
Defines functions mergeConsBin.simple

Documented in mergeConsBin.simple

##' Merge consecutive bins (end1+1->start2).
##' @title Simple merge of abnormal bins
##' @param res.df a data.frame with the Z-scores. Columns 'chr', 'start', 'end' and 'z'
##' are required.
##' @param col.mean a list of potential columns for which the mean value should be kept
##' when merging bins.
##' @return a data.frame similar to the input 'res.df' but with an extra 'nbBinCons'
##' column (the number of bin merged for each event).
##' @author Jean Monlong
##' @keywords internal
mergeConsBin.simple <- function(res.df, col.mean = c("z", "pv", "qv", "fc")) {
    link.annotate.f <- function(df) {
        chr.f = df$chr[1]
        df = dplyr::arrange(df, start)
        cons.v = df$end[-nrow(df)] + 1 == df$start[-1]
        link.v = paste0(chr.f, "none", 1:nrow(df))
        rl = rle(cons.v)
        rlv = rl$values
        cs.i = c(0, cumsum(rl$lengths))
        for (cons.i in which(rlv)) {
            link.v[(cs.i[cons.i] + 1):(cs.i[cons.i + 1] + 1)] = paste0(chr.f, "cons", 
        df$link = as.character(link.v)
    link = chr = . = NULL  ## Uglily appease R checks
    res.df = dplyr::do(dplyr::group_by(res.df, chr), link.annotate.f(.))
    merge.bin.f <- function(df) {
        if (nrow(df) < 3) 
        res = data.frame(chr = df$chr[1], start = df$start[1], end = df$end[nrow(df)], 
            nbBinCons = nrow(df), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        cbind(res, t(apply(df[, intersect(colnames(df), col.mean), drop = FALSE], 
            2, mean)))
    res.df = dplyr::do(dplyr::group_by(res.df, link), merge.bin.f(.))
    res.df$link = NULL
jmonlong/PopSV documentation built on Sept. 15, 2019, 9:29 p.m.