
Defines functions .add_allelic_imbalance .plotTypeOverview .plotTypeAF .plotTypeBAF .plotTypeHist .calcIdealPeaks .calcExpectedRatio .plotLogRatios .getAFPlotGroups .getVariantPosteriors .legend.col .matrixTotalPloidyToTumorPloidy .toLines plotAbs

Documented in plotAbs

#' Plots for analyzing PureCN solutions
#' This function provides various plots for finding correct purity and ploidy
#' combinations in the results of a \code{\link{runAbsoluteCN}} call.
#' @param res Return object of the \code{\link{runAbsoluteCN}} function.
#' @param id Candidate solutions to be plotted. \code{id=1} will draw the
#' plot for the maximum likelihood solution.
#' @param type Different types of plots. \code{hist} will plot a histogram,
#' assigning log-ratio peaks to integer values. \code{overview} will plot all
#' local optima, sorted by likelihood. \code{BAF} plots
#' something like a B-allele frequency plot known from SNP arrays: it plots
#' allele frequencies of germline variants (or most likely germline when status
#' is not available) against copy number. \code{AF} plots observed allelic
#' fractions against expected (purity), maximum likelihood (optimal
#' multiplicity) allelic fractions. \code{all} plots types \code{BAF} and
#' \code{AF} for all local optima, and is useful for generating a PDF for
#' manual inspection.
#' @param chr If \code{NULL}, show all chromosomes, otherwise only the ones
#' specified (\code{type="BAF"} only).
#' @param germline.only If \code{TRUE}, show only variants most likely being
#' germline in BAF plot. Useful to set to \code{FALSE} (in combination with
#' \code{chr}) to study potential artifacts.
#' @param show.contour For \code{type="overview"}, display contour plot.
#' @param purity Display expected integer copy numbers for purity, defaults to
#' purity of the solution (\code{type="hist"} and \code{"AF"} only).
#' @param ploidy Display expected integer copy numbers for ploidy, defaults to
#' ploidy of the solution (\code{type="hist"} and \code{"AF"} only).
#' @param alpha Add transparency to the plot if VCF contains many variants
#' (>2000, \code{type="AF"} and \code{type="BAF"} only).
#' @param show.segment.means Show segment means in germline allele frequency
#' plot?  If \code{both}, show SNVs and segment means. If \code{SNV} show all
#' SNVs. Only for \code{type="AF"}.
#' @param max.mapping.bias Exclude variants with high mapping bias from
#' plotting. Note that bias is reported on an inverse scale; a variant with
#' mapping bias of 1 has no bias. (\code{type="AF"} and \code{type="BAF"}
#' only).
#' @param palette.name The default \code{RColorBrewer} palette.
#' @param col.snps The color used for germline SNPs.
#' @param col.chr.shading The color used for shading alternate chromosomes.
#' @param \dots Additonal parameters passed to the \code{plot} function.
#' @return Returns \code{NULL}.
#' @author Markus Riester
#' @seealso \code{\link{runAbsoluteCN}}
#' @examples
#' data(purecn.example.output)
#' plotAbs(purecn.example.output, type="overview")
#' # plot details for the maximum likelihood solution (rank 1)
#' plotAbs(purecn.example.output, 1, type="hist")
#' plotAbs(purecn.example.output, 1, type="BAF")
#' plotAbs(purecn.example.output, 1, type = "BAF", chr="chr2")
#' @export plotAbs
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette adjustcolor
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis boxplot contour hist image
#'             legend lines par plot text mtext polygon points
#'             rect strwidth symbols barplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_boxplot geom_hline labs
plotAbs <- function(res, id = 1,
type = c("hist", "overview", "BAF", "AF", "all"),
chr = NULL, germline.only = TRUE, show.contour = FALSE, purity = NULL,
ploidy = NULL, alpha = TRUE, show.segment.means = c("SNV", "segments", "both"),
max.mapping.bias = 0.8, palette.name = "Paired",
col.snps = "#2b6391", col.chr.shading = "#f0f0f0", ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)

    if (!is.numeric(id) || id < 1 || id > length(res$results)) {
        .stopUserError("No solution with id ", id)
    if (is.null(purity)) purity <- res$results[[id]]$purity
    if (is.null(ploidy)) ploidy <- res$results[[id]]$ploidy

    if (type == "hist") {
        .plotTypeHist(res, id, purity, ploidy, col.snps, ...)
    } else if (type == "BAF") {
        .plotTypeBAF(res, id, chr, alpha, max.mapping.bias,
                     germline.only, col.snps, col.chr.shading, ...)
    } else if (type == "AF") {
        .plotTypeAF(res, id, purity, ploidy, alpha, max.mapping.bias,
                    match.arg(show.segment.means), palette.name, ...)
    } else if (type == "all") {
        ids <- seq_along(res$results)
        for (i in ids) {
            par(mfrow = c(1,1))
            plotAbs(res, i, type = "hist")
            if (!is.null(res$input$vcf) &&
                !is.null(res$results[[i]]$SNV.posterior)) {
                plotAbs(res, i, type = "BAF", ...)
                plotAbs(res, i, type = "AF", ...)
    } else {
        .plotTypeOverview(res, show.contour)

.toLines <- function(
### "segments" already segmented log-ratios into a list for plotting
ss) {
    #no lines to draw
    if (length(ss)<2) return(matrix(1))
    # avoid the corner case when last SNV is in different segment
    if (length(ss)>2) ss[length(ss)] <- ss[length(ss)-1]

    #get breakpoints
    bp <- sapply(2:(length(ss)),function(i) ss[i] != ss[i-1])
    bp <- c(TRUE, bp)
    xy.start <- cbind(x=which(bp), y=ss[which(bp)])
    xy.end <- cbind(x=c(x=which(bp)[-1], length(bp)), y=ss[which(bp)])
    xy.end.na <- cbind(x=c(x=which(bp)[-1], length(bp)), y=NA)
    xy <- rbind(xy.end, xy.end.na, xy.start)
    xy <- xy[order(xy[,1]),]

.matrixTotalPloidyToTumorPloidy <- function(ca) {
    ploidy <- as.numeric(rownames(ca))

    tumor.ploidy <- lapply(as.numeric(colnames(ca)), function(purity)
        (ploidy - 2 * (1 - purity)) / purity)

    tumor.ploidy.i <- lapply(tumor.ploidy, function(x)
        sapply(ploidy, function(i) ifelse(min(abs(x-i)) < 1,
             which.min(abs(x-i)), NA)))

    cc <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_along(tumor.ploidy.i), function(i)

    colnames(cc) <- colnames(ca)
    rownames(cc) <- rownames(ca)

.legend.col <- function(col, lev, ylim){
    n <- length(col)
    bx <- par("usr")

    box.cx <- c(bx[2] + (bx[2] - bx[1]) / 1000,
    bx[2] + (bx[2] - bx[1]) / 1000 + (bx[2] - bx[1]) / 50)
    box.cy <- c(bx[3], bx[3])
    box.sy <- (bx[4] - bx[3]) / n

    xx <- rep(box.cx, each = 2)

    pxpd = par("xpd")
    par(xpd = TRUE)
    for(i in seq_len(n)){
        yy <- c(box.cy[1] + (box.sy * (i - 1)),
        box.cy[1] + (box.sy * (i)),
        box.cy[1] + (box.sy * (i)),
        box.cy[1] + (box.sy * (i - 1)))
        polygon(xx, yy, col = col[i], border = col[i])
    axis(side=4, at=c(ylim[1], (ylim[2]+ylim[1])/2, ylim[2]), tick=FALSE,
    labels=round(c(min(lev), median(lev), max(lev))))
    mtext("Copy number log-likelihood",side=4,line=2)
    par(xpd = pxpd)

.getVariantPosteriors <- function(res, id, max.mapping.bias = NULL) {
    r <- res$results[[id]]$SNV.posterior$posteriors
    if (!is.null(r) && !is.null(max.mapping.bias)) {
        r <- r[r$MAPPING.BIAS >= max.mapping.bias &
               r$MAPPING.BIAS <= (2 - max.mapping.bias), ]

.getAFPlotGroups <- function(r, single.mode) {
    if (single.mode) {
        groupLevels <- c("dbSNP or POPAF/germline", "dbSNP or POPAF/somatic", "novel/somatic",
            "novel/germline", "COSMIC/germline", "COSMIC/somatic", "contamination")
        r$group <- groupLevels[1]
        r$group[r$prior.somatic < 0.1 & r$ML.SOMATIC] <- groupLevels[2]
        r$group[r$prior.somatic >= 0.1 & r$ML.SOMATIC] <- groupLevels[3]
        r$group[r$prior.somatic >= 0.1 & !r$ML.SOMATIC] <- groupLevels[4]
        r$group[r$prior.somatic >= 0.9 & !r$ML.SOMATIC] <- groupLevels[5]
        r$group[r$prior.somatic >= 0.9 & r$ML.SOMATIC] <- groupLevels[6]
        r$group[r$GERMLINE.CONTLOW > 0.9 |
            r$GERMLINE.CONTHIGH > 0.9] <- groupLevels[7]
        r$group <- factor(r$group, levels=groupLevels)
    groupLevels <- c("germline", "germline/ML somatic", "somatic",
        "somatic/ML germline", "contamination")
    r$group <- groupLevels[1]
    r$group[r$prior.somatic < 0.1 & r$ML.SOMATIC] <- groupLevels[2]
    r$group[r$prior.somatic >= 0.1 & r$ML.SOMATIC] <- groupLevels[3]
    r$group[r$prior.somatic >= 0.1 & !r$ML.SOMATIC] <- groupLevels[4]
    r$group[r$GERMLINE.CONTLOW > 0.9 |
        r$GERMLINE.CONTHIGH > 0.9] <- groupLevels[5]
    r$group <- factor(r$group, levels=groupLevels)

.plotLogRatios <- function(log.ratio, on.target) {
    containsOfftarget <- sum(on.target)!=length(on.target)
    if (!containsOfftarget) return(NULL)
    myylim <- quantile(subset(log.ratio,
        !is.infinite(log.ratio)), p=c(0.0001, 1-0.0001),na.rm=TRUE)
    plot(log.ratio, col=ifelse(on.target, "black", "red"),
        pch=".",cex=3, ylim=myylim, ylab="log2 ratio")
    legend("bottomleft", legend=c("On-Target", "Off-Target"), ncol=2, fill=c("black", "red"))

.calcExpectedRatio <- function(C, purity, ploidy) {
    (purity * C + 2*(1-purity))/( purity*ploidy + 2*(1-purity))

.calcIdealPeaks <- function(seg, purity, ploidy) {
    seg.split <- split(seg, round(seg$C,digits = 1))
    idx <- sapply(seg.split, nrow) > 2 |
        ( sapply(seg.split, function(x) x$C[1]) <= 7 &
          sapply(seg.split, function(x) x$C[1]) %in% 0:7 )
    peak.ideal.means <- log2(sapply(sapply(seg.split[idx],
        function(x) x$C[1]), function(j) .calcExpectedRatio(j, purity, ploidy)))

.plotTypeHist <- function(res, id, purity, ploidy, col.snps, ...) {
    seg <- res$results[[id]]$seg

    custom.solution <- purity != res$results[[id]]$purity &&
                       ploidy != res$results[[id]]$ploidy

    peak.ideal.means <- .calcIdealPeaks(seg, purity, ploidy)
    if (custom.solution) {
        peak.ideal.means <- log2(sapply(0:7, function(j)
                                        .calcExpectedRatio(j, purity, ploidy)))
        names(peak.ideal.means) <- 0:7
    par.mar <- par("mar")
    par(mar = c(5, 4, 5, 2) + 0.1)

    main <- paste("Purity:", round(purity, digits = 2),
                  " Tumor ploidy:", round( ploidy, digits = 3))

    # try to avoid plotting log-ratio outliers from artifacts
    minLogRatio <- max(min(seg$seg.mean), peak.ideal.means[1]*2)
    logRatio <- do.call(c, lapply(seq_len(nrow(seg)), function(i)
                        rep(seg$seg.mean[i], seg$num.mark[i])))
    minLogRatio <- min(minLogRatio, quantile(logRatio, p=0.01))
    logRatio <- logRatio[logRatio >= minLogRatio]

    # estimate genome fractions
    h <- hist(logRatio, breaks = 75, plot = FALSE)
    h$density <- h$counts / sum(h$counts)

    plot(h, freq = FALSE, xlab = "log2 ratio",
        ylab = "Fraction Genome", main=main, col = col.snps, ...)
    abline(v= peak.ideal.means, lty = 3, lwd = 2, col = "darkgrey")
    axis(side = 3, at = peak.ideal.means,
        labels=names(peak.ideal.means), tick = FALSE, padj = 1)

.plotTypeBAF <- function(res, id, chr, alpha, max.mapping.bias,
                         germline.only, col.snps, col.chr.shading, ...) {
    if (is.null(res$input$vcf)) {
        .stopUserError("runAbsoluteCN was run without a VCF file.")
    r <- .getVariantPosteriors(res, id, NULL)
    GoF <- res$results[[id]]$GOF
    if (is.null(GoF)) {
        GoF <- .getGoF(res$results[[id]])
    r2 <- paste0(round(GoF * 100, digits = 1), "%")

    par(mfrow = c(3,1))
    par(mar = c(5, 4, 5, 2) + 0.1)
    main <- paste(
        "Purity:", round(res$results[[id]]$purity, digits = 2),
        " Tumor ploidy:", round( res$results[[id]]$ploidy, digits = 3),
        " SNV log-likelihood:",
            round(res$results[[id]]$SNV.posterior$llik, digits = 2),
        " GoF:", r2,
        " Mean coverage:",
            paste(round(apply(geno(res$input$vcf)$DP, 2, mean)),
                  collapse = ";"))

    if (is.null(chr)) {
        if (germline.only) {
            idx <- !r$ML.SOMATIC
        } else {
            idx <- rep(TRUE, nrow(r))
    } else {
        idx <-r$chr %in% chr
        if (!sum(idx)) {
            .stopUserError(paste(chr, collapse = ","),
            " not valid chromosome name(s). ",
            "Valid names are: ",
            paste(unique(r$chr), collapse = ","))
        if (germline.only) idx[r$ML.SOMATIC[idx]] <- FALSE

    if (!is.null(max.mapping.bias)) {
        idx <- idx & r$MAPPING.BIAS >= max.mapping.bias & r$MAPPING.BIAS <= (2 - max.mapping.bias)
    if (!sum(idx)) {
        flog.warn("No variants to plot")
    mypch <- ifelse(r$GERMLINE.CONTHIGH > 0.5, 2,
        ifelse(r$GERMLINE.CONTLOW>0.5, 3, 20))[idx]
    myalpha <- ifelse(alpha && nrow(r) > 2000, 2000/nrow(r), 1)

    tmp <- data.frame(
            chr = levels(r[,1]),
            start = match(levels(r[,1]), r[idx, 1]),

    tmp <- tmp[complete.cases(tmp), , drop = FALSE]

    chr.hash <- res$input$chr.hash
    if (is.null(chr.hash)) {
        chr.hash <- .getChrHash(seqlevels(res$input$log.ratio[,1]))
    tmp <- tmp[order(.strip.chr.name(tmp$chr, chr.hash)), ]
    tmp$end <- c(tmp[-1,2]-1, nrow(r))
    cids <- NULL
    centromeres <- .getCentromeres(res)

    if (!is.null(centromeres)) {
        cids <- sapply(tmp$chr, function(x) {
            i <- start(centromeres)[which(seqnames(centromeres) == x)]
            which(r$chr[idx]==x & r$start[idx] >= i)[1] })
    peak.ideal.means <- .calcIdealPeaks(res$results[[id]]$seg,

    segment.log.ratio <- res$results[[id]]$seg$seg.mean[r$seg.id]
    segment.log.ratio.lines <- .toLines(ss=segment.log.ratio[idx])
    segment.M.log.ratio.lines <- .toLines(

    # calculate expected segment B-allelic fractions
    purity <- res$results[[id]]$purity
    ploidy <- res$results[[id]]$ploidy
    b1 <- ((purity*r$ML.M.SEGMENT[idx])+(1-purity))/
    b2 <- 1-b1
    segment.b1.lines <- .toLines(ss=b1)
    segment.b2.lines <- .toLines(ss=b2)

    if (!is.null(chr) && length(chr)==1) {
        x <- r$start[idx]/1000
        logRatio <- res$input$log.ratio
        logRatio <- logRatio[seqnames(logRatio) %in% chr]
        xLogRatio <- start(logRatio)/1000
        plot(x, r$AR[idx],ylab="B-Allele Frequency",
            xlab="Pos (kbp)",main=paste(main, " Chromosome:", chr),
            col=col.snps, pch=mypch, xlim=range(xLogRatio), ...)
        centromerePos <- NULL
        if (!is.null(res$input$centromere)) {
            centromerePos <- start(centromeres)[

        segment.b1.lines[,1] <- x[segment.b1.lines[,1]]
        segment.b2.lines[,1] <- x[segment.b2.lines[,1]]
        lines(segment.b1.lines, col="black", lwd=3)
        lines(segment.b2.lines, col="black", lwd=3)

        abline(h = 0.5, lty = 3, col = "grey")
        abline(v = centromerePos, lty = 3, col = "grey")

        plot(xLogRatio, logRatio$log.ratio, ylab = "Copy Number log-ratio",
            xlab = "Pos (kbp)",
            col = adjustcolor("grey", alpha.f = ifelse(myalpha<1, 0.75, 1)),
            pch = 20,
            ylim = c(
                        log2(.calcExpectedRatio(-0.1, purity, ploidy)),
                        quantile(logRatio$log.ratio, p = 0.0001)),
                        quantile(logRatio$log.ratio, p = 1 - 0.0001))
        points(x, r$log.ratio[idx], col=col.snps, pch=mypch)
        segment.log.ratio.lines[,1] <- x[segment.log.ratio.lines[,1]]
        lines(segment.log.ratio.lines, col = "black", lwd = 3)
        segment.M.log.ratio.lines[,1] <- x[segment.M.log.ratio.lines[,1]]
        lines(segment.M.log.ratio.lines, col = "grey", lwd = 3)
        abline(h = 0, lty = 3, col = "grey")
        abline(h = peak.ideal.means, lty=2, col="grey")
        axis(side = 4,at = peak.ideal.means,
            labels = names(peak.ideal.means))
        abline(v = centromerePos, lty = 3, col = "grey")
        plot(x, r$ML.C[idx], ylab = "Maximum Likelihood Copy Number",
            xlab = "Pos (kbp)", xlim = range(xLogRatio),
            ylim = c(0, min(7, max(r$ML.C[!r$ML.SOMATIC]))), ... )
        points(x, r$ML.M.SEGMENT[idx], col = "grey")
        abline(v = centromerePos, lty = 3, col = "grey")
    } else {
        plot(r$AR[idx],ylab="B-Allele Frequency", xlab="SNV Index",
            main=main, type="n", ...)
        rect(tmp$start, par("usr")[3], tmp$end+1, par("usr")[4],
             col = ifelse(seq(nrow(tmp))%%2, col.chr.shading, "white"), border = NA)
        .add_allelic_imbalance(r, idx, rho = res$input$mapping.bias.rho)
        rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4])
        points(r$AR[idx], col=adjustcolor(col.snps, alpha.f=myalpha), pch=mypch)
        lines(segment.b1.lines, col = "black", lwd = 3)
        lines(segment.b2.lines, col = "black", lwd = 3)
        axis(side = 3, at = (tmp[,3]+tmp[,2])/2,
            labels = .strip.chr.name(tmp[,1], chr.hash),
            tick = FALSE, padj = 1)
        abline(h = 0.5, lty = 3, col = "grey")
        #abline(v=tmp[,2], lty=3, col="grey")
        abline(v = cids, lty = 3, col = "grey")
        main <- paste("SCNA-fit log-likelihood:",
            round(res$results[[id]]$log.likelihood, digits = 2))

        myylim <- quantile(subset(r$log.ratio,
            !is.infinite(r$log.ratio)), p=c(0.001, 1-0.001), na.rm=TRUE)
        myylim[1] <- floor(myylim[1])
        myylim[2] <- ceiling(myylim[2])

        plot(r$log.ratio[idx], ylab = "Copy Number log-ratio",
            xlab = "SNV Index",
            main = main, ylim = myylim, type = "n", ...)
        rect(tmp$start, par("usr")[3], tmp$end+1, par("usr")[4],
             col=ifelse(seq(nrow(tmp))%%2, col.chr.shading, "white"), border=NA)
        rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4])
        points(r$log.ratio[idx], col=adjustcolor(col.snps, alpha.f=myalpha), pch=mypch)
        lines(segment.log.ratio.lines, col = "black", lwd = 3)
        lines(segment.M.log.ratio.lines, col = "grey", lwd = 3)

        abline(h = 0, lty = 3, col = "grey")
        abline(v = cids, lty=3, col = "grey")
        abline(h = peak.ideal.means, lty = 2, col = "grey")
        axis(side = 4, at = peak.ideal.means,

        plot(r$ML.M.SEGMENT[idx], ylab = "Maximum Likelihood Copy Number",
            xlab = "SNV Index",
            ylim = c(0,min(7, max(r$ML.C[!r$ML.SOMATIC]))), col = "grey",
            type ="n", ... )
        rect(tmp$start, par("usr")[3], tmp$end+1, par("usr")[4],
             col=ifelse(seq(nrow(tmp))%%2, col.chr.shading, "white"), border = NA)
        rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4])
        points(r$ML.M.SEGMENT[idx], col = "grey")
        points(r$ML.C[idx], col = "black")
        abline(v = cids, lty = 3, col = "grey")

.plotTypeAF <- function(res, id, purity, ploidy, alpha, max.mapping.bias,
                        show.segment.means, palette.name, ...) {
    if (is.null(res$input$vcf)) {
        .stopUserError("runAbsoluteCN was run without a VCF file.")
    r <- .getVariantPosteriors(res, id, max.mapping.bias)

    vcf <- res$input$vcf[res$results[[id]]$SNV.posterior$vcf.ids]
    mbqs <- median(.getBQFromVcf(vcf, res$input$args$filterVcf$tumor.id.in.vcf), na.rm = TRUE)
    # should not happen, but avoid crash if it does
    if (is.na(mbqs) || is.null(mbqs) || !length(mbqs)) mbqs <- 30
    # brwer.pal requires at least 3 levels

    r <- .getAFPlotGroups(r, is.null(info(vcf)$SOMATIC))
    r <- r[order(r$group), ]

    tmp <- I(brewer.pal(max(nlevels(r$group), 3),
        name = palette.name))

    mycol.palette <- data.frame(
        group = levels(r$group),
        color = tmp[seq_len(nlevels(r$group))]

    mycol.palette$pch <- seq_len(nrow(mycol.palette))

    mycol <- mycol.palette$color[
        match(as.character(r$group), mycol.palette$group)]
    mypch <- mycol.palette$pch[
        match(as.character(r$group), mycol.palette$group)]

    main.color <- sort(table(mycol), decreasing = TRUE)[1]

    par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
    myalpha <- ifelse(alpha && nrow(r) > 2000, 2000 / nrow(r), 1)
    myalpha <- 1
    mycex <- log10(r$depth *r$MAPPING.BIAS) - 1

    seg <- res$results[[id]]$seg
    mylogratio.xlim <- quantile(subset(r$log.ratio,
            !is.infinite(r$log.ratio)), p = c(0.001, 1 - 0.001), na.rm = TRUE)

    peak.ideal.means <- .calcIdealPeaks(seg, purity, ploidy)
    scatter.labels <- paste0(r$ML.C, "m", r$ML.M)[!r$ML.SOMATIC]
    idx.labels <- !duplicated(scatter.labels) &
        as.character(r$ML.C[!r$ML.SOMATIC]) %in%

    idx.nna <- !is.na(r$ML.M) & !r$ML.SOMATIC
    y <- sapply(split(r$AR[idx.nna], paste(r$ML.M, r$seg.id)[idx.nna]), mean)
    x <- sapply(split(r$log.ratio[idx.nna], paste(r$ML.M, r$seg.id)[idx.nna]), mean)
    mlm <- sapply(split(r$ML.M[idx.nna], paste(r$ML.M, r$seg.id)[idx.nna]), mean)
    mlc <- sapply(split(r$ML.C[idx.nna], paste(r$ML.M, r$seg.id)[idx.nna]), mean)
    size <- sapply(split(r$ML.M[idx.nna], paste(r$ML.M, r$seg.id)[idx.nna]), length)

    if (show.segment.means %in% c("both", "SNV")) {
        plot(r$log.ratio[!r$ML.SOMATIC], r$AR[!r$ML.SOMATIC],
            col = adjustcolor(mycol[!r$ML.SOMATIC], alpha.f = myalpha), pch = mypch[!r$ML.SOMATIC],
            xlab = "Copy Number log-ratio", ylab = "Allelic fraction (germline)",
            xlim = mylogratio.xlim
        if (show.segment.means == "both") points(x, y,
           col = adjustcolor("orange", alpha.f = 0.2),pch = 20,cex = log2(size))
    } else {
        plot(x, y,
            col = adjustcolor("orange", alpha.f = 0.5), pch = 20,cex = log2(size),
            xlab = "Copy Number log-ratio", ylab = "Allelic fraction (germline)",
            xlim = mylogratio.xlim
    if (sum(idx.labels, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    plot(r$AR, log2(r$depth),col=adjustcolor(mycol, alpha.f=myalpha),
        pch=mypch, #cex=mycex,
        xlab="Allelic fraction", ylab="Coverage (log2)")

    if (sum(r$ML.SOMATIC)>0) {

        scatter.labels <- paste0(r$ML.C,"m", r$ML.M)[r$ML.SOMATIC]

        idx.labels <- !duplicated(scatter.labels) &
            as.character(r$ML.C[r$ML.SOMATIC]) %in%

        plot(r$log.ratio[r$ML.SOMATIC], r$AR[r$ML.SOMATIC],
            col=mycol[r$ML.SOMATIC], pch=mypch[r$ML.SOMATIC],
            xlab="Copy Number log-ratio",
            ylab="Allelic fraction (somatic)",
        legend("topright", legend=as.character(mycol.palette$group),
            pch=mycol.palette$pch, cex=0.8)

        estimatedContRate <-
        if (!is.null(estimatedContRate) &&
            estimatedContRate > min(r$AR[r$ML.SOMATIC])) {
            abline(h=estimatedContRate, col="red")
            text(x=mylogratio.xlim[1], y=estimatedContRate+0.02,
                labels="Contamination", col="red", pos=4)
        if (sum(idx.labels, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        idxSomatic <- !grepl("germline|dbSNP or POPAF|contamination", as.character(r$group))
        if (sum(idxSomatic)) {
            colSomatic <- mycol.palette$color[match(names(sort(table(r$group[idxSomatic]),
                decreasing=TRUE)[1]), mycol.palette$group)]
            hist(r$CELLFRACTION[idxSomatic], col=colSomatic,
                xlab="Cellular fraction", main="")
            cellFractions <- seq(0.01,1,0.01)
            power <- sapply(cellFractions, function(pw)
                calculatePowerDetectSomatic(mean(r$depth, na.rm = TRUE),
                    purity = purity, ploidy = ploidy, cell.fraction = pw,
                    error = 10^(-mbqs / 10), verbose = FALSE)$power)
            if (max(power) > 0.8) {
                minFraction <- cellFractions[which(power > 0.8)[1]]
                abline(v = minFraction)
                axis(side = 3, at = minFraction,
                    labels = paste("Power 0.8 at BQ", mbqs),
                    tick = FALSE, padj = 1)
            } else {
                abline(v = 1)
                axis(side = 3, at = 1,
                    labels=paste("Power", round(max(power),digits = 2), "at BQ", mbqs),
                    tick = FALSE, padj = 1)
    } else {
        legend("bottomright", legend = as.character(mycol.palette$group),
            col = mycol.palette$color, pch = mycol.palette$pch)

.plotTypeOverview <- function(res, show.contour, ...) {
    mycol <-  ifelse(sapply(res$results, function(x) x$flag), "yellow",
    mycolBg <-  ifelse(sapply(res$results, function(x) x$flag), "black",
    myfont <-  ifelse(sapply(res$results, function(x) x$flag), 1, 1)
    main <- NULL
    parm <- par("mar")
    par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 4) + 0.1)
    xc <- .matrixTotalPloidyToTumorPloidy(res$candidates$all)
    xc[is.infinite(xc)] <- min(xc[!is.infinite(xc)], na.rm = TRUE)
    xc[is.na(xc)] <- min(xc[!is.infinite(xc)], na.rm = TRUE)
    xc[xc < quantile(xc, p = 0.2)] <- quantile(xc, p = 0.2)

    mycol.image <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7,
        name = "RdYlBu")))(100)
    image(as.numeric(colnames(xc)), as.numeric(rownames(xc)),
        t(xc) - max(xc), col = mycol.image, xlab = "Purity",
        ylab = "Ploidy",main = main,...)
    .legend.col(col = mycol.image, lev = min(xc):max(xc),
        ylim = quantile(as.numeric(rownames(xc)), p = c(0,1)))

    if (show.contour) contour(as.numeric(colnames(xc)),
        as.numeric(rownames(xc)), t(xc), add = TRUE)

    symbols(x = sapply(res$results, function(x) min(0.95, x$purity)) - 0.02,
        y = sapply(res$results, function(x) x$ploidy) - 0.1,
        circles = rep(mean(sapply(seq_along(res$results), strwidth,
            cex = 1.25)), length(res$results)),
        bg = mycolBg, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE)

    text( sapply(res$results, function(x) min(0.95, x$purity)) - 0.02,
        sapply(res$results, function(x) x$ploidy) - 0.1,
        seq_along(res$results), col = mycol, cex = 1.2, font = myfont)

.add_allelic_imbalance <- function(r, idx, rho) {
    rr <- r[idx & !r$FLAGGED & r$pon.count > 0 & !is.na(r$ML.M), ]
    if (!nrow(rr)) return()
    size <- round(mean(rr$depth))
    if (is.null(rho)) rho <- 1 / (1 + size)
    max_value <- dbetabinom(round(size * 0.5), size = size, prob = 0.5,
        rho = rho, log = TRUE)
    min_value <- (dbetabinom(round(size * 0.8), size = size, prob = 0.5,
        rho = rho, log = TRUE) - min(max_value, 0)) * 20
    zz <- sapply(split(rr$ALLELIC.IMBALANCE, rr$seg.id), function(x) sum(x - min(max_value, 0)))
    zz[zz > 0] <- 0
    zz[zz < min_value] <- min_value
    cols <- .brewer_continuous(-1*c(0,min_value,zz))[-(1:2)]
    bx <- par("usr")
    points(seq(sum(idx)), y = rep(par("usr")[3], sum(idx)),
        col = cols[as.character(r$seg.id)][idx], pch = "|")
.brewer_continuous <- function (x.val, pal = "Greys",
    max.x.val = max(x.val, na.rm = TRUE),
    min.x.val = min(x.val, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    n <- min(length(levels(as.factor(x.val))), 9)
    x.val <- x.val - min.x.val + 0.1
    if (!is.factor(x.val)) {
        x.val <- as.factor(ceiling(x.val/max.x.val * n))
    cols <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, pal))(n + 1)
    col.vec <- rep("", length(x.val))
    for (i in 1:length(levels(x.val))) col.vec[x.val == levels(x.val)[i]] = cols[i]
    col.vec[col.vec == ""] <- NA
    names(col.vec) <- names(x.val)
lima1/PureCN documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:48 a.m.