## Export: plot!inla
##! \name{plot.inla}
##! \alias{plot.inla}
##! \alias{inla.plot}
##! \title{Default INLA plotting}
##! \description{
##! Takes am \code{inla} object produced by \code{inla} and plot the results
##! }
##! \usage{
##! \method{plot}{inla}(x,
##! plot.fixed.effects = TRUE,
##! plot.lincomb = TRUE,
##! plot.random.effects = TRUE,
##! plot.hyperparameters = TRUE,
##! plot.predictor = TRUE,
##! plot.q = TRUE,
##! plot.cpo = TRUE,
##! plot.prior = FALSE,
##! single = FALSE,
##! postscript = FALSE,
##! pdf = FALSE,
##! prefix = "inla.plots/figure-",
##! intern = FALSE,
##! debug = FALSE,
##! ...)
##! }
##! \arguments{
##! \item{x}{A fitted \code{inla} object produced by \code{inla} }
##! \item{plot.fixed.effects}{Boolean indicating if posterior marginals
##! for the fixed effects in the model should be plotted }
##! \item{plot.lincomb}{Boolean indicating if posterior marginals
##! for the linear combinations should be plotted }
##! \item{plot.random.effects}{Boolean indicating if posterior mean and quantiles
##! for the random effects in the model should be plotted }
##! \item{plot.hyperparameters}{Boolean indicating if posterior marginals
##! for the hyperparameters in the model should be plotted }
##! \item{plot.predictor}{Boolean indicating if posterior mean and quantiles
##! for the linear predictor in the model should be plotted }
##! \item{plot.q}{Boolean indicating if precision matrix should be displayed}
##! \item{plot.cpo}{Boolean indicating if CPO/PIT valuesshould be plotted}
##! \item{plot.prior}{Plot also the prior density for the hyperparameters}
##! \item{single}{Boolean indicating if there should be more than one plot per page
##! (FALSE) or just one (TRUE)}
##! \item{postscript}{Boolean indicating if postscript files should be produced instead}
##! \item{pdf}{Boolean indicating if PDF files should be produced instead}
##! \item{prefix}{The prefix for the created files. Additional numbering and suffix is added.}
##! \item{intern}{Plot also the hyperparameters in its internal scale.}
##! \item{debug}{Write some debug information}
##! \item{...}{Additional arguments to \code{postscript()}, \code{pdf()} or \code{dev.new()}.}
##! }
##! \value{The return value is a list of the files created (if any).}
##! \author{Havard Rue \email{hrue@r-inla.org} }
##! \seealso{\code{\link{inla}}}
##! \examples{
##!result = inla(...)
##!plot(result, single=TRUE)
##!plot(result, single=TRUE, pdf=TRUE, paper = "a4")
##! }
##! }
##! \keyword{plot}
`plot.inla` =
plot.fixed.effects = TRUE,
plot.lincomb = TRUE,
plot.random.effects = TRUE,
plot.hyperparameters = TRUE,
plot.predictor = TRUE,
plot.q = TRUE,
plot.cpo = TRUE,
plot.prior = FALSE,
single = FALSE,
postscript = FALSE,
pdf = FALSE,
prefix = "inla.plots/figure-",
intern = FALSE,
debug = FALSE,
figure.count = 1L
figures = c()
if (plot.prior) {
all.hyper = inla.all.hyper.postprocess(x$all.hyper)
if (postscript && pdf) {
stop("Only one of 'postscript' and 'pdf' can be generated at the time.")
initiate.plot = function(...)
if (!postscript && !pdf) {
} else {
dir = dirname(prefix)
if (!file.exists(dir) && nchar(dir) > 0L) {
dir.create(dir, recursive=TRUE)
} else {
return (invisible())
new.plot = function(...)
if (!postscript && !pdf) {
} else {
found = FALSE
while(!found) {
filename = paste(prefix,
inla.ifelse(regexpr("/$", prefix), "", "/"),
inla.ifelse(postscript, ".eps", ".pdf"), sep="")
if (file.exists(filename)) {
figure.count <<- figure.count + 1L ## YES
} else {
found = TRUE
if (postscript) {
postscript(file = filename, ...)
} else if (pdf) {
pdf(file = filename, ...)
} else {
stop("This should not happen")
figures <<- c(figures, filename)
return (invisible())
close.plot = function(...)
if (postscript || pdf) {
if (names(dev.cur()) != "null device") {
return (invisible())
close.and.new.plot = function(...)
return (invisible())
if (plot.fixed.effects) {
## plot marginals for the fixed effects
fix = x$marginals.fixed
labels.fix = names(x$marginals.fixed)
nf = length(labels.fix)
if (nf>0) {
if (nf == 1 || single) {
plot.layout = c(1, 1)
} else if (nf == 2) {
plot.layout = c(2, 1)
} else {
plot.layout = c(3, 3)
np = prod(plot.layout)
ip = 0
for(i in 1:nf) {
if (ip%%np == 0) {
par(mfrow=c(plot.layout[1], plot.layout[2]))
ip = ip + 1
if (!all(is.na(fix[[i]]))) {
ss = x$summary.fixed[i,]
sub=paste("Mean = ", round(ss[names(ss)=="mean"], 3)," SD = ", round(ss[names(ss)=="sd"], 3), sep="")
m = inla.smarginal(fix[[i]])
plot(m, type="l", main=paste("PostDens [", inla.nameunfix(labels.fix[i]),"]", sep=""),
sub=sub, xlab="", ylab="")
if (plot.prior) {
xy = (inla.get.prior.xy(section = "fixed", hyperid = labels.fix[i],
all.hyper = all.hyper, range = range(m$x), debug = debug))
lines(xy, lwd = 1, col = "blue")
if (plot.lincomb) {
##plot marginals for the derived lincombs
fix = x$marginals.lincomb.derived
labels.fix = names(x$marginals.lincomb.derived)
nf = length(labels.fix)
if (nf>0) {
if (nf == 1 || single) {
plot.layout = c(1, 1)
} else if (nf == 2) {
plot.layout = c(2, 1)
} else {
plot.layout = c(3, 3)
np = prod(plot.layout)
ip = 0
for(i in 1:nf) {
if (ip%%np == 0) {
par(mfrow=c(plot.layout[1], plot.layout[2]))
ip = ip + 1
if (!all(is.na(fix[[i]]))) {
ss = x$summary.lincomb.derived[i,]
sub=paste("Mean = ", round(ss[names(ss)=="mean"], 3)," SD = ", round(ss[names(ss)=="sd"], 3), sep="")
plot(inla.smarginal(fix[[i]]), type="l", main=paste("PostDens [", inla.nameunfix(labels.fix[i]),"] (derived)", sep=""),
sub=sub, xlab="", ylab="")
if (plot.lincomb) {
## plot marginals for the lincombs
if (inla.is.element("marginals.lincomb", x)) {
fix = x$marginals.lincomb
labels.fix = names(x$marginals.lincomb)
} else {
fix = NULL
labels.fix = NULL
nf = length(labels.fix)
if (nf>0) {
if (nf == 1 || single) {
plot.layout = c(1, 1)
} else if (nf == 2) {
plot.layout = c(2, 1)
} else {
plot.layout = c(3, 3)
np = prod(plot.layout)
ip = 0
for(i in 1:nf) {
if (ip%%np == 0) {
par(mfrow=c(plot.layout[1], plot.layout[2]))
ip = ip + 1
if (!all(is.na(fix[[i]]))) {
ss = x$summary.lincomb[i,]
sub=paste("Mean = ", round(ss[names(ss)=="mean"], 3)," SD = ", round(ss[names(ss)=="sd"], 3), sep="")
plot(inla.smarginal(fix[[i]]), type="l", main=paste("PostDens [", inla.nameunfix(labels.fix[i]),"]", sep=""),
sub=sub, xlab="", ylab="")
if (plot.random.effects) {
rand = x$summary.random
labels.random = names(x$summary.random)
nr = length(labels.random)
if (nr>0) {
for(i in 1:nr) {
if (!all(is.na(rand[[i]]))) {
rr = rand[[i]]
dim1 = dim(rr)[1]
dim2 = dim(rr)[2]
tp = ifelse(labels.random[i] == "baseline.hazard", "s", "l")
r.n = x$size.random[[i]]$n
r.N = x$size.random[[i]]$N
r.Ntotal = x$size.random[[i]]$Ntotal
nrep = x$size.random[[i]]$nrep
ngroup = x$size.random[[i]]$ngroup
r.n.orig = r.n %/% ngroup
r.N.orig = r.N %/% ngroup
## determine the plot-layout here
nrr = ngroup*nrep
if (nrr == 1 || single) {
plot.layout = c(1, 1)
} else if (nrr == 2) {
plot.layout = c(2, 1)
} else {
plot.layout = c(3, 3)
np = prod(plot.layout)
ip = 0
if (r.n > 1) {
for (r.rep in 1:nrep) {
for (r.group in 1:ngroup) {
for(ii in 1:inla.ifelse(r.N > r.n, r.N %/% r.n, 1)) {
if (ip%%np == 0) {
par(mfrow=c(plot.layout[1], plot.layout[2]))
ip = ip + 1
rep.txt = ""
if (nrep > 1) {
rep.txt = paste(rep.txt, " rep:", r.rep, sep="")
if (ngroup > 1) {
rep.txt = paste(rep.txt, " group:", r.group, sep="")
if (r.N > r.n) {
rep.txt = paste(rep.txt, " part:", ii, sep="")
idx = (r.rep-1)*r.N + (r.group-1)*r.N.orig + (ii-1)*r.n.orig + (1:r.n.orig)
## if the dimension is > 1, then plot the means++
xval = NULL
if (tp == "s") ## baseline.hazard
xval = rr[, colnames(rr)=="ID"][idx]
yval = rr[, colnames(rr)=="mean"][idx]
plot(xval, yval,
ylim=range(rr[, setdiff(colnames(rr), c("ID", "sd", "kld"))]),
axes=TRUE, ylab="", xlab="", type=tp, lwd=2)
if (!is.null(x$.args$data$baseline.hazard.strata.coding)) {
rep.txt = inla.paste(c(rep.txt, "[",
x$.args$data$baseline.hazard.strata.coding[r.rep], "]"), sep="")
} else {
xval = rr[, colnames(rr)=="ID"][idx]
yval = rr[, colnames(rr)=="mean"][idx]
if (is.numeric(xval)) {
plot(xval, yval,
ylim=range(rr[, setdiff(colnames(rr), c("ID", "sd", "kld"))]),
axes=FALSE, ylab="", xlab="", type=tp, lwd=2)
} else {
plot(as.factor(xval), yval,
ylim=range(rr[, setdiff(colnames(rr), c("ID", "sd", "kld"))]),
axes=TRUE, ylab="", xlab="", type=tp, lwd=2)
lq = grep("quan", colnames(rr))
if (length(lq)>0) {
qq = rr[, lq]
dq = dim(qq)[2]
sub = paste("PostMean ")
for(j in 1:dq) {
yval = qq[, j][idx]
## this is the baseline.hazard case
if (length(yval)+1 == length(xval)) {
yval = c(yval, yval[ length(yval) ])
if (is.numeric(xval)) {
points(xval, yval, type=tp, lty=2)
} else {
points(as.factor(xval), yval, pch=19)
sub = gsub("quant", "%", paste(sub, colnames(qq)[j]))
title(main=inla.nameunfix(main), sub=paste(inla.nameunfix(sub), rep.txt))
title(main=inla.nameunfix(main), sub=paste("Posterior mean", rep.txt))
} else {
for (r.rep in 1:nrep) {
for(r.group in 1:ngroup) {
if (ip%%np == 0) {
par(mfrow=c(plot.layout[1], plot.layout[2]))
ip = ip + 1
rep.txt = ""
if (nrep > 1) {
rep.txt = paste(rep.txt, ", replicate", r.rep)
if (ngroup > 1) {
rep.txt = paste(rep.txt, ", group", r.group)
idx = (r.rep-1)*ngroup + r.group
## if the dimension is 1, the plot the marginals
if (!is.null(x$marginals.random[[i]])) {
zz = x$marginals.random[[i]][[r.rep]]
plot(inla.smarginal(zz), type="l",
main=paste("PostDens [", inla.nameunfix(labels.random[i]),"]", " ", rep.txt, sep=""),
xlab=inla.nameunfix(labels.random[i]), ylab="")
if (plot.hyperparameters) {
hyper = x$marginals.hyperpar
if (!is.null(hyper)) {
nhyper = length(hyper)
if (nhyper == 1 || single) {
plot.layout = c(1, 1)
} else if (nhyper == 2) {
plot.layout = c(2, 1)
} else {
plot.layout = c(3, 3)
np = prod(plot.layout)
ip = 0
for(i in 1:nhyper) {
if (ip%%np == 0) {
par(mfrow=c(plot.layout[1], plot.layout[2]))
ip = ip + 1
hh = hyper[[i]]
if (!is.null(hh)) {
label = inla.nameunfix(names(hyper)[i])
m = inla.smarginal(hh)
plot(m, type="l", ylab="", xlab="")
title(main=paste("PostDens [", label, "]", sep=""))
if (plot.prior) {
id = unlist(strsplit(attr(hyper[[i]], "hyperid"), "\\|"))
if (length(id) > 0) {
xy = (inla.get.prior.xy(section = tolower(id[2]), hyperid = id[1],
all.hyper = all.hyper, range = range(m$x), intern = FALSE,
debug = debug))
lines(xy, lwd = 1, col = "blue")
if (plot.hyperparameters && intern) {
hyper = x$internal.marginals.hyperpar
if (!is.null(hyper)) {
nhyper = length(hyper)
if (nhyper == 1 || single) {
plot.layout = c(1, 1)
} else if (nhyper == 2) {
plot.layout = c(2, 1)
} else {
plot.layout = c(3, 3)
np = prod(plot.layout)
ip = 0
for(i in 1:nhyper) {
if (ip%%np == 0) {
par(mfrow=c(plot.layout[1], plot.layout[2]))
ip = ip + 1
hh = hyper[[i]]
if (!is.null(hh)) {
label = inla.nameunfix(names(hyper)[i])
m = inla.smarginal(hh)
plot(m, type="l", ylab="", xlab="")
title(main=paste("PostDens [", label, "]", sep=""))
if (plot.prior) {
id = unlist(strsplit(attr(hyper[[i]], "hyperid"), "\\|"))
if (length(id) > 0) {
xy = (inla.get.prior.xy(section = tolower(id[2]), hyperid = id[1],
all.hyper = all.hyper, range = range(m$x), intern = TRUE,
debug = debug))
lines(xy, lwd = 1, col = "blue")
if (plot.predictor) {
## linear predictor and fitted values
n = x$size.linear.predictor$n
if (!is.null(n)) {
lp = x$summary.linear.predictor
fv = x$summary.fitted.values
## remove the 'kld' column, we do not need it
lp = lp[, names(lp) != "kld"]
fv = fv[, names(fv) != "kld"]
A = (x$size.linear.predictor$nrep == 2)
if (A) {
nm = dim(lp)[1] - n
} else {
nm = n
for(m in inla.ifelse(A, 1:2, 1)) {
if (m == 1) {
idx = 1:nm
plot.idx = idx
} else if (m == 2) {
idx = 1:n + nm
plot.idx = 1:n
} else {
stop("This should not happen")
if (A) {
if (m == 1) {
msg = inla.ifelse(A, "(A*lin.pred)", "")
} else {
msg = "(orig.)"
} else {
msg = ""
if (!is.null(lp)) {
if (!is.null(fv)) {
if (single) {
par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
} else {
par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
plot(plot.idx, lp[idx, colnames(lp)=="mean"], ylim=range(lp[idx, names(lp) != "sd"]), ylab="", xlab="Index", type="l", lwd=2, ...)
lq = grep("quan", colnames(lp))
if (length(lq)>0) {
qq = lp[, lq]
dq = dim(qq)[2]
sub = paste("Posterior mean together with ")
for(j in 1:dq) {
points(plot.idx, qq[idx, j], type="l", lty=2)
sub = paste(sub, colnames(qq)[j])
title(main=paste("Linear Predictor", msg), sub= inla.nameunfix(sub))
title(main=paste("Linear Predictor ", msg, inla.nameunfix(labels.random[i])), sub="Posterior mean")
if (single) {
if (!is.null(fv)) {
plot(plot.idx, fv[idx , colnames(fv)=="mean"], ylim=range(fv[idx, names(fv) != "sd"]), ylab="", xlab="Index", type="l", lwd=2, ...)
lq = grep("quan", colnames(fv))
if (length(lq)>0) {
qq = fv[, lq]
dq = dim(qq)[2]
sub = paste("Posterior mean together with ")
for(j in 1:dq) {
points(plot.idx, qq[idx, j], type="l", lty=2)
sub = paste(sub, colnames(qq)[j])
title(main=paste("Fitted values (inv.link(lin.pred))", msg), sub = inla.nameunfix(sub))
title(main=paste("Fitted values (inv.link(lin.pred))", msg, inla.nameunfix(labels.random[i])))
if (plot.q && !is.null(x$Q)) {
if (single) {
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
} else {
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
if (!is.null(x$Q$Q)) {
plot(x$Q$Q, main = "The precision matrix", ...)
nx = x$Q$Q@size[1L]
lines(c(0, nx, nx, 0, 0), c(0, 0, nx, nx, 0), lwd=2)
if (!is.null(x$Q$Q.reorder)) {
plot(x$Q$Q.reorder, main = "The reordered precision matrix", ...)
nx = x$Q$Q.reorder@size[1L]
lines(c(0, nx, nx, 0, 0), c(0, 0, nx, nx, 0), lwd=2)
if (!is.null(x$Q$L)) {
plot(x$Q$L, main = "The Cholesky triangle", ...)
nx = x$Q$L@size[1L]
lines(c(0, nx, nx, 0, 0), c(0, 0, nx, nx, 0), lwd=2)
if (plot.cpo && !is.null(x$cpo)) {
if (!(is.null(x$cpo$pit) || length(x$cpo$pit) == 0L) || !(is.null(x$cpo$cpo) || length(x$cpo$cpo) == 0L)) {
if (single) {
par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
} else {
par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
ok = (!is.na(x$cpo$failure) & !is.na(x$cpo$pit) & !is.na(x$cpo$cpo))
failure = x$cpo$failure[ok]
pit = x$cpo$pit[ok]
cpo = x$cpo$cpo[ok]
if (!(is.null(pit) || length(pit) == 0L)) {
## if the observational model is discrete then do some
## adjustments: define the modified pit as Prob(y < y_obs)
## + 0.5*Prob(y = y_obs).
n.fail = sum(failure > 0.0)
if (!is.null(x$family) && inla.model.properties(x$family, "likelihood")$discrete) {
m = "The (modified) PIT-values"
p = pit - 0.5*cpo
} else {
m = "The PIT-values"
p = pit
plot(p, main = paste(m, ", n.fail", n.fail, sep=""), ylab = "Probability", xlab = "index", ...)
if (n.fail > 0) {
points(p[ failure > 0 ], pch=20)
hist(p, main = paste(m, ", n.fail", n.fail, sep=""), xlab = "Probability",
n = max(20, min(round(length(pit)/10), 100)))
if (!(is.null(cpo) || length(cpo) == 0L)) {
n.fail = sum(failure != 0.0)
plot(cpo, main = paste("The CPO-values", ", nfail", n.fail, sep=""), ylab = "Probability", xlab = "index", ...)
if (n.fail > 0) {
points(cpo[ failure > 0 ], pch=20L)
hist(cpo, main = paste("Histogram of the CPO-values", ", nfail", n.fail, sep=""), xlab = "Probability",
n = max(20L, min(round(length(pit)/10L), 100L)))
return (invisible(figures))
inla.extract.prior = function(section = NULL, hyperid = NULL, all.hyper, debug=FALSE)
str.trunc = function(..., max.len = 32)
str = paste(..., sep="", collapse = " ")
str = substr(str, 1, min(max.len, nchar(str)))
output = function(..., warning=FALSE, force = FALSE)
msg = paste("*** inla.extract.prior: ", ..., sep="", collapse=" ")
if (warning) warning(msg)
if (debug || force) print(msg)
return (invisible())
if (section == "fixed") {
## hyperid = name of fixed effect
output("enter section [fixed]")
output("searching for hyperid = ", hyperid)
h = all.hyper$fixed
found = FALSE
for(i in seq_along(h)) {
## output("search for label = ", h[[i]]$label)
if (inla.strcasecmp(h[[i]]$label, hyperid)) {
found = TRUE
if (found) {
prior = "gaussian"
param = c(h[[i]]$prior.mean, h[[i]]$prior.prec)
from.theta = function(x) x
to.theta = function(x) x
} else {
## try section 'linear' instead
output("enter section [linear]")
output("searching for hyperid = ", hyperid)
h = all.hyper$linear
found = FALSE
for(i in seq_along(h)) {
## output("search for label = ", h[[i]]$label)
if (inla.strcasecmp(h[[i]]$label, hyperid)) {
found = TRUE
if (!found) {
output(paste("cannot find hyperid '", hyperid,
"' in sections 'fixed' and 'linear'.", sep=""), warning = TRUE)
return (NA)
prior = "gaussian"
param = c(h[[i]]$prior.mean, h[[i]]$prior.prec)
from.theta = function(x) x
to.theta = function(x) x
} else if (section == "predictor") {
output("section predictor")
h = all.hyper$predictor
stopifnot(length(h) == 1)
stopifnot(inla.strcasecmp(as.character(h[[1]]$theta$hyperid), hyperid))
prior = h[[1]]$theta$prior
param = h[[1]]$theta$param
from.theta = h[[1]]$theta$from.theta
to.theta = h[[1]]$theta$to.theta
} else if (length(grep("^inla.data[0-9]+$", section)) > 0) {
## likelihood
output("request for likelihood ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid)
h = all.hyper$family
found = FALSE
for (idx.family in seq_along(h)) {
if (inla.strcasecmp(section, h[[idx.family]]$hyperid)) {
found = TRUE
if (!found) {
output("likelihood ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid, " is not found", warning=TRUE)
return (NA)
} else {
output("likelihood ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid, " is found with idx.family=", idx.family)
## now we need to find the theta
found = FALSE
for (idx.theta in seq_along(h[[idx.family]]$hyper)) {
if (inla.strcasecmp(hyperid, h[[idx.family]]$hyper[[idx.theta]]$hyperid)) {
found = TRUE
if (found) {
output("likelihood ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid, ". theta is found with idx.theta=", idx.theta)
prior = h[[idx.family]]$hyper[[idx.theta]]$prior
param = h[[idx.family]]$hyper[[idx.theta]]$param
from.theta = h[[idx.family]]$hyper[[idx.theta]]$from.theta
to.theta = h[[idx.family]]$hyper[[idx.theta]]$to.theta
} else {
## look in the link-section for theta
found = FALSE
for (idx.theta in seq_along(h[[idx.family]]$link$hyper)) {
if (inla.strcasecmp(hyperid, h[[idx.family]]$link$hyper[[idx.theta]]$hyperid)) {
found = TRUE
if (found) {
output("likelihood ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid, ". theta is found with idx.theta=", idx.theta)
prior = h[[idx.family]]$link$hyper[[idx.theta]]$prior
param = h[[idx.family]]$link$hyper[[idx.theta]]$param
from.theta = h[[idx.family]]$link$hyper[[idx.theta]]$from.theta
to.theta = h[[idx.family]]$link$hyper[[idx.theta]]$to.theta
} else {
## look in the mix-section for theta
found = FALSE
for (idx.theta in seq_along(h[[idx.family]]$mix$hyper)) {
if (inla.strcasecmp(hyperid, h[[idx.family]]$mix$hyper[[idx.theta]]$hyperid)) {
found = TRUE
if (found) {
output("likelihood ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid, ". theta is found with idx.theta=", idx.theta)
prior = h[[idx.family]]$mix$hyper[[idx.theta]]$prior
param = h[[idx.family]]$mix$hyper[[idx.theta]]$param
from.theta = h[[idx.family]]$mix$hyper[[idx.theta]]$from.theta
to.theta = h[[idx.family]]$mix$hyper[[idx.theta]]$to.theta
} else {
output("likelihood ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid, ". theta is not found",
warning = TRUE)
return (NA)
} else {
## random
output("request for random ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid)
h = all.hyper$random
found = FALSE
for (idx.random in seq_along(h)) {
if (inla.strcasecmp(section, h[[idx.random]]$hyperid)) {
found = TRUE
if (!found) {
output("random ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid, " is not found", warning = TRUE)
return (NA)
} else {
output("random ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid, " is found with idx.random=", idx.random)
## now we need to find the theta
found = FALSE
for (idx.theta in seq_along(h[[idx.random]]$hyper)) {
if (inla.strcasecmp(hyperid, h[[idx.random]]$hyper[[idx.theta]]$hyperid)) {
found = TRUE
hyper = h[[idx.random]]$hyper
if (!found) {
for (idx.theta in seq_along(h[[idx.random]]$group.hyper)) {
if (inla.strcasecmp(hyperid, h[[idx.random]]$group.hyper[[idx.theta]]$hyperid)) {
found = TRUE
hyper = h[[idx.random]]$group.hyper
if (!found) {
output("random ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid, ". theta is not found",
warning = TRUE)
return (NA)
} else {
output("random ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid, ". theta is found with (group) idx.theta=", idx.theta)
} else {
output("random ", section, " with hyperid ", hyperid, ". theta is found with idx.theta=", idx.theta)
prior = hyper[[idx.theta]]$prior
param = hyper[[idx.theta]]$param
from.theta = hyper[[idx.theta]]$from.theta
to.theta = hyper[[idx.theta]]$to.theta
output("prior ", str.trunc(prior), " param ", str.trunc(param))
return (list(prior = prior, param = param, from.theta = from.theta, to.theta = to.theta))
inla.get.prior.xy = function(section = NULL, hyperid = NULL, all.hyper, debug=FALSE,
len = 1000, range, intern = FALSE)
str.trunc = function(..., max.len = 32)
str = paste(..., sep="", collapse = " ")
str = substr(str, 1, min(max.len, nchar(str)))
output = function(..., stop=FALSE, force = FALSE)
msg = paste("*** inla.get.prior.xy: ", ..., sep="", collapse=" ")
if (stop) stop(msg)
if (debug || force) print(msg)
return (invisible())
map.interval = function(x, param, deriv = 0)
low = param[1]
high = param[2]
ex = exp(x);
if (deriv == 0) {
return (low + (high - low) * ex / (1.0 + ex))
} else {
return ((high - low) * ex / (1.0 + ex)^2)
## add priors here. the format is
## my.<NameOfPrior> = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
## and should return the density (log=F) or log-density (log=T) for the internal parameter
## THETA (which is a vector), and the prior has parameters PARAM (which is the same ones as
## specified from within the R-interface and argument 'hyper'. the conversion to the prior
## density for the user-scale is done automatically.
my.pc.gevtail = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
dist = function(xi, deriv = 0) {
if (deriv == 0) {
return (xi*sqrt(2.0/(1.0-xi)))
} else {
return ((2.0-xi) * sqrt(2.0) / 2.0 / sqrt(1.0/(1.0-xi)) / (1.0 - xi)^2)
lambda = param[1]
interval = param[c(2, 3)]
xi = map.interval(theta, interval)
xi.deriv = map.interval(theta, interval, deriv = 1)
if (interval[1] == 0.0) {
p.low = 0.0
} else {
p.low = 1.0 - exp(-lambda * dist(interval[1]))
if (interval[2] == 1.0) {
p.high = 1.0
} else {
p.high = 1.0 - exp(-lambda * dist(interval[2]))
d = dist(xi)
d.deriv = dist(xi, deriv = 1)
return (-log(p.high - p.low) + log(lambda) - lambda * d + log(abs(d.deriv)) +
my.pc.dof = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
fun = inla.models()$likelihood$t$hyper$theta2$from.theta
dof = fun(theta)
ld = inla.pc.ddof(dof, lambda = param[1], log=TRUE) + theta
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.pc.alphaw = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
fun = inla.models()$likelihood$weibull$hyper$theta$from.theta
alpha = fun(theta)
h = .Machine$double.eps^0.25
ld = inla.pc.dalphaw(alpha, lambda = param[1], log=TRUE) + log(abs((fun(theta + h) - fun(theta-h))/(2.0*h)))
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.pc.gamma = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
## see ?inla.pc.dgamma. this is the same prior, but for theta where x=exp(theta)
x = exp(theta)
ld = inla.pc.dgamma(x, lambda = param[1], log=TRUE) + theta
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.pc.mgamma = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
## see ?inla.pc.dgamma. this is the same prior, but for theta where x=exp(-theta)
return (my.pc.gamma(-theta, param, log=log))
my.pc.gammacount = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
## see ?inla.pc.dgammacount. this is the same prior, but for theta where x=exp(theta)
x = exp(theta)
ld = inla.pc.dgammacount(x, lambda = param[1], log=TRUE) + theta
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.pc.cor0 = function(theta, param, log = FALSE)
e.theta = exp(theta)
rho = 2.0 * e.theta/(1 + e.theta) - 1.0
ld = (inla.pc.dcor0(rho, u = param[1], alpha = param[2], log=TRUE) +
log(2) + theta - 2.0*log(1+e.theta))
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.pc.rho0 = function(theta, param, log = FALSE)
return (my.pc.cor0(theta, param, log))
my.pc.cor1 = function(theta, param, log = FALSE)
e.theta = exp(theta)
rho = 2.0 * e.theta/(1 + e.theta) - 1.0
ld = (inla.pc.dcor1(rho, u = param[1], alpha = param[2], log=TRUE) +
log(2) + theta - 2.0*log(1+e.theta))
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.pc.rho1 = function(theta, param, log = FALSE)
return (my.pc.cor1(theta, param, log))
my.logitbeta = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
e.theta = exp(theta)
p = e.theta/(1.0 + e.theta)
ld = (dbeta(p, shape1 = param[1], shape2 = param[2], log=TRUE) +
theta - 2.0 * log(1 + e.theta))
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.betacorrelation = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
e.theta = exp(theta)
p = e.theta/(1 + e.theta)
ld = dbeta(p, shape1 = param[1], shape2 = param[2], log=TRUE) +
theta - 2.0 * log(1.0 + e.theta)
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.pcfgnh = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
## we compute the PC-prior on the fly using these two packages. Its somewhat quick.
to.theta = inla.models()$latent$fgn$hyper$theta2$to.theta
from.theta = inla.models()$latent$fgn$hyper$theta2$from.theta
logdet.FGN = function(H, n) {
ans = c()
Hseq = H
for(H in Hseq) {
r = inla.acvfFGN(H, n-1)
res = HKprocess::ltzc(r, rep(0, n))
ans = c(ans, as.numeric(res[2]))
return (ans)
d = function(H, n) return (sqrt(-logdet.FGN(H, n)))
H.intern = seq(-10, 19, by = 0.1)
dist = d(from.theta(H.intern), 100)
log.d = log(dist/max(dist))
res = cbind(H.intern = H.intern, log.d = log.d)
log.d.spline = splinefun(res[, 1], res[, 2])
d.spline = function(H.intern, ...) return (exp(log.d.spline(H.intern, ...)))
d.spline.deriv = function(H.intern, ...) return (d.spline(H.intern, ...) * log.d.spline(H.intern, deriv=1L))
U = param[1]
alpha = param[2]
lambda = -log(alpha)/d.spline(to.theta(U))
ld = dexp(d.spline(theta), rate = lambda, log=TRUE) + log(abs(d.spline.deriv(theta)))
##print(cbind(theta = theta, ld = ld))
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.pc.prec = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
## sigma = exp(-theta/2)
## pi(theta) = lambda * exp(-lambda*sigma) * sigma/2
## param = c(U, alpha)
lambda = -log(param[2])/param[1]
sigma = exp(-theta/2.0)
ld = log(lambda) + (-theta/2.0) - log(2.0) - lambda * sigma
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.loggamma = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
## the log-of-a-gamma(a, b) density
ld = dgamma(exp(theta), shape = param[1], rate = param[2], log=TRUE) + theta
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.gaussian = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
if (param[2] == 0) ## improper prior
param[2] = 1.0/.Machine$double.eps
ld = dnorm(theta, mean = param[1], sd = sqrt(1/param[2]), log=TRUE)
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
my.normal = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
return (my.gaussian(theta, param, log))
my.table = function(theta, param, log=FALSE)
fun = splinefun(param[, 1], param[, 2])
ld = fun(theta)
return (if (log) ld else exp(ld))
## end of prior functions
prior = inla.extract.prior(section, hyperid, all.hyper, debug)
if (length(prior) == 1 && is.na(prior)) {
return (list(x = NA, y = NA))
if (length(grep("table:", prior$prior)) > 0) {
tab = substr(prior$prior, nchar("table:")+1, nchar(prior$prior))
xy = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(tab, "[ \t\n\r]+")))
xy = xy[!is.na(xy)]
nxy = length(xy) %/% 2L
xx = xy[1:nxy]
yy = xy[1:nxy + nxy]
xy = cbind(xx, yy)
prior$param = xy
prior$prior = "table"
if (length(grep("expression:", prior$prior)) > 0) {
## not available yet.
return (list(x = NA, y = NA))
myp = paste("my.", prior$prior, sep="")
if (!exists(myp) || !is.function(eval(parse(text = myp)))) {
output("internal prior-function not found: ", myp, ", NEEDS TO BE IMPLEMENTED", force=TRUE)
return (list(x = NA, y=NA))
output("prior: ", str.trunc(prior$prior), " param: ", str.trunc(prior$param))
if (intern) {
## use a linear scale. 'x' is in the linear scale
x = seq(range[1], range[2], len = len)
y = do.call(myp, list(theta=x, param = prior$param))
} else {
## 'x' is in the user-scale.
## this is a special case, need to extract the interval and use that as the correct
## argument
if (prior$prior == "pc.gevtail") {
interval = prior$param[c(2, 3)]
range.theta = prior$to.theta(range, interval = interval)
theta = seq(range.theta[1], range.theta[2], len = len)
x = prior$from.theta(theta, interval = interval)
} else {
range.theta = prior$to.theta(range)
theta = seq(range.theta[1], range.theta[2], len = len)
x = prior$from.theta(theta)
ld = do.call(myp, args = list(theta = theta, param = prior$param, log=TRUE))
fun = splinefun(x, theta)
y = exp(ld + log(abs(fun(x, deriv=1))))
return (list(x = x, y = y))
`inla.all.hyper.postprocess` = function(all.hyper)
## postprocess all.hyper, by converting and replacing prior = 'mvnorm' into its p
## marginals. this is for the spde-models
len.n = function(param, max.dim = 10000)
len = function(n) {
return (n + n^2)
len.target = length(param)
for(n in 1:max.dim) {
if (len(n) == len.target) {
return (n)
stop(paste("length(param) is wrong:", len.target))
get.mvnorm.marginals = function(param)
n = len.n(param)
mu = param[1:n]
Q = matrix(param[-(1:n)], n, n)
Sigma = solve((Q + t(Q))/2.)
return (list(mean = mu, prec = 1/diag(Sigma)))
for (i in seq_along(all.hyper$random)) {
for(j in seq_along(all.hyper$random[[i]]$hyper)) {
if (all.hyper$random[[i]]$hyper[[j]]$prior == "mvnorm") {
## replace this one, and the p-following ones, with its marginals
m = get.mvnorm.marginals(all.hyper$random[[i]]$hyper[[j]]$param)
for(k in 1:length(m$mean)) {
kk = j + k - 1
all.hyper$random[[i]]$hyper[[kk]]$prior = "normal"
all.hyper$random[[i]]$hyper[[kk]]$param = c(m$mean[k], m$prec[k])
return (all.hyper)
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