
Defines functions ConjComp relatives Anova Anova.lm Anova.aov Anova.II.lm Anova.III.lm Anova.glm Anova.III.LR.glm Anova.III.F.glm Anova.II.LR.glm Anova.II.F.glm Anova.mlm Anova.III.mlm Anova.II.mlm print.Anova.mlm print.summary.Anova.mlm print.univaov as.data.frame.univaov Anova.manova Manova Manova.mlm df.residual.coxph alias.coxph logLik.coxph Anova.coxph Anova.II.LR.coxph Anova.III.LR.coxph alias.survreg logLik.survreg Anova.survreg Anova.II.LR.survreg Anova.III.LR.survreg Anova.II.Wald.survreg Anova.III.Wald.survreg Anova.default assignVector Anova.II.default Anova.III.default Anova.merMod Anova.mer Anova.II.mer Anova.III.mer Anova.lme Anova.II.lme Anova.III.lme Anova.svyglm Anova.rlm Anova.coxme Anova.II.LR.coxme

Documented in Anova Anova.aov Anova.coxme Anova.coxph Anova.default Anova.glm Anova.lm Anova.lme Anova.manova Anova.mer Anova.merMod Anova.mlm Anova.rlm Anova.svyglm as.data.frame.univaov Manova Manova.mlm print.Anova.mlm print.summary.Anova.mlm print.univaov

# Revision history:
# 2009-01-05: bug fix in Anova.II.lm(). J. Fox
# 2009-01-16: Cox models with clusters now handled. J. Fox
# 2009-09-16: reworked glm and lm methods to handle aliased parameters. J. Fox
# 2009-09-30: renamed "Anova" to "Analysis of Deviance" in output for some methods. J. Fox
# 2009-12-22: modified Anova.mlm() to handle a user-supplied within-subject model matrix. J. Fox
# 2009-12-28: named the components of P in Anova.III.mlm(). John
# 2010-01-01: Anova.II.mlm() now hands off (again) to Anova.III.mlm() when there
#             is only an intercept in the between-subjects model
# 2010-02-17: Fixed bug that caused some models with aliased coefficients to fail. J. Fox
# 2010-06-14: added wcrossprod and allow use of observation weights in Anova.mlm()
# 2010-06-28: Fixed Anova() tables for coxph and survreg models 
#             (failed because of changes in survival package.
# 2011-01-21: Added functions for mixed models. J. Fox
# 2011-01-25: Fixed Anova.polr() and Anova.multinom() to work with models with only one term. J. Fox
# 2011-05-19: local fixef() to avoid nlme/lme4 issues. J. Fox
# 2011-05-11: changed order of columns in ANOVA tables for mixed models. J. Fox
# 2011-11-27: added Anova.svyglm(). J. Fox
# 2011-12-31: fixed bug in Anova.II(and III).F.glm() when na.exclude used. J. Fox
# 2012-02-28: added test.statistic argument to Anova.mer(). J.Fox
# 2012-03-02: fixed test abbreviation of test.statistic argument to Anova.default()
#             called by other Anova() methods. J. Fox
# 2013-06-17: modified summary.Anova.mlm(), introduced print.summary.Anova.mlm(),
#             adapting code contributed by Gabriel Baud-Bovy. J. Fox
# 2013-06-20: added Anova.merMod() method. J. Fox
# 2013-06-22: tweaks to local fixef(). J. Fox
# 2013-06-22: test argument uniformly uses "Chisq" rather than "chisq". J. Fox
# 2013-08-19: replaced calls to print.anova(). J. Fox
# 2014-08-17: added calls to requireNamespace() and :: where needed (doesn't work for pbkrtest). J. Fox
# 2014-08-18: fixed bugs in Anova.survreg() for types II, III LR tests and Wald tests. J. Fox
# 2014-09-23: added Anova.rlm(). J. Fox
# 2014-10-10: removed MASS:: from calls to polr(). John
# 2014-12-18: check that residual df and SS are nonzero in Anova.lm(). John
# 2015-01-27: vcovAdj() and methods now imported from pbkrtest. John
# 2015-02-18: force evaluation of vcov. when it's a function. John
# 2015-04-30: don't allow error.estimate="dispersion" for F-tests in binomial
#             and Poission GLMs. John
# 2015-08-29: fixed Anova() for coxph models with clusters. John
# 2015-09-04: added support for coxme models. John
# 2015-09-11: modified Anova.default() to work with vglm objects from VGAM. John
# 2015-09-15: fixed Anova.default() so that F-tests work again. John
# 2015-11-13: modify Anova.coxph() to take account of method/ties argument. John
# 2016-06-03: added SSP and SSPE args to print.summary.Anova.mlm(). John
# 2016-06-25: added code to optionally print univariate ANOVAs for a mlm. John

# Type II and III tests for linear, generalized linear, and other models (J. Fox)

ConjComp <- function(X, Z = diag( nrow(X)), ip = diag(nrow(X))) {
	# This function by Georges Monette
	# finds the conjugate complement of the proj of X in span(Z) wrt
	#    inner product ip
	# - assumes Z is of full column rank
	# - projects X conjugately wrt ip into span Z
	xq <- qr(t(Z) %*% ip %*% X)
	if (xq$rank == 0) return(Z)
	Z %*% qr.Q(xq, complete = TRUE) [ ,-(1:xq$rank)] 

relatives <- function(term, names, factors){
	is.relative <- function(term1, term2) {
	if(length(names) == 1) return(NULL)
	which.term <- which(term==names)
					function(term2) is.relative(term, term2))]

Anova <- function(mod, ...){
	UseMethod("Anova", mod)

# linear models

Anova.lm <- function(mod, error, type=c("II","III", 2, 3), 
		white.adjust=c(FALSE, TRUE, "hc3", "hc0", "hc1", "hc2", "hc4"),
        vcov.=NULL, singular.ok, ...){
    if (is.function(vcov.)) vcov. <- vcov.(mod)
    if (df.residual(mod) == 0) stop("residual df = 0")
    if (deviance(mod) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) stop("residual sum of squares is 0 (within rounding error)")
	type <- as.character(type)
	white.adjust <- as.character(white.adjust)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	white.adjust <- match.arg(white.adjust)
	if (missing(singular.ok)){
		singular.ok <- type == "2" || type == "II"
	if (has.intercept(mod) && length(coef(mod)) == 1 
			&& (type == "2" || type == "II")) {
		type <- "III"
		warning("the model contains only an intercept: Type III test substituted")
	if (white.adjust != "FALSE"){
		if (white.adjust == "TRUE") white.adjust <- "hc3" 
		return(Anova.default(mod, type=type, vcov.=hccm(mod, type=white.adjust), test.statistic="F", 
						singular.ok=singular.ok, ...))
    else if (!is.null(vcov.)) return(Anova.default(mod, type=type, vcov.=vcov., test.statistic="F", 
        singular.ok=singular.ok, ...))
			II=Anova.II.lm(mod, error, singular.ok=singular.ok, ...),
			III=Anova.III.lm(mod, error, singular.ok=singular.ok, ...),
			"2"=Anova.II.lm(mod, error, singular.ok=singular.ok, ...),
			"3"=Anova.III.lm(mod, error, singular.ok=singular.ok,...))

Anova.aov <- function(mod, ...){
	class(mod) <- "lm"
	Anova.lm(mod, ...)

Anova.II.lm <- function(mod, error, singular.ok=TRUE, ...){
	if (!missing(error)){
		sumry <- summary(error, corr=FALSE)
		s2 <- sumry$sigma^2
		error.df <- error$df.residual
		error.SS <- s2*error.df
	SS.term <- function(term){
		which.term <- which(term == names)
		subs.term <- which(assign == which.term)
		relatives <- relatives(term, names, fac)
		subs.relatives <- NULL
		for (relative in relatives) 
			subs.relatives <- c(subs.relatives, which(assign == relative))
		hyp.matrix.1 <- I.p[subs.relatives,,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.1 <- hyp.matrix.1[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.2 <- I.p[c(subs.relatives,subs.term),,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.2 <- hyp.matrix.2[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.term <- if (nrow(hyp.matrix.1) == 0) hyp.matrix.2
				else t(ConjComp(t(hyp.matrix.1), t(hyp.matrix.2), vcov(mod)))
		hyp.matrix.term <- hyp.matrix.term[!apply(hyp.matrix.term, 1, 
						function(x) all(x == 0)), , drop=FALSE]
		if (nrow(hyp.matrix.term) == 0)
			return(c(SS=NA, df=0))
		lh <- linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix.term, 
				singular.ok=singular.ok, ...)
		abs(c(SS=lh$"Sum of Sq"[2], df=lh$Df[2]))
	not.aliased <- !is.na(coef(mod))
	if (!singular.ok && !all(not.aliased))
		stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
	fac <- attr(terms(mod), "factors")
	intercept <- has.intercept(mod)
	I.p <- diag(length(coefficients(mod)))
	assign <- mod$assign
	assign[!not.aliased] <- NA
	names <- term.names(mod)
	if (intercept) names <-names[-1]
	n.terms <- length(names)
	p <- df <- f <- SS <- rep(0, n.terms + 1)
	sumry <- summary(mod, corr = FALSE)
	SS[n.terms + 1] <- if (missing(error)) sumry$sigma^2*mod$df.residual 
			else error.SS   
	df[n.terms + 1] <- if (missing(error)) mod$df.residual else error.df
	p[n.terms + 1] <- f[n.terms + 1] <- NA
	for (i in 1:n.terms){
		ss <- SS.term(names[i])
		SS[i] <- ss["SS"]
		df[i] <- ss["df"]
		f[i] <- df[n.terms+1]*SS[i]/(df[i]*SS[n.terms + 1])
		p[i] <- pf(f[i], df[i], df[n.terms + 1], lower.tail = FALSE)
	result <- data.frame(SS, df, f, p)
	row.names(result) <- c(names,"Residuals")
	names(result) <- c("Sum Sq", "Df", "F value", "Pr(>F)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- c("Anova Table (Type II tests)\n", 
			paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

# type III

Anova.III.lm <- function(mod, error, singular.ok=FALSE, ...){
	if (!missing(error)){
		error.df <- df.residual(error)
		error.SS <- deviance(error)
	else {
		error.df <- df.residual(mod)
		error.SS <- deviance(mod)
	intercept <- has.intercept(mod)
	I.p <- diag(length(coefficients(mod)))
	Source <- term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(Source)
	p <- df <- f <- SS <- rep(0, n.terms + 1)
	assign <- mod$assign
	not.aliased <- !is.na(coef(mod))
	if (!singular.ok && !all(not.aliased))
		stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
	for (term in 1:n.terms){
		subs <- which(assign == term - intercept)
		hyp.matrix <- I.p[subs,,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix <- hyp.matrix[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix <- hyp.matrix[!apply(hyp.matrix, 1, function(x) all(x == 0)), , drop=FALSE]
		if (nrow(hyp.matrix) == 0){
			SS[term] <- NA
			df[term] <- 0
			f[term] <- NA
			p[term] <- NA
		else {
			test <- if (missing(error)) linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix, 
								singular.ok=singular.ok, ...)
					else linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix, error.SS=error.SS, error.df=error.df, 
								singular.ok=singular.ok, ...)
			SS[term] <- test$"Sum of Sq"[2]
			df[term] <- test$"Df"[2]
			f[term] <- test$"F"[2]
			p[term] <- test$"Pr(>F)"[2]
	Source[n.terms + 1] <- "Residuals"
	SS[n.terms + 1] <- error.SS
	df[n.terms + 1] <- error.df
	p[n.terms + 1] <- f[n.terms + 1] <- NA
	result <- data.frame(SS, df, f, p)
	row.names(result) <- Source
	names(result) <- c("Sum Sq", "Df", "F value", "Pr(>F)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- c("Anova Table (Type III tests)\n", paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

# generalized linear models

Anova.glm <- function(mod, type=c("II","III", 2, 3), test.statistic=c("LR", "Wald", "F"), 
		error, error.estimate=c("pearson", "dispersion", "deviance"), singular.ok, ...){
	type <- as.character(type)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if (has.intercept(mod) && length(coef(mod)) == 1 
			&& (type == "2" || type == "II")) {
		type <- "III"
		warning("the model contains only an intercept: Type III test substituted")
	if (missing(singular.ok)){
		singular.ok <- type == "2" || type == "II"
	test.statistic <- match.arg(test.statistic)
	error.estimate <- match.arg(error.estimate)
					LR=Anova.II.LR.glm(mod, singular.ok=singular.ok),
					Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="II", singular.ok=singular.ok),
					F=Anova.II.F.glm(mod, error, error.estimate, singular.ok=singular.ok)),
					LR=Anova.III.LR.glm(mod, singular.ok=singular.ok),
					Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="III", singular.ok=singular.ok),
					F=Anova.III.F.glm(mod, error, error.estimate, singular.ok=singular.ok)),
					LR=Anova.II.LR.glm(mod, singular.ok=singular.ok),
					Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="II", singular.ok=singular.ok),
					F=Anova.II.F.glm(mod, error, error.estimate, singular.ok=singular.ok)),
					LR=Anova.III.LR.glm(mod, singular.ok=singular.ok),
					Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="III", singular.ok=singular.ok),
					F=Anova.III.F.glm(mod, error, error.estimate, singular.ok=singular.ok)))

# type III

# LR test

Anova.III.LR.glm <- function(mod, singular.ok=FALSE, ...){
	if (!singular.ok && any(is.na(coef(mod))))
		stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
	Source <- if (has.intercept(mod)) term.names(mod)[-1]
			else term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(Source)
	p <- df <- LR <- rep(0, n.terms)
	dispersion <- summary(mod, corr = FALSE)$dispersion
	deviance <- deviance(mod)/dispersion
	for (term in 1:n.terms){
		mod.1 <- drop1(mod, scope=eval(parse(text=paste("~",Source[term]))))
		LR[term] <- (mod.1$Deviance[2]/dispersion)-deviance
		df[term] <- mod.1$Df[2]
		p[term] <- pchisq(LR[term], df[term], lower.tail = FALSE)
	result <- data.frame(LR, df, p)
	row.names(result) <- Source
	names(result) <- c("LR Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
	class(result) <- c("anova","data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III tests)\n", paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

# F test

Anova.III.F.glm <- function(mod, error, error.estimate, singular.ok=FALSE, ...){
    if (!singular.ok && any(is.na(coef(mod))))
        stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
    fam <- family(mod)$family
    if ((fam == "binomial" || fam == "poisson") && error.estimate == "dispersion"){
        warning("dispersion parameter estimated from the Pearson residuals, not taken as 1")
        error.estimate <- "pearson"
    if (missing(error)) error <- mod
    df.res <- df.residual(error)
    error.SS <- switch(error.estimate,
        pearson=sum(residuals(error, "pearson")^2, na.rm=TRUE),
        dispersion=df.res*summary(error, corr = FALSE)$dispersion,
    Source <- if (has.intercept(mod)) term.names(mod)[-1]
    else term.names(mod)
    n.terms <- length(Source)
    p <- df <- f <- SS <-rep(0, n.terms+1)
    f[n.terms+1] <- p[n.terms+1] <- NA
    df[n.terms+1] <- df.res
    SS[n.terms+1] <- error.SS
    dispersion <- error.SS/df.res
    deviance <- deviance(mod)
    for (term in 1:n.terms){
        mod.1 <- drop1(mod, scope=eval(parse(text=paste("~",Source[term]))))
        df[term] <- mod.1$Df[2]
        SS[term] <- mod.1$Deviance[2] - deviance
        f[term] <- (SS[term]/df[term])/dispersion
        p[term] <- pf(f[term], df[term], df.res, lower.tail = FALSE)
    result <- data.frame(SS, df, f, p)
    row.names(result) <- c(Source, "Residuals")
    names(result) <- c("SS", "Df", "F", "Pr(>F)")
    class(result) <- c("anova","data.frame")
    attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III tests)\n", 
        paste("Response:", responseName(mod)), 
        paste("Error estimate based on",
                pearson="Pearson residuals", dispersion="estimated dispersion", 
                deviance="deviance"), "\n"))

# type II

# LR test

Anova.II.LR.glm <- function(mod, singular.ok=TRUE, ...){
	if (!singular.ok && any(is.na(coef(mod))))
		stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
	# (some code adapted from drop1.glm)
	which.nms <- function(name) which(asgn == which(names == name))
	fac <- attr(terms(mod), "factors")
	names <- if (has.intercept(mod)) term.names(mod)[-1]
			else term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(names)
	X <- model.matrix(mod)
	y <- mod$y
	if (is.null(y)) y <- model.response(model.frame(mod), "numeric")
	wt <- mod$prior.weights
	if (is.null(wt)) wt <- rep(1, length(y))
	asgn <- attr(X, 'assign')
	df <- p <- LR <- rep(0, n.terms)
	dispersion <- summary(mod, corr = FALSE)$dispersion
	for (term in 1:n.terms){
		rels <- names[relatives(names[term], names, fac)]
		exclude.1 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(c(names[term], rels), which.nms)))
		mod.1 <- glm.fit(X[, -exclude.1, drop = FALSE], y, wt, offset = mod$offset, 
				family = mod$family, control = mod$control)
		dev.1 <- deviance(mod.1)
		mod.2 <- if (length(rels) == 0) mod
				else {
					exclude.2 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(rels, which.nms)))
					glm.fit(X[, -exclude.2, drop = FALSE], y, wt, offset = mod$offset, 
							family = mod$family, control = mod$control)
		dev.2 <- deviance(mod.2)
		df[term] <- df.residual(mod.1) - df.residual(mod.2)
		if (df[term] == 0) LR[term] <- p[term] <- NA
		else {
			LR[term] <- (dev.1 - dev.2)/dispersion
			p[term] <- pchisq(LR[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE)
	result <- data.frame(LR, df, p)
	row.names(result) <- names
	names(result) <- c("LR Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- 
			c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)\n", paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

# F test

Anova.II.F.glm <- function(mod, error, error.estimate, singular.ok=TRUE, ...){
    # (some code adapted from drop1.glm)
    if (!singular.ok && any(is.na(coef(mod))))
        stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
    fam <- family(mod)$family
    if ((fam == "binomial" || fam == "poisson") && error.estimate == "dispersion"){
        warning("dispersion parameter estimated from the Pearson residuals, not taken as 1")
        error.estimate <- "pearson"
    which.nms <- function(name) which(asgn == which(names == name))
    if (missing(error)) error <- mod
    df.res <- df.residual(error)
    error.SS <- switch(error.estimate,
        pearson = sum(residuals(error, "pearson")^2, na.rm=TRUE),
        dispersion = df.res*summary(error, corr = FALSE)$dispersion,
        deviance = deviance(error))
    fac <- attr(terms(mod), "factors")
    names <- if (has.intercept(mod)) term.names(mod)[-1]
    else term.names(mod)
    n.terms <- length(names)
    X <- model.matrix(mod)
    y <- mod$y
    if (is.null(y)) y <- model.response(model.frame(mod), "numeric")
    wt <- mod$prior.weights
    if (is.null(wt)) wt <- rep(1, length(y))
    asgn <- attr(X, 'assign')
    p <- df <- f <- SS <- rep(0, n.terms+1)
    f[n.terms+1] <- p[n.terms+1] <- NA
    df[n.terms+1] <- df.res
    SS[n.terms+1] <- error.SS
    dispersion <- error.SS/df.res
    for (term in 1:n.terms){
        rels <- names[relatives(names[term], names, fac)]
        exclude.1 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(c(names[term], rels), which.nms)))
        mod.1 <- glm.fit(X[, -exclude.1, drop = FALSE], y, wt, offset = mod$offset, 
            family = mod$family, control = mod$control)
        dev.1 <- deviance(mod.1)
        mod.2 <- if (length(rels) == 0) mod
        else {
            exclude.2 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(rels, which.nms)))
            glm.fit(X[, -exclude.2, drop = FALSE], y, wt, offset = mod$offset, 
                family = mod$family, control = mod$control)
        dev.2 <- deviance(mod.2)
        df[term] <- df.residual(mod.1) - df.residual(mod.2)
        if (df[term] == 0) SS[term] <- f[term] <- p[term] <- NA
        else {
            SS[term] <- dev.1 - dev.2
            f[term] <- SS[term]/(dispersion*df[term])
            p[term] <- pf(f[term], df[term], df.res, lower.tail=FALSE)
    result <- data.frame(SS, df, f, p)
    row.names(result) <- c(names, "Residuals")
    names(result) <- c("SS", "Df", "F", "Pr(>F)")
    class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
    attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)\n", 
        paste("Response:", responseName(mod)),
        paste("Error estimate based on",
                pearson="Pearson residuals", 
                dispersion="estimated dispersion", 
                deviance="deviance"), "\n"))

# multinomial logit models (via multinom in the nnet package)

Anova.multinom <-
		function (mod, type = c("II", "III", 2, 3), ...)
	type <- as.character(type)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if (has.intercept(mod) && length(coef(mod)) == 1 
			&& (type == "2" || type == "II")) {
		type <- "III"
		warning("the model contains only an intercept: Type III test substituted")
			II = Anova.II.multinom(mod, ...),
			III = Anova.III.multinom(mod, ...),
			"2" = Anova.II.multinom(mod, ...),
			"3" = Anova.III.multinom(mod, ...))

Anova.II.multinom <- function (mod, ...)
	which.nms <- function(name) which(asgn == which(names ==
	fac <- attr(terms(mod), "factors")
	names <- if (has.intercept(mod)) term.names(mod)[-1]
			else term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(names)
	X <- model.matrix(mod)
	y <- model.response(model.frame(mod))
	wt <- mod$weights
	asgn <- attr(X, "assign")
	p <- LR <- rep(0, n.terms)
	df <- df.terms(mod)
	for (term in 1:n.terms) {
		rels <- names[relatives(names[term], names, fac)]
		exclude.1 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(c(names[term], rels),
		mod.1 <-if (n.terms > 1) multinom(y ~ X[, -c(1, exclude.1)], weights=wt, trace=FALSE)
				else multinom(y ~ 1, weights=wt, race=FALSE)
		dev.1 <- deviance(mod.1)
		mod.2 <- if (length(rels) == 0)
				else {
					exclude.2 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(rels, which.nms)))
					multinom(y ~ X[, -c(1, exclude.2)], weights=wt, trace=FALSE)
		dev.2 <- deviance(mod.2)
		LR[term] <- dev.1 - dev.2
		p[term] <- pchisq(LR[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE)
	result <- data.frame(LR, df, p)
	row.names(result) <- names
	names(result) <- c("LR Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)\n",
			paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

Anova.III.multinom <- function (mod, ...)
	names <- if (has.intercept(mod)) term.names(mod)[-1]
			else term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(names)
	X <- model.matrix(mod)
	y <- model.response(model.frame(mod))
	wt <- mod$weights
	asgn <- attr(X, "assign")
	p <- LR <- rep(0, n.terms)
	df <- df.terms(mod)
	deviance <- deviance(mod)
	for (term in 1:n.terms) {
		mod.1 <- if (n.terms > 1) multinom(y ~ X[, term != asgn][, -1], weights=wt, trace=FALSE)
				else multinom(y ~ 1, weights=wt, trace=FALSE)
		LR[term] <- deviance(mod.1) - deviance
		p[term] <- pchisq(LR[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE)
	result <- data.frame(LR, df, p)
	row.names(result) <- names
	names(result) <- c("LR Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III tests)\n",
			paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

# proportional-odds logit models (via polr in the MASS package)

Anova.polr <- function (mod, type = c("II", "III", 2, 3), ...)
	type <- as.character(type)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if (has.intercept(mod) && length(coef(mod)) == 1 
			&& (type == "2" || type == "II")) {
		type <- "III"
		warning("the model contains only an intercept: Type III test substituted")
			II = Anova.II.polr(mod, ...),
			III = Anova.III.polr(mod, ...),
			"2" = Anova.II.polr(mod, ...),
			"3" = Anova.III.polr(mod, ...))

Anova.II.polr <- function (mod, ...)
  if (!requireNamespace("MASS")) stop("MASS package is missing")
	which.nms <- function(name) which(asgn == which(names ==
	fac <- attr(terms(mod), "factors")
	names <- term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(names)
	X <- model.matrix(mod)
	y <- model.response(model.frame(mod))
	wt <- model.weights(model.frame(mod))
	asgn <- attr(X, "assign")
	p <- LR <- rep(0, n.terms)
	df <- df.terms(mod)
	for (term in 1:n.terms) {
		rels <- names[relatives(names[term], names, fac)]
		exclude.1 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(c(names[term], rels),
		mod.1 <- if (n.terms > 1) polr(y ~ X[, -c(1, exclude.1)], weights=wt)
				else polr(y ~ 1, weights=wt)
		dev.1 <- deviance(mod.1)
		mod.2 <- if (length(rels) == 0)
				else {
					exclude.2 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(rels, which.nms)))
					polr(y ~ X[, -c(1, exclude.2)], weights=wt)
		dev.2 <- deviance(mod.2)
		LR[term] <- dev.1 - dev.2
		p[term] <- pchisq(LR[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE)
	result <- data.frame(LR, df, p)
	row.names(result) <- names
	names(result) <- c("LR Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)\n",
			paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

Anova.III.polr <- function (mod, ...)
  if (!requireNamespace("MASS")) stop("MASS package is missing")
	names <- term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(names)
	X <- model.matrix(mod)
	y <- model.response(model.frame(mod))
	wt <- model.weights(model.frame(mod))
	asgn <- attr(X, "assign")
	p <- LR <- rep(0, n.terms)
	df <- df.terms(mod)
	deviance <- deviance(mod)
	for (term in 1:n.terms) {
		mod.1 <- if (n.terms > 1) polr(y ~ X[, term != asgn][, -1], weights=wt)
				else polr(y ~ 1, weights=wt)
		LR[term] <- deviance(mod.1) - deviance
		p[term] <- pchisq(LR[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE)
	result <- data.frame(LR, df, p)
	row.names(result) <- names
	names(result) <- c("LR Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III tests)\n",
			paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

# multivariate linear models

# the following 3 functions copied from the stats package (not exported from stats)

Pillai <- function (eig, q, df.res) {
    test <- sum(eig/(1 + eig))
    p <- length(eig)
    s <- min(p, q)
    n <- 0.5 * (df.res - p - 1)
    m <- 0.5 * (abs(p - q) - 1)
    tmp1 <- 2 * m + s + 1
    tmp2 <- 2 * n + s + 1
    c(test, (tmp2/tmp1 * test)/(s - test), s * tmp1, s * tmp2)

Wilks <- function (eig, q, df.res) {
    test <- prod(1/(1 + eig))
    p <- length(eig)
    tmp1 <- df.res - 0.5 * (p - q + 1)
    tmp2 <- (p * q - 2)/4
    tmp3 <- p^2 + q^2 - 5
    tmp3 <- if (tmp3 > 0) 
        sqrt(((p * q)^2 - 4)/tmp3)
    else 1
    c(test, ((test^(-1/tmp3) - 1) * (tmp1 * tmp3 - 2 * tmp2))/p/q, 
      p * q, tmp1 * tmp3 - 2 * tmp2)

HL <- function (eig, q, df.res) {
    test <- sum(eig)
    p <- length(eig)
    m <- 0.5 * (abs(p - q) - 1)
    n <- 0.5 * (df.res - p - 1)
    s <- min(p, q)
    tmp1 <- 2 * m + s + 1
    tmp2 <- 2 * (s * n + 1)
    c(test, (tmp2 * test)/s/s/tmp1, s * tmp1, tmp2)

Roy <- function (eig, q, df.res) {
    p <- length(eig)
    test <- max(eig)
    tmp1 <- max(p, q)
    tmp2 <- df.res - tmp1 + q
    c(test, (tmp2 * test)/tmp1, tmp1, tmp2)

has.intercept.mlm <- function (model, ...) 
	any(row.names(coefficients(model)) == "(Intercept)")

Anova.mlm <- function(mod, type=c("II","III", 2, 3), SSPE, error.df, idata, 
		idesign, icontrasts=c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"), imatrix,
		test.statistic=c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy"),...){
	wts <- if (!is.null(mod$weights)) mod$weights else rep(1, nrow(model.matrix(mod)))
	type <- as.character(type)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	test.statistic <- match.arg(test.statistic)
	if (missing(SSPE)) SSPE <- wcrossprod(residuals(mod), w=wts)
	if (missing(idata)) {
		idata <- NULL
		idesign <- NULL
	if (missing(imatrix)) imatrix <- NULL
	error.df <- if (missing(error.df)) df.residual(mod)
			else error.df
			II=Anova.II.mlm(mod, SSPE, error.df, idata, idesign, icontrasts, imatrix, test.statistic, ...),
			III=Anova.III.mlm(mod, SSPE, error.df, idata, idesign, icontrasts, imatrix, test.statistic, ...),
			"2"=Anova.II.mlm(mod, SSPE, error.df, idata, idesign, icontrasts, imatrix, test.statistic, ...),
			"3"=Anova.III.mlm(mod, SSPE, error.df, idata, idesign, icontrasts, imatrix, test.statistic, ...))

Anova.III.mlm <- function(mod, SSPE, error.df, idata, idesign, icontrasts, imatrix, test, ...){
	intercept <- has.intercept(mod)
	V <- solve(crossprod(model.matrix(mod)))
	p <- nrow(coefficients(mod))
	I.p <- diag(p)
	terms <- term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(terms)
	assign <- mod$assign
	if (is.null(idata) && is.null(imatrix)){
		if ((n.terms == 0) && intercept) {
			Test <- linearHypothesis(mod, 1, SSPE=SSPE, ...)
			result <- list(SSP=Test$SSPH, SSPE=SSPE, df=1, error.df=error.df,
					terms="(Intercept)", repeated=FALSE, type="III", test=test)
			class(result) <- "Anova.mlm"
		SSP <- as.list(rep(0, n.terms))
		df <- rep(0, n.terms)
		names(df) <- names(SSP) <- terms
		for (term in 1:n.terms){
			subs <- which(assign == term - intercept)
			hyp.matrix <- I.p[subs,,drop=FALSE]
			Test <- linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix, SSPE=SSPE, ...)
			SSP[[term]] <- Test$SSPH
			df[term]<- length(subs)
		result <- list(SSP=SSP, SSPE=SSPE, df=df, error.df=error.df, terms=terms,
				repeated=FALSE, type="III", test=test)
	else {
		if (!is.null(imatrix)){
			X.design <- do.call(cbind, imatrix)
			ncols <- sapply(imatrix, ncol)
			end <- cumsum(ncols)
			start <- c(1, (end + 1))[-(length(end) + 1)]
			cols <- mapply(seq, from=start, to=end)
			iterms <- names(end)
			names(cols) <- iterms
			check.imatrix(X.design, iterms)
		else {
			if (is.null(idesign)) stop("idesign (intra-subject design) missing.")
			for (i in 1:length(idata)){
				if (is.null(attr(idata[,i], "contrasts"))){
					contrasts(idata[,i]) <- if (is.ordered(idata[,i])) icontrasts[2]
							else icontrasts[1]
			X.design <- model.matrix(idesign, data=idata)
			i.intercept <- has.intercept(X.design)
			iterms <- term.names(idesign)
			if (i.intercept) iterms <- c("(Intercept)", iterms)
		df <- rep(0, n.terms*length(iterms))
		hnames <- rep("", length(df))
		P <- SSPEH <- SSP <- as.list(df)
		i <- 0
		for (iterm in iterms){
			for (term in 1:n.terms){
				subs <- which(assign == term - intercept)
				hyp.matrix <- I.p[subs,,drop=FALSE]
				i <- i + 1
				Test <- linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix, SSPE=SSPE, 
						idata=idata, idesign=idesign, icontrasts=icontrasts, iterms=iterm, 
						check.imatrix=FALSE, P=imatrix[[iterm]], singular.ok=TRUE, ...)
				SSP[[i]] <- Test$SSPH
				SSPEH[[i]] <- Test$SSPE
				P[[i]] <- Test$P
				df[i] <- length(subs)
				hnames[i] <- if (iterm == "(Intercept)") terms[term]
						else if (terms[term] == "(Intercept)") iterm
						else paste(terms[term], ":", iterm, sep="")
		names(df) <- names(SSP) <- names(SSPEH) <- names(P) <- hnames
		result <- list(SSP=SSP, SSPE=SSPEH, P=P, df=df, error.df=error.df,
				terms=hnames, repeated=TRUE, type="III", test=test, 
				idata=idata, idesign=idesign, icontrasts=icontrasts, imatrix=imatrix,
	class(result) <- "Anova.mlm"

Anova.II.mlm <- function(mod, SSPE, error.df, idata, idesign, icontrasts, imatrix, test, ...){
	wts <- if (!is.null(mod$weights)) mod$weights else rep(1, nrow(model.matrix(mod)))
	V <- solve(wcrossprod(model.matrix(mod), w=wts))
	SSP.term <- function(term, iterm){
		which.term <- which(term == terms)
		subs.term <- which(assign == which.term)
		relatives <- relatives(term, terms, fac)
		subs.relatives <- NULL
		for (relative in relatives) subs.relatives <- c(subs.relatives, which(assign==relative))
		hyp.matrix.1 <- I.p[subs.relatives,,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.2 <- I.p[c(subs.relatives, subs.term),,drop=FALSE]
		if (missing(iterm)){
			SSP1 <- if (length(subs.relatives) == 0) 0 
					else linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix.1, SSPE=SSPE, V=V, singular.ok=TRUE, ...)$SSPH
			SSP2 <- linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix.2, SSPE=SSPE, V=V, singular.ok=TRUE, ...)$SSPH
			return(SSP2 - SSP1)
		else {
			SSP1 <- if (length(subs.relatives) == 0) 0 
					else linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix.1, SSPE=SSPE, V=V, 
								idata=idata, idesign=idesign, iterms=iterm, icontrasts=icontrasts, P=imatrix[[iterm]], singular.ok=TRUE, ...)$SSPH
			lh2 <- linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix.2, SSPE=SSPE, V=V, 
					idata=idata, idesign=idesign, iterms=iterm, icontrasts=icontrasts, P=imatrix[[iterm]], singular.ok=TRUE, ...)
			return(list(SSP = lh2$SSPH - SSP1, SSPE=lh2$SSPE, P=lh2$P, singular=lh2$singular))
	fac <- attr(terms(mod), "factors")
	intercept <- has.intercept(mod)
	p <- nrow(coefficients(mod))
	I.p <- diag(p)
	assign <- mod$assign
	terms <- term.names(mod)
	if (intercept) terms <- terms[-1]
	n.terms <- length(terms)
	if (n.terms == 0){
		message("Note: model has only an intercept; equivalent type-III tests substituted.")
		return(Anova.III.mlm(mod, SSPE, error.df, idata, idesign, icontrasts, imatrix, test, ...))
	if (is.null(idata) && is.null(imatrix)){
		SSP <- as.list(rep(0, n.terms))
		df <- rep(0, n.terms)
		names(df) <- names(SSP) <- terms
		for (i in 1:n.terms){
			SSP[[i]] <- SSP.term(terms[i])
			df[i]<- df.terms(mod, terms[i])
		result <- list(SSP=SSP, SSPE=SSPE, df=df, error.df=error.df, terms=terms,
				repeated=FALSE, type="II", test=test)
	else {
		if (!is.null(imatrix)){
			X.design <- do.call(cbind, imatrix)
			ncols <- sapply(imatrix, ncol)
			end <- cumsum(ncols)
			start <- c(1, (end + 1))[-(length(end) + 1)]
			cols <- mapply(seq, from=start, to=end)
			iterms <- names(end)
			names(cols) <- iterms
			check.imatrix(X.design, iterms)     
		else {
			if (is.null(idesign)) stop("idesign (intra-subject design) missing.")
			for (i in 1:length(idata)){
				if (is.null(attr(idata[,i], "contrasts"))){
					contrasts(idata[,i]) <- if (is.ordered(idata[,i])) icontrasts[2]
							else icontrasts[1]
			X.design <- model.matrix(idesign, data=idata)
			iintercept <- has.intercept(X.design)
			iterms <- term.names(idesign)
			if (iintercept) iterms <- c("(Intercept)", iterms)
		df <- rep(0, (n.terms + intercept)*length(iterms))
		hnames <- rep("", length(df))
		P <- SSPEH <- SSP <- as.list(df)
		i <- 0
		for (iterm in iterms){
			if (intercept){
				i <- i + 1
				hyp.matrix.1 <- I.p[-1,,drop=FALSE]
				SSP1 <- linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix.1, SSPE=SSPE, V=V, 
						idata=idata, idesign=idesign, iterms=iterm, icontrasts=icontrasts, 
						check.imatrix=FALSE, P=imatrix[[iterm]], singular.ok=TRUE, ...)$SSPH
				lh2 <- linearHypothesis(mod, I.p, SSPE=SSPE, V=V, 
						idata=idata, idesign=idesign, iterms=iterm, icontrasts=icontrasts, 
						check.imatrix=FALSE, P=imatrix[[iterm]], singular.ok=TRUE, ...)
				SSP[[i]] <- lh2$SSPH - SSP1
				SSPEH[[i]] <- lh2$SSPE
				P[[i]] <- lh2$P
				df[i] <- 1
				hnames[i] <- iterm
			for (term in 1:n.terms){
				subs <- which(assign == term)
				i <- i + 1
				Test <- SSP.term(terms[term], iterm)
				SSP[[i]] <- Test$SSP
				SSPEH[[i]] <- Test$SSPE
				P[[i]] <- Test$P
				df[i]<- length(subs)
				hnames[i] <- if (iterm == "(Intercept)") terms[term]
						else paste(terms[term], ":", iterm, sep="")
		names(df) <- names(P) <- names(SSP) <- names(SSPEH) <- hnames
		result <- list(SSP=SSP, SSPE=SSPEH, P=P, df=df, error.df=error.df,
				terms=hnames, repeated=TRUE, type="II", test=test,
				idata=idata, idesign=idesign, icontrasts=icontrasts, imatrix=imatrix,
	class(result) <- "Anova.mlm"

print.Anova.mlm <- function(x, ...){
	if ((!is.null(x$singular)) && x$singular) stop("singular error SSP matrix; multivariate tests unavailable\ntry summary(object, multivariate=FALSE)")
	test <- x$test
	repeated <- x$repeated
	ntests <- length(x$terms)
	tests <- matrix(NA, ntests, 4)
	if (!repeated) SSPE.qr <- qr(x$SSPE) 
	for (term in 1:ntests){
		# some of the code here adapted from stats:::summary.manova
		eigs <- Re(eigen(qr.coef(if (repeated) qr(x$SSPE[[term]]) else SSPE.qr,
								x$SSP[[term]]), symmetric = FALSE)$values)
		tests[term, 1:4] <- switch(test,
				Pillai = Pillai(eigs, x$df[term], x$error.df),
				Wilks = Wilks(eigs, x$df[term], x$error.df),
				"Hotelling-Lawley" = HL(eigs, x$df[term], x$error.df),
				Roy = Roy(eigs, x$df[term], x$error.df))
	ok <- tests[, 2] >= 0 & tests[, 3] > 0 & tests[, 4] > 0
	ok <- !is.na(ok) & ok
	tests <- cbind(x$df, tests, pf(tests[ok, 2], tests[ok, 3], tests[ok, 4], 
					lower.tail = FALSE))
	rownames(tests) <- x$terms
	colnames(tests) <- c("Df", "test stat", "approx F", "num Df", "den Df", "Pr(>F)")
	tests <- structure(as.data.frame(tests), 
			heading = paste("\nType ", x$type, if (repeated) " Repeated Measures",
					" MANOVA Tests: ", test, " test statistic", sep=""), 
			class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

# path <-  "D:/R-package-sources/car/R"
# files <- list.files(path, pattern=".*\\.R")
# files <- paste(path, files, sep="/")
# for (file in files) source(file)

# summary.Anova.mlm and print.summary.Anova.mlm methods
#  with contributions from Gabriel Baud-Bovy
summary.Anova.mlm <- function (object, test.statistic, univariate=object$repeated, multivariate=TRUE, p.adjust.method, ...) {
    GG <- function(SSPE, P) { # Greenhouse-Geisser correction
        p <- nrow(SSPE)
        if (p < 2) 
        lambda <- eigen(SSPE %*% solve(t(P) %*% P))$values
        lambda <- lambda[lambda > 0]
    HF <- function(gg, error.df, p) { # Huynh-Feldt correction
        ((error.df + 1) * p * gg - 2)/(p * (error.df - p * gg))
    mauchly <- function(SSD, P, df) {
        # most of this function borrowed from stats:::mauchly.test.SSD
        if (nrow(SSD) < 2) 
            return(c(NA, NA))
        Tr <- function(X) sum(diag(X))
        p <- nrow(P)
        I <- diag(p)
        Psi <- t(P) %*% I %*% P
        B <- SSD
        pp <- nrow(SSD)
        U <- solve(Psi, B)
        n <- df
        logW <- log(det(U)) - pp * log(Tr(U/pp))
        rho <- 1 - (2 * pp^2 + pp + 2)/(6 * pp * n)
        w2 <- (pp + 2) * (pp - 1) * (pp - 2) * (2 * pp^3 + 6 * 
                pp^2 + 3 * p + 2)/(288 * (n * pp * rho)^2)
        z <- -n * rho * logW
        f <- pp * (pp + 1)/2 - 1
        Pr1 <- pchisq(z, f, lower.tail = FALSE)
        Pr2 <- pchisq(z, f + 4, lower.tail = FALSE)
        pval <- Pr1 + w2 * (Pr2 - Pr1)
        c(statistic = c(W = exp(logW)), p.value = pval)
    if (missing(test.statistic)) 
        test.statistic <- c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy")
    test.statistic <- match.arg(test.statistic, c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy"), several.ok = TRUE)
    nterms <- length(object$terms)
    summary.object <- list(type=object$type, repeated=object$repeated, 
        multivariate.tests=NULL, univariate.tests=NULL, 
        pval.adjustments=NULL, sphericity.tests=NULL)
    if (multivariate){
        summary.object$multivariate.tests <- vector(nterms, mode="list")
        names(summary.object$multivariate.tests) <- object$terms 
        summary.object$SSPE <- object$SSPE
        for (term in 1:nterms) {
            hyp <- list(SSPH = object$SSP[[term]], 
                SSPE = if (object$repeated) object$SSPE[[term]] else object$SSPE, 
                P = if (object$repeated) object$P[[term]] else NULL, 
                test = test.statistic, df = object$df[term], 
                df.residual = object$error.df, title = object$terms[term])
            class(hyp) <- "linearHypothesis.mlm"
            summary.object$multivariate.tests[[term]] <- hyp
    if (object$repeated && univariate) {
        singular <- object$singular
        error.df <- object$error.df
        table <- matrix(0, nterms, 6)
        table2 <- matrix(0, nterms, 4)
        table3 <- matrix(0, nterms, 2)
        rownames(table3) <- rownames(table2) <- rownames(table) <- object$terms
        colnames(table) <- c("SS", "num Df", "Error SS", "den Df", "F", "Pr(>F)")
        colnames(table2) <- c("GG eps", "Pr(>F[GG])", "HF eps","Pr(>F[HF])")
        colnames(table3) <- c("Test statistic", "p-value")
        if (singular) 
            warning("Singular error SSP matrix:\nnon-sphericity test and corrections not available")
        for (term in 1:nterms) {
            SSP <- object$SSP[[term]]
            SSPE <- object$SSPE[[term]]
            P <- object$P[[term]]
            p <- ncol(P)
            PtPinv <- solve(t(P) %*% P)
            gg <- if (!singular) GG(SSPE, P) else NA
            table[term, "SS"] <- sum(diag(SSP %*% PtPinv))
            table[term, "Error SS"] <- sum(diag(SSPE %*% PtPinv))
            table[term, "num Df"] <- object$df[term] * p
            table[term, "den Df"] <- error.df * p
            table[term, "F"] <- (table[term, "SS"]/table[term, "num Df"])/
                (table[term, "Error SS"]/table[term, "den Df"])
            table[term, "Pr(>F)"] <- pf(table[term, "F"], table[term, "num Df"], table[term, "den Df"], 
                lower.tail = FALSE)
            table2[term, "GG eps"] <- gg
            table2[term, "HF eps"] <- if (!singular) HF(gg, error.df, p) else NA
            table3[term, ] <- if (!singular) mauchly(SSPE, P, object$error.df) else NA
        table3 <- na.omit(table3)
        if (nrow(table3) > 0) {
            table2[, "Pr(>F[GG])"] <- pf(table[, "F"], table2[, "GG eps"] * 
                    table[, "num Df"], table2[, "GG eps"] * table[, "den Df"], 
                lower.tail = FALSE)
            table2[, "Pr(>F[HF])"] <- pf(table[, "F"], pmin(1, table2[, "HF eps"]) * 
                    table[, "num Df"], pmin(1, table2[, "HF eps"]) * table[, "den Df"], 
                lower.tail = FALSE)
            table2 <- na.omit(table2)
            if (any(table2[, "HF eps"] > 1)) warning("HF eps > 1 treated as 1")
        class(table3) <- class(table) <- "anova"
        summary.object$univariate.tests <- table
        summary.object$pval.adjustments <- table2
        summary.object$sphericity.tests <- table3
    if (!object$repeated && univariate) {
      SS <- sapply(object$SSP, diag)
      SSE <- diag(object$SSPE)
      df <- object$df
      dfe <- object$error.df
      F <- (SS/df)/(SSE/dfe)
      SS <- cbind(SS, residuals=SSE)
      SS <- rbind(df=c(df, residuals=dfe), SS)
      p <- pf(F, df, dfe, lower.tail=FALSE)
      result <- list(SS=t(SS), F=t(F), p=t(p), type=object$type)
      if (!missing(p.adjust.method)){
        if (isTRUE(p.adjust.method)) p.adjust.method <- "holm"
        p.adj <- apply(p, 2, p.adjust, method=p.adjust.method)
        result$p.adjust <- t(p.adj)
        result$p.adjust.method <- p.adjust.method
      class(result) = "univaov"
      summary.object$univaov <- result
    class(summary.object) <- "summary.Anova.mlm"

print.summary.Anova.mlm <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), SSP=TRUE, SSPE=SSP, ... ) {
    if (!is.null(x$multivariate.tests)) {
        cat(paste("\nType ", x$type, if (x$repeated) 
            " Repeated Measures", " MANOVA Tests:\n", sep = ""))
        if ((!x$repeated) && SSPE) {
            cat("\nSum of squares and products for error:\n")
            print(x$SSPE, digits = digits)
        for (term in 1:length(x$multivariate.tests)) {
                "\nTerm:", names(x$multivariate.tests)[term], "\n"))
            print(x$multivariate.tests[[term]], digits = digits, SSP=SSP, SSPE=FALSE, ...)
    if  (!is.null(x$univariate.tests)) {
        cat("\nUnivariate Type", x$type, "Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity\n\n")
        if (nrow(x$sphericity.tests) > 0) {
            cat("\n\nMauchly Tests for Sphericity\n\n")
            cat("\n\nGreenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections\n", 
                "for Departure from Sphericity\n\n")
            table <- x$pval.adjustments[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
            class(table) <- "anova"
            table <- x$pval.adjustments[, 3:4, drop = FALSE]
    if (!is.null(x$univaov)){
      print(x$univaov, ...)

print.univaov <- function(x, digits = max(getOption("digits") - 2L, 3L), 
                          style=c("wide", "long"), 
                          by=c("response", "term"),
  style <- match.arg(style)
  if (style == "wide") {
    cat("\n Type", x$type, "Sums of Squares\n")
    print(x$SS, digits=digits)
    cat("\n F-tests\n")
    F <- x$F
    print(round(F, 2))
    cat("\n p-values\n")
    p <- format.pval(x$p)
    p <- matrix(p, nrow=nrow(F))
    rownames(p) <- rownames(F)
    colnames(p) <- colnames(F)
    print(p, quote=FALSE)
    if (!is.null(x$p.adjust)){
      cat("\n p-values adjusted (by term) for simultaneous inference by", x$p.adjust.method, "method\n")
      p.adjust <- format.pval(x$p.adjust)
      p.adjust <- matrix(p.adjust, nrow=nrow(F))
      rownames(p.adjust) <- rownames(F)
      colnames(p.adjust) <- colnames(F)
      print(p.adjust, quote=FALSE)
  else {
    x.df <- as.data.frame(x, by=by)
    x.df$F <- round(x.df$F, 2)
    x.df$p <- format.pval(x.df$p)
    if (!is.null(x$p.adjust)) x.df$"adjusted p" <- format.pval(x.df$"adjusted p")
    cat("\n Type", x$type, "Sums of Squares and F tests\n")
    print(x.df, quote=FALSE, digits=digits)

as.data.frame.univaov <- function(x, row.names, optional, by=c("response", "term"), ...) {
  melt <- function(data, varnames = names(dimnames(data)), value.name = "value") {
    dn <- dimnames(data)
    labels <- expand.grid( dn[[1]], dn[[2]])
    colnames(labels) <- varnames
    value_df <- setNames(data.frame(as.vector(data)), value.name)
    cbind(labels, value_df)
  nv <- ncol(x$F)
  nt <- nrow(x$F)
  by <- match.arg(by)
  if (by=="response") {
    vn <- c("term", "response")
    df <- matrix(x$SS[1:nt, "df", drop=FALSE], nrow=nt, ncol=nv)
    SS <- melt(x$SS[1:nt, -1, drop=FALSE], varnames=vn, value.name="SS")	
    F <- melt(x$F, varnames=vn, value.name="F")
    p <- melt(x$p, varnames=vn, value.name="p")
    if (!is.null(x$p.adjust)) p.adjust <- melt(x$p.adjust, varnames=vn, value.name="adjusted p")
  else {
    vn <- rev(c("term", "response"))
    df <- t(matrix(x$SS[1:nt, "df", drop=FALSE], nrow=nt, ncol=nv))
    SS <- melt(t(x$SS[1:nt, -1, drop=FALSE]), varnames=vn, value.name="SS")	
    F <- melt(t(x$F), varnames=vn, value.name="F")
    p <- melt(t(x$p), varnames=vn, value.name="p")
    if (!is.null(x$p.adjust)) p.adjust <- melt(x$p.adjust, varnames=vn, value.name="adjusted p")
  result <- cbind(SS[,c(2,1,3)], df=c(df), F=F[,"F"], p=p[,"p"])
  if (!is.null(x$p.adjust)) result <- cbind(result, "adjusted p"=p.adjust[, "adjusted p"])

Anova.manova <- function(mod, ...){
	class(mod) <- c("mlm", "lm")
	Anova(mod, ...)

Manova <- function(mod, ...){

Manova.mlm <- function(mod, ...){
	Anova(mod, ...)

# Cox regression models

df.residual.coxph <- function(object, ...){    
	object$n - sum(!is.na(coef(object)))

alias.coxph <- function(model){
	if(any(which <- is.na(coef(model)))) return(list(Complete=which))
	else list()

logLik.coxph <- function(object, ...) object$loglik[2]

Anova.coxph <- function(mod, type=c("II","III", 2, 3), test.statistic=c("LR", "Wald"), ...){
	type <- as.character(type)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	test.statistic <- match.arg(test.statistic)
	if (length((mod$rscore) > 0) && (test.statistic == "LR")){ 
		warning("LR tests unavailable with robust variances\nWald tests substituted")
		test.statistic <- "Wald"
					Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="II", test.statistic="Chisq", vcov.=vcov(mod))),
					Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="III", test.statistic="Chisq", vcov.=vcov(mod))),
					Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="II", test.statistic="Chisq", vcov.=vcov(mod))),
					Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="III", test.statistic="Chisq", vcov.=vcov(mod))))

Anova.II.LR.coxph <- function(mod, ...){
  if (!requireNamespace("survival")) stop("survival package is missing")
	which.nms <- function(name) which(asgn == which(names == name))
	fac <-attr(terms(mod), "factors")
	names <- term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(names)
	if (n.terms < 2) return(anova(mod, test="Chisq"))
	method <- mod$method
	X <- model.matrix(mod)
	asgn <- attr(X, 'assign')
	p <- LR <- rep(0, n.terms)
	df <- df.terms(mod)
	for (term in 1:n.terms){
		rels <- names[relatives(names[term], names, fac)]
		exclude.1 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(c(names[term], rels), which.nms)))
		mod.1 <- survival::coxph(mod$y ~ X[, -exclude.1, drop = FALSE], method=method)
		loglik.1 <- logLik(mod.1)
		mod.2 <- if (length(rels) == 0) mod
				else {
					exclude.2 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(rels, which.nms)))
					survival::coxph(mod$y ~ X[, -exclude.2, drop = FALSE], method=method)
		loglik.2 <- logLik(mod.2)
		LR[term] <- -2*(loglik.1 - loglik.2)
		p[term] <- pchisq(LR[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE)
	result <- data.frame(LR, df, p)
	row.names(result) <- names
	names(result) <- c("LR Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- "Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)"

Anova.III.LR.coxph <- function(mod, ...){
  if (!requireNamespace("survival")) stop("survival package is missing")
	which.nms <- function(name) which(asgn == which(names == name))
	fac <-attr(terms(mod), "factors")
	names <- term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(names)
	if (n.terms < 2) return(anova(mod, test="Chisq"))
	method <- mod$method
	X <- model.matrix(mod)
	asgn <- attr(X, 'assign')
	df <- df.terms(mod)
	LR <- p <- rep(0, n.terms)
	loglik1 <- logLik(mod)
	for (term in 1:n.terms){
		mod.0 <- survival::coxph(mod$y ~ X[, -which.nms(names[term])], method=method)
		LR[term] <- -2*(logLik(mod.0) - loglik1)
		p[term] <- pchisq(LR[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE)
	result <- data.frame(LR, df, p)
	row.names(result) <- names
	names(result) <- c("LR Chisq", "Df","Pr(>Chisq)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result,"heading") <- "Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III tests)"

# parametric survival regression models

alias.survreg <- function(model){
	if(any(which <- diag(vcov(model)) < 1e-10)) return(list(Complete=which))
	else list()

logLik.survreg <- function(object, ...) object$loglik[2]

Anova.survreg <- function(mod, type=c("II","III", 2, 3), test.statistic=c("LR", "Wald"), ...){
	type <- as.character(type)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	test.statistic <- match.arg(test.statistic)
	if (length((mod$rscore) > 0) && (test.statistic == "LR")){ 
		warning("LR tests unavailable with robust variances\nWald tests substituted")
		test.statistic <- "Wald"

Anova.II.LR.survreg <- function(mod, ...){
  if (!requireNamespace("survival")) stop("survival package is missing")
  dist <- mod$dist
  scale <- mod$call$scale
  weights <- model.frame(mod)$"(weights)"
  arg.list <- list(dist=dist)
  if (!is.null(scale)) arg.list$scale <- scale
  if (!is.null(weights)) arg.list$weights <- weights
  which.nms <- function(name) which(asgn == which(names == name))
  fac <-attr(terms(mod), "factors")
  names <- term.names(mod)
  X <- model.matrix(mod)
  asgn <- attr(X, 'assign')
  asgn <- asgn[asgn != 0]
  if (has.intercept(mod)){
    int <- which(names == "(Intercept)")
    X <- X[, -int]
    names <- names[-int]
  n.terms <- length(names)
  if (n.terms < 2) return(anova(mod))
  p <- LR <- rep(0, n.terms)
  df <- df.terms(mod)
  y <- model.frame(mod)[,1]
  for (term in 1:n.terms){
    rels <- names[relatives(names[term], names, fac)]
    exclude.1 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(c(names[term], rels), which.nms)))
    arg.list$formula <- y ~ X[, -exclude.1, drop = FALSE]
    mod.1 <- do.call(survival::survreg, arg.list)
    #    mod.1 <- survival::survreg(y ~ X[, -exclude.1, drop = FALSE])
    loglik.1 <- logLik(mod.1)
    mod.2 <- if (length(rels) == 0) mod
    else {
      arg.list$formula <- y ~ X[, -exclude.2, drop = FALSE]
      exclude.2 <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(rels, which.nms)))
      do.call(survival::survreg, arg.list)     
      #     survival::survreg(y ~ X[, -exclude.2, drop = FALSE])
    loglik.2 <- logLik(mod.2)
    LR[term] <- -2*(loglik.1 - loglik.2)
    p[term] <- pchisq(LR[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE)
  result <- data.frame(LR, df, p)
  row.names(result) <- names
  names(result) <- c("LR Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
  class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
  attr(result, "heading") <- "Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)"

Anova.III.LR.survreg <- function(mod, ...){
  if (!requireNamespace("survival")) stop("survival package is missing")
  dist <- mod$dist
  scale <- mod$call$scale
  weights <- model.frame(mod)$"(weights)"
  arg.list <- list(dist=dist)
  if (!is.null(scale)) arg.list$scale <- scale
  if (!is.null(weights)) arg.list$weights <- weights
  which.nms <- function(name) which(asgn == which(names == name))
  fac <-attr(terms(mod), "factors")
  names <- term.names(mod)
  X <- model.matrix(mod)
  asgn <- attr(X, 'assign')
  asgn <- asgn[asgn != 0]
  if (has.intercept(mod)){
    int <- which(names == "(Intercept)")
    X <- X[, -int]
    names <- names[-int]
  n.terms <- length(names)
  if (n.terms < 2) return(anova(mod))
  p <- LR <- rep(0, n.terms)
  df <- df.terms(mod)
  y <- model.frame(mod)[,1]
  loglik1 <- logLik(mod)
  for (term in 1:n.terms){
    arg.list$formula <- y ~ X[, -which.nms(names[term])]
    mod.0 <- do.call(survival::survreg, arg.list)
    #    mod.0 <- survival::survreg(y ~ X[, -which.nms(names[term])])
    LR[term] <- -2*(logLik(mod.0) - loglik1)
    p[term] <- pchisq(LR[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE)
  result <- data.frame(LR, df, p)
  row.names(result) <- names
  names(result) <- c("LR Chisq", "Df","Pr(>Chisq)")
  class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
  attr(result,"heading") <- "Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III tests)"

Anova.II.Wald.survreg <- function(mod){
	V <- vcov(mod)
	p <- which(rownames(V) == "Log(scale)")
	if (length(p) > 0) V <- V[-p, -p]
	Anova.II.default(mod, V, test="Chisq")

Anova.III.Wald.survreg <- function(mod){
	V <- vcov(mod)
	p <- which(rownames(V) == "Log(scale)")
	if (length(p) > 0) V <- V[-p, -p]
	Anova.III.default(mod, V, test="Chisq")

# Default Anova() method: requires methods for vcov() (if vcov. argument not specified) and coef().

Anova.default <- function(mod, type=c("II","III", 2, 3), test.statistic=c("Chisq", "F"), 
		vcov.=vcov(mod), singular.ok, ...){
    if (is.function(vcov.)) vcov. <- vcov.(mod)
	type <- as.character(type)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	test.statistic <- match.arg(test.statistic)
	if (missing(singular.ok))
		singular.ok <- type == "2" || type == "II"
			II=Anova.II.default(mod, vcov., test.statistic, singular.ok=singular.ok),
			III=Anova.III.default(mod, vcov., test.statistic, singular.ok=singular.ok),
			"2"=Anova.II.default(mod, vcov., test.statistic, singular.ok=singular.ok),
			"3"=Anova.III.default(mod, vcov., test.statistic, singular.ok=singular.ok))

assignVector <- function(model){
    m <- model.matrix(model)
    assign <- attr(m, "assign")
    if (!is.null(assign)) return (assign)
    m <- model.matrix(formula(model), data=model.frame(model))
    assign <- attr(m, "assign")
    if (!has.intercept(model)) assign <- assign[assign != 0]

Anova.II.default <- function(mod, vcov., test, singular.ok=TRUE, ...){
	hyp.term <- function(term){
		which.term <- which(term==names)
		subs.term <- if (is.list(assign)) assign[[which.term]] else which(assign == which.term)
		relatives <- relatives(term, names, fac)
		subs.relatives <- NULL
		for (relative in relatives){
		    sr <- if (is.list(assign)) assign[[relative]] else which(assign == relative)
			subs.relatives <- c(subs.relatives, sr)
		hyp.matrix.1 <- I.p[subs.relatives,,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.1 <- hyp.matrix.1[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.2 <- I.p[c(subs.relatives,subs.term),,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.2 <- hyp.matrix.2[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]       
		hyp.matrix.term <- if (nrow(hyp.matrix.1) == 0) hyp.matrix.2
				else t(ConjComp(t(hyp.matrix.1), t(hyp.matrix.2), vcov.))            
		hyp.matrix.term <- hyp.matrix.term[!apply(hyp.matrix.term, 1, 
						function(x) all(x == 0)), , drop=FALSE]
		if (nrow(hyp.matrix.term) == 0)
			return(c(statistic=NA, df=0))            
		hyp <- linearHypothesis.default(mod, hyp.matrix.term, 
				vcov.=vcov., test=test, singular.ok=singular.ok, ...)
		if (test=="Chisq") c(statistic=hyp$Chisq[2], df=hyp$Df[2])
		else c(statistic=hyp$F[2], df=hyp$Df[2])
	not.aliased <- !is.na(coef(mod))
	if (!singular.ok && !all(not.aliased))
		stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
	fac <- attr(terms(mod), "factors")
	intercept <- has.intercept(mod)
	p <- length(coefficients(mod))
	I.p <- diag(p)
	assign <- assignVector(mod) # attr(model.matrix(mod), "assign")
	if (!is.list(assign)) assign[!not.aliased] <- NA
	else if (intercept) assign <- assign[-1]
	names <- term.names(mod)
	if (intercept) names <- names[-1]
	n.terms <- length(names)
	df <- c(rep(0, n.terms), df.residual(mod))
	if (inherits(mod, "coxph")){
		assign <- assign[assign != 0]
		clusters <- grep("^cluster\\(", names)
		if (length(clusters) > 0) {
			names <- names[-clusters]
			df <- df[-clusters]
			n.terms <- n.terms - length(clusters)
#	if (inherits(mod, "plm")) assign <- assign[assign != 0]
	p <- teststat <- rep(0, n.terms + 1)
	teststat[n.terms + 1] <- p[n.terms + 1] <- NA
	for (i in 1:n.terms){
		hyp <- hyp.term(names[i])
		teststat[i] <- abs(hyp["statistic"])
		df[i] <- abs(hyp["df"])
		p[i] <- if (test == "Chisq") 
					pchisq(teststat[i], df[i], lower.tail=FALSE) 
				else pf(teststat[i], df[i], df[n.terms + 1], lower.tail=FALSE)
	result <- if (test == "Chisq"){ 
	    if (length(df) == n.terms + 1) df <- df[1:n.terms]
	    data.frame(df, teststat[!is.na(teststat)], p[!is.na(teststat)])
	else data.frame(df, teststat, p)
	if (nrow(result) == length(names) + 1) names <- c(names,"Residuals")
	row.names(result) <- names
	names(result) <- c ("Df", test, if (test == "Chisq") "Pr(>Chisq)" 
					else "Pr(>F)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)\n", 
			paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

Anova.III.default <- function(mod, vcov., test, singular.ok=FALSE, ...){
	intercept <- has.intercept(mod)
	p <- length(coefficients(mod))
	I.p <- diag(p)
	names <- term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(names)
	assign <- assignVector(mod) # attr(model.matrix(mod), "assign")
	df <- c(rep(0, n.terms), df.residual(mod))
	if (inherits(mod, "coxph")){
		if (intercept) names <- names[-1]
		assign <- assign[assign != 0]
		clusters <- grep("^cluster\\(", names)
		if (length(clusters) > 0) {
			names <- names[-clusters]
			df <- df[-clusters]
			n.terms <- n.terms - length(clusters)
#	if (inherits(mod, "plm")) assign <- assign[assign != 0]
	if (intercept) df[1] <- sum(grepl("^\\(Intercept\\)", names(coef(mod))))
	teststat <- rep(0, n.terms + 1)
	p <- rep(0, n.terms + 1)
	teststat[n.terms + 1] <- p[n.terms + 1] <- NA
	not.aliased <- !is.na(coef(mod))
	if (!singular.ok && !all(not.aliased))
		stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
	for (term in 1:n.terms){
		subs <- if (is.list(assign)) assign[[term]] else which(assign == term - intercept)    
		hyp.matrix <- I.p[subs,,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix <- hyp.matrix[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix <- hyp.matrix[!apply(hyp.matrix, 1, function(x) all(x == 0)), , drop=FALSE]        
		if (nrow(hyp.matrix) == 0){
			teststat[term] <- NA
			df[term] <- 0
			p[term] <- NA
		else {
			hyp <- linearHypothesis.default(mod, hyp.matrix, 
					vcov.=vcov., test=test, singular.ok=singular.ok, ...)
			teststat[term] <- if (test=="Chisq") hyp$Chisq[2] else hyp$F[2]
			df[term] <- abs(hyp$Df[2])
			p[term] <- if (test == "Chisq") 
						pchisq(teststat[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE) 
					else pf(teststat[term], df[term], df[n.terms + 1], lower.tail=FALSE)
	result <- if (test == "Chisq"){ 
	    if (length(df) == n.terms + 1) df <- df[1:n.terms]
	    data.frame(df, teststat[!is.na(teststat)], p[!is.na(teststat)])
	else data.frame(df, teststat, p)
	if (nrow(result) == length(names) + 1) names <- c(names,"Residuals")
	row.names(result) <- names
	names(result) <- c ("Df", test, if (test == "Chisq") "Pr(>Chisq)" 
					else "Pr(>F)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III tests)\n", 
			paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

## functions for mixed models

# the following function, not exported, to make car consistent with CRAN and development versions of lme4 and with nlme

fixef <- function (object){
	if (isS4(object)) {
        if (!inherits(object, "merMod")) object@fixef
        else lme4::fixef(object)
    else object$coefficients$fixed

Anova.merMod <- function(mod, type=c("II","III", 2, 3), 
                         test.statistic=c("Chisq", "F"),
                         vcov.=vcov(mod), singular.ok, ...){
    if (is.function(vcov.)) vcov. <- vcov.(mod)
    type <- as.character(type)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    test.statistic <- match.arg(test.statistic)
    if (missing(singular.ok))
        singular.ok <- type == "2" || type == "II"
    Anova.mer(mod=mod, type=type, test.statistic=test.statistic, vcov.=vcov.,
              singular.ok=singular.ok, ...)

Anova.mer <- function(mod, type=c("II","III", 2, 3), test.statistic=c("Chisq", "F"),
		vcov.=vcov(mod), singular.ok, ...){
    if (is.function(vcov.)) vcov. <- vcov.(mod)
	type <- as.character(type)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	test.statistic <- match.arg(test.statistic)
	if (missing(singular.ok))
		singular.ok <- type == "2" || type == "II"
			II=Anova.II.mer(mod, test=test.statistic, vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok),
			III=Anova.III.mer(mod, test=test.statistic,  vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok),
			"2"=Anova.II.mer(mod, test=test.statistic, vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok),
			"3"=Anova.III.mer(mod, test=test.statistic, vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok))

Anova.II.mer <- function(mod, vcov., singular.ok=TRUE, test=c("Chisq", "F"), ...){
	hyp.term <- function(term){
		which.term <- which(term==names)
		subs.term <- which(assign==which.term)
		relatives <- relatives(term, names, fac)
		subs.relatives <- NULL
		for (relative in relatives) 
			subs.relatives <- c(subs.relatives, which(assign==relative))
		hyp.matrix.1 <- I.p[subs.relatives,,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.1 <- hyp.matrix.1[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.2 <- I.p[c(subs.relatives,subs.term),,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.2 <- hyp.matrix.2[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]       
		hyp.matrix.term <- if (nrow(hyp.matrix.1) == 0) hyp.matrix.2
				else t(ConjComp(t(hyp.matrix.1), t(hyp.matrix.2), vcov.))            
		hyp.matrix.term <- hyp.matrix.term[!apply(hyp.matrix.term, 1, 
						function(x) all(x == 0)), , drop=FALSE]
		if (nrow(hyp.matrix.term) == 0)
			return(c(statistic=NA, df=0))            
		hyp <- linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix.term, 
				vcov.=vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok, test=test, ...)
		if (test == "Chisq") return(c(statistic=hyp$Chisq[2], df=hyp$Df[2]))
		else return(c(statistic=hyp$F[2], df=hyp$Df[2], res.df=hyp$Res.Df[2]))
	test <- match.arg(test)
	not.aliased <- !is.na(fixef(mod))
	if (!singular.ok && !all(not.aliased))
		stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
	fac <- attr(terms(mod), "factors")
	intercept <- has.intercept(mod)
	p <- length(fixef(mod))
	I.p <- diag(p)
	if (!missing(vcov.)){
		vcov. <- if (test == "F"){
#					if (!require("pbkrtest")) stop("pbkrtest package required for F-tests on linear mixed model")
					as.matrix(pbkrtest::vcovAdj(mod, details=0))
				else vcov(mod)
	assign <- attr(model.matrix(mod), "assign")
	assign[!not.aliased] <- NA
	names <- term.names(mod)
	if (intercept) names <- names[-1]
	n.terms <- length(names)
	p <- teststat <- df <- res.df <- rep(0, n.terms)
	for (i in 1:n.terms){
		hyp <- hyp.term(names[i])
		teststat[i] <- abs(hyp["statistic"])
		df[i] <- abs(hyp["df"])
		res.df[i] <- hyp["res.df"]
		p[i] <- if (test == "Chisq") pchisq(teststat[i], df[i], lower.tail=FALSE) 
				else pf(teststat[i], df[i], res.df[i], lower.tail=FALSE)
	if (test=="Chisq"){
		result <- data.frame(teststat, df, p)
		row.names(result) <- names
		names(result) <- c ("Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
		class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
		attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II Wald chisquare tests)\n", 
				paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))
	else {
		result <- data.frame(teststat, df, res.df, p)
		row.names(result) <- names
		names(result) <- c ("F", "Df", "Df.res", "Pr(>F)")
		class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
		attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II Wald F tests with Kenward-Roger df)\n", 
				paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

Anova.III.mer <- function(mod, vcov., singular.ok=FALSE, test=c("Chisq", "F"), ...){
	intercept <- has.intercept(mod)
	p <- length(fixef(mod))
	I.p <- diag(p)
	names <- term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(names)
	assign <- attr(model.matrix(mod), "assign")
	p <- teststat <- df <- res.df <- rep(0, n.terms)
	if (intercept) df[1] <- 1
	not.aliased <- !is.na(fixef(mod))
	if (!singular.ok && !all(not.aliased))
		stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
	if (!missing(vcov.)){
		vcov. <- if (test == "F"){
#					if (!require("pbkrtest")) stop("pbkrtest package required for F-tests on linear mixed model")
					as.matrix(pbkrtest::vcovAdj(mod, details=0))
				else vcov(mod)
	for (term in 1:n.terms){
		subs <- which(assign == term - intercept)        
		hyp.matrix <- I.p[subs,,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix <- hyp.matrix[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix <- hyp.matrix[!apply(hyp.matrix, 1, function(x) all(x == 0)), , drop=FALSE]        
		if (nrow(hyp.matrix) == 0){
			teststat[term] <- NA
			df[term] <- 0
			p[term] <- NA
		else {
			hyp <- linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix, test=test,
					vcov.=vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok, ...)
			if (test == "Chisq"){
				teststat[term] <-  hyp$Chisq[2] 
				df[term] <- abs(hyp$Df[2])
				p[term] <- pchisq(teststat[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE) 
				teststat[term] <-  hyp$F[2]
				df[term] <- abs(hyp$Df[2])
				p[term] <- pf(teststat[term], df[term], res.df[term], lower.tail=FALSE)
	if (test == "Chisq"){
		result <- data.frame(teststat, df, p)
		row.names(result) <- names
		names(result) <- c ("Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
		class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
		attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III Wald chisquare tests)\n", 
				paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))
	else {
		result <- data.frame(teststat, df, res.df, p)
		row.names(result) <- names
		names(result) <- c ("F", "Df", "Df.res", "Pr(>F)")
		class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
		attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III Wald F tests with Kenward-Roger df)\n", 
				paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

Anova.lme <- function(mod, type=c("II","III", 2, 3),
		vcov.=vcov(mod), singular.ok, ...){
    if (is.function(vcov.)) vcov. <- vcov.(mod)
	type <- as.character(type)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if (missing(singular.ok))
		singular.ok <- type == "2" || type == "II"
			II=Anova.II.lme(mod, vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok),
			III=Anova.III.lme(mod, vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok),
			"2"=Anova.II.lme(mod, vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok),
			"3"=Anova.III.lme(mod, vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok))

Anova.II.lme <- function(mod, vcov., singular.ok=TRUE, ...){
	hyp.term <- function(term){
		which.term <- which(term==names)
		subs.term <- which(assign==which.term)
		relatives <- relatives(term, names, fac)
		subs.relatives <- NULL
		for (relative in relatives) 
			subs.relatives <- c(subs.relatives, which(assign==relative))
		hyp.matrix.1 <- I.p[subs.relatives,,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.1 <- hyp.matrix.1[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.2 <- I.p[c(subs.relatives,subs.term),,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix.2 <- hyp.matrix.2[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]       
		hyp.matrix.term <- if (nrow(hyp.matrix.1) == 0) hyp.matrix.2
				else t(ConjComp(t(hyp.matrix.1), t(hyp.matrix.2), vcov.))            
		hyp.matrix.term <- hyp.matrix.term[!apply(hyp.matrix.term, 1, 
						function(x) all(x == 0)), , drop=FALSE]
		if (nrow(hyp.matrix.term) == 0)
			return(c(statistic=NA, df=0))            
		hyp <- linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix.term, 
				vcov.=vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok, ...)
		c(statistic=hyp$Chisq[2], df=hyp$Df[2])
	not.aliased <- !is.na(fixef(mod))
	if (!singular.ok && !all(not.aliased))
		stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
	fac <- attr(terms(mod), "factors")
	intercept <- has.intercept(mod)
	p <- length(fixef(mod))
	I.p <- diag(p)
	assign <- attr(model.matrix(mod), "assign")
	assign[!not.aliased] <- NA
	names <- term.names(mod)
	if (intercept) names <- names[-1]
	n.terms <- length(names)
	p <- teststat <- df <- rep(0, n.terms)
	for (i in 1:n.terms){
		hyp <- hyp.term(names[i])
		teststat[i] <- abs(hyp["statistic"])
		df[i] <- abs(hyp["df"])
		p[i] <- pchisq(teststat[i], df[i], lower.tail=FALSE) 
	result <- data.frame(teststat, df, p)
	row.names(result) <- names
	names(result) <- c("Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)\n", 
			paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

Anova.III.lme <- function(mod, vcov., singular.ok=FALSE, ...){
	intercept <- has.intercept(mod)
	p <- length(coefficients(mod))
	I.p <- diag(p)
	names <- term.names(mod)
	n.terms <- length(names)
	assign <- attr(model.matrix(mod), "assign")
	df <- rep(0, n.terms)
	if (intercept) df[1] <- 1
	p <- teststat <-rep(0, n.terms)
	not.aliased <- !is.na(fixef(mod))
	if (!singular.ok && !all(not.aliased))
		stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
	for (term in 1:n.terms){
		subs <- which(assign == term - intercept)        
		hyp.matrix <- I.p[subs,,drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix <- hyp.matrix[, not.aliased, drop=FALSE]
		hyp.matrix <- hyp.matrix[!apply(hyp.matrix, 1, function(x) all(x == 0)), , drop=FALSE]        
		if (nrow(hyp.matrix) == 0){
			teststat[term] <- NA
			df[term] <- 0
			p[term] <- NA
		else {
			hyp <- linearHypothesis(mod, hyp.matrix, 
					vcov.=vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok, ...)
			teststat[term] <-  hyp$Chisq[2] 
			df[term] <- abs(hyp$Df[2])
			p[term] <- pchisq(teststat[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE) 
	result <- data.frame(teststat, df, p)
	row.names(result) <- names
	names(result) <- c ("Chisq",  "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
	class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
	attr(result, "heading") <- c("Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III tests)\n", 
			paste("Response:", responseName(mod)))

Anova.svyglm <- function(mod, ...) Anova.default(mod, ...)

Anova.rlm <- function(mod, ...) Anova.default(mod, test.statistic="F", ...)

Anova.coxme <- function(mod, type=c("II","III", 2, 3), test.statistic=c("Wald", "LR"), ...){
    type <- as.character(type)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    test.statistic <- match.arg(test.statistic)
            LR=Anova.II.LR.coxme(mod, ...),
            Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="II", test.statistic="Chisq", ...)),
            LR=stop("type-III LR tests not available for coxme models"),
            Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="III", test.statistic="Chisq", ...)),
            LR=Anova.II.LR.coxme(mod, ...),
            Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="II", test.statistic="Chisq", ...)),
            LR=stop("type-III LR tests not available for coxme models"),
            Wald=Anova.default(mod, type="III", test.statistic="Chisq")))

Anova.II.LR.coxme <- function(mod, ...){
    if (!requireNamespace("coxme")) stop("coxme package is missing")
    which.nms <- function(name) which(asgn == which(names == name))
    fac <-attr(terms(mod), "factors")
    names <- term.names(mod)
    n.terms <- length(names)
    if (n.terms < 2) return(anova(mod, test="Chisq"))
    X <- model.matrix(mod)
    asgn <- attr(X, 'assign')
    p <- LR <- rep(0, n.terms)
    df <- df.terms(mod)
    random <- mod$formulaList$random
    random <- sapply(random, as.character)[2, ]
    random <- paste(paste0("(", random, ")"), collapse=" + ")
    fixed <- as.character(mod$formulaList$fixed)[3]
    for (term in 1:n.terms){
        rels <- names[relatives(names[term], names, fac)]
        formula <- paste0(". ~ . - ", paste(c(names[term], rels), collapse=" - "), " + ", random)
        mod.1 <- update(mod, as.formula(formula))
        loglik.1 <- logLik(mod.1, type="integrated")
        mod.2 <- if (length(rels) == 0) mod
        else {
            formula <- paste0(". ~ . - ", paste(rels, collapse=" - "), " + ", random)
            update(mod, as.formula(formula))
        loglik.2 <- logLik(mod.2, type="integrated")
        LR[term] <- -2*(loglik.1 - loglik.2)
        p[term] <- pchisq(LR[term], df[term], lower.tail=FALSE)
    result <- data.frame(LR, df, p)
    row.names(result) <- names
    names(result) <- c("LR Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
    class(result) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
    attr(result, "heading") <- "Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)"
jonathon-love/car documentation built on May 19, 2019, 7:28 p.m.