#' Ensure that SNP appears to be valid RSIDs (starts with rs)
#' @inheritParams format_sumstats
#' @param log_files list of log file locations
#' @return list containing sumstats_dt, the modified summary statistics data
#' table object and the log file list.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom data.table setDT
#' @importFrom data.table setkeyv
#' @importFrom data.table :=
#' @importFrom data.table setcolorder
#' @importFrom data.table copy
#' @importFrom data.table tstrsplit
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom BSgenome snpsByOverlaps
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges makeGRangesFromDataFrame
#' @importFrom stringr str_sub
check_no_rs_snp <- function(sumstats_dt, path, ref_genome, snp_ids_are_rs_ids,
indels,imputation_ind, log_folder_ind,
check_save_out,tabix_index, nThread, log_files,
dbSNP) {
SNP <- CHR <- CHR1 <- BP1 <- i.RefSNP_id <- IMPUTATION_SNP <-
SNP_old_temp <- SNP_INFO <- A1 <- A2 <- .I <- NULL
# if snp ids aren't rs ids rename the column to ID's
# so RSIDs can be inferred
if ((!snp_ids_are_rs_ids) & sum("SNP" %in% names(sumstats_dt)) == 1) {
data.table::setnames(sumstats_dt, "SNP", "ID")
#also check if user didn't set the param snp_ids_are_rs_ids but it's clear
if("SNP" %in% names(sumstats_dt)){
#If SNP present, make sure it isn't a proxy for CHR:bp
#RS ID should be all numeric or should start with rs and then be numeric
snps <- sumstats_dt$SNP
snp_check <- suppressMessages(as.numeric(
stringr::str_sub(string = snps, start = 3, end = -1L)
#this won't catch chr:bp when chr is just number i.e. 1:123456789
#so second check needed
snp_check2 <- unique(c(grep(":", snps),
grep("-", snps),
grep("_", snps)))
#however if they start with rs they stay i.e. rs140052487:C:A
snp_check3 <- grep("^rs", snps)
#remove these from those that passed first check
snp_check <- snp_check[-snp_check2]
num_rsids <- length(snps[!is.na(snp_check)])
#if num_rsids==0 then they clearly meant SNP col to not represent
#RSIDs so rename to avoid errors later
if(num_rsids==0 && length(snp_check3)==0)
# If SNP column doesn't start with rs
col_headers <- names(sumstats_dt)
if (sum("SNP" %in% col_headers) == 1) {
message("Checking SNP RSIDs.")
# needed for later to join and match SNPs
if (imputation_ind) {
# if any are NA, we need to give them a unique ID
# need to be able to identify to revert back so picked up
#by other, NA for RS ID check
sumstats_dt[is.na(SNP)|SNP=="", SNP := paste0("NA_",.I)]
sumstats_dt[, SNP_old_temp := SNP]
miss_rs <- sumstats_dt[!grep("^rs", SNP), ]
# first case is something other than rs id and chr:bp - impute SNP
# second case is chr:bp together - impute SNP for these
miss_rs_chr_bp <- miss_rs[grep(":", SNP),]
miss_rs_chr_bp <- miss_rs_chr_bp[!grep(".*:.*:.*", SNP),]
if (nrow(miss_rs) != nrow(sumstats_dt) && nrow(miss_rs_chr_bp) > 0) {
# check if impute of correct SNP ID possible
if (sum(c("CHR", "BP") %in% col_headers) == 2 &&
nrow(miss_rs[!grep(":", SNP), ]) > 0) {
bad_snp <- miss_rs[!grep(":", SNP), ]
msg <- paste0(
formatC(nrow(bad_snp), big.mark = ","),
" SNP IDs are not correctly formatted.",
" These will be corrected from the reference genome."
# remove snp column and pass to function to impute snp
bad_snp <- bad_snp[, SNP := NULL]
# now impute correct RS ID for those missing it
corrected_snp <-
sumstats_dt = bad_snp, path = tempfile(),
ref_genome = ref_genome,
indels = indels,
imputation_ind = imputation_ind,
log_folder_ind = log_folder_ind,
check_save_out = check_save_out,
tabix_index = tabix_index,
nThread = nThread,
log_files = log_files,
dbSNP = dbSNP,
verbose = FALSE
log_files <- corrected_snp$log_files
corrected_snp <- corrected_snp$sumstats_dt
# make sure columns in correct order
data.table::setcolorder(corrected_snp, names(sumstats_dt))
# remove rows missing from the reference genome and combine
# If IMPUTATION column added add it to other DT
if (imputation_ind &&
!"IMPUTATION_SNP" %in% names(sumstats_dt)) {
sumstats_dt[, IMPUTATION_SNP := NA]
sumstats_dt <-
sumstats_dt[grep("^rs", SNP), ],
} else {
# remove snps missing rs
# If user wants log, save it to there
if (log_folder_ind) {
name <- "snp_missing_rs"
name <- get_unique_name_log_file(name = name,
log_files = log_files)
sumstats_dt = sumstats_dt[!grepl("^rs", SNP), ],
save_path =
"/", name,
sep = check_save_out$sep,
#don't tab indx as could be miss values & cause err
#tabix_index = tabix_index,
nThread = nThread
log_files[[name]] <-
"/", name, check_save_out$extension)
sumstats_dt <- sumstats_dt[grep("^rs", SNP), ]
# check if any have more than 1 ":" remove these
# If user wants log, save it to there
if (log_folder_ind) {
name <- "snp_multi_colon"
name <- get_unique_name_log_file(name = name,
log_files = log_files)
sumstats_dt = miss_rs_chr_bp[grep(".*:.*:.*", SNP)],
save_path =
"/", name,
sep = check_save_out$sep,
#don't tab indx as could be miss values & cause err
#tabix_index = tabix_index,
nThread = nThread
log_files[[name]] <-
check_save_out$log_folder, "/", name,
#remove cases with more than one colon i.e. not just chr:bp
miss_rs_chr_bp <- miss_rs_chr_bp[!grep(".*:.*:.*", SNP)]
msg <- paste0(
formatC(nrow(miss_rs_chr_bp), big.mark = ","),
" SNP IDs appear to be made up of ",
"chr:bp, these will be replaced by their SNP ID from the",
" reference genome"
SNP_LOC_DATA <- load_snp_loc_data(ref_genome,dbSNP, NULL)
# split out chr:bp - check if chr or bp first by longer of two
splits <- strsplit(miss_rs_chr_bp[1, SNP],
split = ":", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
if (nchar(splits[1]) < nchar(splits[2])) {
format <- c("CHR1", "BP1")
} else {
format <- c("BP1", "CHR1")
miss_rs_chr_bp[, (format) := data.table::tstrsplit(SNP,
split = ":",
fixed = TRUE)]
# if BP col has other info after, drop it
if (sum(grepl("[[:punct:]].*", miss_rs_chr_bp$BP1)) > 0) {
miss_rs_chr_bp[, BP1 := gsub("([[:punct:]]).*", "", BP1)]
# ensure integer col
miss_rs_chr_bp[, BP1 := as.integer(BP1)]
# now drop SNP
miss_rs_chr_bp[, SNP := NULL]
# if chromosome col has chr prefix remove it
miss_rs_chr_bp[, CHR1 := gsub("chr", "", CHR1)]
# if chromosome col has other info after, drop it
if (sum(grepl("[[:punct:]].*", miss_rs_chr_bp$CHR1)) > 0) {
miss_rs_chr_bp[, CHR1 := gsub("([[:punct:]]).*", "", CHR1)]
# avoid SNPs with NA values in chr or bp
gr_snp <- data.table::copy(miss_rs_chr_bp)
# if indels are in datqset, these should not be imputed as RS ID
# will instead relate to a SNP at same position - remove these
if(sum(c("A1", "A2") %in% col_headers) == 2 & indels ){
#identify Indels based on num char in A1, A2
num_indels <- nrow(gr_snp[(nchar(A1)>1 | nchar(A2)>1),])
msg <- paste0("Found ",
formatC(nrow(num_indels),big.mark = ","),
" Indels. These won't",
" be checked against the reference ",
"genome as it does not contain ",
"Indels.\nWARNING If your sumstat ",
"doesn't contain Indels, set the ",
"indel param to FALSE & rerun ",
gr_snp <- gr_snp[!(nchar(A1)>1 | nchar(A2)>1),]
incl_cols <- c("CHR1", "BP1")
gr_snp <- gr_snp[complete.cases(
gr_snp[, incl_cols, with = FALSE])]
gr_snp <-
keep.extra.columns = TRUE,
seqnames.field = "CHR1",
start.field = "BP1",
end.field = "BP1"
gr_rsids <-
BSgenome::snpsByOverlaps(SNP_LOC_DATA, ranges = gr_snp)
rsids <- data.table::setDT(data.frame(gr_rsids))
data.table::setnames(rsids, "seqnames", "CHR1")
data.table::setnames(rsids, "pos", "BP1")
# in case there is CHR8 and chr8
rsids[, CHR1 := tolower(as.character(CHR1))]
miss_rs_chr_bp[, CHR1 := tolower(as.character(CHR1))]
# join on SNP ID to sumstats
data.table::setkeyv(miss_rs_chr_bp, c("CHR1", "BP1"))
data.table::setkeyv(rsids, c("CHR1", "BP1"))
miss_rs_chr_bp[rsids, SNP := i.RefSNP_id]
# remove rows where SNP couldn't be found
# If user wants log, save it to there
if (log_folder_ind) {
name <- "snp_not_found_from_bp_chr"
name <- get_unique_name_log_file(name = name,
log_files = log_files)
sumstats_dt =
miss_rs_chr_bp[, "SNP"]), ],
save_path =
"/", name,
sep = check_save_out$sep,
#don't tab indx as could be miss values & cause err
#tabix_index = tabix_index,
nThread = nThread
log_files[[name]] <-
check_save_out$log_folder, "/", name,
miss_rs_chr_bp <- miss_rs_chr_bp[complete.cases(
miss_rs_chr_bp[, "SNP"]), ]
# remove temp columns
miss_rs_chr_bp[, (format) := NULL]
# join with full dataset
# If IMPUTATION column added add it to other DT
if (imputation_ind &&
"IMPUTATION_SNP" %in% names(sumstats_dt) &&
!"IMPUTATION_SNP" %in% names(miss_rs_chr_bp)) {
miss_rs_chr_bp[, IMPUTATION_SNP := NA]
# get columns in same order as rest of data table
data.table::setcolorder(miss_rs_chr_bp, col_headers)
sumstats_dt <- data.table::rbindlist(
list(sumstats_dt, miss_rs_chr_bp))
if (nrow(miss_rs) != nrow(sumstats_dt) && nrow(miss_rs) != 0) {
#Prev if (nrow(miss_rs_chr_bp) == 0) {
if (nrow(miss_rs_chr_bp) < nrow(miss_rs)) {
# don't filter twice if hit prev condition
# check if impute of correct SNP ID possible
if (sum(c("CHR", "BP") %in% col_headers) == 2 &&
nrow(sumstats_dt[!grep("^rs", SNP), ]) > 0) {
bad_snp <- sumstats_dt[!grep("^rs", SNP), ]
msg <- paste0(
formatC(nrow(bad_snp), big.mark = ","),
" SNP IDs are not correctly formatted.",
" These will be corrected from the reference genome."
# remove snp column and pass to function to impute snp
bad_snp <- bad_snp[, SNP := NULL]
if(sum(c("A1", "A2") %in% col_headers) == 2 & indels ){
#identify Indels based on num char in A1, A2
num_indels <- nrow(bad_snp[(nchar(A1)>1 |
msg <- paste0("Found ",
formatC(nrow(num_indels),big.mark = ","),
" Indels. These won't",
" be checked against the referenc",
"e genome as it does not contain ",
"Indels.\nWARNING If your sumstat ",
"doesn't contain Indels, set the ",
"indel param to FALSE & rerun ",
bad_snp <- bad_snp[!(nchar(A1)>1 | nchar(A2)>1),]
# now impute correct RS ID for those missing it
corrected_snp <-
sumstats_dt = bad_snp, path = tempfile(),
ref_genome = ref_genome,
indels = indels,
imputation_ind = imputation_ind,
log_folder_ind = log_folder_ind,
check_save_out = check_save_out,
tabix_index = tabix_index,
nThread = nThread,
log_files = log_files,
verbose = FALSE
log_files <- corrected_snp$log_files
corrected_snp <- corrected_snp$sumstats_dt
# make sure columns in correct order
# remove rows missing from the reference genome and combine
# If IMPUTATION column added add it to other DT
if (imputation_ind &&
!"IMPUTATION_SNP" %in% names(sumstats_dt)) {
sumstats_dt[, IMPUTATION_SNP := NA]
sumstats_dt <-
sumstats_dt[grep("^rs", SNP), ],
# remove snps missing rs
# If user wants log, save it to there
if (log_folder_ind &&
nrow(sumstats_dt[!grep("^rs", SNP), ]) > 0) {
#if imputation ind on, NA's will be replaced with NA_i
#change back here
tmp_rmv <- sumstats_dt[!grepl("^rs", SNP), ]
tmp_rmv[, SNP_old_temp := NULL]
tmp_rmv[grepl("^NA_",SNP), SNP := NA]
name <- "snp_missing_rs"
name <- get_unique_name_log_file(name = name,
log_files = log_files)
sumstats_dt = tmp_rmv,
save_path =
"/", name,
sep = check_save_out$sep,
#don't tab indx as could be miss values & cause err
#tabix_index = tabix_index,
nThread = nThread
log_files[[name]] <-
paste0(check_save_out$log_folder, "/",
name, check_save_out$extension)
sumstats_dt <- sumstats_dt[grep("^rs", SNP), ]
# if any weird SNP rows left that aren't
# chr:bp or rs id's remove them
if (sum(c("CHR", "BP") %in% col_headers) != 2) {
msg <-
formatC(nrow(miss_rs) - nrow(miss_rs_chr_bp),
big.mark = ","),
" SNP IDs are not correctly",
" formatted and will be removed."
# also check for weirdly formatted SNPs like rs1234:.....
# remove everything after : and put in separate column
# (can extend code to infer info from this separate column later)
rs_plus <- sumstats_dt[intersect(grep("^rs", SNP), grep(":", SNP)), ]
if (nrow(rs_plus) != 0) {
msg <- paste0(
formatC(nrow(rs_plus), big.mark = ","),
" SNP IDs contain other information in the same column.",
" These will be separated."
setnames(rs_plus, "SNP", "SNP_INFO")
# isolate RS ID
rs_plus[, SNP := sub("\\:.*", "", SNP_INFO)]
# isolate extra info
rs_plus[, SNP_INFO := sub("^.*?:", "", SNP_INFO)]
# join back
# add extra column
sumstats_dt[, SNP_INFO := NA]
# make sure columns in correct order
data.table::setcolorder(rs_plus, names(sumstats_dt))
# update values
sumstats_dt <-
grep("^rs", SNP),
grep(":", SNP)
), ],
# if imputation_ind return column specifying imputed
if (imputation_ind) {
# make sure there are rows that would need imputing
if (nrow(miss_rs) > 0 && nrow(miss_rs) != nrow(sumstats_dt) &&
(nrow(miss_rs_chr_bp) > 0 | nrow(miss_rs) != 0)) {
setkey(miss_rs, SNP_old_temp)
setkey(sumstats_dt, SNP_old_temp)
sumstats_dt[miss_rs, IMPUTATION_SNP := TRUE]
# remove temp columns either way
sumstats_dt[, SNP_old_temp := NULL]
return(list("sumstats_dt" = sumstats_dt, "log_files" = log_files))
} else {
return(list("sumstats_dt" = sumstats_dt, "log_files" = log_files))
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