
Defines functions getExons

Documented in getExons

## getExons()
## arguments:
## --region: vector of length 3 containing a chromosome, start, and end - used to declare a region (usually a DER of interest) you would like to connect to annotated exons.  
## --region (cont): example: region=c("chr22",2948173,2948273).  Note that chromosomes should be named as they are in the annotation provided (as the annotation argument).
## --annotation: a data frame containing annotated exon information for your genome (one row per exon). Must contain columns named chr, start, and end.
## --annotation (cont): users can get an annotation to use with the getAnnotation() function
## --verbose: if TRUE, prints messages upon return about whether region was in an exon or not.
## return:
## a list with elements $region (containing the supplied region vector) and
## $closestExons, a data frame consisting of rows of annotation corresponding to either the exon that overlaps region, or the closest exons (one each side) of region, if it does not fall into an annotation exon

#'Find closest exon(s) to a genomic region
#'Given any genomic region (chromosome, start, end), return the closest known
#'@param region length-3 vector \code{(chromosome, start position, end
#'position)} of the genomic region of interest.  Note that \code{chromosome}
#'needs to be in the same format as the \code{chr} column of \code{annotation}.
#'@param annotation Data frame containing exon information (one row per exon)
#'for the appropriate genome.  Must contain columns \code{chr}, \code{start},
#'and \code{end}.  It is recommended that \code{getAnnotation} be used to
#'obtain an annotation data frame.
#'@param verbose If TRUE, prints output messages when function finishes.
#'@return A list with elements
#' \item{region }{the region argument provided}
#' \item{closestExons }{the rows of \code{annotation} corresponding to the closest exon to \code{region}}
#'closest exon to \code{region}
#'@author Alyssa Frazee
#'@seealso \code{\link{getAnnotation}}
#' \dontrun{
#' exons = getAnnotation("hg19","knownGene")
#' theRegion = c("chr22", 18216902, 18218350)
#' getExons(theRegion, exons)
#' foo = getExons(theRegion, exons)
#' foo
#' foo$closestExons
#' }

getExons <- function(region,annotation,verbose=TRUE) {
	if(!is.vector(region)) stop("region must be a vector (chr, start, end)")
	if(length(region)!=3) stop("region must be a vector of length 3 (chr, start, end)")
	chr = region[1]
	Start = as.numeric(region[2])
	End = as.numeric(region[3])
	if(!is.data.frame(annotation)) stop("annotation must be a data frame. see getAnnotation().")
	if(!all(c("chr","start","end")%in%colnames(annotation))) stop("annotation must contain columns named chr, start, and end")
	if(any(is.na(annotation[,c("chr","start","end")])) | any(is.na(region))) stop("No missing values allowed in chr, start, or end.")
	annotation = annotation[annotation$chr==chr,]
	annotation = annotation[order(annotation$start),]
	startswithin = which(annotation$start<=Start & annotation$end>=Start)
	endswithin = which(annotation$start<=End & annotation$end>=End)
	overlapswhole = which(annotation$start>=Start & annotation$end<=End)
	tmp = length(startswithin)+length(endswithin)+length(overlapswhole)
	inExon = ifelse(tmp==0,0,1)
	if(inExon==1) {
		if(verbose) print("region overlaps annotated exon(s)")
		out <- annotation[c(startswithin,endswithin),]
	if(inExon==0) {
		if(verbose) print("region is not within an annotated exon, returning closest exon(s) on either side")
		rightdists <- abs(annotation$start-End)
		relevant.right.inds <- which(annotation$start>=End)
		right.tmp <- which.min(rightdists[relevant.right.inds])
		right.closest <- relevant.right.inds[right.tmp]
		leftdists <- abs(annotation$end - Start)
		relevant.left.inds <- which(annotation$end<=Start)
		left.tmp <- which.min(leftdists[relevant.left.inds])
		left.closest <- relevant.left.inds[left.tmp]
		closests <- c(left.closest,right.closest)
		out <- annotation[closests,]
	return(list(region=region, closestExons=out))
leekgroup/derfinder documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:30 p.m.