
Defines functions roundDT summaryHTMLTable.multiGSEA renderFeatureStatsDataTable genecards.entrez.link ncbi.entrez.link renderGseaResultTableDataTable constructGseaResultTable insertPlotlyReset explore

Documented in constructGseaResultTable explore genecards.entrez.link ncbi.entrez.link renderFeatureStatsDataTable renderGseaResultTableDataTable roundDT summaryHTMLTable.multiGSEA

##' Interactively explore a MultiGSEAResult via a shiny app
##' @description
##' This will launch a shiny application that enables exploratory analysis of
##' the results from the different GSEA methods run within a
##' \code{MultiGSEAResult}.
##' Reference the "shiny-multiGSEA" vignette for more detailed documentation of
##' the functionality provided by this application.
##' @export
##' @importFrom shiny runApp
##' @param x A \code{MultiGSEAResult} object, or path to one as an *.rds. If
##'   missing, the shiny app will load without a \code{MultiGSEAResult} object
##'   to explore, and the user can upload one into the app.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' vm <- exampleExpressionSet()
##' gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
##' mg <- multiGSEA(gdb, vm, vm$design, methods=c('camera', 'fry'))
##' explore(mg)
##' }
explore <- function(x) {
  if (!missing(x)) {
    if (is.character(x)) x <- readRDS(x)
    stopifnot(is(x, 'MultiGSEAResult'))
  runApp(system.file('shiny', package='multiGSEA.shiny'))

##' Adds a js$reset_<id>_<event>() to reset the selection on a plot
##' selected elements stick on a plot even after it is redrawn, most of the
##' times you don't want to do that.
##' See:
##' https://community.plot.ly/t/reseting-click-events/2718/2
##' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44412382/
##' @noRd
##' @importFrom shinyjs extendShinyjs js
insertPlotlyReset <- function(source, event=c('hover', 'click', 'selected')) {
  stopifnot(is.character(source), length(source) == 1L)
  event <- match.arg(event)
  text <- sprintf(
    "shinyjs.reset_%s_%s = function() {
       var jsid = '.clientValue-plotly_%s-%s';
       // window.alert(jsid);
       Shiny.onInputChange(jsid, 'null'); }",
    source, event, event, source)
  extendShinyjs(text=text, functions=sprintf("reset_%s_%s", source, event))

## Gene Set Level Table Helpers ================================================

##' Builds the table of GSEA statistics to present to the user
##' @description
##' The application will present the set of gene sets that pass a given
##' \code{fdr} for a given \code{method} as a central piece of the UI. This
##' function accepts those to arguments and prepares the statistics generated
##' from the analysis for display.
##' @export
##' @param mg \code{MultiGSEAResult} object
##' @param method the method to show statistics for
##' @param fdr the FDR cut off to present statistics for
##' @param prioritize the preffered collections to put at the top of the
##'   list. The collection column of the table is turned into a factor and for
##'   more usful display with datatable's filter. Specifcying collections
##'   here will put those collections at the front of the factor levels and
##'   therofre prioritize their display in the select dropdown for the filter
##' @return a data.table of the statistics that match the filtering criteria.
##'   A 0-row data.table is returned if nothing passes.
constructGseaResultTable <- function(mg, method, fdr, prioritize=c('h')) {
  out <- result(mg, method, as.dt=TRUE)
  out <- out[padj.by.collection <= fdr]
  if (nrow(out)) {
    colls <- sort(unique(out$collection))
    priority <- intersect(prioritize, colls)
    lvls <- c(priority, setdiff(colls, priority))
    out[, collection := factor(collection, lvls, ordered=TRUE)]
    out <- out[order(mean.logFC.trim, decreasing=TRUE)]

##' Creates a DT::datatalbe of geneset level GSEA results for use in shiny bits
##' @export
##' @importFrom DT datatable
##' @param x The set of GSEA statistics generated from from
##'   \code{\link{constructGseaResultTable}}
##' @param method the GSEA method being used fo rdisplay
##' @param mg The \code{MultiGSEAResult} object. This is used swap in the
##' URL links for genesets using \code{\link{geneSetURL}}.
##' @return a DT::DataTable
renderGseaResultTableDataTable <- function(x, method, mg, digits=3) {
  stopifnot(is(x, 'data.frame'))
  stopifnot(is.character(method) && length(method) == 1L)
  stopifnot(is(mg, 'MultiGSEAResult'))

  x <- setDT(copy(x))

  rcols <- c('collection'='collection', 'name'='name', 'n'='n',
             ## 'padj'='padj', 'padj.by.collection'='padjByColl',
             'mean.logFC.trim'='logFC', 'n.sig.up'='nSigUp',
             'n.sig.down'='nSigDown', 'n.up'='nUp', 'n.down'='nDown')

  res <- x[, names(rcols), with=FALSE]
  setnames(res, names(rcols), rcols)

  res[, name := {
    url <- geneSetURL(mg, as.character(collection), name)
    xname <- gsub('_', ' ', name)
    html <- '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>'
    ifelse(is.na(url), xname, sprintf(html, url, xname))

  dt.order <- list()
  lfc.col <- which(colnames(res) == 'logFC') - 1L
  dt.order[[length(dt.order) + 1L]] <- list(lfc.col, 'desc')

  length.opts <- c(10, 20, 50, 100, 250)
  length.opts <- length.opts[length.opts < nrow(res)]
  length.opts <- c(length.opts, nrow(res))

  dt.opts <- list(

  dtargs <- list(data=res, filter='top',
                 selection=list(mode='single', selected=NA, target='row'),
                 # extensions='Buttons',
                 escape=FALSE, rownames=FALSE,
  out <- do.call(DT::datatable, dtargs)
  roundDT(out, digits=digits)

## Gene evel Table Helpers =====================================================

##' Transforms a column in feature table to an external link for that feature.
##' @description
##' When listing features in an interactive table, it's often useful to link
##' the feature to an external webpage that has more information about that
##' feature. Functions to genes to their NCBI or GeneCards webpage via their
##' \code{feature_id} are provided via \code{ncbi.entrez.link} and
##' \code{genecards.entrez.link}. The column used to transform into a link
##' is specified by \code{link.col}.
##' If \code{link.col} is not found in the data.frame \code{x} then the provided
##' functions are NO-OPS, ie. the same data.frame is simply returned.
##' @rdname feature-link-functions
##' @export
##' @param x a data.frame from \code{logFC(MultiGSEAResult)}
##' @param link.col the column in \code{x} that should be transformed to a link
##' @return a modified \code{x} with an html link in \code{link.col}
ncbi.entrez.link <- function(x, link.col='symbol') {
  if (is.character(link.col) && is.character(x[[link.col]])) {
    url <- sprintf('https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/%s', x$feature_id)
    html <- sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', url, x$symbol)
    x[[link.col]] <- html

##' @rdname feature-link-functions
##' @export
genecards.entrez.link <- function(x, link.col='symbol') {
  if (is.character(link.col) && is.character(x[[link.col]])) {
    url <- sprintf('http://www.genecards.org/cgi-bin/carddisp.pl?gene=%s',
    html <- sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', url, x$symbol)
    x[[link.col]] <- html

##' Creates a DT::datatable of feature level statistics for use in shiny bits
##' We often want to display an interactive table of feature level statistics
##' for all features. This function is a convenience wrapper to do that.
##' @export
##' @param x A \code{MultiGSEAResult} or \code{data.frame} of feature level
##'   statistics. When \code{x} is a \code{\link{MultiGSEAResult}}, the
##'   \code{\link{logFC}} feature level statistics will be extracted for
##'   display.
##' @param features A character vector that specifies the subset of
##'   \code{feature_id}'s to display from \code{x}. If \code{NULL} (default),
##'   all of \code{x} will be used.
##' @param digits number of digits to round the numeric columns to
##' @param columns the columns from \code{x} to use. If \code{missing}, then
##'   only \code{c('symbol', 'feature_id', 'logFC', 'pval', 'padj', order.by)}
##'   will be used. If explicitly set to \code{NULL} all columns will be used.
##' @param feature.link.fn A funcion that receives the data.frame of statistics
##'   to be rendered and transforms one of its columns into a hyperlink for
##'   further reference. Refer to the \code{\link{ncbi.entrez.link}} function
##'   as an example
renderFeatureStatsDataTable <- function(x, features=NULL, digits=3,
                                        columns=NULL, feature.link.fn=NULL,
                                        order.dir=c('desc', 'asc'),
                                        length.opts=c(10, 25, 50, 100, 250)) {
  if (is(x, 'MultiGSEAResult')) {
    x <- copy(logFC(x, as.dt=TRUE))
  stopifnot(is(x, 'data.table'), !is.null(x$feature_id))
  order.dir <- match.arg(order.dir)
  if (is.character(features)) {
    x <- subset(x, feature_id %in% features)

  ## Figure out what columns to keep in the outgoing datatable
  if (missing(columns)) {
    # at this point, the "name" column is the geneset name

    # support feature_id or feature_id columns # dataframe-refactor
    fid <- intersect(c("feature_id", "feature_id"), colnames(x))[1]
    if (is.na(fid)) fid <- character()
    columns <- c('symbol', fid, 'logFC', 'pval', 'padj', 'F', 't')
    columns <- intersect(columns, colnames(x))
  } else if (is.null(columns)) {
    columns <- colnames(x)
  if (!is.null(order.by)) {
              length(order.by) == 1L,
    columns <- c(columns, order.by)
  bad.cols <- setdiff(columns, colnames(x))
  if (length(bad.cols)) {
    warning("The following columns not found: ", paste(bad.cols, collapse=','))
  columns <- intersect(columns, colnames(x))
  x <- x[, columns, with=FALSE]

  # remove all NA columns # dataframe-refactor
  for (cname in columns) {
    if (all(is.na(x[[cname]]))) x[, (cname) := NULL]

  if (is.function(feature.link.fn)) {
    x <- feature.link.fn(x)
  if (!is.null(order.by)) {
    x <- setorderv(x, order.by, order=if (order.dir == 'asc') 1L else -1L)

  ## Tweak length.opts
  if (nrow(x) <= 10) {
    length.opts <- nrow(x)
  } else {
    length.opts <- length.opts[length.opts <= nrow(x)]
    if (tail(length.opts, 1) > nrow(x)) {
      length.opts <- c(head(length.opts, -1L), nrow(x))

  dt.opts <- list(

  rename.cols <- c("FDR" = "padj")
  rename.cols <- rename.cols[rename.cols %in% colnames(x)]
  if (length(rename.cols) == 0) {
    rename.cols <- colnames(x)
  out <- DT::datatable(setDF(x), selection='none', escape=FALSE, rownames=FALSE,
                       options=dt.opts, filter=filter, colnames=rename.cols)

##' Creates an HTML-ized version of \code{tabuleResults}
##' The table produced here is broken into two sections (left and right). The
##' left provides meta information about the geneset collections tested, ie.
##' their names and number of genesets the contain. The right contains columns
##' of results
##' @export
##' @importFrom shiny tags
##' @return a \code{tagList} version of an HTML table for use in a shiny app
summaryHTMLTable.multiGSEA <- function(x, names=resultNames(x), max.p, p.col) {
  stopifnot(is(x, 'MultiGSEAResult'))
  s <- tabulateResults(x, names, max.p, p.col)

  ## The header of this table is two rows
  thead <- tags$thead(
    ## Super headers
            tags$th("Gene Sets", colspan="2"),
            tags$th("Analysis Summary", colspan=length(names))),
    ## Sub headers
             tags$th("Collection", class="multiGSEA-summary-meta"),
             tags$th("Count", class="multiGSEA-summary-meta")),
        lapply(names, function(name) {
          target.dom.id <- paste0('multiGSEA-result-', name)
          ## I wanted the headers that had the method names to link to the
          ## tab with the results, but that takes a bit more tweaking
          ## tags$th(tags$a(href=paste0('#', target.dom.id), name))

  ## The body of the table one row per collection
  collections <- unique(s$collection)
  tbody.rows <- lapply(collections, function(col) {
    sc <- subset(s, collection == col)
    stopifnot(all(names %in% sc$method))
    stopifnot(length(unique(sc$geneset_count)) == 1L)

    mres <- lapply(names, function(name) {
      with(sc[sc[['method']] == name,,drop=FALSE], {
        tags$td(sprintf("%d (%d up; %d down)", sig_count, sig_up, sig_down))

            c(list(tags$td(sc$collection[1L], class='multiGSEA-summary-meta'),
                   tags$td(sc$geneset_count[1L], class='multiGSEA-summary-meta')),

  tbody <- tags$tbody(tbody.rows)
  html <- tags$div(class='multiGSEA-summary-table', tags$table(thead, tbody))

##' Round the numeric columns of a DT
##' @export
##' @importFrom DT formatRound datatable
##' @param x a DT::datatable
##' @param digits the number of digits to round. If \code{NA}, then no rounding
##'   is performed
##' @return a rounded DT::datatable
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' df <- data.frame(a=rnorm(10), b=sample(letters, 10), c=rnorm(10))
##' roundDT(datatable(df),  digits=2)
##' }
roundDT <- function(x, digits=3) {
  stopifnot(is(x, "datatables"))
  if (is.na(digits)) {
  round.me <- sapply(x$x$data, function(x) {
    # half baked test to see if the numeric is integerish
    is.numeric(x) && any(as.integer(x) != x, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(round.me)) {
    x <- formatRound(x, round.me, digits=digits)
lianos/multiGSEA.shiny documentation built on Sept. 15, 2020, 10:45 p.m.