#' @noRd
theta.ml.rob <- function(
y, mu, n = sum(weights), weights,
limit = 10, eps = .Machine$double.eps^0.25,
trace = FALSE
) {
score <- function(n, th, mu, y, w) sum(w * (digamma(th +
y) - digamma(th) + log(th) + 1 - log(th + mu) - (y +
th) / (mu + th)))
info <- function(n, th, mu, y, w) sum(w * (-trigamma(th +
y) + trigamma(th) - 1 / th + 2 / (mu + th) - (y + th) / (mu +
if (inherits(y, "lm")) {
mu <- y$fitted.values
y <- if (is.null(y$y))
mu + residuals(y)
else y$y
if (missing(weights))
weights <- rep(1, length(y))
t0 <- n / sum(weights * (y / mu - 1)^2)
it <- 0
del <- 1
if (trace)
message(sprintf("theta.ml.rob: iter %d 'theta = %f'", it,
signif(t0)), domain = NA)
while ((it <- it + 1) < limit && abs(del) > eps) {
t0 <- abs(t0)
del <- score(n, t0, mu, y, weights) / (i <- info(n, t0,
mu, y, weights))
t0 <- t0 + del
if (trace)
message("theta.ml.rob: iter", it, " theta =", signif(t0))
if (is.nan(del) | is.infinite(del)) {
warning("NaNs produced. Resetting theta to 0.")
t0 <- 0
del <- 0
if (t0 < 0) {
t0 <- 0
warning("estimate truncated at zero")
attr(t0, "warn") <- gettext("estimate truncated at zero")
if (it == limit) {
warning("iteration limit reached")
attr(t0, "warn") <- gettext("iteration limit reached")
attr(t0, "SE") <- sqrt(1 / i)
#' @noRd
#' @author modified code from the package 'bayesm'
#' @param y numeric vector of response
#' @param X numeric matrix with variables as columns
#' @param theta inverse dispersion parameter
#' @param link link function as character: "identity" or "log"
#' @param intercept logical to model intercept or not
#' @param family character of distribution: "nbinom"
glm.mle <- function(
formula, data=NULL, theta=NULL, link="identity",
intercept=TRUE, family = "nbinom"
) {
if (link %in% "identity") {
linkfun <- meanfun <- function(x) return(x) # nolint
} else if (link %in% "log") {
linkfun <- function(x) return(log(x))
meanfun <- function(x) return(exp(x))
} else {
linkfun <- function(x) return(log(x, link))
meanfun <- function(x) return(link^x)
if (is(formula, "formula")) {
D <- model.frame(formula)
D <- as(D, "matrix")
terms <- terms(formula)
factors <- apply(attr(terms, "factors"), c(1, 2), as.numeric)
y <- D[, 1]
X <- Xcn <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(ncol(factors))) {
vars <- rownames(factors)[which(factors[, i] != 0)]
vars2 <- gsub("\\[", "\\\\[", vars)
vars2 <- gsub("\\]", "\\\\]", vars2)
if (sum(factors[, i]) > 1) {
vars3 <- rownames(factors)[which(factors[, i] != 0)]
vars3 <- gsub("\\[", "\\\\[", vars3)
vars3 <- gsub("\\]", "\\\\]", vars3)
tmp <- paste0(c(paste0("^", vars3[1], "$"),
paste0("^", vars3[1], "\\.")), collapse = "|")
A <- D[, grep(tmp, colnames(D)), drop = FALSE]
tmp <- paste0(c(paste0("^", vars3[2], "$"),
paste0("^", vars3[2], "\\.")), collapse = "|")
B <- D[, grep(tmp, colnames(D)), drop = FALSE]
Ap <- A[, rep(seq_len(ncol(A)), each = ncol(B)), drop = FALSE]
X <- cbind(X, Ap * B)
Xcn <- c(Xcn, paste0(colnames(A), ":", colnames(B)))
} else {
tmp <- paste0(c(paste0("^", vars2, "$"),
paste0("^", vars2, "\\.")), collapse = "|")
X <- cbind(X, D[, grep(tmp, colnames(D)), drop = FALSE])
Xcn <- c(Xcn, colnames(D)[grep(tmp, colnames(D))])
colnames(X) <- Xcn
} else {
y <- formula
X <- data
if (is.numeric(intercept)) {
int.fixed <- intercept
intercept <- FALSE
} else {
int.fixed <- 0
llnegbin <- function(par, X, y, nvar) {
beta <- par[seq_len(nvar)]
if (intercept) {
int <- par[nvar + 1]
} else {
int <- 0
if (link %in% "identity") {
int <- int + int.fixed
mu <- meanfun(X %*% beta + int - min(X %*% beta) + mean(y))
} else {
mu <- meanfun(X %*% beta)
if (is.null(theta)) {
alpha <- par[nvar + 2]
} else {
alpha <- theta
out <- dnbinom(y, size = alpha, mu = mu, log = TRUE)
nvar <- ncol(X)
nobs <- length(y) # nolint
par <- c(rep(1, nvar + 1), 1)
mle <- optim(
par, llnegbin, X = X, y = y, nvar = nvar,
method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE,
control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = 1000)
if (!intercept) {
mle$par[nvar + 1] <- int.fixed
beta <- mle$par[seq_len(nvar)]
intercept <- mle$par[nvar + 1]
coefficients <- c(intercept, beta)
names(coefficients) <- c("intercept", colnames(X))
hessian <- mle$hessian[
c(nvar + 1, seq_len(nvar)),
c(nvar + 1, seq_len(nvar))
colnames(hessian) <- rownames(hessian) <- names(coefficients)
if (is.null(theta)) {
alpha <- mle$par[nvar + 2]
} else {
alpha <- theta
result <- list(
coefficients = coefficients,
hessian = hessian,
theta = alpha
class(result) <- "glmmle"
#' @noRd
glm.mle.new <- function(form, family, data, control=list()) {
form <- as.formula(form)
# massage data
model.X <- model.matrix(form, data = data)
df.model.frame <- model.frame(form, data = data)
model.terms <- attributes(terms(df.model.frame))
# solve (minimization)
# terms, intercept and theta
params <- rep(1, length(model.terms$term.labels) + 2)
fit <- optim(
params, loglikeli.func,
X = model.X,
Y = df.model.frame[, model.terms$response],
family = family, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE,
control = control
# return formatted result
coef <- setNames(fit$par, c("Intercept", model.terms$term.labels, "Theta"))
coefficients = coef,
log.likelihood = -fit$value,
hessian = fit$hessian
class = "glm.mle"
#' @noRd
loglikeli.func <- function(params, X, Y, family) {
beta.vec <- params[-length(params)]
theta <- params[length(params)]
mu <- family$linkinv(X %*% beta.vec)
if (any(mu <= 0)) {
-sum(dnbinom(Y, size = theta, mu = mu, log = TRUE))
#' @noRd
#' @method summary glm.mle
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
summary.glm.mle <- function(object, ...) {
# get coefficients
coef <- object$coefficients %>%
as.data.frame %>%
dplyr::rename(Estimate = ".")
# compute p-values for $H_0: \beta_i = 0$
cov.mat <- MASS::ginv(object$hessian)
var.vec <- diag(cov.mat)
sd.vec <- sqrt(var.vec)
t.value <- object$coefficients / sd.vec
pt.value <- 2 * pt(-abs(t.value), ncol(object$hessian))
coef[, "Pr(>|t|)"] <- pt.value
# prepare output
coefficients = coef
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