packages <- c("CIMseq", "printr", "future")
purrr::walk(packages, library, character.only = TRUE)


CIMseq works in 2 stages with each stage being supported by plotting functions. The stages are as follows:

  1. Creating the CIMseqSinglets object and CIMseqMultiplets objects for singlets and multiplets.
  2. Counts and ercc counts are input and stored. As well, counts per million (cpm) and log2 cpm are calculated.
  3. The CIMseqSinglets object also holds a dimensionality reduced representation of the data (used for plotting) and the classification information.
  4. The CIMseqMultiplets object also holds information concerning which features to select during deconvolution.

  5. Multuplet deconvolution via swarm optimization.

  6. Here we utilize swarm optimization to deconvolute the multuplets and, thus, provide an overview of the tissue "connectome".

CIMseqSinglets and CIMseqMultiplets method

Make CIMseqSinglets counts object. The CIMseqSinglets command takes 4 arguments:

  1. matrix; The raw counts data with gene IDs as rownames and sample IDs as colnames.
  2. matrix; The ERCC spike-in counts data with gene IDs as rownames and sample IDs as colnames.
  3. matrix; The dimensionality reduced representation of the data.
  4. character; A class for each of the individual singlets.

We use the testCounts dataset, included in the package, to initialize the CIMseqSinglets and CIMseqMultiplets objects. testCounts contains singlets that comprise 3 cell types, 80 in total, and 3 multiplets. These multiplets were FACS sorted before sequencing such that their composition is known and we expect to detect exactly one connection between each of the cell types in the dataset.

testCounts[1:2, 1:2] #example
dim(testCounts) #genes and sample numbers
class(testCounts) #must be a matrix

We first extract the ERCC reads and divide the counts data into singlets and multiplets. In the test data, ERCC reads can be identified with the regular expression "^ERCC\-[0-9]*$" and the colnames of all singlet samples are prefixed with an "s" and all multiplets are prefixed with an "m".

s <- grepl("^s", colnames(testCounts))
ercc <- grepl("^ERCC\\-[0-9]*$", rownames(testCounts))
singlets <- testCounts[!ercc, s]
singletERCC <- testCounts[ercc, s]
multiplets <- testCounts[!ercc, !s]
multipletERCC <- testCounts[ercc, !s]

We next want to perform feature selection, dimensionality reduction, and classification for the singlets. For the testData we have already pre-calculated this information. Once we have performed these calculations, we can build the CIMseqSinglets and CIMseqMultiplets objects that will be input into the deconvolution method.

#extract pre-calculated data <- getData(CIMseqSinglets_test, "")
classes <- getData(CIMseqSinglets_test, "classification")
selected <- getData(CIMseqMultiplets_test, "features")

#build CIMseq objects
cObjSng <- CIMseqSinglets(singlets, singletERCC,, classes)
cObjMul <- CIMseqMultiplets(multiplets, multipletERCC, selected)
cObjSng <- CIMseqSinglets_test
cObjMul <- CIMseqMultiplets_test

The CIMseqSinglets object contains:
1. The raw counts data input by the user.
2. A function to calculate log normalized counts per million on the fly.
3. A function to calculate counts per million on the fly.
4. The counts.ercc input by the user (if these are not available they can be substituted using matrix())
5. The dimensionality reduced representation of the data.
6. The classification for each single cell.

The CIMseqMultiplets object contains:
1. The raw counts data input by the user.
2. A function to calculate log normalized counts per million on the fly.
3. A function to calculate counts per million on the fly.
4. The counts.ercc input by the user (if these are not available they can be substituted using matrix())
5. The index of selected genes to use in the deconvolution.


Individual slots within the CIMseq objects can be accessed with the "getData" function. Note that all other CIMseq object slots can be accessed in the same way. See below:

counts <- getData(cObjSng, "counts")


It is also possible to initiate a empty object and set slots or exchance data in the slots in the following manner:

empty <- CIMseqSinglets()
getData(empty, "counts") <- getData(cObjSng, "counts")

ERCC fraction plot

The fractions of ERCC spike-ins and the number of approximated cells can be viewed in a plot using the plotCountsERCC function.

plotCountsERCC(cObjSng, cObjMul)

Markers plot

Sometimes it may be desireable to view the expression of 2 marker genes in the counts data. This can be accomplished with the plotCountsMarkers function.

plotCountsMarkers(cObjSng, cObjMul, markers = c("CD74", "ANXA3"))

Swarm method

The deconvolution of the multuplets take place in this stage. The CIMseqSinglets and CIMseqMultiplets objects must be provided as arguments. In addition, there are multiple parameters that may be tuned. See help(CIMseqSwarm).

sObj <- CIMseqSwarm(
  cObjSng, cObjMul, swarmsize = 500, 
  nSyntheticMultiplets = 50, maxiter = 10
sObj <- CIMseqSwarm_test

spSwarm results

We can exmaine the resulting connections with the calculateEdgeStats command:

calculateEdgeStats(sObj, cObjSng, cObjMul)

This reports all of the detected edges. The edge.cutoff argument specifies the fraction above which an edge is considered to be valid. Since the optimization vector is essentially a fraction, for an edge to be considered we can set the edge.cutoff to 1 / (number of cell types + error margin). We can specify the number of edges a connection must have to be reported with the min.num.edges argument and also filter results for a specific significance level with the min.pval argument.

spSwarm plot

The resulting "connectome" can be plotted via the command below.

plotSwarmCircos(sObj, cObjSng, cObjMul, alpha = 1)

Multiple additional plot types are possible for the deconvolution results and are described in the plotting vignette.

Helper functions

Write about the various helper functions to pluck information from the objects, mostly the CIMseqSwarm objects.


jasonserviss/CIMseq documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 4:42 a.m.