# v1.0 done by Sophia Mueller and Marcel Schweiker
##### for maintenance #
# add variables to (1) to (3), (7) to (10)
# new function in (4) to (6)
# source("R/fctPMVPPD.r")
# source("R/fct2Node.r")
# source("R/fctdTNZ.r")
# source("R/fctATHB.r")
# source("R/fctHBxStSt.r")
# source("R/fctHBxUnSt.r")
# source("R/fctother.r")
# source("R/fcthelp.r")
calcComfInd <- function(lsCond, request="all"){
# lsCond <- as.list(lsCond)
requests = c("pmv", "ppd", "tnHumphreysNV", "tnHumphreysAC", "tAdapt15251",
"dTNZ", "dTNZTa", "dTNZts", "ATHBpmv", "ATHBset", "ATHBpts",
"apmv", "ptsa", "epmv", "ptse", "epCoeff", "apCoeff", "esCoeff",
"asCoeff", "set", "et", "tsens", "disc", "pd", "ps", "pts",
"HBxst", "pmvadj", "humidex", "utci", "erf", "delMrt")
# (1)
met <- as.numeric(lsCond$met)
wme <- as.numeric(lsCond$wme)
pb <- as.numeric(lsCond$pb)
ltime <- as.numeric(lsCond$ltime)
rh <- as.numeric(lsCond$rh)
clo <- as.numeric(lsCond$clo)
ta <- as.numeric(lsCond$ta)
tr <- as.numeric(lsCond$tr)
tu <- as.numeric(lsCond$tu)
vel <- as.numeric(lsCond$vel)
ht <- as.numeric(lsCond$ht)
wt <- as.numeric(lsCond$wt)
tmmo <- as.numeric(lsCond$tmmo)
trm <- as.numeric(lsCond$trm)
age <- as.numeric(lsCond$age)
gender <- as.numeric(lsCond$gender) # gender: 1=female; 2=male
tsk <- as.numeric(lsCond$tsk)
psych <- as.numeric(lsCond$psych)
apCoeff <- as.numeric(lsCond$apCoeff)
epCoeff <- as.numeric(lsCond$epCoeff)
asCoeff <- as.numeric(lsCond$asCoeff)
esCoeff <- as.numeric(lsCond$esCoeff)
asv <- as.numeric(lsCond$asv)
tao <- as.numeric(lsCond$tao)
rho <- as.numeric(lsCond$rho)
frad <- as.numeric(lsCond$frad)
eps <- as.numeric(lsCond$eps)
ic <- as.numeric(lsCond$ic)
tcrI <- as.numeric(lsCond$tcrI)
tskI <- as.numeric(lsCond$tskI)
basMet <- as.numeric(lsCond$basMet)
warmUp <- as.numeric(lsCond$warmUp)
solAlt <- as.numeric(lsCond$solAlt)
solAzi <- as.numeric(lsCond$solAzi)
solRadDir <- as.numeric(lsCond$solRadDir)
solTrans <- as.numeric(lsCond$solTrans)
fSvv <- as.numeric(lsCond$fSvv)
fBes <- as.numeric(lsCond$fBes)
asw <- as.numeric(lsCond$asw)
posture <- as.character(lsCond$posture)
cdil <- as.numeric(lsCond$cdil)
sigmatr <- as.numeric(lsCond$sigmatr)
# (2)
l<-max(c(1, length(met), length(wme), length(pb), length(ltime), length(rh), length(clo), length(ta), length(tr), length(vel), length(ht), length(wt), length(tmmo), length(trm), length(tu), length(age), length(gender), length(vel), length(tsk), length(psych), length(apCoeff), length(epCoeff), length(asCoeff), length(esCoeff), length(asv), length(tao), length(rho), length(frad), length(eps), length(ic), length(tcrI), length(tskI), length(basMet), length(warmUp), length(solAlt), length(solAzi),length(solRadDir), length(solTrans), length(fSvv), length(fBes), length(asw), length(posture), length(cdil), length(sigmatr)))
namesLsCond <- names(lsCond)
# (3)
paramsAll <- c("met", "wme", "pb", "ltime", "rh", "clo", "ta", "tr", "vel", "ht", "wt", "tmmo", "trm", "tu", "age", "gender", "tsk", "psych", "apCoeff", "epCoeff", "asCoeff", "esCoeff", "asv", "tao", "rho", "frad", "eps", "ic", "tcrI", "tskI", "basMet", "warmUp", "solAlt", "solAzi", "solRadDir", "solTrans", "fSvv", "fBes", "asw", "posture", "cdil", "sigmatr")
valsAll <-c(1, 0, 760, 60, 50, 0.5, 25, 25, 0.1, 170, 70, 15, 15, 40, 21, 1, 35, (-1.4), .293, .9, (-.2), 1.3, 1.5, 5, 70, .7, .95, 1.085, 37, 36, 58.2, .25, 0, 120, 800, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, "seated", 60, 100)
# creating list of necessary input values to check for consistency and missing values
if (length(request==1) & request[1] == "all"){
params <- paramsAll
vals <- valsAll
else {
params <- NULL
# (4)
for (nparam in 1:length(request)){
if (request[nparam] == "pmv" | request[nparam] == "ppd"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "clo", "met", "wme")
} else if (request[nparam] == "tnHumphreysNV" | request[nparam] == "tnHumphreysAC"){
paramsI <- c("tmmo")
} else if (request[nparam] == "tAdapt15251"){
paramsI <- c("trm")
} else if (request[nparam] == "dTNZ" | request[nparam] == "dTNZTa" | request[nparam] == "dTNZTs"){
paramsI <- c("ht", "wt", "age", "gender", "clo", "vel", "tsk", "ta", "met", "rh")
} else if (request[nparam] == "ATHBpmv"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "met", "wme", "psych", "trm")
} else if (request[nparam] == "ATHBset" | request[nparam] == "ATHBpts"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "trm", "met", "wme", "pb", "ltime", "ht", "wt", "psych")
} else if (request[nparam] == "apmv"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "clo", "met", "wme", "apCoeff")
} else if (request[nparam] == "ptsa"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "clo", "met", "wme", "pb", "ltime", "ht", "wt", "asCoeff")
} else if (request[nparam] == "epmv"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "clo", "met", "wme", "epCoeff")
} else if (request[nparam] == "ptse"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "clo", "met", "wme", "pb", "ltime", "ht", "wt", "esCoeff")
} else if (request[nparam] == "epCoeff" | request[nparam] == "apCoeff"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "clo", "met", "wme", "asv")
} else if (request[nparam] == "esCoeff" | request[nparam] == "asCoeff"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "clo", "met", "wme", "pb", "ltime", "ht", "wt", "asv")
} else if (request[nparam] == "pd"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "clo", "met", "wme", "pb", "ltime", "ht", "wt", "tu")
} else if (request[nparam] == "pmvadj"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "clo", "met", "wme")
} else if (request[nparam] == "HBxst"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "clo", "met", "tao", "rho", "frad", "eps", "ic", "ht", "wt", "tcrI", "tskI", "basMet", "warmUp", "cdil", "sigmatr")
} else if (request[nparam] == "humidex"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "rh")
} else if (request[nparam] == "set" | request[nparam] == "et" | request[nparam] == "tsens" | request[nparam] == "disc" | request[nparam] == "ps" | request[nparam] == "pts"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh", "clo", "met", "wme", "pb", "ltime", "ht", "wt")
} else if (request[nparam] == "utci"){
paramsI <- c("ta", "tr", "vel", "rh")
} else if (request[nparam] == "solarGain"){
paramsI <- c("solAlt", "solAzi", "solRadDir", "solTrans", "fSvv", "fBes", "asw", "posture")
else {
stop(paste("error: ", request[nparam], " is not a valid request! Call listOfRequests() for all valid requests.", sep = ""))
params <- c(params, paramsI)
params <- unique(params)
vals <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(params)){
vals[i] <- valsAll[which(paramsAll == params[i])]
for (j in 1:length(params)){
# assignment of standard values for variables missing in input but required for calculation
#if((!params[j] %in% namesLsCond) | (NA %in% get(params[j])) | (length(get(params[j]))==0)){
if ((length(get(params[j])) > 1) & (NA %in% get(params[j]))){
stop(paste("error: ", params[j], " is necessary for one or more of the indices required, but contains missing values!", sep=""))
if ((!params[j] %in% namesLsCond) | (NA %in% get(params[j])) | (length(get(params[j])) == 0)){
assign(params[j], rep.int(vals[j], l))
warning(paste("warning! ", params[j], " is necessary for one or more of the indices required, but was not given in input data. For the calculation it was set to the standard value of ", vals[j], " in all rows.", sep = ""))
} else if (length(get(params[j])) == 1){
assign(params[j], rep.int(get(params[j]), l))
} else if (length(get(params[j])) != l){
stop(paste("error: Length of ", params[j], "does not match!", sep = ""))
#for(i in 1:l){vel[i] <- ifelse(vel[i] < 0, 0, vel[i])}
if (length(request == 1) & request[1] == "all"){
for (i in 1:l){
solarGain = calcSolarGain(solAlt[i], solAzi[i], solRadDir[i], solTrans[i], fSvv[i], fBes[i], asw[i], posture[i])
# (5)
giveDat <- data.frame(calcPMVPPD(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i]),
calc2Node(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], NULL, pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i], tu[i], obj = "set"),
calctnAuliciems(ta[i], tmmo[i]),
#calcdTNZ(ht[i], wt[i], age[i], gender[i], clo[i], vel[i], tsk[i], ta[i], met[i], rh[i], deltaT =.1),
ATHBpmv = calcATHBpmv2015(trm[i], psych[i], ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], met[i], wme[i]),
ATHBset = calcATHBset(trm[i], psych[i], ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], met[i], wme[i], pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i]),
ATHBpts = calcATHBpts(trm[i], psych[i], ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], met[i], wme[i], pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i]),
apmv = calcaPMV(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], apCoeff[i]),
epmv = calcePMV(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], epCoeff[i]),
ptsa = calcPtsa(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i], tu[i], asCoeff[i]),
ptse = calcPtse(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i], tu[i], esCoeff[i]),
pmvadj = calcPMVadj(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i]),
HBxst = calcHbExSteady(ta[i], tr[i], rh[i], vel[i], clo[i], met[i], tao[i], rho[i], frad[i], eps[i], ic[i], ht[i], wt[i], tcrI[i], tskI[i], basMet[i], warmUp[i], cdil[i], sigmatr[i])[33],
humidex = calcHumx(ta[i], rh[i]),
utci = calcUTCI(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i]),
erf = solarGain[1],
delMrt = solarGain[2]
if (i == 1){giveData<-giveDat}
else{giveData<-rbind(giveData, giveDat)}
row.names(giveData) <- 1:i
} else {
for (i in 1:l){
for (nparam in 1:length(request)){
# (6)
if (request[nparam] == "pmv" | request[nparam] == "ppd"){
comfortData <- data.frame(calcPMVPPD(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i]))
giveDat <- with(comfortData, get(request[nparam]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas <- cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "tnHumphreysNV"){
giveDat <- calctnHumphreysNV(tmmo[i])
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas <- cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "tnHumphreysAC"){
giveDat <- calctnHumphreysAC(tmmo[i])
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas <- cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "tAdapt15251"){
giveDat <- calctAdapt15251(trm[i])
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "dTNZ" | request[nparam] == "dTNZTa" | request[nparam] == "dTNZTs"){
comfortData <- data.frame(calcdTNZ(ht[i], wt[i], age[i], gender[i], clo[i], vel[i], tsk[i], ta[i], met[i], rh[i]))
giveDat <- with(comfortData, get(request[nparam]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "ATHBpmv"){
giveDat <- data.frame(calcATHBpmv2015(trm[i], psych[i], ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], met[i], wme[i]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] =="ATHBset"){
giveDat <- data.frame(calcATHBset(trm[i], psych[i], ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], met[i], wme[i], pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "ATHBpts"){
giveDat <- data.frame(calcATHBpts(trm[i], psych[i], ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], met[i], wme[i], pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "apmv"){
giveDat <- data.frame(calcaPMV(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], apCoeff[i]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "ptsa"){
giveDat <- data.frame(calcPtsa(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i], tu[i], asCoeff[i]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "epmv"){
giveDat <- data.frame(calcePMV(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], epCoeff[i]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "ptse"){
giveDat <- data.frame(calcPtse(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i], tu[i], esCoeff[i]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "pmvadj"){
giveDat <- data.frame(calcpmvadj(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "epCoeff"){
metadj <- ifelse(asv[i]>0, met[i]*(1+asv[i]*(-.067)), met[i])
comfortData <- data.frame(calcPMVPPD(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], metadj, wme[i]))
giveDat <- with(comfortData, get("pmv"))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "apCoeff"){
comfortData <- data.frame(calcPMVPPD(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i]))
giveDat <- with(comfortData, get("pmv"))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "esCoeff"){
metadj <- ifelse(asv[i]>0, met[i]*(1+asv[i]*(-.067)), met[i])
comfortData <- data.frame(calc2Node(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], NULL, pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i], obj = "set"))
giveDat <- with(comfortData, get("pts"))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "asCoeff"){
comfortData <- data.frame(calc2Node(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], NULL, pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i], obj = "set"))
giveDat <- with(comfortData, get("pts"))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "pd"){
comfortData <- data.frame(calc2Node(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], NULL, pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i], tu[i], obj = "set"))
giveDat <- with(comfortData, get(request[nparam]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "HBxst"){
comfortData <- data.frame(calcHbExSteady(ta[i], tr[i], rh[i], vel[i], clo[i], met[i], tao[i], rho[i], frad[i], eps[i], ic[i], ht[i], wt[i], tcrI[i], tskI[i], basMet[i], warmUp[i], cdil[i], sigmatr[i]))
giveDat <- with(comfortData, get("xconss"))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "humidex"){
giveDat <- calcHumx(ta[i], rh[i])
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "utci"){
giveDat <- calcUTCI(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i])
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
} else if (request[nparam] == "solarGain"){
giveDat <- calcSolarGain(solAlt, solAzi, solRadDir, solTrans, fSvv, fBes, asw, posture)
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
else {
comfortData <- data.frame(calc2Node(ta[i], tr[i], vel[i], rh[i], clo[i], met[i], wme[i], NULL, pb[i], ltime[i], ht[i], wt[i], obj = "set"))
giveDat <- with(comfortData, get(request[nparam]))
if (nparam == 1){
} else {giveDatas<-cbind(giveDatas, giveDat)}
if (i == 1){
} else {giveData<-rbind(giveData, giveDatas)}
} # end for nparam
if (i > 1 | length(request) > 1){ #avoid warning that row.names are not unique in case of only one requested indices
row.names(giveData) <- 1:i
giveData <- data.frame(giveData)
colnames(giveData) <- request#}
} # end else
# end fct
#create a standard data frame with all necessary variables
createCond <- function(a = TRUE){
# (7)
if (a == TRUE){
ta <- 25 # Air temperature (degree C)
tr <- 25 # mean radiant temperature (degree C)
vel <- .1 # Air velocity (m/s)
rh <- 50 # Relative Humidity (%)
clo <- .5 # clothing (do)
met <- 1.1 # metabolic rate (met)
wme <- 0 # External work (met)
tu <- 40 # turbulence intensity (%)
tmmo <- 15 # mean monthly outdoor temperature (degree C)
ltime <- 60 # Exposure time (min)
pb <- 760 # Barometric pressure (torr)
wt <- 70 # weight (Kg)
ht <- 171 # height (cm)
trm <- 15 # Running mean outdoor temperature (degree C)
age <- 21 # age (years)
gender <- 1 # gender (female = 1)
tsk <- 35 # mean skin temperature [degree C]
psych <- (-1.4) # factor related to fixed effect on perceived control
apCoeff <- .293 # adaptive coefficient for pmv
epCoeff <- .9 # expectancy factor for pmv
asCoeff <- (.2) # adaptive coefficient for set
esCoeff <- 1.3 # expectancy factor for set
asv <- 1.5 # actual sensation vote (0 = neutral)
tao <- 5 # outdoor air temperature
rho <- 70 # outdoor relative humidity
frad <- .7 # 0.7(for seating), 0.73(for standing) [-]
eps <- .95 # emissivity [-]
ic <- 1.085# 1.084 (average permeability), 0.4 (low permeability)
tcrI <- 37 # initial values for core temp
tskI <- 36 # initial values for skin temperature
basMet <- 58.2 # basal metabolic rate
warmUp <- 60 # length of warm up period, i.e. number of times, loop is running for HBx calculation
solAlt <- 0 # Solar altitude, degrees from horizontal [degree C]
solAzi <- 120 # Solar azimuth, degrees clockwise from North [degree C]
solRadDir <- 800 # Direct-beam solar radiation [W/m2]
solTrans <- 0.5 # Total solar transmittance. Ranges from 0 to 1
fSvv <- 0.5 # fraction of sky vault exposed to body, ranges from 0 to 1
fBes <- 0.5 # fraction of the possible body surface exposed to sun, ranges from 0 to 1
asw <- 0.7 # average short-wave absorptivity of the occupant
posture <- "seated" # 'standing', 'supine' or 'seated'
cdil <- 120
sigmatr <- .25
print("A list with standard values was created. It contains standard room conditions.")
print("For using the function 'calcComfInd', you may edit the values in that list and use this one as parameter value or create one on your own.")
# (8)
list(ta = ta, tr = tr, vel = vel, rh = rh, clo = clo, met = met, wme = wme, tu = tu, tmmo = tmmo, ltime = ltime, pb = pb, wt = wt, ht = ht, trm = trm, age = age, gender = gender, tsk = tsk, psych = psych, apCoeff = apCoeff, epCoeff = epCoeff, asCoeff = asCoeff, esCoeff = esCoeff, asv = asv, tao = tao, rho = rho, frad = frad, eps = eps, ic = ic, tcrI = tcrI, tskI = tskI, basMet = basMet, warmUp = warmUp, solAlt = solAlt, solAzi = solAzi, solRadDir = solRadDir, solTrans = solTrans, fSvv = fSvv, fBes = fBes, asw = asw, posture = posture, cdil = cdil, sigmatr = sigmatr)
} else {
# (9)
ta <- NA # Air temperature (degree C)
tr <- NA # mean radiant temperature (degree C)
vel <- NA # Air velocity (m/s)
rh <- NA # Relative Humidity (%)
clo <- NA # clothing (do)
met <- NA # metabolic rate (met)
wme <- NA # External work (met)
tu <- NA # turbulence intensity (%)
tmmo <- NA # mean monthly outdoor temperature (degree C)
ltime <- NA # Exposure time (min)
pb <- NA # Barometric pressure (torr)
wt <- NA # weight (Kg)
ht <- NA # height (cm)
trm <- NA # Running mean outdoor temperature (degree C)
age <- NA # age (years)
gender <- NA # gender (female = 1)
tsk <- NA # mean skin temperature [degree C]
psych <- NA # factor related to fixed effect on perceived control
apCoeff <- NA # adaptive coefficient
epCoeff <- NA # expectancy factor
asCoeff <- NA # adaptive coefficient for set
esCoeff <- NA # expectancy factor for set
asv <- NA # actual sensation vote (0 = neutral)
tao <- NA # outdoor air temperature
rho <- NA # outdoor relative humidity
frad <- NA # 0.7(for seating), 0.73(for standing) [-]
eps <- NA # emissivity [-]
ic <- NA # 1.084 (average permeability), 0.4 (low permeability)
tcrI <- NA # initial values for core temp
tskI <- NA # initial values for skin temperature
basMet <- NA # basal metabolic rate
warmUp <- NA # length of warm up period, i.e. number of times, loop is running for HBx calculation
solAlt <- NA # Solar altitude, degrees from horizontal [degree C]
solAzi <- NA # Solar azimuth, degrees clockwise from North [degree C]
solRadDir <- NA # Direct-beam solar radiation [W/m2]
solTrans <- NA # Total solar transmittance. Ranges from 0 to 1
fSvv <- NA # fraction of sky vault exposed to body, ranges from 0 to 1
fBes <- NA # fraction of the possible body surface exposed to sun, ranges from 0 to 1
asw <- NA # average short-wave absorptivity of the occupant
posture <- NA # 'standing', 'supine' or 'seated'
cdil <- NA
sigmatr <- NA
print("An empty list was created. You need to edit it for using it in the function 'calcComfInd'.")
list(ta = ta, tr = tr, vel = vel, rh = rh, clo = clo, met = met, wme = wme, tu = tu, tmmo = tmmo, ltime = ltime, pb = pb, wt = wt, ht = ht, trm = trm, age = age, gender = gender, tsk = tsk, psych = psych, apCoeff = apCoeff, epCoeff = epCoeff, asCoeff = asCoeff, esCoeff = esCoeff, asv = asv, tao = tao, rho = rho, frad = frad, eps = eps, ic = ic, tcrI = tcrI, tskI = tskI, basMet = basMet, warmUp = warmUp, solAlt = solAlt, solAzi = solAzi, solRadDir = solRadDir, solTrans = solTrans, fSvv = fSvv, fBes = fBes, asw = asw, posture = posture, cdil = cdil, sigmatr = sigmatr)
listOfRequests <- function(){
print(c("pmv", "ppd", "tnHumphreysNV", "tnHumphreysAC", "tAdapt15251", "dTNZ", "dTNZTa", "dTNZts", "ATHBpmv", "ATHBset", "ATHBpts", "apmv", "ptsa", "epmv", "ptse", "epCoeff", "apCoeff", "esCoeff", "asCoeff", "set", "et", "tsens", "disc", "pd", "ps", "pts", "HBxst", "pmvadj", "humidex", "utci", "erf", "delMrt"))
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