Man pages for jmonlong/scCNAutils
Functions to analyze copy number aberrations in single-cell data

annotate_cnaAnnotate CNAs with gene information
annotate_cna_segAnnotate CN segments
auto_cna_callAutomated pipeline to call CNA
auto_cna_signalAutomated pipeline to compute CNA signal from scRNA...
bin_genesMerge consecutive genes into expressed bins
binGenesCBin genes
call_cnaCall CNA
call_cna_multisampsCall CNA
cnaHMMCall CNA using a HMM approach
convert_to_coordConvert gene symbols to coordinates
define_cycling_cellsDefine cycling cells
find_communitiesCommunity detection
gene_infoGene information
make_metacellsMake metacells
merge_samplesMerge expression of multiple samples
metacells_clusterMetacells by clustering within communities.
metacells_subsampleMetacells by subsampling within communities.
norm_geNormalize gene expression
norm_ge_tmmNormalize gene expression using TMM
norm_ge_totalNormalize gene expression using total expression
plot_aneuploidyAneuploidy graph
plot_cnaHeatmap of CNA
plot_communitiesCommunity graphs
plot_heatmapHeatmap of the CNA scores
plot_qc_cellsQC graphs
plot_tsnetSNE graphs
plot_umapUMAP graphs
qc_cellsCompute quality control metrics for each cell
qc_filterFilter cells based on QC results
read_mtxRead a trio of genes, barcodes and mtx files.
rebin_covRe-bin coverage data
rm_cv_outliersRemove outliers based on the coefficient of variation
run_louvainPython wrapper to run Louvain
run_pcaRun PCA
run_tsneRun tSNE
run_umapRun UMAP
smoothMovingCSmooth signal
smooth_movingwMoving-window smoothing
tmmNormCCompute the normalization factor
tsne_browserShiny application to visualize tSNE results
umap_browserShiny application to visualize UMAP results
zscoreCompute Z-score
jmonlong/scCNAutils documentation built on May 3, 2022, 4:34 a.m.