
Defines functions extractExpressionData getStudyDataList getStudyData getUnsupportedPlatforms getSupportedPlatforms calcExprsByGene getGeneProbeMappingAnno getGeneProbeMappingDirect getGeneProbeMappingAffy fixCelSampleNames fixGeoSampleNames fixCustomCdfGeneIds

Documented in extractExpressionData getStudyData getStudyDataList getSupportedPlatforms getUnsupportedPlatforms

#' @import data.table
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %do% %dopar%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi mappedkeys
#' @importMethodsFrom Biobase experimentData
#' @importMethodsFrom Biobase exprs
#' @importMethodsFrom Biobase exprs<-
#' @importMethodsFrom Biobase featureData
#' @importMethodsFrom Biobase pData
#' @importMethodsFrom Biobase phenoData
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics as.list

fixCustomCdfGeneIds = function(geneIds) {
  return(sub('_at', '', geneIds))}

fixGeoSampleNames = function(sampleNames) {
  sampleNames = paste0(toupper(sampleNames), '_')
  regexResult = regexpr('^GSM[0-9]+[^0-9]', sampleNames)
  sampleNamesNew = mapply(
    function(sampleName, matchLength) substr(sampleName, 1, matchLength - 1),
    sampleNames, attr(regexResult, 'match.length'))

fixCelSampleNames = function(sampleNames) {
  sampleNamesNew = gsub('\\.cel(\\.gz)*$', '', sampleNames, ignore.case = TRUE)

getGeneProbeMappingAffy = function(mappingFilePath) {
  probeSet = NULL
  mapping = fread(mappingFilePath)
  old = c('Probe.Set.Name', 'Affy.Probe.Set.Name')
  mappingUnique = unique(mapping[, old, with = FALSE])
  mappingUnique = mappingUnique[apply(mappingUnique, MARGIN = 1, function(r) !any(is.na(r))), ]
  setnames(mappingUnique, old, c('geneId', 'probeSet'))
  mappingUnique[, probeSet := as.character(probeSet)]

getGeneProbeMappingDirect = function(featureDt, geneColname, probeColname = 'ID') {
  probeSet = geneId = NULL
  mapping = featureDt[, c(probeColname, geneColname), with = FALSE]
  mapping = mapping[apply(mapping, MARGIN = 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x) & x != '')), ]
  setnames(mapping, c(probeColname, geneColname), c('probeSet', 'geneId'))
  mapping[, probeSet := as.character(probeSet)]
  mapping[, geneId := as.character(geneId)]

getGeneProbeMappingAnno = function(featureDt, dbName, interName) {
  probeSet = NULL
  mappingProbeIntermediate = featureDt[
    !is.na(featureDt[[interName]]) & featureDt[[interName]] != '',
    c('ID', interName), with = FALSE]
  setnames(mappingProbeIntermediate, c('ID', interName), c('probeSet', 'geneInter'))

  mapTmp1 = eval(parse(text = sprintf('%s.db::%s', substr(dbName, 1, 9), dbName)))
  mapTmp2 = mappedkeys(mapTmp1)
  mapTmp3 = as.list(mapTmp1[mapTmp2])
  geneId = do.call(c, mapTmp3)

  geneInter = do.call(c, mapply(function(inter, len) rep_len(inter, len), names(mapTmp3),
                                sapply(mapTmp3, length), SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
  if (dbName == 'org.Hs.egUNIGENE2EG') {
    geneInter = sub('Hs.', '', geneInter, fixed = TRUE)}
  mappingIdInter = data.table(geneId, geneInter)
  mapping = merge(mappingIdInter, mappingProbeIntermediate, by = 'geneInter', sort = FALSE)
  mapping[, probeSet := as.character(probeSet)]

calcExprsByGene = function(eset, mapping) {
  geneId = NULL
  geneIds = unique(mapping$geneId)
  exprsByGene = matrix(nrow = length(geneIds), ncol = ncol(eset),
                       dimnames = list(geneIds, Biobase::sampleNames(eset)))
  for (geneIdNow in geneIds) {
    exprsTmp = exprs(eset)[mapping[geneId == geneIdNow]$probeSet, , drop = FALSE]
    exprsByGene[geneIdNow, ] = matrixStats::colMedians(exprsTmp, na.rm = TRUE)}

#' Get the GPLs for microarray platforms that are currently supported.
#' @return A data.table of currently supported GPLs and relevant information.
#' @export
getSupportedPlatforms = function() {

  supportedPlatformsPath = system.file('extdata', 'supported_platforms.csv', package = 'metapredict')
  supportedPlatformsDt = fread(supportedPlatformsPath)


#' Get the GPLs for unsupported microarray platforms.
#' @param studyMetadata `data.frame` of study metadata, with columns for
#'   `studyDataType` and `platformInfo`.
#' @return A vector of platforms for which `studyDataType` is 'series_matrix'
#'   and `platformInfo` is not supported.
#' @export
getUnsupportedPlatforms = function(studyMetadata) {
  studyDataType = platformInfo = NULL
  # unsupportedPlatforms = studyMetadata %>%
  #   dplyr::filter(studyDataType == 'series_matrix',
  #                 !(platformInfo %in% getSupportedPlatforms())) %>%
  #   .$platformInfo

  unsupportedPlatforms = data.table(studyMetadata)[
    studyDataType == 'series_matrix' & !(platformInfo %in% getSupportedPlatforms()$platform)]$platformInfo

  if (length(unsupportedPlatforms) == 0) {
    cat("Whew, all microarray platforms for studies whose studyDataType == 'series_matrix' are supported.\n")
  } else {
    warningStr = "Uh oh, not all microarray platforms for studies whose studyDataType == 'series_matrix' are supported.
    You will need to either drop those studies or extend the metapredict package.
    See the vignette for details."
    warning(gsub('\\s+', ' ', warningStr), call. = FALSE)}

#' Get the gene expression data for one study.
#' Load the gene expression data for one study, map probes to Entrez Gene IDs,
#' then normalize and transform the expression values.
#' @param parentFolderPath Path to the folder that contains the data.
#' @param studyName Name of dataset to load.
#' @param studyDataType Type of data.
#' @param platformInfo Microarray platform.
#' @return An `ExpressionSet`, unless the platform or data type is not
#'   supported, then NA.
#' @export
getStudyData = function(parentFolderPath, studyName, studyDataType, platformInfo) {
  platform = NULL
  cat(sprintf('Loading study %s...\n', studyName))

  if (studyDataType %in% c('affy_geo', 'affy_custom')) {
    require(platformInfo, character.only = TRUE)

    folderPath = file.path(parentFolderPath, studyName)
    if (dir.exists(folderPath)) {
      cwd = setwd(folderPath)
      eset = affy::justRMA(cdfname = platformInfo)
    } else {
      stop(sprintf('Folder %s does not exist.', folderPath))}

    Biobase::featureNames(eset) = fixCustomCdfGeneIds(Biobase::featureNames(eset))
    if (studyDataType == 'affy_geo') {
      Biobase::sampleNames(eset) = fixGeoSampleNames(Biobase::sampleNames(eset))
    } else {
      Biobase::sampleNames(eset) = fixCelSampleNames(Biobase::sampleNames(eset))}

  } else if (studyDataType == 'affy_series_matrix') {
    mapping = getGeneProbeMappingAffy(file.path(
      parentFolderPath, paste0(platformInfo, '_mapping.txt')))
    esetOrig = GEOquery::getGEO(filename = file.path(
      parentFolderPath, paste0(studyName, '_series_matrix.txt.gz')))
    exprs(esetOrig)[exprs(esetOrig) <= 0] = min(exprs(esetOrig)[exprs(esetOrig) > 0])
    exprs(esetOrig) = log2(exprs(esetOrig))
    exprsByGene = calcExprsByGene(esetOrig, mapping)
    rownames(exprsByGene) = fixCustomCdfGeneIds(rownames(exprsByGene))
    colnames(exprsByGene) = fixGeoSampleNames(colnames(exprsByGene))
    eset = Biobase::ExpressionSet(
      assayData = exprsByGene, phenoData = phenoData(esetOrig),
      experimentData = experimentData(esetOrig))

  } else if (studyDataType == 'series_matrix') {
    supportedPlatformsDt = getSupportedPlatforms()

    if (!(platformInfo %in% supportedPlatformsDt$platform)) {
      warning(sprintf('Study %s not loaded, because platform %s is not currently supported.',
                      studyName, platformInfo))

    esetOrig = GEOquery::getGEO(filename = file.path(
      parentFolderPath, paste0(studyName, '_series_matrix.txt.gz')))
    if (is.list(esetOrig) && length(esetOrig) == 1) {
      esetOrig = esetOrig[[1]]}

    featureDf = pData(featureData(esetOrig))
    idx = sapply(featureDf, is.factor)
    featureDf[idx] = lapply(featureDf[idx], as.character)
    featureDt = data.table(featureDf)

    platformDt = supportedPlatformsDt[platform == platformInfo, ]

    if (!(is.na(platformDt$splitColumn)) && platformDt$splitColumn != '') {
      featureDt[[platformDt$interName]] = sapply(
        featureDt[[platformDt$splitColumn]], function(x) strsplit(x, split = '.', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1])
    if (platformDt$mappingFunction == 'Anno') {
      mapping = getGeneProbeMappingAnno(
        featureDt, dbName = platformDt$dbName, interName = platformDt$interName)
    } else if (platformDt$mappingFunction == 'Direct')  {
      mapping = getGeneProbeMappingDirect(featureDt, geneColname = platformDt$geneColname)
    } else {
      warning(sprintf('Study %s not loaded, because platform %s is not currently supported.',
                      studyName, platformInfo))

    exprsByGene = calcExprsByGene(esetOrig, mapping)
    if (any(is.na(exprsByGene))) {
      warning(sprintf('Imputing missing expression values for study %s.', studyName))
      resultImputed = impute::impute.knn(exprsByGene)
      exprsByGene = resultImputed$data}
    colnames(exprsByGene) = fixGeoSampleNames(colnames(exprsByGene))
    eset = Biobase::ExpressionSet(
      assayData = exprsByGene, phenoData = phenoData(esetOrig),
      experimentData = experimentData(esetOrig))

  } else if (studyDataType == 'eset_rds') {
    esetOrig = readRDS(file.path(parentFolderPath, paste0(studyName, '.rds')))

    featureDf = pData(featureData(esetOrig))
    featureDt = data.table(featureDf)
    if (platformInfo == 'ready') {
    } else if (platformInfo == 'rosetta') {
      mapping = getGeneProbeMappingDirect(
        featureDt, geneColname = 'EntrezGene.ID', probeColname = 'probe')
    } else {
      warning(sprintf('Study %s not loaded, because platform %s is not currently supported.',
                      studyName, platformInfo))

    exprsByGene = calcExprsByGene(esetOrig, mapping)
    if (any(is.na(exprsByGene))) {
      warning(sprintf('Imputing missing expression values for study %s.', studyName))
      resultImputed = impute::impute.knn(exprsByGene)
      exprsByGene = resultImputed$data}
    eset = Biobase::ExpressionSet(
      assayData = exprsByGene, phenoData = phenoData(esetOrig),
      experimentData = experimentData(esetOrig))

  } else {
    warning(sprintf('Study %s not loaded, because data type %s is not currently supported.',
                    studyName, studyDataType))
    eset = NA}

#' Get the gene expression data for multiple studies.
#' Runs [getStudyData()] for multiple studies.
#' @param parentFolderPath Path to the folder that contains the data.
#' @param studyMetadata A `data.frame` where each row corresponds to one study.
#' 	 Should have columns for `study`, `studyDataType`, and `platformInfo`.
#' @return A named list of `ExpressionSet`s.
#' @export
getStudyDataList = function(parentFolderPath, studyMetadata) {
  studyRow = NULL
  esetList = foreach(studyRow = iterators::iter(studyMetadata, by = 'row')) %do% {
    if (any(is.na(studyRow))) {
    } else {
      getStudyData(parentFolderPath, studyRow$study, studyRow$studyDataType,
  names(esetList) = studyMetadata$study

#' Extract the expression matrices containing the desired samples.
#' @param esetList list of `ExpressionSets`.
#' @param sampleMetadata `data.frame` with columns for study and sample names.
#' @return A named list of matrices.
#' @export
extractExpressionData = function(esetList, sampleMetadata) {
  study = studyName = NULL
  ematList = foreach(studyName = names(esetList)) %do% {
    sampleNamesNow = data.table(sampleMetadata)[study == studyName]$sample
    keepIdx = colnames(esetList[[studyName]]) %in% sampleNamesNow
    exprs(esetList[[studyName]])[, keepIdx]}
  names(ematList) = names(esetList)
jakejh/metapredict documentation built on Feb. 14, 2023, 7:53 p.m.