## read.tree.R (2010-09-27)
## Read Tree Files in Parenthetic Format
## Copyright 2002-2010 Emmanuel Paradis, Daniel Lawson and Klaus Schliep
## This file is a modified part of the R-package 'ape'.
tree.build2 <- function(tp)
add.internal <- function() {
edge[j, 1] <<- current.node
edge[j, 2] <<- current.node <<- node <<- node + 1L
index[node] <<- j # set index
j <<- j + 1L
add.terminal <- function() {
edge[j, 1] <<- current.node
edge[j, 2] <<- tip
index[tip] <<- j # set index
X <- unlist(strsplit(tpc[k], ":"))
tip.label[tip] <<- X[1]
edge.length[j] <<- as.numeric(X[2])
inheritance[j] <<-as.numeric(X[4])
k <<- k + 1L
tip <<- tip + 1L
j <<- j + 1L
go.down <- function() {
l <- index[current.node]
X <- unlist(strsplit(tpc[k], ":"))
node.label[current.node - nb.tip] <<- X[1]
edge.length[l] <<- as.numeric(X[2])
inheritance[j] <<-as.numeric(X[4])
k <<- k + 1L
current.node <<- edge[l, 1]
if (!length(grep(",", tp))) {
obj <- list(edge = matrix(c(2L, 1L), 1, 2))
tp <- unlist(strsplit(tp, "[\\(\\):;]"))
obj$edge.length <- as.numeric(tp[3])
obj$Nnode <- 1L
obj$tip.label <- tp[2]
if (tp[4] != "") obj$node.label <- tp[4]
class(obj) <- "phylo"
tpc <- unlist(strsplit(tp, "[\\(\\),;]"))
tpc <- tpc[nzchar(tpc)]
## the following 2 lines are (slightly) faster than using gsub()
tsp <- unlist(strsplit(tp, NULL))
skeleton <- tsp[tsp %in% c("(", ")", ",", ";")]
nsk <- length(skeleton)
nb.node <- sum(skeleton == ")")
nb.tip <- sum(skeleton == ",") + 1
## We will assume there is an edge at the root;
## if so, it will be removed and put into a vector
nb.edge <- nb.node + nb.tip
node.label <- character(nb.node)
tip.label <- character(nb.tip)
edge.length <- numeric(nb.edge)
inheritance <- numeric(nb.edge) ##vectors for reading inheritance of Extended Newick format. added 2021-03-05
edge <- matrix(0L, nb.edge, 2)
current.node <- node <- as.integer(nb.tip + 1) # node number
edge[nb.edge, 2] <- node
index <- numeric(nb.edge + 1) # hash index to avoid which
index[node] <- nb.edge
## j: index of the line number of edge
## k: index of the line number of tpc
## tip: tip number
j <- k <- tip <- 1L
for (i in 2:nsk) {
if (skeleton[i] == "(") add.internal() # add an internal branch (on top)
if (skeleton[i] == ",") {
if (skeleton[i - 1] != ")") add.terminal() # add a terminal branch
if (skeleton[i] == ")") {
if (skeleton[i - 1] != ")") { # add a terminal branch and go down one level
if (skeleton[i - 1] == ")") go.down() # go down one level
edge <- edge[-nb.edge, ]
obj <- list(edge = edge, Nnode = nb.node, tip.label = tip.label)
root.edge <- edge.length[nb.edge]
edge.length <- edge.length[-nb.edge]
if (!all(is.na(edge.length))){ # added 2005-08-18
obj$edge.length <- edge.length
if(any(!is.na(inheritance))){ # added 2021-03-05
obj$prob <- inheritance
if (is.na(node.label[1])) node.label[1] <- ""
if (any(nzchar(node.label))) obj$node.label <- node.label
if (!is.na(root.edge)) obj$root.edge <- root.edge
class(obj) <- "phylo"
read.tree2 <- function(file = "", text = NULL, tree.names = NULL, skip = 0,
comment.char = "", keep.multi = FALSE, ...)
if (!is.null(text)) {
if (!is.character(text))
stop("argument 'text' must be of mode character")
tree <- text
} else {
tree <- scan(file = file, what = "", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE,
skip = skip, comment.char = comment.char, ...)
## Suggestion from Eric Durand and Nicolas Bortolussi (added 2005-08-17):
if (identical(tree, character(0))) {
warning("empty character string.")
## make a single string
if (length(tree) > 1) tree <- paste(tree, collapse = "")
single_quotes <- function(x, z) {
x <- charToRaw(x)
z <- which(x == as.raw(39))
if (length(z) %% 2) stop("wrong number of single quotes around labels")
l <- length(z) / 2
opening <- z[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
closing <- z[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
from <- c(1, closing + 1L)
to <- c(opening - 1L, length(x))
i <- mapply(":", from = from, to = to, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
keep <- lapply(i, function(i) x[i])
tmp_label <- paste0("IMPROBABLEPREFIX", 1:l, "IMPROBABLESUFFIX")
tmpLabsRaw <- lapply(tmp_label, charToRaw)
n <- 2 * l + 1L
res <- vector("list", n)
res[seq(1, n, 2)] <- keep
res[seq(2, n - 1, 2)] <- tmpLabsRaw
tree <<- rawToChar(unlist(res))
i <- mapply(":", from = opening, to = closing, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
orig_label <- lapply(i, function(i) x[i])
sapply(orig_label, rawToChar)
## replace labels with single quotes (if needed)
SINGLE.QUOTES.FOUND <- grepl("'", tree)
if (SINGLE.QUOTES.FOUND) tmp_label <- single_quotes(tree)
y <- unlist(gregexpr(";", tree))
if (all(y == -1)) {
warning("no semicolon(s) [end(s) of tree] found")
## if one tree per line much faster
if (identical(y, nchar(tree))) { # check if always one tree per line
Ntree <- length(y)
STRING <- character(Ntree)
for (i in 1:Ntree) {
STRING[i] <- gsub("\\[[^]]*\\]", "", tree[i]) # delete comments (fix 2015-01-12)
} else {
tree <- unlist(strsplit(tree, NULL))
y <- which(tree == ";")
Ntree <- length(y)
x <- c(1, y[-Ntree] + 1)
## Suggestion from Olivier Francois (added 2006-07-15):
if (is.na(y[1])) return(NULL)
STRING <- character(Ntree)
for (i in 1:Ntree) {
tmp <- paste0(tree[x[i]:y[i]], collapse = "")
STRING[i] <- gsub("\\[[^]]*\\]", "", tmp) # delete comments (fix 2015-01-12)
## remove possible leading and trailing underscores
STRING <- gsub("^_+|_+$", "", STRING)
STRING <- gsub("[ \t]", "", STRING) # spaces and TABs within quoted labels are not deleted
getTreeName <- function(x) {
res <- rep("", length(x))
i <- regexpr("\\(", x)
s <- i > 1
if (any(s)) res[s] <- substr(x[s], 1, i[s] - 1)
tmpnames <- getTreeName(STRING)
if (is.null(tree.names) && any(nzchar(tmpnames))) tree.names <- tmpnames
colon <- grep(":", STRING)
if (!length(colon)) {
stop("we need a network with branch lengths")
#obj <- lapply(STRING, clado.build2)
} else if (length(colon) == Ntree) {
obj <- lapply(STRING, tree.build2)
} else {
stop("we need a network with branch lengths")
# obj <- vector("list", Ntree)
# obj[colon] <- lapply(STRING[colon], tree.build2)
# nocolon <- (1:Ntree)[!1:Ntree %in% colon]
# obj[nocolon] <- lapply(STRING[nocolon], clado.build)
FOO <- function(x) {
for (i in 1:Ntree) {
lab <- obj[[i]]$tip.label
k <- grep("IMPROBABLEPREFIX", lab)
if (length(k)) {
lab[k] <- FOO(lab[k])
obj[[i]]$tip.label <- lab
lab <- obj[[i]]$node.label
k <- grep("IMPROBABLEPREFIX", lab)
if (length(k)) {
lab[k] <- FOO(lab[k])
obj[[i]]$node.label <- lab
if (Ntree == 1 && !keep.multi) obj <- obj[[1]] else {
if (!is.null(tree.names)) names(obj) <- tree.names
class(obj) <- "multiPhylo"
as.evonet.phylo2 <- function(x, ...)
pos <- grep("#", x$tip.label)
if(length(pos)==0 ){ ##if we didn't find any '#' then it is a tree and return as is
ind <- match(pos, x$edge[, 2])
reticulation <- x$edge[ind, , drop = FALSE]
edge <- x$edge[-ind, , drop = FALSE]
nTips <- as.integer(length(x$tip.label))
reticulation[, 2] <- as.integer(match(x$tip.label[pos], x$node.label) + nTips)
for (i in sort(pos, TRUE)) {
edge[edge > i ] <- edge[edge > i] - 1L
reticulation[reticulation > i] <- reticulation[reticulation > i] - 1L
x$edge <- edge
x$reticulation <- reticulation
if (!is.null(x$edge.length)) x$edge.length <- x$edge.length[-ind]
x$tip.label <- x$tip.label[-pos]
class(x) <- c("evonet", "phylo")
#' Read a Network from Parenthetic Format
#' @description This function reads a network from file using the Rich Newick format.
#' @details
#' If inheritance probabilities are included in the string, the returned `evonet` object will include an `inheritance` element. `inheritance[i]` corresponds to the inheritance probability of the hybrid edge denoted in `reticulation[i,]`
#' This function also accepts the optional arguments `skip` and `tree.names`. `tree.names` is used if there are several trees to be read and is a vector of mode character that gives names to the individual trees; if `NULL` (the default), the trees are named `"tree1"`, `"tree2"`, ...
#' The optional argument `skip` denotes the number of lines of the input file to skip before beginning to read data (this is passed directly to `scan()`).
#' @param file a file name specified by either a variable of mode character, or a double-quoted string; if `file = ""` (the default) then the tree is input on the keyboard, the entry being terminated with a blank line.
#' @param text alternatively, the name of a variable of mode character which contains the tree(s) in parenthetic format. By default, this is ignored (set to `NULL`, meaning that the tree is read in a file); if text is not `NULL`, then the argument file is ignored.
#' @param comment.char a single character, the remaining of the line after this character is ignored (this is passed directly to `scan()`).
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to `scan()` and `read.tree`.
#' @return A phylogenetic network of class `evonet`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' net<-read.net(text="((A:7,((B:2,C:2):3)#H1:2::0.6):3,(D:6,#H1:1::0.4):4);")
read.net <- function(file = "", text = NULL, comment.char = "", ...)
x <- read.tree2(file = file, text = text, comment.char = comment.char, ...)
if("multiPhylo" %in% class(x)){
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