Defines functions geno_pca_pooled_addPC2GenoDS geno_pca_pooled_addPCDS svdPartial PCADS

Documented in geno_pca_pooled_addPC2GenoDS geno_pca_pooled_addPCDS PCADS svdPartial

#' @title Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on SNP genotype data
#' @description PCA for genotype data on the study server
#' @details Pooled method implemented using block method ("Parallel Algorithms for the Singular Value Decomposition." Berry et al. 2005). 
#' The \code{snp_subset} option uses gene regions that have been linked to ethnic groupings, it is suggested to use this option to optimize 
#' the computing time and get noise-less principal components. 
#' @param genoData \code{GenotypeData} object
#' @param pca_rs \code{vector of strings} SNPs included on the standardization. Obtained with dsBaseClient::standardizeGenoData
#' @param pca_means \code{vector of numerics} Means. Obtained with dsBaseClient::standardizeGenoData
#' @param pca_sd_hw \code{vector of numerics} Standar deviations. Obtained with dsBaseClient::standardizeGenoData
#' @return \code{data.frame} with the results
#' @export

PCADS <- function(genoData, pca_rs, pca_means, pca_sd_hw){
  # TODO what do we do with the missing values of the genotype??? if set to NA, sva(x) fails!!!
    dt <- tibble(rs = strsplit(pca_rs, split=",")[[1]], 
                 means = as.numeric(strsplit(pca_means, split=",")[[1]]), 
                 sd_hw = as.numeric(strsplit(pca_sd_hw, split=",")[[1]]))
    stand <- T
  } else {stand <- F}
  # results <- Reduce(cbind, lapply(genoData, function(i){
  #   if(inherits(i, "GenotypeData")){
  #     geno <- GWASTools::GenotypeBlockIterator(i, snpBlock=snpBlock)
  #   } else if (inherits(i, "GdsGenotypeReader")) {
  #     gds_gd <- GWASTools::GenotypeData(i)
  #     geno <- GWASTools::GenotypeBlockIterator(gds_gd, snpBlock=snpBlock)
  #   } else {
  #     stop()
  #   }
  #   gfile <- openfn.gds(geno@data@filename, allow.duplicate = T, allow.fork = T)
  #   n <- index.gdsn(gfile, "genotype")
  #   iterations <- length(geno@snpFilter)
  #   rs <- GWASTools::getVariable(geno, "snp.rs.id")
  #   if(stand){
      # svd_partial <- Reduce(cbind, lapply(1:iterations, function(x){
      #   snp.sel <- geno@snpFilter[[x]]
      #   genoData_temp <- readex.gdsn(n, list(NULL, snp.sel))#, .value = 3, .substitute = NA)
      #   dt_temp <- dt[which(dt$rs %in% rs[snp.sel]),]
      #   genoData_temp <- t((t(genoData_temp) - dt_temp$means) / dt_temp$sd_hw)
      #   svd_partial <- svdPartial(genoData_temp)
      # }))
  #   } else {
  #     browser()
  #     svd_partial <- Reduce(cbind, lapply(1:iterations, function(x){
  #       snp.sel <- geno@snpFilter[[x]]
  #       genoData_temp <- readex.gdsn(n, list(NULL, snp.sel))#, .value = 3, .substitute = NA)
  #       svd_partial <- svdPartial(genoData_temp)
  #     }))
  #   }
  #   return(svd_partial)
  # }))
  # browser()
  results <- do.call(cbind, lapply(genoData, function(x){
    GWASTools::getVariable(x, "genotype")
    rs <- do.call(c, lapply(genoData, function(x){
      GWASTools::getVariable(x, "snp.rs.id")
    dt <- dplyr::left_join(tibble::as_tibble(rs) %>% dplyr::rename(rs = value), dt)
    dt$means[is.na(dt$means)] <- 0
    dt$sd_hw[is.na(dt$sd_hw)] <- 1
    aux <- matrix(c(t(results)) + dt$means, ncol = nrow(dt), byrow = T)
    results <- matrix(c(t(aux)) + dt$sd_hw, ncol = nrow(dt), byrow = T)

  results <- svdPartial(t(results))

#' @title Partial singular value decomposition
#' @description Block SVD of the SVD block method
#' @param x \code{matrix} Block of data
#' @return \code{matrix} With block step

svdPartial <- function(x){
  ss <- svd(x)
  ans <- sweep(ss$u, 2, FUN="*", ss$d)

#' @title Add PCA results to geno
#' @description Adds the results of the block method to the geno, creating a new dt
#' @param object \code{GenotypeData} object
#' @param pca \code{raw} Serialized PCA object
#' @return \code{dt}
#' @export

geno_pca_pooled_addPCDS <- function(geno, pca, ncomp){

  # Extract genotype data
  genoSNPS <- do.call(cbind, lapply(geno, function(x){
    GWASTools::getVariable(x, "genotype")
  # Extract individuals
  individuals <- GWASTools::getVariable(geno[[1]], "sample.id")
  # Unserialize PCA object
  pca <- matrix(pca, ncol = ncomp)
  # Calculate individual princ comp values
  pca_coord <- genoSNPS %*% pca
  colnames(pca_coord) <- paste0("Dim.", 1:ncol(pca))
  rownames(pca_coord) <- individuals

#' @title Add PCA results to the phenotype slot
#' @description Add the PCA results to be used on an association analysis as covariates
#' @param geno \code{GenotypeData} object
#' @param pca \code{data.frame} of the PCA results
#' @return \code{GenotypeData} object
#' @export

geno_pca_pooled_addPC2GenoDS <- function(geno, pca){
  # Get old scan annotation (phenotypes)
  old_scanAnnot <- geno@scanAnnot
  # Create new scanAnnot (old + pca results)
  new_data <- merge(old_scanAnnot@data, 
                          pca %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("rownames"), 
                          by.x = "scanID", by.y = "rownames", sort = FALSE)
  new_scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(new_data)
  # Create new GenotypeData with updated phenotypes
  gds <- openfn.gds(geno@data@filename, allow.fork=TRUE, allow.duplicate = TRUE)
  new_gds <- GWASTools::GdsGenotypeReader(gds, allow.fork = TRUE)
  new_gds <- GWASTools::GenotypeData(new_gds, scanAnnot = new_scanAnnot)
isglobal-brge/dsOmics documentation built on March 22, 2023, 4:01 a.m.