## ---- set-lattice ----
sides <- list(tck = 0.6, pad1 = 0.75, pad2 = 0.75)
theme <- list(axis.line = list(alpha = 1, col = 'gray40',
fill = "transparent", lty = 1, lwd = 0.5),
strip.border = list(alpha = 1, col = rep('gray40', 6),
lty = rep(1, 6), lwd = rep(0.5, 6)),
strip.shingle = list(alpha = 1, col = rep("gray80", 7)),
box.3d = list(col = 'gray40'),
axis.components = list(left = sides, top = sides,
right = sides, bottom = sides),
fontsize = list(text = 10, points = 6))
## ---- binom-dp ----
binom <- rbind(
paste(dbinom(x=0:3, size=3, prob=0.5)),
paste(pbinom(q=0:3, size=3, prob=0.5)))
colnames(binom) <- paste(0:3)
rownames(binom) <- c("dbinom(x=0:3, size=3, prob=0.5)",
"pbinom(q=0:3, size=3, prob=0.5)")
print(binom, quote=FALSE)
## ---- binom-q ----
binomq <- matrix(qbinom(p=c(0.125, 0.5, 0.875, 1.0),
size=3, prob=0.5), nrow=1)
rownames(binomq) <- "qbinom(p=c(0.125,0.5,0.875,1.0), size=3, prob=0.5)"
colnames(binomq) <- paste(c(0.125, 0.5, 0.875, 1.0))
print(binomq, quote=FALSE)
## ---- binom-gph1 ----
p <- c(pbinom(q=0:3, size=3, prob=0.5)) # Quantile change points
p1 <- c(0, p[1], NA, p[1]+0.001, p[2], NA, p[2]+0.001,
p[3], NA, p[3]+0.001,p[4])
gph1 <- xyplot(p1 ~ qbinom(p1, size=3, prob=0.5), type='l',
xlim=c(-0.01,3.01), ylim=c(0,1.003),
xlab="Number of heads, in 3 tosses",
scales=list(x=list(at=0:3), y=list(at=(0:5)*0.2)),
ylab="Cumulative probability",
main = list("A: (Cumulative) distribution function",
font=1, x=0, y=0.25, just="left", cex=1.25)) +
latticeExtra::layer(panel.xyplot(x[c(2,5,8,11)], y[c(2,5,8,11)], pch=16))
gph1 <- update(gph1, axis=latticeExtra::axis.grid)
## ---- binom-gph2 ----
p <- c(pbinom(q=0:3, size=3, prob=0.5)) # Quantile change points
p1 <- c(0, p[1], NA, p[1]+0.001, p[2], NA, p[2]+0.001,
p[3], NA, p[3]+0.001,p[4])
gph2 <- xyplot(qbinom(p1, size=3, prob=0.5) ~ p1, type='l',
xlim=c(0,1.003), ylim=c(-0.01,3.01),
xlab="(Cumulative) probability", ylab="Quantile",
main = list("B: Quantile function", font=1, x=0, y=0.25,
just="left", cex=1.25))+
latticeExtra::layer(panel.xyplot(x[c(2,5,8,11)], y[c(2,5,8,11)], pch=16))
# latticeExtra::layer(panel.xyplot(x,y,type="S",lwd=2))
gph2 <- update(gph2, axis=latticeExtra::axis.grid)
## ---- quantile ----
probrange <- t(cbind("x = Number of heads"=0:3,
c("(0,0.125)", "(>0.125,0.5)", "(>0.5,0.875)", "(>0.875,1.0)")))
colnames(probrange) <- rep("",4)
print(probrange, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)
## ---- u2q ----
round(qnorm(c(0.2,0.5,0.8)), 2)
## ---- cfDBI-BB ----
x <- 0:10
denBI <- dBI(x, mu=.5, bd=10)
denDBI2 <- dDBI(x, mu=.5, sigma=2, bd=10)
denBB2 <- dBB(x, mu=.5, sigma=.125, bd=10)
oldpar <- par(mar=c(2.6,4.1,2.6,1.6), mgp=c(2.5,.75,0), mfrow=c(1,2))
x <- 0:10
cols <- c('gray80',"red","skyblue")
plot(x, denBI, col='gray80', pch=16, cex=1.25, type=c("b"),
xlab=paste("Number out of ",max(x)),
ylab="Probability", lend=1, ylim=c(0, max(denBI)*1.22), fg='gray')
points(x, denBB2, pch=16, cex=1.25, type="b", col=cols[2], lwd=2)
points(x, denDBI2, pch=16, cex=1.25, type="b", col=cols[3],lwd=2)
legend(x="topright", legend=c(expression("Binomial","BB: "*sigma==0.125,"DBI: "*sigma==2)),
col=cols, cex=0.85, lwd=c(6,2,2,2), border="gray40", bty="l")
mtext(side=3, line=0.5, adj=0, cex=1.25,
expression('A: Binomial vs DBB & DBI: '*Phi==2))
## Phi=4.75
denBB4.75 <- dBB(x, mu=.5, sigma=5/7, bd=10)
denDBI4.75 <- dDBI(x, mu=.5, sigma=8.27, bd=10)
plot(x, denBI, col='gray80', pch=16, cex=1.25, type=c("b"),
xlab=paste("Number out of ",max(x)),
ylab="Probability", lend=1, ylim=c(0, max(denBI)*1.22), fg='gray')
points(x, denDBI4.75, pch=16, cex=1.25, type="b", col=cols[2],lwd=2)
points(x, denBB4.75, pch=16, cex=1.25, type="b", col=cols[3], lwd=2)
legend=c(expression("Binomial", "BB: "*sigma==frac(5,7),
"DBI: "*sigma==8.27)),
col=cols, pch=16, cex=1,
border="gray40", bty="l")
mtext(side=3, line=0.5, adj=0, cex=1.25,
expression('B: Binomial vs DBB & DBI: '*Phi==4.75))
} else message("Package `gamlss` not found")
## ---- wtd-var ----
wtd.var <- function(number,w){
N <- sum(w)
mu <- weighted.mean(number, w)
var <- sum(w*(number-mu)^2)/sum(w)
c(mean=mu,var=var, N=N)
## ---- fitVSobs ----
fitVSobs <- function(Number="number", Freq="freq", Fitprob="fitprob",
df=rugeFit, digits=3, size=10, rho=NULL,
xlab="Count", ylab="Frequency",
atright=list(at=(1:5)*10, labels=(1:5)/20),
main=list("A: Radioactive decay counts",
font=1, x=0, y=0.25, just="left", cex=1.15)){
number <- df[[Number]]
freq <- df[[Freq]]
fitted <- df[[Fitprob]]*sum(freq)
mu <- weighted.mean(number,freq)
var <- wtd.var(number,freq)['var']
if(distribution == "binomial"){
fitvar <- mu*(1-mu/size)
titl <- paste("Data: Var =", round(var,digits),
" Binomial fit: Var =", round(fitvar,digits),collapse="")
main[[1]] <- paste0(main[[1]]," (Prob = ", round(mu/size,3),")", collapse="")
} else
if(distribution == "betabinomial"){
fitvar <- mu*(1-mu/size)*(1+(size-1)*rho)
titl <- paste("Data: Var =", round(var,digits),
" Beta binomial fit: Var =", round(fitvar,digits))
main[[1]] <- paste0(main[[1]]," (Prob = ", round(mu/size,3),")",
"rho =", round(rho,3),")", collapse="")
} else if (distribution == "poisson"){ fitvar <- mu
titl <- paste("Data: Var =", round(var,digits),
" Poisson fit: Var =", round(fitvar,digits))
xlab <- paste(xlab, "(Mean = ", round(mu,2), ")")
legend <- list(c("Data:", "Fitted:"))
bcol <- trellis.par.get()$plot.polygon$col
# if(is.null(atright))ylab.rt <- "" else
# ylab.rt <- "Relative frequency"
gph <- barchart(freq~as.factor(number), data = df, box.ratio=3,
ylim=c(0, 1.04*max(freq,fitted)),
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ylab.right="",
border='gray60', horiz=FALSE,
key=list(space='top', columns=2, text=legend,
lines=list(lwd=c(10,2), col=c(bcol,1))))+
type=c('h','g'), data = df, col='black',lwd=4))
if(!is.null(atright))gph <- gph +
half=FALSE), data=atright)
## ---- binData ----
htab <- as.table(matrix(c(0, 5, 7, 22, 37, 43, 48, 28, 8, 2, 0), nrow=1,
dimnames=list("",`A: Frequency of each of 0 to 10, in 10 tosses`=0:10)))
heads <- data.frame(number=0:10, freq=as.numeric(htab))
muH <- with(heads, weighted.mean(number, w=freq))
heads$fitprob <- with(heads, dbinom(number, size=10, prob = muH/10))
tastab <- as.table(matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 6, 4, 4, 47), nrow=1,
dimnames=list("",`B: Frequency of each of 0 to 6, in 6 plants`=0:6)))
diseased <- data.frame(number=0:6, freq=as.numeric(tastab))
mu <- with(diseased, weighted.mean(number, freq))
diseased$Binprob <- dbinom(0:6, size=6, prob=mu/6)
## ---- GetbinData ----
htab <- table(factor(
rep(1:200,rep(10,200))),sum), levels=0:10),
dnn=list("A: Frequency of each of 0 to 10, in 10 tosses"))
tastab <- table(factor(qra::rayBlight, levels=0:6),
dnn=list("B: Frequency of each of 0 to 6, in 6 plants"))
## ---- binAB ----
gph1 <- fitVSobs(Number="number", Freq="freq", Fitprob="fitprob", df=heads,
digits=2, distribution="binomial", atright=list(at=(1:5)*10,
main=list("A: No. of heads (10 tosses)",
cex=1.15, font=1, x=0, just="left"))
gph2 <- fitVSobs(Number="number", Freq="freq", Fitprob="Binprob", df=diseased,
digits=2, size=6, distribution="binomial",
atright=NULL, ylab="Frequency\nRelative Frequency",
main=list("B: No. of diseased plants (from 6)",
cex=1.15, font=1, x=0, just="left"))
gph2 <- gph2+latticeExtra::layer(panel.axis(side='left', at=(1:5)*10*62/50,
labels=(1:5)*10/50, outside=FALSE, half=FALSE))
## Binomial variance: 5.451613*(1-.914) = 0.4688387
## BB fitted var = 0.4688387*2.613
## Sample variance = 1.169751 = 0.4688387*2.495
## ---- maleFit ----
muM <- with(qra::malesINfirst12,
weighted.mean(No_of_Males, w=freq))
maleFit <- with(qra::malesINfirst12,
data.frame(number=No_of_Males, freq=freq,
fitprob = dbinom(No_of_Males, size=12, prob = muM/12)))
## ---- xtra ----
## Not executed
plot(x, dBI(x, mu=.5, bd=10), type="h", lwd=16,
xlab=paste("Number out of ",max(x)),
ylab="Probability", col='gray80', lend=1)
lines(x, dDBI(x, mu=.5, sigma=8.27, bd=10), type="h",
lines(x+0.1, dBB(x, mu=.5, sigma=0.714, bd=10), type="h",
col="red", lwd=2)
legend=c(expression("Binom","DBI: "*phi==4.25,"BB: "*phi==4.25)),
col=cols[-2], cex=0.85, lwd=c(8,2,2,2), border="gray40", bty="l")
## ---- cfFits ----
doBI <- gamlss(cbind(number, 6-number)~1, weights=freq,
family=BI, data=diseased, trace=FALSE)
doBB <- gamlss(cbind(number, 6-number)~1, weights=freq,
family=BB, data=diseased, trace=FALSE)
doDBI <- gamlss(cbind(number, 6-number)~1, weights=freq,
family=DBI, data=diseased, n.cyc=100, trace=FALSE)
## ---- cfsim ----
oldpar <- par(mar=c(2.6,4.1,2.6,1.6), mgp=c(2.5,.75,0), mfrow=c(1,3))
## Binomial fits
rqres.plot(doBI, plot.type='all', type="QQ")
mtext(side=3, line=0.5, "A: Quantile-quantile", adj=0, cex=1.0)
res <- rqres.plot(doBI, plot.type='all', type="wp")
mtext(side=3, line=0.5, "B: Worm plot", adj=0, cex=1.0)
plot(density(res), xlab="Quantile residuals", main="")
mtext(side=3, line=0.5, "C: Density plot", adj=0, cex=1.0)
## ---- cfq2 ----
oldpar <- par(mar=c(2.6,4.1,2.6,1.6), mgp=c(2.5,.75,0), mfrow=c(1,3))
## Betabinomial fits
rqres.plot(doBB, plot.type='all', type="QQ")
mtext(side=3, line=0.5, "A: Quantile-quantile", adj=0, cex=0.85)
res <- rqres.plot(doBB, plot.type='all', type="wp")
mtext(side=3, line=0.5, "B: Worm plot", adj=0, cex=0.85)
plot(density(res), xlab="Quantile residuals", main="")
mtext(side=3, line=0.5, "C: Density plot", adj=0, cex=0.85)
## ---- cf-AIC ----
aicStat <- AIC(doBI,doBB,doDBI)
newnames <- c(doBI="Binomial", doBB="Betabinomial", doDBI="Double binomial")
rownames(aicStat) <- as.vector(newnames[rownames(aicStat)])
aicStat[,'dAIC'] <- c(0,diff(aicStat[,'AIC']))
## ---- Saxonymales ----
maleDF <- qra::malesINfirst12
## Numbers of male children, out of 12
as.table(setNames(maleDF$freq, nm=0:12))
## ---- cfMales ----
doBI <- gamlss(cbind(No_of_Males, 12-No_of_Males)~1, weights=freq,
family=BI, data=maleDF, trace=FALSE)
doBB <- gamlss(cbind(No_of_Males, 12-No_of_Males)~1, weights=freq,
family=BB, data=maleDF, trace=FALSE)
doDBI <- gamlss(cbind(No_of_Males, 12-No_of_Males)~1, weights=freq,
family=DBI, data=maleDF, trace=FALSE, n.cyc=100)
## ---- binFitProbs ----
maleDF$BBfit <- with(maleDF, dBB(No_of_Males, bd=12,
mu = fv(doBB, 'mu')[1],
sigma=fv(doBB, 'sigma')[1]))
maleDF$DBIfit <- with(maleDF, dBB(No_of_Males, bd=12,
mu = fv(doDBI, 'mu')[1],
sigma=fv(doDBI, 'sigma')[1]))
} else {
maleDF$BBfit <- c(0.000384,0.003692,0.017142,0.050837,0.10723,0.169453,
maleDF$DBIfit <- c(0.168803,0.079223,0.060521,0.052428,0.048321,0.046371,
## ---- rqmales ----
oldpar <- par(mar=c(2.6,4.1,2.6,1.6), mgp=c(2.5,.75,0), mfrow=c(1,2))
rqres.plot(doBI, plot.type='all', type="wp", main="")
mtext(side=3, line=0.75, "A: Binomial model", adj=0, cex=1.25)
rqres.plot(doBB, plot.type='all', type="wp", main="", ylab='')
mtext(side=3, line=0.75, "B: Betabinomial model", adj=0, cex=1.25)
} else message("Package `gamlss` is not available")
## ---- cf-AIC-males ----
aicStat <- AIC(doBI, doBB, doDBI)
rownames(aicStat) <-
c(doBI="Binomial",doBB="Betabinomial",doDBI="Double binomial")[rownames(aicStat)]
aicStat$dAIC <- with(aicStat, round(AIC-AIC[1],1))
} else {aicStat <-
structure(list(df = c(2, 2, 1), AIC = c(24988.4, 24989.7, 25070.3),
dAIC = c(0, 1.3, 81.9)),
row.names = c("Double binomial","Betabinomial", "Binomial"),
class = "data.frame")
## ---- countdata ----
ruge <- data.frame(counts=c(57,203,383,525,532,408,273,139,45,27,10,4,0,1,1),
machinists <- data.frame(accidents=c(0:6,8), ofreq=c(296,74,26,8,4,4,1,1))
## ---- ruge ----
## Numbers of scintillations in 2608 1/8 minute intervals
with(ruge, setNames(counts, number))
## ---- accs ----
## Numbers of accidents in three months
with(machinists, setNames(ofreq, accidents))
## ---- countFits ----
## Radioactive count data
muruge <- with(ruge, weighted.mean(number, w=counts))
rugeFit <- with(ruge, data.frame(number=number, freq=counts,
fitprob = dpois(number, lambda = muruge)))
## Machinist accidents
mumach <- with(machinists, weighted.mean(accidents, w=ofreq))
machFit <- with(machinists,
data.frame(number=accidents, freq=ofreq,
fitprob = dpois(accidents, lambda = mumach)))
## ---- poisAB ----
gph1 <- fitVSobs(Number="number", Freq="freq", Fitprob="fitprob", df=rugeFit,
distribution='poisson', digits=2,
xlab="Scintillations: 1/8 minute intervals",
main=list("A: Radioactive decay counts -- poisson fit",
x=0, cex=1.25, font=1, just="left"),
atright=list(at=(0:4)*0.05*2608, labels=(0:4)*0.05))
## Machinists
gph2 <- fitVSobs(Number="number", Freq="freq", Fitprob="fitprob", df=machFit,
distribution='poisson', digits=2,
xlab="Accident counts: 3-month intervals",
main=list("B: Machinist accidents data", x=0,
cex=1.25, font=1, just="left"),
atright=list(at=(0:4)*0.2*414, labels=(0:4)*0.2))
## ---- cfFits-poiss ----
dopoiss <- gamlss(number~1, weights=freq,
family=PO, data=machFit, trace=FALSE)
doNBI <- gamlss(number~1, weights=freq,
family=NBI, data=machFit, trace=FALSE)
doPIG <- gamlss(number~1, weights=freq,
family=PIG, data=machFit, trace=FALSE)
doZIP <- gamlss(number~1, weights=freq,
family=ZIP, data=machFit, trace=FALSE)
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
doZINBI <- gamlss(number~1, weights=freq,
family=ZINBI, data=machFit, trace=FALSE)
doZIPIG <- gamlss(number~1, weights=freq,
family=ZIPIG, data=machFit, trace=FALSE, n.cyc=25)
## ---- cf-AIC-counts ----
aicStat <- AIC(dopoiss, doNBI, doPIG, doZIP, doZINBI, doZIPIG)
aicStat$dAIC <- with(aicStat, round(AIC-AIC[1],1))
aicStat[,2] <- round(aicStat[,2],1)
} else
aicStat <- data.frame(df=c(2,2,3,3,2,1),
AIC=c(767.8, 768.1, 769.6, 770.1, 787.3, 855.8),
dAIC=c(0, 0.2, 1.7, 2.2, 19.4, 88),
row.names=c("doPIG", "doNBI", "doZIPIG", "doZINBI",
"doZIP", "dopoiss"))
rownames(aicStat) <-
c(dopoiss="Poisson",doNBI="Negative binomial",
doPIG="Poisson inverse gamma",
doZIP="ZI Poisson",doZINBI="ZI Negative binomial",
doZIPIG="ZI Poisson inverse gamma")[rownames(aicStat)]
## ---- wormpois ----
oldpar <- par(mar=c(2.6,4.1,2.6,1.6), mgp=c(2.5,.75,0), mfrow=c(1,3))
rqres.plot(dopoiss, plot.type='all', type="wp")
mtext(side=3, line=1, "A: Worm plot, poisson fit", cex=0.85, adj=0)
rqres.plot(doZIP, plot.type='all', type="wp")
mtext(side=3, line=1, "B: Zero-inflated poisson", cex=0.85, adj=0)
rqres.plot(doNBI, plot.type='all', type="wp", main="Worm plot")
mtext(side=3, line=1, "C: Negative binomial", cex=0.85, adj=0)
} else print("Package `gamlss` is not available --- plots are omitted")
## ---- EstFreqs ----
mach <- setNames(numeric(8), nm=c(0:6,8))
mach[names(mach)] <- machinists$ofreq
N <- sum(mach)
NBIprob <- dNBI(0:8, mu=fv(doNBI)[1], sigma=fv(doNBI, 'sigma')[1])
PIGprob <- dPIG(0:8, mu=fv(doPIG)[1], sigma=fv(doPIG, 'sigma')[1])
ZIPprob <- dZIP(0:8, mu=fv(doZIP)[1], sigma=fv(doZIP, 'sigma')[1])
estFreqs <- rbind(NegBin=NBIprob, PIG=PIGprob, ZeroInfPoiss=ZIPprob)*N
freqtab <- rbind(Frequencies=c(mach[1:7],0,mach[8]), round(estFreqs,1))
} else
freqtab<- rbind(
NBIprob=c(296.7, 71, 26.4, 11, 4.8, 2.2, 1, 0.5, 0.2),
PIGprob=c(295.1, 76.9, 23.6, 9.3, 4.2, 2.1, 1.1, 0.6, 0.4),
ZIPprob=c(296, 62.3, 36.3, 14.1, 4.1, 1, 0.2, 0, 0))
colnames(freqtab) <- 0:8
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