
Defines functions kml_workbook

Documented in kml_workbook

#' Make a KML or KMZ file of receiver and animal release locations
#' Convert standard GLATOS receiver location and animal release data to a 
#' KML (or optionally KMZ) file (e.g., for viewing in Google Earth). 
#' @param wb A \code{glatos_workbook} object created by 
#' \link{read_glatos_workbook}.
#' @param wb_file A character string with path and name of workbook in standard
#'   GLATOS format (*.xlsm). If only file name is given, then the file must be
#'   located in the working directory. File must be a standard GLATOS file
#'   (e.g., \emph{xxxxx_GLATOS_YYYYMMDD.xlsm}) submitted via GLATOSWeb Data
#'   Portal \url{http://glatos.glos.us}.
#' @param receiver_locs \strong{not yet implemented}
#' @param animals \strong{not yet implemented}
#' @param kmz logical; If TRUE, a KMZ file (zipped KML file) will  
#'   be created. Default value is FALSE.
#' @param show_ongoing_recs Indicates if ongoing stations 
#'   (missing recovery timestamp) should be included in result.
#' @param end_date End date (e.g. "YYYY-MM-DD") to be used for any ongoing 
#'   stations (if showOngoing == T). Defaults to current system time.
#' @param out_file File name (path optional) of output file. If path not
#'  specified then file will be written to working directory. Extension 
#'  is not checked against \code{kmz}. Required if \code{wb_file} is NULL. 
#'  If not specified and \code{wb_file} is given, then file will be written
#'  to file with name matching \code{wb_file}.
#' @param wb_version An optional character string with the workbook version
#'   number. Passed to \link{read_glatos_workbook} when input is 
#'   \code{wb_file}.
#' @param ... optional arguments that influence kml/kmz features. Curently 
#' only two options:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{labelSize}}{A numeric scalar with the size of placemark labels 
#'     (only shown when placemark is highlighted by user).}
#'   \item{\code{iconSize}}{A numeric scalar with the size of placemark icons.}
#' }
#' @details
#' Receiver locations will be visible between deployment and recovery 
#' timestamps at each location. Release locations will be displayed when the 
#' display window includes the date of release.
#' @return A KML (and optionally, KMZ) file, written to the directory that 
#'   contains the input GLATOS workbook, or \code{out_file} otherwise. 
#'   Path to output file is returned.
#' @author C. Holbrook \email{cholbrook@usgs.gov}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #get path to example GLATOS Data Workbook
#' wb_file <- system.file("extdata", 
#' "walleye_workbook.xlsm", package = "glatos")
#' #read workbook directly
#' kml_workbook(wb_file = wb_file)
#' #now with bigger label and point and out_file
#' kml_workbook(wb_file = wb_file, labelSize = 20, iconSize = 1, 
#'   out_file = "bigger.kml")
#' #read workbook directly; output kmz
#' kml_workbook(wb_file = wb_file, kmz = TRUE)
#' #get path to example GLATOS Data Workbook
#' wb <- read_glatos_workbook(wb_file)
#' kml_workbook(wb = wb, kmz = TRUE, out_file = "bigger.kmz")
#' }
#' @export
kml_workbook <- function(wb = NULL, wb_file = NULL, receiver_locs = NULL,
  animals = NULL, kmz = FALSE, show_ongoing_recs = TRUE, end_date = NULL, 
  out_file = NULL, wb_version = NULL, ...) {

  #check for features not yet supported
  if(!is.null(animals)) stop("use of 'animals' input not yet supported.")
  if(!is.null(receiver_locs)) stop("use of 'receiver_locs' input not yet supported.")
  #check for correct handling of wb and wb_file
  if(!is.null(wb) & !is.null(wb_file)) stop(paste0("You cannot specify both ",
    "'wb' and 'wb_file'. Specify only one."))

  #check for correct handling of workbook data and animals and receivers
  if((!is.null(wb) | !is.null(wb_file)) & 
      (!is.null(animals) & !is.null(receiver_locs))) stop(paste0("You cannot ",
    "specify 'wb' or 'wb_file' if both 'animals' and 'receiver_locs' \n  ",
    "are specified."))  
  #check for outfile is input is wb
  if(is.null(wb_file) & is.null(out_file)) stop(paste0("'out_file' must be ",
    "specified when 'wb_file = NULL.'"))
  #set default and get optional kml arguments
  kml_args <- list(labelSize = 0.6, iconSize = 0.6)
  args_in <- list(...)
  if(length(args_in) > 0) kml_args[names(args_in)] <- args_in

  #get data from workbook
  if (!is.null(wb_file)) {
    #if workbook is given, check if object or file path/name
    if(file.exists(wb_file)) {
      wb <- glatos::read_glatos_workbook(wb_file, wb_version = wb_version)
    } else {
      stop("Input file '", wb_file, "' does not exist or cannot be accessed.")
      if(!is.null(wb) | !is.null(wb_file)){
      rec_loc <- wb$receivers
      anim <- wb$animals
  #get data from receiver_locs if given
  if(!is.null(receiver_locs)) rec_loc <- receiver_locs

  #get data from animals if given
  if(!is.null(animals)) anim <- animals 
  #check for receiver_locs and animals
  if(!exists("anim")) stop(paste0("This function requires animal data. ",
    "Ensure that animal data exist \n  in an input workbook('wb' or 'wb_file')",
    " or separate input 'animals'."))
  if(!exists("rec_loc")) stop(paste0("This function requires receiver data. ",
    "Ensure that receiver data exist \n  in an input workbook('wb' or 'wb_file')",
    " or separate input 'receiver_locs'."))
  #remove recovery timestamps if show_ongoing_recs = FALSE
  missing_recov <- is.na(rec_loc$recover_date_time)
  if(show_ongoing_recs == FALSE){
    #set end timestamp to current time if absent
    if(is.null(end_date)) { end_date <- Sys.time() } else {
      end_date <- as.POSIXct(end_date, tz = "UTC") }
	  rec_loc <- rec_loc[!missing_recov, ] #omit receivers with no recoveries
  } else { rec_loc$recover_date_date[missing_recov] <- end_date }

	  rec_pos <- data.frame(
  		Folder = "Receivers",
  		Name = with(rec_loc, paste0(glatos_project, "-", glatos_array, "-",  
  		                            station_no, " (", water_body,")")),
  		TimeSpan_start = paste0(gsub(" ", "T", rec_loc$deploy_date_time),
  		TimeSpan_end = paste0(gsub(" ", "T", rec_loc$recover_date_time), 
  		Longitude = rec_loc$deploy_long,
  		Latitude = rec_loc$deploy_lat,
  		stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

	  rec_pos$Altitude <- 0
	  rec_pos$Description <- ""
  #Fish releases
	  #check for missing release_group
	  missing_relgrp <- is.na(anim$release_group)
	  if(any(missing_relgrp)) { 
	    warning(paste0("Some or all values in column '",
	     "release_group' are missing values and have been assigned release date ",
	     "instead."), call. = FALSE)
	    anim$release_group <- format(as.Date(anim$utc_release_date_time))
	  #make table of counts
	  rel_loc <- as.data.frame(table(anim$release_group))
	  names(rel_loc)[1] <- "release_group"
	  rel_loc <- merge(rel_loc,
	    unique(anim[, c("release_group","release_location","release_latitude",
		"release_longitude", "utc_release_date_time")]), by = "release_group")
 	  rel_pos <- data.frame(
  		Folder = "Animal releases",
  		Name = with(rel_loc, paste0(release_location," (",release_group,")")),
  		TimeSpan_start = paste0(gsub(" ", "T", rel_loc$utc_release_date_time), 
  		TimeSpan_end = paste0(gsub(" ", "T", rel_loc$glatos_release_date_time), 
  		Longitude = rel_loc$release_longitude,
  		Latitude = rel_loc$release_latitude,
  		stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

	  rel_pos$Altitude <- 0
	  rel_pos$Description <- ""
  #make KML

  #-kml-specific values
    kmlName <- gsub(".xlsm$|.xlsx$", ".kml", basename(wb_file))
	} else if (!is.null(out_file)) { kmlName = basename(out_file) }

  kmlHead = c(
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
    '<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" xmlns:kml="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">',
    	'<StyleMap id="msn_placemark_circle">',
    	',<Style id="sh_placemark_circle_highlight">',
    	'<Style id="sn_placemark_circle">',
    	'<StyleMap id="msn_placemark_circle_rel">',
    	',<Style id="sh_placemark_circle_highlight_rel">',
    	'<Style id="sn_placemark_circle_rel">',

  #two style maps; one for receivers, second for releases
  stylemaps <- c("msn_placemark_circle","msn_placemark_circle_rel")
  makeKMLBody = function(myFolderName, stylemap, myPoints)
      folderHead = c(

      for (i in 1:nrow(myPoints)){
          if (i==1) pmBody = vector() #empty vector

          pmBody = c(pmBody,
          				with(myPoints, paste('<coordinates>',Longitude[i],',',Latitude[i],',0</coordinates>',sep='')),

      folderBody = c(folderHead,pmBody,'</Folder>')

  #identify number of unique folders
  folders = sort(unique(rec_pos$Folder))

  for(i in 1:length(folders)){
      if(i == 1) folderBody = vector()

      folderBody = c(folderBody, makeKMLBody(folders[i],stylemaps[1],
		                 subset(rec_pos, Folder == folders[i])))
  #add releases
  folderBody = c(folderBody, makeKMLBody(rel_pos$Folder[i], stylemaps[2], 
  kmlFoot = c('</Document>','</kml>')

  kmlOut = c(kmlHead,folderBody,kmlFoot)

  kmlFullName <- ifelse(!is.null(out_file), file.path(
    gsub("\\.", getwd(), dirname(out_file)), basename(out_file)),
    file.path(dirname(wb_file), kmlName))

  write.table(kmlOut, kmlFullName, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
              quote = FALSE)
  if(kmz) zip(gsub(".kml$", ".kmz", kmlFullName), files = kmlFullName)
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.