#' Generate a BSgenome package from the eupathdb.
#' Since we go to the trouble to try and generate nice orgdb/txdb/organismdbi
#' packages, it seems to me that we ought to also be able to make a readable
#' genome package. I should probably use some of the logic from this to make
#' the organismdbi generator smarter.
#' @param entry Single eupathdb metadata entry.
#' @param eu_version Which version of the eupathdb to use for creating the BSGenome?
#' @param build_dir Working directory.
#' @param copy_s3 Copy the 2bit file into an s3 staging directory for copying to AnnotationHub?
#' @param install Install the resulting package?
#' @param reinstall Rewrite an existing package directory.
#' @param ... Extra arguments for downloading metadata when not provided.
#' @return List of package names generated (only 1).
#' @author atb
#' @export
make_eupath_bsgenome <- function(entry, eu_version = NULL, build_dir = "build",
copy_s3 = FALSE, install = TRUE, reinstall = FALSE,
author = NULL, verbose = FALSE, build = TRUE) {
if (is.null(author)) {
author <- "Ashton Trey Belew <abelew@umd.edu>"
if (is.null(entry)) {
stop("Need an entry.")
versions <- get_versions(eu_version = eu_version)
eu_version <- versions[["eu_version"]]
taxa <- make_taxon_names(entry)
pkgnames <- get_eupath_pkgnames(entry, eu_version = eu_version)
pkgname <- pkgnames[["bsgenome"]]
if (pkgname %in% installed.packages() & !isTRUE(reinstall)) {
message(" ", pkgname, " is already installed.")
retlist <- list(
"bsgenome_name" = pkgname)
## Check that a directory exists to leave the final package
build_dir <- file.path(build_dir)
if (!file.exists(build_dir)) {
tt <- dir.create(build_dir, recursive = TRUE)
## Check for an incomplete installation directory and clear it out.
if (file.exists(pkgname)) {
final_deleted <- unlink(x = pkgname, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
## Figure out the version numbers and download urls.
db_version <- entry[["SourceVersion"]]
if (!is.null(eu_version)) {
db_version <- gsub(x = eu_version, pattern = "^(\\d)(.*)$", replacement = "v\\1\\2")
fasta_start <- entry[["URLGenome"]]
## One might reasonably look at the next line and think 'wtf'. Some metadata shows incorrect
## protocols and/or incorrect TLDs for the provided download links. E.g. they report http when
## only https works and/or say the download link is at zzz.net when it is actually zzz.org...
## I wrote the eupathdb folks about this a long time ago, this may therefore not be needed anymore.
fasta_hostname <- sub(pattern = "(https|http)://(.*)\\.(org|net).*$",
replacement = "\\2",
x = fasta_start)
## genome_filename <- file.path(build_dir, paste0(pkgname, ".fasta"))
download_dir <- file.path(build_dir, "fasta")
if (!file.exists(download_dir)) {
created <- dir.create(download_dir, recursive = TRUE)
genome_filename <- file.path(download_dir, glue::glue("{pkgname}.fasta"))
## Find a spot to dump the fasta files
bsgenome_dir <- file.path(build_dir, pkgname)
if (!file.exists(bsgenome_dir)) {
created <- dir.create(bsgenome_dir, recursive = TRUE)
## Download them to this directory.
if (file.exists(genome_filename)) {
message("The fasta file was already downloaded.")
} else {
downloaded <- download.file(url = fasta_start, destfile = genome_filename,
quiet = FALSE)
## Extract all the individual chromosomes into this directory.
input <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(genome_filename)
output_list <- list()
sequence_names <- "c("
message(" Writing chromosome files, this is slow for fragmented scaffolds.")
show_progress <- interactive() && is.null(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))
#if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
# bar <- utils::txtProgressBar(style = 3)
genome_prefix <- NULL
for (index in seq_len(length(input))) {
# if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
# pct_done <- index / length(input)
# setTxtProgressBar(bar, pct_done)
# }
chr <- names(input)[index]
chr_name <- strsplit(chr, split = " ")[[1]][1]
if (is.null(genome_prefix)) {
genome_prefix <- gsub(x = chr_name, pattern = "(.*)\\.(.*)", replacement = "\\1")
## chr_file <- file.path(bsgenome_dir, paste0(chr_name, ".fa"))
chr_file <- file.path(bsgenome_dir, glue::glue("{chr_name}.fa"))
output <- Biostrings::writeXStringSet(input[index], chr_file, append = FALSE,
compress = FALSE, format = "fasta")
output_list[[chr_name]] <- chr_file
sequence_names <- paste0(sequence_names, '"', chr_name, '", ')
#if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
# close(bar)
message("Finished writing ", length(input), " contigs.")
sequence_names <- gsub(pattern = ", $", replacement = ")", x = sequence_names)
## Now start creating the DESCRIPTION file
desc_file <- file.path(bsgenome_dir, "DESCRIPTION")
descript <- desc::description$new("!new")
descript$set(Package = pkgname)
title <- glue::glue("{taxa[['genus']]} {taxa[['species']]} strain {taxa[['strain']]} \\
version {db_version}")
descript$set(Title = title)
descript$set(Author = author)
version_string <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y.%m")
descript$set(Version = version_string)
descript$set(Maintainer = author)
descript$set(Description = glue::glue("A full genome from the eupathdb for {title}."))
descript$set(License = "Artistic-2.0")
descript$set(URL = "https://eupathdb.org")
descript$set(BugReports = "https://github.com/elsayed-lab")
descript$set(seqs_srcdir = bsgenome_dir)
descript$set(seqnames = sequence_names)
descript$set(organism = taxa[["taxon"]])
descript$set(common_name = taxa[["genus_species"]])
descript$set(provider = fasta_hostname)
descript$set(release_date = format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d"))
descript$set(BSgenomeObjname = glue::glue("{taxa[['genus_species']]}_{taxa[['strain']]}"))
## descript$set(provider_version = glue::glue("{fasta_hostname} {db_version}"))
## descript$set(release_name = as.character(db_version))
## descript$set(release_name = glue::glue("{fasta_hostname} {db_version}"))
## descript$set(genome = genome_prefix)
descript$set(genome = "hg38") ## There is some weird BS with this field, so I am faking it.
descript$set(organism_biocview = glue::glue("{taxa[['genus_species']]}_{taxa[['strain']]}"))
description_file <- file.path(bsgenome_dir, "DESCRIPTION")
## Generate the package, this puts it into the cwd.
message(" Calling forgeBSgenomeDataPkg().")
## Otherwise I get error in cannot find uniqueLetters (this seems to be a new development)
## Invoking library(Biostrings") annoys R CMD check, but I am not sure there is a good
## way around that due to limitations of Biostrings, lets see.
uniqueLetters <- Biostrings::uniqueLetters
tt <- try(do.call("library", as.list("Biostrings")), silent = TRUE)
pkg_builder <- BSgenome::forgeBSgenomeDataPkg(description_file)
if ("try-error" %in% class(pkg_builder)) {
message("forgeBSgenomeDataPkg failed with error: ")
message("A likely reason is too many open files, which may be changed in /etc/sysctl.conf")
pkg_builder <- NULL
built <- NULL
workedp <- ! "try-error" %in% class(pkg_builder)
if (isTRUE(workedp)) {
built <- try(devtools::build(pkgname, quiet = TRUE))
workedp <- ! "try-error" %in% class(built)
## If we were able to build the package, then I think we can copy the data
## and delete the intermediate files.
## Note that as of this writing, one cannot use bsgenome with AH, so don't copy the data to S3
## no matter what. I will leave in the code to do it though in case it becomes possible.
copy_s3 <- FALSE
if (isTRUE(workedp)) {
if (isTRUE(install)) {
inst <- try(devtools::install(pkgname, quiet = TRUE))
if (isTRUE(copy_s3)) {
source_dir <- basename(bsgenome_dir)
s3_file <- entry[["BsgenomeFile"]]
copied <- copy_s3_file(src_dir = source_dir, type = "bsgenome", s3_file = s3_file)
if (isTRUE(copied)) {
message(" Successfully copied the genome 2bit file to the s3 staging directory.")
pkg_archive_dir <- file.path(build_dir, "packages", "bsgenome")
if (!file.exists(pkg_archive_dir)) {
tt <- dir.create(pkg_archive_dir, recursive = TRUE)
## If everything worked and we did whatever it is we think is appropriate with the results,
## then it should be safe to clean up the intermediates.
message("Cleaning up the bsgenome staging directory: ", bsgenome_dir, ".")
if (file.exists(bsgenome_dir)) {
deleted <- unlink(x = bsgenome_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
weirdo <- basename(bsgenome_dir)
if (file.exists(weirdo)) {
deleted <- unlink(x = weirdo, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
downloaded_fasta <- paste0(weirdo, ".fasta")
deleted <- unlink(x = downloaded_fasta, force = TRUE)
build_fasta <- file.path("build", downloaded_fasta)
deleted <- unlink(x = build_fasta, force = TRUE)
if (!is.null(built)) {
message("Moving the tarball to the archive directory.")
destination <- file.path(pkg_archive_dir, basename(built))
tt <- file.rename(built, destination)
if (file.exists(pkgname)) {
message("Cleaning up the forgeBSGenomeDataPkg directory.")
deleted <- unlink(x = pkgname, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
retlist <- list(
"bsgenome_name" = pkgname,
"pkg_file" = destination)
message("Finished creation of ", pkgname, ".")
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