#' Parent class of Job and JobArray
#' R6 Class providing an essential platform to process SLURM jobs.
#' This class should not be explicitly used by the user.
#' To create, manipulate, and submit SLURM jobs please refer to the Job and JobArray classes
#' @section Usage:
#' \code{
#' x <- JobInfo$new(jobName = NULL, outDir = NULL, partition = NULL, time = NULL, mem = NULL, proc = NULL, totalProc = NULL, nodes = NULL, email = NULL) \cr
#' x$wait(stopIfFailed = F, verbose = T) \cr
#' x$cancel() \cr
#' x$getState(simplify = F) \cr
#' x$clean() \cr
#' }
#' @docType class
#' @format R6 class
#' @export
#' @section Method description:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\strong{Initialize}}{
#' \cr
#' \code{x <- JobInfo$new(jobName = NULL, outDir = NULL, partition = NULL, time = NULL, mem = NULL, proc = NULL, totalProc = NULL, nodes = NULL, email = NULL)}
#' \cr Parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{jobName} {: character - Name of job, if NULL one will be generated of the form rSubmitter_job_[random_alphanumeric]. Equivalent to \code{--job-name} of SLURM sbatch. Most output files use it as a suffix}
#' \item{outDir} {: character - writeable path for the sabtch script as well as the SLRUM STDERR and STDOUT files. If NULL the current working directory will be used}
#' \item{partition} {: character - Partition to use. Equivalent to \code{--partition} of SLURM sbatch}
#' \item{time} {: character - Time requested for job execution, one accepted format is "HH:MM:SS". Equivalent to \code{--time} of SLURM sbatch}
#' \item{mem} {: character - Memory requested for job execution, one accepted format is "xG" or "xMB". Equivalent to \code{--mem} of SLURM sbatch}
#' \item{proc} {: integer - Number of processors requested per task. Equivalent to \code{--cpus-per-task} of SLURM sbatch}
#' \item{totalProc} {: integer - Number of tasks requested for job. Equivalent to \code{--ntasks} of SLURM sbatch}
#' \item{nodes} {: integer - Number of nodes requested for job. Equivalent to \code{--nodes} of SLURM sbatch}
#' \item{email} {: character - email address to send info when job is done. Equivalent to \code{--nodes} of SLURM sbatch}
#' }
#' \cr Return: \cr object of class \code{Job}
#' }
#' \item{\strong{Wait for job(s) to finish}}{
#' \cr
#' \code{x$wait(stopIfFailed = F, verbose = T)}
#' \cr Time between each job state check is defined in the entry TIME_WAIT_JOB_STATUS:seconds in the config file located at ~/.rSubmitter
#' \cr Parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{stopIfFailed} {: logical - if TRUE stops when one job has failed (only useful for JobArray) it then cancels the
#' rest of the pending and running jobs. If FALSE and one or more Jobs failed it raises a warning for each failed job}
#' \item{verbose} {: logical - if TRUE prints the job state(s) at every check}
#' }
#' \cr Return: \cr self - for method concatenation
#' }
#' \item{\strong{Cancel job(s)}}{
#' \cr
#' \code{x$cancel()}
#' \cr Return: \cr self - for method concatenation
#' }
#' \item{\strong{Get job(s) state}}{
#' \cr
#' \code{x$getState(simplify = F)}
#' \cr Parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{simplify} {: logical - if TRUE returns a freqeuncy data.frame of job states, otherwise returns individual jobs and their associated job names, job ids, and states}
#' }
#' \cr Return: \cr data.frame - With SLURM states
#' }
#' \item{\strong{Remove SLURM-associated files}}{
#' \cr
#' \code{x$clean(script = TRUE, out = TRUE, err = TRUE)}
#' \cr Parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{script} {: logical - if TRUE deletes sbatch submission script(s) associated to this object}
#' \item{out} {: logical - if TRUE deletes STDOUT file(s) from SLURM associated to this object}
#' \item{err} {: logical - if TRUE deletes STDERR file(s) from SLURM associated to this object}
#' }
#' \cr Return: \cr self - for method concatenation
#' }
#' }
#' @return \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods and fields for SLURM job manipulation
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' jobInfo <- JobInfo$new()
#' }
JobInfo <- R6::R6Class(classname = "JobInfo",
public = list(
initialize = function(jobName = NULL, outDir = NULL, partition = NULL, time = NULL, mem = NULL, proc = NULL,
totalProc = NULL, nodes = NULL, email = NULL){
#Set defaults
outDir <- getwd()
jobName <- paste(c("rSubmitter_job_", as.character(sample(0:9, 10, T))), collapse="")
#Validate args
stop("jobName argument has to be character")
if(!is.character(outDir) | !dir.exists(outDir))
stop("outDir argument has to be character and a valid path")
if(!is.character(partition) & !is.null(partition))
stop("partition argument has to be character or NULL")
if(!is.character(time) & !is.null(time))
stop("time argument has to be character or NULL")
if(!is.character(time) & !is.null(time))
stop("time argument has to be character or NULL")
if(!is.character(mem) & !is.null(mem))
stop("mem argument has to be character or NULL")
if(!is.numeric(proc) & !is.null(proc))
stop("proc argument has to be numeric or NULL")
if(!is.numeric(totalProc) & !is.null(totalProc))
stop("totalProc argument has to be numeric or NULL")
if(!is.numeric(nodes) & !is.null(nodes))
stop("nodes argument has to be numeric or NULL")
if(!is.character(email) & !is.null(email))
stop("email argument has to be character or NULL")
outDir <- path.expand(outDir)
#Set instances
private$jobName <- jobName
private$outDir <- outDir
private$partition <- partition
private$time <- time
private$mem <- mem
private$proc <- proc
private$totalProc <- totalProc
private$nodes <- nodes
private$email <- email
private$maxJobs <- as.numeric(rSubmitterOpts$MAX_JOBS_ALLOWED)
private$timeWaitMaxjobs <- as.numeric(rSubmitterOpts$TIME_WAIT_MAX_JOBS)
private$username <- rSubmitterOpts$USERNAME
private$scriptPath <- file.path(outDir, paste0(jobName , ".batch"))
private$outPath <- file.path(outDir, paste0(jobName , ".out"))
private$errPath <- file.path(outDir, paste0(jobName , ".err"))
private$waitForCompletion <- rSubmitterOpts$TIME_WAIT_JOB_STATUS
private$dateCreation <- format(Sys.time() - 1,"%m/%d/%y-%H:%M:%S")
printOptions = function() {
cat(paste0(private$scriptVector, collapse = "\n"), "\n")
# getState (simplify = F)
# Gets a state table as a data.frame with 3 columns
# jobId, jobName, and jobState
# If simplify is TRUE it returns a frequency table of unique
# state
# @param simplify - Logical, if true it returns a frequncy table
# @return data.frame or table object
getState = function(simplify = F) {
stop("Not job id associated yet, make sure to submit job first, i.e. x$submit()")
jobInfo <- getJobState(private$jobId, dateJob = private$dateCreation)
if(simplify) {
jobInfo <- private$expandJobArrayStates(jobInfo)
jobInfo <- table(jobInfo$jobState)
# clean(script = TRUE, out = TRUE, err = TRUE)
# Eliminate one or more of the job-associated files, i.e. sbatch script, erro and output from SLURM
# @param script Logical - if TRUE deletes sbatch submission script
# @param out Logical - if TRUE deletes output from SLURM
# @param err Logical - if TRUE deletes error file(s) from SLURM
clean = function(script = TRUE, out = TRUE, err = TRUE) {
stop("Cannot remove files now because jobs are not finished. Consider doing x$wait() and then x$removeJobFiles()")
if(out) {
toRemove <- private$outPath
toRemove <- gsub("_%A_%a", "*", toRemove)
if(err) {
toRemove <- private$errPath
toRemove <- gsub("_%A_%a", "*", toRemove)
# cancel()
# Cancel a job
cancel = function() {
stop("Can't cancel. Job(s) has not been submitted. Consider doing x$submit()")
stateTable <- self$getState()
jobsToCancel <- stateTable[stateTable$jobState %in% private$running, "jobId"]
if(private$isJobArray) {
nJobs <- sum(private$expandJobArrayStates(stateTable)$jobState %in% private$running)
} else {
nJobs <- length(jobsToCancel)
if(length(jobsToCancel) == 0) {
warning("\nNo jobs to cancel, potential reasons:\n",
" 1. Jobs are still in the process of submission\n",
" 2. All jobs were completed already\n",
" 3. There are no existing jobs\n",
"To troubleshoot do x$getState()\n")
} else {
printTime("Cancelling ", nJobs, " job(s)\n")
printTime("Finished sending cancel signal\n")
# wait(stopIfFailed = F, verbose = T)
# Waits for the submmited job(s) to be completed
# Time in between each status check can be set in the config file
# located at ~/.rSubmitter in the entry TIME_WAIT_JOB_STATUS:seconds
# @param stopIfFailed Logical - if TRUE stops waiting when one job has failed (only useful for
# JobArray), it then cancels the rests of the pending and running jobs.
# If FALSE and one or more Jobs failed it raises warnings for each failed
# job.
# @param verbose Logical - if TRUE prints the job state(s) at every check.
# @return self
wait = function(stopIfFailed = F, verbose = T) {
nodeFailedTrials = 5
while(TRUE) {
stateTable <- self$getState()
stateTable <- private$expandJobArrayStates(stateTable)
state <- stateTable$jobState
if(verbose) {
jobStatesFreq <- table(state)
printTime("--- Cluster Status |", carriageReturn = T )
for(s in names(jobStatesFreq))
cat(" ", s, "=", jobStatesFreq[s], "|")
if(any(state %in% private$failed)) {
if(any(state %in% private$nodeFailed) & nodeFailedTrials > 0 ) {
printTime("Failed to communicate with node, trying again (", nodeFailedTrials, ")\n")
nodeFailedTrials = nodeFailedTrials - 1
failed <- stateTable[state %in% private$failed,]
if(private$isJobArray) {
failedPaths <- file.path(dirname(private$errPath), paste0(failed$jobName, "_", failed$jobId, ".[err|out]"))
} else {
failedPaths <- file.path(dirname(private$errPath), paste0(failed$jobName, ".[err|out]"))
if(stopIfFailed) {
stop("\nOne or more jobs failed. All jobs have now been cancelled. Failed jobs SLURM files:\n", paste(failedPaths, collapse = "\n"))
if(all(state %in% c(private$completed, private$failed)))
if(!stopIfFailed & any(state %in% private$failed))
warning("\nOne or more jobs failed. Failed jobs SLURM files:\n", paste(failedPaths, collapse = "\n"))
private = list(
scriptVector = vector(),
jobName = NULL,
isJobArray = FALSE,
isSubmitted = FALSE,
outDir = NULL,
partition = NULL,
time = NULL,
mem = NULL,
proc = NULL,
totalProc = NULL,
nodes = NULL,
email = NULL,
maxJobs = NULL,
timeWaitMaxjobs = NULL,
username = NULL,
scriptPath = NULL,
outPath = NULL,
errPath = NULL,
jobId = NULL,
waitForCompletion = NULL,
dateCreation = NULL,
completed = "COMPLETED",
nodeFailed = "NODE_FAIL",
notAvail = c("NOTAVAIL"),
# createScriptVector
# creates a private vector where each element is one line for
# a submission script containing the options of the script
createScriptVector = function() {
arg <- "#SBATCH "
args <- "#!/bin/bash\n"
args <- c(args, paste0(arg , "--job-name=" , private$jobName))
args <- c(args, paste0(arg , "--output=" , private$outPath))
args <- c(args, paste0(arg , "--error=" , private$errPath))
if (!is.null(private$partition))
args <- c(args, paste0(arg , "--partition=" , private$partition))
if (!is.null(private$time))
args <- c(args, paste0(arg , "--time=" , private$time))
if (!is.null(private$nodes))
args <- c(args, paste0(arg , "--nodes=" , as.character(private$nodes)))
if (!is.null(private$mem))
args <- c(args, paste0(arg , "--mem=" , private$mem))
if (!is.null(private$email)){
args <- c(args, paste0(arg , "--mail-type=END"))
args <- c(args, paste0(arg , "--mail-user=" , private$email))
if (!is.null(private$proc))
args <- c(args, paste0(arg , "--cpus-per-task=" , as.character(private$proc)))
if (!is.null(private$totalProc))
args <- c(args, paste0(arg , "--ntasks=" , as.character(private$totalProc)))
private$scriptVector <- args
# Logical functions to assess job states
areAllDone = function() {
return(all(self$getState()$jobState %in% c(private$completed, private$failed)))
areAllCompleted = function() {
return(all(self$getState()$jobState %in% private$completed))
areAllFailed = function() {
return(all(self$getState()$jobState %in% private$failed))
areAllRunning = function() {
return(all(self$getState()$jobState %in% private$running))
areAllNotAvail = function() {
return(all(self$getState()$jobState %in% private$notAvail))
isCompleted = function () {
return(any(self$getState()$jobState %in% private$completed))
isFailed = function () {
return(any(self$getState()$jobState %in% private$failed))
isRunning = function() {
return(any(self$getState()$jobState %in% private$running))
isNotAvail = function() {
return(any(self$getState()$jobState %in% private$notAvail))
# Functions to retrieve number of different types of jobs
nRunning = function() {
return(sum(self$getState()$jobState %in% private$running))
# expandJobArrayStates
# from a state table obtain from public$getState()
# It expands any jobs of the form jobId_[1-100] to multiple rows
# of the form jobId_1, jobId_2, ... , jobId_100
expandJobArrayStates = function(jobStateTable) {
toExpand <- grepl("_\\[\\d+-\\d+\\]", jobStateTable$jobId)
if(any(toExpand)) {
toExpandTable <- jobStateTable[toExpand,]
jobIds <- gsub("(.+)_\\[\\d+-\\d+\\]", "\\1", toExpandTable$jobId)
fromI <- gsub(".+_\\[(\\d+)-\\d+\\]", "\\1", toExpandTable$jobId)
toI <- gsub(".+_\\[\\d+-(\\d+)\\]", "\\1", toExpandTable$jobId)
expanded <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(toExpandTable)){
expanded[[i]] <- data.frame(jobId = paste0(jobIds[i], "_", seq(fromI[i], toI[i])),
jobName = toExpandTable[i,"jobName"],
jobState = toExpandTable[i,"jobState"])
expanded[[i+1]] <- jobStateTable[!toExpand,]
jobStateTable <- do.call(rbind, expanded)
errorIfSubmittedRunning = function() {
if(private$isSubmitted) {
if(!private$areAllDone()) {
stop("Can't submit. There is current job(s) running from this object. Consider doing x$cancel()")
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