
Defines functions sim.results.pop fit.results.landscape plot1D.results

Documented in fit.results.landscape plot1D.results sim.results.pop

#' Takes an output file from Nemo of deleterious loci genotypes, and plots the distribution of both the homozygous and heterozygous effects of these loci.
#' @title Examine some population parameters from Nemo stat output
#'  @param input.stats.file The stat file output from Nemo.
#'  @param which.rep If there are stats from multiple replicates, state which one to examine here, otherwise leave as NULL.
#'  @param par.size Create the layout/number of plotting windows for making the desired output plots.
#'  @param stats.to.plot List the stats to be plotted.
#'  @return
#'  Creates four plots of simulation results, showing mean fitness, total number of adults in the metapopulation, mean phenotypic value, and variances across generations.
#' @author Kimberly J Gilbert
#' @references \href{http://nemo2.sourceforge.net/index.html}{Nemo} is created and maintained by Fred Guillaume. The manual and source files are available online.
#' @export sim.results.pop

sim.results.pop <- function(input.stats.file, which.rep=NULL, par.size=c(2,2), stats.to.plot=c("fitness.mean", "adlt.nbr", "adlt.q1", "adlt.q1.Va")){

  input <- read.table(input.stats.file, header=TRUE)
	# separate replicates
		dat <- input
		dat <- subset(input, input$replicate == which.rep)

	for(i in stats.to.plot){
	  plot(dat$generation, unlist(dat[i]), type="o", xlab="Generation", ylab=i, col="blue")

#' Takes an "ind_seln" output file (with quanti and delet fitness values per individual) and plots fitness over the landscape in several ways.
#' @title Look at landscape fitness from .fit files
#'  @param input.fit.file The .fit file output from Nemo.
#'  @param patches.x The number of patches on the landscape along the x-axis (parallel to expansion)
#'  @param patches.y The number of patches on the landscape along the y-axis (perpendicular to expansion)
#'  @param fitness.type Which component of fitness to plot: for the quantitative trait, for deleterious mutations, or total fitness.
#'  @return
#'  Creates a plot over the landscape (heat map style) for fitness of the specified component.
#' @author Kimberly J Gilbert
#' @references \href{http://nemo2.sourceforge.net/index.html}{Nemo} is created and maintained by Fred Guillaume. The manual and source files are available online.
#' @export fit.results.landscape

fit.results.landscape <- function(input.fit.file, patches.x, patches.y, fitness.type="total"){

	# custom colors
	whiteToWhite <- colorRampPalette(c(white,white))
	redToYellow <- colorRampPalette(c(red,yellow))
	whiteToYellow <- colorRampPalette(c(white, yellow))
	yellowToTeal <- colorRampPalette(c(yellow, teal))
	greenToTeal <- colorRampPalette(c(green, teal))
	tealToBlue <- colorRampPalette(c(teal, blue))
	yellowToGreen <- colorRampPalette(c(yellow, green))

	input <- read.table(input.fit.file, header=TRUE)
	# column 1 is pop
	# column 2 is fitness for trait 1 = delet
	# column 3 is fitness for trait 2 = quanti
	input$total.fitness <- input$trait1 * input$trait2
	# average within patches
	per.patch.fitness <- aggregate(input, by=list(input$pop), FUN=mean)
	total.num.patches <- patches.x*patches.y
		# there shouldn't be any ghost patches in the list because they're culled to pop size zero, but if errors arise down the line, that could be at fault
	if(dim(per.patch.fitness)[1] > total.num.patches) per.patch.fitness <- per.patch.fitness[- (total.num.patches+1),]
	if(dim(per.patch.fitness)[1] > total.num.patches) per.patch.fitness <- per.patch.fitness[- (total.num.patches+1),]
		# if some patches are empty:
	if(dim(per.patch.fitness)[1] < total.num.patches){
		empty.patches <- setdiff(1:total.num.patches, per.patch.fitness$pop)
		empty.rows <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol=7, nrow=length(empty.patches)))
		empty.rows[,1] <- empty.patches
		empty.rows[,2] <- empty.patches
		names(empty.rows) <- names(per.patch.fitness)
		per.patch.fitness <- rbind(per.patch.fitness, empty.rows)
		per.patch.fitness <- per.patch.fitness[order(per.patch.fitness$pop), ]	
	if(fitness.type == "total" | fitness.type == "all"){
		# make total fitness into a matrix matched to the landscape
		total.fit.mat <- matrix(per.patch.fitness$total.fitness, nrow=patches.y, ncol=patches.x, byrow=FALSE)
		# make the scale always the same:
		total.fit.mat[1,1] <- 1; total.fit.mat[2,1] <- 0
		image.plot(x=1:patches.x, y=1:patches.y, t(total.fit.mat), col=c(whiteToWhite(1), redToYellow(60), yellowToGreen(15), greenToTeal(15), tealToBlue(15)), ylab="", xlab="Axis of expansion", main="Mean total fitness per patch")
	if(fitness.type == "quanti" | fitness.type == "all"){
		# make quanti fitness into a matrix matched to the landscape
		quanti.fit.mat <- matrix(per.patch.fitness$trait2, nrow=patches.y, ncol=patches.x, byrow=FALSE)
		# make the scale always the same:
		quanti.fit.mat[1,1] <- 1; quanti.fit.mat[2,1] <- 0
		image.plot(x=1:patches.x, y=1:patches.y, t(quanti.fit.mat), col=c(whiteToWhite(1), redToYellow(60), yellowToGreen(15), greenToTeal(15), tealToBlue(15)), ylab="", xlab="Axis of expansion", main="Mean quanti fitness per patch")
	if(fitness.type == "delet" | fitness.type == "all"){
		# make delet fitness into a matrix matched to the landscape
		delet.fit.mat <- matrix(per.patch.fitness$trait1, nrow=patches.y, ncol=patches.x, byrow=FALSE)
		# make the scale always the same:
		delet.fit.mat[1,1] <- 1; delet.fit.mat[2,1] <- 0
		image.plot(x=1:patches.x, y=1:patches.y, t(delet.fit.mat), col=c(whiteToWhite(1), redToYellow(60), yellowToGreen(15), greenToTeal(15), tealToBlue(15)), ylab="", xlab="Axis of expansion", main="Mean delet fitness per patch")

#' Makes 1-D plots over the landscape for population size, fitness, numbers of deleterious mutations, and environmental optimum match to the quantitative trait. Simulations must have been in 1 dimension for current implementation.
#' @title Look at 1-D simulation results over landscape
#'  @param input.fit.file The .fit file output from Nemo.
#'  @param input.quanti.file The .quanti file output from Nemo which contains genotypes for the quantitative trait.
#'  @param input.del.file The .del file output from Nemo which contains deleterious mutation genotypes.
#'  @param patches.x The number of patches on the landscape along the x-axis (parallel to expansion)
#'  @param patches.y The number of patches on the landscape along the y-axis (perpendicular to expansion)
#'  @param slope.opt The slope of the environmental optimum defined in the input file.
#'  @param opt.rate.change The rate of change of the environment per generation defined in the input file.
#'  @param delay.env.change The gneeration at which the environment starts changing, if it is not immediate.
#'  @param generation The current generation being plotted.
#'  @param del.loci The number of deleterious loci simulated.
#'  @param xlimits A smaller range on the x-axis to plot, if desired.
#'  @param plot.legend Whether to include a legend or not on the fitness and deleterious mutation number plots.
#'  @param Vs The value of selection variance.
#'  @param quantiles The value of the two quantiles to plot for the selection distribution around the optimum.
#'  @return
#'  Creates 1-D plots over the landscape for population size, fitness, numbers of deleterious mutations, and environmental optimum match to the quantitative trait.
#' @author Kimberly J Gilbert
#' @references \href{http://nemo2.sourceforge.net/index.html}{Nemo} is created and maintained by Fred Guillaume. The manual and source files are available online.
#' @export plot1D.results

plot1D.results <- function(input.fit.file, input.quanti.file=NULL, input.del.file=NULL, patches.x, patches.y, slope.opt=NULL, opt.rate.change=NULL, delay.env.change=NULL, generation, del.loci, xlimits=NULL, plot.legend=TRUE, Vs=NULL, quantiles=c(0.5,0.1)){
  total.num.patches <- patches.x * patches.y
  	xlimits <- c(1, patches.x)
  # make some pop size and fitness plots
    # column 1 is pop
    # column 2 is fitness for trait 1 = delet
    # column 3 is fitness for trait 2 = quanti
  fit.input <- read.table(input.fit.file, header=TRUE)
  if(del.loci > 0) fit.input$total.fitness <- fit.input$trait1 * fit.input$trait2
  # average within patches
  per.patch.fitness <- aggregate(fit.input, by=list(fit.input$pop), FUN=mean)

  pop.size <- aggregate(fit.input, by=list(fit.input$pop), FUN=length)
  # there shouldn't be any ghost patches in the list because they're culled to pop size zero, but if errors arise down the line, that could be at fault
  if(dim(per.patch.fitness)[1] > total.num.patches) per.patch.fitness <- per.patch.fitness[- (total.num.patches+1),]
  # if some patches are empty:
  if(dim(per.patch.fitness)[1] < total.num.patches){
  	if(del.loci > 0){ col.number <- 7 }else{ col.number <- 5 }
    empty.patches <- setdiff(1:total.num.patches, per.patch.fitness$pop)
    empty.rows <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=col.number, nrow=length(empty.patches)))
    empty.rows[,1] <- empty.patches
    empty.rows[,2] <- empty.patches
    names(empty.rows) <- names(per.patch.fitness)
    per.patch.fitness <- rbind(per.patch.fitness, empty.rows)
    per.patch.fitness <- per.patch.fitness[order(per.patch.fitness$pop), ]
    empty.rows[,2] <- rep(NA, length(empty.rows[,1]))
    per.patch.pop.size <- rbind(pop.size, empty.rows)
    per.patch.pop.size <- per.patch.pop.size[order(per.patch.pop.size$Group.1), ]
  	per.patch.pop.size <- pop.size
  plot(1:total.num.patches, per.patch.pop.size$pop, type="o", col="darkorange", pch=".", lwd=2, ylim=c(0,100), xlim=xlimits, xlab="Landscape x position", ylab="Population size", main=paste(c("Generation ", generation), collapse=""))
  if(del.loci == 0){	# then there is only one trait's fitness to plot, b/c no delet loci
  	plot(per.patch.fitness$Group.1, per.patch.fitness$trait1, type="o", col="black", pch=".", lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1), xlim=xlimits, xlab="Landscape x position", ylab="Mean fitness", main=paste(c("Generation ", generation), collapse=""))
	if(plot.legend == TRUE) legend("topleft", col="black", "total trait fitness", pch=15)
  	plot(per.patch.fitness$Group.1, per.patch.fitness$total.fitness, type="o", col="black", pch=".", lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1), xlim=xlimits, xlab="Landscape x position", ylab="Mean fitness", main=paste(c("Generation ", generation), collapse=""))
  	points(per.patch.fitness$Group.1, per.patch.fitness$trait2, type="o", col="blue", pch=".", lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1), xlim=xlimits)
  	points(per.patch.fitness$Group.1, per.patch.fitness$trait1, type="o", col="red", pch=".", lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1), xlim=xlimits)
	if(plot.legend == TRUE) legend("topleft", col=c("black", "blue", "red"), c("total", "quanti trait", "delet muts"), pch=15)
  # make some deleterious mutation plots
    delet.input <- matrix(scan(input.del.file, skip=3, what="character()"), ncol=del.loci+6, byrow=TRUE)
    delet.muts <- delet.input[, -c((del.loci+2):(del.loci+6))]
    pop.list <- as.numeric(delet.muts[,1])
    delet.muts <- data.frame(delet.muts[,-1])
    num.zero <- apply(delet.muts, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) length(which(x == "00")))
    num.hets <- apply(delet.muts, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) length(which(x == "01" | x=="10")))
    num.homs <- apply(delet.muts, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) length(which(x == "11")))
    total.muts <- num.hets + (2*num.homs)
    mut.counts <- data.frame(cbind(pop.list, num.zero, num.hets, num.homs, total.muts))
    avg.mut.counts <- aggregate(mut.counts, by=list(mut.counts$pop.list), FUN=mean)
    if(dim(avg.mut.counts)[1] < total.num.patches){
      empty.patches <- setdiff(1:total.num.patches, avg.mut.counts$pop.list)
      empty.rows <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol=6, nrow=length(empty.patches)))
      empty.rows[,1] <- empty.patches
      empty.rows[,2] <- empty.patches
      names(empty.rows) <- names(avg.mut.counts)
      avg.mut.counts <- rbind(avg.mut.counts, empty.rows)
      avg.mut.counts <- avg.mut.counts[order(avg.mut.counts$pop.list), ]
    plot(1:patches.x, avg.mut.counts$total.muts, xlim=xlimits, type="l", lwd=2, xlab="Landscape x position", ylab="Mean number deleterious mutations", main=paste(c("Generation ", generation), collapse=""))
    points(avg.mut.counts$pop.list, avg.mut.counts$num.hets, xlim=xlimits, type="l", lwd=2, col="orange")
    points(avg.mut.counts$pop.list, avg.mut.counts$num.homs, xlim=xlimits, type="l", lwd=2, col="red")
	if(plot.legend == TRUE) legend("topleft", col=c("black", "orange", "red"), c("total", "heterozygous", "homozygous"), pch=15)
  # make some environment and quanti geno/pheno plots
  if(!is.null(input.quanti.file) & !is.null(slope.opt)){
    quanti.input <- read.table(input.quanti.file, header=TRUE)
    # col G1 is geno, col P1 is pheno
    quanti.input <- quanti.input[,c("pop", "G1", "P1")]

# plot every point minus the optimum instead
#    avg.quanti <- aggregate(quanti.input, by=list(quanti.input$pop), FUN=mean)
#    if(dim(avg.quanti)[1] < total.num.patches){
#      empty.patches <- setdiff(1:total.num.patches, avg.quanti$pop)
#      empty.rows <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=4, nrow=length(empty.patches)))
#      empty.rows[,1] <- empty.patches
#      empty.rows[,2] <- empty.patches
#      names(empty.rows) <- names(avg.quanti)
#      avg.quanti <- rbind(avg.quanti, empty.rows)
#      avg.quanti <- avg.quanti[order(avg.quanti$pop), ]
#    }
    # remake the landscape:
    first.col <- -(slope.opt*patches.x)/2
    last.col <- (slope.opt*patches.x)/2
    num.steps <- patches.x   # all of width 1
    step.values <- seq(first.col, last.col, length.out=num.steps)
    total.num.patches <- patches.x*patches.y
    patches.per.step <- total.num.patches/num.steps
    env <- NULL
    for(i in 1:num.steps){
      one.step <- rep(step.values[i], patches.per.step)
      env <- c(env, one.step)
    # plot the landscape and genotypes and phenotypes on it
    if(is.null(delay.env.change)){							# in this case the environment rate of change is constant throughout the whole sim
    	env.change.time <- generation*opt.rate.change
    	env <- env + env.change.time
    }else{													# in this case the environment rate of change only starts after a specified generation then is constant
    	if(generation < delay.env.change){					# so if we're plotting an early gernation before the change starts, it's just the normal env
    		env <- env
    	}else{												# otherwise adjust the env's level of change to have begun at the specified generation
    		env.change.time <- (generation-delay.env.change)*opt.rate.change
    		env <- env + env.change.time
    env <- as.data.frame(env)
    env$pop <- 1:patches.x
    temp.quanti <- merge(quanti.input, env, by="pop")
    # difference between optimum and inds - must be done per patch:
    temp.quanti$pheno.diffs <- temp.quanti$P1 - temp.quanti$env
    # find the quantiles to plot around the env. optimum
    # fitness eqn ->  w(z) = e^-[(z-z')^2/2Vs]
	#  Vs <- 7.5
	#  quantiles <- c(0.5, 0.1)
    quant1plus <- 0 + sqrt(-2*Vs*log(quantiles[1]))
    quant1minus <- 0 - sqrt(-2*Vs*log(quantiles[1]))
    quant2plus <- 0 + sqrt(-2*Vs*log(quantiles[2]))
    quant2minus <- 0 - sqrt(-2*Vs*log(quantiles[2]))
#    plot(1:patches.x, env, xlim=xlimits, ylim=c(min(avg.quanti$P1, na.rm=TRUE)-15, max(avg.quanti$P1, na.rm=TRUE)+15), type="l", lwd=1.5, xlab="Landscape x position", ylab="Quanti trait & env. optimum", main=paste(c("Generation ", generation), collapse=""))
#    points(avg.quanti$pop, avg.quanti$G1, xlim=xlimits, type="l", lwd=2, col="blue")
#    points(avg.quanti$pop, avg.quanti$P1, xlim=xlimits, type="l", lwd=4, col="green3")
	plot(1:patches.x, rep(0, patches.x), xlim=xlimits, ylim=c(-15, 15), type="l", lwd=1.5, xlab="Landscape x position", ylab="Quanti trait & env. optimum", main=paste(c("Generation ", generation), collapse=""))
	abline(h=c(quant1plus, quant1minus), col="blue4", lty=2, lwd=1.25)
	abline(h=c(quant2plus, quant2minus), col="blue4", lty=3, lwd=1.1)
##	polygon(x=c(1:patches.x, patches.x:1), y=c(rep(quant1plus, patches.x), rep(quant1minus, patches.x)), col="blue", border=TRUE, density=0)
##	polygon(x=c(1:patches.x, patches.x:1), y=c(rep(quant2plus, patches.x), rep(quant2minus, patches.x)), col="red", border=TRUE, density=0)
	points(temp.quanti$pop, temp.quanti$pheno.diffs, col="green3", pch=".", cex=2)
  }else if(!is.null(input.quanti.file)){
   	env <- rep(0, patches.x)
   	quanti.input <- read.table(input.quanti.file, header=TRUE)
   	# col G1 is geno, col P1 is pheno
   	quanti.input <- quanti.input[,c("pop", "G1", "P1")]
    env <- as.data.frame(env)
    env$pop <- 1:patches.x
    temp.quanti <- merge(quanti.input, env, by="pop")
    # difference between optimum and inds - must be done per patch:
    temp.quanti$pheno.diffs <- temp.quanti$P1 - temp.quanti$env
    # find the quantiles to plot around the env. optimum
    quant1plus <- 0 + sqrt(-2*Vs*log(quantiles[1]))
    quant1minus <- 0 - sqrt(-2*Vs*log(quantiles[1]))
    quant2plus <- 0 + sqrt(-2*Vs*log(quantiles[2]))
    quant2minus <- 0 - sqrt(-2*Vs*log(quantiles[2]))
    # make the plot
	plot(1:patches.x, rep(0, patches.x), xlim=xlimits, ylim=c(-15, 15), type="l", lwd=1.5, xlab="Landscape x position", ylab="Quanti trait & env. optimum", main=paste(c("Generation ", generation), collapse=""))
	abline(h=c(quant1plus, quant1minus), col="blue4", lty=2, lwd=1.25)
	abline(h=c(quant2plus, quant2minus), col="blue4", lty=3, lwd=1.1)
	points(temp.quanti$pop, temp.quanti$pheno.diffs, col="green3", pch=".", cex=2)
kjgilbert/aNEMOne documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:25 a.m.