
Defines functions .filterNonUniqueMatches .filterUniqueMatches .fragmentMatchingContingencyMatrix .fragmentMatchingConfusionMatrix .plotFragmentMatchingPerformance .plotCxRow .plotFragmentMatching .fragmentMatchingDifferences .fragmentMatching .plotSpectrumVsSpectrum .plotFragmentsVsSpectrum

#' @param spectra list, 2 MSnbase::Spectrum2 objects
#' @param sequences list, 2 character vectors containing the peptide sequences
#' for spectra and fragments
#' @param fragments, characters vector containing the fragment.str
#' @param tolerance double, allowed deviation
#' @param ... passed to MSnbase:::.plotSingleSpectrum
#' @noRd
.plotFragmentsVsSpectrum <- function(spectra, sequences, fragments,
                                    tolerance=25e-6, ...) {
  spectra <- lapply(spectra, normalize, method="precursor")

  if (missing(sequences)) {
    sequences <- character(2)

  mass <- unlist(lapply(spectra, mz))

  ## if both spectra are removed because of NeutralLoss=TRUE
  if (length(mass)) {
    xlim <- c(min(mass, na.rm=TRUE), max(mass, na.rm=TRUE))
  } else {
    xlim <- c(0, 0)

  inten <- unlist(lapply(spectra, intensity))
  maxInten <- max(c(0, inten), na.rm=TRUE)
  ylim <- c(-maxInten, maxInten)

  oldPar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)

  par(mar=c(2, 2, 2, 0.5)) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
    fragments=list(data.frame(mz=mz(spectra[[1]]), ion=fragments,
    main="Identification Fragments vs Quantitation Spectrum",
    xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...)

#' plot spectrum1 vs spectrum2
#' @param spectra list, 2 MSnbase::Spectrum2 objects
#' @param sequences character vector (length==2) containing the peptide
#' sequences for both spectra
#' @param common list (length==2), containing logical vector for common peaks
#' @param fragments list (length==2), containing fragments data.frames
#' @param gridSearchResult character
#' @param fragments.cex cex for fragments
#' @param legend.cex cex for legend
#' @param ... passed to MSnbase:::.plotSingleSpectrum
#' @noRd
.plotSpectrumVsSpectrum <- function(spectra,
                                    fragments=vector(mode="list", length=2),
                                    xlim, ylim,
                                    legend.cex=1, ...) {
  orientation <- c(1, -1)
  add <- c(FALSE, TRUE)
  legend.pos <- c("topleft", "bottomleft")
  legend.prefix <- c("ident", "quant")
  ## colors: ColorBrewer RdYlBu c(9, 11, 3, 1)
  cols <- c("#74ADD1", "#313695", "#F46D43", "#A50026")
  pch <- c(NA, 19)

  for (i in seq(along=spectra)) {
    if (!length(common[[i]])) {
      common[[i]] <- logical(peaksCount(spectra[[i]]))
                                  add=add[i], xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
                                  pch=pch[common[[i]]+1], ...)

    label <- paste0(legend.prefix[i], " prec leID: ",

    if (peaksCount(spectra[[i]])) {
      label <- paste0(label, ", prec mass: ", round(precursorMz(spectra[[i]]), 3),
                             ", prec z: ", precursorCharge(spectra[[i]]),
                             ", # common: ", sum(common[[i]]),
                             ", match: ", gridSearchResult)
      if (isTRUE(nzchar(sequences[i], keepNA=TRUE))) {
        label <- paste0(label, ",\nseq: ", sequences[i])

    legend(legend.pos[i], legend=label, bty="n", cex=legend.cex)

#' fragment matching workhorse function
#' compares ident fragments vs quant product spectrum
#' @param flatEmrts flattened EMRTs (see flatMatchedEMRTs)
#' @param identFragments MSnExp of the identification fragments
#' @param quantSpectra MSnExp of the quantitation spectra
#' @param tolerance double, allowed deviation to consider a m/z as equal
#' @param verbose verbose output?
#' @return data.frame, extend/flatted matchedEmrts df with additional columns:
#' gridSearchResult, FragmentMatching
#' @noRd
.fragmentMatching <- function(flatEmrts, identFragments, quantSpectra,
                              tolerance=25e-6, verbose=interactive()) {
  if (verbose) {
    message("Look for common peaks")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(0, nrow(flatEmrts), style=3)

  for (i in 1:nrow(flatEmrts)) {
    flatEmrts[i, "FragmentMatching"] <-
        .getSpectrum(flatEmrts$precursor.leID.ident[i], identFragments),
        .getSpectrum(flatEmrts$matched.quant.spectrumIDs[i], quantSpectra),

    if (verbose) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

  if (verbose) {
    message("Calculate Differences")

  flatEmrts <- .fragmentMatchingDifferences(flatEmrts)


#' calculate difference between first highest and second highest number of
#' common peaks in a non-unique match group
#' @param fm data.frame
#' @return modified fm data.frame
#' @noRd
.fragmentMatchingDifferences <- function(fm) {
  # use only non-unique matches
  idx <- fm$matchedEMRTs > 1

  fm$FragmentMatchingRank <- fm$FragmentMatchingDiff <- NA

  fm$FragmentMatchingRank[idx] <- ave(fm$FragmentMatching[idx],

  fm$FragmentMatchingDiff[idx] <- ave(fm$FragmentMatching[idx],
                                   FUN=function(x)diff(sort(x, decreasing=TRUE)[2:1]))


#' plot FragmentMatching
#' @param obj synapter object
#' @param key all rows with a matching "key" in "column" are plotted.
#' If missing everything is plotted.
#' @param column in which column we should look for "key"
#' @param verbose verbose output?
#' @noRd
.plotFragmentMatching <- function(obj, key, column="peptide.seq", verbose=interactive(),
                              ...) {
  fm <- obj$FragmentMatching

  if (!column %in% colnames(fm)) {
    stop(sQuote("column"), "=", column, " is not a valid column of the ",
         "FragmentMatching data.frame!")

  if (missing(key) && verbose) {
    message(sQuote("key"), " is missing. Plotting everything.")

  if (!missing(key)) {
    fm <- fm[which(fm[, column] %in% key), ]

    if (!nrow(fm)) {
      stop("No row matches your criteria!")

  if (verbose) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(0, nrow(fm), style=3)

  for (i in 1:nrow(fm)) {
    .plotCxRow(fmrow=fm[i, ],

   if (verbose) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

  if (verbose) {

#' @param fmrow a single row of the FragmentMatching df
#' @param identFragments MSnExp of the identification fragments
#' @param quantSpectra MSnExp of the quantitation spectra
#' @param legend.cex cex for legend text
#' @param fragments.cex cex for fragment text
#' @noRd
.plotCxRow <- function(fmrow, identFragments, quantSpectra,
                       legend.cex=0.6, fragments.cex=0.5,
                       ...) {

  keys <- unlist(fmrow[,c("precursor.leID.ident", "matched.quant.spectrumIDs")])
  spectra <- list(ident=.getSpectrum(keys[1], identFragments),
                  quant=.getSpectrum(keys[2], quantSpectra))

  sequences <- mapply(function(x, k) {
    ## avoid partial matching of rows
    ## ( [.data.frame always use partial match for rows; exact=TRUE works only
    ## for column names)
    return(fData(x)[match(k, rownames(fData(x))), "peptide.seq"])
  }, x=list(identFragments, quantSpectra), k=keys,

  fragments <- na.omit(MSnbase:::utils.ssv2vec(
    fData(identFragments)[match(keys[1], rownames(fData(identFragments))), "fragment.str"]))


#' plot fm performance
#' @param fm fm data.frame
#' @param showAllPeptides show all peptides in plot?
#' @return invisible list with two elements (unique,nonunique) each containing a
#' matrix of 3 columns threshold, true, false
#' @noRd
.plotFragmentMatchingPerformance <- function(fm, showAllPeptides=FALSE) {
  l <- setNames(vector(mode="list", length=2), c("unique", "nonunique"))
  what <- c("unique", "non-unique")
  xlab <- c("# of common peaks", "delta common peaks")

  par(mfcol=c(1, 2))
  for (i in seq(along=l)) {
    l[[i]] <- .fragmentMatchingContingencyMatrix(fm, what=what[i])

    col <- c("#808080", 4, 2)
    legend <- c("all peptides",
                "true matches (merged data)",
                "false matches (merged data)")

    if (showAllPeptides) {
      ylim <- range(l[[i]][, c("tp", "fp", "all")], na.rm=TRUE)
    } else {
      ylim <- range(l[[i]][, c("tp", "fp")], na.rm=TRUE)
      col <- col[-1]
      legend <- legend[-1]

    plot(l[[i]][, 1], l[[i]][, "all"],
         type=ifelse(showAllPeptides, "b", "n"),
         lty=1, pch=ifelse(l[[i]][, "all"], 19, 1),
         ylim=ylim, col="#808080", xlab=xlab[i], ylab="# of peptides",
         main=paste("performance", what[i]))
    lines(l[[i]][, 1], l[[i]][, "tp"], type="b",
          pch=ifelse(l[[i]][, "tp"], 19, 1), col=2)
    lines(l[[i]][, 1], l[[i]][, "fp"], type="b",
          pch=ifelse(l[[i]][, "fp"], 19, 1), col=4)
    legend("topright", legend=legend, col=col, lwd=1, pch=19, bty="n")
  par(mfcol=c(1, 1))


#' @param fm FragmentMatching df, result of .fragmentMatching
#' @param what character unique/non-unique
#' @return matrix with cols threshold,
#' @noRd
.fragmentMatchingConfusionMatrix <- function(fm, what=c("unique", "non-unique")) {
  what <- match.arg(what)

  fmsub <- fm[grep(paste0("^", what), fm$gridSearchResult), ]

  rcol <- "FragmentMatchingRank"

  if (what == "unique") {
    fmsub[, rcol] <- 1
    mcol <- "FragmentMatching"
  } else {
    mcol <- "FragmentMatchingDiff"

  train <- tapply(1:nrow(fmsub), fmsub$precursor.leID.ident, function(i) {
    ytrain <- any(grepl("true$", fmsub$gridSearchResult[i]) &
                  fmsub[i, rcol] == 1)
    xtrain <- fmsub[i[which.min(fmsub[i, rcol])], mcol]
    cbind(xtrain, ytrain)
  }, simplify=FALSE)
  train <- do.call(rbind, train)
  xtrain <- train[, 1]
  ytrain <- train[, 2]

  thresholds <- 0:max(xtrain, na.rm=TRUE)
  allfm <- fm[, mcol]
  allfm[is.na(allfm)] <- 0

  confusion <- t(sapply(thresholds, function(th) {
    tp <- sum(xtrain >= th & ytrain)
    fp <- sum(xtrain >= th & !ytrain)
    tn <- sum(xtrain < th & !ytrain)
    fn <- sum(xtrain < th & ytrain)
    al <- sum(allfm >= th)
    c(tp=tp, fp=fp, tn=tn, fn=fn, all=al)

  confusion <- cbind(thresholds, confusion)

  colnames(confusion)[1] <- ifelse(what == "unique", "ncommon", "deltacommon")
  rownames(confusion) <- NULL


#' @param fm FragmentMatching df, result of .fragmentMatching
#' @param what character unique/non-unique
#' @param mcol column name of the matching results (e.g.
#' fragments.identXfragments.quant)
#' @return matrix with cols tp, fp, tn, fn
#' @noRd
.fragmentMatchingContingencyMatrix <- function(fm, what) {
  confusion <- .fragmentMatchingConfusionMatrix(fm, what)
  return(cbind(confusion, fdr=diagnosticErrors(confusion)[, "fdr"]))

#' filter unique matches
#' @param obj synapter object
#' @param mincommon a correct match must have at least "mincommon" common peaks
#' @return filtered emrts data.frame
#' @noRd
.filterUniqueMatches <- function(obj, mincommon) {
  emrts <- obj$MatchedEMRTs
  fm <- obj$FragmentMatching

  if ("matchedEMRTs.beforeFilterUniqueMatches" %in% colnames(emrts)) {
    warning("This function should not used multiple times. It removes your ",
            "original ", sQuote("matchedEMRTs"), " column.", immediate.=TRUE)

  fm <- fm[fm$precursor.leID.ident %in% emrts$precursor.leID.ident &
           fm$matchedEMRTs == 1, ]

  keep <- fm$FragmentMatching >= mincommon

  if (!any(keep)) {
    stop("No EMRT match your criteria! Try a lower threshold")

  rows <- match(fm$precursor.leID.ident, emrts$precursor.leID.ident)

  exclude <- rows[!keep]

  ## backup function
  emrts$matchedEMRTs.beforeFilterUniqueMatches <- emrts$matchedEMRTs
  emrts$matchedEMRTs[rows] <- 1

  if (length(exclude)) {
    # comment the next line and uncomment the over next line to *not* remove the
    # filtered emrts
    #emrts <- emrts[-exclude, ]
    emrts$matchedEMRTs[exclude] <-  -1
    # set Counts to NA; see https://github.com/lgatto/synapter/issues/85
    emrts$Counts[exclude] <- NA

#' filter nonunique matches
#' @param obj synapter object
#' @param mindelta a correct match must have at least "nmin" common peaks
#' @return filtered emrts data.frame
#' @noRd
.filterNonUniqueMatches <- function(obj, mindelta) {
  emrts <- obj$MatchedEMRTs
  fm <- obj$FragmentMatching

  if ("matchedEMRTs.beforeFilterNonUniqueMatches" %in% colnames(emrts)) {
    warning("This function should not used multiple times. It removes your ",
            "original ", sQuote("matchedEMRTs"), " column.", immediate.=TRUE)

  fm <- fm[fm$precursor.leID.ident %in% emrts$precursor.leID.ident &
           fm$matchedEMRTs > 1, ]

  keep <- fm$FragmentMatchingDiff >= mindelta & fm$FragmentMatchingRank == 1

  if (!any(keep)) {
    stop("No EMRT match your criteria! Try a lower threshold")

  rows <- match(fm$precursor.leID.ident, emrts$precursor.leID.ident)

  exclude <- rows[!keep]

  ## backup function
  emrts$matchedEMRTs.beforeFilterNonUniqueMatches <- emrts$matchedEMRTs

  if (length(exclude)) {
    ## this order is important because include could contain row numbers that
    ## are present in keep as well (because fm has many duplicated
    ## precursor.leID.idents)
    # see https://github.com/lgatto/synapter/issues/93
    emrts$matchedEMRTs[exclude] <- -2
    # set Counts to NA; see https://github.com/lgatto/synapter/issues/85
    emrts$Counts[exclude] <- NA

    emrts$matchedEMRTs[rows[keep]] <- 1

    cols <- c("precursor.leID.quant",
              ## pep3d data
              "spectrumID", "rt_min", "mwHPlus", "charge", "Intensity",
              "Counts", "clust_drift", "isFid", "ion_ID", "ion_z", "ion_iso",
              "ion_area", "ion_counts", "Model", "isotopicDistr", "idSource")
    emrts[rows[keep], cols] <- fm[keep, cols]
lgatto/synapter documentation built on Sept. 28, 2022, 6:53 a.m.