Man pages for nclark-lab/RERconverge
Analysis of Convergence Between Organismal Traits and DNA/Protein Sequences

adaptivePermulationAdaptively calculates permulation p-value for a single...
asymmRerootingMethodCalculates ancestral likelihoods of ancestral states for...
boxPlotTestCompares prediction accuracy under different rate models and...
calculateCorPermutedCalculate permulation correlation statistics
calculatePermulatedPaths_applyCalculates the paths for all permulated trees for a list of...
char2Pathsturns a named vector of characters into a paths vector to be...
char2PathsCategoricalturns a named vector of characters into a paths vector to be...
char2TreeCategoricalCreates a categorical trait tree from a set of tip species.
click_select_foreground_branchesInteractive click-based function to select foreground...
combinePermDataCombines batches of permulations
compareRateModelsPerforms pairwise likelihood ratio comparisons on a list of...
correlateWithBinaryPhenotypeComputes the association statistics between RER from...
correlateWithCategoricalPhenotypeComputes the association statistics between RER from...
correlateWithContinuousPhenotypeComputes the association statistics between RER from...
edgeVarsmaps a vector of traits onto a reference tree
estimatePhangornTreeEstimate a ML tree from a given topology Uses 'pml' and...
estimatePhangornTreeAllEstimates a ML trees from a given topology for a list of...
fastwilcoxGMTallPerforms Wilcoxon Rank-Sum pathway enrichment on pathway...
filterByCriteriaFilters a list of rate models based on a boolean expression...
fixPseudorootpseudoroot trait tree to match the psuedoroot of trees from...
foreground2PathsCreates paths from a set of foreground species
foreground2TreeCreates a binary trait tree from a set of foreground species.
foreground2TreeCladesGenerates a binary phenotype tree using the list of tip...
generatePermulatedBinPhenProduces binary permulations for a gene
generatePermulatedBinPhenSSMBatchedProduces binary SSM permulations for a list of genes
getAllCorComputes the association statistics between RER from...
getAllCorExtantOnlyComputes the association statistics between RER from...
getAllResidualsmain RER computation function
getAncLiksReturns ancestral likelihoods at each node. Based on code...
getBinaryPermulationInputsFromTreeProduces the phenotype inputs for binary permulation...
getEnrichPermsPerforms enrichment statistic permulations using existing...
getForegroundInfoCladesGenerates a binary phenotype tree and foreground clades...
getLikelihoodRatiocompute the likelihood ratio from the log likeilhoods of two...
getLRnullDistributionReturns the p value of a likelihood ratio based on the...
getMatrixFromAbbrGets the matrix form of a rate model from its abbreviation
getPermsBinaryCalculates permuted correlation and enrichment statistics for...
getPermsBinaryExtantOnlyCalculates permuted correlation and enrichment statistics for...
getPermsContinuousCalculates permuted correlation and enrichment statistics
getPermsContinuousExtantOnlyCalculates permuted correlation and enrichment statistics for...
getStatCalculates Rho-signed negative log-base-ten p-value for use...
getStatesAtNodesreturns the states at each node corresponding to the state...
getStatesFromPhenTreeReturns a list of states in node order from a phenotype tree
kwdunn.testA sped up version of the Kruskal Wallis/Dunn Test
makeBinaryPathsMakes a binary path vector from either a tree of class...
matchAllNodesCladesCalculates the clade mappings between the gene tree and the...
namePathsWSpeciesProvides names for paths/RERs representing terminal branches...
permpvalcorCalculates correlation permutation pvals from output of...
permpvalenrichCalculates enrichment permutation pvals from output of...
permutevecGenerates a permuted continuous phenotype given an observed...
plotPositivesFromPermulationsPlots changes in number of statistically significant rate...
plotRersPlot the residuals reflecting the relative evolutionary rates...
plotTreeCategoricalPlot a phenotype tree generated by 'char2TreeCategorical'...
plotTreeHighlightBranchesPlot the provided tree, (optionally) rerooted, with specified...
pruneTreewrapper around 'drop.tip'
read.gmtReads pathway data from a gmt-formatted file from GSEA-MSigDB
readTreesreads trees from a 2 column , tab seperated, file The first...
returnRersAsNewickStringsProduce a vector of newick strings representing gene trees...
returnRersAsTreeProduce a gene tree with branch lengths representing RERs and...
returnRersAsTreesAllProduce a multiPhylo object of all gene trees with branch...
Rootthe function root from ape modified to return additional...
searchRateModelsiteratively searches for simpler rate models that still...
simBinPhenoGenerates a permulated phylogenetic tree with specified...
simBinPhenoCCProduces one CC binary permulation for a gene
simBinPhenoCCmidpointProduces one CC binary permulation for a gene using midpoint...
simBinPhenoRankProduces one binary permulation based on ranking of simulated...
simBinPhenoSSMProduces one SSM binary permulation for a gene
simBinPhenoVecGenerates a permulated phenotype vector whose phylogeny...
simpermvecGenerates a permulated continuous phenotype given an observed...
simulatevecGenerates a simulated continuous phenotype given an observed...
tree2PathsGenerate a phenotype paths vector from a phenotype tree
tree2PathsCladesA modification of the tree2Paths function that takes in...
treePlotNewPlot 'tree' with branch labels colored in a heatmap based on...
treePlotRersPlot a cladogram with RERs shown as either labels...
visCompareTwoRateModelsVisually compare the results of two rate models by plotting...
nclark-lab/RERconverge documentation built on March 2, 2024, 8:51 a.m.