
Defines functions heterochronous_gp_stat_old heterochronous_gp_stat branching_sampling_times summarize_phylo2 summarize_phylo

Documented in summarize_phylo

#' Summarize a phylogeny.
#' @param phy a \code{phylo} object containing a phylogeny.
#' @return A list containing vectors of sampling times \code{samp_times}, number 
#'   sampled per sampling time \code{n_sampled}, and coalescent times
#'   \code{coal_times}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("NY_flu")
#' summarize_phylo(NY_flu)
summarize_phylo <- function(phy)
  hgpstat <- heterochronous_gp_stat(phy)
  return(list(samp_times = hgpstat$samp_times,
              n_sampled  = hgpstat$n_sampled,
              coal_times = hgpstat$coal_times))

summarize_phylo2 <- function(phy, backwards = TRUE)
  if (class(phy) != "phylo")
    stop("object \"phy\" is not of class \"phylo\"")
  n_nodes = phy$Nnode
  n_tips = length(phy$tip.label)
  root_node <- phy$edge[1,1]
  raw_times <- ape::dist.nodes(phy)[root_node, ]
  raw_samp_times <- utils::head(raw_times, n_tips)
  raw_coal_times <- utils::tail(raw_times, n_nodes)
  if (backwards)
    raw_coal_times <- max(raw_samp_times) - raw_coal_times
    raw_samp_times <- max(raw_samp_times) - raw_samp_times
  samp_tab <- table(raw_samp_times)
  samp_times <- as.numeric(names(samp_tab))
  n_sampled <- as.numeric(samp_tab)
  coal_times <- sort(as.numeric(raw_coal_times))
  return(list(samp_times = samp_times,
              n_sampled  = n_sampled,
              coal_times = coal_times))

# branching_sampling_times <- function(phy)
# {
#   phy = ape::new2old.phylo(phy)

#   if (class(phy) != "phylo")
#     stop("object \"phy\" is not of class \"phylo\"")

#   tmp <- as.numeric(phy$edge)
#   nb.tip <- max(tmp)
#   nb.node <- -min(tmp)
#   xx <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nb.tip + nb.node))
#   names(xx) <- as.character(c(-(1:nb.node), 1:nb.tip))
#   xx["-1"] <- 0

#   for (i in 2:length(xx))
#   {
#     nod <- names(xx[i])
#     ind <- which(phy$edge[, 2] == nod)
#     base <- phy$edge[ind, 1]
#     xx[i] <- xx[base] + phy$edge.length[ind]
#   }

#   depth <- max(xx)
#   branching_sampling_times <- depth - xx
#   return(branching_sampling_times)
# }

    ##Updated by Julia Sep 1, 2021. The previous function assumed internal nodes are ordered
    if (class(tr) != "phylo")
      stop("object \"tr\" is not of class \"phylo\"")
    edge.mat <- tr$edge
    n.sample <- tr$Nnode + 1
    t.tot <- max(ape::node.depth.edgelength(tr))
    n.t <- t.tot - ape::node.depth.edgelength(tr)
    xx <- as.numeric(rep(NA, 2*n.sample -1))
    names(xx) <- as.character(c(-(1:(n.sample-1)), 1:n.sample))
    xx[1:(n.sample-1)]<-sort(n.t[(n.sample+1) : length(n.t)],decreasing=TRUE)
    xx[n.sample:length(xx)]<-sort(n.t[1 : n.sample],decreasing=TRUE)

heterochronous_gp_stat <- function(phy, tol=0.0)
  #Update Aug 2015 by Julia. Adhoc for simulation with a tolerance parameters
  b.s.times = branching_sampling_times(phy)
  int.ind = which(as.numeric(names(b.s.times)) < 0)
  tip.ind = which(as.numeric(names(b.s.times)) > 0)
  num.tips = length(tip.ind)
  num.coal.events = length(int.ind)
  sampl.suf.stat = rep(NA, num.coal.events)
  coal.interval = rep(NA, num.coal.events)
  coal.lineages = rep(NA, num.coal.events)
  sorted.coal.times = sort(b.s.times[int.ind])
  names(sorted.coal.times) = NULL
  sampling.times = sort((b.s.times[tip.ind]))
  for (i in 2:length(sampling.times))
    if ((sampling.times[i] - sampling.times[i - 1]) < tol)
      sampling.times[i] <- sampling.times[i - 1]
  unique.sampling.times <- unique(sampling.times)
  sampled.lineages = NULL
  for (sample.time in unique.sampling.times)
    sampled.lineages = c(sampled.lineages, sum(sampling.times == sample.time))
  return(list(coal_times = sorted.coal.times,
              samp_times = unique.sampling.times,
              n_sampled = sampled.lineages))

heterochronous_gp_stat_old <- function(phy)
  b.s.times = branching_sampling_times(phy)
  int.ind = which(as.numeric(names(b.s.times)) < 0)
  tip.ind = which(as.numeric(names(b.s.times)) > 0)
  num.tips = length(tip.ind)
  num.coal.events = length(int.ind)
  sampl.suf.stat = rep(NA, num.coal.events)
  coal.interval = rep(NA, num.coal.events)
  coal.lineages = rep(NA, num.coal.events)
  sorted.coal.times = sort(b.s.times[int.ind])
  names(sorted.coal.times) = NULL
  #unique.sampling.times = sort(unique(b.s.times[tip.ind]))
  sampling.times = sort((b.s.times[tip.ind]))

  for (i in 2:length(sampling.times))
    if ((sampling.times[i]-sampling.times[i-1])<0.1)
  sampled.lineages = NULL
  for (sample.time in unique.sampling.times)
    sampled.lineages = c(sampled.lineages, sum(sampling.times == sample.time))  
  return(list(coal_times=sorted.coal.times, samp_times = unique.sampling.times, n_sampled=sampled.lineages))
mdkarcher/phylodyn documentation built on Nov. 24, 2021, 12:20 a.m.