Analysis settings

\begin{center} \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Please verify that the analysis was performed with the desired settings!}} \end{center}

used.settings.fw <- NULL
used.settings.rev <- NULL
if (length(params$used_settings) == 0 || params$used_settings[1] == "NA") {
    used.settings.fw <- NULL
    used.settings.rev <- NULL
} else if (length(params$used_settings) == 1) {
    if (names(params$used_settings) == "fw") {
        used.settings.fw <- openPrimeR::constraints(params$used_settings[[1]])
        used.settings.rev <- NULL
    } else {
        used.settings.rev <- openPrimeR::constraints(params$used_settings[[1]])
        used.settings.fw <- NULL
} else if (length(params$used_settings) == 2) {
   used.settings.fw <- openPrimeR::constraints(params$used_settings$fw)
   used.settings.rev <- openPrimeR::constraints(params$used_settings$rev)
} else {
    stop("Unsupported used settings length. Please input a list with the settings object for forward and reverse design.")
} <- openPrimeR:::create.constraint.table(openPrimeR::constraints(params$settings), 
                            constraints.used.fw = used.settings.fw,
                            constraints.used.rev = used.settings.rev, format.type = "report")
caption.A <- "Constraints on the physicochemical properties of primers. The column \\textit{Target range} summarizes the user-specified constraints."
caption.B <- "The \\textit{Used range} columns indicate the actually applied constraints during the optimization procedure for forward (\\textit{fw}) and reverse (\\textit{rev}) primers, respectively."
if (length(used.settings.fw) == 0 && length(used.settings.rev) == 0) {
    # no primer design (used) settings available
    caption <- caption.A
} else {
    # used settings (design) available
    caption <- paste(caption.A, caption.B)
knitr::kable(, row.names = FALSE, caption = caption, longtable = TRUE)
tab <- openPrimeR:::create.options.table(openPrimeR::conOptions(params$settings), "report")
knitr::kable(tab, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Options for the active constraints. \\textit{Allowed mismatches} refers to the maximal allowed number of mismatches between a primer and a template. \\textit{Allowed off-target binding ratio} indicates the ratio of primers that are allowed to bind to non-target regions. \\textit{Binding region definition} defines whether primers shall bind within the target region (\\textit{within}) or are only required to overlap with the target region (\\textit{any}).", longtable = TRUE)
tab <- openPrimeR:::create.constraint.table(openPrimeR::cvg_constraints(params$settings), format.type = "report")
knitr::kable(tab, row.names = FALSE, caption = "The conditions for primer coverage. \\textit{Stop codons} indicates whether mismatch binding events are allowed to induce stop codons (\\textit{1}) or not (\\textit{0}). \\textit{Efficiency} indicates the required amplification efficiency of the primers. \\textit{Annealing} gives the required free energy of annealing. \\textit{3\' Mismatch Position} indicates the positions in the primers (from the 3\' end such that \\textit{1} indicates the last position) for which mismatches are allowed.", longtable = TRUE)
tab <- openPrimeR:::create.PCR.table(openPrimeR::PCR(params$settings), "report")
knitr::kable(tab, row.names = FALSE, caption = "The experimental conditions that were used to evaluate the primers.", longtable = TRUE)

matdoering/openPrimeR documentation built on Feb. 11, 2024, 9:22 p.m.