
# functions to standardise allele codes into ref/alt format as nonambiguous
# IUPAC bases

#' fix substitution allele codes
#' fix the allele column for variants with allele columns that are structured
#' like "sub(G->T)" (the "->" translates to ">", and sub(G->T), this is
#' an excel to R conversion issue. Perhaps it is unicode from excel?
#' @param variants data frame of variants
#' @param allele_column name of column containing allele information
#' @export
#' @return a data frame with chrom, start_pos, end_pos and allele columns.
fix_sub_alleles <-function(variants, allele_column) {
    temp = grepl("sub", variants[[allele_column]])
    variants[[allele_column]][temp] = gsub("-[&gt;|>]", "/", variants[[allele_column]][temp])
    variants[[allele_column]][temp] = gsub("\\(|\\)", "", variants[[allele_column]][temp])
    variants[[allele_column]][temp] = gsub("sub", "", variants[[allele_column]][temp])

#' fix deletion allele codes
#' fix the allele column for variants with allele columns that are structured
#' like "del(1)"
#' @param variants data frame of variants
#' @param allele_column name of column containing allele information
#' @export
#' @return a data frame with chrom, start_pos, end_pos and allele columns.
fix_del_alleles <- function(variants, allele_column) {
    temp = grepl("del", variants[[allele_column]])
    # if we don't have any of these variants, simply return the vartiant table,
    # as it will cause an error if this continues to run on zero variants
    if (!(any(temp))) { return(variants) }
    variants[[allele_column]][temp] = gsub("\\(|\\)", "", variants[[allele_column]][temp])
    variants[[allele_column]][temp] = gsub("del", "", variants[[allele_column]][temp])
    temp_distance = variants[[allele_column]][temp]
    # find the reference sequence at the site
    variants[[allele_column]][temp] = apply(variants[temp, ], 1, get_sequence_in_region)
    # find the sequence at the site + the distance of the deletion
    variants$end_pos[temp] = as.numeric(variants$end_pos[temp]) + as.numeric(temp_distance)
    variants[[allele_column]][temp] = paste(apply(variants[temp, ], 1, get_sequence_in_region), "/", variants[[allele_column]][temp],  sep="")

#' fix insertion allele codes
#' fix the allele column for variants with allele columns that are structured
#' like "ins(1)"
#' @param variants data frame of variants
#' @param allele_column name of column containing allele information
#' @export
#' @return a data frame with chrom, start_pos, end_pos and allele columns.
fix_ins_alleles <-function(variants, allele_column) {
    temp = grepl("ins", variants[[allele_column]])
    # if we don't have any of these variants, simply return the vartiant table,
    # as it will cause an error if this continues to run on zero variants
    if (!(any(temp))) { return(variants) }
    variants[[allele_column]][temp] = gsub("\\(|\\)", "", variants[[allele_column]][temp])
    variants[[allele_column]][temp] = gsub("ins", "", variants[[allele_column]][temp])
    variants$start_pos[temp] = as.numeric(variants$start_pos[temp]) - 1
    variants$end_pos[temp] = as.numeric(variants$end_pos[temp]) - 1
    ref_alleles = apply(variants[temp, ], 1, get_sequence_in_region)
    variants[[allele_column]][temp] = paste(ref_alleles, "/", ref_alleles, variants[[allele_column]][temp], sep = "")
    variants$start_pos[temp] = as.numeric(variants$start_pos[temp]) + 1

#' fix duplication allele codes
#' fix the allele column for variants with allele columns that are structured
#' like "dup"
#' @param variants data frame of variants
#' @param allele_column name of column containing allele information
#' @export
#' @return a data frame with chrom, start_pos, end_pos and allele columns.
fix_dup_alleles <-function(variants, allele_column) {
    temp = grepl("dup", variants[[allele_column]])
    # if we don't have any of these variants, simply return the vartiant table,
    # as it will cause an error if this continues to run on zero variants
    if (!(any(temp))) { return(variants) }
    variants$start_pos[temp] = as.numeric(variants$start_pos[temp]) - 1
    variants$end_pos[temp] = as.numeric(variants$end_pos[temp]) - 1
    ref_alleles = apply(variants[temp, ], 1, get_sequence_in_region)
    variants[[allele_column]][temp] = paste(ref_alleles, "/", ref_alleles, ref_alleles, sep = "")
    variants$start_pos[temp] = as.numeric(variants$start_pos[temp]) + 1

#' correct alt alleles which have been encoded as an IUPAC ambiguous base
#' Sometimes the de novo variants from studies provide alt alleles as "R", or
#' "Y", which indicate ambigous bases. We can identify the correct alt base by
#' comparison with the reference allele.
#' @param variants data frame of variants
#' @export
#' @return a data frame with chrom, start_pos, end_pos and allele columns.
fix_het_alleles <- function(variants) {
    iupac = list("R" = c("A", "G"), "Y" = c("C", "T"), "S" = c("G", "C"),
                 "W" = c("A", "T"), "K" = c("G", "T"), "M" = c("A", "C"))
    # we need to correct
    for (row_num in 1:nrow(variants)) {
        alt = variants$alt_allele[row_num]
        ref = variants$ref_allele[row_num]
        # figure the correct base from the ambigous base which is not the
        # reference allele.
        if (alt %in% names(iupac)) {
            alt = setdiff(iupac[[alt]], ref)
            variants$alt_allele[row_num] = alt
jeremymcrae/publishedDeNovos documentation built on May 19, 2019, 5:08 a.m.