#' @title DeponsShips-class
#' @description Objects containing ship routes and ships
#' @description Methods for manipulating, plotting and analyzing ship routes
#' and ship agents used in DEPONS simulations.
#' @slot title Name of the object (character)
#' @slot landscape Name of the landscape that the ships occur in (character)
#' @slot crs CRS object providing the coordinate reference system used; see
#' \code{\link[sp]{CRS}} for details
#' @slot routes \code{data.frame} geographic positions of the 'virtual buoys'
#' that define one or more ship routes that ship agents follow, and the speed
#' that the ships should use when following this route. They also provide
#' information about how long ships should use speed zero when reaching a
#' specific buoy ('i.e. 'pause', measured in minutes). Can be extracted
#' using the \code{\link{routes}} function.
#' @slot ships \code{data.frame} defining each of the ships occurring in DEPONS
#' simulations, and the routes they occur on. The data frame includes the variables
#' 'name', 'type', 'length', and 'route'. Info can be extracted using the
#' \code{\link{ships}} function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.DeponsShips}},
# #' \code{\link[DEPONS2R]{ais.to.DeponsShips}}
#' and \code{\link[DEPONS2R]{read.DeponsShips}}
#' @examples
#' data(shipdata)
#' ships(shipdata)[1:10,]
#' routes(shipdata)
#' plot(shipdata, col=c("red", "purple", "blue"))
#' @exportClass DeponsShips
slots=list(title="character", landscape="character", crs="character",
routes="data.frame", ships="data.frame")
setMethod("initialize", "DeponsShips",
function(.Object) {
.Object@title <- "NA"
.Object@landscape <- "NA"
.Object@crs <- "NA"
.Object@routes <- data.frame("one.route")
.Object@ships <- data.frame("one.ship")
#' @title Interpolate AIS data
#' @name interpolate.ais.data
#' @description Interpolates ship movement tracks obtained from Automatic
#' Identification System (AIS) data to obtain exactly one position per 30
#' minutes. The first and last position in the original track are omitted
#' unless minutes = 0 or 30 and seconds = 0.
#' @param aisdata Data frame including the columns 'id' (ship identifier),
#' 'time' (text string readable by \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}), 'x' and 'y'
#' (recorded ship position, unit: meters), and potentially additional columns
#' @return Returns a data frame with the same columns as the input data
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.DeponsShips}} and \code{\link{ais.to.DeponsShips}}
#' @examples
#' data(aisdata)
#' ais.testdata <- aisdata[c(12,14,16) ,]
#' plot(ais.testdata[c("x", "y")], asp=1, col="green", pch=16, xlim=c(780000, 837000))
#' lines(ais.testdata[c("x", "y")])
#' # Add 600 sec to 'time' to mis-allign with intervcal needed
#' ais.testdata$time <- format(as.POSIXlt(ais.testdata$time)+600)
#' text(ais.testdata[c("x", "y")]-900, ais.testdata$time, adj=0, cex=0.5)
#' interpolated <- interpolate.ais.data(ais.testdata)
#' points(interpolated[,c("x", "y")], col="red")
#' text(interpolated[c("x", "y")]-900, interpolated$time, adj=0, cex=0.5)
#' legend("bottomright", bty="n", pch=c(16, 1), col=c("green", "red"),
#' legend=c("original positions", "interpolated"))
#' @export interpolate.ais.data
interpolate.ais.data<- function (aisdata) {
if (!("x" %in% names(aisdata)))
stop("aisdata must contain the column 'x'")
if (!("y" %in% names(aisdata)))
stop("aisdata must contain the column 'y'")
if (!("time" %in% names(aisdata)))
stop("aisdata must contain the column 'time'")
if (!("id" %in% names(aisdata)))
stop("aisdata must contain the column 'id'")
if (!inherits(aisdata$time, "character"))
stop("'time' must be character")
ids <- sort(unique(aisdata$id))
out.data <- data.frame()
# the.id <- ids[1]
for (the.id in ids) {
aisdata.one.id <- aisdata[aisdata$id == the.id, ]
t.first <- aisdata.one.id[1, "time"]
# if there is not time (i.e. time = midnight, then need to manually add '00:00:00')
if (nchar(t.first)==10) {
t.first<-paste(t.first, "00:00:00", sep=" ")
mins <- as.numeric(substr(t.first, nchar(t.first) - 4,
nchar(t.first) - 3))
secs <- as.numeric(substr(t.first, nchar(t.first) - 1,
if ((mins == 0 && secs == 0 ) || (mins == 30 && secs == 0 )) {
new.t.first <- t.first
} else if (mins < 30) {
secs.to.add <- 60 * (30 - mins)
new.t.first <- format(as.POSIXct(t.first) +
} else {
secs.to.add <- 60 * (60 - mins)
new.t.first <- format(as.POSIXct(t.first) +
t.last <- aisdata.one.id[nrow(aisdata.one.id), "time"]
mins <- as.numeric(substr(t.last, nchar(t.last) - 4,
nchar(t.last) - 3))
new.mins <- ifelse(mins < 30, "00", "30")
substr(t.last, nchar(t.last) - 4, nchar(t.last) - 3) <- new.mins
new.t.last <- t.last
if(as.POSIXct(new.t.first) >= as.POSIXct(new.t.last)) {
stop(paste("Track for id ", the.id, "too short to interpolate"))
all.new.times <- seq(as.POSIXct(new.t.first), as.POSIXct(new.t.last),
(60 * 30))
aisdata.one.id$time <- ifelse(nchar(aisdata.one.id$time)==10,
paste(aisdata.one.id$time, "00:00:00"), aisdata.one.id$time)
secs.org.pos <- as.numeric(as.POSIXlt(aisdata.one.id$time, format=c("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS")) )
secs.new.pos <- as.numeric(all.new.times)
prev.org.pos <- function(x) max(which(secs.org.pos <=
next.org.pos <- function(x) {
# if (any(secs.org.pos == secs.new.pos[x]))
if (!any(secs.org.pos > secs.new.pos[x]))
the.next.pos <- min(which(secs.org.pos > secs.new.pos[x]))
interp.start.pos <- sapply(1:length(all.new.times), FUN = "prev.org.pos")
interp.end.pos <- sapply(1:length(all.new.times), FUN = "next.org.pos")
secs.from.start.pos <- secs.new.pos - secs.org.pos[interp.start.pos]
secs.to.end.pos <- secs.org.pos[interp.end.pos] - secs.new.pos
prop.of.step <- secs.from.start.pos/(secs.from.start.pos + secs.to.end.pos)
new.x <- aisdata.one.id$x[interp.start.pos] + prop.of.step *
(aisdata.one.id$x[interp.end.pos] - aisdata.one.id$x[interp.start.pos])
new.y <- aisdata.one.id$y[interp.start.pos] + prop.of.step *
(aisdata.one.id$y[interp.end.pos] - aisdata.one.id$y[interp.start.pos])
new.time <- as.POSIXct(aisdata.one.id$time[interp.start.pos]) +
prop.of.step * (as.numeric(as.POSIXct(aisdata.one.id$time[interp.end.pos])) -
new.time <- as.character(format(new.time))
# Handle special case where last pos has minutes=0 or 30
if(mins==0 || mins==30) {
new.x[length(new.x)] <- aisdata.one.id$x[length(aisdata.one.id$x)]
new.y[length(new.y)] <- aisdata.one.id$y[length(aisdata.one.id$y)]
new.time[length(new.time)] <- aisdata.one.id$time[length(aisdata.one.id$time)]
# set seconds to zero
substr(new.time, nchar(new.time) - 1, nchar(new.time)) <- "00"
other.columns <- names(aisdata.one.id)[(!(names(aisdata.one.id) %in%
c("id", "time", "x", "y")))]
other.columns <- aisdata.one.id[interp.start.pos, other.columns]
out.data.one.id <- data.frame(id = the.id, other.columns,
x = new.x, y = new.y, time = new.time)
out.data.one.id <- out.data.one.id[!is.na(out.data.one.id$x), ]
out.data <- rbind(out.data, out.data.one.id)
row.names(out.data) <- NULL
#' @title Read DEPONS ship files
#' @description Function for reading the json-files that are used for controlling
#' how ship agents behave in DEPONS. Ships move along pre-defined routes in 30-min
#' time steps. The routes are defined by the fix-points provided in the
#' json file, and the geographic projection is assumed to match that of the
#' landscape.
#' @param fname Name of the file (character) where ship routes and ships
#' are defined.
#' @param title Optional character string with the name of the simulation
#' @param landscape Optional character string with the landscape used in the
#' simulation
#' @param crs Character, coordinate reference system (map projection)
# ##' @seealso \code{\link{ais.to.DeponsShips}}, \code{\link[DEPONS2R]{write.DeponsShips}}
#' @return Returns an object with the elements \code{title} \code{landscape},
#' \code{crs}, \code{routes} and \code{ships}.
#' @export read.DeponsShips
read.DeponsShips <- function(fname, title="NA", landscape="NA", crs=as.character(NA)) {
if(!file.exists(fname)) stop(paste("The file", fname, "does not exist"))
ships.json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt=fname, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
all.data <- new("DeponsShips")
all.data@title <- title
all.data@landscape <- landscape
all.data@crs <- crs
all.data@routes <- routes <- ships.json[["routes"]]
all.data@ships <- ships.json[["ships"]]
#' @name summary
#' @title Summary
#' @rdname summary
#' @aliases summary,DeponsShips-method
#' @exportMethod summary
setMethod("summary", "DeponsShips",
function(object) {
cat("class: \t", "DeponsShips \n")
cat("title: \t", object@title, "\n")
cat("landscape:\t", object@landscape, "\n")
cat("crs: \t", object@crs, "\n")
the.routes <- object@routes
cat("routes: \n")
for (i in 1:length(the.routes$route)) {
cat("\t", nrow(the.routes[[2]][[i]]), "\t positions on ")
cat(" ", the.routes$name[[i]], " \n")
cat("ships: \n")
ships <- object@ships
ships$route <- as.factor(ships$route)
setMethod("show", "DeponsShips",
function(object) {
cat("Object of class:\t", "DeponsShips \n")
cat("title: \t", object@title, "\n")
cat("landscape: \t", object@landscape, "\n")
cat("crs: \t", object@crs, "\n")
the.routes <- object@routes
cat("\nObject contains ", nrow(the.routes), " ship routes ")
ships <- object@ships
cat("and ", length(unique(ships$name)), " ships \n")
#' @title Write DEPONS ship files
#' @aliases write,DeponsShips-method
#' @aliases write.DeponsShips
#' @description Function for writing a json-file for controlling
#' how ship agents behave in DEPONS. Ships move along pre-defined routes in 30-min
#' time steps. The routes are defined by the fix-points provided in the
#' json file, and the geographic projection is assumed to match that of the
#' landscape. The projection is not stored as part of the json file.
#' @param x Name of the DeponsShips object to be exported
#' @param file Name of the output file (character)
#' @note The exported json file is intended for use in DEPONS 2.3 or later
#' (released July 2022) where the sound pressure level (SPL) is calculated
#' within DEPONS based on ship type, ship length and speed.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export write
setMethod("write", "DeponsShips",
function(x, file) {
nc <- nchar(file)
if(substr(file, nc-4, nc) != ".json") stop ("'file' must have extension '.json'")
ships.json <- list()
ships.json[[1]] <- x@routes
ships.json[[2]] <- x@ships
names(ships.json) <- c("routes", "ships")
jout <- jsonlite::toJSON(ships.json)
write(jout, file=file)
#' @title Plot a DeponsShips object
#' @description Plot the tracks that ship agents move along in DEPONS.
#' @aliases plot.DeponsShips
#' @param x DeponsShips object
#' @param y Not used
#' @param ... Optional plotting parameters, including 'col', 'main',
#' 'add.legend', and 'legend.xy' (defaults to 'topright' when add.legend=TRUE)
#' @examples
#' data(shipdata)
#' plot(shipdata, col=c("red", "green", "blue"))
#' \donttest{
#' # convert route coordinate units from 'grid squares' to UTM
#' data(bathymetry)
#' out <- summary(bathymetry)
#' left <- out[[4]][1]
#' bottom <- out[[4]][2]
#' for (i in 1:3) {
#' newroute <- shipdata@routes[[2]][[i]]*400
#' newroute$x <- newroute$x + as.numeric(left)
#' newroute$y <- newroute$y + as.numeric(bottom)
#' shipdata@routes[[2]][[i]] <- newroute
#' }
#' # Reproject coastline and clip to size of Kattegat landscape
#' library(sp)
#' data(bathymetry)
#' data(coastline)
#' coastline_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(coastline)
#' coastline2 <- sf::st_transform(coastline_sf, crs(bathymetry))
#' bbox <- bbox(bathymetry)
#' clip.poly <- make.clip.poly(bbox, crs(bathymetry))
#' plot(shipdata, col=c("red", "green", "blue"), add=TRUE, add.legend=TRUE)
#' plot(clip.poly, add=TRUE)
#' }
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @exportMethod plot
setMethod("plot", signature("DeponsShips", "missing"),
function(x, y, ...) {
oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
dots <- list(...)
col <- "black"
if("col" %in% names(dots)) col <- dots$col
lwd <- 1
if("lwd" %in% names(dots)) lwd <- dots$lwd
lty <- 1
if("lty" %in% names(dots)) lty <- dots$lty
add <- FALSE
if("add" %in% names(dots)) add <- dots$add
xlab <- "x"
if("xlab" %in% names(dots)) xlab <- dots$xlab
ylab <- "y"
if("ylab" %in% names(dots)) ylab <- dots$ylab
axes <- TRUE
if("axes" %in% names(dots)) axes <- dots$axes
add.legend <- FALSE
if("add.legend" %in% names(dots)) add.legend <- dots$add.legend
legend.xy <- "topright"
if("legend.xy" %in% names(dots)) legend.xy <- dots$legend.xy
main <- ifelse(x@title=="NA", "DEPONS track", x@title)
if (!add) {
# Make empty plot of right size
comb.routes <- data.frame()
for(r in 1:length(x@routes[[2]])) {
comb.routes <- rbind(comb.routes, x@routes[[2]][[r]])
comb.routes <- comb.routes[,c("x", "y")]
plot(comb.routes, type="n", asp=1, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main,
n.routes <- length(x@routes[[2]])
if(length(col) != n.routes) col <- rep("black", n.routes)
if(length(lwd) != n.routes) lwd <- rep(1, n.routes)
if(length(lty) != n.routes) lty <- rep(1, n.routes)
for(r in 1:length(x@routes[[2]])) {
one.route <- data.frame(x@routes[[2]][[r]])
one.route <- one.route[,c("x", "y")]
lines(one.route, col=col[r], lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
if (add.legend) {
graphics::legend(legend.xy, fill=col, legend=x@routes[[1]],
bg="white", cex=0.8)
setGeneric("ships", function(x, value) {
#' @name ships
#' @title Get or define ships in DeponsShips objects
#' @rdname ships
#' @aliases ships,DeponsShips-method
#' @aliases ships<-,DeponsShips-method
#' @param x Object of class \code{DeponsShips}
#' @param value data frame with the 'name', 'type', 'length', and 'route' of
#' ships to be simulated, as well as 'tickStart' and 'tickEnd' defining when
#' the ships are to be included in simulations. 'route' is one of the shipping
#' routes defined in the DeponsShips object.
#' @examples
#' data(shipdata)
#' ships(shipdata)
#' @seealso \code{\link{routes}}
#' @exportMethod ships
setMethod("ships", signature=("DeponsShips"), function(x) {
setGeneric("ships<-", function(x, value) {
if(!inherits(value,'data.frame')) stop("'value' must be a data.frame")
if(!("route" %in% names(value))) stop("'value' must contain a variable named 'route'")
if(!all(value$route %in% x@routes[[1]])) stop("At least some of the routes in 'value' are not defined in 'x'")
if(!("name" %in% names(value))) stop("'value' must contain a variable named 'name'")
if(!("type" %in% names(value))) stop("'value' must contain a variable named 'type'")
if(!("length" %in% names(value))) stop("'value' must contain a variable named 'length'")
x@ships <- value
#' @rdname ships
#' @aliases ships<-,DeponsShips-method
#' @exportMethod ships<-
setGeneric("ships<-", function(x, value) {
if(!inherits(value,"data.frame")) stop("'value' must be a data.frame")
if(!("route" %in% names(value))) stop("'value' must contain a variable named 'route'")
if(!all(value$route %in% x@routes[[1]])) stop("At least some of the routes in 'value' are not defined in 'x'")
if(!("name" %in% names(value))) stop("'value' must contain a variable named 'name'")
if(!("type" %in% names(value))) stop("'value' must contain a variable named 'type'")
if(!("length" %in% names(value))) stop("'value' must contain a variable named 'length'")
x@ships <- value
setGeneric("routes", function(x) {
rts <- x@routes[[2]]
names(rts) <- x@routes[[1]]
#' @name routes
#' @title Get or define routes in DeponsShips objects
#' @aliases routes,DeponsShips-method
#' @aliases routes<-,DeponsShips-method
#' @aliases routes<-
#' @param x Object of class \code{DeponsShips}
#' @param value list with one named element per shipping route. Each element is
#' a data frame with the variables x, y, speed, and 'pause' which define the
#' coordinates of the fix-points on the shipping routes and the speeds that ships
#' have after passing the fix point and until reaching the next fix point. The
#' variable 'pause' instructs ships about how many minutes to wait before continuing
#' to move.
#' @note The unit of 'speed' is knots.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ships}}
#' @exportMethod routes
setMethod("routes", signature=("DeponsShips"), function(x) {
rts <- x@routes[[2]]
names(rts) <- x@routes[[1]]
setGeneric("routes<-", function(x, value) {
x@routes <- value
#' @rdname routes
#' @aliases routes<-,DeponsShips-method
#' @exportMethod routes<-
setMethod("routes<-", signature=("DeponsShips"), function(x, value) {
if (as.character(class(value)) != "list") stop("'value' must be a list with one element per ship route")
n.routes <- length(value)
out <- data.frame("name"=rep("", length=n.routes), "route"=NA)
for (i in 1:n.routes) {
if (!all(names(value[[i]])==c("x", "y", "speed", "pause"))) {
stop(paste("The names of element", i, "in 'value' is not 'x', 'y', 'speed', and 'pause"))
out$route[i] <- value[i]
out$name[i] <- names(value[i])
x@routes <- out
#' @title Convert ship tracks to DeponsShips object
#' @name ais.to.DeponsShips
#' @description Convert Automatic Identification System (AIS) data for ships to
#' ship track objects. This is done by cropping one or more ship tracks to the
#' extent of a landscape and converting the data to a \code{DeponsShips-class}
#' object. If the AIS data does not include ship positions recorded in half-hour
#' steps, the tracks are interpolated to make objects suitable for use in DEPONS.
#' @param data data.frame with ship positions and the times at which the
#' positions were recorded. Must contain the columns 'id', 'time' (of the form
#' "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", character, see \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}), 'type' (ship
#' type, character), 'length' (ship length, meters), 'x', and 'y' (position,
#' meters/UTM).
#' @param landsc A \code{DeponsRaster} object corresponding to the
#' landscape that the ships move in. It is assumed that the spatial projection
#' of the ship positions corresponds to that of the DeponsRaster object
#' @param title Title of the output object
#' @param ... Optional parameters, including 'startday' and 'endday'
#' ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", character) for defining the first and last date to use
#' from 'data'. If startday = endday the output object will contain up to
#' 49 positions from the selected date for each vessel track.
#' @return Returns a \code{DeponsShips} object containing one or more ships
#' assigned to each of the routes in the object. All ships on a particular
#' route move at the same speed along the route. The routes are
#' defined by x and y coordinates based on the same coordinate reference
#' system as the landscape they are located in. The speed that ships use after
#' reaching a particular position (a particular 'virtual buoy') is calculated
#' from the distance to the following position, and the time it takes reaching
#' that position. If speed is included in the input AIS data, this is NOT used.
#' The routes include one position per half-hour time step, corresponding to
#' the default time step used in the DEPONS model. If input data does not
#' include one position per half hour, new positions are generated using linear
#' interpolation. If the input data contains many positions in a particular
#' half-hour interval, only the positions closest to the half-hour interval are
#' used. The routes contain information about the number of half-hour
#' intervals were ships 'pause' at a particular location, e.g. in a
#' port. These are calculated based on the input AIS data.
#' @seealso \code{\link{aisdata}} for an example of data that can be used as
#' input to ais.to.DeponsShips. The function builds on
#' \code{\link{interpolate.ais.data}}, which interpolates tracks to ensure
#' that there is a position every 30 minutes.
#' See \code{\link[DEPONS2R]{write.DeponsShips}} for conversion of
#' \code{DeponsShips} objects to json-files to be used in DEPONS. Use
#' \code{\link{routes}}, \code{\link{ships}}, and \code{\link{title}} for
#' inspection/modification of the ship tracks.
#' @examples
#' data(aisdata)
#' plot(aisdata$x, aisdata$y, type="n", asp=1)
#' ids <- sort(unique(aisdata$id))
#' my.colors <- heat.colors(length(ids))
#' for (i in 1:length(ids)) {
#' id <- ids[i]
#' points(aisdata$x[aisdata$id==id], aisdata$y[aisdata$id==id],
#' cex=0.6, col=my.colors[i])
#' }
#' data(bathymetry)
#' plot(bathymetry, add=TRUE)
#' depons.ais <- ais.to.DeponsShips(aisdata, bathymetry)
#' the.routes <- routes(depons.ais)
#' for (i in 1:length(ids)) {
#' points(the.routes[[i]]$x, the.routes[[i]]$y,
#' cex=0.6, pch=16, col=my.colors[i])
#' }
#' depons.ais <- ais.to.DeponsShips(aisdata, bathymetry,
#' startday="2015-12-20", endday="2015-12-20")
#' routes(depons.ais)
#' aisdata2 <- aisdata
#' aisdata2$time <- format(as.POSIXct(aisdata$time)+300)
#' depons.ais2 <- ais.to.DeponsShips(aisdata2, bathymetry,
#' startday="2015-12-20", endday="2015-12-21")
#' routes(depons.ais2)
#' @export ais.to.DeponsShips
# setMethod("as", signature("data.frame", "DeponsRaster"), function(data, landsc, title="NA") {
ais.to.DeponsShips<- function(data, landsc, title="NA", ...) {
stop("data must be a data.frame with the variables 'id', 'time', 'speed', 'type', 'length', 'x', and 'y'")
if(!all(c('id', 'time', 'type', 'length', 'x', 'y') %in% names(data)))
stop("data must be a data.frame with the variables 'id', 'time', 'type', 'length', 'x', and 'y'")
if(!inherits(data$speed,"numeric")) stop("'speed' must be numeric")
if(!(inherits(data$length,"numeric") || inherits(data$length,"integer"))) stop("'length' must be numeric")
if(!inherits(data$x,"numeric")) stop("'x' must be numeric")
if(!inherits(data$y,"numeric")) stop("'y' must be numeric")
if(!inherits(landsc,"DeponsRaster")) stop("'landsc' must be a DeponsRaster object")
dots <- list(...)
startday <- ifelse("startday" %in% names(dots), dots$startday, "NA")
endday <- ifelse("endday" %in% names(dots), dots$endday, "NA")
if(!(inherits(startday,"character"))) stop(paste("'startday' must be character"))
if(!(inherits(endday,"character"))) stop("'endday' must be character")
data <- interpolate.ais.data(data)
message(paste0("Conversion assumes that 'x' and 'y' coordinates of ships use the '",
crs(landsc), "' projection"))
time <- try(as.POSIXct(data$time, tz="UTC"))
if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(time)))
stop("'time' must be of the form 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' for conversion to POSIXlt")
data$time <- time
bb <- bbox(landsc)
# Calculate speed now that data has been interpolated
for (i in unique(data$id)) {
if(nrow(data_sub)<2) {
dx <- data_sub$x[2:length(data_sub$x)] - data_sub$x[1:(length(data_sub$x)-1)]
dy <- data_sub$y[2:length(data_sub$y)] - data_sub$y[1:(length(data_sub$y)-1)]
dt <- difftime(data_sub$time[2:length(data_sub$time)],
dist <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
speed <- dist/as.numeric(dt)
speed[is.na(speed)] <- 0 # replace NAs with 0
# convert to km per hour
speed <- speed * 60 * 60 / 1000
# convert to knots
speed <- speed/1.85200
# Last speed is 0 (i.e. ship has arrived at last coordinate)
speed <- c(speed, 0)
# Add to one track
# Save results
data.all<-rbind(data.all, data_sub)
data <- data.all
# For each track in 'data': find places where the track crosses bb and make
# linear intrapolation to place new waypoint at the edge of the landscape --
# then remove waypoints outside the edge from the route
get.n.or.s.cross <- function(a.track, cross.row) {
moving.out <- a.track$inside[cross.row] && !a.track$inside[cross.row+1]
# if(moving.out) cross.row <- cross.row+1
dy <- a.track$y[cross.row+1] - a.track$y[cross.row]
# Which edge is crossed?
edge <- ifelse(abs(a.track$y[cross.row]-bb["y", "max"]) <
abs(a.track$y[cross.row]-bb["y", "min"]), "max", "min")
dy.to.cross <- a.track$y[cross.row] - bb["y", edge]
proportion.to.cross <- abs(dy.to.cross/dy)
y.at.cross <- a.track$y[cross.row] + proportion.to.cross*dy
dx <- a.track$x[cross.row+1] - a.track$x[cross.row]
x.at.cross <- a.track$x[cross.row] + proportion.to.cross*dx
dt <- as.numeric(difftime(a.track$time[cross.row+1],
a.track$time[cross.row], units="sec"))
t.at.cross <- a.track$time[cross.row] + proportion.to.cross*dt
# Replace data in cross row with time and pos for crossing
a.track$x[cross.row + as.numeric(moving.out)] <- x.at.cross # put value in row just outsd landsc
a.track$y[cross.row + as.numeric(moving.out)] <- y.at.cross
a.track$time[cross.row + as.numeric(moving.out)] <- t.at.cross
a.track$inside[cross.row + as.numeric(moving.out)] <- TRUE
get.e.or.w.cross <- function(a.track, cross.row) {
moving.out <- a.track$inside[cross.row] && !a.track$inside[cross.row+1]
# if(moving.out) cross.row <- cross.row+1
dx <- a.track$x[cross.row+1] - a.track$x[cross.row]
# Which edge is crossed?
edge <- ifelse(abs(a.track$x[cross.row]-bb["x", "max"]) <
abs(a.track$x[cross.row]-bb["x", "min"]), "max", "min")
dx.to.cross <- a.track$x[cross.row] - bb["x", edge]
proportion.to.cross <- abs(dx.to.cross/dx)
x.at.cross <- a.track$x[cross.row] + proportion.to.cross*dx
dy <- a.track$y[cross.row+1] - a.track$y[cross.row]
y.at.cross <- a.track$y[cross.row] + proportion.to.cross*dy
dt <- as.numeric(difftime(a.track$time[cross.row+1],
a.track$time[cross.row], units="sec"))
t.at.cross <- a.track$time[cross.row] + proportion.to.cross*dt
# Replace data in cross row with time and pos for crossing
a.track$y[cross.row + as.numeric(moving.out)] <- y.at.cross # put value in row just outsd landsc
a.track$x[cross.row + as.numeric(moving.out)] <- x.at.cross
a.track$time[cross.row + as.numeric(moving.out)] <- t.at.cross
a.track$inside[cross.row + as.numeric(moving.out)] <- TRUE
all.cropped.tracks <- data.frame()
for(id in unique(data$id)) {
one.track <- data[data$id==id ,]
# Are positions inside the landscape?
one.track$inside <- one.track$x>=bb["x", "min"] & one.track$x<=bb["x", "max"] &
one.track$y>=bb["y", "min"] & one.track$y<=bb["y", "max"]
# If no points inside then go to next
inside<-subset(one.track, inside==TRUE)
if(nrow(inside)<1) {
nrw <- nrow(one.track)
# Find data row just before crossing edge of landsc
cross.row <- which(one.track$inside[2:nrw] != one.track$inside[1:(nrw-1)])
if(length(cross.row)==0) { # that is, if the edge isn't crossed
cropped.track <- one.track[, c("id", "time", "speed", "type", "length", "x", "y")]
all.cropped.tracks <- rbind(all.cropped.tracks, cropped.track)
# Find pos and time were edge is crossed. Crossing northern or southern edge?
for (i in 1:length(cross.row)) {
crossing.n.or.s <- (one.track$y[cross.row[i]] < bb["y", "max"] && one.track$y[cross.row[i]+1] > bb["y", "max"]) ||
(one.track$y[cross.row[i]] < bb["y", "min"] &&
one.track$y[cross.row[i]+1] > bb["y", "min"]) ||
(one.track$y[cross.row[i]] > bb["y", "max"] &&
one.track$y[cross.row[i]+1] < bb["y", "max"]) ||
(one.track$y[cross.row[i]] > bb["y", "min"] &&
one.track$y[cross.row[i]+1] < bb["y", "min"])
if(crossing.n.or.s) one.track.partial <- get.n.or.s.cross(one.track, cross.row[i])
else one.track.partial <- get.e.or.w.cross(one.track, cross.row[i])
one.track$time<-paste(round(one.track$time, "secs")) # Up to here does not give an error
one.track.partial$time<-paste(round(one.track.partial$time, "secs")) # Up to here does not give an error
one.track.partial.sub <- subset(one.track.partial,
!time %in% c( one.track$time))
one.track$time<-ifelse(nchar(one.track$time)<11, paste0(one.track$time, " 00:00:00"), one.track$time)
one.track$time<-as.POSIXct(one.track$time, tz="UTC", format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
one.track.partial.sub$time<-as.POSIXct(one.track.partial.sub$time, tz="UTC", format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
one.track.join <- rbind(one.track.join, one.track.partial.sub)
one.track <- subset(one.track, one.track$inside == TRUE)
one.track <- rbind(one.track, one.track.join)
one.track <- one.track[order(one.track$time), ]
cropped.track <- one.track[, c("id", "time", "speed",
"type", "length", "x", "y")]
all.cropped.tracks <- rbind(all.cropped.tracks, cropped.track)
rm(one.track, cropped.track)
# Convert all.cropped.tracks to a DeponsShips object
all.cropped.DS <- new("DeponsShips")
# slotNames(all.cropped.DS)
all.cropped.DS@crs <- as.character(crs(landsc))
all.cropped.DS@landscape <- landscape(landsc)
all.cropped.DS@title <- title
# Generate one route per ship
ids <- sort(unique(all.cropped.tracks$id))
all.routes <- list()
if (!(startday %in% c("NA"))) {
startday <- substr(startday, 1, 10) # keep only date
startday <- as.POSIXct(startday, tz="UTC")
if (!(endday %in% c("NA"))) {
endday <- substr(endday, 1, 10)
endday <- as.POSIXct(endday, tz="UTC")
endday <- endday + 60 * 60 * 24 - 1
if (endday < startday) stop("endday should not be before startday")
# This function rounds the times of coordinates which are no longer on a tick
# after the ship track cropping step. This happens when a ship leaves or enters
# the landscape.
# The function assigns the row the preceding or subsequent tick depending on
# what times already exists in the dataset. If both the previous and subsequent
# tick already exist then this row is just removed.
# This function enables us to add pauses to the function while the ship is
# outside of the landscape
roundTimes<-function(one.track) {
# Check all time stamps are full minutes if not they will need to be rounded up or down
# to nearest tick.
# This happens when porps leave or enter via the edges of the landscape
one.track$secs<-as.numeric(substr(format(one.track$time), 18, 19))
one.track$hour<-substr(format(one.track$time), 12, 13)
one.track$mins<-as.numeric(substr(format(one.track$time), 15, 16))
#one.track$mins<-ifelse(one.track$mins==30, 0, one.track$mins)
# Change mins to '00' if it is null as this happens sometimes when time is midnight
one.track$mins<-ifelse(is.na(one.track$mins), 0, one.track$mins)
one.track$secs<-ifelse(is.na(one.track$secs), 0, one.track$secs)
# These are times to round
times.to.round<-one.track[!one.track$mins %in% c(0, 30) |!one.track$secs==0,]
if (nrow(times.to.round)>0) {
all.times.to.round <- list()
for (j in 1:nrow(times.to.round)) {
times.to.round.sub <- times.to.round[j,]
next.hour <- substr(format(times.to.round.sub$time + 60*60), 12, 13)
times.to.round.sub$time.below <- ifelse(times.to.round.sub$mins>=0 & times.to.round.sub$mins<30,
as.character(paste0(substr(format(times.to.round.sub$time), 1, 10), " ",
times.to.round.sub$hour, ":00:00"), tz="UTC"),
as.character(paste0(substr(format(times.to.round.sub$time), 1, 10), " ",
times.to.round.sub$hour, ":30:00"), tz="UTC"))
times.to.round.sub$time.above <- ifelse(times.to.round.sub$mins>=0 & times.to.round.sub$mins<30,
as.character(paste0(substr(format(times.to.round.sub$time), 1, 10), " ",
times.to.round.sub$hour, ":30:00"), tz="UTC"),
as.character(paste0(substr(paste(times.to.round.sub$time), 1, 10), " ", next.hour, ":00:00"),
# Determine which time is in the dataset already
if (j > 1) {
all.times.to.round.compare <- all.times.to.round[,1:7]
all.times.to.round.compare$time<-as.POSIXct(all.times.to.round.compare$time, tz="UTC")
combine<-rbind(all.times.to.round.compare, one.track.compare)
} else {
track.compare$time <- as.character(track.compare$time)
track.compare$time<-ifelse(nchar(track.compare$time)<11, paste0(track.compare$time, " 00:00:00"), track.compare$time)
time1 <- track.compare[track.compare$time==times.to.round.sub$time.below,]
time2 <- track.compare[track.compare$time==times.to.round.sub$time.above,]
# Situation where both times are already in the landscape
if (nrow(time1)>0 && nrow(time2)>0) {
# Ship goes out at tick 1 and comes back at tick 2 (i.e. both surrounding
# times are in the dataset already)
times.to.round.sub$time <- times.to.round.sub$time.below
times.to.round.sub <- times.to.round.sub[,1:7]
} else {
# Situations where one time isn't in the landscape
if (nrow(time1)==0) {
times.to.round.sub$time <- times.to.round.sub$time.below
times.to.round.sub <- times.to.round.sub[,1:7]
times.to.round.sub$remove <- "FALSE"
} else {
all.times.to.round <- rbind(all.times.to.round, times.to.round.sub)
# These are times to round
all.times.to.round <- all.times.to.round[all.times.to.round$remove==FALSE,]
all.times.to.round <- all.times.to.round[,1:7]
one.track.good <- one.track[one.track$mins %in% c(0, 30) & one.track$secs==0,]
one.track.good <- one.track.good[,1:7]
one.track <- rbind(one.track.good, all.times.to.round)
#one.track$time<-as.POSIXct(one.track$time, format=c("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), tz="UTC")
#one.track$time<-ifelse(is.na(one.track$time), as.POSIXct(one.track$time, format=c("%Y-%m-%d"), tz="UTC"), one.track$time)
one.track <- one.track[order(one.track$time),]
#one.track$time <- paste(format(one.track$time, format=c("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), tz="UTC"))
one.track$time <- as.POSIXct(one.track$time, format=c("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), tz="UTC")
#one.track$speed[nrow(one.track)]<-0 # make sure porp stops at last coordinate
one.track <- one.track[,1:7]
# Calculate required number of ticks if start and endday are specified
numberTicks<-function(startday, endday) {
# Determine required duration of ship track in number of ticks
all.ticks <- data.frame(seq(startday, endday + 30*60, 30*60))
# Make sure final number of ticks-1 is a multiple of 48
if ((no.ticks-1)%%48!=0) {
stop("Wrong number of ticks")
# Function to add coordinates at start and end of individual ship tracks so that
# they repeat at regular intervals (occurs if ship track is shorter than
# simulation duration)
addMissingTicksStartEnd<-function(all.ticks, one.track, startday, endday, startday.track, endday.track) {
# Remove time from list format as it makes the time operations further down
# not work properly
#one.track$time<-as.POSIXct(one.track$time, tz="UTC")
# If ship route occurs after startday then add missing ticks at start of day
if (startday.track[1]>startday[1]) {
time<-all.ticks[all.ticks$time < first.row$time,]
id<-rep(one.track$id[1], length(time))
speed<-rep(0, length(time))
type<-rep(first.row$type[1], length(time))
length<-rep(first.row$length[1], length(time))
x<-rep(first.row$x[1], length(time))
y<-rep(first.row$y[1], length(time))
rows.add<-data.frame(id, time, speed, type, length, x, y)
one.track<-rbind(rows.add, one.track)
# If ship route ends before endday then add missing ticks at end of day
if(endday.track[1]<endday[1]) {
time<-all.ticks[all.ticks$time > last.row$time,]
id<-rep(one.track$id[1], length(time))
speed<-rep(0, length(time))
type<-rep(last.row$type[1], length(time))
length<-rep(last.row$length[1], length(time))
x<-rep(last.row$x[1], length(time))
y<-rep(last.row$y[1], length(time))
rows.add<-data.frame(id, time, speed, type, length, x, y)
one.track<-rbind(one.track, rows.add)
# Function which adds coordinates in the middle of individual ship tracks so that
# they repeat at regular intervals (occurs if ship temporarily leaves landscape)
addMissingTicksMiddle<-function(one.track, match) {
# Create data frame for missing rows (nrow(match)) by duplicating ship
# characteristics and setting speed to 0 knots
id<-rep(one.track$id[1], nrow(match))
speed<-rep(0, nrow(match))
type<-rep(one.track$type[1], nrow(match))
x<-rep(NA, nrow(match))
y<-rep(NA, nrow(match))
rows.add<-data.frame(id, match, speed, type, length, x, y)
one.track<-rbind(one.track, rows.add)
# Fill missing coordinates with next x & y values
NAs <- one.track[is.na(one.track$x),]
NAS_info <- list()
for (k in 1:nrow(NAs)) {
# subset times afterwards
# Fill in with first x/y
# Save results
NAS_info<-rbind(NAS_info, Na_sub)
one.track<-rbind(one.track, NAS_info)
# Interim function needed in function collapsePauses
lead_lag <- function(v, n) {
if (n > 0) c(rep(NA, n), head(v, length(v) - n))
else c(tail(v, length(v) - abs(n)), rep(NA, abs(n)))
# Function to collapse dataset when there are pauses in ship movement
# Adds a column named 'pause' which indicates the number of ticks during which
# ship movement should be paused at a specific x and y location
collapsePauses<-function(one.track) {
# Set 0.1 knots as a threshold for moving
new_speeds <- ifelse(one.track$speed<=0.1, 0, one.track$speed)
# Label recurring 0s as 1s & add lox/time information
recurringZero <- data.frame(new_speeds)
recurringZero$recurringSpeed <- ifelse(recurringZero$new_speeds==0, 1, 0)
recurringZero$x <- one.track$x
recurringZero$y <- one.track$y
recurringZero$time <- one.track$time
# Add a pause id so that pause duration can be summed by pause id
seq_length <- rle(recurringZero$recurringSpeed)$lengths # Calculate duration of pause ids
NoIds <- length(seq_length)
recurringZero$pause_no <- rep(1:NoIds, seq_length)
recurringZero$duration <- 30
recurringZero$duration <- ifelse(recurringZero$recurringSpeed==0, 0, recurringZero$duration)
# Sum recurring zeros to calculate duration of pauses &
pauses<-aggregate(recurringZero$duration, list(recurringZero$pause_no), FUN=sum)
recurringZero$pauseTime<-rep(pauses$x/30, seq_length) # divide by 30 to get tick fraction
# Find out what the next non-zero speed is and re-label the row where the
# ship pauses.
# This is so the ship knows which speed to move at once it has finished pausing
lead_lag(recurringZero$new_speeds, -1), recurringZero$new_speeds)
recurringZero$new_recurringSpeed<-ifelse(is.na(recurringZero$new_recurringSpeed), 0,
recurringZero$new_pauseno<-ifelse(recurringZero$recurringSpeed==0, lead_lag(recurringZero$pause_no,
+1), recurringZero$pause_no)
# Collapse dataset if there are pauses
if (max(recurringZero$pauseTime, na.rm=TRUE)>0) {
# Collapse recurring zeros & average x/y lox per pause as AIS coordinates
# can jitter around
max_speed <- aggregate(pauses$new_recurringSpeed, list(pauses$new_pauseno), FUN=max)
new_x <- aggregate(pauses$x, list(pauses$pause_no), FUN=mean)
new_y <- aggregate(pauses$y, list(pauses$pause_no), FUN=mean)
new_time <- aggregate(pauses$time, list(pauses$pause_no), FUN=min)
new_pauseTime <- aggregate(pauses$pauseTime, list(pauses$pause_no), FUN=max)
# If there a pause at the end of the track? If so then remove one minute
# from this last pause
if (new_speeds[length(new_speeds)]==0) {
#Adjust last pause time (as should be -1)
new_pauseTime$x[nrow(new_pauseTime)]<-new_pauseTime$x[nrow(new_pauseTime)] -1
# Create new data frame with these values per pause id
pauses_collapsed <- data.frame(max_speed$x, rep(1), new_x$x, new_y$x,
as.POSIXct(new_time$x), max_speed$Group.1,
new_pauseTime$x, rep(1), max_speed$Group.1)
colnames(pauses_collapsed) <- c("new_speeds", "recurringSpeed", "x", "y",
"time", "pause_no", "pauseTime",
"new_recurringSpeed", "new_pauseno")
# Join with the rest of the dataset & arrange by time
movingperiods <- recurringZero[recurringZero$recurringSpeed==0 |
is.na(recurringZero$new_recurringSpeed) ,]
movingperiods <- recurringZero[!recurringZero$new_pauseno %in% c(pauses_collapsed$new_pauseno) ,]
movingperiods <- movingperiods[-c(7)]
pauses_joined<-rbind(movingperiods, pauses_collapsed)
} else {
# Create final dataset
one.route <- data.frame("x"=pauses_joined$x, "y"=pauses_joined$y,
names(one.route)[4] <- "pause"
for (i in 1:length(ids)) {
# Subset one track & arrange by time
id <- ids[i]
one.track <- all.cropped.tracks[all.cropped.tracks$id==id,]
one.track$time<-paste(round(one.track$time, "secs"))
one.track$time<-ifelse(nchar(one.track$time) < 12, paste(one.track$time, "00:00:00", sep=" "), one.track$time)
one.track$time<-as.POSIXct(one.track$time, tz="UTC", format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Adjust times if ship enters or leaves the landscape between ticks
# Determine start and end time of ship track
startday.track <- min(one.track$time)
endday.track <- max(one.track$time)
# If start & endday are provided them calculate for how many ticks the ship
# track should last. If no start & end are provided then duration is equal
# to number of 30 min steps between start & end of
# unique ship track
if (!(startday %in% c("NA")) && !(endday %in% c("NA"))) {
all.ticks<-numberTicks(startday, endday)
} else {
all.ticks<-data.frame(seq(startday.track, endday.track, 30*60))
# If there is a start & end date, the next line adds coordinates and pauses
# at the start and end of ship track if required so that the simulation runs
# from startday to endday
if (!(startday %in% c("NA"))) {
one.track<-addMissingTicksStartEnd(all.ticks, one.track, startday, endday,
startday.track, endday.track)
# Add missing ticks in middle of day (this happens if ship temporarily leaves
# the landscape)
# First we determine whether there are missing ticks
match <- subset(all.ticks, !time %in% c(one.track$time))
if(nrow(match)>0) {
one.track<-addMissingTicksMiddle(one.track, match)
# Calculate duration of pauses & collapse rows where ship not moving:
# Final check to make sure dataset contains correct number of ticks
if (!(startday %in% c("NA"))) {
# Calculate number of ticks to make sure add up to 48
one.route2 <- one.route
one.route2$index <- 1:nrow(one.route2) # index the rows
one.route2$count.ticks <- 1
# Add pauses to ticks
one.route2$count.ticks <- ifelse(one.route2$pause>0, one.route2$count.ticks+one.route2$pause,
ticks <- sum(one.route2$count.ticks)
if(!((ticks-1) %% 48)==0) stop("Tick number is wrong")
# Check that there are no NAs in any columns
row.nonas <- which(!is.na(one.route$x) & !is.na (one.route$y) & !is.na(one.route$speed) & !is.na(one.route$pause)) # This line records rows without NAs
subset.nonas<-one.route[row.nonas,] # This line subsets the dataset to these rows
# If the subset dataset is smaller than the full one, then there are NAs and the function breaks.
if (nrow(subset.nonas)< nrow(one.route)) {stop("NA values in ship route")}
# Check whether any buoys are on the edge of the landscape
# If yes -> remove 1 m
one.route$x<-ifelse(one.route$x == bb[1,1], one.route$x + 0.01, one.route$x)
one.route$x<-ifelse(one.route$x == bb[1,2], one.route$x - 0.01, one.route$x)
one.route$y<-ifelse(one.route$y == bb[2,1], one.route$y + 0.01, one.route$y)
one.route$y<-ifelse(one.route$y == bb[2,2], one.route$y - 0.01, one.route$y)
# Save route characteristics
all.routes[[i]] <- one.route
# Save all routes
names(all.routes) <- paste("Route", ids, sep="_")
routes(all.cropped.DS) <- all.routes
# Save all ship characteristics
all.ships <- unique(all.cropped.tracks[, c("id", "type", "length")])
names(all.ships)[1] <- "name"
all.ships$route <- paste0("Route_", unique(all.cropped.tracks$id))
ships(all.cropped.DS) <- all.ships
} # end of ais.to.DeponsShips
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