#' Estimates the period, amp, and phase of a \code{data.frame} of time-series
#' Estimates the period, amp, and phase of a \code{data.frame} of time-series via fast Fourier transform (FFT).
#' A model fit for the time-series is generated using the first 3 harmonics. The period, amp, and phase are
#' computed based on the aggregate fit.
#' @param data a \code{data.frame} of \code{numeric} gene expression over time (row = genes \emph{x} col = ZT times).
#' @return a \code{data.frame} of \code{numeric} period, amplitude, and phase estimates for each gene.
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{getFFT}} for FFT calculation.
#' \item \code{\link{detrend}} for linear detrending of time-series prior to periodFinder processing.
#' \item \code{\link{movingAverageDF}} for smoothing of time-series prior to periodFinder processing.
#' @export
periodFinder <- function(data){
colNames <- colnames(data)
#get Time Points from Colnames
xVals <- as.numeric(unlist(regmatches(colNames, gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+\\.*[[:digit:]]*",colNames))))
#get difference between Time Points
avgDiff <- mean(diff(xVals))
dataPeriod <- apply(data, 1, function(TS) {
#compute the FFT on the Time series
fft <- getFFT(TS,1/avgDiff)
#create variable to hold FFT fits with first 3 harmonics
fit <- list()
for(i in 1:4){
#Get period
per <- (1/fft$freq[i])
#Get Amplitude
amp <- Mod(fft$fur)[i]
#Get Phase
phase <- Arg(fft$fur)[i]
#get Cos Wave
tp <- seq(0,diff(range(xVals)),0.1)
harmonicFit <- amp*cos(2*pi*(tp/per)+phase)
#save the harmonic cos fit
fit[[i]] <- as.vector(harmonicFit)
#compute Signal using first 3 FFT harmonics
fftFullfit <- rowSums(do.call(cbind,fit))
#get local Max and local Min of signal
localMax <- (which(diff(sign(diff(fftFullfit)))==-2)+1)
localMin <- (which(diff(sign(diff(fftFullfit)))== 2)+1)
minMax <- c(localMax,localMin)
minMaxOrdered <- minMax[order(minMax)]
deriv <- diff(fftFullfit)
#search for outlier points identified as min and maxes
pos <- c(1,minMaxOrdered)
pat <- rep(seq_along(pos), times=diff(c(pos, length(fftFullfit))))
z <- split(abs(deriv)/max(abs(deriv)), pat)
#for each point compute the area under the derivative curve
areas <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(z,sum)))/sum(abs(deriv)/max(abs(deriv)))
#if normalized area is less than 0.05 of total, consider outlier
outliers <- which(areas[2:length(areas)] < 0.05)
#if normalized area is more than 0.05 of total, keep point
keep <- which(areas[2:length(areas)] > 0.05)
for(i in 1:length(keep)){
if(length(outliers) > 0){
toAvg <- which(outliers < keep[i]) #which outlier points are less than points to keep
if(length(toAvg) > 0 ){ #check if there are points to average
start <- outliers[toAvg][1] #start from outlier point less than keep point
stop <- keep[i] #upto the first keep point
selPoints <- start:stop
minMaxOrdered[keep[i]] <- mean(minMaxOrdered[selPoints]) #average points together
outliers <- outliers[-toAvg] #remove the points from outlier
minMaxOrdered <- minMaxOrdered[keep]
#Get overall period
if(length(localMax)+length(localMin) < 2){
#if only one max and min, the period is the sampling length
per <- abs(diff(range(xVals)))
} else{
#else the period is the avg diff between all local maxima and minima
per <- round(mean(2*abs(diff(minMaxOrdered)))*0.1,2)
#Get overall Amplitude
#mean of the absolute value of the mean center signal. taking all local min and max into account
amp <- mean(abs(fftFullfit[minMaxOrdered] - mean(fftFullfit)))
#Get overall Phase
#time to first localMax. ie. how far is the cos wave shifted from zero
if(length(localMax) < 1){
phase <- 0
phase <- localMax[1]
phaseInHours <- (phase*0.1)%%per
return(round(c(per, amp, phaseInHours),2))
dataPeriod <- as.data.frame(dataPeriod)
rownames(dataPeriod) <- c("Period.in.Hours", "Amp", "Phase.in.Hours")
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