AlexandrovEtAl_signatures_corr | Calculate cosine similarity of mutational signature with... |
BayesNMF.MutationalSignatures | Perform Bayesian NMF mutational signature analysis |
bayes.student_t | Bayesian inference to estimate the parameters of student's t... |
bayes.t.test | Robust student's t-test based on Bayesian statistics. |
beanplot | Beanplot: A Boxplot/Stripchart/Vioplot Alternative |
beanplot2 | Beanplot: A Boxplot/Stripchart/Vioplot Alternative |
best.robust_t_test | Robust student's t-test based on Bayesian statistics. |
best.robust_t_test_batch | Batch running robust t-test. |
best.student_t | Bayesian inference to estimate the parameters of student's t... |
boxplot.jitter | boxplot with scatter points |
BreastCancerRelatedGenes | Breast cancer related genes affected by mutations curated... |
calc_allelic_freqs | Calculate allelic frequencies. |
CancerDB | Cancer related genes and pathways curated from published... |
CancerGeneCensus | Cancer Gene Census. |
CancerRelatedGenes | Cancer related genes affected by mutations curated from... |
ChromatinRegulatoryGenes | Chromatin regulatory genes implicated in human cancers... |
cmds.focal.test | Correlation matrix diagonal segmentation(CMDS) to identify... |
combine.test | Combine multiple p-values |
compute.absCN | Convert copy ratios into abosolute copy numbers when given... |
COSMIC_signatures_corr | Calculate cosine similarity of mutational signature with... |
DbdaDensPlot2 | Density plot of posterior distribution of a given model... |
diag.mcmc | MCMC diagnostics plot. |
dist.JSD | Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD) distance. |
DoISVA.v2 | Feature selection using independent surrogate variables... |
dudi.acm | Multiple Correspondence Analysis |
get.mutland | Prepare data for 'plot.landscape' |
ggboxplot | Fancy boxplot via ggplot2 |
ggforestplot | forestplot via ggplot2 |
ggPlotMutationalSignatures | Plotting mutational signatures |
glmfit | Plot posterior distribution of a given parameter |
HDIofMCMC.stanfit | HDI for stanFit object |
LandscapeColor | Multiple color scheme designed for 'plot.landscape'. | | Prepare data for 'plot.landscape' |
legoplot | Legoplot exihibition of 96 mutational categories. |
LixcCuratedPathway | Cancer related pathways affected by mutations curated from... |
lm2 | Perform a simple linear regression model |
mshapiro.test | Shapiro-Wilk Multivariate Normality Test. Source code from... |
mut_cor_permu_test | MuSiC Mutation Relation Analysis |
mutsigclfn | Permutation-based identification of Significantly Mutated... |
mutsigcl_global | Permutation-based identification of hotspot-enriched genes... |
mutsigcv.sig.pathway | Identify significantly mutated pathways based on MutSigCV... |
mutsig.gene | Canonical algorithms to detect significantly mutated genes |
mutsignr | Mutsig analysis of somatic mutations in noncoding region |
mutsig.pathway | Canonical algorithms to detect significantly mutated genes |
nature12912_260_Smg | 260 SMG from nature12912. |
OncogenicSignatureGeneSet | Oncogenic signatures gene sets curated by GSEA. |
oncoprinter | OncoPrinter - Visualizing mutational landscape of SMGs. |
optimcluster | Optimal clustering via PAM |
PathwayDB | Canonical pathways curated by GSEA. |
pileup_freqs | Create a table of A,C,G,T nucleotide frequencies for pileup... |
plot.96.spectra | Visualize mutation spectra in 96 contexts |
plot.absCN | plot estimated integer copy numbers from absCNseq for each... |
plot.coocur | Visualize mutation coocurrence and exclusivity. |
plot.coocur2 | Visualize mutation coocurrence and exclusivity. |
plot.CoocurExclus | Visualize mutation coocurrence and exclusivity. |
plot.coxph | Draw a forestplot to visualize multivariate Cox regression... |
plot.depth | Visualize sequencing depth and coverage at different levels |
plot.landscape2 | Visualize mutation landscape |
plot.logit | Visualize a logit model object. |
plot.MH | Visualize mountain-hill landscape with package 'rgl' |
plot.multinom | Visualize a multiple logit model object return by 'multinom'... |
plot.mutational.exposures | Visualizing mutational exposures. |
plot.mutational.processes | Plot mutational processes obtaining from mutational signature... |
plotMutationalProcesses | Plot mutation signatures. |
plot.mutation.signature | Plot mutation signatures. |
plotPost | Plot posterior distribution of a given parameter |
plot.SciClone | plot.SciClone: Plot kernel density and copy number... |
plot.spectra | Visualize mutation spectra in 6 or 8 contexts |
plot.surv.curve | Survival curve visualization with additional information. |
plot.survfit.lixc | Survival curve visualization with additional information. |
rank.based.INT | Rank-based Inverse Normal Transformation |
RegularMutatedGC | SMGs in regular-mutated genes and related clinicopathological... |
run.absCNSeq | main function to run absCNseq |
RunMEGSA | Running Mutually Exclusive Gene Set Analysis. |
runRF | Run random forest classifier training and visualization |
s.class2 | Plot of factorial maps with representation of point classes... | | Sort a data frame by multiple columns or user-specified... |
sortDataFrame | Sort a data frame by multiple columns or user-specified... | | Sort data frame by columns allowing for different block of... |
stanfit2mcmc.list | Convert rstan::stanfit object to coda:mcmc.list. |
unicoxph | Perform univariate Cox Regression Analysis for multipe... |
vioplot | violin plot |
vioplot2 | violin plot |
which.xy | Get indexes of a vector or an element in other unique vector. |
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