
Defines functions getvar sstable.formula contSummary sstable.baseline sstable.baseline.each sstable.ae sstable.survcomp sstable.survcomp.subgroup

Documented in contSummary sstable.ae sstable.baseline sstable.survcomp sstable.survcomp.subgroup

# extract x variables from formula for sstable ----------------------------

getvar <- function(formula) {
  if (!is.call(formula)) {
  } else {
    if (identical(formula[[1]], quote(`~`)) | identical(formula[[1]], quote(`+`)) | identical(formula[[1]], quote(`|`))) {
      unlist(lapply(c(formula[[2]], formula[[3]]), getvar))
    } else {

# extract information from formula for sstable ----------------------------

sstable.formula <- function(formula) {
  if (length(formula) < 3) {
    stop("Missing row-wise variable(s) !!!")

  ## get formula to extract all required variables (formula0)
  formula0 <- if (identical(formula[[3]], 1)) {
    as.formula(paste("~", deparse(formula[[2]])))
  } else {
    as.formula(paste("~", paste(getvar(formula), collapse = "+")))

  ## get index of each element in formula
  xlen <- length(all.vars(formula[[2]]))
  if (xlen == 0) {stop("Missing row-wise variable(s) !!!")}

  if (length(formula[[3]]) > 1) {
    if (deparse(formula[[3]][[1]]) == "|") {
      ylen <- ifelse(identical(formula[[3]][[2]], 1), 0, length(all.vars(formula[[3]][[2]])))
      zlen <- length(all.vars(formula[[3]][[3]]))
    } else {
      ylen <- ifelse(identical(formula[[3]], 1), 0, length(all.vars(formula[[3]])))
      zlen <- 0
  } else {
    ylen <- ifelse(identical(formula[[3]], 1), 0, length(all.vars(formula[[3]])))
    zlen <- 0

  if (ylen > 1) {stop("Only 1 column-wise variable is allowed !!!")}
  if (zlen > 1) {stop("Only 1 third dimension variable is allowed !!!")}

  ## get all formulas required for tabulation
  xs <- getvar(formula[[2]])
  formula1 <- sapply(xs, function(x) update.formula(old = formula, new = paste(x, " ~ .")))

  ## output
  return(list(formula0 = formula0,
              index = list(x = 1:xlen,
                           y = if (ylen == 0) 0 else (xlen + 1),
                           z = if (zlen == 0) 0 else (xlen + 2)),
              formula1 = formula1))

# calculate summary statistics for continuous variable --------------------

#' Calculate summary statistics for continuous variable
#' @description A function to calculate summary statistics for continuous variable.
#' @param x a numeric vector to be summarised.
#' @param statistics a character specifies summary statistics for continuous row variables.
#' @param digits a number specifies number of significant digits for numeric statistics.
#' @param n a logical value specifies whether output will contain the number of non-missing values.
#' @return a string displays formatted summary statistics.
#' @export
contSummary <- function(x, statistics = c("med.IQR", "med.90", "med.range", "mean.sd"), digits = 1, n = TRUE){
  if (length(statistics) > 1) statistics <- "med.IQR"
  loc <- formatC(ifelse(statistics == "mean.sd",
                        mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
                        median(x, na.rm = TRUE)), digits = digits, format = "f")
  dis <- switch(statistics,
                mean.sd   = formatC(sd(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits, format = "f"),
                med.IQR   = paste(
                  formatC(quantile(x, probs = c(0.25, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits, format = "f"),
                  collapse = ", "),
                med.90    = paste(
                  formatC(quantile(x, probs = c(0.05, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits, format = "f"),
                  collapse = ", "),
                med.range = paste(
                  formatC(quantile(x, probs = c(0.00, 1.00), na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits, format = "f"),
                  collapse = ", "))
  if (n == TRUE){
    output <- paste(loc, " (", dis, ") - ", length(na.omit(x)), sep = "")
    names(output) <- paste(statistics, "- n")
  } else {
    output <- paste(loc, " (", dis, ")", sep = "")
    names(output) <- statistics

# create baseline table ---------------------------------------------------

#' Create baseline table
#' @description A function to create a simple summary baseline table.
#' @param formula a formula specifies variables for rows, variable for column and third-dimension variable.
#' @param data a data frame to derive baseline table from.
#' @param bycol a logical value specifies whether the summary will be by column or by row.
#' @param pooledGroup a logical value specifies whether to pool all subgroups of column variable.
#' @param statistics a character specifies summary statistics for continuous row variables.
#' @param continuous a logical vector specifies whether each row variables is continuous or categorical.
#' @param digits a number specifies number of significant digits for numeric statistics.
#' @param test a logical value specifies whether a statistical test will be performed to compare between treatment arms.
#' @param pdigits a number specifies number of significant digits for p value.
#' @param pcutoff a number specifies threshold value of p value to be displayed as "< pcutoff".
#' @param chisq.test a logical value specifies whether Chi-squared test or Fisher's exact test will be used to compare between treatment arms.
#' @param correct a parameter for chisq.test().
#' @param simulate.p.value a parameter for chisq.test() and fisher.test().
#' @param B a parameter for chisq.test() and fisher.test().
#' @param workspace a parameter for fisher.test().
#' @param hybrid a parameter for fisher.test().
#' @param footer a vector of strings to be used as footnote of table.
#' @param flextable a logical value specifies whether output will be a flextable-type table.
#' @param bg a character specifies color of the odd rows in the body of flextable-type table.
#' @return a flextable-type table or a list with values/headers/footers
#' @export
sstable.baseline <- function(formula, data, bycol = TRUE, pooledGroup = FALSE,
                             statistics = "med.IQR", continuous = NA, fullfreq = TRUE, digits = 1,
                             test = FALSE, pdigits = 3, pcutoff = 0.0001,
                             chisq.test = FALSE, correct = FALSE, simulate.p.value = FALSE, B = 2000,
                             workspace = 1000000, hybrid = FALSE,
                             footer = NULL, flextable = FALSE, bg = "#F2EFEE") {

  ## get information from formula
  info <- sstable.formula(formula)

  ## get data
  dat <- model.frame(info$formula0, data = data, na.action = NULL)
  x <- xlabel <- dat[, info$index$x, drop = FALSE]
  y <- if (info$index$y > 0) dat[, info$index$y] else NULL
  z <- if (info$index$z > 0) dat[, info$index$z] else NULL

  ## y must be categorical variable
  if (!is.null(y)) {
    if (all(!c("character", "factor", "logical") %in% class(y)) |
        (any(c("numeric", "integer") %in% class(y)) & length(unique(na.omit(y))) > 5)) {
      stop("Colum-wise variable must be categorical !!!")
    y <- factor(as.character(y), levels = sort(unique(as.character(y)), na.last = TRUE), exclude = NULL)
  } else {
    y <- factor(rep("Total", nrow(dat)))


  ## determine type of x (argument: continuous)
  if (length(continuous) == 1) {
    continuous <- rep(continuous, ncol(x))
  } else {
    if (length(continuous) != ncol(x)) stop("continuous argument must have length 1 or similar length as number of row-wise variables !!!")

  continuous <- sapply(1:ncol(x), function(i) {
    out <- ifelse(is.na(continuous[i]),
                  ifelse(any(c("factor", "character", "logical") %in% class(x[, i])) |
                           (any(c("numeric", "integer") %in% class(x[, i])) & length(unique(na.omit(x[, i]))) <= 5), FALSE, TRUE),

  for (i in (1:ncol(x))) {
    if (continuous[i] == FALSE & !is.factor(x[, i])) x[, i] <- factor(x[, i], levels = sort(unique(na.omit(x[, i]))))

  ## if z exists, x must be categorical
  if (!is.null(z) & any(continuous == TRUE)) stop("Row-wise variable must be categorical when third dimension variable exists !!!")

  ## if use by-row layout, x must be categorical
  if (bycol == FALSE & any(sapply(1:ncol(x), function(i) is.factor(x[,i])) == FALSE)) stop("Row-wise variable must be categorical in by-row layout !!!")

  ## determine type of z
  if (!is.null(z)) {
    zcontinuous <- ifelse(any(c("factor", "character", "logical") %in% class(z)) |
                            (any(c("numeric", "integer") %in% class(z)) & length(unique(na.omit(z))) <= 5), FALSE, TRUE)
    if (zcontinuous == FALSE & !is.factor(z)) z <- factor(z, levels = unique(na.omit(z)))

  ## digits
  if (length(digits) == 1) {
    digits <- rep(digits, ncol(x))
  } else {
    if (length(digits) != ncol(x)) stop("digits argument must have length 1 or similar length as number of row-wise variables !!!")

  ## if pooledGroup
  if (pooledGroup) {
    x <- rbind(x, x)
    ypool <- ifelse("total" %in% tolower(levels(y)), "pooledGroup", "Total")
    y <- factor(c(as.character(y), rep(ypool, nrow(dat))), levels = c(levels(y), ypool), exclude = NULL)
    z <- if (!is.null(z)) factor(c(z, z), levels = unique(na.omit(z))) else NULL

  ## get variable name
  varname <- if (ncol(xlabel) == 1) getlabel(xlabel[, 1]) else getlabel(xlabel)

  ## get summary
  value <- do.call(rbind,
                   lapply(1:ncol(x), function(i) {
                     sstable.baseline.each(varname = varname[i][[1]],
                                           x = x[, i], y = y, z = z, bycol = bycol,
                                           pooledGroup = pooledGroup, statistics = statistics,
                                           continuous = continuous[i], fullfreq = fullfreq, test = test,
                                           digits = digits[i], pdigits = pdigits, pcutoff = pcutoff,
                                           chisq.test = chisq.test, correct = correct,
                                           workspace = workspace, hybrid = hybrid,
                                           simulate.p.value = simulate.p.value, B = B)

  ## indication of unestimatable values
  value_dim <- dim(value)
  value <- apply(value, 2, function(x) ifelse(is.na(x) | x %in% c("NA (NA, NA)", "0/0 (NaN%)"), "-", x))
  dim(value) <- value_dim

  ## output
  ### header
  gr.lev <- levels(y)
  header1 <- c("", c(rbind(rep("", length(gr.lev)), paste(gr.lev, " (N=", table(y), ")", sep = ""))))
  header2 <- c("Characteristic", rep(c("n", "Summary statistic"), length(gr.lev)))
  if (test) {
    header1 <- c(header1, "p value")
    header2 <- c(header2, "")

  ### footer
  footer2 <- footer1 <- footer1.after <- footer.con <- footer.cat <- NULL
  #### summary statistics
  if ((is.null(z) & any(continuous)) | (!is.null(z) & !is.factor(z))) {
    footer.con <- paste0(switch(statistics,
                                med.IQR = "median (IQR)",
                                med.90  = "median (90% range)",
                                med.range = "median (range)",
                                mean.sd = "mean (sd)"),
                         " for continuous variable(s).")
  if ((is.null(z) & any(continuous == FALSE)) | (!is.null(z) & is.factor(z))) {
    footer.cat <- paste0("absolute count (%) for categorical variable(s)")
  footer1.after <- if (is.null(footer.con)) {
    paste0(footer.cat, ".")
  } else {
    if (is.null(footer.cat)) {
    } else {
      paste0(footer.cat, " and ", footer.con)
  footer1 <- paste("Summary statistic is", footer1.after)

  #### test
  if (test) {
    footer2.cat <- paste(ifelse(chisq.test == FALSE, "Fisher's exact test", "Chi-squared test"), "for categorical variable(s)")
    footer2.con <- "Kruskal-Wallis/Mann-Whitney U-test for continuous variable(s)."
    footer2.after <- if (is.null(footer.con)) {
      paste0(footer2.cat, ".")
    } else {
      if (is.null(footer.cat)) {
      } else {
        paste0(footer2.cat, " and ", footer2.con)
    footer2 <- paste("p-values were based on", footer2.after)

  footer <- c("N is number of all patients, n is number of patients with non-missing value.",
              if (any(value == "-")) {"- : value cannot be estimated."} else NULL,

  ### flextable
  if (flextable) {

    ## main table
    tab <- flextable::flextable(as.data.frame(value))

    ## header
    header1[1] <- header2[1]
    header1[seq(from = 2, to = 2 * length(gr.lev), by = 2)] <- header1[seq(from = 2, to = 2 * length(gr.lev), by = 2) + 1]
    if (test) header2[length(header1)] <- header1[length(header1)]
           eval(parse(text = paste0("flextable::set_header_labels(tab,",
                                    paste(paste0("V", 1:length(header1)), paste0("'", header1, "'"), sep = "=", collapse = ","),
           eval(parse(text = paste0("flextable::add_header(tab,",
                                    paste(paste0("V", 1:length(header1)), paste0("'", header2, "'"), sep = "=", collapse = ","),
                                    ", top = FALSE)"))))

    tab <- flextable::merge_h(tab, part = "header")
    tab <- flextable::merge_v(tab, part = "header")

    ## footer
    for (k in (1:length(footer))) {
      tab <- flextable::add_footer(tab, V1 = footer[k], top = FALSE)
      tab <- flextable::merge_at(tab, i = k, j = 1:length(header1), part = "footer")

    ## format
    ### width
    tab <- flextable::autofit(tab)
    ### alignment
    tab <- flextable::align(tab, j = 1, align = "left", part = "all")
    ### faces of header
    tab <- flextable::bold(tab, part = "header")
    ### background
    tab <- flextable::bg(tab, i = seq(from = 1, to = nrow(value), by = 2), j = 1:length(header1), bg = bg, part = "body")
    ### border
    tabbd <- officer::fp_border(color="black", width = 1.5)
    tab <- border_remove(tab)
    tab <- hline(tab, border = tabbd, part = "header")
    tab <- hline_top(tab, border = tabbd, part = "all")
    tab <- hline_bottom(tab, border = tabbd, part = "body")

  } else {
    tab <- list(table = rbind(header1, header2, value),
                footer = footer)
  ## output

sstable.baseline.each <- function(varname, x, y, z, bycol = TRUE, pooledGroup = FALSE,
                                  statistics = "med.IQR", continuous = NA, fullfreq = TRUE, test = FALSE,
                                  digits = 1, pdigits = pdigits, pcutoff = 0.0001, chisq.test = FALSE, correct = FALSE, workspace = 1000000,
                                  hybrid = FALSE, simulate.p.value = FALSE, B = 2000) {

  ## functions
  mycont.summary <- function(x, y, z) {
    ngroup <- length(levels(y))

    if (is.null(z)) {
      summarystat.nice <- by(unclass(x), y, contSummary, statistics = statistics, digits = digits, n = FALSE)
      #n <- c(by(x, y, function(x) length(na.omit(x))))
      n <- table(y[!is.na(x)])

      result <- matrix("", ncol = ngroup * 2 + 1, nrow = 1)
      result[1, seq(2, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- n
      result[1, seq(3, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- unlist(summarystat.nice)

    } else {
      summarystat.nice <- by(unclass(z), list(x, y), contSummary, statistics = statistics, digits = digits, n = FALSE)
      n <- table(x, y)
      result <- matrix("", ncol = ngroup * 2 + 1, nrow = length(levels(x)) + 1)
      result[1, seq(2, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- apply(n, 2, sum)
      result[2:nrow(result), seq(2, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- n
      result[2:nrow(result), 1] <- paste0("- ", levels(x), " (n = ", apply(n, 1, sum), ")")
      result[2:nrow(result), seq(3, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- unlist(summarystat.nice)

    if (test == TRUE & ngroup > 1) {
      # overall Kruskal-Wallis test for group differences
      if (is.null(z)) {
        m <- 1:(length(x) * (1 - 0.5 * as.numeric(pooledGroup)))
        pval <- tryCatch(format.pval(kruskal.test(x = x[m], g = y[m])$p.value,
                                     eps = pcutoff, digits = pdigits, scientific = FALSE),
                         error = function(c) NA)
        result <- cbind(result, pval)
      } else {
        pval <- sapply(1:length(levels(x)), function(i) {
          q <- which(x == levels(x)[i])
          if (length(q) == 0) {
            out <- NA
          } else {
            m <- q[q %in% 1:(length(z) * (1 - 0.5 * as.numeric(pooledGroup)))]
            out <- tryCatch(format.pval(kruskal.test(x = z[m], g = y[m])$p.value,
                                        eps = pcutoff, digits = pdigits, scientific = FALSE),
                            error = function(c) NA)
        result <- cbind(result, c("", pval))


  mycat.summary <- function(x, y, z, fullfreq = fullfreq) {
    ngroup <- length(levels(y))
    result <- matrix("", ncol = ngroup * 2 + 1, nrow = length(levels(x)) + 1)

    if (is.null(z)) {
      ta <- table(x, y)
      n <- if (bycol) {
        apply(ta, 2, sum)
      } else {
        if (pooledGroup) {apply(ta[, -ncol(ta)], 1, sum)} else {apply(ta, 1, sum)}
      ta.prop <- if (bycol) {
        unclass(ta/rep(n, each = length(levels(x))))
      } else {
        unclass(ta/rep(n, ngroup))

      ta.nice <- matrix(paste0(" (", formatC(100 * unclass(ta.prop), digits, format = "f"), "%)"),
                        nrow = nrow(ta), ncol = ncol(ta))
      result[2:nrow(result), 1] <- paste0("- ", levels(x))
      if (bycol) {
        result[1, seq(2, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- n
        if (fullfreq) {
          result[2:nrow(result), seq(3, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- paste0(ta, "/", rep(apply(ta, 2, sum), each = length(levels(x))), ta.nice)
        } else {
          result[2:nrow(result), seq(3, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- paste0(ta, ta.nice)

      } else {
        result[2:nrow(result), 1] <- paste0(result[2:nrow(result), 1], " (n=", n, ")")
        if (fullfreq) {
          result[2:nrow(result), seq(3, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- paste0(ta, "/", rep(n, ngroup), ta.nice)
        } else {
          result[2:nrow(result), seq(3, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- paste0(ta, ta.nice)

    } else {
      tn <- table(x, y)
      tn2 <- if (pooledGroup) {tn[, -ncol(tn)]} else {tn}
      ta.nice <- matrix(by(z, list(x, y), function(z) {
        ta <- sum(z == TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
        n <- length(na.omit(z))
        if (fullfreq) {
          output <- paste0(ta, "/", n, " (", formatC(100 * (ta/n), digits, format = "f"), "%)")
        } else {
          output <- paste0(ta, " (", formatC(100 * (ta/n), digits, format = "f"), "%)")
      }), ncol = ngroup)
      result[2:nrow(result), 1] <- paste0("- ", levels(x), " (n=", apply(tn2, 1, sum), ")")
      result[2:nrow(result), seq(3, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- ta.nice
      result[1, seq(2, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- apply(tn, 2, sum)
      result[2:nrow(result), seq(2, ncol(result), by = 2)] <- tn

    if (test == TRUE & ngroup > 1) {
      if (is.null(z)) {
        m <- 1:(length(x) * (1 - 0.5 * as.numeric(pooledGroup)))
        pval <- if (chisq.test) {
          tryCatch(format.pval(chisq.test(x = x[m], y = y[m], correct = correct,
                                          simulate.p.value = simulate.p.value, B = B)$p.value,
                               eps = pcutoff, digits = pdigits, scientific = FALSE),
                   error = function(c) NA)
        } else {
          tryCatch(format.pval(fisher.test(x = x[m], y = y[m], workspace = workspace, hybrid = hybrid,
                                           simulate.p.value = simulate.p.value, B = B)$p.value,
                               eps = pcutoff, digits = pdigits, scientific = FALSE),
                   error = function(c) NA)
        result <- cbind(result, "")
        result[1,ngroup * 2 + 2] <- pval
      } else {
        pval <- sapply(1:length(levels(x)), function(i) {
          q <- which(x == levels(x)[i])
          if (length(q) == 0) {
            out <- NA
          } else {
            m <- q[q %in% 1:(length(z) * (1 - 0.5 * as.numeric(pooledGroup)))]
            out <- if (chisq.test) {
              tryCatch(format.pval(chisq.test(x = z[m], y = y[m], correct = correct,
                                              simulate.p.value = simulate.p.value, B = B)$p.value,
                                   eps = pcutoff, digits = pdigits, scientific = FALSE),
                       error = function(c) NA)
            } else {
              tryCatch(format.pval(fisher.test(x = z[m], y = y[m], workspace = workspace, hybrid = hybrid,
                                               simulate.p.value = simulate.p.value, B = B)$p.value,
                                   eps = pcutoff, digits = pdigits, scientific = FALSE),
                       error = function(c) NA)
        result <- cbind(result, c("", pval))

  if (is.null(z)) {
    out <- if (continuous) {
      mycont.summary(x = x, y = y, z = NULL)
    } else {
      mycat.summary(x = x, y = y, z = NULL, fullfreq = fullfreq)
  } else {
    out <- if (is.factor(z)) {
      mycat.summary(x = x, y = y, z = z, fullfreq = fullfreq)
    } else {
      mycont.summary(x = x, y = y, z = z)

  out[1, 1] <- varname

# create adverse event table ---------------------------------------------------

#' Create an adverse event summary table
#' @description A function to create a simple adverse event summary table.
#' @param ae_data a data frame contains adverse event data.
#' @param fullid_data a data frame contains treatment arm data of all participants (not just those had adverse event).
#' @param id.var a character specifies name of study id variable (exists in both adverse event data and treatment arm data).
#' @param aetype.var a character specifies name of adverse event type variable (exists in adverse event data).
#' @param grade.var a character specifies name of adverse event grade variable (exists in adverse event data).
#' @param arm.var a character specifies name of treatment arm variable (exists in treatment arm data).
#' @param digits a number specifies number of significant digits for numeric statistics.
#' @param test a logical value specifies whether a statistical test will be performed to compare between treatment arms.
#' @param pdigits a number specifies number of significant digits for p value.
#' @param pcutoff a number specifies threshold value of p value to be displayed as "< pcutoff".
#' @param chisq.test a logical value specifies whether Chi-squared test or Fisher's exact test will be used to compare between treatment arms.
#' @param correct a parameter for chisq.test().
#' @param simulate.p.value a parameter for chisq.test() and fisher.test().
#' @param B a parameter for chisq.test() and fisher.test().
#' @param workspace a parameter for fisher.test().
#' @param hybrid a parameter for fisher.test().
#' @param footer a vector of strings to be used as footnote of table.
#' @param flextable a logical value specifies whether output will be a flextable-type table.
#' @param bg a character specifies color of the odd rows in the body of flextable-type table.
#' @return a flextable-type table or a list with values/headers/footers
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @export
sstable.ae <- function(ae_data, fullid_data, id.var, aetype.var, grade.var = NULL, arm.var, digits = 0,
                       test = TRUE, pdigits = 3, pcutoff = 0.001, chisq.test = FALSE, correct = FALSE,
                       simulate.p.value = FALSE, B = 2000, workspace = 1000000, hybrid = FALSE,
                       footer = NULL, flextable = TRUE, bg = "#F2EFEE"){

  ## check variable's name
  tmp <- match.call()
  if (!id.var %in% names(ae_data)){stop(paste(tmp[[4]], "does not exist in", deparse(tmp[[2]]), "!!!"))}
  if (!id.var %in% names(fullid_data)){stop(paste(tmp[[4]], "does not exist in", deparse(tmp[[3]]), "!!!"))}
  if (!aetype.var %in% names(ae_data)){stop(paste(tmp[[5]], "does not exist in", deparse(tmp[[2]]), "!!!"))}
  if (!is.null(grade.var)) {
    if (!grade.var %in% names(ae_data)){stop(paste(tmp[[6]], "does not exist in", deparse(tmp[[2]]), "!!!"))}
  if (!arm.var %in% names(fullid_data)){stop(paste(tmp[[7]], "does not exist in", deparse(tmp[[3]]), "!!!"))}

  ## format study arms
  idarm <- fullid_data[, c(id.var, arm.var)]; colnames(idarm) <- c("id", "arm")
  arm_lev <- sort(unique(as.character(idarm$arm)), na.last = TRUE)
  idarm$arm <- with(idarm, factor(as.character(arm), levels = arm_lev, exclude = NULL))

  ## add aetype of "Any selected AE" & format aetype
  ae_any <- ae_data; ae_any[, aetype.var] <- "Any selected adverse event"
  ae <- rbind(ae_data, ae_any)
  aetype_lev <- c("Any selected adverse event", unique(as.character(ae_data[, aetype.var])))

  if (!is.null(grade.var)) {
    grade <- sort(unique(na.omit(ae_data[, grade.var])))
    grade2 <- ifelse(grepl(pattern = "grade", ignore.case = TRUE, x = grade), grade, paste("Grade", grade))
    ae_grade <- do.call(rbind,
                        lapply(1:length(grade), function(i) {
                          tmpdat <- ae_data[ae_data[, grade.var] == grade[i], ]
                          tmpdat[, aetype.var] <- paste("-", grade2[i])
    ae <- rbind(ae, ae_grade)
    aetype_lev <- c("Any selected adverse event", paste("-", grade2), unique(as.character(ae_data[, aetype.var])))
  ae <- ae[, c(id.var, aetype.var)]; colnames(ae) <- c("id", "aetype")

  ## add randomized arm to AE
  ae_arm <- merge(idarm, ae, by = "id", all.y = TRUE) %>%
    mutate(arm = addNA(factor(as.character(arm), levels = arm_lev, exclude = NULL), ifany = TRUE),
           aetype = addNA(factor(as.character(aetype), levels = aetype_lev, exclude = NULL), ifany = TRUE))

  ## calculate episodes and patients
  ae_count <- ae_arm %>%
    group_by(aetype, arm) %>%
    summarise(n_episode = n(),
              n_patient = length(unique(id))) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    complete(aetype, arm)
  if (!is.factor(ae_count$aetype)) {ae_count$aetype <- factor(ae_count$aetype, levels = levels(ae_arm$aetype))}
  if (!is.factor(ae_count$arm)) {ae_count$arm <- factor(ae_count$arm, levels = levels(ae_arm$arm))}

  episode_n <- unlist(spread(select(as.data.frame(ae_count), -n_patient), key = arm, value = n_episode)[, -1])
  episode_n[is.na(episode_n)] <- 0
  patient_n <- unlist(spread(select(ae_count, -n_episode), key = arm, value = n_patient)[, -1])
  patient_n[is.na(patient_n)] <- 0
  patient_N <- rep(table(idarm$arm), each = nlevels(ae_arm$aetype))
  patient_p <- patient_n/patient_N

  ## table
  value <- matrix(ncol = nlevels(ae_arm$arm) * 2, nrow = nlevels(ae_arm$aetype))
  value[, seq(from = 1, to = ncol(value), by = 2)] <- episode_n
  value[, seq(from = 2, to = ncol(value), by = 2)] <- paste0(patient_n, "/", patient_N,
                                                             " (", formatC(100 * patient_p, digits, format = "f"), "%)")
  ae_value <- cbind(levels(ae_arm$aetype), value)

  ## test
  if (test) {
    pval <- sapply(1:nrow(value), function(i) {
      idx <- seq(from = i, to = length(patient_n), by = nrow(value))
      mat <- matrix(c(patient_n[idx], patient_N[idx] - patient_n[idx]), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
      out <- if (chisq.test) {
        tryCatch(format.pval(chisq.test(x = mat, correct = correct,
                                        simulate.p.value = simulate.p.value, B = B)$p.value,
                             eps = pcutoff, digits = pdigits, scientific = FALSE),
                 error = function(c) NA)
      } else {
        tryCatch(format.pval(fisher.test(x = mat, workspace = workspace, hybrid = hybrid,
                                         simulate.p.value = simulate.p.value, B = B)$p.value,
                             eps = pcutoff, digits = pdigits, scientific = FALSE),
                 error = function(c) NA)
    pval[is.na(pval)] <- "-"
    ae_value <- cbind(ae_value, pval)

  ## output
  ### header
  gr.lev <- levels(ae_arm$arm)
  header1 <- c("", c(rbind(rep("", length(gr.lev)), paste(gr.lev, " (N=", table(idarm$arm), ")", sep = ""))))
  header2 <- c("Type of adverse event", rep(c("n episode", "n patient"), length(gr.lev)))
  if (test) {
    header1 <- c(header1, "p value")
    header2 <- c(header2, "")

  ### footer
  footer <- c("n episode refer to the number of adverse events in each study arm.",
              "n patient refer to the number of patients with at least one event in each study arm.",
              if (any(value == "-")) "- : value cannot be estimated." else NULL,
              if (test) {paste("p-values were based on",
                               ifelse(chisq.test == FALSE, "Fisher's exact test", "Chi-squared test"),
                               "comparing n patient between study arms for each type of adverse event.")} else NULL,

  ### flextable
  if (flextable) {

    ## main table
    colnames(ae_value) <- rep("", ncol(ae_value))
    tab <- flextable::flextable(as.data.frame(ae_value))

    ## header
    header1[1] <- header2[1]
    header1[seq(from = 2, to = 2 * length(gr.lev), by = 2)] <- header1[seq(from = 2, to = 2 * length(gr.lev), by = 2) + 1]

    if (test) header2[length(header1)] <- header1[length(header1)]

           eval(parse(text = paste0("flextable::set_header_labels(tab,",
                                    paste(paste0("V", 1:length(header1)), paste0("'", header1, "'"), sep = "=", collapse = ","),
           eval(parse(text = paste0("flextable::add_header(tab,",
                                    paste(paste0("V", 1:length(header1)), paste0("'", header2, "'"), sep = "=", collapse = ","),
                                    ", top = FALSE)"))))

    tab <- flextable::merge_h(tab, part = "header")
    tab <- flextable::merge_v(tab, part = "header")

    ## footer
    for (k in (1:length(footer))) {
      tab <- flextable::add_footer(tab, V1 = footer[k], top = FALSE)
      tab <- flextable::merge_at(tab, i = k, j = 1:length(header1), part = "footer")

    ## format
    ### width
    tab <- flextable::autofit(tab)
    ### alignment
    tab <- flextable::align(tab, j = 1, align = "left", part = "all")
    ### faces of header
    tab <- flextable::bold(tab, part = "header")
    ### background
    tab <- flextable::bg(tab, i = seq(from = 1, to = nrow(value), by = 2), j = 1:length(header1), bg = bg, part = "body")
    ### border
    tabbd <- officer::fp_border(color="black", width = 1.5)
    tab <- border_remove(tab)
    tab <- hline(tab, border = tabbd, part = "header")
    tab <- hline_top(tab, border = tabbd, part = "all")
    tab <- hline_bottom(tab, border = tabbd, part = "body")

  } else {
    tab <- list(table = rbind(header1, header2, ae_value),
                footer = footer)

# create survival comparison table ----------------------------------------

#' Summarize results for a Cox survival model with the treatment arm as the main covariate
#' @description A function to summarize results for a Cox survival model with the treatment arm (variable "arm") as the main covariate
#' @param model a formula which can be used to fit the Cox survival model. This formula can include other covariates than arm BUT arm must be the first covariate in the model.
#' @param data a data frame to fir the Cox survival model.
#' @param add.risk a logical value specifies whether the event probability ("absolute risk") at time "infinity" should be displayed.
#' @param add.prop.haz.test a logical value specifies whether a test for proportional hazards should be added.
#' @param medsum a logical value specifies whether median (IQR) of time to event should be described.
#' @param digits a number specifies number of significant digits for numeric statistics.
#' @param pdigits a number specifies number of significant digits for p value.
#' @param pcutoff a number specifies threshold value of p value to be displayed as "< pcutoff".
#' @param footer a vector of strings to be used as footnote of table.
#' @param flextable a logical value specifies whether output will be a flextable-type table.
#' @param bg a character specifies color of the odd rows in the body of flextable-type table.
#' @return a flextable-type table or a list with values/headers/footers
#' @author This function was originally written by Marcel Wolbers. Lam Phung Khanh did some modification.
#' @import survival
#' @export
sstable.survcomp <- function(model, data, add.risk = TRUE, add.prop.haz.test = TRUE, medsum = TRUE,
                             digits = 2, pdigits = 3, pcutoff = 0.001, footer = NULL, flextable = TRUE, bg = "#F2EFEE"){

  arm.var <- if (length(model[[3]]) > 1) {deparse(model[[3]][[2]])} else {deparse(model[[3]])}
  arm.names <- levels(data[, arm.var])

  # Table header
  header1 <- c(paste(arm.names, " (n=", table(data[, arm.var]), ")", sep = ""), "Comparison")
  header2 <- c(rep(ifelse(add.risk, "events/n (risk [%])", "events/n"), length(arm.names)), "HR (95%CI); p-value")
  header <- rbind(header1, header2)
  result <- rbind(header, "")

  ## footer
  footer <- c("HR = hazard ratio; IQR = interquartile range.", "HR and p value were based on Cox proportional hazards models.", footer)

  # add number of events and risks
  fit.surv0 <- survival::survfit(update(model, new = as.formula(paste0(". ~ ", arm.var))), data = data)
  fit.surv <- summary(fit.surv0, time = Inf, extend = TRUE)

  if (length(unique(data[, arm.var])) < length(arm.names)) {
    tmp <- fit.surv$table
    dim(tmp) <- c(length(unique(data[, arm.var])), length(tmp))
    colnames(tmp) <- names(fit.surv$table)
  } else {
    tmp <- fit.surv$table
  events.n <- paste(tmp[, "events"], tmp[, "n.max"], sep = "/")
  if (add.risk) events.n <- paste(events.n, " (", formatC(100*(1 - fit.surv$surv), digits, format = "f"), ")", sep="")
  idx <- which(arm.names %in% unique(data[, arm.var]))
  result[3, 1:length(arm.names)] <- rep("-", length(arm.names))
  result[3, idx] <- events.n
  if (length(events.n) < length(arm.names)) {
    result[3, length(arm.names) + 1] <- "-"
    if (add.prop.haz.test){result <- cbind(result, c("Test for proportional hazards", "p-value", "-"))}
  } else {
    # add HR, CI, p-value
    fit.coxph <- survival::coxph(model, data)
    est <- coef(fit.coxph)
    hr <- formatC(exp(est), digits, format = "f")
    result[3, length(arm.names) + 1] <- if (is.na(coef(fit.coxph))) {
    } else {
      se <- sqrt(fit.coxph$var)
      z <- abs(est/se)
      pval <- format.pval((1 - pnorm(z)) * 2, eps = pcutoff, digits = pdigits)
      ci <- paste(formatC(exp(c(est - qnorm(0.975) * se, est + qnorm(0.975) * se)), digits, format = "f"), collapse = ", ")
      hr.ci.p <- paste(hr, " (", ci, "); p=", pval, sep = "")
      result[3, length(arm.names) + 1] <- hr.ci.p

    # add test for proportional hazards
    if (add.prop.haz.test){
      if (is.na(est)) {
        result <- cbind(result, c("Test for proportional hazards", "p-value", "-"))
      } else {
        attr(model, ".Environment") <- environment() # needed for cox.zph to work
        p.prop.haz <- survival::cox.zph(survival::coxph(model, data))$table[1, "p"]
        if (is.na(p.prop.haz)) {
          p.prop.haz <- "-"
        } else {
          p.prop.haz <- format.pval(p.prop.haz, eps = pcutoff, digits = pdigits)
        result <- cbind(result, c("Test for proportional hazards", "p-value", p.prop.haz))
  rownames(result) <- NULL

  # add label
  varname <- all.vars(model)[2:1]
  varlabel <- sapply(varname, function(x){
    ifelse(is.null(attr(data[, x], "label")), x, attr(data[, x], "label"))
  # output
  output <- if (medsum) {
    result <- rbind(result, "", "", "", "")
    # add median (IQR) of time-to-event
    qfit <- as.matrix(do.call(cbind, quantile(fit.surv0, probs = c(0.5, 0.25, 0.75))))
    result[5:7, 1:length(arm.names)] <- apply(formatC(qfit, digits, format = "f"), 1, function(x){
      sapply(1:3, function(z) paste(x[z], " (", x[z + 3], ", ", x[z + 6], ")", sep = ""))
    cbind(c("Endpoint", "", varlabel, "- Median (95%CI)", "- Lower IQR (95%CI)", "- Upper IQR (95%CI)"), result)
  } else {
    output <- cbind(c("Endpoint", "", varlabel[1]), result)
  rownames(output) <- NULL
  value <- output[-c(1:2), , drop = FALSE]
  ## flextable
  if (flextable) {

    ## main table
    tab <- flextable::flextable(as.data.frame(value))

    ## header
    header1 <- output[1, ]; header2 <- output[2, ]
    header2[1] <- header1[1]
           eval(parse(text = paste0("flextable::set_header_labels(tab,",
                                    paste(paste0("V", 1:length(header1)), paste0("'", header1, "'"), sep = "=", collapse = ","),
           eval(parse(text = paste0("flextable::add_header(tab,",
                                    paste(paste0("V", 1:length(header1)), paste0("'", header2, "'"), sep = "=", collapse = ","),
                                    ", top = FALSE)"))))

    tab <- flextable::merge_v(tab, part = "header")

    if (any(value == "-")) footer <- c(footer, "- : value cannot be estimated.")

    for (k in (1:length(footer))) {
      tab <- flextable::add_footer(tab, V1 = footer[k], top = FALSE)
      tab <- flextable::merge_at(tab, i = k, j = 1:length(header1), part = "footer")

    ## format
    ### width
    tab <- flextable::autofit(tab)
    ### alignment
    tab <- flextable::align(tab, j = 1, align = "left", part = "all")
    ### faces of header
    tab <- flextable::bold(tab, part = "header")
    ### background
    tab <- flextable::bg(tab, i = seq(from = 1, to = nrow(value), by = 2), j = 1:length(header1), bg = bg, part = "body")
    ### border
    tabbd <- officer::fp_border(color="black", width = 1.5)
    tab <- border_remove(tab)
    tab <- hline(tab, border = tabbd, part = "header")
    tab <- hline_top(tab, border = tabbd, part = "all")
    tab <- hline_bottom(tab, border = tabbd, part = "body")

  } else {
    tab <- list(table = output,
                footer = footer)

#' Summarize results for a Cox survival model by treatment arm and subgroup
#' @description A function to summarize results for a Cox survival model by treatment arm (variable "arm") and subgroup.
#' @param base.model a formula from which sub-group specific estimates are extracted (!! arm must be the first covariate in the model).
#' @param subgroup.model a formula of the form "~subgrouping.variable1+subgrouping.variable2" (!! subgrouping.variable must be factors and there should be nothing on the left-hand side of the formula).
#' @param data a data frame to fir the Cox survival model.
#' @param ... arguments that are passed to sstable.survcomp.
#' @param digits a number specifies number of significant digits for numeric statistics.
#' @param pdigits a number specifies number of significant digits for p value.
#' @param pcutoff a number specifies threshold value of p value to be displayed as "< pcutoff".
#' @param footer a vector of strings to be used as footnote of table.
#' @param flextable a logical value specifies whether output will be a flextable-type table.
#' @param bg a character specifies color of the odd rows in the body of flextable-type table.
#' @return a flextable-type table or a list with values/headers/footers
#' @author This function was originally written by Marcel Wolbers. Lam Phung Khanh did some modification.
#' @import survival
#' @export
sstable.survcomp.subgroup <- function(base.model, subgroup.model, data, digits = 2, pdigits = 3, pcutoff = 0.001, footer = NULL, flextable = TRUE, bg = "#F2EFEE", ...){

  # result in entire population
  result <- sstable.survcomp(model = base.model, data = data, medsum = FALSE, digits = digits,
                             pdigits = 3, pcutoff = pcutoff, flextable = FALSE, ...)$table[,-1]
  result <- cbind(c("Subgroup", "", "All patients"), result, c("Test for heterogeneity", "p-value", ""))

  # Preparation of models and data
  subgroup.char <- all.vars(subgroup.model)
  for (k in 1:length(subgroup.char)){
    main.model <- update(base.model, as.formula(paste(". ~ . +", subgroup.char[k], sep = "")))
    ia.model <- update(base.model, as.formula(paste(". ~ . + arm *", subgroup.char[k], sep = "")))
    data$.subgroup.var <- data[, subgroup.char[k]]
    factor.levels <- levels(data[, subgroup.char[k]])

    # Add interaction test for heterogeneity
    result <- rbind(result, "")
    result[nrow(result), 1] <- ifelse(is.null(attr(data[, subgroup.char[k]], "label")),
                                      subgroup.char[k], attr(data[, subgroup.char[k]], "label"))
    ia.pval <- anova(survival::coxph(ia.model, data = data), survival::coxph(main.model, data = data), test = "Chisq")[2, "P(>|Chi|)"]
    result[nrow(result), ncol(result)] <- format.pval(ia.pval, digits = pdigits, eps = pcutoff)

    # Add results for each subgroup level
    for (j in 1:length(factor.levels)){
      result <- rbind(result, "")
      result[nrow(result), 1] <- paste("-", factor.levels[j])
      d.subgroup <- subset(data, .subgroup.var == factor.levels[j])
      result[nrow(result), 2:(ncol(result) - 1)] <- sstable.survcomp(model = base.model, data = d.subgroup,
                                                                     medsum = FALSE, digits = digits, pdigits = pdigits, pcutoff = pcutoff,
                                                                     flextable = FALSE, ...)$table[3,-1]
  ## footer
  footer <- c("HR = hazard ratio.",
              "HR and p value were based on Cox proportional hazards models.",
              "Test for heterogeneity is an interaction test between treatment effect and each subgroup in a Cox proportional hazard model (not include other variables).",

  # flextable
  if (flextable) {

    ## main table
    value <- result[-c(1, 2), ]
    tab <- flextable::flextable(as.data.frame(value))

    ## header
    header1 <- result[1, ]; header2 <- result[2, ]
    header2[1] <- header1[1]
           eval(parse(text = paste0("flextable::set_header_labels(tab,",
                                    paste(paste0("V", 1:length(header1)), paste0("'", header1, "'"), sep = "=", collapse = ","),
           eval(parse(text = paste0("flextable::add_header(tab,",
                                    paste(paste0("V", 1:length(header1)), paste0("'", header2, "'"), sep = "=", collapse = ","),
                                    ", top = FALSE)"))))

    tab <- flextable::merge_v(tab, part = "header")

    ## footer
    if (any(value == "-")) footer <- c(footer, "- : value cannot be estimated.")
    for (k in (1:length(footer))) {
      tab <- flextable::add_footer(tab, V1 = footer[k], top = FALSE)
      tab <- flextable::merge_at(tab, i = k, j = 1:length(header1), part = "footer")

    ## format
    ### width
    tab <- flextable::autofit(tab)
    ### alignment
    tab <- flextable::align(tab, j = 1, align = "left", part = "all")
    ### faces of header
    tab <- flextable::bold(tab, part = "header")
    ### background
    tab <- flextable::bg(tab, i = seq(from = 1, to = nrow(result[-c(1:2), ]), by = 2), j = 1:length(header1), bg = bg, part = "body")
    ### border
    tabbd <- officer::fp_border(color="black", width = 1.5)
    tab <- border_remove(tab)
    tab <- hline(tab, border = tabbd, part = "header")
    tab <- hline_top(tab, border = tabbd, part = "all")
    tab <- hline_bottom(tab, border = tabbd, part = "body")

  } else {
    tab <- list(table = result,
                footer = footer)
lampk/C306 documentation built on Sept. 11, 2019, 8:03 a.m.