getRNAseqMatrix: Transforms a simulation time-point into RNA-seq-like data.

View source: R/stochastic_simulation.R

getRNAseqMatrixR Documentation

Transforms a simulation time-point into RNA-seq-like data.


Transforms a time-point of a simulation into RNA-seq-like data, i.e. simulates a read count for each RNA molecule per individual (each individual is considered as a sample).


  samplingTime = max(simdf$time),
  laneEffect = F,
  nLanes = 2,
  propRnasSampled = 0.9,
  samplesLibSize = NULL,
  genesLength = NULL,
  mrnasOnly = T,
  mergeComplexes = F,
  meanLogLibSize_lane = 7,
  sdLogLibSize_lane = 0.5,
  sdLogLibSize_samples = 0.2



The data-frame with the result of the simulation (see simulateInSilicoSystem).


The simulated in silico system (see createInSilicoSystem).


Numeric. Time-point of the simulation to be transformed. By default, the maximum time of the simulation is used.


Boolean. Are the samples processed on different lanes/batches (see sampleLibrarySize)? Ignored if samplesLibSize is provided. Default value is FALSE.


Numeric. How many lanes are there in the experiment (see sampleLibrarySize)? Automatically set to 1 if laneEffect = F. Ignored if samplesLibSize is provided. Default value is 2.


Numeric. The proportion of molecules of RNAs that are sampled in each individual. Must be between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.9.


Vector of expected library size for each individual/sample. If named, the names of the vector must correspond to the names of the individuals as specified in the result of the simulation. If none provided, will be sampled from a log-normal distribution (see sampleLibrarySize). Default value is NULL.


Vector of gene length for each gene in the system. Its length must be equal to the number of protein-coding genes in the system (if mrnasOnly is TRUE) or of genes in the system (if mrnasOnly is FALSE). If named, the names must correspond to the ID of the (protein-coding) genes in the system. If none provided, all genes are assumed to be of length 1.


Boolean. Are the noncoding RNAs to be discarded before the transformation? If TRUE, read counts will be returned only for protein-coding RNAs. Default value is TRUE.


Boolean. Are the RNAs in complex accounted for in the read counts (i.e. are they detected by the RNA-seq experiment)? Default value is FALSE. See also mergeComplexesAbundance.


Numeric. The mean of the log10 mean library size normal distribution (see sampleLibrarySize). Ignored if samplesLibSize is provided. Default value of 7.


Numeric. The sd of the log10 mean library size normal distribution (see sampleLibrarySize). Ignored if samplesLibSize is provided. Default value of 0.5.


Numeric. The sd of the log10 samples library size normal distribution (see sampleLibrarySize). Ignored if samplesLibSize is provided. Default value of 0.2.


The abundance of the RNA form of each gene at time samplingTime is extracted from the result of the simulation. If mrnasOnly = TRUE, non-coding RNAs are discarded. If the simulation contains several trials per individual (see simulateInSilicoSystem), the abundance of each RNA is summed over the different trials for each individual. The abundance of the RNAs in each individual are then transformed into "noisy proportions": for each individual, tot_RNAs times propRnasSampled RNAs molecules are sampled from the total RNA molecules in the individual (where tot_RNAs is the total number of RNA molecules of a given individual). If propRnasSampled is 1, this step simply corresponds to dividing the abundance of each RNA by the total number of RNAs for the individual. Otherwise, if propRnasSampled is less than 1, it introduces some stochasticity in the "measurement" of RNAs as some low-expressed RNAs might not be represented. The noisy proportion of for each RNA is multiplied by the gene length (by default set to 1 for all genes), to reproduce the bias of RNA-seq experiments in which longer genes get more reads. The proportions are re-scaled such that their sum over all RNAs for each individual equals 1. The expected count of each RNA in each individual is then computed as the product of the corresponding noisy proportion and the library size of the individual. The latter can be provided by the user (parameter samplesLibSize); otherwise it is sampled using the function sampleLibrarySize. Finally, the actual read count of each RNA for each individual is sampled from a Poisson distribution with parameter lambda equal to the corresponding expected count.


A list:

  • rnaSeqMatrix A tibble giving for each RNA (column "Molecule") the observed read count in each individual (other columns, one per individual).

  • samplesLibSize The expected library size of each individual. May not be equal to the total read counts for the individual, as the actual counts are sampled from a Poisson distribution.

  • genesLength The length of each gene.


## Not run: 
mysystem = createInSilicoSystem(G = 5, regcomplexes = "none",
                                ploidy = 2, PC.p = 1)
mypop = createInSilicoPopulation(10, mysystem)
sim = simulateInSilicoSystem(mysystem, mypop, simtime = 1000,
                             ntrials = 10, nepochs = 5)
rnaSeq = getRNAseqMatrix(sim$Simulation, mysystem, laneEffect = F)

## With a batch/lane effect on the library size of the samples
rnaSeq = getRNAseqMatrix(sim$Simulation, mysystem, laneEffect = T)

## Providing the library size of each sample/individual
libsize = rnorm(length(unique(sim$Simulation$Ind)), 1e7, 1e5)
names(libsize) = unique(sim$Simulation$Ind)
rnaSeq = getRNAseqMatrix(sim$Simulation, mysystem, samplesLibSize = libsize)

## Accounting for different gene lengths
genes_length = sample(1:200, nrow(mysystem$genes))
names(genes_length) = as.character(1:nrow(mysystem$genes))
rnaSeq = getRNAseqMatrix(sim$Simulation, mysystem,
                         samplesLibSize = libsize, genesLength = genes_length)

## End(Not run)

oliviaAB/sismonr documentation built on June 25, 2022, 11:59 p.m.