# -------------------------------------
# This code is part of the qualityTools 1.55 package
# removed from the CRAN repository on 2021-02-23 as check problems were not corrected.
# Copyright Thomas Roth 2010-2016
# The complete package can be obtained from the archive:
# https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/qualityTools/
# -------------------------------------
# Package: qualityTools
# Type: Package
# Title: Statistical Methods for Quality Science
# Version: 1.55
# Date: 2016-02-23
# Author: Thomas Roth
# Maintainer: Thomas Roth <thomas.roth@alumni.tu-berlin.de>
# Description: Contains methods associated with the Define, Measure, Analyze,
# Improve and Control (i.e. DMAIC) cycle of the Six Sigma Quality Management
# methodology.It covers distribution fitting, normal and non-normal process
# capability indices, techniques for Measurement Systems Analysis especially
# gage capability indices and Gage Repeatability (i.e Gage RR) and
# Reproducibility studies, factorial and fractional factorial designs as well
# as response surface methods including the use of desirability functions.
# Improvement via Six Sigma is project based strategy that covers 5 phases:
# Define - Pareto Chart; Measure - Probability and Quantile-Quantile Plots,
# Process Capability Indices for various distributions and Gage RR Analyze i.e.
# Pareto Chart, Multi-Vari Chart, Dot Plot; Improve - Full and fractional
# factorial, response surface and mixture designs as well as the desirability
# approach for simultaneous optimization of more than one response variable.
# Normal, Pareto and Lenth Plot of effects as well as Interaction Plots;
# Control - Quality Control Charts can be found in the 'qcc' package.
# The focus is on teaching the statistical methodology used in the Quality
# Sciences.
# License: GPL-2
# -------------------------------------
# PENDIENTE: documentacion -> internal
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
qqPlot <- function (x, y, confbounds = TRUE, alpha, main, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, border = "red", bounds.col = "black", bounds.lty = 1,
start, ...)
parList = list(...)
if (is.null(parList[["col"]]))
parList$col = 1:2
if (is.null(parList[["pch"]]))
parList$pch = 19
if (is.null(parList[["lwd"]]))
parList$lwd = 1
if (is.null(parList[["cex"]]))
parList$cex = 1
#if (!require(MASS))
# stop("Package MASS needs to be installed!")
if (class(x) == "distrCollection") {
distList = x@distr
for (i in 1:length(distList)) {
d = distList[[i]]
do.call(qqPlot, c(list(x = d@x, y = d@name), parList))
if (missing(y))
y = "normal"
alpha = 0.05
if (alpha <=0 || alpha >=1)
stop(paste("alpha should be between 0 and 1!"))
if (missing(main))
main = paste("Q-Q Plot for", deparse(substitute(y)),
if (missing(xlab))
xlab = paste("Quantiles for", deparse(substitute(x)))
if (missing(ylab))
ylab = paste("Quantiles from", deparse(substitute(y)),
if (is.numeric(y)) {
cat("\ncalling (original) qqplot from namespace stats!\n")
return(stats::qqplot(x, y, ...))
qFun = NULL
theoretical.quantiles = NULL
xs = sort(x)
distribution = tolower(y)
distWhichNeedParameters = c("weibull", "logistic", "gamma",
"exponential", "f", "geometric", "chi-squared", "negative binomial",
# new
threeParameterDistr = c("weibull3", "lognormal3", "gamma3")
threeParameter = distribution %in% threeParameterDistr
if(threeParameter) distribution = substr(distribution, 1, nchar(distribution)-1)
# end new
if (is.character(distribution)) {
qFun = .charToDistFunc(distribution, type = "q")
if (is.null(qFun))
stop(paste(deparse(substitute(y)), "distribution could not be found!"))
theoretical.probs = ppoints(xs)
xq = NULL
yq = quantile(xs, prob = c(0.25, 0.75))
dots <- list(...)
if (TRUE) {
if (DB)
print("TODO: Pass the estimated parameters correctly")
fitList = .lfkp(parList, formals(qFun))
fitList$x = xs
fitList$densfun = distribution
if (!missing(start))
fitList$start = start
if (DB) {
# new
fittedDistr = do.call(fitdistr, fitList)
parameter = fittedDistr$estimate
#save the distribution parameter#
thethas = fittedDistr$estimate
# save the cariance-covariance matrix
varmatrix = fittedDistr$vcov
# end of my code
# new code for three parameter
} else {
parameter = do.call(paste(".",distribution, "3", sep = ""), list(xs) ) ####
threshold = parameter$threshold
parameter = .lfkp(as.list(parameter), formals(qFun))
params = .lfkp(parList, formals(qFun))
parameter = .lfrm(as.list(parameter), params)
parameter = c(parameter, params)
theoretical.quantiles = do.call(qFun, c(list(c(theoretical.probs)),
# new
# array containing names of the distributions, for which conf intervals can be computed
confIntCapable = c("exponential", "log-normal", "logistic", "normal", "weibull", "gamma", "beta", "cauchy")
getConfIntFun = .charToDistFunc(distribution, type = ".confint")
# if possible, compute the conf intervals
if(confbounds == TRUE){
if(distribution %in% confIntCapable){
confInt = getConfIntFun(xs, thethas, varmatrix, alpha)
}# end of my code
xq <- do.call(qFun, c(list(c(0.25, 0.75)), parameter))
if (DB) {
print(paste("parameter: ", parameter))
else {
params = .lfkp(parList, formals(qFun))
params$p = theoretical.probs
theoretical.quantiles = do.call(qFun, params)
params$p = c(0.25, 0.75)
xq = do.call(qFun, params)
params = .lfkp(parList, c(formals(plot.default), par()))
params$y = theoretical.quantiles
} else {
params$y = theoretical.quantiles+threshold
params$x = xs
params$xlab = xlab
params$ylab = ylab
params$main = main
if (!(is.null(params$col[1]) || is.na(params$col[1])))
params$col = params$col[1]
if (!missing(xlim))
params$xlim = xlim
if (!missing(ylim))
params$ylim = ylim
params$lwd = 1
do.call(plot, params)
pParams = params
pParams = .lfkp(pParams, list(x = 1, y = 1, col = 1, cex = 1))
do.call(points, pParams)
params = .lfkp(parList, c(formals(abline), par()))
params$a = 0
params$b = 1
params$col = border
do.call(abline, params)
# plot the confInt if available
if(confbounds == TRUE){
if(distribution %in% confIntCapable){
params = .lfkp(parList, c(formals(lines), par()))
params$x = confInt[[3]]
params$y = confInt[[1]]
params$col = bounds.col
params$lty = bounds.lty
do.call(lines, params)
params$x = confInt[[3]]
params$y = confInt[[2]]
params$col = bounds.col
params$lty = bounds.lty
do.call(lines, params)
} #end of my function
invisible(list(x = theoretical.quantiles, y = xs, int = params$a,
slope = params$b))
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.confintbeta= function(xs, thethas, varmatrix, alpha) {
th1= thethas[[1]]
th2 = thethas[[2]]
perzentile=qbeta(prozent, th1, th2)
dFdth1=(qbeta(prozent, th1, th2)-qbeta(prozent, th1+h, th2))/h
dFdth2=(qbeta(prozent, th1, th2)-qbeta(prozent, th1, th2+h))/h
Var = varmatrix[[1, 1]]*dFdth1^2 + 2*varmatrix[[1, 2]]*dFdth1*dFdth2 + varmatrix[[2, 2]]*dFdth2^2
halfwidth = zalpha*sqrt(Var)
bounds = list(lci, uci, perzentile)
return (bounds)
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.confintcauchy = function(xs, thethas, varmatrix, alpha) {
th1= thethas[[1]]
th2 = thethas[[2]]
perzentile=qcauchy(prozent, th1, th2)
dFdth1=(qcauchy(prozent, th1, th2)-qcauchy(prozent, th1+h, th2))/h
dFdth2=(qcauchy(prozent, th1, th2)-qcauchy(prozent, th1, th2+h))/h
Var = varmatrix[[1, 1]]*dFdth1^2 + 2*varmatrix[[1, 2]]*dFdth1*dFdth2 + varmatrix[[2, 2]]*dFdth2^2
halfwidth = zalpha*sqrt(Var)
bounds = list(lci, uci, perzentile)
return (bounds)
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.confintexp=function(xs, thethas, varmatrix, alpha) {
perzentile=qexp(prozent, lambda)
logPerzentile = log(perzentile)
halfwidth = zalpha*sqrt(varmatrix[[1, 1]]/lambda^2)
lci = exp(logPerzentile - halfwidth);
uci = exp(logPerzentile + halfwidth);
bounds = list(lci, uci, perzentile)
return (bounds)
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.confintgamma= function(xs, thethas, varmatrix, alpha) {
th1= thethas[[1]]
th2 = thethas[[2]]
perzentile=qgamma(prozent, th1, th2)
dFdth1=(qgamma(prozent, th1, th2)-qgamma(prozent, th1+h, th2))/h
dFdth2=(qgamma(prozent, th1, th2)-qgamma(prozent, th1, th2+h))/h
Var = varmatrix[[1, 1]]*dFdth1^2 + 2*varmatrix[[1, 2]]*dFdth1*dFdth2 + varmatrix[[2, 2]]*dFdth2^2
halfwidth = zalpha*sqrt(Var)
bounds = list(lci, uci, perzentile)
return (bounds)
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.confintlnorm=function(xs, thethas, varmatrix, alpha){
th1= thethas[[1]]
th2 = thethas[[2]]
perzentile=qlnorm(prozent, th1, th2)
varPerzentile = varmatrix[[1, 1]]+2*varmatrix[[1, 2]]*zp+varmatrix[[2, 2]]*zp*zp
bounds = list(exp(lci), exp(uci), perzentile)
return (bounds)
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.confintlogis= function(xs, thethas, varmatrix, alpha) {
th1= thethas[[1]]
th2 = thethas[[2]]
perzentile=qlogis(prozent, th1, th2)
dFdth1=(qlogis(prozent, th1, th2)-qlogis(prozent, th1+h, th2))/h
dFdth2=(qlogis(prozent, th1, th2)-qlogis(prozent, th1, th2+h))/h
Var = varmatrix[[1, 1]]*dFdth1^2 + 2*varmatrix[[1, 2]]*dFdth1*dFdth2 + varmatrix[[2, 2]]*dFdth2^2
halfwidth = zalpha*sqrt(Var)
bounds = list(lci, uci, perzentile)
return (bounds)
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.confintnorm=function(xs, thethas, varmatrix, alpha){
perzentile=qnorm(prozent, thethas[[1]], thethas[[2]])
varPerzentile = varmatrix[[1, 1]]+2*varmatrix[[1, 2]]*zp+varmatrix[[2, 2]]*zp*zp
bounds = list(lci, uci, perzentile)
return (bounds)
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.confintweibull= function(xs, thethas, varmatrix, alpha) {
th1= thethas[[1]]
th2 = thethas[[2]]
perzentile=qweibull(prozent, th1, th2)
Var = varmatrix[[1, 1]]*(dA*logq)^2 + 2*varmatrix[[1, 2]]*dB*dA*logq + varmatrix[[2, 2]]*dB^2
halfwidth = zalpha*sqrt(Var)
bounds = list(lci, uci, perzentile)
# print(data.frame(prozent, uci, perzentile, lci))
return (bounds)
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.gamma3 = function(data) {
pEmp= (seq(1:n)-0.5)/n
weight = 1 / sqrt(pEmp*(1-pEmp))
thld = .99*min(data)
gammaEst = function(param) {
return( sum(weight*(pgamma(data-param[3], shape = exp(param[1]), scale = exp(param[2]))-pEmp)^2) )
paramEst = optim(c(shape, scale, thld), gammaEst, method = "Nelder-Mead")
paramEst = paramEst$par
return(list(shape = exp(paramEst[1]), scale = exp(paramEst[2]), threshold = paramEst[3]))
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.lognormal3 = function(data) {
#compute the empirical cumulative distribution function of the data
pEmp= (seq(1:n)-0.5)/n
# will minimize the weighted sum of squared distances
# so compute weights
weight = 1 / sqrt(pEmp*(1-pEmp))
# initial values for optimization
thld = .99*min(data)
mu0 = mean(log(data-thld))
sigma0 = sd(log(data-thld))
lnEst = function(param) {
return( sum(weight*(plnorm(data-param[3], meanlog = param[1], sdlog = exp(param[2]))-pEmp)^2) )
# optimize gammaEst using optim function
paramEst = optim(c(mu0,logSigma0, thld), lnEst, method = "Nelder-Mead")
param = paramEst$par
return(list(meanlog = param[1], sdlog = exp(param[2]), threshold = param[3]))
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.weibull3 = function(x)
if(any(x < 0))
stop("x must be positive")
n = length(x)
x = sort(x)
p = ((1:n)-0.5)/n
interval = c(0.75*min(x), 0.9999*min(x))
wb3RSquared = function(th)
return(summary(lm(log(x-th) ~ log(-log(1-p))))$r.squared)
th = (optimize(wb3RSquared, interval = interval, maximum = TRUE))$maximum
lm.1 = lm(log(x-th) ~ log(-log(1-p)))
estimates = list(shape = 1/coef(lm.1)[[2]], scale = exp(coef(lm.1)[[1]]), threshold = th)
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.charToDistFunc = function(distribution, type = "q") { #### .CHARTODISTFUNC-FUNCTION
fun = NULL
if (identical("beta", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "beta", sep = "")))
if (identical("cauchy", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "cauchy", sep = "")))
if (identical("chi-squared", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "chisq", sep = "")))
if (identical("exponential", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "exp", sep = "")))
if (identical("f", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "f", sep = "")))
if (identical("geometric", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "geom", sep = "")))
if (identical("log-normal", distribution) || identical("lognormal", distribution)) ####
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "lnorm", sep = "")))
if (identical("log-normal3", distribution) || identical("lognormal3", distribution)) ####
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "lnorm3", sep = ""))) ####
if (identical("logistic", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "logis", sep = "")))
if (identical("negative binomial", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "nbinom", sep = "")))
if (identical("normal", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "norm", sep = "")))
if (identical("poisson", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "pois", sep = "")))
if (identical("t", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "t", sep = "")))
if (identical("weibull", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "weibull", sep = "")))
if (identical("weibull3", distribution)) ####
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "weibull3", sep = ""))) ####
if (identical("gamma", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "gamma", sep = "")))
if (identical("gamma3", distribution))
fun = eval(parse(text = paste(type, "gamma3", sep = "")))
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.lfrm = function(wholeList, filterList) {
if (!is.list(wholeList))
stop(paste(deparse(substitute(wholeList)), "is not a list!"))
if (length(wholeList) == 0)
if (!is.list(filterList))
stop(paste(deparse(substitute(filterList)), "is not a list!"))
if (length(filterList) == 0)
logVec = lapply(names(wholeList), "%in%", names(filterList))
filteredList = wholeList[!unlist(logVec)]
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.lfkp = function(wholeList, filterList) {
if (!is.list(wholeList))
stop(paste(deparse(substitute(wholeList)), "is not a list!"))
if (length(wholeList) == 0)
if (!is.list(filterList))
stop(paste(deparse(substitute(filterList)), "is not a list!"))
if (length(filterList) == 0)
logVec = lapply(names(wholeList), "%in%", names(filterList))
filteredList = wholeList[unlist(logVec)]
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
.myADTest = function(x, distribution, ...) { #### .MYADTESTS-FUNCTION
#require(MASS, quietly = TRUE)
if (missing(distribution))
distribution = "normal"
data.name = names(x)
if (is.data.frame(x))
x = x[, 1]
dots = list(...)
parameter = NULL
smaller = NULL
pFun = NULL
tableValue = FALSE
A = 0
x <- sort(x[complete.cases(x)])
n = length(x)
if (n < 8)
stop("sample size must be greater than 7")
if (n > 40)
warning("sample size is greater than 40")
if (is.character(distribution)) {
pFun = .charToDistFunc(distribution, type = "p")
distribution = tolower(distribution)
if (is.null(pFun))
stop(paste(deparse(substitute(distribution)), " is not supported!"))
else {
pFun = match.fun(distribution)
# if (identical(distribution, "log-normal")) { ####
# x = log(x) ####
# distribution = "normal" ####
# } ####
if (length(dots) == 0) {
fittedDistr = MASS::fitdistr(x, distribution)
parameter = fittedDistr$estimate
if (distribution == "normal") {
parameter["mean"] = mean(x)
parameter["sd"] = sd(x)
p = do.call(pFun, c(list(x), as.list(parameter)))
else {
p = pFun(x, ...)
h = (2 * seq(1:n) - 1) * (log(p) + log(1 - rev(p)))
A = -n - mean(h)
AA = (1 + 0.75/n + 2.25/n^2) * A
if (AA < 0.2) {
pval <- 1 - exp(-13.436 + 101.14 * AA - 223.73 * AA^2)
else if (AA < 0.34) {
pval <- 1 - exp(-8.318 + 42.796 * AA - 59.938 * AA^2)
else if (AA < 0.6) {
pval <- exp(0.9177 - 4.279 * AA - 1.38 * AA^2)
else {
pval <- exp(1.2937 - 5.709 * AA + 0.0186 * AA^2)
if (identical(distribution, "cauchy")) {
pval = NA
if (identical(distribution, "beta")) {
pval = NA
if (identical(distribution, "chi-squared")) {
pval = NA
if (identical(distribution, "f")) {
pval = NA
if (identical(distribution, "t")) {
pval = NA
if (identical(distribution, "geometric")) {
pval = NA
if (identical(distribution, "poisson")) {
pval = NA
if (identical(distribution, "negative-binomial")) {
pval = NA
if (identical(distribution, "weibull")) {
AWei = A * (1 + 1/sqrt(n))
tableValue = TRUE
smaller = TRUE
if (AWei < 0.474) {
pval = 0.25
smaller = FALSE
if (AWei >= 0.474)
pval = 0.25
if (AWei >= 0.637)
pval = 0.1
if (AWei >= 0.757)
pval = 0.05
if (AWei >= 0.877)
pval = 0.025
if (AWei >= 1.038)
pval = 0.01
if (identical(distribution, "exponential")) {
AExp = A * (1 + 0.6/n)
pval = NA
if (0.95 < AExp) {
pval = exp(0.731 - 3.009 * AExp + 0.15 * AExp^2)
if (0.51 < AExp & AExp < 0.95) {
pval = exp(0.9209 - 3.353 * AExp + 0.3 * AExp^2)
if (0.26 < AExp & AExp < 0.51) {
pval = 1 - exp(-6.1327 + 20.218 * AExp - 18.663 * AExp^2)
if (AExp < 0.26) {
pval = 1 - exp(-12.2204 + 67.459 * AExp - 110.3 * AExp^2)
if (identical(distribution, "logistic")) {
ALogist = A * (1 + 0.25/n)
tableValue = TRUE
smaller = TRUE
if (ALogist < 0.426) {
pval = 0.25
smaller = FALSE
if (ALogist >= 0.426) {
pval = 0.25
if (ALogist >= 0.563) {
pval = 0.1
if (ALogist >= 0.66) {
pval = 0.05
if (ALogist >= 0.769) {
pval = 0.025
if (ALogist >= 0.906) {
pval = 0.01
if (ALogist >= 1.1) {
pval = 0.005
if (identical(distribution, "gamma")) {
tableValue = TRUE
gammaDF = data.frame(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, Inf), c(0.486, 0.477, 0.475,
0.473, 0.472, 0.472, 0.471, 0.471, 0.471, 0.47, 0.47, 0.47), c(0.657, 0.643, 0.639, 0.637,
0.635, 0.635, 0.634, 0.633, 0.633, 0.632, 0.632, 0.631), c(0.786, 0.768, 0.762, 0.759,
0.758, 0.757, 0.755, 0.754, 0.754, 0.754, 0.753, 0.752), c(0.917, 0.894, 0.886, 0.883,
0.881, 0.88, 0.878, 0.877, 0.876, 0.876, 0.875, 0.873), c(1.092, 1.062, 1.052, 1.048,
1.045, 1.043, 1.041, 1.04, 1.039, 1.038, 1.037, 1.035), c(1.227, 1.19, 1.178, 1.173,
1.17, 1.168, 1.165, 1.164, 1.163, 1.162, 1.161, 1.159))
names(gammaDF) = c("m", 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975, 0.99, 0.995)
critCheck <- gammaDF[min(which(gammaDF$m >= parameter["shape"])), 2:length(gammaDF)] > A
if (any(critCheck)) {
firPos <- min(which(critCheck))
else {
firPos <- length(gammaDF)
if (firPos == 1) {
pValue <- 1 - as.numeric(names(gammaDF)[2])
pval = pValue
pValue <- paste(">", pValue)
smaller = FALSE
else {
pValue <- 1 - as.numeric(names(gammaDF)[firPos])
pval = pValue
pValue <- paste("<=", pValue)
smaller = TRUE
out = list()
out$data.name = data.name
out$statistic = as.vector(data.frame(A = A))
out$parameter = parameter
out$p.value = as.vector(data.frame(p = pval))
out$smaller = smaller
out$tableValue = tableValue
out$conf.int = NULL
out$estimate = NULL
temp = NULL
if (is.character(distribution))
temp = as.vector(distribution)
else temp = deparse(substitute(distribution))
names(temp) = "distribution"
out$null.value = temp
out$method = paste("Anderson Darling Test for", temp, "distribution")
class(out) = "adtest"
# @rdname qcr-internals
#' @keywords internal
print.adtest = function(x, digits = 4, quote = TRUE, prefix = "", ...) {
cat(strwrap(x$method, prefix = "\t"), sep = "\n")
cat("data: ", x$data.name, "\n")
out <- character()
if (!is.null(x$statistic))
out <- c(out, paste(names(x$statistic), "=", format(round(x$statistic, 4))))
if (!is.null(x$parameter))
out <- c(out, paste(names(x$parameter), "=", format(round(x$parameter, 3))))
if (!is.null(x$p.value)) {
fp <- format.pval(x$p.value, digits = digits)
if (x$tableValue) {
if (x$smaller)
out <- c(out, paste("p-value", if (substr(fp, 1L, 1L) == "<") fp else paste("<=", fp)))
else out <- c(out, paste("p-value", if (substr(fp, 1L, 1L) == "=") fp else paste(">", fp)))
else {
out <- c(out, paste("p-value", if (substr(fp, 1L, 1L) == "<") fp else paste("=", fp)))
cat(strwrap(paste(out, collapse = ", ")), sep = "\n")
cat("alternative hypothesis: ")
if (!is.null(x$null.value)) {
if (length(x$null.value) == 1) {
cat("true", names(x$null.value), "is not equal to", x$null.value, "\n")
else {
cat(x$alternative, "\nnull values:\n")
print(x$null.value, ...)
if (!is.null(x$conf.int)) {
cat(format(100 * attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")), "percent confidence interval:\n", format(c(x$conf.int[1L], x$conf.int[2L])), "\n")
if (!is.null(x$estimate)) {
cat("sample estimates:\n")
print(x$estimate, ...)
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