
Defines functions split_featname hm_fontsize_computer compute_x_font infer_column_type analyze_fastq_filename generate_filename install_biocon_deps getOrdinalNumber1 find_clusters_in_matrix shrink_perbasecoverage sample_by_category name_samples fixrelpath update_ExpObj_metadata RAMbytes_status spew_heatmap_report IO_jams_workspace_image can_be_made_numeric quiet exporttabletsv replace_NAs_with_character trim_whitespace_from_df filetype whoopsieplot detectHardwareResources convert_matrix_PA convert_matrix_log2 is.useful is.redundant Pct2log2PPM log2PPMtoPct

Documented in analyze_fastq_filename can_be_made_numeric compute_x_font convert_matrix_log2 convert_matrix_PA detectHardwareResources exporttabletsv filetype find_clusters_in_matrix fixrelpath generate_filename getOrdinalNumber1 hm_fontsize_computer infer_column_type install_biocon_deps IO_jams_workspace_image is.redundant is.useful log2PPMtoPct name_samples Pct2log2PPM quiet RAMbytes_status replace_NAs_with_character sample_by_category shrink_perbasecoverage spew_heatmap_report split_featname trim_whitespace_from_df update_ExpObj_metadata whoopsieplot

#' log2PPMtoPct(log2PPM)
#' Returns a rounded percentage given a log2 transformed PPM value
#' @export

log2PPMtoPct <- function(log2PPM= NULL, signifdigits = 1){
    PPM <- ((2 ^ log2PPM) - 1)
    Pct <- round((PPM / 10000), signifdigits)


#' Pct2log2PPM(Pct)
#' Returns a log2 transformed PPM value given a percentage
#' @export

Pct2log2PPM <- function(Pct){
    PPM <- Pct * 10000
    log2PPM <- log2(PPM + 1)


#' is.redundant(vec)
#' Returns logical for a vector being redundant, i.e. has at least one element repeated in it.
#' @export
is.redundant <- function(vec){
    propunique <- length(unique(vec)) / length(vec)
    if (propunique < 1){
        redundant <- TRUE
    } else {
        redundant <- FALSE


#' is.useful(vec)
#' Returns logical for a vector having more than one class in it
#' @export

is.useful <- function(vec){
    numunique <- length(unique(vec))
    if (numunique < 2){
        useful <- FALSE
    } else {
        useful <- TRUE


#' convert_matrix_log2(mat = NULL, transformation = NULL)
#' Wrapper for transforming a matrix to and from log2 formats
#' @export

convert_matrix_log2 <- function(mat = NULL, transformation = NULL){

    if (!(transformation %in% c("to_log2", "from_log2"))){
        stop("Please choose either \"to_log2\", or \"from_log2\" as transformation to apply to matrix.")

    if (class(mat)[1] != "matrix"){
        stop("Object to transform must be a matrix.")

    if (transformation == "to_log2"){
        tfun <- function (x) {
            fx <- log2(x + 1)
    } else if (transformation == "from_log2"){
        tfun <- function (x) {
            fx <- ((2 ^ x) - 1)

    transmat <- base::apply(mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = tfun)



#' convert_matrix_PA(mat = NULL, threshPA = 0)
#' Wrapper for transforming a matrix to and from log2 formats
#' @export

convert_matrix_PA <- function(mat = NULL, threshPA = 0){

    if (class(mat)[1] != "matrix"){
        stop("Object to transform must be a matrix.")

    PAvec <- NULL
    for (rownum in 1:nrow(mat)){
        PAvec <- mat[rownum, ]
        if (threshPA != 0){
            PAvec[which(PAvec < threshPA)] <- 0
            PAvec[which(PAvec >= threshPA)] <- 1
        } else {
            PAvec[which(PAvec > 0)] <- 1
        mat[rownum, ] <- PAvec



#' detectHardwareResources()
#' Generic function for getting number of CPUs and total memory on Biowulf or otherwise
#' Returns a named vector with available CPUs and Memory in bytes
#' @export

detectHardwareResources <- function(){
    #First off, detect if on Slurm type cluster
    #Get slurm job ID
    currslurmjobid <- as.character(Sys.getenv("SLURM_JOB_ID"))

    if(nchar(currslurmjobid) < 3){
       #Define appropriate functions for non-slurm system
       detectBatchCPUs <- function() {
            ncores <- detectCores()
            if (is.na(ncores)) {
                stop("Could not determine how many CPUs you have. Aborting.")

        detectAvailRAM <- function(){


    } else {
        #Define appropriate functions for slurm system
        detectBatchCPUs <- function() {
            slurmjobid <- as.character(Sys.getenv("SLURM_JOB_ID"))
            ncores <- as.numeric(Sys.getenv("SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK"))

            if (is.na(ncores)) {
                #Try plan B
                sacctraw <- system2("sacct", args = c("-j", slurmjobid, "-X", "-P"), stdout = TRUE)
                jobinforaw <- sacctraw[2]
                jobinfoheaders <- sacctraw[1]
                jobinfo <- unlist(strsplit(jobinforaw, split="\\|"))
                names(jobinfo) <- unlist(strsplit(jobinfoheaders, split="\\|"))
                ncores <- as.integer(jobinfo["AllocCPUS"])
                if (is.na(ncores)) {
                    stop("Could not determine how many CPUs you have. Aborting.")


        detectAvailRAM <- function(){
            mempercpu <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("SLURM_MEM_PER_CPU"))
            mempernode <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE"))
            cpuspertask <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK"))

                totmem <- mempernode
            } else {
                totmem <- mempercpu * cpuspertask

            totmembytes <- totmem * 1000000

    hardwareRes <- NULL
    hardwareRes[1] <- detectBatchCPUs()
    hardwareRes[2] <- detectAvailRAM()
    names(hardwareRes) <- c("threads", "memory")


#' whoopsieplot(msg = NULL)
#' Shuts down the device and gives a message on error, useful for when making reports.
#' @export
whoopsieplot <- function(msg = "trying to do this."){
    flog.info(paste("Whoops, something went wrong while", msg))

#' filetype(path)
#' Wrapper for returning class of system file.
#' @export
filetype <- function(path){
    f <- file(path)
    ext <- summary(f)$class

#' trim_whitespace_from_df(df)
#' Trims leading and trailing whitespace from a dataframe
#' @export

trim_whitespace_from_df <- function(df = NULL){
    #check if input is reasonable
    if (class(df)[1] != "data.frame"){
        stop("Input must be a data.frame")

    for (colm in 1:ncol(df)){
        df[ , colm] <- trimws(df[ , colm])


#' replace_NAs_with_character(df)
#' Replaces NAs with a specific character in a data frame
#' @export

replace_NAs_with_character <- function(df = NULL, replacement = "N_A"){
    #check if input is reasonable
    if (class(df)[1] != "data.frame"){
        stop("Input must be a data.frame")

    for (colm in 1:ncol(df)){
        df[is.na(df[ , colm]) , colm] <- replacement


#' exporttabletsv(dataobj = NULL, project = NULL, basename = NULL, row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE, path = NULL)
#' Generic function to export a dataframe to tsv format
#' @export

exporttabletsv <- function(dataobj = NULL, project = NULL, basename = NULL, row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE, path = NULL){
    flname <- paste(paste("JAMS", project, basename, sep = "_"), "tsv", sep = ".")
    if (!is.null(path)){
        flname <- paste(path, flname, sep = "/")
    write.table(dataobj, file = flname, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = row.names, col.names = col.names)

#' quiet(function(x))
#' Suppresses output messages
#' By Hadley Wickham
#' http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Suppressing-output-e-g-from-cat-td859876.html
#' @export

quiet <- function(x) {

#' can_be_made_numeric(x, cats_to_ignore = NULL)
#' Returns logical for if a vector can be coerced into numeric.
#' @export

can_be_made_numeric <- function(x, cats_to_ignore = NULL){

    if (!is.null(cats_to_ignore)){
        x <- x[which(!(x %in% cats_to_ignore))]
    numtest <- length(which(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))) == TRUE))
    if (numtest == 0){
        testresult <- TRUE
    } else {
        testresult <- FALSE


 #' IO_jams_workspace_image(opt = NULL, workspaceimage = NULL, threads = 8, operation = c("save", "load"))
 #' Safe way of either loading or saving an R workspace image. If argument workspaceimage is null, workspace image file will be searched for in opt (opt$projimage). If that is also NULL, saving or loading is aborted. If the fastSave package () is installed, multi-threaded loading or saving will be used. If opt is passed, number of CPUs will be set to opt$threads, trumping the threads argument.
 #' @export

IO_jams_workspace_image <- function(opt = NULL, workspaceimage = NULL, threads = 8, operation = NULL, verbose = FALSE){
    if (is.null(workspaceimage)){
        workspaceimage <- opt$projimage

    if (is.null(workspaceimage)){
        stop("Workspace image not found or specified.")

    if (!is.null(opt)){
        threads <- opt$threads
        RAMbytesavail <- opt$totmembytes
    } else {
        RAMbytesavail <- NULL

    flog.info(paste("Workspace image is", workspaceimage))

    if (verbose){
        flog.info("Random Access Memory (RAM) status")
        print(RAMbytes_status(RAMbytesavail = RAMbytesavail))

    if (operation == "save"){

        if ("fastSave" %in% rownames(installed.packages())){
            flog.info(paste("Saving project workspace image using fastSave package with", threads, "CPUs"))
            save.image.pigz(file = workspaceimage, n.cores = threads)
        } else {
            flog.info("Saving project workspace image. Please be patient...")

    } else if (operation == "load"){

        if ("fastSave" %in% rownames(installed.packages())){
            flog.info(paste("Loading project workspace image using fastSave package with", opt$threads, "CPUs"))
            load.pigz(file = workspaceimage, verbose = TRUE)
        } else {
            flog.info("Loading project workspace image. Please be patient...")

    } else {
        flog.info("You must choose between \"load\" or \"save\" as an operation.")

    if (verbose){
        flog.info("Random Access Memory (RAM) status")
        print(RAMbytes_status(RAMbytesavail = RAMbytesavail))

#' spew_heatmap_report(c("analysis", "report"))
#' Wrapper for launching a report for a SINGLE analysis
#' @export

spew_heatmap_report <- function(hmcomb = NULL, outdir = NULL, expvec = NULL, applyfilters = NULL, variable_list = NULL, scaled = NULL, cdict = NULL, makespreadsheets = TRUE, makeheatmaps = TRUE, project = NULL){
    analysis <- hmcomb[1]
    report <- hmcomb[2]
    if (!file.exists(file.path(outdir, "Reports", analysis))){
        dir.create(file.path(outdir, "Reports", analysis), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    setwd(file.path(outdir, "Reports", analysis))

    if (report == "comparative"){

        tryCatch((make_heatmap_report(report = "comparative", project = project, expvec = expvec, usefulexp = analysis, appendtofilename = analysis, applyfilters = applyfilters, variable_list = variable_list, scaled = scaled, cdict = cdict, makespreadsheets = TRUE, makeheatmaps = TRUE, maxnumheatmaps = 3, numthreads = 1, adjustpval = "auto", showonlypbelow = 0.05, class_to_ignore = opt$class_to_ignore)), error = function(e) whoopsieplot(paste("generating comparative heatmaps for", analysis, "analysis")))

    } else if (report == "exploratory") {

        tryCatch((make_heatmap_report(report = "exploratory", project = project, expvec = expvec, usefulexp = analysis, appendtofilename = analysis, applyfilters = applyfilters, variable_list = variable_list, scaled = scaled, cdict = cdict, makespreadsheets = TRUE, makeheatmaps = TRUE, maxnumheatmaps = 2, numthreads = 1, class_to_ignore = opt$class_to_ignore)), error = function(e) whoopsieplot(paste("generating exploratory heatmaps for", analysis, "analysis")))

    } else if (report == "correlation") {

        tryCatch((make_heatmap_report(report = "correlation", project = project, expvec = expvec, usefulexp = analysis, appendtofilename = analysis, applyfilters = applyfilters, variable_list = variable_list, scaled = scaled, cdict = cdict, makespreadsheets = TRUE, makeheatmaps = TRUE, maxnumheatmaps = 3, numthreads = 1, adjustpval = "auto", minabscorrcoeff = 0.55, ntopvar = 250)), error = function(e) whoopsieplot(paste("generating correlation heatmaps for", analysis, "analysis")))

    } else if (report == "PA") {

        tryCatch((make_heatmap_report(report = "PA", project = project, expvec = expvec, usefulexp = analysis, appendtofilename = analysis, applyfilters = applyfilters, variable_list = variable_list, scaled = scaled, cdict = cdict, makespreadsheets = TRUE, makeheatmaps = TRUE, maxnumheatmaps = 3, numthreads = 1, adjustpval = "auto", showonlypbelow = 0.05, class_to_ignore = opt$class_to_ignore)), error = function(e) whoopsieplot(paste("generating presence/absence heatmaps for", analysis, "analysis")))

    } else if ((report %in% c("tUMAP", "PCA", "tSNE"))){

        tryCatch((make_ordination_report(algorithm = report, project = project, expvec = expvec, usefulexp = analysis, applyfilters = "none", appendtofilename = paste(analysis, report, sep = "_"), variable_list = variable_list, doreads = opt$doreads, cdict = cdict, threads = 1, class_to_ignore = opt$class_to_ignore)), error = function(e) whoopsieplot(paste("generating", report, "ordination plots for", analysis, "analysis")))

    }  else if (report == "alpha") {

        tryCatch(make_alpha_report(project = project, expvec = expvec, usefulexp = analysis, variable_list = variable_list, measures = c("Observed", "InvSimpson", "GeneCounts"), cdict = cdict, makespreadsheets = TRUE, stratify_by_kingdoms = TRUE, applyfilters = NULL, appendtofilename = paste(analysis, report, sep = "_"), GenomeCompletenessCutoff = c(5, 5), PPM_normalize_to_bases_sequenced = FALSE, max_pairwise_cats = 4, ignoreunclassified = TRUE, class_to_ignore = opt$class_to_ignore), error = function(e) whoopsieplot(paste("generating alpha diversity plots for", analysis, "analysis")))



#' RAMbytes_status(RAMbytesavail = NULL)
#' Reports how much RAM memory is being or has maximally been used.
#' @export
RAMbytes_status <- function(RAMbytesavail = NULL){

    if (is.null(RAMbytesavail)){
        RAMbytesavail <- detectHardwareResources()["memory"]

    memstats <- gc(full = TRUE)
    usedMbcolm <- (which(colnames(memstats) == "used") + 1)
    maxusedMbcolm <- (which(colnames(memstats) == "max used") + 1)
    usedRAMbytes <- sum(memstats[ , usedMbcolm]) * (1024 ^ 2)
    maxusedRAMbytes <- sum(memstats[ , maxusedMbcolm]) * (1024 ^ 2)
    RAMbytes <- unname(c(usedRAMbytes, maxusedRAMbytes, RAMbytesavail))
    RAMdf <- data.frame(Bytes = RAMbytes, Gbytes = round((RAMbytes / 1e9), 1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    rownames(RAMdf) <- c("Used", "MaxUsed", "Available")
    RAMdf$ProportionAvail <- round((RAMdf$Bytes / RAMbytesavail), 2)


#' update_ExpObj_metadata(ExpObj = NULL, phenotable = NULL)
#' Updates phenotable of a SummarizedExperiment object
#' @export

update_ExpObj_metadata <- function(ExpObj = NULL, phenotable = NULL){

        #Get appropriate object to work with
        if (as.character(class(ExpObj)[1]) != "SummarizedExperiment"){
            stop("This function can only take a SummarizedExperiment object as input.")

        #Let's see what we have here
        pheno_original <- colData(ExpObj)
        Samples_have <- rownames(pheno_original)
        if (!all(rownames(phenotable) %in% Samples_have)){
            stop("New phenotable contains samples not present in SummarizedExperiment. Phenotable sample names must match those in SummarizedExperiment. Check your new metadata and try again.")

        #The SummarizedExperiment package does not permit coercing different metadata, so object has to be re-assembled from scratch
        assays_ExpObj <-(assays(ExpObj))
        ftt <- rowData(ExpObj)
        metadata_ExpObj <- metadata(ExpObj)

        ##Create SummarizedExperiment
        newExpObj <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = assays_ExpObj, rowData = ftt, colData = phenotable)
        metadata(newExpObj) <- metadata_ExpObj


#' fixrelpath(JAMSpath = NULL)
#' Fixes path relativity and returns absolute path
#' @export

fixrelpath <- function(JAMSpath = NULL){
    if (!(isAbsolutePath(JAMSpath))){
        fixedpath <- getAbsolutePath(JAMSpath)
    } else {
        fixedpath <- JAMSpath
    #Chomp a "/" from the end of paths
    fixedpath <- gsub("/$", "", fixedpath)


#' name_samples(list.data = NULL)
#' Given a list.data object, returns a vector of sample names present in the object.
#' @export

name_samples <- function(list.data = NULL){
    loadedsamples <- gsub("_projinfo", "", (names(list.data)[grep("_projinfo", names(list.data))]))


#' sample_by_category
#' Sample by category
#' @export

sample_by_category <- function(rows, frac = 0.25) {
    #counts <- table(rows$category) %>% .[.>= n]
    counts <- table(rows$category)
    result <- data.frame()
    for (name in names(counts)) {
        result <- rbind(result, sample_frac(rows[rows$category==name,], frac))


#' shrink_perbasecoverage(perbasecoverage=NULL, percentage=2)
#' #Subset down to n% of the dataset to make it calculatable. To be used only by JAMSalpha.
#' @export

shrink_perbasecoverage <-function(perbasecoverage = NULL, percentage = 2){
    numbases <- 1:nrow(perbasecoverage)
    breaks <- numbases[seq(1, length(numbases), (100/percentage))]
    perbasecoverage_reduced <- perbasecoverage[breaks, ]


#' add_shape_to_plot_safely(p = NULL, shapevec = NULL, shapeby = NULL, cdict = NULL, use_letters_as_shapes = FALSE)
#' #Given a vector of classes for adding shapes to a ggplot, attributes shapes safely in the presence or absence of a cdict containing shape info
#' @export

add_shape_to_plot_safely <- function (p = NULL, shapevec = NULL, shapeby = NULL, cdict = NULL, use_letters_as_shapes = FALSE){

    numshapes <- length(unique(shapevec))
    if (!use_letters_as_shapes & (numshapes <= 27)){
        shape_pecking_order <- c(19, 17, 15, 8, 12, 13, 18, 10, 3, 4, 11, 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 6, 35, 36, 38, 64, 163, 165, 167, 169, 198)
    } else {
        #Use letters
        shape_pecking_order <- c(65:90, 97:122, 35:38, 134:140)

    if (!is.null(cdict)){
        st <- cdict[[shapeby]]
        if ("Shape" %in% colnames(st)){
            groupshapes <- setNames(as.numeric(st$Shape), as.character(st$Name))
            p <- p + scale_shape_manual(values = groupshapes)
        } else {
            p <- p + scale_shape_manual(values = shape_pecking_order[1:numshapes])
    } else {
        p <- p + scale_shape_manual(values = shape_pecking_order[1:numshapes])


#' find_clusters_in_matrix(input_matrix = NULL, kmeans_split = NULL)
#' #Splits a matrix with counts in to k clusters by k-means clustering
#' @export

find_clusters_in_matrix <- function(input_matrix = NULL, kmeans_split = NULL){

    kmclusters <- stats::kmeans(input_matrix, centers = kmeans_split)
    clusterdf <- data.frame(Feature = names(fitted(kmclusters, method = "classes")), Cluster_Num = fitted(kmclusters, method = "classes"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    clusterdf <- clusterdf[order(clusterdf$Cluster_Num), ]
    clusterdf$Cluster_Name <- paste("Cluster", as.character(sprintf("%02d", clusterdf$Cluster_Num)), sep = "_")



#' Author: Phillip Burger
#' Date: Sept 3, 2014
#' Purpose: Get the ordinal rank of a number.
#' http://www.phillipburger.net/wordpress/ordinal-number-suffix-function-in-r
#' @export

getOrdinalNumber1 <- function(num) {
    result <- ""
    if (!(num %% 100 %in% c(11, 12, 13))) {
        result <- switch(as.character(num %% 10),
            "1" = {paste0(num, "st")},
            "2" = {paste0(num, "nd")},
            "3" = {paste0(num, "rd")},
            paste0(num, "th"))
    } else {
        result <- paste0(num, "th")

#' install_biocon_deps()
#' Installs Bioconductor JAMS dependencies
#' @export

install_biocon_deps <- function(){
bioconductordeps <- c("dada2", "ComplexHeatmap", "HybridMTest", "genefilter", "SummarizedExperiment")
    if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

#' make_phenolabels_from_phenotable(phenotable = NULL)
#' Does exactly what the name says.
#' @export

make_phenolabels_from_phenotable <- function (phenotable = NULL){
    Var_label <- colnames(phenotable)
    infer_column_type <- function(colm){
        if (colm %in% c("Sample", "sample")){
            colmtype <- "Sample"
        } else {
            if (can_be_made_numeric( (phenotable[, colm] ), cats_to_ignore = class_to_ignore)){
                colmtype <- "continuous"
            } else {
                colmtype <- "discrete"
    Var_type <- sapply(Var_label, function (x) { infer_column_type(x) } )
    phenolabels <- data.frame(Var_label = unname(Var_label), Var_type = unname(Var_type), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)



#' generate_filename(title = "ABC_look_at_me", add_date = TRUE, suffix = "pdf")
#' Wrapper for generating file names.
#' @export

generate_filename <- function(title = "ABC_look_at_me", add_date = TRUE, suffix = "pdf"){

    if (add_date){
        dte <- Sys.Date()
    } else {
        dte <- NULL

    fn <- paste(paste(title, dte, sep = "_"), suffix, sep = ".")


#' analyze_fastq_filename(fn = NULL, maintain_Illumina_format = FALSE)
#' Given a fastq filename, will return a list with facts about its anatomy.
#' @export

analyze_fastq_filename <- function(fn = NULL, maintain_Illumina_format = FALSE){

    filefacts <- list()
    fnsplit <- unlist(strsplit(fn, split = "\\."))
    #find out if gzipped and what the filename body is
    if (tail(fnsplit, n = 1) == "gz"){
        filefacts$gunzipped <- TRUE
        fnbody <- paste0(rev(rev(fnsplit)[3:length(fnsplit)]), collapse = ".")
        filefacts$suffix <- paste0(tail(fnsplit, n = 2), collapse = ".")
    } else {
        filefacts$gunzipped <- FALSE
        fnbody <- paste0(rev(rev(fnsplit)[2:length(fnsplit)]), collapse = ".")
        filefacts$suffix <- tail(fnsplit, n = 1)

    #Now delve into fnbody and see what it it about
    #Does it have lane info? Must have L00X in the last 4 elements.
    contains_lane_info <- any(c("L001", "L002", "L003", "L004", "L005", "L006", "L007", "L008") %in% tail(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_")), n = 4))
    #Does it have paired read info? Must have RX in the last 4 elements.
    contains_paired_read_info <- any(c("R1", "R2") %in% tail(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_")), n = 4))
    #Is it Illumina output filename style?
    is_Illumina_output <- (tail(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_")), n = 1) == "001")
    #Get number of body segments
    numfnbodysegments <- length(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_")))

    #Determine the orgininal sample prefix
    #Case 1, not Illumina style
    if (!is_Illumina_output){
        if (contains_paired_read_info){
            filefacts$OriPrefix <- paste0(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_"))[1:(numfnbodysegments - 1)], collapse = "_")
            filefacts$Read <- tail(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_")), n = 1)
            filefacts$Appendage <-  paste(filefacts$Read, filefacts$suffix, sep = ".")
        } else {
            filefacts$OriPrefix <- fnbody
            filefacts$Read <- ""
            filefacts$Appendage <- filefacts$suffix

    } else {
        #OK, is Illumina style prefix
        #Das Read ist immer an zweiter position
        filefacts$Read <- tail(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_")), n = 2)[1]

        if (contains_lane_info){
            #Case 2, is MiSeq, HiSeq or NextSeq file
            filefacts$OriPrefix <- paste0(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_"))[1:(numfnbodysegments - 4)], collapse = "_")
            filefacts$Lane <- tail(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_")), n = 3)[1]
            filefacts$SampNum <- tail(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_")), n = 4)[1]
            if (maintain_Illumina_format){
                filefacts$Appendage <- paste(paste(filefacts$SampNum, filefacts$Lane, filefacts$Read, "001", sep = "_"), filefacts$Container, sep = ".")
            } else {
                filefacts$Appendage <- paste(filefacts$Read, filefacts$suffix, sep = ".")
        } else {
            #Case 3, is NovaSeq joined file, or contains no lane info
            filefacts$OriPrefix <- paste0(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_"))[1:(numfnbodysegments - 3)], collapse = "_")
            filefacts$Lane <- ""
            filefacts$SampNum <- tail(unlist(strsplit(fnbody, split = "_")), n = 3)[1]
            if (maintain_Illumina_format){
                filefacts$Appendage <- paste(paste(filefacts$SampNum, filefacts$Read, "001", sep = "_"), filefacts$suffix, sep = ".")
            } else {
                filefacts$Appendage <- paste(filefacts$Read, filefacts$suffix, sep = ".")



#' infer_column_type(phenotable = NULL, colm = NULL, class_to_ignore = "N_A")
#' From a phenotable, infers what kind of a column it is, discrete or continuous.
#' @export

infer_column_type <- function(phenotable = NULL, colm = NULL, class_to_ignore = "N_A"){
    if (colm %in% c("Sample", "sample")){
        colmtype <- "Sample"
    } else {
        if (can_be_made_numeric( (phenotable[, colm] ), cats_to_ignore = class_to_ignore)){
            colmtype <- "continuous"
        } else {
            colmtype <- "discrete"



#' compute_x_font(nx = 1, upper_n = 400, upper_fs = 0.1, lower_n = 10, lower_fs = 8, cex = 0.7)
#' Compute the appropriate size of font to be used in JAMS heatmap column (sample) annotations.
#' @export

compute_x_font <- function(nx = 1, upper_n = 400, upper_fs = 0.1, lower_n = 10, lower_fs = 8, cex = 0.7){

    m <- ((lower_fs - upper_fs) / (upper_n - lower_n)) * -1
    cnst <- lower_fs - (lower_n * m)
    fontsizex <- round(((m * nx) + cnst), 2)
    fontsizex <- fontsizex * cex


#' hm_fontsize_computer(mat_rownames = NULL, mat_colnames = NULL, upper_n = 400, upper_fs = 0.1, lower_n = 10, lower_fs = 8, cex = 0.7)
#' Returns a vector of length 2 with values for the appropriate sizes of fonts to be used in JAMS heatmap columns (samples) and rows (features), respectively.
#' @export

hm_fontsize_computer <- function(mat_rownames = NULL, mat_colnames = NULL, upper_n = 400, upper_fs = 0.1, lower_n = 10, lower_fs = 8, cex = 0.7){

    cexy <- cex
    #If not LKT and featname is split, then decrease row font size
    if (!(any(length(grep("^LKT_", mat_rownames) > 0)))){
        if (max(nchar(mat_rownames)) > 60){
            cexy <- cex * 0.7
    fontsizex <- compute_x_font(nx = length(mat_colnames), upper_n = upper_n, upper_fs = upper_fs, lower_n = lower_n, lower_fs = lower_fs, cex = cex)
    fontsizey <- compute_x_font(nx = length(mat_rownames), upper_n = upper_n, upper_fs = upper_fs, lower_n = lower_n, lower_fs = lower_fs, cex = cexy)
    #floor rownames to 0.1
    fontsizey <- max(0.1, fontsizey)
    xy_fs <- c(fontsizex, fontsizey)


#' split_featname(featname = NULL, thresh_featname_split = 40)
#' For a feature name (or any string, for that matter) will add a carriage return (\n) to the middle of the string if it exceeds the threshold number of characters. This is used in the heatmap function.
#' @export

split_featname <- function(featname = NULL, thresh_featname_split = 40){
    if (nchar(featname) >= thresh_featname_split){
        len1 <- round((nchar(featname) / 2), 0)
        len2 <- nchar(featname) - len1
        part1 <- paste0(unlist(strsplit(featname, split = ""))[1:len1], collapse = "")
        part2 <- paste0(unlist(strsplit(featname, split = ""))[(1:len2) + len1], collapse = "")
        featname <- paste0(part1, "-\n", part2)

johnmcculloch/JAMS_BW documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 12:48 a.m.