
Defines functions checked_message test_passed test_failed identify_read_pair check_readpair_validity

Documented in checked_message check_readpair_validity identify_read_pair test_failed test_passed

#' Check fastq read pair matches samplesheet read pair assignment.
#' Read pairs are often encoded in the name of the file. Here, we check that if encoded in the name of the file,
#' that the samplesheet read pair (e.g. _1 or _2) matches
#' @param samplesheet A local file or syn id of samplesheet.
#' @param parse_fun Function implementing how to parse samples in samplesheet.
#' @import data.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  check_readpair_validity('syn39542932')
#'  check_readpair_validity('syn29530880')
#' }
#' @export

check_readpair_validity <- function(samplesheet,
                                    parse_fun = function(x) gsub("_T[0-9]$", "", x)) {

  samples <- dt_read(samplesheet)
  samples[, "1" := bare_syn_id(fastq_1)] # Get synId from URI
  samples[, "2" := bare_syn_id(fastq_2)]
  samples[, sample := parse_fun(sample)]
  samples <- samples[, c("sample", "1", "2")]

  samples %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c("1", "2"), values_to = "input_id", names_to = "readPair") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(named_rp = sapply(input_id, function(i){
      string <- .syn$get(entity = i, downloadFile = F)$name
      rp <- identify_read_pair(string)
    })) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(readpair_matches = dplyr::case_when( ##if this function runs slow on large datasets this could be a place to optimize
      named_rp == readPair ~ TRUE,
      !is.null(named_rp) & named_rp != readPair ~ FALSE))

    test_failed("Samplesheet read pair mismatch detected, check output.")
    test_passed("All samplesheet read pairs match expected values.")



#' Identify read pair from string
#' @param string A filename string.
#' @return Returns a read pair: 1, 2, or NULL if none detected.
identify_read_pair <- function(string){

  read_pair <- if(stringr::str_detect(string,"[Rrl\\.\\_]1.fastq")){
      #matching "R1.fastq" or "r1.fastq"  or "l1.fastq" or ".1.fastq"  or " _1.fastq" style
      ##"l1.fastq" seems to come from one lab in particular and may not be relevant for processed data
    }else if(stringr::str_detect(string,"[Rrl\\.\\_]2.fastq")){
    }else if(stringr::str_detect(string,"[Rl]1_001.fastq")){ #matching R1_001.fastq or l1_001.fastq style
    }else if(stringr::str_detect(string,"[Rl]2_001.fastq")){
    }else if(stringr::str_detect(string,"s\\d_1_GSLv3-")){ #matching, e.g. "...s8_2_GSLv3-..." style
    }else if(stringr::str_detect(string,"s\\d_2_GSLv3-")){


#' Format a test fail message.
#' @param display_string A character string to format as a test failed message.
#' @returns A message to the console
test_failed <- function(display_string){
  message(glue::glue("{emoji::emoji('broken_heart')} {crayon::bold(crayon::red('Test failed:'))} {crayon::red(display_string)}"))

#' Format a test passed message.
#' @param display_string A character string to format as a test passed message.
#' @returns A message to the console
test_passed <- function(display_string){
  message(glue::glue("{emoji::emoji('green_heart')} {crayon::bold(crayon::green('Test passed:'))} {crayon::green(display_string)}"))

#' Format checked message notification
#' For nicely displaying that some step was successfully completed. 
#' @param string Character string with check prepended.
#' @keywords internal
checked_message <- function(string) {
  message(glue::glue("{crayon::green(emoji::emoji('check_mark'))} {crayon::green(string)}"))
nf-osi/nfportalutils documentation built on Sept. 29, 2024, 3 a.m.