fene_daylight_zone, on = c("rleid", "id" = "id_ctrl", "index"), value := {
            found <- !is.na(value) & !is.na(i.name_zone)
            value[found] <- paste0(value[found], "-", i.name_zone[found])

        # update zone name
        set(fene_daylight_zone, NULL, "index", 2L)
        dt11[fene_daylight_zone, on = c("rleid", "id" = "id_ctrl", "index"), value := i.name_zone]

        # assign new object ID
        fene_daylight_zone[, id_ctrl := new_id(get_priv_env(idf)$idf_env()$object, "object_id", .N)]
        # update dt
        dt11[fene_daylight_zone, on = "rleid", id := i.id_ctrl]

        # if unused, remove and throw a warning
        if (nrow(empty <- dt11[J(2L, NA_character_), on = c("index", "value"), nomatch = 0L])) {
                "WindowProperty:ShadingControl = ",
                collapse(unique(empty[, {ifelse(is.na(name), "", (name))}])),
                " was not used by any surfaces, so it has been deleted.",
                collpase = "\n"
            ), "trans_890_900")
            dt11 <- dt11[!empty, on = c("id", "name")]
            fene_daylight_zone <- fene_daylight_zone[!empty, on = c("id_ctrl" = "id", "name_ctrl" = "name")]

        if (!nrow(dt11)) {
            dt11 <- data.table()
        } else {
            # update control sequence
            set(fene_daylight_zone, NULL, "index", 3L)
            fene_daylight_zone[, ctrl_seq := seq_along(.N), by = "id_zone"]
            dt11[fene_daylight_zone, on = c("rleid", "id" = "id_ctrl", "index"), value := as.character(ctrl_seq)]

            # update multiple surface control type name
            dt11[, value := {
                if (!is.na(value[[4L]]) & tolower(value[[4L]]) == "switchableglazing" &&
                    !is.na(value[[6L]]) & tolower(value[[6L]]) == "meetdaylightilluminancesetpoint"
                ) {
                    value[[16]] <- "Group"
                } else {
                    value[[16]] <- "Sequential"
            }, by = "id"]

            # update daylighting control name
            set(fene_daylight_zone, NULL, "index", 15L)
            dt11[fene_daylight_zone, on = c("rleid", "id" = "id_ctrl", "index"), value := i.name_daylgt]

            # add fenestration surface names
            fene_fld <- fene_daylight_zone[, list(
                name = NA_character_,
                class = "WindowShadingControl",
                index = seq_along(unlist(name_fene)) + 16L,
                field = NA_character_,
                value = unlist(name_fene)
            ), by = "rleid"]
            fene_fld[dt11, on = "rleid", id := i.id]

            dt11 <- rbindlist(list(dt11, fene_fld), use.names = TRUE)
            setorderv(dt11, c("id", "index"))
            set(dt11, NULL, "rleid", NULL)
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:11))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_900_910 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f900t910 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "9.0")

    target_cls <- c(
        "HybridModel:Zone",      # 1
        "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList" # 2

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "9.1", target_cls)

    # 1: HybridModel:Zone {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "HybridModel:Zone", all = 9L,
        # Old [6:9] --> New [17:20]
        offset = list(6:9, 17:20),
        # Old NA    --> New [7:16]
        add = list(7:16),
        # Old [5]   --> New [6]
        offset = list(5L, 6L),
        # Old NA    --> New [5]
        add = list(5L, "No")
    # }}}
    # 2: ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList", min_fields = 6L,
        # Old NA    --> New [7:8] with step 4
        insert = list(7:8, NA, 4L)
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:2))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_910_920 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f910t920 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "9.1")

    target_cls <- c(
        "Foundation:Kiva",               # 1
        "RunPeriod",                     # 2
        "Schedule:File",                 # 3
        "Table:OneIndependentVariable",  # 4
        "Table:TwoIndependentVariables", # 5
        "Table:MultiVariableLookup",     # 6
        "ThermalStorage:Ice:Detailed",   # 7
        "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList"         # 8

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "9.2", target_cls)

    # 1: Foundation:Kiva {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "Foundation:Kiva", insert = list(2L))
    # }}}
    # 2: RunPeriod {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, "RunPeriod")
    if (nrow(dt2)) {
        dt2[J(1L), on = "index", value := {
            # get exiting run period number
            existing <- stri_match_first_regex(stri_trans_tolower(value), "^runperiod (\\d+)$")[, 2L]
            existing <- as.integer(existing)
            # get number of run period without names
            n <- sum(is.na(value))

            # valid index left
            valid <- setdiff(seq.int(.N), existing)
            if (n >= length(valid)) {
                new <- c(valid, seq(max(valid) + 1L, length.out = n - length(valid)))
            } else {
                new <- valid[seq.int(n)]

            value[is.na(value)] <- paste("RUNPERIOD", new)
    # }}}
    # 3: Schedule:File {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "Schedule:File", reset = list(7, "fixed", "SPACE"))
    # }}}

    id_max <- 0L
    # init_var_dt {{{
    init_var_dt <- function(dt, i_expr = NULL, min_max, type) {
        dt <- if (is.null(i_expr)) copy(dt) else dt[eval(i_expr)]

        # calculate fields should be added
        to_add <- setdiff(c(min_max, type), c(4L:5L, 7L))
        # only add fields with index no more than 10
        if (length(to_add)) to_add <- to_add[to_add <= 10L]

            offset = list(min_max, 4L:5L),
            offset = list(type, 7L),
            add = list(to_add, NA_character_),
            reset = list(6L, NA_character_),
            reset = list(8L:10L, NA_character_)
    # }}}
    # init_var_type {{{
    init_var_type <- function(dt, index_cond = 3L) {
        set(dt, NULL, "value_lower", stri_trans_tolower(dt$value))
        id_const <- dt[index == index_cond & value_lower == "linearinterpolationoftable", id]
        id_linear <- dt[index == index_cond & value_lower == "lagrangeinterpolationlinearextrapolation", id]
        set(dt, NULL, "value_lower", NULL)
        dt[J(id_const), on = "id", value := {
            value[2] <- "Linear"
            value[3] <- "Constant"
        }, by = "id"]
        dt[J(id_linear), on = "id", value := {
            value[2] <- "Cubic"
            value[3] <- "Linear"
        }, by = "id"]
        dt[!J(c(id_const, id_linear)), on = "id", value := {
            value[2] <- "Cubic"
            value[3] <- "Constant"
        }, by = "id"]
        dt[J(1L, NA_character_), on = c("index", "value"), value := ""]
        dt[, index := seq.int(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # init_list_dt {{{
    init_list_dt <- function(dt, num) {
        if (is.integer(num)) {
            dt <- dt[J(rep(1L, num + 1L)), on = "index"]
        } else if (is.data.frame(num)) {
            dt <- dt[num, on = c("id", "index")]
            dt[dt[J(1L), on = "index"], on = "id", value := i.value]
        dt[, index := seq.int(.N), by = "id"]

        set(dt, NULL, "class", "Table:IndependentVariableList")
        dt[is.na(value), value := ""]
        dt[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste0(value, "_IndependentVariableList")]

        dt[index > 1L, value := paste0(value, "_IndependentVariable", seq.int(.N)), by = "id"]
        setorderv(dt, "id")

    # }}}
    # init_lookup_dt {{{
    init_lookup_dt <- function(dt, i_expr = NULL, ref = 10L, min_max = 6L:7L, type = 9L, del = NULL) {
        dt <- if (is.null(i_expr)) copy(dt) else dt[eval(i_expr)]
        dt[, class := "Table:Lookup"]

        dt[J(1L, NA_character_), on = c("index", "value"), value := ""]
        dt[J(c(1L:2L)), on = "index", value := {
            value[2L] <- paste0(value[1L], "_IndependentVariableList")
        }, by = "id"]

        # calculate fields should be added
        to_add <- setdiff(c(ref, min_max, type), c(4L:7L))
        # only add fields with index no more than 10
        if (length(to_add)) to_add <- to_add[to_add <= 10L]

        dt <- trans_action_dt(dt,
            offset = list(ref, 4L),
            offset = list(min_max, 5L:6L),
            offset = list(type, 7L),
            add = list(to_add),
            reset = list(8L:10L, NA_character_)

        if (!is.null(del)) dt <- dt[!J(del), on = "index"]

        dt[J(c(3L, 4L)), on = "index", value := {
            value[[1L]] <- if (is.na(value[[2L]])) NA_character_ else "DivisorOnly"
        }, by = "id"]

        dt[, index := seq.int(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # warn_removed_as_comment {{{
    warn_removed_as_comment <- function(idf, class) {
        warn(paste0("Class '", class, "' has been removed in EnergyPlus v9.2. ",
            "Objects in that class will be listed as comments in the new output file."
        ), "trans_910_920")

        # separate by objects
        cmt <- idf$to_string(class = class, header = FALSE, format = "new_top")
        sep <- which(stri_isempty(cmt))
        cmt <- apply2(c(1L, sep[-length(sep)] + 1L), sep - 1L,
            function(start, end) cmt[start:end]

        # assign to object table
        ids <- idf$object_id(class = class, simplify = TRUE)
        get_priv_env(idf)$idf_env()$object[J(ids), on = "object_id", comment := list(cmt)]
    # }}}
    # warn_table_convert {{{
    warn_table_convert <- function(dt, class, idx, ascending = NULL) {
        dt_file <- dt[index == idx & !is.na(value)]
        if (!nrow(dt_file)) return(dt)

        # rename column for formatting object info
        setnames(dt_file, c("id", "name", "class"), c("object_id", "object_name", "class_name"))
        obj <- get_object_info(dt_file, c("name", "id"), numbered = TRUE)

        # get file path
        files <- dt_file$value
        warn(paste0("Objects in Class '", class, "' references external ",
            "file. External files must be converted to the new format and saved ",
            "to CSV with a name suffix '-New':\n",
            paste0(obj, ": ", surround(files))
        ), "trans_910_920")

        # convert
        if (is.null(ascending)) {
            tables <- lapply(files, trans_table_convert)
        } else {
            assert_same_len(files, ascending)
            tables <- apply2(files, ascending, trans_table_convert)

        # save
        files <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(files)), "-New.csv")
        apply2(tables, files, function(x, file) fwrite(x, file))

        # update field value
        dt[index == idx & !is.na(value), value := normalizePath(files)]

    # }}}
    # assert_integer {{{
    assert_integer <- function(dt, idx = NULL, col = "value", name) {
        if (!is.null(idx)) dt <- dt[J(idx), on = "index"]

        set(dt, NULL, col, suppressWarnings(as.integer(dt[[col]])))

        if (!anyNA(dt[[col]])) return(dt)

        abort(paste0("Failed to get ", name, "objects below:\n", obj_info(dt)))
    # }}}
    # obj_info {{{
    obj_info <- function(dt, numbered = TRUE, collapse = "\n") {
        setnames(dt, c("id", "name", "class"), c("object_id", "object_name", "class_name"))
        get_object_info(dt, c("name", "id"), numbered = numbered, collapse = collapse)
    # }}}
    # 4: Table:OneIndependentVariable {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, min_fields = 10L, c("Table:IndependentVariable" = "Table:OneIndependentVariable"))
    if (nrow(dt4)) {
        warn_removed_as_comment(idf, "Table:OneIndependentVariable")

        # independent variable
        dt4_1 <- init_var_dt(dt4,
            quote(index <= 10L | (index > 10L & (index - 11) %% 2 == 0)),
            min_max = 4L:5L, type = 8L
        dt4_1 <- init_var_type(dt4_1, 3L)
        dt4_1[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste0(value, "_IndependentVariable1")]

        # variable list
        dt4_2 <- init_list_dt(dt4, 1L)
        dt4_2[, id := -.GRP + id_max, by = "id"]
        id_max <- min(dt4_2$id)

        # lookup
        dt4_3 <- init_lookup_dt(dt4,
            quote(index <= 10L | (index > 10L & (index - 12) %% 2 == 0)),
            ref = 10L, min_max = 6L:7L, type = 9L
        dt4_3[, id := -.GRP + id_max, by = "id"]
        id_max <- min(dt4_3$id)

        dt4 <- rbindlist(list(dt4_1, dt4_2, dt4_3))
    # }}}
    # 5: Table:TwoIndependentVariables {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, min_fields = 14L, align = FALSE,
        c("Table:IndependentVariable" = "Table:TwoIndependentVariables")
    if (nrow(dt5)) {
        warn_removed_as_comment(idf, "Table:TwoIndependentVariables")
        dt5 <- warn_table_convert(dt5, "Table:TwoIndependentVariables", 14L)

        val <- dt5[index > 14, by = "id", {
            val <- matrix(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(value)), ncol = 3L, byrow = TRUE)
            val <- setnames(as.data.table(val), c("x", "y", "out"))
            setorderv(val, c("x", "y"))
            list(x = list(unique(val$x)), y = list(unique(val$y)), out = list(val$out)

        # independent variable
        ## X
        dt5_11 <- init_var_dt(dt5, quote(index <= 10L), min_max = 4L:5L, type = 10L)
        dt5_11 <- init_var_type(dt5_11, 3L)
        dt5_11[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste0(value, "_IndependentVariable1")]
        dt5_11 <- rbindlist(fill = TRUE, list(
            val[, by = "id", list(class = "Table:IndependentVariable",
                index = 10L + seq_along((x[[1L]])), value = as.character(x[[1L]]))]

        ## Y
        dt5_12 <- init_var_dt(dt5, quote(index <= 11L), min_max = 6L:7L, type = 11L)
        dt5_12 <- init_var_type(dt5_12, 3L)
        dt5_12[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste0(value, "_IndependentVariable2")]
        dt5_12 <- rbindlist(fill = TRUE, list(
            val[, by = "id", list(class = "Table:IndependentVariable",
                index = 10L + seq_along((y[[1L]])), value = as.character(y[[1L]]))]
        dt5_12[, id := -.GRP + id_max, by = "id"]
        id_max <- min(dt5_12$id)

        ## merge
        dt5_1 <- rbindlist(list(dt5_11, dt5_12))

        # variable list
        dt5_2 <- init_list_dt(dt5, 2L)
        dt5_2[, id := -.GRP + id_max, by = "id"]
        id_max <- min(dt5_2$id)

        # lookup
        dt5_3 <- init_lookup_dt(dt5, quote(index <= 13L), ref = 13L, min_max = 8L:9L, type = 12L, del = 11L)
        dt5_3 <- rbindlist(fill = TRUE, list(
            val[, by = "id", list(class = "Table:Lookup",
                index = 10L + seq_along((out[[1L]])), value = as.character(out[[1L]]))]
        dt5_3[, id := -.GRP + id_max, by = "id"]
        id_max <- min(dt5_3$id)

        dt5 <- rbindlist(list(dt5_1, dt5_2, dt5_3))
        setorderv(dt5, c("id", "index"))
    # }}}
    # 6: Table:MultiVariableLookup {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, min_fields = 31L, align = FALSE,
        c("Table:IndependentVariable" = "Table:MultiVariableLookup")
    if (nrow(dt6)) {
        warn_removed_as_comment(idf, "Table:MultiVariableLookup")

        # get sort order
        asc <- dt6[J(c(7L, 8L)), on = "index",
            list(asc = list(is.na(value) | stri_trans_tolower(value) == c("ascending", "ascending"))),
            by = "id"]$asc

        # convert external file if possible
        dt6 <- warn_table_convert(dt6, "Table:MultiVariableLookup", 6L, asc)

        # independent variable {{{
        # get independent variable number
        num_vars <- dt6[J(31L), on = "index"]
        set(num_vars, NULL, "value", suppressWarnings(as.integer(num_vars$value)))
        if (anyNA(num_vars$value)) {
            abort(paste0("Failed to get number of independent variables for 'Table:MultiVariableLookup' objects ",
                "objects below:\n", obj_info(num_vars[is.na(value)])

        # get indices for different fields
        meta <- num_vars[, {
            idx <- seq.int(value)
            list(idx_var = idx,
                 min = as.integer(10L + 2 * (idx - 1L)),
                 max = as.integer(11L + 2 * (idx - 1L)),
                 type = 23L + idx,
                 number = 31L + idx
        }, by = "id"]

        # get value number
        meta[dt6, on = c("id", "number" = "index"), val_number := suppressWarnings(as.integer(i.value))]
        if (anyNA(meta$val_number)) {
            invld <- meta[is.na(val_number), list(id, idx_var)]
            invld <- num_vars[invld, on = "id"]
            obj <- obj_info(invld, collapse = NULL)
            mes <- paste0(obj, " for independent variable #", invld$idx_var)

            abort(paste0("Failed to get value number of independent variables for 'Table:MultiVariableLookup' objects below:\n", mes))

        meta[, cum := cumsum(data.table::shift(val_number, fill = 0L)), by = "id"]
        meta[, c("start", "end") := {
            start <- number + max(idx_var) - idx_var + 1L + cum
            list(start = start, end = start + val_number - 1L)
        }, by = "id"]

        # assign id
        meta[, object_id := id]
        meta[idx_var > 1L, object_id := -.I + id_max]
        id_max <- min(meta$object_id)

        # reusable fields
        dt6_1 <- init_var_type(dt6[index <= 10L], 2L)
        meta_1 <- data.table::CJ(
            object_id = meta$object_id, index = c(1L:3L, 6L, 8L:10L))[
            meta[, list(id, object_id)], on = "object_id"]
        dt6_11 <- dt6_1[meta_1, on = c("id", "index")][
            index %in% 8L:10L, value := NA_character_]
        dt6_11[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste0(value, "_IndependentVariable", seq.int(.N)), by = "id"]

        # melt
        meta_2 <- melt.data.table(meta, id.vars = c("id", "idx_var", "object_id"),
            measure.vars = c("min", "max", "type"), value.name = "index"
        meta_2[J("min"), on = "variable", field_index := 4L]
        meta_2[J("max"), on = "variable", field_index := 5L]
        meta_2[J("type"), on = "variable", field_index := 7L]
        dt6_12 <- dt6[meta_2[, list(id, index, object_id, field_index)], on = c("id", "index")]
        set(dt6_12, NULL, "index", NULL)
        setnames(dt6_12, "field_index", "index")

        # variable values
        meta_3 <- meta[,
            list(id = rep(id, val_number),
                 index = seq(start, end),
                 field_index = seq.int(val_number) + 10L
            by = "object_id"
        dt6_13 <- dt6[meta_3, on = c("id", "index")]
        set(dt6_13, NULL, "index", NULL)
        setnames(dt6_13, "field_index", "index")

        dt6_1 <- rbindlist(list(dt6_11, dt6_12, dt6_13), use.names = TRUE)
        # retain object order
        setorderv(dt6_1, c("id", "index"))
        dt6_1 <- dt6_1[J(meta$object_id), on = "object_id"]

        # update object id
        set(dt6_1, NULL, "id", NULL)
        setnames(dt6_1, "object_id", "id")
        setcolorder(dt6_1, "id")
        # }}}

        # variable list
        dt6_2 <- init_list_dt(dt6,
                num_vars[, list(id, index = 1L)],
                meta[, list(id, index = idx_var)]
        dt6_2[, id := -.GRP + id_max, by = "id"]
        id_max <- min(dt6_2$id)

        # lookup object {{{
        dt6_31 <- init_lookup_dt(dt6, quote(index <= 30L),
            ref = 9L, min_max = 22L:23L, type = 30L
        )[index <= 10L]

        meta_out <- meta[
            , list(# where to start
                   start = max(end) + 1L,
                   # variable #3 above should be listed before output data
                   step = if (.N <= 2L) 0L else .N - 2L,
                   # number of output data per variable #1
                   num = if (.N <= 2L) 0L else val_number[[1L]] * val_number[[2L]]
            ), by = "id"][
            dt6[, list(end = max(which(!is.na(value)))), by = "id"], on = "id"]

        # get exact field index for each value
        meta_out <- meta_out[, list(index = {
            # for case when variable number no more than 2
            if (step == 0L) {
                seq(start, end)
            } else {
                # for case when variable number more than 2
                unlist(lapply(seq(start + step, end, by = step + num), seq, length.out = num))
        }), by = "id"]

        dt6_32 <- dt6[meta_out, on = c("id", "index")]
        dt6_32[, index := seq.int(.N) + 10L, by = "id"]
        dt6_32[, class := "Table:Lookup"]

        # split by independent variables in each object
        vars <- split(dt6_13[, list(id, object_id, value = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(value)))],
            by = c("id", "object_id"), flatten = FALSE, keep.by = FALSE
        # reverse the order of independent variables and unlist
        vars <- apply2(vars, asc, function(var, ascending) {
            var <- lapply(var, unlist, use.names = FALSE)
            if (!ascending[1L] && length(var) >= 1L) var[[1L]] <- rev(var[[1L]])
            if (!ascending[2L] && length(var) >= 2L) var[[2L]] <- rev(var[[2L]])
        vars <- lapply(vars, rev)

        # get combination
        cj <- function(...) data.table::CJ(..., sorted = FALSE, unique = FALSE)
        vars <- lapply(vars, function(x) do.call(cj, x))

        # get output
        outs <- split(dt6_32[, list(id, value)], by = "id", keep.by = FALSE)
        outs <- lapply(outs, unlist, use.names = FALSE)

        # combine value and output
        vals <- apply2(vars, outs, function(var, out) set(var, NULL, "value", out))
        # change order
        vals <- lapply(vals, function(dt) setorderv(dt, rev(setdiff(names(dt), "value"))))
        # replace with ordered values
        set(dt6_32, NULL, "value", as.character(unlist(lapply(vals, "[[", "value"))))
        dt6_3 <- rbindlist(list(dt6_31, dt6_32))
        dt6_3[, id := -.GRP + id_max, by = "id"]
        # }}}

        dt6 <- rbindlist(list(dt6_1, dt6_2, dt6_3))
        setorderv(dt6, c("id", "index"))
    # }}}

    # 7: ThermalStorage:Ice:Detailed {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "ThermalStorage:Ice:Detailed",
        reset = list(6L, "quadraticlinear", "FractionDischargedLMTD"),
        reset = list(6L, "cubiclinear", "LMTDMassFlow"),
        reset = list(8L, "quadraticlinear", "FractionChargedLMTD"),
        reset = list(8L, "cubiclinear", "LMTDMassFlow")
    # }}}
    # 8: ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList")
    if (nrow(dt8)) {
        clg <- dt8[index > 2L & ((index - 2L) - 5L) %% 6 == 0L & !is.na(value)]
        if (!nrow(clg)) {
            dt8_1 <- data.table()
        } else {
            clg[, object_id := -.I + id_max]
            clg[is.na(name), name := ""]
            dt8_1 <- clg[, list(id, class = "Schedule:Constant", index = 1L:3L,
                value = c(
                    paste0(name, " CoolingFrac", as.integer((index - 3L) / 6L + 1L)),
                    "ZoneEqList ScheduleTypeLimits",
            ), by = "object_id"]
            id_max <- min(clg$object_id)

            # update value
            set(clg, NULL, "value", dt8_1[index == 1L, value])
            dt8[clg, on = c("id", "index"), value := i.value]

            # clean
            set(dt8_1, NULL, "id", NULL)
            setnames(dt8_1, "object_id", "id")

        htg <- dt8[index > 2L & ((index - 2L) - 6L) %% 6 == 0L & !is.na(value)]
        if (!nrow(htg)) {
            dt8_2 <- data.table()
        } else {
            htg[, object_id := -.I + id_max]
            htg[is.na(name), name := ""]
            dt8_2 <- htg[, list(id, class = "Schedule:Constant", index = 1L:3L,
                value = c(
                    paste0(name, " HeatingFrac", as.integer((index - 3L) / 6L + 1L)),
                    "ZoneEqList ScheduleTypeLimits",
            ), by = "object_id"]
            id_max <- min(htg$object_id)

            # update value
            set(htg, NULL, "value", dt8_2[index == 1L, value])
            dt8[htg, on = c("id", "index"), value := i.value]

            # clean
            set(dt8_2, NULL, "id", NULL)
            setnames(dt8_2, "object_id", "id")

        # add a schedule type object for sequential clg/htg fraction
        if ((nrow(dt8_1) || nrow(dt8_2)) &&
                !idf$is_valid_class("ScheduleTypeLimits") ||
                !idf$is_valid_name("ZoneEqList ScheduleTypeLimits")
        ) {
            new_idf$add(ScheduleTypeLimits = list("ZoneEqList ScheduleTypeLimits", 0.0, 1.0, "Continuous"))

        dt8 <- rbindlist(list(dt8, dt8_1, dt8_2), fill = TRUE)
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:8))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_920_930 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f920t930 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "9.2")

    target_cls <- c(
        "AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow",       # 1
        "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Uncontrolled",          # 2
        "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList",                       # 3
        "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter",                     # 4
        "AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPlenum",                     # 5
        "AirLoopHVAC",                                  # 6
        "RoomAir:Node:AirflowNetwork:HVACEquipment",    # 7
        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node",             # 8
        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage",          # 9
        "Boiler:HotWater",                              # 10
        "Boiler:Steam",                                 # 11
        "Chiller:EngineDriven",                         # 12
        "Chiller:CombustionTurbine",                    # 13
        "ChillerHeater:Absorption:DirectFired",         # 14
        "Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed",                   # 15
        "Coil:Heating:Fuel",                            # 16
        "Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed",                   # 17
        "EnergyManagementSystem:Program",               # 18
        "EnergyManagementSystem:Subroutine",            # 19
        "EnergyManagementSystem:MeteredOutputVariable", # 20
        "Exterior:FuelEquipment",                       # 21
        "FuelFactors",                                  # 22
        "Generator:CombustionTurbine",                  # 23
        "Generator:InternalCombustionEngine",           # 24
        "Generator:MicroTurbine",                       # 25
        "GlobalGeometryRules",                          # 26
        "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EIR:Heating",            # 27
        "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EIR:Cooling",            # 28
        "HVACTemplate:System:VRF",                      # 29
        "HVACTemplate:Plant:Boiler",                    # 30
        "LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation",             # 31
        "LifeCycleCost:UseAdjustment",                  # 32
        "OtherEquipment",                               # 33
        "Output:Table:SummaryReports",                  # 34
        "ShadowCalculation",                            # 35
        "WaterHeater:Mixed",                            # 36
        "WaterHeater:Stratified",                       # 37
        "ZoneHVAC:HybridUnitaryHVAC"                    # 38

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "9.3", target_cls)

    # fix_fuel_types {{{
    fix_fuel_types <- function(dt, idx) {
        if (!nrow(dt)) return(dt)

        input <- dt[J(idx), on = "index", nomatch = NULL]
        if (!nrow(input)) return(dt)

        set(input, NULL, "value", stri_trans_tolower(input$value))

        map <- data.table(
            old = c(
                "natural gas",
                "propane gas",
                "fuel oil #1",
                "fuel oil",
                "distillate oil",
                "fuel oil #2",
                "residual oil",
            new = c(

        input[map, on = c("value" = "old"), value := i.new]
        dt[input, on = c("id", "index"), value := i.value]
    # }}}

    # 1: AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow")
    dt1 <- fix_fuel_types(dt1, 67L)
    # }}}
    # 2: AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Uncontrolled {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf,
        c("AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:NoReheat" = "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Uncontrolled"),
        insert = list(3L, " ATInlet")
    if (nrow(dt2)) {
        # create a nwe inlet node name using the original zone supply air node
        dt2[J(c(3L, 4L)), on = "index", by = "id", value := {
            pre <- if (is.na(value[2L])) "" else value[2L]
            value[1L] <- paste0(pre, value[1L])

        # create one air distribution unit for each terminal
        dt2_adu <- new_idf$to_table(init = TRUE, all = TRUE,
            class = rep("ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit", length(unique(dt2$id)))
        dt2_adu[J(1L), on = "index", value := {
            nm <- dt2[J(1L), on = "index", value]
            nm[!is.na(nm)] <- paste(nm[!is.na(nm)], "ADU")
        dt2_adu[J(2L), on = "index", value := dt2[J(4L), on = "index", value]]
        dt2_adu[J(3L), on = "index", value := "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:NoReheat"]
        dt2_adu[J(4L), on = "index", value := dt2[J(1L), on = "index", value]]
        dt2_adu[J(5:6), on = "index", value := NA_character_]
        dt2_adu[J(7L), on = "index", value := dt2[J(8L), on = "index", value]]

        # after creating ADU, remove the 7th field, i.e. design specification
        # sizing object
        dt2 <- dt2[index < 7L]
        dt2 <- rbindlist(list(dt2, dt2_adu))

        # all outlet nodes
        nodes <- dt2[J(4L), on = "index"]
        set(nodes, NULL, "value_lower", stri_trans_tolower(nodes$value))

        # all nodelists
        nodelists <- idf$to_table(class = "NodeList")
        set(nodelists, NULL, "value_lower", stri_trans_tolower(nodelists$value))
        set(nodelists, NULL, "matched", FALSE)
    # }}}
    # 3: ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList")
    # replace object types and names accordingly
    if (nrow(dt2) && nrow(dt3)) {
        set(dt3, NULL, "value_lower", stri_trans_tolower(dt3$value))
        # calculate extensible group
        dt3[, by = "id", extensible_field_index := (index - 2L) %/% 6L * 6L + (index - 2L) %% 6L]
        dt3[J(1:2), on = "index", extensible_field_index := 0L]

        m <- dt3[J(1L, "airterminal:singleduct:uncontrolled"),
            on = c("extensible_field_index", "value_lower"),
            list(id, index)]
        dt3[m, on = c("id", "index"), value := "ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit"]
        dt3[m[, index := index + 1L], on = c("id", "index"), value := {
            value[!is.na(value)] <- paste(value[!is.na(value)], "ADU")

        set(dt3, NULL, c("value_lower", "extensible_field_index"), NULL)
    # }}}

    # replace_node {{{
    replace_node <- function(dt, nodes, nodelists = NULL, index_exclude) {
        set(dt, NULL, "value_lower", stri_trans_tolower(dt$value))

        # check if the node is referenced directly
        set(dt, NULL, "matched", FALSE)
        dt[nodes, on = "value_lower", matched := TRUE]
        # exclude specified fields
        dt[J(index_exclude), on = "index", matched := FALSE]
        # exclude empty fields
        dt[J(NA_character_), on = "value_lower", matched := FALSE]
        dt[J(TRUE), on = "matched", value := paste(value, "ATInlet")]

        # check if the node is referenced by a node list
        if (!is.null(nodelists)) {
            # get matched node list id
            dt[nodelists[J(1L), on = "index"], on = "value_lower", id_list := i.id]
            # exclude specified fields
            dt[J(index_exclude), on = "index", id_list := NA_integer_]
            # exclude empty fields
            dt[J(NA_character_), on = "value_lower", id_list := NA_integer_]

            # extract all matched node lists that contain target nodes
            nl <- nodelists[J(dt[!is.na(id_list), id_list]), on = "id"][
                nodes, on = "value_lower", matched := TRUE]
            nl <- nl[J(TRUE), on = "matched", nomatch = NULL]

            # tag matched field in the whole nodelist table
            nodelists[nl, on = c("id", "index"), matched := TRUE]

            # append name suffix
            dt[J(unique(nl$id)), on = "id_list", value := paste(value, "ATInlet")]

            set(dt, NULL, "id_list", NULL)

        # clean up columns
        set(dt, NULL, c("value_lower", "matched"), NULL)
    # }}}
    # 4: AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter")
    if (nrow(dt2) && nrow(dt4)) dt4 <- replace_node(dt4, nodes, nodelists, 1:2)
    # }}}
    # 5: AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPlenum {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPlenum")
    if (nrow(dt2) && nrow(dt5)) dt5 <- replace_node(dt5, nodes, nodelists, 1:4)
    # }}}
    # 6: AirLoopHVAC {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "AirLoopHVAC")
    if (nrow(dt2) && nrow(dt6)) dt6 <- replace_node(dt6, nodes, nodelists, setdiff(1:11, 9L)) # 9
    # }}}
    # 7: RoomAir:Node:AirflowNetwork:HVACEquipment {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "RoomAir:Node:AirflowNetwork:HVACEquipment")
    # replace object types and names accordingly
    if (nrow(dt2) && nrow(dt7)) {
        set(dt7, NULL, "value_lower", stri_trans_tolower(dt7$value))
        # calculate extensible group
        dt7[, by = "id", extensible_field_index := (index - 1L) %/% 4L * 4L + (index - 1L) %% 4L]
        dt7[J(1L), on = "index", extensible_field_index := 0L]

        m <- dt7[J(1L, "airterminal:singleduct:uncontrolled"),
            on = c("extensible_field_index", "value_lower"),
            list(id, index)]
        dt7[m, on = c("id", "index"), value := "ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit"]
        dt7[m[, index := index + 1L], on = c("id", "index"), value := {
            value[!is.na(value)] <- paste(value[!is.na(value)], "ADU")

        set(dt7, NULL, c("value_lower", "extensible_field_index"), NULL)
    # }}}
    # 8: AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node")
    if (nrow(dt2) && nrow(dt8)) {
        # store original node name
        val <- dt8[J(2L), on = "index", nomatch = NULL, value]
        # store original data
        ori <- copy(dt8)

        dt8 <- replace_node(dt8, nodes, NULL, setdiff(1:4, 2L))

        # get matched object id
        id_m <- dt8[J(2L), on = "index", nomatch = NULL, id[which(value != val)]]

        if (length(id_m)) {
            dt8 <- dt8[id %in% id_m]
            dt8[J(1L), on = "index", value := {
                value[is.na(value)] <- ""
                paste(value, "ATInlet")
            set(dt8, NULL, "id", -dt8$id)
            dt8 <- rbindlist(list(ori, dt8))
    # }}}
    # 9: AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage")
    if (nrow(dt2) && nrow(dt8) && any(dt8$id < 0)&& nrow(dt9)) {
        # store original node name
        val <- dt9[J(3L), on = "index", nomatch = NULL, value]
        # store original data
        ori <- copy(dt9)

        # get matched nodes
        dt9 <- replace_node(dt9,
            # use the original matched node names
            nodes = dt8[id %in% dt8[id < 0, -id] & index == 1L,
                list(value_lower = stri_trans_tolower(value))],
            NULL, setdiff(1:5, 3L)

        # get matched object id
        m <- dt9[J(3L), on = "index", nomatch = NULL, value != val]

        if (any(m)) {
            # create new linkage
            dt9_1 <- dt9[id %in% unique(id)[m]]

            # assume component is a duct
            rel <- idf$object_relation(unique(dt9_1$id), "ref_to",
                class = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Duct")$ref_to

            # get id of objects that reference ducts
            id_m <- unique(rel$object_id)

            # update data for linkage
            dt9_1[, by = "id", value := {
                val <- value
                val[1L] <- paste(value[1L], "ATInlet")
                val[2L] <- value[3L]
                # remove suffix
                val[3L] <- stri_sub(value[3L], to = -9L)
                # give a warning if the referenced duct is not found
                if (.BY$id %in% id_m) {
                    val[4L] <- paste(val[1L], "Duct")
                } else {
                        "Linkage component '%s' in '%s'[id:%s] in class 'AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage' ",
                        "is not an 'AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Duct' object. ",
                        "No new duct will be added."),
                        value[4L], name[1L], .BY$id
                    ), "trans_920_930")

            # create a matching new duct for the new linkage
            dt9_2 <- idf$to_table(rel$src_object_id)
            dt9_2[J(1L), on = "index", value := dt9_1[J(id_m, 4L), on = c("id", "index"), value]]
            dt9_2[J(2L), on = "index", value := "0.0001"]
            dt9_2[J(6L), on = "index", value := "0.0"]
            dt9_2[J(7L), on = "index", value := "0.0000001"]
            dt9_2[J(8L), on = "index", value := "0.0000001"]

            # update object id
            set(dt9_1, NULL, "id", -dt9_1$id)
            dt9 <- rbindlist(list(dt9, dt9_1, dt9_2))
    # }}}
    # 10: Boiler:HotWater {{{
    dt10 <- trans_action(idf, "Boiler:HotWater")
    dt10 <- fix_fuel_types(dt10, 2L)
    # }}}
    # 11: Boiler:Steam {{{
    dt11 <- trans_action(idf, "Boiler:Steam")
    dt11 <- fix_fuel_types(dt11, 2L)
    # }}}
    # 12: Chiller:EngineDriven {{{
    dt12 <- trans_action(idf, "Chiller:EngineDriven")
    dt12 <- fix_fuel_types(dt12, 36L)
    # }}}
    # 13: Chiller:CombustionTurbine {{{
    dt13 <- trans_action(idf, "Chiller:CombustionTurbine")
    dt13 <- fix_fuel_types(dt13, 55L)
    # }}}
    # 14: ChillerHeater:Absorption:DirectFired {{{
    dt14 <- trans_action(idf, "ChillerHeater:Absorption:DirectFired")
    dt14 <- fix_fuel_types(dt14, 33L)
    # }}}
    # 15: Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed {{{
    dt15 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed")
    dt15 <- fix_fuel_types(dt15, 17L)
    # }}}
    # 16: Coil:Heating:Fuel {{{
    dt16 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Heating:Fuel")
    dt16 <- fix_fuel_types(dt16, 3L)
    # }}}
    # 17: Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed {{{
    dt17 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed")
    dt17 <- fix_fuel_types(dt17, 16L)
    # }}}
    # 18: EnergyManagementSystem:Program {{{
    dt18 <- trans_action(idf, "EnergyManagementSystem:Program", aling = FALSE)
    # change function '@CpAirFnWTdb' to '@CpAirFnW' and remove the 2nd argument
    if (nrow(dt18)) {
        dt18[index > 1L & stri_detect_fixed(value, "@CpAirFnWTdb", case_insensitive = TRUE), value := {
            stri_replace_first_regex(value, "@CpAirFnWTdb\\s+(.+)\\s+.+", "@CpAirFnW $1", case_insensitive = TRUE)
    # }}}
    # 19: EnergyManagementSystem:Subroutine {{{
    dt19 <- trans_action(idf, "EnergyManagementSystem:Subroutine")
    # change function '@CpAirFnWTdb' to '@CpAirFnW' and remove the 2nd argument
    if (nrow(dt19)) {
        dt19[index > 1L & stri_detect_fixed(value, "@CpAirFnWTdb", case_insensitive = TRUE), value := {
            stri_replace_first_regex(value, "@CpAirFnWTdb\\s+(.+)\\s+.+", "@CpAirFnW $1", case_insensitive = TRUE)
    # }}}
    # 20: EnergyManagementSystem:MeteredOutputVariable {{{
    dt20 <- trans_action(idf, "EnergyManagementSystem:MeteredOutputVariable")
    dt20 <- fix_fuel_types(dt20, 5L)
    # }}}
    # 21: Exterior:FuelEquipment {{{
    dt21 <- trans_action(idf, "Exterior:FuelEquipment")
    dt21 <- fix_fuel_types(dt21, 2L)
    # }}}
    # 22: FuelFactors {{{
    dt22 <- trans_action(idf, "FuelFactors")
    dt22 <- fix_fuel_types(dt22, 1L)
    # }}}
    # 23: Generator:CombustionTurbine {{{
    dt23 <- trans_action(idf, "Generator:CombustionTurbine")
    dt23 <- fix_fuel_types(dt23, 22L)
    # }}}
    # 24: Generator:InternalCombustionEngine {{{
    dt24 <- trans_action(idf, "Generator:InternalCombustionEngine")
    dt24 <- fix_fuel_types(dt24, 20L)
    # }}}
    # 25: Generator:MicroTurbine {{{
    dt25 <- trans_action(idf, "Generator:MicroTurbine")
    dt25 <- fix_fuel_types(dt25, 12L)
    # }}}
    # 26: GlobalGeometryRules {{{
    dt26 <- trans_action(idf, "GlobalGeometryRules",
        reset = list(1L, "ULC", "UpperLeftCorner"),
        reset = list(1L, "LLC", "LowerLeftCorner"),
        reset = list(1L, "LRC", "LowerRightCorner"),
        reset = list(1L, "URC", "UpperRightCorner"),
        reset = list(2L, "CCW", "Counterclockwise"),
        reset = list(2L, "CW", "Clockwise"),
        reset = list(3L, c("WCS", "WorldCoordinateSystem", "Absolute"), "World"),
        reset = list(3L, c("Local", "Rel"), "Relative"),
        reset = list(4L, c("WCS", "WorldCoordinateSystem", "Absolute"), "World"),
        reset = list(4L, c("Local", "Rel"), "Relative"),
        reset = list(5L, c("WCS", "WorldCoordinateSystem", "Absolute"), "World"),
        reset = list(5L, c("Local", "Rel"), "Relative")
    # }}}
    # 27: HeatPump:WaterToWater:EIR:Heating {{{
    dt27 <- trans_action(idf,
        c("HeatPump:PlantLoop:EIR:Heating" = "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EIR:Heating"),
        insert = list(4L)
    # }}}
    # 28: HeatPump:WaterToWater:EIR:Cooling {{{
    dt28 <- trans_action(idf,
        c("HeatPump:PlantLoop:EIR:Cooling" = "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EIR:Cooling"),
        insert = list(4L)
    # }}}
    # 29: HVACTemplate:System:VRF {{{
    dt29 <- trans_action(idf, "HVACTemplate:System:VRF")
    dt29 <- fix_fuel_types(dt29, 37L)
    # }}}
    # 30: HVACTemplate:Plant:Boiler {{{
    dt30 <- trans_action(idf, "HVACTemplate:Plant:Boiler")
    dt30 <- fix_fuel_types(dt30, 5L)
    # }}}
    # 31: LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation {{{
    dt31 <- trans_action(idf, "LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation")
    dt31 <- fix_fuel_types(dt31, 2L)
    # }}}
    # 32: LifeCycleCost:UseAdjustment {{{
    dt32 <- trans_action(idf, "LifeCycleCost:UseAdjustment")
    dt32 <- fix_fuel_types(dt32, 2L)
    # }}}
    # 33: OtherEquipment {{{
    dt33 <- trans_action(idf, "OtherEquipment")
    dt33 <- fix_fuel_types(dt33, 2L)
    # }}}
    # 34: Output:Table:SummaryReports {{{
    dt34 <- trans_action(idf, "Output:Table:SummaryReports")
    if (nrow(dt34)) {
        set(dt34, NULL, "value_lower", stri_trans_tolower(dt34$value))
        dt34[J(c("abups", "beps")), on = "value_lower", value := "AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary"]
        dt34[J("ivrs"), on = "value_lower", value := "InputVerificationandResultsSummary"]
        dt34[J("css"), on = "value_lower", value := "ComponentSizingSummary"]
        dt34[J("shad"), on = "value_lower", value := "SurfaceShadowingSummary"]
        dt34[J("eio"), on = "value_lower", value := "InitializationSummary"]
        set(dt34, NULL, "value_lower", NULL)
    # }}}
    # 35: ShadowCalculation {{{
    dt35 <- trans_action(idf, "ShadowCalculation", all = TRUE, insert = list(7L))
    if (nrow(dt35)) {
        dt35[, by = "id", value := {
            val <- value
            value_lower <- stri_trans_tolower(value)
            val[1L] <- switch(value_lower[6L],
                scheduledshading = "Scheduled",
                importedshading = "Imported",
            val[2L] <- switch(value_lower[1L],
                averageoverdaysinfrequency = "Periodic",
                timestepfrequency = "Timestep",
            val[3:5] <- value[2:4]
            val[6L] <- ""
            val[7L] <- value[5L]
    # }}}
    # 36: WaterHeater:Mixed {{{
    dt36 <- trans_action(idf, "WaterHeater:Mixed")
    dt36 <- fix_fuel_types(dt36, c(11L, 15L, 18L))
    # }}}
    # 37: WaterHeater:Stratified {{{
    dt37 <- trans_action(idf, "WaterHeater:Stratified")
    dt37 <- fix_fuel_types(dt37, c(17L, 20L, 24L))
    # }}}
    # 38: ZoneHVAC:HybridUnitaryHVAC {{{
    dt38 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:HybridUnitaryHVAC")
    dt38 <- fix_fuel_types(dt37, 18:20)
    # }}}

    # create new NodeList if necessary {{{
    if (nrow(dt2) && any(nodelists$matched)) {
        m <- nodelists[J(TRUE), on = "matched"]
        nodelists[m, on = c("id", "index"), value := paste(value, "ATInlet")]
        nodelists <- nodelists[J(unique(m$id)), on = "id"]
        nodelists[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste(value, "ATInlet")]
        set(nodelists, NULL, c("matched", "value_lower"), NULL)
        dt2 <- rbindlist(list(dt2, nodelists))
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:38))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_930_940 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f930t940 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "9.3")

    target_cls <- c(
        "Construction:InternalSource",                 # 1
        "EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator",             # 2
        "Output:DebuggingData",                        # 3
        "Output:Diagnostics",                          # 4
        "PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs",               # 5
        # only issue warning
        # "PythonPlugin:Instance",
        "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow", # 6
        "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:Electric",     # 7
        "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow", # 8
        "ZoneHVAC:HybridUnitaryHVAC"                   # 9

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "9.4", target_cls)

    # 1: Construction:InternalSource {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "Construction:InternalSource", insert = list(6, "0.0"))
    # }}}
    # 2: EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf,
        reset = list(4L, "Electric Power Level", "Electricity Rate"),
        reset = list(4L, "Gas Power Level", "NaturalGas Rate")
    # }}}
    # 3: Output:DebuggingData {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "Output:DebuggingData")
    if (nrow(dt3)) {
        # convert 1 & 0 to Yes and No and warning if non-numeric values found
        set(dt3, NULL, "value_num", suppressWarnings(as.numeric(dt3$value)))
        set(dt3, NULL, "value", "No")

        dt3[is.na(value_num), by = c("id", "index"), c("value", "value_num") := {
                "Field '%s' for object [id:%s] in class 'Output:DebuggingData' ",
                "is not a number, defaulting to 'No'."),
                field[1L], .BY$id
            ), "trans_930_940")
            list("No", 0.0)

        dt3[as.integer(value_num) == 1L, value := "Yes"]
        set(dt3, NULL, "value_num", NULL)
    # }}}
    # 4: Output:Diagnostics {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "Output:Diagnostics")
    if (nrow(dt4)) {
        if (length(unique(dt4$id)) > 1L) {
            # consolidate all into one
                "'Output:Diagnostics' has become an unique-object class in EnergyPlus v9.4. ",
                "All other objects except the first one found will be listed as comments and ",
                "their keys will be all consolidated into the first one."
            ), "trans_930_940")
            id_cmt <- unique(dt4$id)[-1L]
            id_left <- dt4$id[1L]
            cmt <- idf$to_string(id_cmt, header = FALSE, format = "new_bot")

            dt4 <- unique(dt4, by = "value")
            set(dt4, NULL, "id", id_left)
            set(dt4, NULL, "index", seq_len(nrow(dt4)))
    # }}}
    # 5: PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs", reset = list(3L, "Mode05", "Mode06"))
    # }}}
    # 6: ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow",
        insert = list(5L, "ConvectionOnly"),
        insert = list(7L, "0.016"),
        insert = list(9L, "0.35"),
        insert = list(11L, "HalfFlowPower")
    # }}}
    # 7: ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:Electric {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:Electric",
        insert = list(10L, "HalfFlowPower")
    # }}}
    # 8: ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow",
        insert = list(5L, "ConvectionOnly"),
        insert = list(7L, "0.016"),
        insert = list(9L, "0.35"),
        insert = list(11L, "0.8")
    # }}}
    # 9: ZoneHVAC:HybridUnitaryHVAC {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:HybridUnitaryHVAC",
        insert = list(15L, "Yes"),
        insert = list(16L),
        insert = list(17L),
        delete = list(19L)
    if (nrow(dt9)) dt9[, by = "id", index := seq_len(.N)]
    # }}}

    # Warning for PythonPlugin:Instance {{{
    if (idf$is_valid_class("PythonPlugin:Instance")) {
        warn(paste0("Objects in class 'PythonPlugin:Instance' found. ",
            "Note that the API has been changed from v9.3 and v9.4. ",
            "Please check the docs and update with new state argument."
        ), "trans_930_940")
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:9))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_940_950 {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true
trans_funs$f940t950 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "9.4")

    target_cls <- c(
        "Construction:AirBoundary",                    # 1
        "Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit", # 2
        "Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit", # 3
        "Construction:InternalSource",                 # 4
        "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Cooling",   # 5
        "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Heating",   # 6
        "ZoneAirMassFlowConservation",                 # 7
        "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow", # 8
        "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow", # 9
        "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Water",  # 10
        "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Steam"   # 11

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "9.5", target_cls)
    NUM_ADDED <- 0L

    # 1: Construction:AirBoundary {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "Construction:AirBoundary", min_fields = 6)
    if (nrow(dt1)) {
        dt1[index == 2L & stri_trans_tolower(value) %chin% "interiorwindow", {
                "Option 'InteriorWindow' for field 'Solar and Daylighting Method' ",
                "in class 'Construction:AirBoundary' is no loger valid in Energyplus v9.5. ",
                "All air boundaries will be modelled using the 'GroupedZones' method. Object(s) below were affected:\n%s"),
                paste(sprintf(" #%s| Object '%s' [ID: %i]", lpad(seq_along(index), "0"), name, id), collapse = "\n")
            ), "trans_940_950")
        dt1[index == 3L & stri_trans_tolower(value) %chin% "irtsurface", {
                "Option 'IRTSurface' for field 'Radiant Exchange Method' ",
                "in class 'Construction:AirBoundary' is no loger valid in Energyplus v9.5. ",
                "All air boundaries will be modelled using the 'GroupedZones' method. Object(s) below were affected:\n%s"),
                paste(sprintf(" #%s| Object '%s' [ID: %i]", lpad(seq_along(index), "0"), name, id), collapse = "\n")
            ), "trans_940_950")

        dt1 <- dt1[!index %in% c(2L, 3L)]
        dt1[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}

    split_curves <- function(dt, pos, name) {
        if (!nrow(dt)) return(dt)

        num_objs <- length(unique(dt$id))
        num <- viapply(pos, length)
        rng <- range(unlist(pos, use.names = FALSE))

        # fields that are retained
        dt_remain <- dt[index < rng[1L] | index > rng[2L]]
        # update field index
        dt_remain[index > rng[2L], index := seq(rng[1L] + length(pos), length.out = .N), by = "id"]

        # curve fields
        dt_name <- dt[J(viapply(pos, "[[", 1L, use.names = FALSE)), on = "index"]
        set(dt_name, NULL, "value", paste(rep(name, each = num_objs), rep(seq.int(num_objs), length(pos))))
        set(dt_name, NULL, "index", rep(seq(min(pos[[1L]]), length.out = length(pos)), each = num_objs))

        # curve objects
        ind_curve <- unlist(lapply(pos, function(x) c(1L, x)), use.names = FALSE)
        dt_curve <- dt[J(ind_curve), on = "index"]
        dt_curve[J(1L), on = "index", value := dt_name$value]

        # update curve object IDs
        set(dt_curve, NULL, "id", rep(NUM_ADDED - seq.int(num_objs * length(pos)), rep(num + 1L, num_objs)))
        # update curve object classes
        set(dt_curve, NULL, "class", rep(rep(names(pos), num + 1L), num_objs))
        # update curve object indices
        set(dt_curve, NULL, "index", rep(unlist(lapply(num + 1L, seq.int), use.names = FALSE), num_objs))
        # create min max table
        dt_rng <- dt_curve[, by = "id", {
            class <- class[1L]
            num <- data.table::fcase(
                class[1L] == "Curve:QuadLinear", 8L,
                class[1L] == "Curve:QuintLinear", 10L
            index <- seq.int(num)
            value <- rep(c("-100", "100"), num / 2L)
            list(name = NA_character_, class, index, field = NA_character_, value)
        dt_curve <- rbindlist(list(dt_curve, dt_rng))
        dt_curve[, by = "id", index := seq.int(.N)]
        # update num of new objects added
        NUM_ADDED <<- min(dt_curve$id)

        rbindlist(list(dt_remain, dt_name, dt_curve))

    # 2: Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit", all = TRUE)
    dt2 <- split_curves(dt2,
        list("Curve:QuadLinear" = 11:15, "Curve:QuintLinear" = 16:21, "Curve:QuadLinear" = 22:26),
        c("WAHPCoolCapCurveTot", "WAHPCoolCapCurveSens", "WAHPCoolPowCurve")
    # }}}
    # 3: Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit", all = TRUE)
    dt3 <- split_curves(dt3,
        list("Curve:QuadLinear" = 10:14, "Curve:QuadLinear" = 15:19),
        c("WAHPHeatCapCurve", "WAHPHeatPowCurve")
    # }}}
    # 4: Construction:InternalSource {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf,
        c("ConstructionProperty:InternalHeatSource" = "Construction:InternalSource"),
        insert = list(1)
    if (nrow(dt4)) {
        dt4[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste(name, "Heat Source")]
        # new construction
        dt41 <- dt4[index == 2L | index >= 8L]
        set(dt41, NULL, "class", "Construction")
        dt41[, index := seq.int(.N), by = "id"]
        set(dt41, NULL, "id", -rleid(dt41$id) + NUM_ADDED)
        NUM_ADDED <- min(dt41$id)

        dt4 <- rbindlist(list(dt4[index <= 7L], dt41))
    # }}}
    # 5: HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Cooling {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Cooling", all = TRUE)
    dt5 <- split_curves(dt5,
        list("Curve:QuadLinear" = 10:14, "Curve:QuadLinear" = 15:19),
        c("WWHPCoolCapCurve", "WWHPCoolPowCurve")
    # }}}
    # 6: HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Heating {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Heating", all = TRUE)
    dt6 <- split_curves(dt6,
        list("Curve:QuadLinear" = 10:14, "Curve:QuadLinear" = 15:19),
        c("WWHPHeatCapCurve", "WWHPHeatPowCurve")
    # }}}
    # 7: ZoneAirMassFlowConservation {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneAirMassFlowConservation",
        reset = list(1L, "Yes", "AdjustMixingOnly"),
        reset = list(1L, "No", "None")
    # }}}

    split_radiant <- function(dt, remain, new, remain_since = NULL) {
        if (!nrow(dt)) return(dt)
        dt1 <- dt[J(c(remain)), on = "index", nomatch = NULL]
        if (!is.null(remain_since)) {
            dt1 <- rbindlist(list(dt1, dt[index >= remain_since]))
        dt2 <- dt[J(c(new)), on = "index", nomatch = NULL]

        # construct design name
        dt1[, index := seq.int(.N), by = "id"]
        dt1[J(2L), on = "index", value := paste(value, "Design Object")]

        # construct design object
        set(dt2, NULL, "class", paste0(dt2$class, ":Design"))
        dt2[, index := seq.int(.N), by = "id"]
        dt2[J(1L), on = "index", value := paste(value, "Design Object")]
        dt2[, by = "id", id := NUM_ADDED - .GRP]
        NUM_ADDED <<- min(dt2$id)

        dt <- rbindlist(list(dt1, dt2))

    # 8: ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow")
    dt8 <- split_radiant(dt8,
        c(1L, 1L, 2:4, 8, 13L, 16:18, 22L, 25:27, 32:33),
        c(1L, 5:7, 9:12, 14:15, 19:24, 28:31, 34L)
    # }}}
    # 9: ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow")
    dt9 <- split_radiant(dt9,
        c(1L, 1L, 2:4, 8, 12:15, 18:29, 32:33),
        c(1L, 5:7, 9:11, 16:17, 30:31)
    # }}}
    # 10: ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Water {{{
    dt10 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Water")
    dt10 <- split_radiant(dt10,
        c(1L, 1L, 2:6, 8, 11),
        c(1L, 7L, 9:10, 12:14),
    # }}}
    # 11: ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Steam {{{
    dt11 <- trans_action(idf, "ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Steam")
    dt11 <- split_radiant(dt11,
        c(1L, 1L, 2:4, 6L, 9:10),
        c(1L, 5L, 7:8, 11:13),
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:11))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_950_960 {{{
trans_funs$f950t960 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "9.5")

    target_cls <- c(
        "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ReferenceCrackConditions", # 1
        "AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem",                      # 2
        "BuildingSurface:Detailed",                          # 3
        "Ceiling:Adiabatic",                                 # 4
        "Ceiling:Interzone",                                 # 5
        "Controller:MechanicalVentilation",                  # 6
        "Floor:Detailed",                                    # 7
        "Floor:GroundContact",                               # 8
        "Floor:Adiabatic",                                   # 9
        "Floor:Interzone",                                   # 10
        "GroundHeatExchanger:System",                        # 11
        "InternalMass",                                      # 12
        "RoofCeiling:Detailed",                              # 13
        "Sizing:System",                                     # 14
        "Roof",                                              # 15
        "PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs",                     # 16
        "Wall:Detailed",                                     # 17
        "Wall:Exterior",                                     # 18
        "Wall:Adiabatic",                                    # 19
        "Wall:Underground",                                  # 20
        "Wall:Interzone"                                     # 21

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "9.6", target_cls)

    # 1: AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ReferenceCrackConditions {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ReferenceCrackConditions",
        reset = list(2, NA_character_, "20.0")
    # }}}
    # 2: AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, "AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem", delete = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 3:BuildingSurface:Detailed {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "BuildingSurface:Detailed", insert = list(5L))
    # }}}
    # 4: Construction:InternalSource {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "Ceiling:Adiabatic", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 5: Ceiling:Interzone {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "Ceiling:Interzone", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 6: Controller:MechanicalVentilation {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "Controller:MechanicalVentilation",
        reset = list(4L, "VentilationRateProcedure", "Standard62.1VentilationRateProcedure")
    # }}}
    # 7: Floor:Detailed {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "Floor:Detailed", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 8: Floor:GroundContact {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "Floor:GroundContact", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 9: Floor:Adiabatic {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "Floor:Adiabatic", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 10: Floor:Interzone {{{
    dt10 <- trans_action(idf, "Floor:Interzone", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 11: GroundHeatExchanger:System {{{
    dt11 <- trans_action(idf, "GroundHeatExchanger:System", insert = list(10L))
    if (nrow(dt11)) {
        id_target <- dt11[index == 9L & is.na(value), id]
        if (length(id_target)) {
            dt11[J(id_target, 10L), on = c("id", "index"), value := "UHFCalc"]
    # }}}
    # 12: InternalMass {{{
    dt12 <- trans_action(idf, "InternalMass", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 13: RoofCeiling:Detailed {{{
    dt13 <- trans_action(idf, "RoofCeiling:Detailed", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 14: Sizing:System {{{
    dt14 <- trans_action(idf, "Sizing:System",
        reset = list(27L, "VentilationRateProcedure", "Standard62.1VentilationRateProcedure")
    # }}}
    # 15: Roof {{{
    dt15 <- trans_action(idf, "Roof", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 16: PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs {{{
    dt16 <- trans_action(idf, "PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs",
        reset = list(3L, "Mode07", "Mode08"),
        reset = list(3L, "Mode06", "Mode07")
    # }}}
    # 17: Wall:Detailed {{{
    dt17 <- trans_action(idf, "Wall:Detailed", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 18: Wall:Exterior {{{
    dt18 <- trans_action(idf, "Wall:Exterior", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 19: Wall:Adiabatic {{{
    dt19 <- trans_action(idf, "Wall:Adiabatic", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 20: Wall:Underground {{{
    dt20 <- trans_action(idf, "Wall:Underground", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}
    # 21: Wall:Interzone {{{
    dt21 <- trans_action(idf, "Wall:Interzone", insert = list(4L))
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:21))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_960_2210 {{{
trans_funs$f960t2210 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "9.6")

    target_cls <- c(
        "PythonPlugin:SearchPaths" # 1

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "22.1", target_cls)

    # 1: PythonPlugin:SearchPaths {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "PythonPlugin:SearchPaths",
        insert = list(4, "Yes")
    # }}}

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, dt1)

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_2210_2220 {{{
trans_funs$f2210t2220 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "22.1")

    target_cls <- c(
        "Coil:Cooling:DX:CurveFit:Speed",              # 1
        "Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed",                 # 2
        "Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed",                  # 3
        "Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed",                 # 4
        "Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed",                  # 5
        "FuelFactors",                                 # 6
        "Space",                                       # 7
        "Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit", # 8
        "Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit"  # 9

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "22.2", target_cls)

    # 1: Coil:Cooling:DX:CurveFit:Speed {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:DX:CurveFit:Speed", insert = list(9L))
    # }}}
    # 2: Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed {{{
    dt2 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed", insert = list(8L))
    # }}}
    # 3: Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed",
        insert = list(24L),
        insert = list(44L),
        insert = list(64L),
        insert = list(84L)
    # }}}
    # 4: Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed", insert = list(6L))
    # }}}
    # 5: Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed {{{
    dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed",
        insert = list(23L),
        insert = list(35L),
        insert = list(47L),
        insert = list(59L)
    # }}}
    # 6: FuelFactors {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "FuelFactors", delete = list(2:3))
    if (nrow(dt6)) dt6[, index := seq_len(.N), by = "id"]
    # }}}
    # 7: Space {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "Space",
        insert = list(3, "autocalculate"),
        insert = list(4, "autocalculate")
    # }}}

    warn_temp <- function(class, dt) {
            "When transitioning to EnergyPlus v22.2.0, rated temperature ",
            "from ISO 13256-1:1988 for water loop application are used ",
            "for objects below in class '", class, "'. ",
            "Make sure that they align with your application.\n",
            get_object_info(dt, c("name", "id"), collapse = "\n")

    # 8: Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit {{{
    dt8 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit",
        insert = list(11, "30.0"),
        insert = list(12, "27.0"),
        insert = list(13, "19.0")
    if (nrow(dt8)) {
        dt <- unique(dt8[, .SD, .SDcols = c("id", "name", "class")])
        setnames(dt, c("id", "name", "class"), c("object_id", "object_name", "class_name"))
        warn_temp("Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit", dt)
    # }}}
    # 9: Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit",
        insert = list(10, "20.0"),
        insert = list(11, "20.0"),
        insert = list(12, "1.0")
    if (nrow(dt9)) {
        dt <- unique(dt9[, .SD, .SDcols = c("id", "name", "class")])
        setnames(dt, c("id", "name", "class"), c("object_id", "object_name", "class_name"))
        warn_temp("Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit", dt)
    # }}}
    trans_process(new_idf, idf, rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:9))))

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}
# trans_2220_2310 {{{
trans_funs$f2220t2310 <- function(idf) {
    assert_true(idf$version()[, 1:2] == "22.2")

    new_idf <- trans_preprocess(idf, "23.1")

    trans_process(new_idf, idf, data.table())

    trans_postprocess(new_idf, idf$version(), new_idf$version())
# }}}

# trans_preprocess {{{
# 1. delete objects in deprecated class
# 2. delete all old objects
# 3. update IDD data
# 4. update version
# 5. assign new uuid
trans_preprocess <- function(idf, version, class = NULL) {
    # clone old IDF
    new_idf <- idf$clone(deep = TRUE)
    # get new IDD
    new_idd <- use_idd(version, "auto")

    # delete deprecated classes
    class_del <- setdiff(use_idd(idf$version())$class_name(), new_idd$class_name())

    # get all classes to be deleted
    class <- unique(c(CLASS_DEL_COMMON, class_del, class))

    # del all related class
    class <- class[idf$is_valid_class(class)]

    if (length(class)) {
        with_silent(new_idf$del(new_idf$object_id(class, simplify = TRUE), .force = TRUE))

    priv <- get_priv_env(new_idf)

    # use old class name in object and value table
    add_joined_cols(priv$idd_env()$class, priv$idf_env()$object, "class_id", "class_name")
    add_joined_cols(priv$idf_env()$object, priv$idf_env()$value, "object_id", "class_name")

    # add field index in value table
    set(priv$idf_env()$value, NULL, "field_index", rowidv(priv$idf_env()$value, "object_id"))

    # store old idd table for comparison on min fields requirements
    old_class <- priv$idd_env()$class

    # update IDD
    priv$m_idd <- new_idd

    # update class id in object table
    add_joined_cols(priv$idd_env()$class, priv$idf_env()$object, "class_name", "class_id")

    # add class names in field table
    add_joined_cols(priv$idd_env()$class, priv$idd_env()$field, "class_id", "class_name")
    # update field id in value table
    set(priv$idf_env()$value, NULL, "field_id",
        priv$idd_env()$field[priv$idf_env()$value, on = c("class_name", "field_index"), "field_id"]

    # check if there are newly added extensible groups
    if (anyNA(priv$idf_env()$value$field_id)) {
        # get id of object that has new extensible fields
        id_obj <- priv$idf_env()$value[is.na(field_id), unique(object_id)]
        # get field number per object
        dt_obj <- priv$idf_env()$value[J(id_obj), on = "object_id", list(field_num = .N), by = c("class_name", "object_id")]

        # merge with class table
        dt_cls <- priv$idd_env()$class[dt_obj, on = "class_name"]
        # calculate num of group to add
        dt_cls[, `:=`(num = as.integer((field_num - num_fields) / num_extensible))]
        # add extensible groups
        add_idd_extensible_group(priv$idd_env(), dt_cls)

        # update field id in value table
        set(priv$idf_env()$value, NULL, "field_id",
            priv$idd_env()$field[priv$idf_env()$value, on = c("class_name", "field_index"), "field_id"]

    # should remove class_name and field_index column before calling append_dt
    set(priv$idf_env()$value, NULL, c("class_name", "field_index"), NULL)

    # if min-fields increased, should add new fields
    priv$idf_env()$object[old_class, on = "class_name", old_min_fields := i.min_fields]
    priv$idf_env()$object[priv$idd_env()$class, on = "class_name", min_fields := i.min_fields]
    # get objects in classes whose min-fields requirements increased
    obj <- priv$idf_env()$object[min_fields > old_min_fields]
    if (nrow(obj)) {
        # get current field num
        obj[, field_num := priv$idf_env()$value[J(obj$object_id), on = "object_id", .N, by = "object_id"]$N]

        # check if there is a need to insert new fields
        if (nrow(obj <- obj[field_num < min_fields])) {
            obj <- obj[, list(
                field_index = seq(field_num + 1L, min_fields, 1L),
                class_id = class_id[[1L]]
            ), by = "object_id"]


            val <- get_idd_field(priv$idd_env(), obj$class_id, obj$field_index,
                property = c("units", "ip_units", "default_chr", "default_num",
                    "required_field", "src_enum", "type_enum"
            # assign default values
            val <- assign_idf_value_default(priv$idd_env(), priv$idf_env(), val)

            # assign old object id
            val[obj, on = "rleid", object_id := i.object_id]

            # assign new value id
            set(val, NULL, "value_id", new_id(priv$idf_env()$value, "value_id", nrow(val)))

            # merge data
            idd_env <- priv$idd_env()
            idf_env <- priv$idf_env()
            idf_env$value <- append_dt(idf_env$value, val, "value_id")

            # add necessary columns used for getting references
            add_field_property(idd_env, idf_env$value, "src_enum")
            add_joined_cols(idf_env$object, idf_env$value, "object_id", "class_id")
            add_class_name(idd_env, idf_env$value)
            ref <- get_value_reference_map(idd_env, idf_env$value, idf_env$value)
            set(idf_env$value, NULL, c("src_enum", "class_id", "class_name"), NULL)
            idf_env$reference <- ref

    set(priv$idf_env()$object, NULL, c("class_name", "old_min_fields", "min_fields"), NULL)
    set(priv$idd_env()$field, NULL, c("class_name"), NULL)

    # update version
    priv$m_version <- priv$m_idd$version()
    priv$idf_env()$value[field_id == 1L, `:=`(
        value_chr = as.character(priv$m_version[, 1:2]),
        value_num = NA_real_

    # remove path
    priv$m_path <- NULL

    # reset log
    priv$m_log$unsaved <- TRUE
    priv$m_log$uuid <- unique_id()
    priv$m_log$job <- NULL

# }}}
# trans_process {{{
trans_process <- function(new_idf, old_idf, dt) {
    if (!nrow(dt))  return(new_idf)

    # remove redundant empty fields
    dt[get_priv_env(new_idf)$idd_env()$class, on = c("class" = "class_name"),
        `:=`(class_id = i.class_id, min_fields = i.min_fields, num_extensible = i.num_extensible)
    dt[get_priv_env(new_idf)$idd_env()$field, on = c("class_id", index = "field_index"),
        `:=`(extensible_group = i.extensible_group, required_field = i.required_field)

    # check if there are newly added extensible groups
    # if detected, set extensible_group to a random number
    # since extensible_group is only used to detect if current field is
    # extensible, it will be enough to assign newly-added extensible fields with
    # a non-zero integer
    dt[J(NA_integer_), on = "extensible_group", `:=`(required_field = FALSE, extensible_group = -1L)]

    # add fake value id
    dt[, value_id := .I]
    setnames(dt, c("id", "index", "value"), c("object_id", "field_index", "value_chr"))
    dt <- remove_empty_fields(get_priv_env(new_idf)$idd_env(), get_priv_env(new_idf)$idf_env(), dt)
    setnames(dt, c("object_id", "field_index", "value_chr"), c("id", "index", "value"))

    trans_process_load(new_idf, old_idf, dt)
# }}}
# trans_postprocess {{{
trans_postprocess <- function(idf, from, to) {
    id_del <- NULL
    # reset_key {{{
    reset_key <- function(dt, field_index = 1L) {
        if (!nrow(dt)) return(dt)
        dt[J(field_index, NA_character_), on = c("index", "value"), value := "*"]
    # }}}
    # update_var {{{
    update_var <- function(dt, mapping, field_index, step = NULL, is_meter = FALSE, idf = NULL) {
        if (!nrow(dt)) return(dt)
        if (!nrow(mapping)) return(dt)

        if (!has_names(dt, "value_lower")) {
            set(dt, NULL, "value_lower", stri_trans_tolower(dt$value))

        new <- NULL # eliminate check warning of no visible binding

        # delete deprecatd variable first
        id_obj <- dt[mapping[!is.na(old) & is.na(new)], on = c(value_lower = "old"), unique(id)]
        id_del <<- c(id_del, id_obj[!is.na(id_obj)])
        dt <- dt[!J(id_obj), on = "id"]

        # remove delete rules
        mapping <- mapping[!is.na(new)]

        if (!nrow(dt) || !nrow(mapping)) return(set(dt, NULL, "value_lower", NULL))

        # calculate field index
        if (!is.null(step)) {
            n <- (nrow(dt) - field_index) %/% step
            field_index <- as.integer(c(field_index, seq.int(n) * step + field_index))

        # update variable names
        dt[J(field_index), on = "index", value := {
            # from v7.2 to v8.0 there are duplicated old vars
            # use the first and then handle the other
            mapping[J(value_lower), on = "old", mult = "first", {
                updated <- new
                # if no match, keep the old
                updated[is.na(new)] <- value[is.na(new)]

        # special case from v7.2 to v8.0 {{{
        if (nrow(mapping) && unique(mapping$from) == "7.2") {
            has_chiller <- any(idf$is_valid_class(c(

            has_heater <- any(idf$is_valid_class(c(

            # there are duplicated old vars should add new rows {{{
            # remove the first case
            if (has_chiller && has_heater) {
                dup <- mapping[duplicated(old)]

                # update variable names
                sec <- dt[J(field_index), on = "index", nomatch = 0L]

                if (nrow(sec)) {
                    sec <- sec[, value := {
                        # in this case, no matched will return NA
                        dup[J(value_lower), on = "old", new]

                    # get other fields
                    sec_1 <- dt[J(sec$id), on = "id"][!J(sec$index), on = "index"]
                    # combine and change old id to negative
                    sec <- rbindlist(list(sec, sec_1))[, id := -id]
                    setorderv(sec, c("id", "index"))

                    # combine them all
                    dt <- rbindlist(list(dt, sec))
            # }}}
            # handle CondFD Nodal Temperature {{{
            if (!is_meter) {
                # can still use the old name as value_lower has not been changed
                nodal <- dt[J(field_index, "condfd nodal temperature"),
                    on = c("index", "value_lower"), nomatch = 0L

                if (nrow(nodal)) {
                    key <- dt[J(nodal$index - 1L, nodal$id), on = c("index", "id")][,
                        value_lower := stri_trim_both(value_lower)
                    ][stri_isempty(value_lower), value_lower := NA_character_]

                    # if key value is "*" or NA
                    id_wild <- key[is.na(value_lower) | value_lower == "*", id]

                    # duplicate 10 times
                    if (length(id_wild)) {
                        obj_wild <- dt[J(id_wild), on = "id"]
                        # remove the original
                        id_del <<- c(id_del, id_wild[!is.na(id_wild)])
                        dt <- dt[!J(id_wild), on = "id"]

                        # get the smallest negative id in case processes above
                        # also assign negative id for distinguishing purpose
                        id_ne <- if (!nrow(dt)) 0L else min(c(dt$id, 0L))
                        obj_wild <- rbindlist(lapply(id_ne - (1L:10L),
                            function(dt, id) set(copy(dt), NULL, "id", id),
                            dt = obj_wild

                        obj_wild[J("condfd nodal temperature"), on = "value_lower",
                            value := paste0("CondFD Surface Temperature Node ", rep(1L:10L, each = length(id_wild)))

                        dt <- rbindlist(list(dt, obj_wild))

                    nodal <- nodal[!J(id_wild), on = "id"]
                    key <- key[!J(id_wild), on = "id"]

                    # use the key if given
                    key[, c("key_value", "variable") := as.data.table(stri_match_first_regex(value, "(.*)#(.*)"))[, 1L:2L]]
                    key <- key[!is.na(key_value)][, key_value := stri_sub(key_value, to = -5L)]
                    nodal <- nodal[J(key$id), on = "id"]

                    # update the original input
                    dt[key, on = c("id", "index"), value := i.key_value]
                    dt[nodal, on = c("id", "index"), value := i.value]
            # }}}
        # }}}

        set(dt, NULL, "value_lower", NULL)
    # }}}
    # reset_meter_resource {{{
    reset_meter_resource <- function(dt, mapping, field_index, step = NULL, exclude = character(), idf) {
        if (to != "9.4") return(dt)
        if (!nrow(dt)) return(dt)
        if (!nrow(mapping)) return(dt)

        # calculate field index
        if (!is.null(step)) {
            n <- (nrow(dt) - field_index) %/% step
            field_index <- as.integer(c(field_index, seq.int(n) * step + field_index))

        meters <- dt[J(field_index), on = "index", nomatch = NULL]

        # only consider meters contain ":"
        set(meters, NULL, "num", stri_count_fixed(meters$value, ":") + 1L)
        meters <- meters[num > 1L]
        if (!nrow(meters)) return(dt)

        # exclude custom meters if necessary
        set(meters, NULL, "value_lower", stri_trans_tolower(meters$value))
        meters <- meters[!J(exclude), on = "value_lower"]
        if (!nrow(meters)) return(dt)

        # split by ":"
        set(meters, NULL, "value_lower", stri_split_fixed(meters$value_lower, ":", meters$num))
        # since resouce type is never in the middle, only consider the first and
        # last components
        set(meters, NULL, "value_lower_start", vcapply(meters$value_lower, .subset2, 1L))
        set(meters, NULL, "value_lower_end", apply2_chr(meters$value_lower, meters$num, .subset2))

        meters[mapping, on = c("value_lower_start" = "old"), c("value", "value_lower_end") := {
            list(paste0(i.new, stri_sub(value, stri_length(value_lower_start) + 1L)), NA_character_)
        meters[mapping, on = c("value_lower_end" = "old"), "value" := {
            paste0(stri_sub(value, to = -stri_length(value_lower_start) - 1L), i.new)

        dt[meters, on = c("id", "index"), value := i.value]
    # }}}
    # special case from v9.3 to v9.4 {{{
    mtr_custom <- character()
    map <- data.table()
    if (to == "9.4") {
        # extract names of Meter:Custom and Meter:CustomDecrement
        cls <- c("Meter:Custom", "Meter:CustomDecrement")
        cls <- cls[idf$is_valid_class(cls)]
        if (length(cls)) {
            mtr_custom <- stri_trans_tolower(unique(idf$object_name(cls, simplify = TRUE)))

        map <- data.table(
            old = c("electric", "gas", "fueloil#1", "fueloil#2"),
            new = c("Electricity", "NaturalGas", "FuelOilNo1", "FuelOilNo2")
    # }}}

    f <- as.double(as.character(standardize_ver(from)[, 1:2]))
    t <- as.double(as.character(standardize_ver(to)[, 1:2]))
    rep_vars <- REPORTVAR_RULES[J(f, t), on = c("from", "to")]
    if (nrow(rep_vars)) set(rep_vars, NULL, "old", stri_trans_tolower(rep_vars$old))

    # 1: Output:Variable {{{
    dt1 <- trans_action(idf, "Output:Variable")
    dt1 <- reset_key(dt1, 1L)
    dt1 <- update_var(dt1, rep_vars, 2L, idf = idf)
    # }}}
    # 2: Output:Meter:* {{{
    dt2 <- rbindlist(lapply(
        trans_action, idf = idf
    dt2 <- update_var(dt2, rep_vars, 1L, is_meter = TRUE, idf = idf)
    dt2 <- reset_meter_resource(dt2, map, 1L, exclude = mtr_custom)
    # }}}
    # 3: Output:Table:TimeBins {{{
    dt3 <- trans_action(idf, "Output:Table:TimeBins")
    dt3 <- reset_key(dt3, 1L)
    dt3 <- update_var(dt3, rep_vars, 2L, idf = idf)
    dt3 <- reset_meter_resource(dt3, map, 2L, exclude = mtr_custom)
    # }}}
    # 4: Output:Table:Monthly {{{
    dt4 <- trans_action(idf, "Output:Table:Monthly", min_fields = 4L)
    dt4 <- update_var(dt4, rep_vars, 3L, step = 2L, idf = idf)
    dt4 <- reset_meter_resource(dt4, map, 3L, step = 2L, exclude = mtr_custom)
    # }}}
    # 5: Output:Table:Annual {{{
    # Output:Table:Annual was first added in EnergyPlus v8.4
    dt5 <- data.table()
    if (from >= "8.4") {
        dt5 <- trans_action(idf, "Output:Table:Annual", min_fields = 6L)
        dt5 <- update_var(dt5, rep_vars, 4L, step = 3L, idf = idf)
        dt5 <- reset_meter_resource(dt5, map, 4L, step = 3L, exclude = mtr_custom)
    # }}}
    # 6: Meter:Custom {{{
    dt6 <- trans_action(idf, "Meter:Custom")
    dt6 <- update_var(dt6, rep_vars, 4L, step = 2L, is_meter = TRUE, idf = idf)
    dt6 <- reset_meter_resource(dt6, map, 4L, step = 2L, exclude = mtr_custom)
    # }}}
    # 7: Meter:CustomDecrement {{{
    dt7 <- trans_action(idf, "Meter:CustomDecrement")
    dt7 <- update_var(dt7, rep_vars, 3L, 2L, is_meter = TRUE, idf = idf)
    dt7 <- reset_meter_resource(dt7, map, 3L, step = 2L, exclude = mtr_custom)
    # }}}
    # 8: ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:From:Variable & ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:From:Variable {{{
    dt8_1 <- trans_action(idf, "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:From:Variable")
    dt8_2 <- trans_action(idf, "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:From:Variable")
    dt8 <- rbindlist(list(dt8_1, dt8_2))
    dt8 <- reset_key(dt8, 1L)
    dt8 <- update_var(dt8, rep_vars, 2L, idf = idf)
    # }}}
    # 9: EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor {{{
    dt9 <- trans_action(idf, "EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor")
    dt9 <- update_var(dt9, rep_vars, 3L, idf = idf)
    dt9 <- reset_meter_resource(dt9, map, 3L, exclude = mtr_custom)
    # }}}
    # 10: DemandManagerAssignmentList {{{
    dt10 <- trans_action(idf, "DemandManagerAssignmentList")
    dt10 <- update_var(dt10, rep_vars, 2L, is_meter = TRUE, idf = idf)
    dt10 <- reset_meter_resource(dt10, map, 2L, exclude = mtr_custom)
    # }}}
    # 11: UtilityCost:Tariff {{{
    dt11 <- trans_action(idf, "UtilityCost:Tariff")
    dt11 <- update_var(dt11, rep_vars, 2L, is_meter = TRUE, idf = idf)
    dt11 <- reset_meter_resource(dt11, map, 2L, exclude = mtr_custom)
    # }}}
    # 12: ElectricLoadCenter:Transformer {{{
    dt12 <- trans_action(idf, "ElectricLoadCenter:Transformer")
    dt12 <- update_var(dt12, rep_vars, 19L, step = 1L, is_meter = TRUE, idf = idf)
    dt12 <- reset_meter_resource(dt12, map, 19L, step = 1L, exclude = mtr_custom)
    # }}}
    # 13: ElectricLoadCenter:Distribution {{{
    dt13 <- trans_action(idf, "ElectricLoadCenter:Distribution")
    dt13 <- update_var(dt13, rep_vars, c(6L, 12L), is_meter = TRUE, idf = idf)
    dt13 <- reset_meter_resource(dt13, map, c(6L, 12L), exclude = mtr_custom)
    # }}}

    dt <- rbindlist(mget(paste0("dt", 1:13)))
    if (!nrow(dt)) return(idf)

    if (length(id_del <- unique(c(id_del, dt[id > 0, id])))) {
        trans_process_load(idf$clone()$del(id_del), idf, dt, empty = FALSE)
    } else {
        trans_process_load(idf$clone(), idf, dt, empty = FALSE)
# }}}

# trans_action {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_true test_names
trans_action <- function(idf, class, min_fields = 1L, all = FALSE, align = TRUE, ...) {
    assert_true(idf$is_valid_class(class, all = TRUE))
    if (!idf$is_valid_class(class)) return(data.table())

    dt <- idf$to_table(class = class, align = align, all = all)

    # make sure min fields are returned
    if (!all && min_fields > max(dt$index)) {
        cur_max <- max(dt$index)
        num_obj <- length(unique(dt$id))
        miss <- dt[J(rep(1L, min_fields - cur_max)), on = "index", allow.cartesian = TRUE][
            , index := seq(cur_max + 1L, min_fields), by = "id"]
        set(miss, NULL, c("field", "value"), NA_character_)
        dt <- rbindlist(list(dt, miss))

    setindexv(dt, c("index"))
    setindexv(dt, c("id"))
    setindexv(dt, c("id", "index"))
    if (!is.null(names(class))) set(dt, NULL, "class", names(class))

    trans_action_dt(dt, ...)
# }}}
# trans_action_dt {{{
trans_action_dt <- function(dt, ...) {
    act <- list(...)
    if (!length(act)) return(dt)

    new <- data.table()

    for (i in seq_along(act)) {
        action <- names(act)[[i]]
        content <- act[[i]]

        new1 <- data.table()
        if (action == "reset") {
            if (length(content) == 2L) {
                dt[J(content[[1L]]), on = "index", `:=`(value = content[[2L]])]
            } else if (length(content) >= 3L) {
                # step
                if (length(content) == 4L) {
                    n_grp <- (nrow(dt) - content[[1L]]) %/% content[[4L]]
                    content[[1L]] <- content[[1L]] + c(0L, seq_len(n_grp) * content[[4L]])
                set(dt, NULL, "value_lower", stri_trans_tolower(dt$value))
                dt[J(content[[1L]], stri_trans_tolower(content[[2L]])), on = c("index", "value_lower"),
                    `:=`(value = content[[3L]])
                set(dt, NULL, "value_lower", NULL)
        } else if (action == "offset") {
            # delete original first
            dt <- dt[!J(setdiff(content[[2L]], content[[1L]])), on = "index"]
            dt[J(content[[1L]]), on = "index", `:=`(index = content[[2L]]), by = "id"]
        } else if (action == "add") {
            # if no new value is given, assign NA
            if (length(content) == 1L) content[[2L]] <- rep(NA_character_, length(content[[1L]]))
            content[[2L]] <- rep(content[[2L]], length.out = length(content[[1L]]))

            new1 <- dt[J(rep(1L, length(content[[1L]]))), on = "index", allow.cartesian = TRUE][
                , `:=`(index = content[[1L]], field = names2(content[[1L]]), value = content[[2L]]), by = "id"
        } else if (action == "insert") {
            # if no new value is given, assign NA
            if (length(content) == 1L) content[[2]] <- rep(NA_character_, length(content[[1L]]))
            # if no step value is given, assgin zero
            if (length(content) == 2L) content[[3L]] <- 0L

            # calculate new index of group rows to insert
            num_grp <- dt[index >= content[[1L]][[1L]],
                    if (content[[3L]] == 0L) {
                        num <- 1L
                    } else {
                        num <- .N / content[[3L]] + 1L
                        assert_count(num, .var.name = "step for row insertion")
                    index <- content[[1L]] + rep((length(content[[1L]]) + content[[3L]]) * (seq_len(num) - 1L), each = length(content[[1L]]))
                    value <- rep(rep(content[[2L]], length.out = length(content[[1L]])), num)
                    field <- rep(rep(names2(content[[1L]]), length.out = length(content[[1L]])), num)

                    list(index = 1L, new_index = as.integer(index),
                        new_value = value, new_field = field
                by = "id"

            # extract group of groups
            new1 <- dt[num_grp, on = c("id", "index")]
            set(new1, NULL, c("index", "value", "field"), NULL)
            setnames(new1, c("new_index", "new_field", "new_value"), c("index", "field", "value"))

            # update index of field left
            dt[index >= content[[1L]][[1L]], index := {
                if (content[[3L]] == 0L) {
                    num <- 1L
                } else {
                    num <- .N / content[[3L]]

                as.integer(index + length(content[[1L]]) *
                    rep(seq_len(num), each = if (content[[3L]]) content[[3L]] else 1L)

            }, by = "id"]
        } else if (action == "delete") {
            if (length(content) < 2L) {
                dt <- dt[!J(content[[1L]]), on = "index"]
            } else {
                dt <- dt[index < content[[1L]] | (index - content[[1L]]) %% content[[2L]] != 0L]

        new <- rbindlist(list(new, new1), use.names = TRUE)

    new_dt <- rbindlist(list(dt, new), use.names = TRUE)
    setorderv(new_dt, c("id", "index"))
    setindexv(new_dt, c("index"))
    setindexv(new_dt, c("id"))
    setindexv(new_dt, c("id", "index"))
    setorderv(new_dt, c("id", "index"))
# }}}
# trans_upper_versions {{{
trans_upper_versions <- function(idf, ver, patch = FALSE) {
    # get all versions needed to handle
    all_vers <- standardize_ver(ALL_IDD_VER)
    vers <- all_vers[all_vers >= idf$version() & all_vers <= standardize_ver(ver)]

    # remove patch version
    if (length(vers) && !patch) {
        vers <- vers[!duplicated(as.character(vers[, 1:2]))]

# }}}
# trans_fun_names {{{
trans_fun_names <- function(vers) {
    # get corresponding transition function names
    vers <- gsub(".", "", as.character(vers), fixed = TRUE)
    vers[vers == "901"] <- "900"
    vers <- unique(vers)
    funs <- paste0("f", vers[-length(vers)], "t", vers[-1L])
    # only include transition functions available
    funs[funs %in% names(trans_funs)]
# }}}
# trans_process_load {{{
trans_process_load <- function(new_idf, old_idf, dt, empty = TRUE) {
    if (!nrow(dt)) return(new_idf)

    # get object table from old input
    old <- get_priv_env(old_idf)$idf_env()$object[J(unique(dt$id)), on = "object_id", nomatch = 0L]

    # get object table before inserting new objects
    new_before <- get_priv_env(new_idf)$idf_env()$object

    # insert new objects
    new_idf$load(dt, .unique = FALSE, .default = FALSE, .empty = empty)

    if (is.null(unlist(old$comment, use.names = FALSE))) return(new_idf)

    # update
    input <- dt[, list(rleid = .GRP), by = list(object_id = id, class)]
    input[old, on = "object_id", comment := i.comment]

        !new_before, on = "object_id", `:=`(comment = {
            if (.N == nrow(input)) {
                if (.N == 1L) {
                } else {
            } else {
                    paste0("Failed to preserve comments of objects involved during transition ",
                        "from ", old_idf$version()[, 1:2], " to ", new_idf$version()[, 1:2], ". ",
                        "Comments of objects below will be removed:\n",
                        get_object_info(.SD, c("name", "id"), collapse = "\n")
                        gsub(".", "", as.character(old_idf$version()), fixed = TRUE), "_",
                        gsub(".", "", as.character(new_idf$version()), fixed = TRUE))


# }}}
# trans_table_convert {{{
trans_table_convert <- function(path, ascending = c(TRUE, TRUE)) {
    vars <- fread(path, nrows = 1, header = FALSE)
    val_vars <- lapply(seq.int(vars$V1), function(row) unlist(fread(path, nrows = 1, skip = row)))

    # reorder if necessary
    if (any(!ascending) && vars$V1 >= 2L) {
        val_vars <- apply2(val_vars, ascending, function(val, asc) if (!asc) rev(val) else val)

    # check consistency between value number specified and found
    num_vals <- viapply(val_vars, length)
    if (any(mismatch <- (num_vals != unlist(vars[, -"V1"])))) {
        invld <- unlist(vars[, .SD, .SDcols = setdiff(names(vars), "V1")[mismatch]])
        abort(paste0("Number of independent variable values found mismatches with description in header:\n",
            "  #", which(mismatch), "| ", invld, " specified in header but ",
            num_vals[mismatch], " values found"

    # get cross joined table
    dt_vars <- do.call(data.table::CJ, rev(val_vars))
    # change column order
    setcolorder(dt_vars, rev(names(dt_vars)))
    # rename columns
    setnames(dt_vars, paste0("var", seq.int(ncol(dt_vars))))

    # read tabular data and change it to one row matrix
    table <- matrix(t(as.matrix(fread(path, skip = 1 + num_vals, header = FALSE))), nrow = 1L)
    # add value column
    dt_vars[, value := as.vector(table)]

    # change row order
    setorderv(dt_vars, setdiff(names(dt_vars), "value"))
# }}}

#' Run IDFVersionUpdater to Update Model Versions
#' `version_updater()` is a wrapper of IDFVersionUpdater preprocessor
#' distributed with EnergyPlus. It takes a path of IDF file or an [Idf] object,
#' a target version to update to and a directory to save the new models.
#' An attribute named `errors` is attached which is a list of
#' [ErrFiles][read_err()] that contain all error messages from transition error
#' (.VCpErr) files.
#' @inheritParams transition
#' @param dir The directory to save the new IDF files. If the directory does not
#' exist, it will be created before save. If `NULL`, the directory of input
#' [Idf] object or IDF file will be used. Default: `NULL`.
#' @return An [Idf] object if `keep_all` is `FALSE` or a list of [Idf] objects
#' if `keep_all` is `TRUE`. An attribute named `errors` is attached which
#' contains all error messages from transition error (.VCpErr) files.
#' @author Hongyuan Jia
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (any(avail_eplus()) > "7.2") {
#'     # create an empty IDF
#'     idf <- empty_idf("7.2")
#'     idf$save(tempfile(fileext = ".idf"))
#'     # convert it from v7.2 to the latest EnergyPlus installed
#'     updated <- version_updater(idf, max(avail_eplus()))
#'     # convert it from v7.2 to the latest EnergyPlus installed and keep all
#'     # intermediate versions
#'     updated <- version_updater(idf, max(avail_eplus()), keep_all = TRUE)
#'     # see transition error messages
#'     attr(updated, "errors")
#' }
#' }
#' @export
# version_updater {{{
version_updater <- function(idf, ver, dir = NULL, keep_all = FALSE) {
    # parse file
    if (!is_idf(idf)) idf <- read_idf(idf)

    if (length(ver) != 1L || is.na(ver <- convert_to_idd_ver(ver))) {
        abort("'ver' must be a valid EnergyPlus IDD version")

    # save the model to the output dir if necessary
    if (is.null(idf$path()) || !utils::file_test("-f", idf$path())) {
        abort(paste0("The Idf object is not created from local file or local file has ",
                "been deleted from disk. Please save Idf using '$save()' before transition."
        ), "idf_not_local")

    # stop if unsaved
    if (idf$is_unsaved()) {
        abort("Idf has been modified since read or last saved. Please save Idf using '$save()' before transition.")

    if (is.null(dir)) {
        dir <- dirname(idf$path())
    } else if (!dir.exists(dir)) {
        dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE)

    # skip if input is already at the specified version
    if (idf$version()[, 1:2] == ver[, 1:2]) {
        verbose_info("IDF is already at latest version ", ver, ". No transition needed.")
        if (keep_all) {
            res <- list(idf)
            setattr(res, "names", as.character(idf$version()[, 1L:2L]))
        } else {

    newer_ep <- avail_eplus()[avail_eplus()[, 1:2] >= ver[, 1:2]]
    if (!length(newer_ep)) {
        abort(paste0("EnergyPlus v", ver, " or newer are not installed."))

    # save the original file with trailing version number
    original <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(idf$path())), "V", idf$version()[, 1L], idf$version()[, 2L], "0.idf")
    # clone original
    idf <- idf$clone(TRUE)
    idf$save(file.path(dir, original), overwrite = TRUE)

    # get upper versions toward target version
    vers <- trans_upper_versions(idf, ver)

    # get transition executable names
    exe <- if (is_windows()) ".exe" else NULL
    from <- vers[-length(vers)]
    to <- vers[-1L]
    trans_exe <- paste0("Transition-",
        "V", from[, 1L], "-", from[, 2L], "-0", "-to-",
        "V",   to[, 1L], "-",   to[, 2L], "-0", exe

    # results
    models <- vector("list", 1L + length(to))
    names(models) <- as.character(c(idf$version()[, 1:2], to[, 1:2]))

    # paths
    paths <- character(1L + length(to))
    names(paths) <- names(models)

    # errors
    errors <- vector("list", 1L + length(to))
    names(errors) <- names(models)

    # avoid to use IDFVersionUpdater v9.0 as there are fatal errors
    if (length(newer_ep[newer_ep[, 1:2] != "9.0"])) newer_ep <- newer_ep[newer_ep[, 1:2] != "9.0"]

    # NOTE: From EnergyPlus v23.1, the supported oldest version for transition
    # is v9.0. Should check if transitions below v9.0 are needed. If so, check
    # if there is an installed EnergyPlus version lower than v23.1 and use
    # transition executable from there when applicable.
    # get the version updater from the latest version
    path_updater <- file.path(eplus_config(max(newer_ep))$dir, "PreProcess/IDFVersionUpdater")
    path_updater <- rep(path_updater, length(trans_exe))

    # check if there are available EnergyPlus < v23.1
    if (any(vers < "9.0") && max(newer_ep) >= "23.1" &&
        any(is_lower_ep <- avail_eplus() > max(vers[vers < "9.0"]) & avail_eplus() < "23.1")) {
        lower_ep <- avail_eplus()[is_lower_ep]
        # avoid to use IDFVersionUpdater v9.0 as there are fatal errors
        if (length(lower_ep[lower_ep[, 1:2] != "9.0"])) lower_ep <- lower_ep[lower_ep[, 1:2] != "9.0"]

        path_updater[to <= "9.0"] <- file.path(
            eplus_config(max(lower_ep))$dir, "PreProcess/IDFVersionUpdater"
    names(path_updater) <- as.character(to)

    while (idf$version()[, 1:2] != max(to)[, 1:2]) {
        # restore paths
        paths[names(paths) == as.character(idf$version()[, 1:2])] <- idf$path()

        # restore models
        models[names(models) == as.character(idf$version()[, 1:2])] <- list(idf)

        current_exe <- trans_exe[from[, 1:2] == idf$version()[, 1:2]]
        toward <- to[from[, 1:2] == idf$version()[, 1:2]]
        updater <- path_updater[names(path_updater) == as.character(toward)]

        verbose_info("IDFVersionUpdater: ", normalizePath(updater, mustWork = FALSE))
            "Input file: ", idf$path(), "\n",
            " From  Ver: ", idf$version(), "\n",
            "Toward Ver: ", toward

        trans_path <- file.path(updater, current_exe)

        if (!file.exists(trans_path)) {
            abort(paste0("Transition executable ", surround(trans_path), " does not exist."))

        job <- tryCatch(processx::run(trans_path, idf$path(), wd = updater),
            error = function(e) {
                if (grepl("System command error", conditionMessage(e))) {
                    abort(paste0("Failed to update file ", idf$path(), " from V", idf$version(), " to V", toward, ":\n", conditionMessage(e)))
                } else {

        if (job$status != 0L) {
            abort(paste0("Failed to update file ", idf$path(), " from V", idf$version(), " to V", toward, "."))

        verbose_info("[", idf$version(), " --> ", toward, "] SUCCEEDED.\n")

        # delete the new IDF file with old name since there is another new IDF file
        # with ".idfold" extenstion
        unlink(idf$path(), force = TRUE)

        # read error file
        path_err <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(idf$path()), ".VCpErr")
        # in case VersionUpdater crashed
        if (!file.exists(path_err)) {
            err <- data.table()
        } else {
            err <- read_err(path_err)
            # remove VCpErr file generated
            unlink(path_err, force = TRUE)

        # rename the old file
        file.rename(paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(idf$path()), ".idfold"), idf$path())

        # name of the new file
        path_new <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(idf$path()), ".idfnew")
        # replace the old Idf object
        idf <- read_idf(path_new)

        # resave using eplusr
        new_name <- paste0(stri_sub(tools::file_path_sans_ext(path_new), to = -4L), toward[, 1L], toward[, 2L], "0.idf")
        idf$save(new_name, overwrite = TRUE)
        # rename the orignal new file
        unlink(path_new, force = TRUE)

        # remove log file generated
        unlink(file.path(path_updater, c("fort.6", "Energy+.ini", "Transition.audit")), force = TRUE)

        # restore paths
        paths[names(paths) == as.character(idf$version()[, 1:2])] <- idf$path()

        # restore models
        models[names(models) == as.character(idf$version()[, 1:2])] <- list(idf)

        # restore errors
        errors[names(errors) == as.character(idf$version()[, 1:2])] <- list(err)

    if (!keep_all) {
        unlink(paths[-length(paths)], force = TRUE)
        models <- models[[length(models)]]

    attr(models, "errors") <- errors
# }}}

# vim: set fdm=marker:
hongyuanjia/eplusr documentation built on Feb. 14, 2024, 5:38 a.m.