
Defines functions map2sphere

Documented in map2sphere

# Documentation in map.R - presents a map on a sphere
#' @export
map2sphere <- function(x,it=NULL,is=NULL,new=TRUE,style="plain",
                       colbar= list(pal='t2m.IPCC',rev=FALSE,n=10,
                           breaks=NULL,type="p",cex=2, cex.axis=0.9,
                           cex.lab = 0.9, h=0.6, v=1,pos=0.05),
                       main=NULL,xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,verbose=FALSE,...) {
  if (verbose) print(paste('map2sphere:',lonR,latR,axiR))
  if (verbose) {print(lon(x)); print(lat(x))}
  if (!is.null(it) | !is.null(is)) x <- subset(x,it=it,is=is,verbose=verbose)
  ## KMP 10-11-2015: apply xlim and ylim
  ## REB 2023-03-10: we want to use  xlim/ylim only to crop the figure like in plot, and not 
  ## for subsetting the data...
  # is <- NULL
  # if (!is.null(xlim)) is$lon <- xlim
  # if (!is.null(ylim)) is$lat <- ylim
  # x <- subset(x,is=is)
  # Data to be plotted:
  lon <- lon(x)  # attr(x,'longitude')
  lat <- lat(x)  # attr(x,'latitude')
  if (verbose) {print(summary(lon)); print(summary(lat))}
  # To deal with grid-conventions going from north-to-south or east-to-west:
  if (inherits(x,'field')) map <- map(x,plot=FALSE) else map <- x
  if (verbose) print(class(map))
  srtx <- order(lon); lon <- lon[srtx]
  srty <- order(lat); lat <- lat[srty]
  if (length(dim(map))!= 2) dim(map) <- c(length(srtx),length(srty))
  map <- map[srtx,srty]
  param <- attr(x,'variable')
  unit <- attr(x,'unit')[1]
  if (!is.null(unit) & !is.expression(unit)) if (unit =='%') unit <- "'%'"
  ## KMP 10-11-2015: prepare unit and parameter labels
  if(!is.null(param) & !inherits(param,'expression'))
    param <- gsub(" ","~",param)
  if(!is.null(unit) & !inherits(param,'expression'))
    unit <- gsub(" ","~",unit)
  if(length(param)>1) param <- param[1]
  if(length(unit)>1) unit <- unit[1]
  # if (is.T(x)) {
  #   unit <- "degrees*C"
  # }
  # Rotation:
  if (is.null(lonR)) lonR <- round(mean(lon,na.rm=TRUE),4)  # logitudinal rotation
  if (is.null(latR)) latR <- round(mean(lat,na.rm=TRUE),4)  # Latitudinal rotation
  if (verbose) print(paste('lonR=',lonR,'latR=',latR))
  # axiR: rotation of Earth's axis

  # coastline data:
  geoborders <- NULL # KMP 2019-10-11: create dummy to avoid warning during CHECK
  #ok <- is.finite(geoborders$x) & is.finite(geoborders$y)
  #theta <- pi*geoborders$x[ok]/180; phi <- pi*geoborders$y[ok]/180

  ## KMP 10-11-2015: apply xlim and ylim
  ## REB 2023-03-10: xlim/ylim are not lon/lat but 
  gx <- geoborders$x
  gy <- geoborders$y
  ok <- is.finite(gx) & is.finite(gy)
  # if (!is.null(xlim)) ok <- ok & gx>=min(xlim) & gx<=max(xlim)
  # if (!is.null(ylim)) ok <- ok & gy>=min(ylim) & gy<=max(ylim)
  ## REB 2023-03-10
  xrng <- range(lon); yrng <- range(lat)
  ok <- ok & gx>=min(xrng) & gx<=max(xrng)
  ok <- ok & gy>=min(yrng) & gy<=max(yrng)
  theta <- pi*gx[ok]/180
  phi <- pi*gy[ok]/180

  x <- sin(theta)*cos(phi)
  y <- cos(theta)*cos(phi)
  z <- sin(phi)

# Calculate contour lines if requested...  
  if (verbose) print('contour lines...')
  lonxy <- rep(lon,length(lat))
  latxy <- sort(rep(lat,length(lon)))
  map <- c(map)

# Remove grid boxes with missign data:
  ok <- is.finite(map)
  #print(paste(sum(ok)," valid grid point"))
  lonxy <- lonxy[ok]; latxy <- latxy[ok]; map <- map[ok]

# Define the grid box boundaries:
  dlon <- min(abs(diff(lon)),na.rm=TRUE); dlat <- min(abs(diff(lat)),na.rm=TRUE)
  Lon <- rbind(lonxy - 0.5*dlon,lonxy + 0.5*dlon,
               lonxy + 0.5*dlon,lonxy - 0.5*dlon)
  Lat <- rbind(latxy - 0.5*dlat,latxy - 0.5*dlat,
               latxy + 0.5*dlat,latxy + 0.5*dlat)
  Theta <- pi*Lon/180; Phi <- pi*Lat/180

# Transform -> (X,Y,Z):
  X <- sin(Theta)*cos(Phi)
  Y <- cos(Theta)*cos(Phi)
  Z <- sin(Phi)
  #print(c( min(x),max(x)))

  ## AM commented
  ## KMP 2019-10-11: uncommented colour palette defintion
  ## because otherwise map2sphere doesn't work
  ## AM 2021-06-02 There is still sth wrong with color palette definition but I cannot figure out what is the problem
  # Define colour palette:
  if (verbose) print('colbar...')
  if (is.null(colbar)) {
    colbar$show <- FALSE
  } else if (is.null(colbar$show)) {
    colbar$show <- TRUE
  if (is.null(colbar$rev)) colbar$rev <- FALSE
  if (is.null(colbar$breaks)) {
    colbar$breaks <- pretty(c(map),n=31)
    colbar$n <- length(colbar$breaks)-1
  } else {
    colbar$n <- length(colbar$breaks) -1
  ## REB 2023-02-09: flexibility to deal with old habit of confusing colbar$col with colbar$pal
  if ( is.null(colbar$pal) & is.character(colbar$col) ) {colbar$pal <- colbar$col; colbar$col <- NULL}
  nc <- length(colbar$col)
  if (is.null(colbar$col)) {
    colbar <- colbar.ini(map,colbar=colbar)
    col <- colscal(n=colbar$n)
  # following lines are probably no longer needed REB 2023-02-09: 
  # else if (nc==1) {
  #  col <- colscal(pal=colbar$col,n=colbar$n-1)
  #if (colbar$rev) {
  #  col <- rev(col)
  #  colbar$col <- col
  ## AM 2021-06-03: Moved this before index
  ## REB 2015-11-25: Set all values outside the colour scales to the colour scale extremes
  if (verbose) print('Clip the value range to extremes of colour scale')
  toohigh <- map>max(colbar$breaks)
  if (sum(toohigh)>0) map[toohigh] <- max(colbar$breaks)
  toolow <- map<min(colbar$breaks)
  if (sum(toolow)>0) map[toolow] <- min(colbar$breaks)
  if (verbose) print(paste(sum(toohigh),'set to highest colour and',sum(toolow),'to lowest'))
  index <- findInterval(map,colbar$breaks,all.inside=TRUE)
  ## where all.inside does to the indices what the clipping does to the values.
  if (verbose) {print('map2sphere: set colours'); print(colbar)}
  # Rotate coastlines:
  if (verbose) {print('Rotation:');print(dim(rotM(x=0,y=0,z=lonR))); print(dim(rbind(x,y,z)))}
  a <- rotM(x=0,y=0,z=lonR) %*% rbind(x,y,z)
  a <- rotM(x=latR,y=0,z=0) %*% a
  x <- a[1,]; y <- a[2,]; z <- a[3,]

  # Grid coordinates:
  d <- dim(X)

  # Rotate data grid:  
  A <- rotM(x=0,y=0,z=lonR) %*% rbind(c(X),c(Y),c(Z))
  A <- rotM(x=latR,y=0,z=0) %*% A
  X <- A[1,]; Y <- A[2,]; Z <- A[3,]
  dim(X) <- d; dim(Y) <- d; dim(Z) <- d
   # Plot the results:
  if (new) {
    if(verbose) print("Create new graphic device")
    par(mgp=c(2,0.5,0), mar=c(4,1,2,1))
    add <- FALSE
  if(!is.null(fig)) par(fig=fig,new=(add & dev.cur()>1))
  ## KMP 2023-02-07: add ylim and here and then colorbar below the plot
  ## REB 2023-03-10: Need to allow for specifying xlim and ylim - 
  ## Error in colbar.ini(map, colbar = colbar) : colbar.ini: x is empty!
  ## ...when xlim and ylim are specified...
  # xlim <- range(x,na.rm=TRUE)
  # zlim <- range(z,na.rm=TRUE)
  ## REB 2023-03-10
  if (verbose) print(paste('xlim',paste(xlim,collapse=','),' & ylim',paste(ylim,collapse=',')))
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(x,na.rm=TRUE)
  ## REB: Why 'zlim' and not 'ylim'?
  if (is.null(ylim)) zlim <- range(z,na.rm=TRUE) else zlim <- ylim
  dz <- 0.3*diff(zlim)
  zlim <- zlim + c(-1,0)*dz
  # plot the grid boxes, but only the gridboxes facing the view point:
  if (verbose) print('Visible grid boxes')
  Visible <- colMeans(Y) > 0
  X <- X[,Visible]; Y <- Y[,Visible]; Z <- Z[,Visible]
  index <- index[Visible]
  ## REB 2020-01-26
  if (style=='night') {
    if (verbose) print('Add night-day shading')
    ## Add shadow effect to collours
    brightness <- cos(Theta[1,Visible] - pi*lonR/180)
  } else brightness <- rep(1,length(index))
  alpha <- rep(1,length(index))
  if (verbose) {
  # Plot the coast lines  
  if (verbose) print('plot the coast lines')
  visible <- y > 0
  if (verbose) print(paste(sum(visible),'coast-line points'))
  if (verbose) {print(summary(x)); print(summary(y))}
  if (colbar$show) {
    if (verbose) print('plot colourbar')
    #if (is.null(breaks))
    #  breaks <- round( nc*(seq(min(map),max(map),length=nc)- min(map) )/
    #                  ( max(map) - min(map) ) )
    #bar <- cbind(breaks,breaks)
    #    xaxt = "n",fig=par0$fig,mar=par0$mar,new=TRUE)
    # Adopt from map.station
    if (fancy) {
      if (verbose) print("fancy colbar")
    } else {
      if (verbose) print("regular colbar")
                 horizontal = TRUE, legend.only = TRUE,
                 zlim = range(colbar$breaks),
                 pal = colbar$pal, nlevel=length(colbar$breaks)-1, 
                 legend.width = 1,rev = colbar$rev,
                 axis.args = list(cex.axis = colbar$cex.axis),border=FALSE,
                 verbose=verbose, ...)
        ##image.plot(lab.breaks=colbar$breaks,horizontal = TRUE,
        ##             legend.only = T, zlim = range(colbar$breaks),
        ##             col = colbar$col, legend.width = 1,
        ##             axis.args = list(cex.axis = 0.8), border = FALSE)
    if(!is.null(fig)) par(fig=fig)

  ## plot(range(x,na.rm=TRUE),range(z,na.rm=TRUE),type="n",
  ##     xlab="",ylab="",add=FALSE)
  txt <- param
  if (!is.null(param)) {
    param <- as.character(param); unit <- as.character(unit)
    if(!is.null(unit) & (unit!='')) txt <- paste(param,'~(',unit,')') else
      if(!is.null(unit)) txt <- param
    text(min(x)+diff(range(x))*0.0, max(z)+diff(range(z))*0.02,
         cex=cex.sub, pos=4)
  #result <- data.frame(x=colMeans(Y),y=colMeans(Z),z=c(map))
  attr(Z,'longitude') <- X
  attr(Z,'latitude') <- Y
  attr(Z,'variable') <- esd::varid(x)
  attr(Z,'unit') <- esd::unit(x)
  attr(Z,'colbar') <- colbar
  attr(Z,'time') <- range(index(x))
metno/esd documentation built on April 24, 2024, 9:19 p.m.