
Defines functions turboman

Documented in turboman

#' Manhattan plots
#' @param input_data_path Path of the input association data.
#' @param custom_peak_annotation_file_path Path of the custom annotation of variants.
#' @param reference_file_path Path to the 'turboman_hg19_reference_data.rda' / 'turboman_hg19_reference_data.rda' reference file.
#' @param pvalue_sign Significance threshold p-value.
#' @param plot_title Plot title which will be displayed on top of the plot.
#' @param vertical_resolution A fixed number of points (pixels) to be plotted vertically.
#' @export
#' @return NULL
#' @details
#' **Input association data file / input_data_path**
#' Define the path of the input association data.
#' The input data needs to be a file that has:
#' 1. Spaces as field separators.
#' 2. One header line.
#' 3. Option I. (no extreme p-values present): 3 columns, being chromosome, position, pvalue in order, column names are not important.
#'    Option II. (extreme p-values present): 5 columns, being chromosome, position, pvalue, beta, se in order, column names are not important.
#'**Custom annotation file / custom_peak_annotation_file_path**
#' Define the path of the custom annotation of variants.
#' The input data needs to be a file that has:
#' 1. Spaces / tabs as field separators.
#' 2. One header line with exact column names (order not important).
#' 3. Columns: chromosome, position, label (e.g., gene name) / nearest_gene_name, cis/trans flag (optional).
#' NB!: If no label is given, variants will be automatically annotated
#' **Reference file / reference_file_path**
#' Define the path to the 'turboman_hg19_reference_data.rda' / 'turboman_hg38_reference_data.rda' reference file that
#' contains the LD block breaks as in \insertCite{berisa16;textual}{pQTLtools}
#' and gene coordinates used to construct and annotate the Manhattan plot. Both
#' are available from the `turboman` directory of the installed package, e.g.,
#' `file.path(find.package('pQTLtools'),'turboman','turboman_hg38_reference_data.rda')`.
#' **Significance threshold p-value / pvalue_sign**
#' Define the significance threshold.
#' This will be used to
#' 1. Highlight signal peaks that come above this significance threshold.
#' 2. Annotate the nearest gene to the top signal in the peak.
#' 3. Draw a horizontal reference line equal to this threshold.
#' **Title of the plot / plot_title**
#' Define title on top of the plot.
#' **Number of pixels on vertical axis / vertical_resolution**
#' Define a fixed number of points (pixels) on vertical axis.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Screen output
#' require(gap.datasets)
#' test <- mhtdata[c('chr','pos','p')]
#' write.table(test,file='test.txt',row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE)
#' annotate <- subset(mhtdata[c('chr','start','gene','p')],p<5e-8 & gene!='')
#' names(annotate) <- c('chromosome','position','nearest_gene_name','p')
#' write.table(unique(annotate[,-4]),file='annotate.txt',row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE)
#' input_data_path <- 'test.txt'
#' custom_peak_annotation_file_path <- 'annotate.txt'
#' reference_file_path <-
#'   file.path(find.package('pQTLtools'),'turboman','turboman_hg19_reference_data.rda')
#' pvalue_sign <- 5e-8
#' plot_title <- 'gap.datasets example'
#' turboman(input_data_path, custom_peak_annotation_file_path,
#'          reference_file_path, pvalue_sign, plot_title)
#' # Figure shown on https://github.com/jinghuazhao/tests/tree/main/turboman
#' png('IL12B.png',width=3600, height=3600, pointsize = 12, res=450)
#' input_data_path <- 'IL.12B.txt.gz'
#' custom_peak_annotation_file_path <- 'IL.12B.annotate'
#' reference_file_path <-
#'   file.path(find.package('pQTLtools'),'turboman','turboman_hg19_reference_data.rda')
#' pvalue_sign <- 5e-8
#' plot_title <- 'IL12B'
#' turboman(input_data_path, custom_peak_annotation_file_path,
#'          reference_file_path, pvalue_sign, plot_title)
#' dev.off()
#' }
#' @author Arthur Gilly, Chris Finan, Bram Prins, see \href{https://github.com/bpprins/turboman}{https://github.com/bpprins/turboman}.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}

turboman <- function(input_data_path, custom_peak_annotation_file_path, reference_file_path,
    pvalue_sign, plot_title, vertical_resolution = 1800)
    ### ================================================================================================================================================###
    ### 1. Defining input settings ###
    ### ================================================================================================================================================###

    ## Verbose printing status bars
    fat_status_bar <- strrep("=", 108)
    skinny_status_bar <- strrep("-", 108)
    print_status_bar <- function(message)
        cat("\n", fat_status_bar, "\n", message, "\n", fat_status_bar, "\n\n", sep = "")
    print_status_bar("1. Defining input settings")
    ## Log start time
    start.time <- Sys.time()
    print(paste0(" Starting at ", start.time))
    ## Read in arguments from the command line
    for (arg in commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
        ta = strsplit(arg, "=", fixed = TRUE)
        if (!is.na(ta[[1]][2]))
            assign(ta[[1]][1], ta[[1]][2])
        } else {
            stop("Not all arguments are given")
    ## Check if the custom peak annotation data file exists
    custom_peak_annotation_file_path_exists <- exists("custom_peak_annotation_file_path")
    ## Assign variable classes
    input_data_path <- as.character(input_data_path)
    if (custom_peak_annotation_file_path_exists)
        custom_peak_annotation_file_path <- as.character(custom_peak_annotation_file_path)
    reference_file_path <- as.character(reference_file_path)
    build37 <- grepl("hg19", reference_file_path)
    build38 <- grepl("hg38", reference_file_path)
    pvalue_sign <- as.numeric(pvalue_sign)
    plot_title <- as.character(plot_title)
    ## Load the reference data

    ### ================================================================================================================================================###
    ### 2. Reading in the plotting data, log10 transform the pvalues, initial
    ### basic data sanity checks ###
    ### ================================================================================================================================================###

    print_status_bar("2. Reading in the plotting data, log10 transform the pvalues, initial basic data sanity checks")
    print(paste0("  Data file path : ", input_data_path))

    # Reading in association plot data with scan

    initial_data_dims <- dim(as.data.frame(read.table(input_data_path, header = TRUE,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE, nrows = 10)))[2]
    if (initial_data_dims == 3)
        initial_data <- data.frame(scan(input_data_path, what = list(chromosome = 0,
            position = 0, pvalue = 0), skip = 1, sep = " ", quiet = TRUE))
        initial_data_contains_beta_se <- FALSE
    } else if (initial_data_dims == 5) {
        initial_data <- data.frame(scan(input_data_path, what = list(chromosome = 0,
            position = 0, pvalue = 0, beta = 0, se = 0), skip = 1, sep = " ", quiet = TRUE))
        initial_data_contains_beta_se <- TRUE
    } else {
        stop("Input data does not have expected dimensions")

    # Reading in peak annotation plot data with read.table and check if it is
    # already annotated with labels / gene names (# Check if the variants are
    # annotated with gene names

    if (custom_peak_annotation_file_path_exists)
        gene_plot_data <- data.frame(read.table(custom_peak_annotation_file_path,
            header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
        nearest_gene_names_annotated <- ("nearest_gene_name" %in% colnames(gene_plot_data))
    } else {
        nearest_gene_names_annotated <- FALSE

    # Preparing the association data

    ## Check if p-values are already logged
    if (length(which(initial_data$pvalue > 1)) > 0)
        initial_data$log_pvalue <- initial_data$pvalue
        ## Get only the complete data
        initial_data <- initial_data[complete.cases(initial_data), ]
        # Remove the original pvalues
        initial_data$pvalue <- NULL
    } else {
        ## Calculate the -log10 p-value for the input data
        initial_data$log_pvalue <- -log10(initial_data$pvalue)
        ## If beta/SE are provided, and pvalues are missing (because they are
        ## extreme), log10 P recalculate from beta/SE
        missing_pvalues_index <- which((is.na(initial_data$log_pvalue) | initial_data$log_pvalue ==
        if (initial_data_contains_beta_se & (length(missing_pvalues_index) > 0))
            # Calculate expected p-values for missing data
            missing_pvalues <- (-log(2, base = 10) - pnorm(-abs(initial_data$beta[missing_pvalues_index]/initial_data$se[missing_pvalues_index]),
                log.p = T)/log(10))
            # Only replace if indeed they were below the smallest non-zero
            # normalized floating-point number
            initial_data[missing_pvalues_index, c("log_pvalue")] <- ifelse(missing_pvalues >
                -log10(.Machine$double.xmin), missing_pvalues, NA)
        ## Get only the complete data
        initial_data <- initial_data[complete.cases(initial_data), ]
        # Remove the original pvalues
        initial_data$pvalue <- NULL

    # Calculate -log10 of significance threshold
    log_pvalue_sign <- -log10(pvalue_sign)

    ### ================================================================================================================================================###
    ### 3. Preparing data for plotting, calculating variables related to
    ### plotting ###
    ### ================================================================================================================================================###

    print_status_bar("3. Preparing data for plotting, calculating variables related to plotting")
    ## Set vertical resolution Find the largest p-value, which we will use to
    ## make the y-axis 'resolution'
    observed_log_pvalue_maximum <- max(initial_data$log_pvalue, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## Now we will scale the resolution for the p-values
    log_pvalue_break_size <- observed_log_pvalue_maximum/vertical_resolution
    ## Create a vector from 0 to the vertical resolution, which we will use to
    ## bin pvalues
    scaling_vector <- seq(0, vertical_resolution, by = log_pvalue_break_size)
    ## Obtain all unique chromosome numbers for which we have data
    chromosomes <- unlist(unique(initial_data$chromosome), recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)

    ### ================================================================================================================================================###
    ### 4. Data reduction procedure, creating plotting data ###
    ### ================================================================================================================================================###

    print_status_bar("4. Data reduction procedure, creating plotting data")
    ## Create an empty dataframe for the plotting data
    plot_data <- NULL
    plot_data <- as.data.frame(plot_data)
    ## If the custom annotation data is not given, create an empty data frame
    ## for annotation downstream which will be filled
    if (!custom_peak_annotation_file_path_exists)
        gene_plot_data <- NULL
        gene_plot_data <- as.data.frame(gene_plot_data)

    ## Initialise a counter that keeps track of how many top signals we have
    top_snp_counter <- 0
    ## Define the LD block data (loaded from rda reference data file)
    ld_label <- "ld_block_breaks_pickrell_hg"
    ld_block_breaks <- get(ls()[substring(ls(), 1, nchar(ld_label)) == ld_label])
    if (build37)
        ld_block_breaks <- rbind(ld_block_breaks, data.frame(chr = c(23, 23), start = c(1,
    if (build38)
        ld_block_breaks <- rbind(ld_block_breaks, data.frame(chr = c(23, 23), start = c(1,
    ## Define the gene annotation data (loaded from rda reference data file)
    ref_label <- "refgene_gene_coordinates_h"
    gene_coordinates <- get(ls()[substring(ls(), 1, nchar(ref_label)) == ref_label])
    ## Start the loop that will go over all unique chromosomes to reduce the
    ## data
    for (chromosome_number in chromosomes)
        ## Verbose progress tracker
        johnny_bravo <- ifelse(chromosome_number%%2 == 0, " ha !", " hoo !")
        print(paste0("chromosome ", chromosome_number, johnny_bravo))

        # Reduce the position data for plotting using the LD blocks (X-axis)

        ## Extract the LD block breaks for the chromosome
        chromosome_ld_block_breaks <- ld_block_breaks[which(ld_block_breaks[, 1] == chromosome_number), 2]
        ## Count the number of LD block breaks for the chromosome
        number_of_ld_block_bins <- as.integer(length(chromosome_ld_block_breaks) - 1)
        ## Select the association data for this chromosome to be reduced
        initial_data_chromosome <- initial_data[which(initial_data$chromosome == chromosome_number), ]
        ## Assign bin numbers to the positions based on the LD block breaks
        initial_data_chromosome$bin <- findInterval(initial_data_chromosome$position, chromosome_ld_block_breaks)
        ## Calculate the midpoints of the breaks, which we will use as
        ## X-coordinates on the Manhattan plot.
        plot_x_coordinates <- (head(chromosome_ld_block_breaks, -1) + diff(chromosome_ld_block_breaks)/2)
        ## Create a temporary dataframe in which we will first assemble the
        ## plotting data per chromosome
        plot_data_per_chromosome_df <- NULL
        plot_data_per_chromosome_df <- as.data.frame(plot_data_per_chromosome_df)
        ## Determine the number of bins in a chromosome, for which we will loop
        ## over to reduce the p_value data
        unique_x_bins <- number_of_ld_block_bins
        for (bin_number in 1:unique_x_bins)
            # Reduce the p-value data for plotting to imagined resolution of
            # vertical_resolution

            ## Create a temporary dataframe in which we will first assemble the
            ## plotting data per bin in a chromosome
            plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df <- NULL
            plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df <- as.data.frame(plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df)
            ## Now reduce (bin) the p-values (Y-axis values) to
            ## vertical_resolution bins, and multiply each bin (starting from 1
            ## to max resolution) by the calculated pvalue_break_size
            plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_pvalues <-
                (unique(.bincode((initial_data_chromosome[["log_pvalue"]][which(initial_data_chromosome$bin ==
                bin_number)]), scaling_vector, right = TRUE, include.lowest = FALSE) *
            ## If there are no p-values for a bin, enter one line with
            ## chromosome and position, missing pvalue, and missing highlight
            ## value
            n_indexes <- length(plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_pvalues)
            if (n_indexes == 0) {
                plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df[1, 1] <- chromosome_number
                plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df[1, 2] <- plot_x_coordinates[bin_number]
                plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df[1, 3:5] <- NA
                ## Name the columns in the plotting data dataframe that was made for this bin
                colnames(plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df) <- c("chromosome", "position",
                  "log_pvalue", "highlight_vector", "highlight_color")
            } else {
                ## First find the top SNP in the bin based on the maximum
                ## p-value in this bin
                largest_pvalue_in_bin <-
                  max((initial_data_chromosome[["log_pvalue"]][which(initial_data_chromosome$bin == bin_number)]), na.rm = TRUE)[1]
                largest_pvalue_index_in_bin <-
                  which(initial_data_chromosome[["log_pvalue"]][which(initial_data_chromosome$bin ==
                        bin_number)] == largest_pvalue_in_bin)
                ## If the largest p-value in the bin is significant, continue
                ## with finding the matching position for the SNP with highest
                ## p-value, and it's nearest gene but only if a custom
                ## annotation file is not given
                if ((largest_pvalue_in_bin > log_pvalue_sign) & (!custom_peak_annotation_file_path_exists)) {
                  ## Increase top SNP counter
                  top_snp_counter = top_snp_counter + 1
                  ## Define the position of the top SNP in the bin
                  largest_pvalue_index_in_bin_position <-
                    initial_data_chromosome[which(initial_data_chromosome$bin ==
                    bin_number), ][largest_pvalue_index_in_bin, ][["position"]][1]
                  ## Extract the gene annotation data from the gene table for
                  ## this particular chromosome
                  gene_coordinates_chromosome <- gene_coordinates[which(gene_coordinates$chromosome == chromosome_number), ]
                  ## Find the smallest distances to the position of our top SNP
                  ## OLD CODE: smallest_distance_to_gene_for_top_snp_in_bin <-
                  ## min(abs(gene_coordinates_chromosome$gene_transcription_midposition-largest_pvalue_index_in_bin_position),na.rm=TRUE)
                  smallest_distance_to_gene_start_for_top_snp_in_bin <- min(abs(gene_coordinates_chromosome$gene_transcription_start -
                    largest_pvalue_index_in_bin_position), na.rm = TRUE)
                  smallest_distance_to_gene_stop_for_top_snp_in_bin <- min(abs(gene_coordinates_chromosome$gene_transcription_stop -
                    largest_pvalue_index_in_bin_position), na.rm = TRUE)
                  ## Find which gene corresponds to the smallest distances to
                  ## the position of our top SNP OLD CODE:
                  ## genename_for_top_snp_in_bin<-as.character(gene_coordinates_chromosome[which(abs(gene_coordinates_chromosome$gene_transcription_midposition-largest_pvalue_index_in_bin_position)==smallest_distance_to_gene_for_top_snp_in_bin),c('gene_name')])[1]
                  if (smallest_distance_to_gene_start_for_top_snp_in_bin < smallest_distance_to_gene_stop_for_top_snp_in_bin) {
                    genename_for_top_snp_in_bin <-
                      as.character(gene_coordinates_chromosome[which(abs(gene_coordinates_chromosome$gene_transcription_start -
                      largest_pvalue_index_in_bin_position) == smallest_distance_to_gene_start_for_top_snp_in_bin),
                  } else {
                    genename_for_top_snp_in_bin <-
                      as.character(gene_coordinates_chromosome[which(abs(gene_coordinates_chromosome$gene_transcription_stop -
                      largest_pvalue_index_in_bin_position) == smallest_distance_to_gene_stop_for_top_snp_in_bin),
                  ## Enter the chromosome of the top SNP in the gene annotation
                  ## dataframe which we will use in the plot
                  gene_plot_data[top_snp_counter, 1] <- chromosome_number
                  ## Enter the mid-bin coordinate for the top SNP in the gene
                  ## annotation dataframe which we will use in the plot
                  gene_plot_data[top_snp_counter, 2] <- plot_x_coordinates[bin_number]
                  ## Enter the pvalue for the top SNP in the gene annotation
                  ## dataframe which we will use in the plot
                  gene_plot_data[top_snp_counter, 3] <- largest_pvalue_in_bin
                  ## Enter the nearest gene for the top SNP in the gene
                  ## annotation dataframe which we will use in the plot
                  gene_plot_data[top_snp_counter, 4] <- genename_for_top_snp_in_bin
                  ## Name the columns of the gene annotation dataframe
                  colnames(gene_plot_data) <- c("chromosome", "position", "log_pvalue",
                ## Else if there are p-values for a bin, enter the chromosome,
                ## the midposition for this bin, the pvalue, and vector values
                ## telling whether this bin should be highlighted in the plot
                indexes <- 1:n_indexes
                plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df[indexes, 1] <- rep(chromosome_number, n_indexes)
                plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df[indexes, 2] <- rep(plot_x_coordinates[bin_number], n_indexes)
                plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df[indexes, 3] <- plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_pvalues
                plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df[indexes, 4] <- ifelse(largest_pvalue_in_bin >
                  log_pvalue_sign, rep(1, n_indexes), rep(0, n_indexes))
                plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df[indexes, 5] <- ifelse(largest_pvalue_in_bin >
                  log_pvalue_sign, rep(1, n_indexes), rep(0, n_indexes))
                ## Name the columns in the plotting data dataframe that was
                ## made for this bin
                colnames(plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df) <- c("chromosome", "position",
                  "log_pvalue", "highlight_vector", "highlight_color")
            ## Add the per-bin plotting data dataframe to the per-chromosome
            ## plotting data dataframe
            plot_data_per_chromosome_df <- rbind(plot_data_per_chromosome_df, plot_data_per_bin_in_chromosome_df)
            ## Remove the per-bin plotting data dataframe
        ## Add the per-chromosome plotting data dataframe to the per-chromosome
        ## plotting data dataframe
        plot_data <- rbind(plot_data, plot_data_per_chromosome_df)
        ## Remove the per-chromosome plotting data dataframe

    # Processing custom annotation for variants

    ## If the custom peak annotation file exists (chromosomes and positions of
    ## variants provided), but there are no labels present, perform an
    ## annotation for nearest genes and look up their pvalues in the
    ## association data

    if (custom_peak_annotation_file_path_exists & !nearest_gene_names_annotated)
        ## Create an additional column filled with NA
        gene_plot_data$nearest_gene_name <- NA
        ## Count how many variants should be annotated
        number_of_peak_annotations <- dim(gene_plot_data)[1]
        ## Loop over the variants, find the nearest genes and p-values of these
        ## variants in the association data
        for (peak_number in 1:number_of_peak_annotations)
            peak_snp_chromosome <- gene_plot_data$chromosome[peak_number]
            peak_snp_position <- gene_plot_data$position[peak_number]
            ## Extract the gene annotation data from the gene table for this
            ## particular chromosome
            gene_coordinates_chromosome <- gene_coordinates[which(gene_coordinates$chromosome ==
                peak_snp_chromosome), ]
            ## Find the smallest distances to the position of our top SNP
            smallest_distance_to_gene_for_top_snp_in_bin <- min(abs(gene_coordinates_chromosome$gene_transcription_midposition -
                peak_snp_position), na.rm = TRUE)
            ## Find which gene corresponds to the smallest distances to the
            ## position of our top SNP
            genename_for_top_snp_in_bin <-
                as.character(gene_coordinates_chromosome[which(abs(gene_coordinates_chromosome$gene_transcription_midposition -
                peak_snp_position) == smallest_distance_to_gene_for_top_snp_in_bin),
            gene_plot_data$nearest_gene_name[peak_number] <- genename_for_top_snp_in_bin
            ## Also find the p-vals !!!
            gene_plot_data$log_pvalue[peak_number] <-
                 initial_data[which(initial_data$chromosome == peak_snp_chromosome &
                 initial_data$position == peak_snp_position), c("log_pvalue")][1]
    } else if (custom_peak_annotation_file_path_exists & nearest_gene_names_annotated) {
        ## Count how many variants should be annotated
        number_of_peak_annotations <- dim(gene_plot_data)[1]
        ## Loop over the variants, find the nearest genes and p-values of these
        ## variants in the association data
        for (peak_number in 1:number_of_peak_annotations)
            peak_snp_chromosome <- gene_plot_data$chromosome[peak_number]
            peak_snp_position <- gene_plot_data$position[peak_number]
            ## Also find the p-vals !!!
            gene_plot_data$log_pvalue[peak_number] <-
                 initial_data[which(initial_data$chromosome == peak_snp_chromosome &
                 initial_data$position == peak_snp_position), c("log_pvalue")][1]
    } else {
        cat("\n Custom annotation data fully provided\n\n")

    ### ================================================================================================================================================###
    ### 5. Start plotting ###
    ### ================================================================================================================================================###

    print_status_bar("5. Start plotting")
    ## Define image properties Sorting the plotting data from the GWAS datafile
    ## and the gene annotation file
    plot_data <- plot_data[order(plot_data$chromosome, plot_data$position), ]
    if (dim(gene_plot_data)[1] > 0)
        gene_plot_data <- gene_plot_data[order(gene_plot_data$chromosome, gene_plot_data$position),
    ## Putting the data in vectors, easier to work with
    chromosomes <- plot_data$chromosome
    positions <- plot_data$position
    log_pvalues <- plot_data$log_pvalue
    highlight_vector <- plot_data$highlight_vector
    unique_chromosomes <- unique(chromosomes)
    ## Defining the Y-axis maxima to be used for the Y-axis limit to plot the
    ## association data and the gene annotation Truncate the maximum p-value to
    ## an integer
    log_pvalue_truncated <- trunc(max(log_pvalues, na.rm = TRUE))
    # Use the truncated maximum p-value to define nice Y-axis limits
    y_axis_plot_data_limit <- ifelse(log_pvalue_truncated < 10, 10, ifelse(log_pvalue_truncated <
        15, 15, ifelse(log_pvalue_truncated < 15, 15, (((trunc(log_pvalue_truncated/10) +
        1) * 10)))))
    ## Define the limits for the gene annotations / lines and start of gene
    ## name display and real size of plot window
    y_axis_stop_gene_annotation_vertical_lines <- y_axis_plot_data_limit
    y_axis_stop_gene_annotation_diagonal_lines <- y_axis_plot_data_limit * 1.1
    y_axis_true_limit <- y_axis_plot_data_limit * 1.3
    ### Setting the plotting data How many chromosomes / plot only the
    ### chromosomes for which there's data
    max_nchr <- length(unique(chromosomes))
    ## Set indices
    x <- 1:max_nchr
    x2 <- 1:max_nchr
    ## Define the actual plotting X coordinates as will be used in the plot,
    ## based on basepair positions of the variants
    for (i in 1:max_nchr)
        chromosome_number = which(chromosomes == i)
        x[i] <- trunc((max(na.omit(positions[chromosome_number])))/100) + 1e+05
        x2[i] <- trunc((min(na.omit(positions[chromosome_number])))/100) - 1e+05
    x[1] <- x[1] - x2[1]
    x2[1] <- 0 - x2[1]
    for (i in 2:(max_nchr + 1))
        x[i] <- x[i - 1] - x2[i] + x[i]
        x2[i] <- x[i - 1] - x2[i]
    ## Calculate the final x-coordinates of the association data to plot
    x_coordinates <- trunc(positions/100) + x2[chromosomes]
    ## Define the x-axis limit
    x_axis_limit <- max(x_coordinates, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x_coordinates, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## Set the final y-coordinates of the association data to plot
    y_coordinates <- log_pvalues
    ## Calculate the final x-coordinates of the top SNPs with annotated genes
    ## to plot
    if (nrow(gene_plot_data) > 0)
        gene_x_coordinates <- trunc(gene_plot_data$position/100) + x2[gene_plot_data$chromosome]
        ## Set the final y-coordinates of the top SNPs with annotated genes to
        ## plot
        gene_y_coordinates <- gene_plot_data$log_pvalue
        ## Set the nearest gene names of the top SNPs to plot
        nearest_gene_names_hits <- gene_plot_data$nearest_gene_name
        nearest_gene_names_cistrans <- rep("trans", nrow(gene_plot_data))
        if (!is.null(gene_plot_data$cistrans))
            nearest_gene_names_cistrans <- gene_plot_data$cistrans
    ## Set the default colors of the all association datapoints, grey and light
    ## grey, alternating between odd and even chromosome numbers
    col1 <- "gray72"
    col2 <- "gray50"
    chromosome_colour <- ifelse(chromosomes%%2 == 0, col1, col2)
    ## Plot the association data
    plot(x_coordinates, y_coordinates, pch = 20, col = chromosome_colour, axes = F,
         ylab = "", xlab = "", bty = "n", ylim = c(0, y_axis_true_limit), cex = 0.8,
         main = plot_title)
    ## Plot the gene annotation data
    if (nrow(gene_plot_data) > 0)
        ## Create X-axis breaks at which the gene names will be plotted,
        ## chosing random number of 150 as I simply Assume maximally 150 peaks
        ## will be annotated and at 150 genes I hope no gene names will be
        ## displayed overlapping
        x_axis_break_factor <- x_axis_limit/150
        ## Draw top SNP gene annotation lines
        y_axis_stop_gene_annotation_vertical_lines <- y_axis_plot_data_limit
        y_axis_stop_gene_annotation_diagonal_lines <- y_axis_plot_data_limit * 1.1
        y_axis_true_limit <- y_axis_plot_data_limit * 1.3
        for (i in 1:length(gene_x_coordinates))
            ## Define the coordinates for the vertical annotation lines
            vertical_annotation_line_x_coordinate_start <- gene_x_coordinates[i]
            vertical_annotation_line_x_coordinate_stop <- gene_x_coordinates[i]
            vertical_annotation_line_y_coordinate_start <- gene_y_coordinates[i]
            vertical_annotation_line_y_coordinate_stop <- y_axis_stop_gene_annotation_vertical_lines
            ## Define the diagonal for the vertical annotation lines
            diagonal_annotation_line_x_coordinate_start <- gene_x_coordinates[i]
            diagonal_annotation_line_x_coordinate_stop <- ((x_axis_limit/length(gene_x_coordinates))/2) +
                ((i - 1) * (x_axis_limit/length(gene_x_coordinates)))
            diagonal_annotation_line_y_coordinate_start <- y_axis_stop_gene_annotation_vertical_lines
            diagonal_annotation_line_y_coordinate_stop <- y_axis_stop_gene_annotation_diagonal_lines
            ## Draw the vertical annotation lines
            lines(c(vertical_annotation_line_x_coordinate_start, vertical_annotation_line_x_coordinate_stop),
                c(vertical_annotation_line_y_coordinate_start, vertical_annotation_line_y_coordinate_stop),
                col = "grey", lty = 2, lwd = 1)
            ## Draw the diagonal annotation lines
            lines(c(diagonal_annotation_line_x_coordinate_start, diagonal_annotation_line_x_coordinate_stop),
                c(diagonal_annotation_line_y_coordinate_start, diagonal_annotation_line_y_coordinate_stop),
                col = "grey", lty = 2, lwd = 1)
            ## Plot the gene names for each top SNP calculating font sizes
            number_of_annotations_to_plot <- dim(gene_plot_data)[1]
            maximum_characters_annotation <- max(nchar(gene_plot_data$nearest_gene_name),
                na.rm = TRUE)
            if ((number_of_annotations_to_plot <= 70) & (maximum_characters_annotation <=
                9)) {
                gene_label_cex_size <- 1
            } else if ((number_of_annotations_to_plot > 70) & (maximum_characters_annotation <=
                9)) {
                gene_label_cex_size <- 1.3 - (0.006 * number_of_annotations_to_plot)
            } else if ((number_of_annotations_to_plot <= 70) & (maximum_characters_annotation >
                9)) {
                gene_label_cex_size <- 1.15 - (0.03264 * maximum_characters_annotation)
            } else ((number_of_annotations_to_plot > 70) & (maximum_characters_annotation >
            gene_label_cex_size_n_genes_annotation <- 1.3 - (0.006 * number_of_annotations_to_plot)
            gene_label_cex_size_max_char_annotation <- 1.15 - (0.03264 * maximum_characters_annotation)
            gene_label_cex_size <- ifelse(gene_label_cex_size_n_genes_annotation <
                gene_label_cex_size_max_char_annotation, gene_label_cex_size_n_genes_annotation,
            # Plot the labels
            text(diagonal_annotation_line_x_coordinate_stop, diagonal_annotation_line_y_coordinate_stop,
                labels = nearest_gene_names_hits[i], cex = gene_label_cex_size, srt = 90,
                adj = c(0, 0.5), font = 3, ps = 12, col = ifelse(nearest_gene_names_cistrans[i] ==
                  "cis", "red", "blue"))
    ## Draw the significanc threshold
    lines(c(0, max(x_coordinates, na.rm = TRUE)), c(log_pvalue_sign, log_pvalue_sign),
        col = "dodgerblue4", lty = 2, lwd = 1)
    ## Draw horizontal axis(can't find a way to nicely draw a x-axis without
    ## not running over points:
    lines(c(0, max(x_coordinates, na.rm = TRUE)), c((y_axis_plot_data_limit/200) *
        -1, (y_axis_plot_data_limit/200) * -1), col = "black", lty = 1, lwd = 1)
    ## Highlight the significant peaks
    points(x_coordinates[which(highlight_vector == 1)], y_coordinates[which(highlight_vector ==
        1)], col = "dodgerblue4", pch = 20, cex = 0.8)
    ## Make (non-existing) x-axis text and labels
    x_axis_chromosome_labels_text <- c(1:22, "X", "Y XY M", "", "")
    x_axis_chromosome_labels <- x_axis_chromosome_labels_text[unique_chromosomes]
    for (i in 1:max_nchr)
        label_positions = (x[i] + x2[i])/2
        mtext(x_axis_chromosome_labels[i], 1, at = label_positions, cex = 1, line = 0, las = 2)
    ## Set the horizontal axis text - 'Chromosome' and each chromosome number
    ## for which the data is plotted
    mtext("Chromosome", 1, at = x[max_nchr]/2, cex = 1, line = 2)
    ## Draw the y-axis with value ticks
    axis(2, las = 2, pos = 0, yaxp = c(0, y_axis_plot_data_limit, 10))
    ## Draw the y-axis label
    mtext(expression(paste(-"log"[10], " p-value")), 2, line = 1)
    ## Calculate how much time things took
    end.time <- Sys.time()
    time.taken <- difftime(end.time, start.time, units = "mins")
    cat("It took", time.taken, "minutes to complete this job\n")
jinghuazhao/pQTLtools documentation built on May 18, 2024, 12:14 p.m.