
## Function to format covariates string in formula
.formatCov <- function(covariates) {
    if (is.null(covariates)) {
    } else {
        paste0("+", paste(covariates, collapse="+"))

## Function to generate differential signature
.signatureWrapper <- function(eSet, cohorts, mods, vehicle=NULL,
    covariates=NULL, logCounts=FALSE) {

    ## Remove vehicle from mods and make a data frame
    mods <- mods[names(mods) != "Vehicle"]
    mods <- data.frame(mods=as.character(mods), GROUP=names(mods),

    modStats <- NULL
    if (length(unique(mods$mods)) > 1 && nrow(mods) > 2) {

        ## If replicates in data get unique cohorts
        if (is.null(cohorts)) {
            cohorts <- "GROUP"
            pData(eSet)[, cohorts] <- colnames(eSet)

        ## Get unique groups
        gUnique <- unique(pData(eSet)[, cohorts])

        if (!is.null(vehicle)) {
            gUnique <- gUnique[gUnique != vehicle]

        ## Subset data for mods
        eSub <- eSet[, pData(eSet)[, cohorts] %in% c(vehicle, mods$GROUP)]

        ## Drop levels
        pData(eSub) <- droplevels(pData(eSub))

        ## Create new variable in pData by merging with mods data.frame
        pData(eSub)$GROUP <- factor(pData(eSub)[, cohorts],
            levels=c(vehicle, mods$GROUP))
        pData(eSub)$Rownames <- rownames(pData(eSub))
        pD <- merge(pData(eSub), mods, all.x=TRUE)
        rownames(pD) <- pD$Rownames
        pD <- pD[colnames(eSub), , drop=FALSE]

        ## Add vehicle mod
        pD$mods[$mods)] <- "0"
        pD$mods <- as.factor(pD$mods)

        ## Add back to eSet
        pData(eSub) <- pD

        ## Need to run different analysis if there are cohorts or not
        if (!is.null(cohorts)) {

            ## Create design matrix
            design <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ 0 +", "mods",
                .formatCov(covariates))), data=pData(eSub))
            colnames(design) <- sub("mods", "X", colnames(design))

            ## Fit model
            fit <- lmFit(eSub, design)

            ## Fit contrasts
            modFit <- lapply(paste0("X", unique(mods$mods)), function(x, design,
                fit) {
                conString <- paste0(x, " - (",
                paste(colnames(design)[colnames(design) != x &
                colnames(design) %in%
                paste0("X", unique(mods$mods))], collapse="+"),
                ")/", sum(colnames(design) != x & colnames(design) %in%
                paste0("X", unique(mods$mods))))
                contrasts <- makeContrasts(contrasts=conString, levels=design)
                contFit <- suppressWarnings(topTable(eBayes(
          , contrasts),trend=logCounts,
                    robust=logCounts), number=Inf,"none"))
                contFit <- contFit[, c("logFC", "AveExpr", "t", "P.Value",
                "adj.P.Val", "B")]
                contFit$edge <- sub("X", "", x)
            }, design, fit)

        } else {

            design <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ 0 + ", "GROUP",
                .formatCov(covariates))), data=pData(eSub))
            colnames(design) <- sub("GROUP", "X", colnames(design))

            ## Fit model
            fit <- lmFit(eSub, design)

            ## Create contrasts strings
            modsFull <- unique(pD[, c("GROUP", "mods")])
            modsTable <- table(modsFull$mods)
            cVec <- vapply(names(modsTable), function(x) paste0("(",
                paste(paste0("X", modsFull$GROUP[modsFull$mods == x],
                collapse="+")), ")/", sum(modsFull$mods == x)),

            ## Run each contrast
            modFit <- lapply(as.character(unique(mods$mods)), function(x, cVec,
                design, fit) {
                conString <- paste0(cVec[x], " - (",
                    paste(cVec[names(cVec) != x], collapse="+"), ")/",
                    sum(names(cVec) != x))
                contrasts <- makeContrasts(contrasts=conString,
                contFit <- topTable(eBayes(, contrasts),
                    trend=logCounts, robust=logCounts),
                contFit <- contFit[, c("logFC", "AveExpr", "t", "P.Value",
                    "adj.P.Val", "B")]
                contFit$edge <- x
            }, cVec, design, fit)

        ## Create vector of where to assign result
        if (is.null(vehicle)) {
            if (length(modFit) == 2) {
                one2 <- c(1, 2)[as.numeric(modFit[[1]]$t < 0) + 1]
            } else {
                one2 <- vapply(seq(nrow(modFit[[1]])), function(row, modFit) {
                    function(g, modFit, row) {
                    modFit[[g]][row, "t"]
                  }, modFit, row, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1)))
                }, modFit, FUN.VALUE=integer(1))
        } else {
            one2 <- c(1, 2)[as.numeric(vapply(seq(nrow(modFit[[1]])),
                function(row, modFit) {
                modFit[[1]]$P.Value[row] > modFit[[2]]$P.Value[row]
            }, modFit, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))) + 1]

        ## Create just one data.frame
        modStats <-[[1]]),
            function(row, one2, modFit) {
            unlist(as.numeric(modFit[[one2[row]]][row, ]))
        }, one2, modFit, FUN.VALUE=double(7))))
        colnames(modStats) <- colnames(modFit[[1]])
        rownames(modStats) <- rownames(modFit[[1]])

        ## Order by p-value
        modStats <- modStats[order(modStats$P.Value), ]
        modStats$adj.P.Val <- p.adjust(modStats$P.Value, method="BH")


    ## Save mods as character
    modStats$edge <- as.character(modStats$edge)

    ## Change column names
    colnames(modStats) <- c("coef", "mean", "t", "pval", "fdr", "B", "edge")

    ## Return

## Function to format differential results
geneTable <- function(DGETABLE, nodeID=NULL, geneList=NULL) {

    ## Get exact match for nodeID
    if (!is.null(nodeID) && nodeID == "") {
        nodeID <- NULL
    if (!is.null(nodeID))
        nodeID <- paste0("^", nodeID, "$")

    ## Create data table obect
    datatable(DGETABLE, rownames=FALSE, extensions="Buttons", escape=FALSE,
        filter=list(position="top", clear=FALSE),
            orderable=FALSE, width="3px", targets=c(8, 9, 10)),
            list(className="dt-center", targets="_all")),
            search=list(regex=TRUE), searchCols=list(list(search=geneList),
            list(search=nodeID), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
            NULL), scrollX=TRUE, scrollY="325px", dom="Brtp", paging=TRUE,
            pageLength=50, buttons=list(list(extend="collection", text="Help",
                "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                    Shiny.setInputValue('geneHelp', true, {priority: 'event'});
                list(extend="collection", text="Download All Results",
                    "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                    Shiny.setInputValue('geneDL', true, {priority: 'event'});
        selection="none") %>%
            formatRound(c("Mean", "Diff"), digits=2) %>%
            formatSignif(c("P Value", "FDR"), digits=2) %>%
            formatStyle(c("Direction", "Mean"), `border-right`="solid 2px")

## Function to format hyperenrichment results
genesetTable <- function(ENRTABLE, nodeID=NULL, edgeID=NULL, dgeHits=NULL) {

    ## Get exact match for nodeID and edgeID
    if (!is.null(nodeID) && nodeID == "") {
        nodeID <- NULL
    if (!is.null(edgeID) && edgeID == "") {
        edgeID <- NULL
    if (!is.null(nodeID))
        nodeID <- paste0("^", nodeID, "$")

    ## Add line breaks
    colnames(ENRTABLE) <- gsub("_", "<br>", colnames(ENRTABLE))

    ## Create DT object
    outDT <- datatable(ENRTABLE, rownames=FALSE, extensions="Buttons",
        escape=FALSE, filter=list(position="top", clear=FALSE),
            orderable=FALSE, width="3px", targets=c(14, 15, 16)),
            list(visible=FALSE, targets=c(12, 13)),
            list(className="dt-center", targets="_all")),
            search=list(regex=TRUE), searchCols=list(list(search=dgeHits),
                list(search=edgeID), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), scrollX=TRUE,
            scrollY="325px", dom="Brtp", paging=TRUE, pageLength=50,
                "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                Shiny.setInputValue('hyperHelp', true, {priority: 'event'});
                list(extend="collection", text="Download All Results",
                "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                Shiny.setInputValue('hyperDL', true, {priority: 'event'});
        selection="none") %>%
            formatRound(c("Mean<br>ssGSEA", "Diff<br>ssGSEA"), digits=2) %>%
                c("P Value<br>Hyper", "FDR<br>Hyper", "P Value<br>ssGSEA",
                "FDR<br>ssGSEA"), digits=2) %>%
                formatStyle(c("Direction", "N<br>Gene Set", "Diff<br>ssGSEA"),
                    `border-right`="solid 2px")


## Function to plot gene expression
plotGenePathway <- function(eSet, gene, obs1, obs2, cohorts, vehicle,
    yaxis="Expression") {

    if (gene %in% rownames(eSet)) {

        ## Format subgroup names
        if (is.null(cohorts)) {
            nams <- colnames(eSet)
        } else {
            nams <- pData(eSet)[, cohorts]
        nams[nams == vehicle] <- "Vehicle"

        ## Create data.frame of expression values
        e <- Biobase::exprs(eSet)[gene, ]
        df <- data.frame(e=e, ch=nams, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

        ## Subset for obs in groups
        df <- df[df$ch %in% c(obs1, obs2, "Vehicle"), ]
        df$edge <- "Edge:1"
        df$edge[df$ch %in% obs2] <- "Edge:2"
        df$edge[df$ch == "Vehicle"] <- "Vehicle"

        ## Get per Observation mean
        dfMeans <- df %>% group_by(ch) %>% summarise(me=mean(e))
        dfMeans$ch <- as.character(dfMeans$ch)
        dfMeans <- dfMeans[order(dfMeans$me, decreasing=TRUE), ]

        ## Sort levels by mean expression
        df$ch <- factor(df$ch, levels=dfMeans$ch)
        df <- merge(df, dfMeans)

        ## Add levels for boxplots
        df$edge2 <- df$edge

        ## Add rows for boxplots
        df2 <- df
        df2$ch <- df$edge
        df2$edge2 <- "Comparison"
        df2$e2 <- df2$e
        df2$e <- NA

        ## Concatenate
        df$e2 <- NA
        df <- df[df$ch != "Vehicle", ]
        df <- rbind(df, df2)

        ## Fix levels
        df$ch <- factor(df$ch, levels=c(dfMeans$ch[dfMeans$ch != "Vehicle"],
            "Edge:1", "Vehicle", "Edge:2"))
        df$edge <- factor(df$edge, levels=c("Edge:1", "Vehicle", "Edge:2"))
        df$edge2 <- factor(df$edge2, levels=c("Edge:1", "Comparison", "Edge:2"))

        ## Remove Means from comparison
        df$me[df$edge2 == "Comparison"] <- NA

        ## Add column names
        colnames(df) <- c("Observation", "Expression", "Subgroup", "Mean",
            "Subgroup2", "Expression2")

        ## Plot
        p <- ggplot(data=df, aes(x=Observation, y=Expression)) +
            geom_boxplot(aes(y=Expression2, fill=Subgroup)) +
            geom_line(aes(group=Observation)) +
            geom_point(aes(colour=Subgroup), size=3) +
            geom_point(aes(y=Mean), shape=3, size=3) +
            facet_grid(~Subgroup2, scales="free_x") +
            scale_colour_manual(values=c(`Edge:1`="darkorange", Vehicle="grey",
                `Edge:2`="darkorchid1")) +
            scale_fill_manual(values=c(`Edge:1`="darkorange", Vehicle="grey",
                `Edge:2`="darkorchid1")) +
            scale_x_discrete() +
            scale_y_continuous(name=yaxis) +
            theme_bw() +
            ggtitle(gene) +
            theme(plot.margin=margin(0, 10, 0, 10), legend.position="none",
                axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=0, size=15),
                axis.text.y=element_text(size=15), axis.title.x=element_blank())

        p <- ggplotly(p)

        # Remove duplicates in data and hover text for individual observations
        p$x$data <- lapply(p$x$data, function(dat, cohorts) {
            if ("text" %in% names(dat)) {

                uni <- !duplicated(dat$text) |$text)
                dat$text <- dat$text[uni]
                dat$x <- dat$x[uni]
                dat$y <- dat$y[uni]

                if (!is.null(cohorts)) {
                  dat$text <- gsub("Observation", "Group", dat$text)

                if (sum(grepl("Mean:", dat$text) & !$text)) > 0) {
                  dat$text <- gsub("<br />Expression(.*)", "", dat$text)
                } else {
                  dat$text <- NULL
        }, cohorts)

        ## Fix xaxis due to a bug in plotly
        whXaxis <- which(grepl("xaxis", names(p$x$layout)))
        for (i in whXaxis) {
            ticktext <- p$x$layout[[i]]$ticktext
            if (length(ticktext) == 1) {
                p$x$layout[[i]]$tickvals <- seq(2)
                p$x$layout[[i]]$ticktext <- c(ticktext, "")


## Function to plot gene expression
plotGenePathwayClusters <- function(eSet, gene, groupList, cohorts, vehicle,
    yaxis="Expression") {

    if (gene %in% rownames(eSet)) {

        ## Format group names
        if (is.null(cohorts)) {
            nams <- colnames(eSet)
        } else {
            nams <- pData(eSet)[, cohorts]
        nams[nams == vehicle] <- "Vehicle"

        ## Create data.frame of expression values
        e <- Biobase::exprs(eSet)[gene, ]
        df <- data.frame(e=e, ch=nams, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

        ## Get clusters
        obs <- unlist(groupList)

        ## Subset for obs in groups
        df <- df[df$ch %in% c(obs, "Vehicle"), ]
        df$edge <- "Vehicle"
        for (i in names(groupList)) {
            df$edge[df$ch %in% groupList[[i]]] <- i

        ## Get per Observation mean
        dfMeans <- df %>% group_by(ch) %>% summarise(me=mean(e))
        dfMeans$ch <- as.character(dfMeans$ch)
        dfMeans <- dfMeans[order(dfMeans$me, decreasing=FALSE), ]

        ## Sort levels by mean expression
        df$ch <- factor(df$ch, levels=dfMeans$ch)
        df <- merge(df, dfMeans)

        ## Add levels for boxplots
        df$edge2 <- df$edge

        ## Add rows for boxplots
        df2 <- df
        df2$ch <- df$edge
        df2$edge2 <- "Comparison"
        df2$e2 <- df2$e
        df2$e <- NA

        ## Concatenate
        df$e2 <- NA
        df <- df[df$ch != "Vehicle", ]
        df <- rbind(df, df2)

        ## Fix levels
        df$ch <- factor(df$ch, levels=c(dfMeans$ch[dfMeans$ch != "Vehicle"],
            "Vehicle", names(groupList)))
        df$edge <- factor(df$edge, levels=c("Vehicle", names(groupList)))
        df$edge2 <- factor(df$edge2, levels=c(names(groupList), "Comparison"))

        ## Remove Means from comparison
        df$me[df$edge2 == "Comparison"] <- NA

        ## Add column names
        colnames(df) <- c("Observation", "Expression", "Group", "Mean",
            "Group2", "Expression2")

        ## Create color manual[$category == "qual", ]
        col_vector=unlist(mapply(brewer.pal, qual_col_pals$maxcolors,
        colMan <- c("grey", col_vector[seq(length(groupList))])
        names(colMan) <- c("Vehicle", names(groupList))

        ## Plot
        p <- ggplot(data=df, aes(x=Observation, y=Expression)) +
            geom_boxplot(aes(y=Expression2, fill=Group)) +
            geom_line(aes(group=Observation)) +
            geom_point(aes(colour=Group), size=3) +
            geom_point(aes(y=Mean), shape=3, size=3) +
            facet_grid(~Group2, scales="free_x") +
            scale_colour_manual(values=colMan) +
            scale_fill_manual(values=colMan) +
            scale_x_discrete() +
            scale_y_continuous(name=yaxis) +
            theme_bw() +
            ggtitle(gene) +
            theme(plot.margin=margin(0, 10, 0, 10), legend.position="none",
                axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=0, size=15),
                axis.text.y=element_text(size=15), axis.title.x=element_blank())

        p <- ggplotly(p)

        # Remove duplicates in data and hover text for individual observations
        p$x$data <- lapply(p$x$data, function(dat, cohorts) {
            if ("text" %in% names(dat)) {

                uni <- !duplicated(dat$text) |$text)
                dat$text <- dat$text[uni]
                dat$x <- dat$x[uni]
                dat$y <- dat$y[uni]

                if (!is.null(cohorts)) {
                  dat$text <- gsub("Observation", "Group", dat$text)

                if (sum(grepl("Mean:", dat$text) & !$text)) > 0) {
                  dat$text <- gsub("<br />Expression(.*)", "", dat$text)
                } else {
                  dat$text <- NULL
        }, cohorts)

        ## Fix xaxis due to a bug in plotly
        whXaxis <- which(grepl("xaxis", names(p$x$layout)))
        for (i in whXaxis) {
            ticktext <- p$x$layout[[i]]$ticktext
            if (length(ticktext) == 1) {
                p$x$layout[[i]]$tickvals <- seq(2)
                p$x$layout[[i]]$ticktext <- c(ticktext, "")

## Function to format differential results
geneTableClusters <- function(clusterRes, subgroupID=NULL, geneList=NULL) {

    ## Get exact match for nodeID
    if (!is.null(subgroupID) && subgroupID == "") {
        subgroupID <- NULL
    if (!is.null(subgroupID)) {
        nodeID <- paste0("^", subgroupID, "$")

    ## Create data table obect
    datatable(clusterRes, rownames=FALSE, extensions="Buttons", escape=FALSE,
        filter=list(position="top", clear=FALSE),
            orderable=FALSE, width="3px", targets=c(6, 7, 8)),
            list(className="dt-center", targets="_all")),
            searchCols=list(list(search=geneList), list(search=subgroupID),
                NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), scrollX=TRUE,
                scrollY="325px", dom="Brtp", paging=TRUE, pageLength=50,
                "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                Shiny.setInputValue('geneHelp', true, {priority: 'event'});
                list(extend="collection", text="Download All Results",
                "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                Shiny.setInputValue('geneDLMulti', true, {priority: 'event'});
        selection="none") %>%
            formatRound(c("Mean", "Diff"), digits=2) %>%
            formatSignif(c("P Value", "FDR"), digits=2) %>%
            formatStyle(c("Subgroup", "Mean"), `border-right`="solid 2px")

## Function to format hyperenrichment results from multiple comparisons
genesetTableClusters <- function(ENRTABLE, subgroupID=NULL, dgeHits=NULL) {

    ## Get exact match for nodeID
    if (!is.null(subgroupID) && subgroupID == "") {
        subgroupID <- NULL
    if (!is.null(subgroupID))
        nodeID <- paste0("^", subgroupID, "$")

    ## Add line breaks
    colnames(ENRTABLE) <- gsub("_", "<br>", colnames(ENRTABLE))

    ## Create DT object
    outDT <- datatable(ENRTABLE, rownames=FALSE, extensions="Buttons",
        escape=FALSE, filter=list(position="top", clear=FALSE),
        options=list(columnDefs=list(list(searchable=FALSE, orderable=FALSE,
            width="3px", targets=c(12, 13, 14)), list(visible=FALSE,
            targets=11), list(className="dt-center", targets="_all")),
            search=list(regex=TRUE), searchCols=list(list(search=dgeHits),
            list(search=subgroupID), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
            NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
            scrollX=TRUE, scrollY="325px", dom="Brtp", paging=TRUE,
            pageLength=50, buttons=list(list(extend="collection", text="Help",
            "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
            Shiny.setInputValue('hyperHelpMulti', true, {priority: 'event'});
                list(extend="collection", text="Download All Results",
                action=DT::JS("function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                Shiny.setInputValue('hyperDLMulti', true, {priority: 'event'});
        selection="none") %>%
        formatRound(c("Mean<br>ssGSEA", "Diff<br>ssGSEA"), digits=2) %>%
        formatSignif(c("P Value<br>Hyper", "FDR<br>Hyper", "P Value<br>ssGSEA",
        "FDR<br>ssGSEA"), digits=2) %>%
        formatStyle(c("Subgroup", "N<br>Gene Set", "Mean<br>ssGSEA"),
            `border-right`="solid 2px")


## Generete hyperenrichment results
hyperenrichmentClusters <- function(clusterRes, groupList, genesets, qthresh,
    cthresh, ntotal) {

    ## Create list of gene signatures
    sigList <- lapply(seq(length(groupList)),
        function(mod, clusterRes, qthresh) {

        ## Get subset of the clusters
        cSub <- clusterRes[clusterRes$edge == mod, ]

        ## Get genes with sig pvalues
        genes <- cSub$gene[cSub$fdr < qthresh & cSub$coef > cthresh]


    }, clusterRes, qthresh)
    names(sigList) <- names(groupList)

    ## Run hyperenrichment
    gseList <- lapply(sigList, function(sig, genesets, ntotal) {
        enrichFram <- NULL
        if (length(sig) > 0) {
            hits <- vapply(genesets, function(x, y) paste(intersect(x, y),
                sig, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
            nhits <- vapply(genesets, function(x, y) length(intersect(x, y)),
                sig, FUN.VALUE=integer(1))
            ndrawn <- length(sig)
            ncats <- vapply(genesets, length, FUN.VALUE=integer(1))
            nleft <- ntotal - ncats
            pval <- phyper(q=nhits - 1, m=ncats, n=nleft, k=ndrawn,
            enrichFram <- data.frame(category=names(genesets), pval=pval,
                nhits=nhits, ndrawn=ndrawn, ncats=ncats, ntot=ntotal, hits=hits,
    }, genesets, ntotal)

    ## Calculate and merge FDR values
    pValueDF <- data.frame(pval=unlist(lapply(gseList, function(y) y$pval)))
    pValueDF$fdr <- p.adjust(pValueDF$pval, method="BH")
    pValueDF <- unique(pValueDF)
    gseList <- lapply(gseList, function(y, pValueDF) {
        y <- merge(y, pValueDF)
        if (nrow(y) > 0) {
            y <- y[, c("category", "pval", "fdr", "nhits", "ndrawn", "ncats",
                "ntot", "hits")]
    }, pValueDF)

montilab/K2Taxonomer documentation built on Jan. 25, 2024, 4:29 p.m.