
Defines functions dataProject

Documented in dataProject

#' Compute Reference Component features for clustering analysis
#' @param rca.obj RCA object.
#' @param method Either "GlobalPanel"(default), "ColonEpiPanel", "MonacoPanel","ENCODEMousePanel","ENCODEHumanPanel","ZhangMouseBrainPanel","NovershternPanel" or "Custom"
#' @param customPath directory path (including filename) to any custom panel stored in RDS format. Only used if method == "Custom".
#' @param corMeth Any of the correlation measures supported by R, defaults to pearson
#' @param power power to raise up to for the RCA features before clustering, default is 4
#' @param scale True if the data should be scaled, False otherwise
#' @return RCA object.
#' @export
dataProject <- function(rca.obj, method = "GlobalPanel", customPath = NULL, corMeth = "pearson", power = 4, scale = T) {

    # Extract data
    sc_data <- rca.obj$data

    # If panel for correlation is GlobalPanel
    if (method == "GlobalPanel") {

        # Initialise variable to store projection data from the two fragments of the Global Panel
        projection_list = list()

        # For each fragment of the Global Panel
        for (i in 1:length(ReferencePanel[[1]])) {

            # Initialise panel
            panel = ReferencePanel[[1]][[i]]

            # Select genes that are shared by the input data and the panel
            shared_genes <- intersect(rownames(sc_data), rownames(panel))

            # Reduce the panel and input data to the shared genes
            subset_panel = panel[shared_genes, ]
            subset_data = sc_data[shared_genes, , drop = FALSE]

            # For values in the panel below the minimum threshold, set those values to threshold
            subset_panel[subset_panel <= (ReferencePanel$at)[i]] = (ReferencePanel$at)[i]

            # Compute projection of input data with the panel fragment
            if(corMeth == "pearson") {
                subset_panel = as.matrix(subset_panel)
                projection_fragment <- qlcMatrix::corSparse(X = subset_panel, Y = subset_data)
            } else {
                projection_fragment <- cor(subset_panel, subset_data, method = corMeth)

            # Reattach dimnames
            colnames(projection_fragment) <- colnames(subset_data)
            rownames(projection_fragment) <- colnames(subset_panel)

            # Raise the projection fragment to power
            projection_fragment = abs(projection_fragment) ^ (power) * sign(projection_fragment)

            # If scaling is required
            if (scale) {

                # Scale
                projection_fragment = scale(projection_fragment, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

            # Store projection data of fragment of Global Panel
            projection_list[[i]] = projection_fragment

        # Combine the projection result of multiple Global Panel fragments
        projection = do.call("rbind", projection_list)

    # If panel for correlation is ColonEpitheliumPanel
    else if (method == "ColonEpitheliumPanel") {
        # Scale panel by median
        fc = apply(ReferencePanel$ColonEpiPanel, 1, function(x) x - median(x))

        fs = fc > 1.5

        fs1 = rownames(ReferencePanel$ColonEpiPanel[apply(fs, 1, function(x)
            sum(x)) > 0,])
        gl_intersect = intersect(rownames(fpkm_temp), fs1)
        projection = as.data.frame(cor(fpkm_temp[gl_intersect,], ReferencePanel$ColonEpiPanel[gl_intersect,], corMeth))
        projection = abs(projection) ^ (power) * sign(projection)
        if (scale) {
            projection = scale(projection,
                               center = TRUE,
                               scale = TRUE)
    # If any other panel is chosen
    else if (method %in% names(ReferencePanel)) {
        panel <- ReferencePanel[[method]]
        # Initialise variable to store projection data from the two fragments of the Global Panel
        projection_list = list()
        # Select genes that are shared by the input data and the panel
        shared_genes <- intersect(rownames(sc_data), rownames(panel))
        # Reduce the panel and input data to the shared genes
        subset_panel = panel[shared_genes, ]
        subset_data = sc_data[shared_genes, , drop = FALSE]
        # Compute projection of input data with the panel
        if(corMeth == "pearson") {
            subset_panel = as.matrix(subset_panel)
            projection <- qlcMatrix::corSparse(X = subset_panel, Y = subset_data)
        } else {
            projection <- cor(subset_panel, subset_data, method = corMeth)
        rownames(projection) <- colnames(subset_panel)
        colnames(projection) <- colnames(subset_data)
        # Raise the projection to power
        projection = abs(projection) ^ (power) * sign(projection)
        # If scaling is required
        if (scale) {
            # Scale
            projection = scale(projection,
                               center = TRUE,
                               scale = TRUE)
    # If no provided method is chosen, it is assumed that the user wishes to use a custom panel
    else {

        # Load panel from path provided
        panel <- readRDS(customPath)

        # Select genes that are shared by the input data and the panel
        shared_genes <- intersect(rownames(sc_data), rownames(panel))

        # Reduce the panel and input data to the shared genes
        subset_panel = panel[shared_genes, ]
        subset_data = sc_data[shared_genes, , drop = FALSE]

        # Compute projection of input data with the panel
        if(corMeth == "pearson") {
            subset_panel = as.matrix(subset_panel)
            projection <- qlcMatrix::corSparse(X = subset_panel, Y = subset_data)
        } else {
            projection <- cor(subset_panel, subset_data, method = corMeth)
        rownames(projection) <- colnames(subset_panel)
        colnames(projection) <- colnames(subset_data)

        # Raise the projection to power
        projection = abs(projection) ^ (power) * sign(projection)

        # If scaling is required
        if (scale) {

            # Scale
            projection = scale(projection,
                               center = TRUE,
                               scale = TRUE)

    # Store projection result as Matrix
    projection = as.matrix(projection)
    projection = as(projection, "dgCMatrix")

    # Assign projection result to RCA object
    rca.obj$projection.data <- projection

    ### Return RCA object

linquynus/RCAv2-beta documentation built on Aug. 9, 2020, 12:34 a.m.