
duplicateCorrelation_multiple_designs <- 
    function (object, design = NULL, ndups = 2, spacing = 1, block = NULL, 
          trim = 0.15, weights = NULL) 
    y <- getEAWP(object)
    M <- y$exprs
    ngenes <- nrow(M)
    narrays <- ncol(M)
    if (is.null(design)) 
        design <- y$design
    if (is.null(design)) 
        design <- matrix(1, ncol(y$exprs), 1)
    else {
        design <- as.matrix(design)
        if (mode(design) != "numeric") 
            stop("design must be a numeric matrix")
    if (nrow(design) != narrays) 
        stop("Number of rows of design matrix does not match number of arrays")
    ne <- nonEstimable(design)
    if (!is.null(ne)) 
        cat("Coefficients not estimable:", paste(ne, collapse = " "), 
    nbeta <- ncol(design)
    if (missing(ndups) && !is.null(y$printer$ndups)) 
        ndups <- y$printer$ndups
    if (missing(spacing) && !is.null(y$printer$spacing)) 
        spacing <- y$printer$spacing
    if (missing(weights) && !is.null(y$weights)) 
        weights <- y$weights
    if (!is.null(weights)) {
        weights <- as.matrix(weights)
        if (any(dim(weights) != dim(M))) 
            weights <- array(weights, dim(M))
        M[weights < 1e-15] <- NA
        weights[weights < 1e-15] <- NA
    if (is.null(block)) {
        if (ndups < 2) {
            warning("No duplicates: correlation between duplicates not estimable")
            return(list(cor = NA, cor.genes = rep(NA, nrow(M))))
        if (is.character(spacing)) {
            if (spacing == "columns") 
                spacing <- 1
            if (spacing == "rows") 
                spacing <- object$printer$nspot.c
            if (spacing == "topbottom") 
                spacing <- nrow(M)/2
        Array <- rep(1:narrays, rep(ndups, narrays))
    else {
        ndups <- 1
        nspacing <- 1
        Array <- block
    if (is.null(block)) {
        M <- unwrapdups(M, ndups = ndups, spacing = spacing)
        ngenes <- nrow(M)
        if (!is.null(weights)) 
            weights <- unwrapdups(weights, ndups = ndups, spacing = spacing)
        design <- design %x% rep(1, ndups)
    if (!requireNamespace("statmod", quietly = TRUE)) 
        stop("statmod package required but is not available")
    rho <- rep(NA, ngenes)
    nafun <- function(e) NA
    for (i in 1:ngenes) {
        y <- drop(M[i, ])
        o <- is.finite(y)
        A <- factor(Array[o])
        nobs <- sum(o)
        nblocks <- length(levels(A))
        if (nobs > (nbeta + 2) && nblocks > 1 && nblocks < nobs - 
            1) {
            y <- y[o]
            X <- design[o, , drop = FALSE]
            Z <- model.matrix(~0 + A)
            if (!is.null(weights)) {
                w <- drop(weights[i, ])[o]
                s <- tryCatch(statmod::mixedModel2Fit(y, X, Z, 
                            w, only.varcomp = TRUE, maxit = 20)$varcomp, 
                              error = nafun)
            else s <- tryCatch(statmod::mixedModel2Fit(y, X, 
                                Z, only.varcomp = TRUE, maxit = 20)$varcomp, 
                               error = nafun)
            if (!is.na(s[1])) 
                rho[i] <- s[2]/sum(s)
    arho <- atanh(pmax(-1, rho))
    mrho <- tanh(mean(arho, trim = trim, na.rm = TRUE))
    list(consensus.correlation = mrho, cor = mrho, atanh.correlations = arho)
jhsiao999/Humanzee documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:28 a.m.