
Defines functions VizEnrichments VizMetaData VizVDJDist VizAnnotatedMarkers VizScoredSets VizVlnPlot VizRidgePlot VizDotPlot VizHeatmap

Documented in VizAnnotatedMarkers VizDotPlot VizEnrichments VizHeatmap VizMetaData VizRidgePlot VizScoredSets VizVDJDist VizVlnPlot

#' Visualize GO/pathway enrichments
#' \code{VizEnrichments} creates barcharts for enrichments returned by
#' \code{\link{RunEnrichr}}. Two plots will be created for each library - one 
#' ranked by adj. p-value, the other by Enrichr's combined score metrics. 
#' @details
#' Plots will be saved in a PDF named by library if \code{outdir} is set.
#' @param enrichments Named list containing enrichment results as returned by
#'   \code{\link{RunEnrichr}}.
#' @param outdir Path to the output directory, will save plots as properly-sized
#'   PDFs if set. Otherwise, they will be printed.
#' @param n.terms Number of terms to place on plot. 
#' @param remove.insig Boolean indicating whether terms that don't meet the 
#'   \code{adj.p.thresh} should be removed from the plots. 
#' @param adj.p.thresh Value indicating adjusted p-value threshold to filter 
#'   terms. 
#' @param colors Vector of two colors to use for coloring bars. First will be
#'   low, second will be high. 
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf
#' @importFrom scales wrap_format
#' @importFrom stats reorder
#' @export
#' @examples
#' genes <- c("CD8A", "GZMA", "GZMK", "GZMB", "CD4", "CD3E", "GNLY")
#' libs <- c("Reactome_2016", "KEGG_2019_HUMAN")
#' terms <- RunEnrichr(genes, libraries = libs)
#' VizEnrichments(enrichments = terms)
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunEnrichr}} for running enrichment analysis.
#' @author Jared Andrews
VizEnrichments <- function(enrichments, outdir = NULL, 
	n.terms = 10, remove.insig = TRUE, adj.p.thresh = 0.05, 
	colors = c("grey", "darkred")) {

	if (length(colors) > 2) {
		stop("Only two colors can be provided, get that fancy stuff outta here.")

	ind = 1
	for (i in enrichments) {
		lib <- names(enrichments[ind])
		ind <- ind + 1
		# Significance filter.
		if (isTRUE(remove.insig)) {
			i <- i[which(i$Adjusted.P.value <= adj.p.thresh), ]
			if (nrow(i) == 0) {
				message(paste0("Skipping ", lib, " due to no terms meeting the ",
					"significance threshold."))

		message(paste0("Plotting ", lib))

		i$log.Adj.p <- -log10(as.numeric(i$Adjusted.P.value))
		i.p <- i[order(-i$log.Adj.p),]
		i.s <- i[order(-i$Combined.Score),]

		# Limit number of terms.
		if (!is.null(n.terms)) {
			if (nrow(i) > n.terms) {
				i.p <- i.p[1:n.terms, ]
				i.s <- i.s[1:n.terms, ]
		p1 <- ggplot(i.p, aes(x = reorder(Term, log.Adj.p),
			log.Adj.p, fill = log.Adj.p)) + geom_col() + coord_flip() +
			cowplot::theme_cowplot(12) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 7), 
				legend.title = element_text(size=10), 
				legend.text = element_text(size = 10)) + 
			scale_x_discrete(labels = wrap_format(40)) + 
			scale_fill_gradient(low = colors[1], high = colors[2]) + xlab("Term") +
			ylab("-log10(Adjusted p-value)") + ylim(0, NA)

		p2 <- ggplot(i.s, aes(x = reorder(Term, Combined.Score), 
			Combined.Score, fill = log.Adj.p)) + geom_col() + coord_flip() +
			cowplot::theme_cowplot(12) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 7), 
				legend.title = element_text(size=10), 
				legend.text = element_text(size = 10)) +
			scale_x_discrete(labels = wrap_format(40)) +
			scale_fill_gradient(low = colors[1], high = colors[2]) + xlab("Term") +
			ylab("Combined Score (Enrichr)")

    c <- cowplot::plot_grid(
      p1, p2, rel_widths = c(1, 1),
      nrow = 1

		h <- 0.8 + (0.35 * nrow(i.p))

    if (!is.null(outdir)) {
		  pdf(sprintf("%s/%s.Enrichments.pdf", outdir, lib), height = h, width = 12)
    } else {

#' Visualize a Seurat object by metadata variables
#' \code{VizMetaData} creates Seurat DimPlots for the given \code{meta.data} 
#' columns using UMAP, TSNE, and PCA reductions. These plots are automatically 
#' saved in a PDF in the specified output directory.
#' @param scrna \linkS4class{Seurat} object.
#' @param vars String or character vector of \code{meta.data} column names to 
#'   plot.
#' @param outdir Path to output directory.
#' @param mnn Boolean indicating whether integration performed via 
#'   \code{\link{SimpleIntegration}} used \code{method = "MNN"}.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to \code{\link[Seurat]{DimPlot}}. 
#'   \code{cols}, \code{reduction}, and \code{group.by} are already defined and 
#'   will throw an error if passed.
#' @importFrom Seurat DimPlot
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf rainbow
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @author Jared Andrews
VizMetaData <- function(scrna, vars, outdir, mnn = FALSE, ...) {

	# Check for necessary reductions.
	if (is.null(scrna@reductions$tsne)) {
		stop("'tsne' not available in reductions, please run RunTSNE() on object.")
	} else if(is.null(scrna@reductions$umap)) {
		stop("'umap' not available in reductions, please run RunUMAP() on object.")
	} else if(is.null(scrna@reductions$pca) && !mnn) {
		stop("'pca' not available in reductions, please run RunPCA() on object.")
	} else if(mnn && is.null(scrna@reductions$mnn)) {
    stop("'mnn' not available in reductions.")

  if (mnn) {
    reduc <- "mnn"
  } else {
    reduc <- "pca"

	dim.params <- list(...)
	for (i in vars) {
		message("Plotting ", i)
    if (is.null(scrna[[]][[as.character(i)]])) {
      stop(paste0(i, " not found in Seurat object.",
        " Check metadata and variable name."))

	  # Get all unique elements of variable.
		vars_found <- sort(unique(scrna[[]][[as.character(i)]]))
		# Color with rainbow colors.
		cell_colors <- rainbow(length(vars_found), s = 0.6, v = 0.9)

		w <- 15 + (2 * ceiling((length(vars_found) / 12)))

		p1 <- do.call(DimPlot, c(scrna, list(group.by = as.character(i), 
			cols = cell_colors, reduction = reduc), dim.params)) + NoLegend()
		p2 <- do.call(DimPlot, c(scrna, list(group.by = as.character(i), 
			cols = cell_colors, reduction = "tsne"), dim.params)) + NoLegend()
		p3 <- do.call(DimPlot, c(scrna, list(group.by = as.character(i), 
			cols = cell_colors, reduction = "umap"), dim.params)) + 
			theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 7), 
        legend.title = element_text(size = 8)) +
			labs(color = as.character(i))

		# Finicky garbage to get legends to not overlay plots.
		p3a <- p3 + theme(legend.position = "none")
		legend <- cowplot::get_legend(p3)
		plots <- cowplot::align_plots(p1, p2, p3a, align = 'h', axis = '0')
		leg.w <- ceiling((length(vars_found) / 12)) * 0.4
		c <- cowplot::plot_grid(
		  plots[[1]], plots[[2]], plots[[3]],  legend,
		  rel_widths = c(1, 1, 1, leg.w),
		  nrow = 1

    # Plot.
    pdf(sprintf("%s/PCA.TSNE.UMAP.%s.pdf", outdir, i), width = w, height = 5, 

#' Visualize clonotype distributions
#' \code{VizVDJDist} visualizes clonotype distributions for each sample in a
#' seurat object as histograms as well as barcharts comparing clonotype 
#' proportions between them.
#' Cells with no clonotypes are still included in determining clonotype
#' frequencies, but NA is removed from subsequent graphs.
#' @param scrna \linkS4class{Seurat} object with clonotype data added to 
#'   metadata with \code{\link{AddClonotype}}.
#' @param outdir Path to output directory.
#' @param g.by Metadata column to group samples by. If not provided, only
#'   histograms of clonotypes will be saved.
#' @param o.by Vector containing names of members of each group to sort by 
#'   within the group. Ignored if \code{g.by} is NULL. Should contain one 
#'   instance of each potential value in \code{g.by} column if provided.
#' @param n.clono.c Number of top clonotypes to plot for comparison barchart.
#'   Ignored if \code{g.by} is NULL.
#' @param n.clono.g Number of clonotypes to show in group-specific histograms.
#'   All are shown by default.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stats reorder
#' @importFrom scales wrap_format
#' @export
#' @author Jared Andrews
VizVDJDist <- function(scrna, outdir, g.by = NULL, o.by = NULL, n.clono.c = 10,
	n.clono.g = NULL) {

	message("Visualizing clonotype distributions.")

	if (!is.null(g.by)) {

		# Get clonotype frequencies.
		df <- scrna[[]] %>% dplyr::count((!!as.symbol(g.by)), cdr3s_aa) %>% 
			dplyr::group_by(!!as.symbol(g.by)) %>% dplyr::mutate(prop = prop.table(n))

		# Sort by frequency.
		df <- df[order(-df$prop),]

		# Remove rows with no TCR data.
		df <- df[!is.na(df$cdr3s_aa),]

		# Get the top n TCR sequences by frequency. Sample agnostic.
		c.df <- df[!duplicated(df$cdr3s_aa),]
		c.df <- c.df[1:as.numeric(n.clono.c),]

		# Get all rows for the the top TCR AA sequences in original df.
		cdr3 <- c.df$cdr3s_aa
		x.df <- df[(df$cdr3s_aa %in% cdr3),]

		# Order.
    if (!is.null(o.by)) {
  		index <- 1:length(o.by)
  		z = 1
  		x.df$ord <- 1
  		for (i in o.by) {
  		    x.df$ord[x.df[g.by] == i] <- z
  		    z = z + 1
		pdf(sprintf("%s/Clonotype.Distributions.pdf", outdir), height = 9, 
			width = 9)

		# Plot grouped barchart for top clonotypes.
		p <- ggplot(x.df, aes(x = reorder(cdr3s_aa, -prop), prop, 
			group = ord,  fill = !!as.symbol(g.by))) + 
			geom_col(position = position_dodge(preserve = "single"), 
			colour = "black") + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
			xlab("Clonotype") + ylab("Frequency") + theme_classic() +
			theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1), 
			axis.line.x = element_line(size = 1, colour = "black")) + 
      scale_x_discrete(labels = wrap_format(30)) 

		# Plot individual group frequencies.
		groups <- unique(df[[g.by]])
		for (i in groups) {
			g.spec <- df[which(df[g.by] == i), ]

			# Subset df here for top clonotypes to show in specific groups.
			if (!is.null(n.clono.g)) {
				g.spec <- g.spec[order(-g.spec$prop),]
				g.spec <- g.spec[1:as.numeric(n.clono.g),]

			p <- ggplot(g.spec, aes(x = reorder(cdr3s_aa, -prop), prop)) + geom_col(
				colour = "black") + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
				ggtitle(i) + xlab("Clonotype") + ylab("Frequency") + theme_classic() +
				theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1), 
				axis.line.x = element_line(size = 1, colour = "black")) + 
        scale_x_discrete(labels = wrap_format(30)) 
	} else {
		# Get clonotype frequencies.
		df <- scrna[[]] %>% dplyr::count((!!as.symbol(g.by)), cdr3s_aa) %>% 
			dplyr::mutate(prop = prop.table(n))

		# Subset df here for top clonotypes to show in specific groups.
		if (!is.null(n.clono.g)) {
			g.spec <- df[order(-df$prop),]
			g.spec <- g.spec[1:as.numeric(n.clono.g),]

		p <- ggplot(g.spec, aes(x = reorder(cdr3s_aa, -prop), prop)) + geom_col(
			colour = "black") + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
			xlab("Clonotype") + ylab("Frequency") + theme_classic() +
			theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1), 
			axis.line.x = element_line(size = 1, colour = "black")) + 
      scale_x_discrete(labels = wrap_format(30)) 


#' Visualize an annotated marker list
#' \code{VizAnnotatedMarkers} creates Seurat FeaturePlots (and other 
#' visualizations) for lists of marker genes associated with a given annotation.
#' Plots for each annotation set will be output to a PDF that will be
#' dynamically sized and named based on the name and number of markers for the
#' set. New directories will be created for each set in the output directory.
#' @param scrna \linkS4class{Seurat} object.
#' @param marker.df Dataframe with two columns named "Set" and "Marker". 
#'   The "Set" column should contain a cell or process-type (e.g. Tcell, Bcell, 
#'   Exhaustion markers, etc.) while the "Marker" column contains the 
#'   comma-delimited gene symbols associated with it. 
#' @param outdir Path to output directory.
#' @param idents String or character vector containing \code{meta.data} columns
#'   to use as cell identities across all plots. Multiple can be provided - 
#'   plots will be generated for each.
#' @param vln Boolean indicating whether to create Seurat VlnPlots for each set.
#'   Splits by cell idents. 
#' @param ridge Boolean indicating whether to create Seurat RidgePlots for each
#'   set. Splits by cell idents.
#' @param dot Boolean indicating whether to create Seurat DotPlots for each
#'   set. Splits by cell idents. 
#' @param heatmap Boolean indicating whether to create a Seurat Heatmap for each
#'   set. Splits by cell idents.
#' @param vln.params List of keyword arguments to be passed to 
#'   \code{\link[Seurat]{VlnPlot}}. \code{features} are already defined and will 
#'   throw an error if passed.
#' @param ridge.params List of keyword arguments to be passed to Seurat
#'   \code{\link[Seurat]{RidgePlot}}. \code{features} are already defined and 
#'   will throw an error if passed.
#' @param dot.params List of keyword arguments to be passed to Seurat
#'   \code{\link[Seurat]{DotPlot}}. \code{features} are already defined and will 
#'   throw an error if passed.
#' @param heatmap.params List of keyword arguments to be passed to Seurat
#'   \code{\link[Seurat]{DoHeatmap}}. \code{features} and \code{assay} are 
#'   already defined and will throw an error if passed.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to Seurat \code{FeaturePlot}. \code{cols}, 
#'   \code{features}, \code{reduction}, and \code{ncol} are already defined and
#'   will throw an error if passed.
#' @import Seurat
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @author Jared Andrews
VizAnnotatedMarkers <- function(scrna, marker.df, outdir, idents = "default", 
  vln = NULL, ridge = NULL, dot = NULL, heatmap = NULL, vln.params = NULL, 
	ridge.params = NULL, dot.params = NULL, heatmap.params = NULL, ...) {

  # Plot individual genes in various classes.
  for (i in unique(marker.df$Set)) {
    # Remove problematic characters from cell classes.
    j <- gsub(" ", "_", i)
    j <- gsub("/", "_", j)
    message("Plotting ", j)
    genes <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(marker.df$Marker[which(
      marker.df$Set == i)], ",")))

    # Remove genes not found in Seurat object.
    genes <- genes[which(genes %in% rownames(scrna))]
    ng <- length(genes)

    # Move to next set if no genes for current set are in Seurat object.
    if (ng == 0) {
    	message("Skipping ", j, " as no markers are present in Seurat object.")

    out <- sprintf("%s/%s", outdir, j)
    dir.create(file.path(out), showWarnings = FALSE)
    out.tsne <- sprintf("%s/TSNE.%s.pdf", out, j)
    out.umap <- sprintf("%s/UMAP.%s.pdf", out, j)

    # Dynamic figure sizing.
    h <- 6
    w <- 5
    if (ng > 1) {
      w <- 12 # two columns
      if (ng > 4) {
        h <- 15 
      } else if (ng > 2) {
        h <- 10

    pdf(out.tsne, useDingbats = FALSE, height = h, width = w)
    it <- 1
    for (i in 1:ceiling(ng/6)) {
      if (ng < (it + 5)) {
        max.genes <- ng
      } else {
        max.genes <- it + 5
      fp <- FeaturePlot(object = scrna, features = genes[it:max.genes], 
    	  cols = c("gray","red"), ncol = 2, reduction = "tsne", ...)
      it <- it + 6

    pdf(out.umap, useDingbats = FALSE, height = h, width = w)
    it <- 1
    for (i in 1:ceiling(ng/6)) {
      if (ng < (it + 5)) {
        max.genes <- ng
      } else {
        max.genes <- it + 5
      fp <- FeaturePlot(object = scrna, features = genes[it:max.genes], 
    	  cols = c("gray","red"), ncol = 2, reduction = "umap", ...)
      it <- it + 6

    # Iterate through idents.
    for (x in idents) {
      # Set identities as appropriate.
      if (!(x == "default")) {
        Idents(scrna) <- scrna[[x]]
        idents.label <- x
      } else {
        idents.label <- "DefaultIdents"

      # Additional plots.
      if (vln) {
      	message("Plotting violin plots.")
      	out.vln <- sprintf("%s/VlnPlots.%s.%s.pdf", out, j, idents.label)
      	VizVlnPlot(scrna, out.vln, genes, vln.params = vln.params)

      if (ridge) {
      	message("Plotting ridge plots.")
      	out.rid <- sprintf("%s/RidgePlots.%s.%s.pdf", out, j, idents.label)
      	VizRidgePlot(scrna, out.rid, genes, ridge.params = ridge.params)

      if (dot) {
      	message("Plotting dot plots.")
      	out.dot <- sprintf("%s/DotPlots.%s.%s.pdf", out, j, idents.label)
      	VizDotPlot(scrna, out.dot, genes, dot.params = dot.params)

      if (heatmap) {
      	message("Plotting heatmaps.")
      	out.heat <- sprintf("%s/Heatmaps.%s.%s.pdf", out, j, idents.label)
      	VizHeatmap(scrna, out.heat, genes, heatmap.params = heatmap.params)

#' Visualize scored gene modules
#' \code{VizScoredSets} creates Seurat FeaturePlots for scored gene sets.
#' Plots for each scored gene set will be output to a PDF that will be
#' dynamically sized and named based on the name and number of markers for the
#' set. New directories will be created for each set in the output directory.
#' @param scrna \linkS4class{Seurat} object.
#' @param marker.df Dataframe with the two columns called "Set" and "Marker". 
#'   The "Set" column should contain a cell or process-type (e.g. Tcell, Bcell, 
#'   Exhaustion markers, etc.) while the "Marker" column contains the 
#'   comma-delimited gene symbols associated with it. 
#' @param outdir Path to output directory.
#' @param idents String or character vector containing \code{meta.data} columns
#'   to use as cell identities across all plots. Multiple can be provided - 
#'   plots will be generated for each.
#' @param vln Boolean indicating whether to create Seurat VlnPlots for each set.
#'   Splits by cell idents. 
#' @param ridge Boolean indicating whether to create Seurat RidgePlots for each
#'   set. Splits by cell idents. 
#' @param dot Boolean indicating whether to create Seurat DotPlots for each
#'   set. Splits by cell idents. 
#' @param vln.params List of keyword arguments to be passed to 
#'   \code{\link[Seurat]{VlnPlot}}. \code{features} are already defined and will 
#'   throw an error if passed.
#' @param ridge.params List of keyword arguments to be passed to Seurat
#'   \code{\link[Seurat]{RidgePlot}}. \code{features} are already defined and 
#'   will throw an error if passed.
#' @param dot.params List of keyword arguments to be passed to Seurat
#'   \code{\link[Seurat]{DotPlot}}. \code{features} are already defined and will 
#'   throw an error if passed.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to \code{\link[Seurat]{FeaturePlot}}. 
#'   \code{cols}, \code{features}, \code{reduction}, and \code{ncol} are already 
#'   defined and will throw an error if passed.
#' @import Seurat
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @author Jared Andrews
VizScoredSets <- function(scrna, marker.df, outdir, idents = "default", 
  vln = NULL, ridge = NULL, dot = NULL, vln.params = NULL, ridge.params = NULL, 
  dot.params = NULL, ...) {

  # Plot score for each set.
  sets <- c()
  for (i in unique(marker.df$Set)) {
    # Remove problematic characters from cell classes.
    j <- gsub(" ", "_", i)
    j <- gsub("/", "_", j)
    name <- paste0(j,".Score")

    # Move to next set if no score for current set in Seurat object.
    if (is.null(scrna[[]][[name]])) {
    	message("Skipping ", j, " as no score is present in Seurat object.")

    sets <- append(sets, name)

  ns <- length(sets)
  # Dynamic figure sizing.
  h = 0
  w = 0
  if (ns > 1) {
    w = 11 # two columns
    h = 5 * (floor(ns / 2) + ns %% 2) # number of rows
  } else {
    w = 5 
    h = 5 

  out <- sprintf("%s/ScoredModules", outdir)
  dir.create(file.path(out), showWarnings = FALSE)
  out.tsne <- sprintf("%s/TSNE.ScoredModules.pdf", out)
  out.umap <- sprintf("%s/UMAP.ScoredModules.pdf", out)

  pdf(out.tsne, useDingbats = FALSE, height = h, width = w)
  fp <- FeaturePlot(object = scrna, features = sets, 
  	cols = c("gray","red"), ncol = 2, reduction = "tsne", ...)

  pdf(out.umap, useDingbats = FALSE, height = h, width = w)
  fp <- FeaturePlot(object = scrna, features = sets, 
  	cols = c("gray","red"), ncol = 2, reduction = "umap", ...)

  # Iterate through idents.
  for (x in idents) {
    # Set identities as appropriate.
    if (!(x == "default")) {
      Idents(scrna) <- scrna[[x]]
      idents.label <- x
    } else {
      idents.label <- "DefaultIdents"

    # Additional plots.
    if (vln) {
    	message("Plotting violin plots with ", idents.label, ".")
    	out.vln <- sprintf("%s/VlnPlots.ScoredModule.%s.pdf", out, idents.label)
    	VizVlnPlot(scrna, out.vln, sets, vln.params = vln.params)

    if (ridge) {
    	message("Plotting ridge plots with ", idents.label, ".")
    	out.rid <- sprintf("%s/RidgePlots.ScoredModule.%s.pdf", out, idents.label)
    	VizRidgePlot(scrna, out.rid, sets, ridge.params = ridge.params)

    if (dot) {
    	message("Plotting dot plots with ", idents.label, ".")
    	out.dot <- sprintf("%s/DotPlots.ScoredModule.%s.pdf", out, idents.label)
    	VizDotPlot(scrna, out.dot, sets, dot.params = dot.params)

# Internal======================================================================

#' Creates VlnPlots for gene set
#' Dynamically generates Seurat VlnPlots for all genes in a given gene set as a
#' PDF.
#' @param scrna Seurat object.
#' @param outfile Path for output PDF.
#' @param genes Vector of genes to plot.
#' @param vln.params List of keyword arguments to be passed to 
#'   \code{\link[Seurat]{VlnPlot}}. \code{features} are already defined and will 
#'   throw an error if passed. 
#' @importFrom Seurat VlnPlot
#' @import ggplot2
#' @author Jared Andrews
VizVlnPlot <- function(scrna, outfile, genes, vln.params = NULL) {
	ng <- length(genes)
	if (ng == 1) {
	  w <- 1 + (0.3 * length(sort(unique(Idents(scrna)))))
	  h <- 4 * ceiling(ng / 3)
	} else if (ng == 2) {
	  w <- 2 + (2 * (0.3 * length(sort(unique(Idents(scrna))))))
	  h <- 4 * ceiling(ng / 3)
	} else {
	  w <- 3 + (3 * (0.3 * length(sort(unique(Idents(scrna))))))
	  h <- 4 * ceiling(ng / 3)
	pdf(outfile, useDingbats = FALSE, height = h, width = w)

	# Check for additional kwargs.
	if (!is.null(vln.params)) {
		p <- do.call(VlnPlot, c(scrna, list(features = genes), vln.params)) +
	} else {
		p <- VlnPlot(scrna, features = genes) + NoLegend()

#' Creates RidgePlots for gene set
#' Dynamically generates Seurat RidgePlots for all genes in a given gene set as
#' a PDF.
#' @param scrna Seurat object.
#' @param outfile Path for output PDF.
#' @param genes Vector of genes to plot.
#' @param ridge.params List of keyword arguments to be passed to 
#'   \code{\link[Seurat]{RidgePlot}}. \code{features} are already defined and 
#'   will throw an error if passed. 
#' @importFrom Seurat RidgePlot
#' @import ggplot2
#' @author Jared Andrews
VizRidgePlot <- function(scrna, outfile, genes, ridge.params = NULL) {
	ng <- length(genes)
	if (ng == 1) {
	    w <- 5
	    h <- 1 + (0.33 * length(sort(unique(Idents(scrna)))))
	} else if (ng == 2) {
	    w <- 10
	    h <- 1 + (0.33 * length(sort(unique(Idents(scrna)))))
	} else if (ng == 3) {
	    w <- 15
	    h <- 1 + (0.33 * length(sort(unique(Idents(scrna)))))
	} else {
	    w <- 15
	    h <- ceiling(ng / 3) * (1 + 
        (0.33 * length(sort(unique(Idents(scrna))))))
	pdf(outfile, useDingbats = FALSE, height = h, width = w)
	# Check for additional kwargs.
	if (!is.null(ridge.params)) {
		p <- do.call(RidgePlot, c(scrna, list(features = genes), ridge.params)) +
	} else {
		p <- RidgePlot(scrna, features = genes) + NoLegend()

#' Creates DotPlot for gene set
#' Dynamically generates a Seurat DotPlot for all genes in a given gene set as
#' a PDF.
#' @param scrna Seurat object.
#' @param outfile Path for output PDF.
#' @param genes Vector of genes to plot.
#' @param dot.params List of keyword arguments to be passed to 
#'   \code{\link[Seurat]{DotPlot}}. \code{features} are already defined and will 
#'   throw an error if passed. 
#' @importFrom Seurat DotPlot
#' @import ggplot2
#' @author Jared Andrews
VizDotPlot <- function(scrna, outfile, genes, dot.params = NULL) {
	ng <- length(genes)
	w <- 5 + (0.3 * ng)
	h <- 1.5 + (0.4 * length(sort(unique(Idents(scrna)))))

	pdf(outfile, useDingbats = FALSE, height = h, width = w)
	# Check for additional kwargs.
	if (!is.null(dot.params)) {
		p <- do.call(DotPlot, c(scrna, list(features = genes), dot.params)) + 
			theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust = 1))
	} else {
		p <- DotPlot(scrna, features = genes) + theme(axis.text.x = 
			element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust = 1))

#' Creates Heatmap for gene set
#' Dynamically generates Seurat Heatmap for all genes in a given gene set as
#' a PDF.
#' @param scrna Seurat object.
#' @param outfile Path for output PDF.
#' @param genes Vector of genes to plot.
#' @param heatmap.params List of keyword arguments to be passed to 
#'   \code{\link[Seurat]{DoHeatmap}}. \code{features} and \code{assay} are 
#'   already defined and will throw an error if passed.
#' @importFrom Seurat DotPlot
#' @import ggplot2
#' @author Jared Andrews
VizHeatmap <- function(scrna, outfile, genes, heatmap.params = NULL) {
	ng <- length(genes)

	h <- 3 + (0.3 * length(genes))
	w <- 3 + (0.4 * length(sort(unique(Idents(scrna)))))

	pdf(outfile, useDingbats = FALSE, height = h, width = w)

	# Check for additional kwargs.
	if (!is.null(heatmap.params)) {
		p <- do.call(DoHeatmap, c(subset(scrna, downsample = 100), 
			list(features = genes, assay = "RNA"), heatmap.params)) + 
			ggtitle("Downsampled to 100 cells per class")
		p <- do.call(DoHeatmap, c(subset(scrna, downsample = 1000), 
			list(features = genes, assay = "RNA"), heatmap.params)) + 
			ggtitle("Downsampled to 1000 cells per class")
		p <- do.call(DoHeatmap, c(scrna, list(features = genes, assay = "RNA"), 
      heatmap.params)) + ggtitle("No Downsampling")
	} else {
		p <- DoHeatmap(subset(scrna, downsample = 100), features = genes, 
			size = 3, assay = "RNA") + ggtitle("Downsampled to 100 cells per class")
		p <- DoHeatmap(subset(scrna, downsample = 1000), features = genes, 
			size = 3, assay = "RNA") + ggtitle("Downsampled to 1000 cells per class")
		p <- DoHeatmap(scrna, features = genes, size = 3, assay = "RNA") + 
			ggtitle("No Downsampling")
j-andrews7/EZscRNA documentation built on Feb. 24, 2020, 10:37 a.m.