
Defines functions medianFilter pullOutContent numericArms numericChrom getArmandChromStop getArms getMad sawMarkM expandMulti findMarksMulti markMultiPotts multiPCFcompact compactMulti runMultiPcfSubset selectFastMultiPcf doMultiPCF .multipcf

# All functions within this file are credited to the below authors
# Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liest?l and Ole Christian Lingj?rde.
# They were imported from the copynumber package
# Functions received no modifications 

## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liest?l and Ole Christian Lingj?rde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <gronilse@ifi.uio.no>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liest?l et al. (2012), BMC Genomics

##Required by:
### none

### getMad
### getArms
### numericArms
### numericChrom
### pullOutContent

## Main function for multipcf-analysis to be called by the user

#' @export
.multipcf <- function(data,pos.unit="bp",arms=NULL,Y=NULL,gamma=40,normalize=TRUE,w=1,fast=TRUE,assembly="hg19",digits=4,return.est=FALSE,save.res=FALSE,file.names=NULL,verbose=TRUE){
  #Check pos.unit input:
  if(!pos.unit %in% c("bp","kbp","mbp")){
    stop("'pos.unit' must be one of bp, kbp and mbp",call.=FALSE)
  #Check assembly input:
  if(!assembly %in% c("hg19","hg18","hg17","hg16","mm7","mm8","mm9")){
    stop("assembly must be one of hg19, hg18, hg17 or hg16",call.=FALSE)

  #Is data a file:
  isfile.data <- class(data)=="character"
  #Check data input:
    #Input could come from winsorize and thus be a list; check and possibly retrieve data frame wins.data
    data <- pullOutContent(data,what="wins.data")
    stopifnot(ncol(data)>=4)  #something is missing in input data
    #Extract information from data:
    chrom <- data[,1]
    position <- data[,2]
    nSample <- ncol(data)-2
    sampleid <- colnames(data)[-c(1:2)]
    #data is a datafile which contains data
    f <- file(data,"r")  #open file connection
    head <- scan(f,nlines=1,what="character",quiet=TRUE,sep="\t") #Read header
      stop("Data in file must have at least 3 columns",call.=FALSE)
    sampleid <- head[-c(1:2)]
    nSample <- length(sampleid)

    #Read just the two first columns to get chrom and pos
    chrom.pos <- read.table(file=data,sep="\t",header=TRUE,colClasses=c(rep(NA,2),rep("NULL",nSample)),as.is=TRUE)          
    chrom <- chrom.pos[,1]
    position <- chrom.pos[,2]
  #Make sure chrom is not factor:
    #If chrom is factor; convert to character
    chrom <- as.character(chrom)
  #Make sure chromosomes are numeric (replace X and Y by 23 and 24)
  num.chrom <- numericChrom(chrom)
  nProbe <- length(num.chrom)
  #Make sure position is numeric:
    stop("input in data column 2 (posistions) must be numeric",call.=FALSE)
  #Get character arms:
    arms <- getArms(num.chrom,position,pos.unit,get(assembly))
	#Translate to numeric arms:
	num.arms <- numericArms(num.chrom,arms)
	#Unique arms:
	arm.list <- unique(num.arms)
	nArm <- length(arm.list)

  #Check that w is same length as number of samples:
    w <- rep(w,nSample)
  }else if(length(w)!=nSample){
    stop("'w' must be a single number or a vector of same length as the number of samples in 'data'",call.=FALSE)
  #Check Y input:
    isfile.Y <- class(Y)=="character"
      ncol.Y <- ncol(Y)
      nrow.Y <- nrow(Y)
      f.y <- file(Y,"r")
      ncol.Y <- length(scan(f.y,nlines=1,what="character",quiet=TRUE,sep="\t"))
      nrow.Y <- nrow(read.table(file=Y,sep="\t",header=TRUE,colClasses=c(NA,rep("NULL",ncol.Y-1)),as.is=TRUE))
    if(nrow.Y!=nProbe || ncol.Y!=nSample+2){
      stop("Input Y does not represent the same number of probes and samples as found in input data",call.=FALSE)

  #Create folders in working directory where results are saved:
  seg.names <- c("chrom","arm","start.pos","end.pos","n.probes",sampleid)
  mpcf.names <- c("chrom","pos",sampleid)
  segments <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0,ncol=nSample+5))
	colnames(segments) <- seg.names
    mpcf.est <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=nSample)
      #Create directory where results are to be saved
      dir.res <- "multipcf_results"
      if(!dir.res %in% dir()){
      file.names <- c(paste(dir.res,"/","estimates.txt",sep=""),paste(dir.res,"/","segments.txt",sep=""))
      #Check that file.names is the correct length
        stop("'file.names' must be of length 2", call.=FALSE)

  #estimates must be returned from routines if return.est or save.res
  yest <- any(return.est,save.res)

  #If normalize=T, we will scale by the sample residual standard error. If the number of probes in the data set < 100K, the MAD sd-estimate is calculated using all obs for the sample:
  sd <- rep(1,nSample) #to have a value to check in if-test later; not used otherwise. sd is only used if normalize=TRUE and then these values are replaced by MAD-sd
  if(normalize && nProbe < 100000){
    for(j in 1:nSample){
        sample.data <- data[,j+2]
        cc <- rep("NULL",nSample+2)
        cc[j+2] <- "numeric"
        #only read data for the j'th sample
        sample.data <- read.table(file=data,sep="\t",header=TRUE,colClasses=cc)[,1]
      sd[j] <- getMad(sample.data[!is.na(sample.data)],k=25)   #Take out missing values before calculating mad
  #Scale gamma according to the number of samples:
  gamma <- gamma*nSample 
	#run multiPCF separately on each chromosomearm:
  for(c in 1:nArm){
    probe.c <- which(num.arms==arm.list[c])
    pos.c <- position[probe.c]
    nProbe.c <- length(probe.c)

    #get data for this arm
			arm.data <- data[probe.c,-c(1:2),drop=FALSE]
      #Read data for this arm from file; since f is a opened connection, the reading will start on the next line which has not already been read
      #two first columns skipped
      arm.data <- read.table(f,nrows=nProbe.c,sep="\t",colClasses=c(rep("NULL",2),rep("numeric",nSample)))
    #Check that there are no missing values:
	   stop("multiPCF cannot be run because there are missing data values, see 'imputeMissing' for imputation of missing values")
    #Make sure data is numeric:
      stop("input in data columns 3 and onwards (copy numbers) must be numeric",call.=FALSE)
    #If normalize=T and nProbe>=100K, we calculate the MAD sd-estimate for each sample using only obs in this arm
    if(normalize && nProbe >= 100000){
      sd <- apply(arm.data,2,getMad)   
    #Check sd; cannot normalize if sd=0 or if sd=NA:
    if(any(sd==0) || any(is.na(sd))){
      #not run multipcf, return mean for each sample:
      m <- apply(arm.data,2,mean)
      dim(m) <- c(length(m),1)
        yhat <- sapply(m,rep,nrow(arm.data))
        mpcf <- list(pcf=t(yhat),nIntervals=1,start0=1,length=nrow(arm.data),mean=m)
        mpcf <- list(nIntervals=1,start0=1,length=nrow(arm.data),mean=m)
      #normalize data data (sd=1 if normalize=FALSE)
      arm.data <- sweep(arm.data,2,sd,"/")  
      #weight data (default weights is 1)
      arm.data <- sweep(arm.data,2,w,"*")
      #Run multipcf:
      if(!fast || nrow(arm.data)<400){ 
        mpcf <- doMultiPCF(as.matrix(t(arm.data)),gamma=gamma,yest=yest)   #requires samples in rows, probes in columns
        #note: returns samples in rows, estimates in columns.
        mpcf <- selectFastMultiPcf(as.matrix(arm.data),gamma=gamma,L=15,yest=yest)    #requires samples in columns, probes in rows

      #"Unweight" estimates:
  		mpcf$mean <- sweep(mpcf$mean,1,w,"/")
        mpcf$pcf <- sweep(mpcf$pcf,1,w,"/")
  		#"Un-normalize" estimates:
  		mpcf$mean <- sweep(mpcf$mean,1,sd,"*")
        mpcf$pcf <- sweep(mpcf$pcf,1,sd,"*")
    #Information about segments:
    nSeg <- mpcf$nIntervals
		start0 <- mpcf$start0
		n.pos <- mpcf$length
		seg.mean <- t(mpcf$mean)  #get samples in columns
		posStart <- pos.c[start0]
		posEnd <- c(pos.c[start0-1],pos.c[nProbe.c])
    #Chromosome number and character arm id:
    chr <- unique(chrom[probe.c])
		a <- unique(arms[probe.c])
		chrid <- rep(chr,times=nSeg)
		armid <- rep(a,times=nSeg)
	  #May use mean of input data or the observed data specified in Y:
      #get Y for this arm
        arm.Y <- Y[probe.c,-c(1:2),drop=FALSE]
        arm.Y <- read.table(f.y,nrows=length(probe.c),sep="\t",colClasses=c(rep("NULL",2),rep("numeric",nSample)))
       #Make sure Y is numeric:
        stop("input in Y columns 3 and onwards (copy numbers) must be numeric",call.=FALSE)
    	#Use observed data to calculate segment mean (recommended)
			seg.mean <- matrix(NA,nrow=nSeg,ncol=nSample)
			for(s in 1:nSeg){
				seg.Y <- as.matrix(arm.Y[start0[s]:(start0[s]+n.pos[s]-1),])
				seg.mean[s,] <- apply(seg.Y,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
		  yhat <- round(mpcf$pcf,digits=digits)
		seg.mean <- round(seg.mean,digits=digits)
    #Data frame:					
		segments.c <- data.frame(chrid,armid,posStart,posEnd,n.pos,seg.mean,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
		colnames(segments.c) <- seg.names

    #Should results be written to files or returned to user:
        #open connection for writing to file
        w1 <- file(file.names[1],"w")
        w2 <- file(file.names[2],"w")
      #Write segments to file for this arm
      write.table(segments.c,file=w2,col.names=if(c==1) seg.names else FALSE,row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,sep="\t")
			#Write estimated multiPCF-values file for this arm:
      write.table(data.frame(chrom[probe.c],pos.c,t(yhat),stringsAsFactors=FALSE), file = w1,col.names=if(c==1) mpcf.names else FALSE,row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,sep="\t")
    #Append results for this arm:
    segments <- rbind(segments,segments.c)
      mpcf.est <- rbind(mpcf.est,t(yhat))

      cat(paste("multipcf finished for chromosome arm ",chr,a,sep=""),"\n")
	#Close connections
    cat(paste("multipcf-estimates were saved in file",file.names[1]),sep="\n")
    cat(paste("segments were saved in file",file.names[2]),sep="\n")
  #return results:
	  mpcf.est <- data.frame(chrom,position,mpcf.est,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	  colnames(mpcf.est) <- mpcf.names

#Run exact multipcf algorithm, to be called by multipcf (main function)  
#' @export
doMultiPCF <- function(y, gamma, yest) {
  ## y: input matrix of copy number estimates, samples in rows 
  ## gamma: penalty for discontinuities
 	## yest: logical, should estimates be returned
  N <- length(y)
	nSamples <- nrow(y)
	nProbes <- ncol(y)
	## initialisations
    yhat <- rep(0,N);
    dim(yhat) <- c(nSamples,nProbes)
 	bestCost <- rep(0,nProbes)
 	bestSplit <- rep(0,nProbes+1)
 	bestAver <- rep(0,N)
	dim(bestAver) <- c(nSamples,nProbes)
	Sum <- rep(0,N)
	dim(Sum) <- c(nSamples,nProbes)
	Aver <- rep(0,N)
	dim(Aver) <- c(nSamples,nProbes)
	Nevner <- rep(0,N)
	dim(Nevner) <- c(nProbes,nSamples)
	Nevner <- t(Nevner+(nProbes:1))
	eachCost <- rep(0,N)
	dim(eachCost) <- c(nSamples,nProbes)
	Cost <- rep(0,nProbes)
	## Filling of first elements
	y1<-y[ ,1]
	Sum[ ,1]<-y1
	Aver[ ,1]<-y1
	bestAver[ ,1]<-y1
	helper <- rep(1,nSamples)
	## Solving for gradually longer arrays. Sum accumulates
	## values for errors for righthand plateau downward from n;   
	## this error added to gamma and the stored cost in bestCost 
	## give the total cost. Cost stores the total cost for breaks 
	## at any position below n, and which.min finds the position 
	## with lowest cost (best split). Aver is the average of the 
	## righthand plateau.
	for (n in 2:nProbes) {
   		Sum[ ,1:n] <- Sum[ ,1:n]+y[,n]
   		Aver[ ,1:n] <- Sum[ ,1:n]/Nevner[ ,(nProbes-n+1):nProbes]
   		eachCost[ ,1:n] <- -(Sum[ ,1:n]*Aver[ ,1:n])
      Cost[1:n] <- helper %*% eachCost[ ,1:n]
		  Cost[2:n] <- Cost[2:n]+bestCost[1:(n-1)]+gamma
   		Pos <- which.min(Cost[1:n])
   		bestCost[n] <- Cost[Pos]
   		bestAver[ ,n] <- Aver[ ,Pos]
   		bestSplit[n] <- Pos-1
	## The final solution is found iteratively from the sequence   
	## of split positions stored in bestSplit and the averages 
	## for each plateau stored in bestAver
 	n <- nProbes
	antInt <- 0
 	while (n > 0) {
        yhat[ ,(bestSplit[n]+1):n] <- bestAver[ ,n]
      n <- bestSplit[n]
		  antInt <- antInt+1
	n <- nProbes
	lengde <- rep(0,antInt)
	start0 <- rep(0,antInt)
	verdi <- rep(0,antInt*nSamples)
	dim(verdi) <- c(nSamples,antInt)
	oldSplit  <- n
	antall <- antInt
	while (n > 0) {
   		start0[antall] <- bestSplit[n]+1
		  lengde[antall] <- oldSplit-bestSplit[n]
		  verdi[ ,antall] <- bestAver[ ,n]
  		n <- bestSplit[n]
		  oldSplit <- n
		  antall <- antall-1
    return(list(pcf=yhat, length = lengde, start0 = start0, mean = verdi, nIntervals=antInt))
    return(list(length = lengde, start0 = start0, mean = verdi, nIntervals=antInt))

## Choose fast multipcf version, called by multipcf (main function)   
#' @export
selectFastMultiPcf <- function(x,gamma,L,yest){
	xLength <- nrow(x)
	if (xLength< 1000) {
	} else {
		if (xLength < 3000){
		} else {
			if (xLength < 15000){
			} else  {

# Fast version 1, for moderately long sequences, called by selectFastMultiPcf
#' @export
runFastMultiPCF <- function (x, gamma, L, frac1, frac2, yest) {   	
  mark <- rep(0, nrow(x))
	dense <- compactMulti(t(x), mark)
	compPotts <- multiPCFcompact(dense$Nr, dense$Sum, gamma)
  if (yest) {
		potts <- expandMulti(nrow(x),ncol(x), compPotts$Lengde,compPotts$mean)
		return(list(pcf = potts, length = compPotts$Lengde, start0 = compPotts$sta, 
        		mean = compPotts$mean, nIntervals = compPotts$nIntervals))
	} else {
		return(list(length = compPotts$Lengde, start0 = compPotts$sta, 
        		mean = compPotts$mean, nIntervals = compPotts$nIntervals))		

# Fast version 2, for very long sequences, called by selectFastMultiPcf
#' @export
runMultiPcfSubset <- function(x,gamma,L,frac1,frac2,yest){
	SUBSIZE <- 5000   #length of subsets
	antGen <- nrow(x)
	mark <- sawMarkM(x,L,frac1,frac2)
	markInit <- c(mark[1:(SUBSIZE-1)],TRUE)
	compX <- compactMulti(t(x[1:SUBSIZE,]),markInit)
	mark2 <- rep(FALSE,antGen)
	mark2[1:SUBSIZE] <- markMultiPotts(compX$Nr,compX$Sum,gamma,SUBSIZE)
  mark2[4*SUBSIZE/5] <- TRUE
	start0 <- 4*SUBSIZE/5+1
	while(start0 + SUBSIZE < antGen){
		slutt <- start0+SUBSIZE-1
		markSub <- c(mark2[1:(start0-1)],mark[start0:slutt])
		markSub[slutt] <- TRUE
		compX <- compactMulti(t(x[1:slutt,]),markSub)
		mark2[1:slutt] <- markMultiPotts(compX$Nr,compX$Sum,gamma,slutt)
    start0 <- start0+4*SUBSIZE/5
		mark2[start0-1] <- TRUE
	markSub <- c(mark2[1:(start0-1)],mark[start0:antGen])
	compX <- compactMulti(t(x),markSub)
	compPotts <- multiPCFcompact(compX$Nr,compX$Sum,gamma)
  if (yest) {
		potts <- expandMulti(nrow(x),ncol(x), compPotts$Lengde,compPotts$mean)
		return(list(pcf = potts, length = compPotts$Lengde, start0 = compPotts$sta, 
        		mean = compPotts$mean, nIntervals = compPotts$nIntervals))
	} else {
		return(list(length = compPotts$Lengde, start0 = compPotts$sta, 
        		mean = compPotts$mean, nIntervals = compPotts$nIntervals))		


# function that accumulates numbers of observations and sums between potential breakpoints
#' @export
compactMulti <- function(y,mark){
	antGen <- ncol(y)
	antSample <- nrow(y)
	antMark <- sum(mark)
	ant <- rep(0,antMark)
	sum <- rep(0,antMark*antSample)
	dim(sum) <- c(antSample,antMark)
	pos <- 1
	oldPos <- 0
	count <- 1
	delSum <- rep(0,antSample)
	while(pos <= antGen){
		delSum <- 0
		while (mark[pos] < 1){
			delSum <- delSum + y[,pos]
			pos <- pos+1
		ant[count] <- pos-oldPos
		sum[,count] <- delSum+y[,pos]
		oldPos <- pos
		pos <- pos+1
		count <- count+1


# main calculations for fast multipcf-versions
#' @export
multiPCFcompact <- function(nr,sum,gamma) {
  ## nr,sum : numbers and sums for one analysis unit,
  ## typically one chromosomal arm. Samples assumed to be in rows. 
  ## gamma: penalty for discontinuities
  N <- length(nr)
	nSamples <- nrow(sum)
	## initialisations
	yhat <- rep(0,N*nSamples);
	dim(yhat) <- c(nSamples,N)
	bestCost <- rep(0,N)
	bestSplit <- rep(0,N+1)
	bestAver <- rep(0,N*nSamples)
	dim(bestAver) <- c(nSamples,N)
	Sum <- rep(0,N*nSamples)
	dim(Sum) <- c(nSamples,N)
	Nevner <- rep(0,N*nSamples)
	dim(Nevner) <- c(nSamples,N)
	eachCost <- rep(0,N*nSamples)
	dim(eachCost) <- c(nSamples,N)
	Cost <- rep(0,N)
	## Filling of first elements
	Sum[ ,1]<-sum[,1]
	bestAver[,1] <- sum[,1]/nr[1]
	helper <- rep(1, nSamples)
  lengde <- rep(0,N)

	## Solving for gradually longer arrays. Sum accumulates
	## error values for righthand plateau downward from n;   
	## this error added to gamma and the stored cost in bestCost 
	## give the total cost. Cost stores the total cost for breaks 
	## at any position below n, and which.min finds the position 
	## with lowest cost (best split). Aver is the average of the 
	## righthand plateau.
	for (n in 2:N) {
    Sum[ ,1:n] <- Sum[ ,1:n]+sum[,n]
		Nevner[,1:n] <- Nevner[,1:n]+nr[n]
		eachCost[ ,1:n] <- -(Sum[ ,1:n]^2)/Nevner[ ,1:n]
    Cost[1:n] <- helper %*% eachCost[, 1:n]
		Cost[2:n] <- Cost[2:n]+bestCost[1:(n-1)]+gamma
		Pos <- which.min(Cost[1:n])
 		cost <- Cost[Pos]
 		aver <- Sum[ ,Pos]/Nevner[,Pos]
 		bestCost[n] <- cost
 		bestAver[ ,n] <- aver
 		bestSplit[n] <- Pos-1


	## The final solution is found iteratively from the sequence   
	## of split positions stored in bestSplit and the averages 
	## for each plateau stored in bestAver

 	n <- N
	antInt <- 0
 	while (n > 0) {
		yhat[ ,(bestSplit[n]+1):n] <- bestAver[ ,n]
 		antInt <- antInt+1
		lengde[antInt] <- sum(nr[(bestSplit[n]+1):n])
		n <- bestSplit[n]
	lengdeRev <- lengde[antInt:1]
	init <- rep(0,antInt)
		for(k in 2:antInt){

 	n <- N
	verdi <- rep(0,antInt*nSamples)
	dim(verdi) <- c(nSamples,antInt)
	bestSplit[n+1] <- n
	antall <- antInt
 	while (n > 0) {
 		verdi[ ,antall] <- bestAver[ ,n]
 		n <- bestSplit[n]
		antall <- antall-1

 	list(Lengde = lengdeRev, sta = init, mean = verdi, nIntervals=antInt)

# helper function for fast version 2
#' @export
markMultiPotts <- function(nr,sum,gamma,subsize) {
  ## nr,sum: numbers and sums for one analysis unit,
  ##  typically one chromosomal arm. Samples assumed to be in rows. 
  ## gamma: penalty for discontinuities
  N <- length(nr)
	nSamples <- nrow(sum)
	markSub <- rep(FALSE,N)
	bestCost <- rep(0,N)
	bestSplit <- rep(0,N+1)
	bestAver <- rep(0,N*nSamples)
	dim(bestAver) <- c(nSamples,N)
	Sum <- rep(0,N*nSamples)
	dim(Sum) <- c(nSamples,N)
	Nevner <- rep(0,N*nSamples)
	dim(Nevner) <- c(nSamples,N)
	eachCost <- rep(0,N*nSamples)
	dim(eachCost) <- c(nSamples,N)
	Cost <- rep(0,N)
	## Filling of first elements
	Sum[ ,1]<-sum[,1]
	bestAver[,1] <- sum[,1]/nr[1]
	helper <- rep(1, nSamples)
	lengde <- rep(0,N)
	for (n in 2:N) {
    Sum[ ,1:n] <- Sum[ ,1:n]+sum[,n]
		Nevner[,1:n] <- Nevner[,1:n]+nr[n]
		eachCost[ ,1:n] <- -(Sum[ ,1:n]^2)/Nevner[ ,1:n]
    Cost[1:n] <- helper %*% eachCost[, 1:n]
		Cost[2:n] <- Cost[2:n]+bestCost[1:(n-1)]+gamma
		Pos <- which.min(Cost[1:n])
 		cost <- Cost[Pos]
 		aver <- Sum[ ,Pos]/Nevner[,Pos]
 		bestCost[n] <- cost
 		bestAver[ ,n] <- aver
 		bestSplit[n] <- Pos-1
		markSub[Pos-1] <- TRUE



# Function which finds potential breakpoints
#' @export
findMarksMulti <- function(markSub,Nr,subsize){
	## markSub: marks in compressed scale
	## NR: number of observations between potenstial breakpoints
	mark <- rep(FALSE,subsize)  ## marks in original scale
	if(sum(markSub)<1) {
  } else {	
		ant <- seq(1:N)
		help <- ant[markSub]
		lengdeHelp <- length(help)
		help0 <- c(0,help[1:(lengdeHelp-1)])
		lengde <- help-help0
		for(i in 1:lengdeHelp){
			start0 <- start0+lengde[i]
			lengdeOrig <- sum(Nr[oldStart:(start0-1)])
			startOrig <- startOrig+lengdeOrig

## expand compact solution
#' @export
expandMulti <- function(nProbes,nSamples,lengthInt, mean){
  ##input: nr of probes, length of intervals, 
  ## value in intervals; returns the expansion 

	Potts <- rep(0,nProbes*nSamples)
	dim(Potts) <- c(nSamples,nProbes)
	lengthCompArr <- length(lengthInt)
	k <- 1
	for(i in 1:lengthCompArr){
		for(j in 1:lengthInt[i]){
			Potts[,k] <- mean[,i]
			k <- k+1

## sawtooth-filter for multiPCF - marks potential breakpoints. Uses two 
## sawtoothfilters, one lang (length L) and one short (fixed length 6)	
#' @export
sawMarkM <- function(x,L,frac1,frac2){
	nrProbes <- nrow(x)
 	nrSample <- ncol(x)
  mark <- rep(0,nrProbes)
  sawValue <- rep(0,nrProbes)
  filter <- rep(0,2*L)
  sawValue2 <- rep(0,nrProbes)
  filter2 <- rep(0,6)
	for (k in 1:L) {
  		filter[k] <- k/L
  		filter[2*L+1-k] <- -k/L

	for (k in 1:3) {
  		filter2[k] <- k/3
  		filter2[7-k] <- -k/3

	for (l in 1:(nrProbes-2*L+1)){
		for (m in 1:nrSample){	
	limit <- quantile(sawValue,(1-frac1))
	for (l in 1:(nrProbes-2*L)){
		if (sawValue[l+L-1] > limit) {
			mark[l+L-1] <- 1
	for (l in (L-1):(nrProbes-L-2)){
		for (m in 1:nrSample){	
	limit2 <- quantile(sawValue2,(1-frac2))
	for (l in (L-1):(nrProbes-L-2)){
		if (sawValue2[l+2] > limit2) {
			mark[l+2] <- 1
	for (l in 1:L){
		mark[l] <- 1
		mark[nrProbes+1-l]<- 1


## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liest?l and Ole Christian Lingj?rde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <gronilse@ifi.uio.no>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liest?l et al. (2012), BMC Genomics

#Get mad SD-estimate

### x: vector of observations for which mad Sd is to be calculated
### k: window size to be used in median filtering

### SD: mad sd estimate

##Required by:
### multipcf
### pcf
### aspcf

### medianFilter

#' @export
getMad <- function(x,k=25){
  #Remove observations that are equal to zero; are likely to be imputed, should not contribute to sd:
  x <- x[x!=0]
  #Calculate runMedian  
  runMedian <- medianFilter(x,k)
  dif <- x-runMedian
  SD <- mad(dif)

## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liest?l and Ole Christian Lingj?rde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <gronilse@ifi.uio.no>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liest?l et al. (2012), BMC Genomics

#Get arm numbers from chromosomes, position and cytoband data:

### chrom: vector of chromosome numbers
### pos: vector of positions
### pos.unit: unit for positions
### cyto.data: object specifying which genome assembly version should be used for cytoband data

### arms: a character vector with arms; dentoed p and q 

##Required by:
### adjustPos
### multipcf
### pcf
### winsorize
### aspcf 

### getArmandChromStop
### numericChrom

#' @export
getArms <- function(chrom, pos, pos.unit="bp", cyto.data){
  #Make sure chromosomes are numeric:
  chrom <- numericChrom(chrom)
  nProbe <- length(chrom)
  chrom.list <- unique(chrom)
  nChrom <- length(chrom.list)
  #Get local stopping posistions for each p-arm and each chromosome from cytoband data 
  l <- getArmandChromStop(cyto.data=cyto.data,unit=pos.unit)
  pStop <- l$pstop
  chromStop <- l$chromstop 
  arms <- rep(NA,nProbe)
  for(i in 1:nChrom){
    #Find corresponding arm numbers:
    c <- chrom.list[i]
    ind.c <- which(chrom==c)
    arms[ind.c] <- "q"
    p.arm <- ind.c[pos[ind.c]<=pStop[c]]
    arms[p.arm] <- "p"   #p-arm

## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liest?l and Ole Christian Lingj?rde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <gronilse@ifi.uio.no>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liest?l et al. (2012), BMC Genomics

#Function that finds p-arm and chromosome stopping positions based on cytoband information

### cyto.data: dataframe with cytoband information
### unit: the unit used to represent positions in data to be plotted (bp,kbp,mbp)

### pstop: a vector giving the stopping positions for each p-arm (adjusted to match unit)
### chromstop: a vector giving the stopping position for each chromosome (adjusted to match unit)

##Required by:
### getArms
### addChromlines
### getGlobPos
### getGlobal.xlim
### adjustSeg

##Requires : none

#' @export
getArmandChromStop <- function(cyto.data, unit){
  #Sort cyto.data by chromosome number; let be represented by X=23 and Y=24:
  chrom <- cyto.data[,1]
  use.chrom <- gsub("chr","",chrom)  #Remove 'chr' from chrom-strings
  use.chrom[use.chrom=="X"] <- "23"	#Replace X by 23
  use.chrom[use.chrom=="Y"] <- "24"	#Replace Y by 24
  num.chrom <- as.numeric(use.chrom)	#Convert to numeric chromosomes
  #Order such that chromosomes are in increasing order from 1:24:
  ord.chrom <- order(num.chrom)
  cyto.data <- cyto.data[ord.chrom,,drop=FALSE] 	
  #Get chromosome stopping positions:
  chrom <- cyto.data[,1]
  chrom.stop <- which(chrom[1:length(chrom)-1]!=chrom[2:length(chrom)])
  chrom.stop <- c(chrom.stop,length(chrom))  #include last chromstop as well
  #Get p-arm stopping positions:
  arm.char <- substring(cyto.data[,4],1,1)   #Retrive first character in name which identifies p and q arms
  arm.stop <- which(arm.char[1:length(arm.char)-1]!=arm.char[2:length(arm.char)])
  p.stop <- arm.stop[-which(arm.stop%in%chrom.stop)]  #Remove qstops
  pos.chromstop <- cyto.data[chrom.stop,3]  #Local stopping position for each chromosome
  pos.pstop <- cyto.data[p.stop,3]		#Local stopping position for each p-arm
  #Factor used to convert positions into desired unit
  f <- switch(unit,
              bp = 1,
              kbp = 10^(-3),
              mbp = 10^(-6))

## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liest?l and Ole Christian Lingj?rde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <gronilse@ifi.uio.no>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liest?l et al. (2012), BMC Genomics

#Function that checks if chrom is numeric, converts x/X and y/Y to 23 and 24 if not:

### chrom: vector with chromosomes; numeric or character

## Output:
### chrom: numeric vector with chromosome numbers

##Required by:
### getArms
### checkSegments
### multipcf
### selectSegments
### selectData
### fastPcf
### pcf
### checkAndRetrievePlotInput
### plotFreq
### plotHeatmap
### plotWeightedFreq
### winsorize
### aspcf
### adjustSeg
### checkChrom

### none

#' @export
numericChrom <- function(chrom){ 
      #If chrom is factor; need to convert to character first
      chrom <- as.character(chrom)
    #Replace X by 23:
    chrx <- c(which(chrom=="x"),which(chrom=="X"))
    chrom[chrx] <- 23
    #Replace Y by 24
    chry <- c(which(chrom=="y"),which(chrom=="Y"))
    chrom[chry] <- 24
    chrom <- as.numeric(chrom)

## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liest?l and Ole Christian Lingj?rde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <gronilse@ifi.uio.no>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liest?l et al. (2012), BMC Genomics

#Function that converts character arms to numeric

### chrom : vector with chromosome numbers corresponding to each character arm
### char.arms : vector containing charcter arms; dentoed p or q

## Output:
### arms : vector with numeric arms calculated as chrom*2 - 1 or chrom*2

##Required by:
### adjustPos
### adjustSeg
### multipcf
### fastPcf
### pcf
### winsorize
### aspcf

###  none

#' @export
numericArms <- function(chrom,char.arms){
  p.arm <- which(char.arms=="p")
  q.arm <- which(char.arms=="q")
  arms <- rep(NA,length(char.arms))
  arms[p.arm] <- chrom[p.arm]*2-1
  arms[q.arm] <- chrom[q.arm]*2

## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liest?l and Ole Christian Lingj?rde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <gronilse@ifi.uio.no>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liest?l et al. (2012), BMC Genomics

### Function that pulls out the relevant contents of the input in res
### Makes it possible for res input to come directly from the segmentation algorithms or winsorize algorithm (regardless of whether res contains only a data frame or a list with segmentation/winsorize results).

##Required by:
### callAberrations
### imputeMissing
### interpolate.pcf
### checkAndRetrievePlotInput
### checkWinsoutliers
### checkSegments
### selectSegments
### subsetSegments
### plotCircle
### plotFreq
### plotHeatmap
### subsetData
### pcf
### pcfPlain
### multipcf
### aspcf

#what could be "segments","estimates","wins.data" or "wins.outliers"

#' @export
pullOutContent <- function(res,what="segments"){
  #check if input is data frame or list
    #res could either be a list containing the two segmentation elements segments and estimates, a list containing the two winsorize elements wins.data and wins.outliers, a list containing several segments as data frames, or a list containing several lists with segmentation results
    if("segments" %in% names(res)){
      #can assume that the list contains the output from one of the segmentation algorithms and has names segments and estimates
      #pick out the desired data frame depending on input in what:
        if("logR_estimates" %in% names(res)){
          #Segmentation results come from aspcf which returns a different name for estimates
          res <- res$logR_estimates  
          res <- res$estimates
      }else if(what=="segments"){
        res <- res$segments
    }else if("wins.data" %in% names(res)){
      #can assume that the list contains output from winsorize and has names wins.data and wins.outliers
      #pick out the desired data frame depending on input in what:
      if(what %in% c("wins.data","estimates")){
        res <- res$wins.data
      }else if(what=="wins.outliers"){
        res <- res$wins.outliers
      #assume that the list contains different segmentation results
      #if each element in the list is itself a list containing segments and estimates need to pull out the segments (functions that take estimates as input does not have the option of specifying list of estimates)
      nSeg <- length(res)
      for(l in 1:nSeg){
          #pull out the segments data frame
          res[[l]] <- res[[l]]$segments
  #If a data frame, res should be already be a data frame with the correct information, and does not need modification

## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liest?l and Ole Christian Lingj?rde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <gronilse@ifi.uio.no>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liest?l et al. (2012), BMC Genomics

# Function to calculate running median for a given a window size

### x: vector of numeric values
### k: window size to be used for the sliding window (actually half-window size)

## Output:
### runMedian : the running median corresponding to each observation

##Required by:
### getMad
### medianFilter

### none

#' @export
medianFilter <- function(x,k){
  n <- length(x)
  filtWidth <- 2*k + 1
  #Make sure filtWidth does not exceed n
  if(filtWidth > n){
      filtWidth <- 1
    }else if(n%%2 == 0){
      #runmed requires filtWidth to be odd, ensure this:
      filtWidth <- n - 1
      filtWidth <- n
  runMedian <- runmed(x,k=filtWidth,endrule="median")
navinlabcode/copykit documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 2:55 p.m.