
fastCNVassoc <- function(probs, formula, 
        data, model = "additive", family = "binomial", 
        nclass = 3, colskip = 5, tol = 1e-06, 
        max.iter = 30, verbose = FALSE, multicores = 0) {
        cl <- match.call()
        if (missing(data)) 
            data <- environment(formula)
        mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
        m <- match(c("formula", "data", "na.action"), 
            names(mf), 0L)  #offset
        mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
        mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
        mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
        mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
        mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
        model.type <- charmatch(model, c("additive", 
        if (is.na(model.type)) 
            stop(" argument 'model' must be either 'multiplicative' or 
        if (model.type != 1) 
            stop(" only 'additive' model is implemented")
        if (!family %in% c("weibull", "binomial")) 
            stop(" only 'biomial' and 'weibull' models are implemented by now")
        nIndiv <- NROW(mf)
        mm <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
        y <- model.response(mf)
        nVar <- NCOL(mf) - 1
        if (nVar != 0) {
            Xcov <- mm[, -1, drop = FALSE]
            nCov <- NCOL(Xcov)
        } else {
            Xcov <- NULL
            nCov <- 0
        N <- as.integer(nIndiv)
        # RESPONSE
        if (family != "weibull") 
            Y <- y else {
            Y <- y[, 1]
            CENS <- y[, 2]
        # PARAM INI
        if (nVar > 0) {
            if (family == "binomial") 
                fit0 <- glm(Y ~ Xcov, family = "binomial")
            if (family == "weibull") 
                fit0 <- survreg(Surv(Y, CENS) ~ 
        } else {
            if (family == "binomial") 
                fit0 <- glm(Y ~ 1, family = "binomial")
            if (family == "weibull") 
                fit0 <- survreg(Surv(Y, CENS) ~ 
        if (family != "weibull") 
            PARAM <- c(0, coef(fit0)) 
            PARAM <- c(0, unlist(translate(fit0)))
        PARAM[c(1,2)] <- PARAM[c(2,1)]
        # OTHER INPUTS
        TOL <- tol
        MAX_ITER <- as.integer(max.iter)
        VERBOSE <- as.integer(0)
        P <- as.integer(nclass)
        Q <- as.integer(nCov)
        Y <- as.double(Y)
        if (nCov > 0) 
            C <- t(Xcov) else C <- NULL
        # PROBS
        if (is.character(probs)) {
            if (length(grep("\\.fst$", probs)) > 
                0) {
                # fst format
                cat("Scanning .fst data...\n")
                read.st <- system.time(PROBS <- read_fst(probs))[3]
                cat("Done! Took ", read.st, "seconds\n\n")
            } else {
                # .probs format
                cat("Reading .probs data...\n")
                read.st <- system.time(PROBS <- read_table2(probs, 
                    col_names = FALSE))[3]
                cat("Done! Took ", read.st, "seconds\n\n")
        } else {
            if (!(is.matrix(probs) || is.data.frame(probs))) 
                stop(" 'probs' must be a character (file) or a matrix or a 
            PROBS <- probs
        if (colskip > 0) 
            PROBS <- PROBS[, -seq_len(colskip), drop = FALSE]
        PROBS <- as.matrix(PROBS)
        nCNVs <- NROW(PROBS)
        # RUN no use of parallel package
        if (multicores == 0) {
            ans <- lapply(seq_len(nCNVs), function(i) {
                if (verbose) 
                    cat("Iteration ", i, "\n")
                PROBS.i <- PROBS[i, ]
                WW <- matrix(as.double(PROBS.i), 
                    nrow = nclass)
                if (nCov > 0) {
                    if (family == "binomial") 
                    fit <- try(.Call("NRlogisticcov", 
                        N, PARAM, P, Y, WW, Q, 
                        C, TOL, MAX_ITER, VERBOSE, PACKAGE="CNVassoc"))
                    if (family == "weibull") 
                    fit <- try(.Call("NRweibullcov", 
                        N, PARAM, P, Y, CENS, 
                        WW, Q, C, TOL, MAX_ITER, 
                        VERBOSE, PACKAGE="CNVassoc"))
                } else {
                    if (family == "binomial") 
                    fit <- try(.Call("NRlogistic", 
                        N, PARAM, P, Y, WW, TOL, 
                        MAX_ITER, VERBOSE, PACKAGE="CNVassoc"))
                    if (family == "weibull") 
                    fit <- try(.Call("NRweibull", 
                        N, PARAM, P, Y, CENS, 
                        WW, TOL, MAX_ITER, VERBOSE, PACKAGE="CNVassoc"))
                if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) 
                    return(rep(NA, 3))
                logor <- fit[[1]][2]
                se <- try(sqrt(diag(solve(-fit[[4]])))[2], 
                    silent = TRUE)
                if (inherits(se, "try-error")) 
                    se <- NA
                iter <- fit[[5]]
                return(c(logor, se, iter))
            ans <- matrix(unlist(ans), ncol = 3, 
                byrow = TRUE)
        } else {
            # use of parallel package
            requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)
            ans <- parallel::mclapply(seq_len(nCNVs), 
                function(i) {
                    if (verbose) 
                    cat("Iteration", i, "\n")
                    PROBS.i <- PROBS[i, ]
                    WW <- matrix(as.double(PROBS.i), 
                    nrow = nclass)
                    if (nCov > 0) {
                    if (family == "binomial") 
                        fit <- try(.Call("NRlogisticcov", 
                        N, PARAM, P, Y, WW, 
                        Q, C, TOL, MAX_ITER, 
                        VERBOSE, PACKAGE="CNVassoc"))
                    if (family == "weibull") 
                        fit <- try(.Call("NRweibullcov", 
                        N, PARAM, P, Y, CENS, 
                        WW, Q, C, TOL, MAX_ITER, 
                        VERBOSE, PACKAGE="CNVassoc"))
                    } else {
                    if (family == "binomial") 
                        fit <- try(.Call("NRlogistic", 
                        N, PARAM, P, Y, WW, 
                        TOL, MAX_ITER, VERBOSE, PACKAGE="CNVassoc"))
                    if (family == "weibull") 
                        fit <- try(.Call("NRweibull", 
                        N, PARAM, P, Y, CENS, 
                        WW, TOL, MAX_ITER, 
                        VERBOSE, PACKAGE="CNVassoc"))
                    if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) 
                    return(rep(NA, 3))
                    logor <- fit[[1]][2]
                    se <- try(sqrt(diag(solve(-fit[[4]])))[2], 
                    silent = TRUE)
                    if (inherits(se, "try-error")) 
                    se <- NA
                    iter <- fit[[5]]
                    return(c(logor, se, iter))
                }, mc.cores = multicores)
            ans <- matrix(unlist(ans), ncol = 3, 
                byrow = TRUE)
        zscore <- ans[, 1]/ans[, 2]
        pval <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(zscore)))
        if (nrow(ans) == 1) 
            ans <- rbind(c(ans[1, c(1,2)], zscore, 
                pval, ans[1, 3])) else ans <- cbind(ans[, c(1,2)], zscore, 
            pval, ans[, 3])
        colnames(ans) <- c("beta", "se", "zscore", 
            "pvalue", "iter")
        ans <- data.frame(variant = seq_len(nrow(ans)), 
isglobal-brge/CNVassoc documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:48 p.m.