
Defines functions process_atsea_year commLFs.fn SetUpHakeBDS.fn process_age_shore process_age_sea

Documented in process_age_sea process_age_shore

#' Process age data from the Pacific Hake U.S. at-sea fishery
#' @param atsea.ages An R object with NORPAC ages. The default value is `NULL`,
#'   where the object will be read from a saved object within a directory called
#'   extractedData.
#' @param ncatch An R object of NORPAC catches. The default value is loaded from
#'   the disk using [get_local()]. Otherwise, the R object is typically stored
#'   in the `hakedata` environment.
#' @param years A vector of integers specifying the years of data that you wish
#'   to process. Typically all years prior to 2008 are left static despite
#'   updates to the data.
#' @param ages A vector of ages to be included in the composition data.
#' The default is to include ages from one to fifteen.
#' @param files File paths to the exported csv files. Must have lower case
#'   `"cp"` or `"ms"` in the file name so the correct vessel type is chosen.
#' @param write A logical specifying if the data should be written to the disk.
#'   The default is `TRUE`.
#' @return A list object with summary information regrading the composition
#' data. Multiple files are saved to the disk as well. These saved files
#' include summary information in ...report.txt files and comps.csv files.
#' @export
#' @author Kelli F. Johnson
process_age_sea <- function(
  atsea.ages = get_local(file = "nages.Rdat"),
  ncatch = get_local(file = "ncatch.Rdat"),
  years = 2008:hake::get_data_yr(),
  ages = 1:15,
  files = fs::path(
    glue::glue("us-{c('cp', 'ms')}-age-proportions.csv")
  write = TRUE) {

  # Output raw ages
  raw_ages <- dplyr::filter(
    Year %in% years,
  ) |>
      y = ncatch |>
        dplyr::filter(SPECIES == species_norpac) |>
        dplyr::select(HAULJOIN, HAUL, vesseltype),
    ) |>
      AGE = ifelse(AGE > 15, 15, AGE)
    ) |>
    dplyr::rename(year = Year) |>
    dplyr::group_by(year, AGE, vesseltype) |>
    dplyr::count() |>
      names_from = AGE,
      values_from = n
    ) |>
      .fns = \(x) tidyr::replace_na(x, 0)
    )) |>
    tidyr::nest(gg = -"vesseltype") |>
      lower_name = tolower(vesseltype),
      name = fs::path(
        .x = gg,
        .y = name,
        .f = \(x, y) utils::write.csv(x, y, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

  processed <- purrr::map(
    .x = ifelse(test = grepl("ms", files), yes = 2, no = 1),
    .f = ~ process_atsea_year(
      dat = atsea.ages,
      ncatch = ncatch %>%
        dplyr::filter(SPECIES == species_norpac),
      minAge = 1,
      maxAge = 15,
      vesselType = .x,
      in.pctl = 0.95
    ) %>%
        id_cols = year,
        names_from = AGE,
        values_from = comp,
        unused_fn = max
      ) %>%
      dplyr::relocate(`num_fish`, `num_samples`, .after = year)
    .x = processed,
    .y = files,
    .f = ~ utils::write.csv(
      x = .x,
      file = .y,
      quote = FALSE,
      row.names = FALSE

#' Workup shoreside composition data
#' Provide composition data from the U.S. Shoreside
#' hake fishery. Written by Allan Hicks in 2016 and
#' revised in 2017 by Ian G. Taylor.
#' @param page PacFIN biological data from the comprehensive database.
#' @param ages Vector of ages to keep.
#' @export
#' @author Kelli F. Johnson
#' @return todo: document the return
process_age_shore <- function(page = get_local("page.Rdat"),
                              ages = 1:15) {
  page.worked <- page[!is.na(page$AGE), ]
  page.worked$SEX <- factor(page.worked$SEX)
  dat <- SetUpHakeBDS.fn(page.worked,
    verbose = FALSE,
    max.mmLength = 1000, dataTypes = c("C"),
    sampleMethods = c("R"), sampleTypes = c(NA, "", "C", "M"),
    states = c("CA", "OR", "WA", "PW")

  raw_ages <- page.worked |>
    dplyr::group_by(SAMPLE_YEAR, AGE) |>
      AGE = sprintf("%02d", ifelse(AGE > 15, 15, AGE))
    ) |>
    dplyr::arrange(AGE) |>
    dplyr::count() |>
      names_from = AGE,
      values_from = n,
      names_sort = TRUE
    ) |>
    dplyr::rename(year = SAMPLE_YEAR) |>
      .cols = dplyr::starts_with("0"),
      .fn = \(x) gsub("^0", "", x)
    ) |>
      .fns = \(x) tidyr::replace_na(x, 0)
    )) |>
      file = fs::path(hakedata_wd(), "us-sb-age-raw.csv"),
      row.names = FALSE,
      quote = FALSE

  nFishbygear <- table(dat$SAMPLE_YEAR, dat$gear)
  nSamp <- apply(
    table(dat$SAMPLE_YEAR, dat$SAMPLE_NO),
    function(x) {
      sum(x > 0)
  nFish <- table(dat$SAMPLE_YEAR, useNA = "ifany")

   # so that it doesn't need to expand up states and won't need a catch file
  dat$state <- "PW"
  # Relationship assumes FISH_WEIGHT is in grams and FISH_LENGTH is cm
  out.lm <- lm(log(FISH_WEIGHT) ~ log(FISH_LENGTH / 10), data = dat)
  # Must keep the next line as is, don't try to make it shorter!
  lw <- data.frame(OR = c(exp(out.lm$coefficients[1]), out.lm$coefficients[2]))

  LFs <- commLFs.fn(dat, lw,
    gear = NULL, state = "PW",
    catchFile = NULL,
    maxExpansion = 1e9, verbose = FALSE,
    loessSpan = 0.3, ageComp = TRUE

  tmp <- LFs$all$PW
  afs <- matrix(NA,
    ncol = length(ages) + 3, nrow = length(tmp),
    dimnames = list(NULL, c("year", "num_fish", "num_samples", paste0(ages)))
  for (i in 1:length(tmp)) {
    tmp2 <- tmp[[i]]
    afs[i, "year"] <- tmp2$year[1]
    afs[i, paste0(min(ages))] <- sum(tmp2[tmp2$age <= min(ages), "lf"])
    afs[i, paste0(max(ages))] <- sum(tmp2[tmp2$age >= max(ages), "lf"])
    for (j in (min(ages) + 1):(max(ages) - 1)) {
      if (sum(tmp2$age == j)) {
        afs[i, paste0(j)] <- tmp2[tmp2$age == j, "lf"]
      } else {
        afs[i, paste0(j)] <- 0
  while (length(dev.list()) > 0) {

  afs[, "num_samples"] <- nSamp[as.character(afs[, "year"])]
  afs[, "num_fish"] <- nFish[as.character(afs[, "year"])]
  # Deal with not wanting scientific notation in output
  oldoptions <- options()
  options(scipen = 999)
  on.exit(options(sciepen = oldoptions[["scipen"]]), add = TRUE)
    file = fs::path(hakedata_wd(), "us-sb-age-proportions.csv"),
    row.names = FALSE,
    quote = FALSE


SetUpHakeBDS.fn <- function(
  verbose = TRUE,
  max.mmLength = 1000,
  dataTypes = c("C"),
  sampleMethods = c("R"),
  sampleTypes = c("", "C", "M"),
  states = c("CA", "OR", "WA")
) {
  # Reads in the BDS data and creates additional columns as well as filters the data
  # Columns added are:
  # length.cm
  # NOTE: There is an MPT gear type which is midwater trawl catcher/processor (why are the landing it?)
  #           There are MPT samples in summer when no CP's were fishing

  BDS$length.cm <- BDS$FISH_LENGTH / 10 # lengths in cm

  BDS$gear <- NA
  BDS$gear[BDS$GRID %in% c("SST", "SHT", "PWT", "DST", "DSG")] <- NA # "ShrimpTrawl"
  BDS$gear[BDS$GRID %in% c("RLT", "GFT", "GFS", "GFL", "FTS", "FFT", "BTT", "BMT", "56")] <- "BottomTrawl"
  BDS$gear[BDS$GRID %in% c("OTW", "MDT", "54", "MPT")] <- "MidwaterTrawl"
  BDS$gear[BDS$GRID %in% c("PRT", "DNT")] <- NA # "MiscTrawl"
  BDS$gear[BDS$GRID %in% c("BTR", "CLP", "CPT", "FPT", "OPT", "PRW")] <- NA # "Pot"
  BDS$gear[BDS$GRID %in% c("HKL", "JIG", "LGL", "OHL", "POL", "TRL", "VHL")] <- "HnL"
  BDS$gear[BDS$GRID %in% c("DPN", "DGN", "GLN", "ONT", "SEN", "STN")] <- "Net"
  BDS$gear[BDS$GRID %in% c("DVG", "USP", "UNK", "XXX")] <- NA # "Other"   #MPT is CP midwater

  if (verbose) {
    cat("There are", sum(is.na(BDS$gear)), "rows out of", nrow(BDS), "where gear is not classified as", unique(BDS$gear), ".\n\n")

  BDS$state <- NA
  BDS$state[BDS$SOURCE_AGID == "C"] <- "CA"
  BDS$state[BDS$SOURCE_AGID == "O"] <- "OR"
  BDS$state[BDS$SOURCE_AGID == "W"] <- "WA"
  BDS$state[BDS$SAMPLE_AGENCY == "PW"] <- "PW"

  # drop columns that have all NA's
  ind <- apply(BDS, 2, function(x) {
  }) # goes column by column and returns TRUE for columns with all NA's
  if (verbose) {
    cat("These columns were dropped:\n")
  BDS <- BDS[, !ind]

  # filter out the rows that will not be used
  keep <- rep(T, nrow(BDS)) # TRUE means to omit that row
  totKeep <- sum(keep)
  keep <- keep & (BDS$state %in% states)
  if (verbose) {
    cat(totKeep - sum(keep), "rows omitted becasue not a specified state:", states, "\n")
  totKeep <- sum(keep)
  keep <- keep & (!is.na(BDS$gear))
  if (verbose) {
    cat(totKeep - sum(keep), "rows omitted becasue not a specified gear:", unique(BDS$gear), "\n")
  totKeep <- sum(keep)
  keep <- keep & !is.na(BDS$FISH_LENGTH) # omit missing observations of length
  if (verbose) {
    cat(totKeep - sum(keep), "rows omitted becasue of NA in Fish Length\n")
  totKeep <- sum(keep)
  keep <- keep & BDS$FISH_LENGTH > 0 # omit lengths 0 or less
  if (verbose) {
    cat(totKeep - sum(keep), "rows omitted becasue of Fish Length <= 0\n")
  totKeep <- sum(keep)
  keep <- keep & BDS$FISH_LENGTH <= max.mmLength # omit fish greater than maxLength
  if (verbose) {
    cat(totKeep - sum(keep), "rows omitted becasue of Fish Length >", max.mmLength, "mm\n")
  totKeep <- sum(keep)
  keep <- keep & BDS$DATA_TYPE %in% dataTypes # types of data such as commercial or survey
  if (verbose) {
    cat(totKeep - sum(keep), "rows omitted becasue dataTypes were not of type", dataTypes, "\n")
  totKeep <- sum(keep)

  midFilterBDS <- BDS[keep, ] # save this to use for calcualting the median landing weights

  keep <- keep & BDS$SAMPLE_METHOD %in% sampleMethods # sampling method such as random, stratified, special,...
  if (verbose) {
    cat(totKeep - sum(keep), "rows omitted becasue sampleMethods were not of type", sampleMethods, "\n")
  totKeep <- sum(keep)
  keep <- keep & BDS$SAMPLE_TYPE %in% sampleTypes # sampling type such as market, research, special
  if (verbose) {
    cat(totKeep - sum(keep), "rows omitted becasue sampleTypes were not of type", sampleTypes, "\n")
  totKeep <- sum(keep)
  if (verbose) {
    cat(sum(keep), "rows retained out of", nrow(BDS), "based on filtering.\n")
  BDS <- BDS[keep, ]

  # BDS$length.cm <- round(BDS$length.cm,0)                         #round all lengths to nearest cm
  # if(verbose) cat("Lengths were rounded to the nearest cm in length.cm\n")
  BDS$length.cm <- floor(BDS$length.cm) # floor all lengths to nearest cm

  # set up total weights for expansion
  # use EXP_WT if provided (for OR only)
  # use TOTAL_WGT otherwise
  BDS$totalWt <- rep(NA, nrow(BDS))
  ind <- !is.na(BDS$TOTAL_WGT) & BDS$TOTAL_WGT > 0 # use total weight  where available
  BDS$totalWt[ind] <- BDS$TOTAL_WGT[ind]
  ind <- !is.na(BDS$EXP_WT) & BDS$EXP_WT > 0 # OR samples with an expanded total weight
  BDS$totalWt[ind] <- BDS$EXP_WT[ind] # replace any total weights with these expanded (IAN used exp_wts for Ebglish Sole, but did not use TOTAL_WGT from OR)

  # Some agencies do not have a total weight or cluster weight (WA)
  # sum up FISH_WEIGHTS to get a total and cluster weight
  # coded real quick and sloppy for now
  # Fills in MALES_WGT, FEMALES_WGT, and CLUSTER_WGT with sum of individual fish weights
  for (iii in unique(BDS$SAMPLE_NO)) {
    tmp <- BDS[BDS$SAMPLE_NO == iii, ]
    if (is.na(sum(tmp$MALES_WGT))) {
      BDS[BDS$SAMPLE_NO == iii, "MALES_WGT"] <- sum(tmp$FISH_WEIGHT[tmp$SEX == "M"])
    if (is.na(sum(tmp$MALES_NUM))) {
      BDS[BDS$SAMPLE_NO == iii, "MALES_NUM"] <- sum(tmp$SEX == "M")
    if (is.na(sum(tmp$FEMALES_WGT))) {
      BDS[BDS$SAMPLE_NO == iii, "FEMALES_WGT"] <- sum(tmp$FISH_WEIGHT[tmp$SEX == "F"])
    if (is.na(sum(tmp$FEMALES_NUM))) {
      BDS[BDS$SAMPLE_NO == iii, "FEMALES_NUM"] <- sum(tmp$SEX == "F")
    if (is.na(sum(tmp$CLUSTER_WGT))) {
      # FISH_WEIGHT is in g and CLUSTER_WGT is in lb
      BDS[BDS$SAMPLE_NO == iii, "CLUSTER_WGT"] <- sum(tmp$FISH_WEIGHT) * 0.00220462

  if (verbose) {
    cat("\nThe final dimensions of the filtered dataframe are:\n")

  BDS$SAMPLE_NO <- as.character(BDS$SAMPLE_NO)


# Copied functions from PacFIN
commLFs.fn <- function(bds,
                       gear = "TWL",
                       state = NULL,
                       catchFile = NULL,
                       maxExpansion = 300,
                       verbose = TRUE,
                       normalize = TRUE,
                       # TODO: Get rid of doSexRatio
                       doSexRatio = TRUE,
                       sexRatioUnsexed = NA,
                       maxSizeUnsexed = NA,
                       loessSpan = 0.3,
                       ageComp = FALSE) {
  # lw is a data.frame of length-weight params with columns as parameters for different sexes (and unsexed) and rows as WA, OR, CA (1, 2, 3)
  #      # create a predicted fish weight based on state and length
  #   Use unsexed because of uncertainty
  #   use cm and kg for length and weight for fitted regression coefficients!)
  #   lw=data.frame(WA=c(5.6992e-6,3.2523),OR=c(6.8960e-6,3.1873),CA=c(9.4427e-6,3.0855)),
  # sexRatioUnsexed is the ratio to assume for unsexed fish less than maxSizeUnsexed
  # maxExpansion of 300 is about where 20% ofthe samples would be capped, it is also where there is a kink in cumsum

  ### Fixes (2021-01-04)
  bds[bds[, "SAMPLE_NO"] == "OR140657", "EXP_WT"] <- 306280 # Ali knows and is fixing it

  # set up the expansion based on landed weight to cluster weight
  # if that isn't available, check for species landed weight (RWT_LBS) to species weight
  # if that isn't available, guess
  # use totalWt that was created in BDS_filterData.R, unless missing
  # bds$TOTAL_WGT[is.na(bds$TOTAL_WGT)] <- 0
  bds$usetot_wgt <- NA
  bds$sampleWgt <- NA

  # create a predicted fish weight based on sex and length
  # uses cm and kg ans length and weight units
  # these will be summed to give the sample weight, however
  # don't need to use this because expand cluster weight to total weight because they are cluster sampling a mixture of species
  bds$predwt <- NA
  bds$predwt[bds$state %in% "WA"] <- lw$WA[1] * ((bds$FISH_LENGTH[bds$state %in% "WA"] / 10)^lw$WA[2])
  bds$predwt[bds$state %in% "OR"] <- lw$OR[1] * ((bds$FISH_LENGTH[bds$state %in% "OR"] / 10)^lw$OR[2])
  bds$predwt[bds$state %in% "PW"] <- lw$OR[1] * ((bds$FISH_LENGTH[bds$state %in% "PW"] / 10)^lw$OR[2])
  bds$predwt[bds$state %in% "CA"] <- lw$CA[1] * ((bds$FISH_LENGTH[bds$state %in% "CA"] / 10)^lw$CA[2])

    data = bds,
    ylab = "Weight (g)", xlab = "Length (mm)"
  points(predwt ~ FISH_LENGTH, data = bds, col = "red")
  mtext(side = 3, line = -1, "Predicted weights in red")

  bds$predWtSum <- ave(bds$predwt, bds$SAMPLE_NO, FUN = sum)
  if (any(is.na(bds$predWtSum))) {
    stop("There are some predicted weights that are NA. This means that there are NA's in lengths, the parameters, or somewhere else.")
  bds[, "all_cluster_sum"] <- ave(ifelse(
    duplicated(paste(bds$SAMPLE_NO, bds$CLUSTER_NO)),
    0, bds$CLUSTER_WGT
  ), bds$SAMPLE_NO, FUN = sum)

  # WA does not have a sample weight
  # I will calcualte sample weight from individual fish weights (filled in using setUp function) or l-w parameters
  ### This is likely incorrect, but may not cause too much bias. The totalWt is probably the landing of mixed species, and the sample was taken from the mixed species
  ### Theoretically, the best weighting would be totalWt:SampleWt, not totalWT:SpeciesWt.
  ### So, expansion factors are probably bigger than actual, although for hake the catches are predominately hake
  # missing fields will assume an expansion of 1
  ind <- bds$SOURCE_AGID %in% c("W")
  bds$usetot_wgt[ind] <- bds$totalWt[ind]

  bds$sampleWgt[ind] <- bds$all_cluster_sum[ind]
  ind <- ind & is.na(bds$sampleWgt)
  bds$sampleWgt[ind] <- bds$CLUSTER_WGT[ind]
  ind <- ind & is.na(bds$sampleWgt)
  bds$sampleWgt[ind] <- bds$predWtSum[ind] * 0.00220462

  ind <- (bds$SOURCE_AGID %in% c("W")) & is.na(bds$usetot_wgt)
  bds$usetot_wgt[ind] <- bds$sampleWgt[ind]

  # OR uses expanded weight, lbs
  ind <- !is.na(bds$EXP_WT) & bds$SOURCE_AGID == "O"
  bds$usetot_wgt[ind] <- bds$EXP_WT[ind]

  ind <- bds$SOURCE_AGID == "O"
  bds$sampleWgt[ind] <- bds$all_cluster_sum[ind]
  ind <- ind & is.na(bds$sampleWgt)
  # todo: fix this b/c cluster weight is filled in above, and filled in
  # values are not included in all_cluster_sum b/c I calculate that upon download
  bds$sampleWgt[ind] <- bds$CLUSTER_WGT[ind]
  ind <- ind & is.na(bds$sampleWgt)
  bds$sampleWgt[ind] <- bds$predWtSum[ind]

  # CA uses total weight, lbs and all_cluster_wgt because multiple clusters
  # all cluster wt is the weight of the sample, which might not be all one species.
  # So, use specieswt
  # TOTAL_WGT is the weight of the landing for what was sampled in cluster
  # it looks like the ratio should be either RWT_LBS/allSPECIES_WGT or TOTAL_WGT/all_cluster_sum
  # the difference is when the cluster sample is not specifically widow, but a mix
  ind <- bds$SOURCE_AGID == "C" & !is.na(bds$TOTAL_WGT)
  # first try to fill in TOTAL_WGT/all_cluster_sum
  bds$usetot_wgt[ind] <- bds$TOTAL_WGT[ind]
  bds$sampleWgt[ind] <- bds$all_cluster_sum[ind]
  # then go for RWT_LBS/allSPECIES_WGT for ones that don't have both of above

  # ind2 <- ind & is.na(bds$usetot_wgt) | is.na(bds$sampleWgt) & !is.na(bds$RWT_LBS)
  # bds$usetot_wgt[ind2] <- bds$RWT_LBS[ind2]
  # ind2 <- ind & (is.na(bds$usetot_wgt) | is.na(bds$sampleWgt)) &!is.na(bds$allSpSum)
  # bds$sampleWgt[ind] <- bds$allSpSum[ind]

  ind <- is.na(bds$sampleWgt)
  bds$sampleWgt[ind] <- bds$predWtSum[ind]

  # using predWt here with total landing is no different than other states, even though expansion may be larger than it should
  # bds$usetot_wgt[ind & is.na(bds$usetot_wgt)] <- bds$all_cluster_sum[ind & is.na(bds$usetot_wgt)]*0.999*0.45359237

  # possibly use median from the right agency where total landed weight missing (if weights are missing)
  # fill in missing landings weights with predicted weights (could do medians or something also, before expansion) I will set expansion to 0.999 because
  # only 2 samples from OR and 63 from CA (mostly early years) has missing values (WA likely has a lot of missing species weights, but I used predWt)
  # so I'm just going to use 0.999 as the expansion (filled in later)
  # ind <- bds$SOURCE_AGID == "O"
  # bds$usetot_wgt[ind & is.na(bds$usetot_wgt)] <- bds$all_cluster_sum[ind & is.na(bds$usetot_wgt)]*0.999*0.45359237

  bds$usetot_wgt <- as.numeric(bds$usetot_wgt)
  bds$sampleWgt <- as.numeric(bds$sampleWgt)

  # calculate expansion factors
  # compute an expansion factor for each length observation
  # Owen's recommended power function to account for non-homogeneity within a trip
  bds$expand <- (bds$usetot_wgt / bds$sampleWgt)^0.9
  bds$effN <- bds$sampleWgt^0.8

  bds$expand[is.na(bds$expand)] <- 0.999 # arbitrary, but I can see which ones

  samps <- bds[!duplicated(bds$SAMPLE_NO), ]
  row.names(samps) <- samps$SAMPLE_NO
  if (NROW(samps[is.na(samps$usetot_wgt), ]) > 0) {
    stop("There are missing weights and you need to change the code to fill them in.")

  if (verbose) {
    if (sum(bds$expand < 0.999)) {
      cat("There are", sum(bds$expand < 0.999), "expansion factors less than 0.999.\n")
    if (sum(bds$expand > maxExpansion) > 0) {
        "There are", sum(bds$expand > maxExpansion),
        "expansion factors greater than", maxExpansion, "\n"
    par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
    ##### expansion factors by state
    boxplot(split(bds$expand, bds$state), xlab = "State", ylab = "expansion to landing factor", outline = FALSE)
    boxplot(split(bds$expand, bds$state), xlab = "State", ylab = "expansion to landing factor", ylim = c(0, maxExpansion))
    windows(height = 5, width = 6.5)
    plot(cumsum(table(round(samps$expand, 0), useNA = "ifany")) / nrow(samps))

  bds$expand[bds$expand < 0.999] <- 0.998
  bds$expand[bds$expand > maxExpansion] <- maxExpansion

  ##### expansion factors by state
  boxplot(split(bds$expand, bds$state), xlab = "State", ylab = "expansion to landing factor")

  # USE sex ratio to assign unsexed fish to M or F
  if (doSexRatio) {
    tmp.split <- split(bds$SEX, bds$length.cm)
    x.fn <- function(x) {
      xx <- table(x)
      out <- xx["F"] / (xx["F"] + xx["M"])
      names(out) <- NULL
    propF <- unlist(lapply(tmp.split, x.fn))
    nobs <- unlist(lapply(tmp.split, function(x) {
      sum(x == "M" | x == "F")
    lens <- as.numeric(names(propF))
    if (verbose) {
      windows(height = 5, width = 6.5)
      plot(lens, propF, type = "l", col = "red", xlab = "Length (cm)", ylab = "Fraction female", ylim = c(0, 1), main = "Sex Ratio")
      symbols(lens, propF, circles = nobs, inches = 0.1, fg = "red", bg = rgb(1, 0, 0, alpha = 0.5), add = T)
    propF[lens <= 28] <- 0.5
    propF[lens > 55] <- 1
    nobs[lens <= 28] <- max(nobs)
    lo <- loess(propF ~ lens, weights = nobs, span = loessSpan) # determined by eye
    sexRatio <- predict(lo, newdata = data.frame(lens = min(bds$length.cm):max(bds$length.cm)))
    names(sexRatio) <- as.numeric(min(bds$length.cm):max(bds$length.cm))
    sexRatio[sexRatio > 1] <- 1
    if (verbose) {
      lines(lens, propF, col = "darkgreen")
      lines(as.numeric(names(sexRatio)), sexRatio, col = "blue")
      legend("topleft", c("Data", "Data w/ Assumed", "LOESS"), col = c("red", "darkgreen", "blue"), lty = 1)
    bds$sexRatio <- sexRatio[match(bds$length.cm, as.numeric(names(sexRatio)))]
    bds$FREQ <- as.numeric(bds$FREQ)

    bdsSexRatio <- bds
    tmpF <- tmpM <- bdsSexRatio[bdsSexRatio$SEX == "U", ]
    tmpF$SEX <- "F"
    tmpM$SEX <- "M"
    tmpF$FREQ <- tmpF$sexRatio
    tmpM$FREQ <- 1 - tmpM$sexRatio
    bdsSexRatio <- rbind(bdsSexRatio, tmpM, tmpF)
    # for(i in 1:nrow(bdsSexRatio)) {
    #     if(bdsSexRatio$SEX[i] == "U") {
    #         tmpM <- tmpF <- bdsSexRatio[i,]
    #         tmpM$SEX <- "M"
    #         tmpF$SEX <- "F"
    #         tmpM$FREQ <- 1-tmpM$sexRatio
    #         tmpF$FREQ <- tmpF$sexRatio
    #         bdsSexRatio <- rbind(bdsSexRatio,tmpM,tmpF)
    #     }
    # }
  } else {
    bdsSexRatio <- bds

  if (ageComp) {
    # switch age into length.cm to trick the code
    # Do this now so that sex ratio is determined using lengths
    origLength <- bds$length.cm
    bds$length.cm <- bds$AGE
    origLengthSexRatio <- bdsSexRatio$length.cm
    bdsSexRatio$length.cm <- bdsSexRatio$AGE

  # get the number of observed lengths for each sample
  tmp <- table(bds$SAMPLE_NO, !is.na(bds$length.cm))[, "TRUE"] # numer of lengths in each sample
  samps$obsSampNum <- NA
  samps[names(tmp), "obsSampNum"] <- tmp

  bdsSampsInd <- match(bds$SAMPLE_NO, samps$SAMPLE_NO)

  bds$numLens <- NA
  bds$numLens <- samps[bdsSampsInd, "obsSampNum"]

  samps <- bds[!duplicated(bds$SAMPLE_NO), ]
  row.names(samps) <- samps$SAMPLE_NO


  # the effective number of fish in each length is the expansion factor (b/c only one per length)
  # except if fish are put in from sex ratio. Then it is expand*FREQ
  # aggregate the effective number to build the composition data for each sex
  tmp <- bdsSexRatio[bdsSexRatio$SEX == "M", ]
  if (nrow(tmp) > 0) {
    maleLenComps <- aggregate(
      tmp$expand * tmp$FREQ,
      list(state = tmp$state, year = tmp$SAMPLE_YEAR, sex = tmp$SEX, length = tmp$length.cm),
  } else {
    maleLenComps <- data.frame(state = NA, year = NA, sex = NA, length = NA, x = NA)

  tmp <- bdsSexRatio[bdsSexRatio$SEX == "F", ]
  if (nrow(tmp) > 0) {
    femaleLenComps <- aggregate(
      tmp$expand * tmp$FREQ,
      list(state = tmp$state, year = tmp$SAMPLE_YEAR, sex = tmp$SEX, length = tmp$length.cm),
  } else {
    maleLenComps <- data.frame(state = NA, year = NA, sex = NA, length = NA, x = NA)

  tmp <- bds[bds$SEX == "U", ] # FREQ should be all be 1
  if (nrow(tmp) > 0) {
    unsexedLenComps <- aggregate(
      list(state = tmp$state, year = tmp$SAMPLE_YEAR, sex = tmp$SEX, length = tmp$length.cm),
  } else {
    unsexedLenComps <- data.frame(state = NA, year = NA, sex = NA, length = NA, x = NA)

  tmp <- bds
  if (nrow(tmp) > 0) { # use only the originally since M and F added on for sex ratio stuff
    allSexLenComps <- aggregate(
      list(state = tmp$state, year = tmp$SAMPLE_YEAR, length = tmp$length.cm),
    allSexLenComps$sex <- "FMU"
  } else {
    allSexLenComps <- data.frame(state = NA, year = NA, sex = NA, length = NA, x = NA)

  tmpF <- femaleLenComps
  tmpF$sex <- "F"
  tmpM <- maleLenComps
  tmpM$sex <- "M"
  bothSexLenComps <- rbind(tmpF, tmpM)

  # summary of the number of fish of each sex sampled
  maleLens <- table(bds$SAMPLE_YEAR[bds$SEX == "M"], bds$state[bds$SEX == "M"])
  femaleLens <- table(bds$SAMPLE_YEAR[bds$SEX == "F"], bds$state[bds$SEX == "F"])
  unsexedLens <- table(bds$SAMPLE_YEAR[bds$SEX == "U"], bds$state[bds$SEX == "U"])
  allSexLens <- table(bds$SAMPLE_YEAR, bds$state)

  # calculate number of samples by year and state
  table(samps$SAMPLE_YEAR, samps$state)

  # the total weights are of the entire species mix, sometimes
  # so, instead of calcualting an expansion factor, I'll renormailize the LF and multiply by the catch
  # this is only important if combining states
  maleLenComps <- split(maleLenComps, maleLenComps$state)
  maleLenComps <- lapply(maleLenComps, function(x) {
    split(x, x$year)
  femaleLenComps <- split(femaleLenComps, femaleLenComps$state)
  femaleLenComps <- lapply(femaleLenComps, function(x) {
    split(x, x$year)
  unsexedLenComps <- split(unsexedLenComps, unsexedLenComps$state)
  unsexedLenComps <- lapply(unsexedLenComps, function(x) {
    split(x, x$year)
  allSexLenComps <- split(allSexLenComps, allSexLenComps$state)
  allSexLenComps <- lapply(allSexLenComps, function(x) {
    split(x, x$year)
  bothSexLenComps <- split(bothSexLenComps, bothSexLenComps$state)
  bothSexLenComps <- lapply(bothSexLenComps, function(x) {
    split(x, x$year)

  if (is.null(state)) { # only expand up to state if all states are included
    # You want to expand by the TotalCatch/TotalWtSampledFrom
    # But the catch is in the particular species, whereas the samples come from possibly a mix of species
    # So, instead, of calculating an expansion factor, renormailize the LF and multiply by the catch
    # Then add all states together and renormalize to get a weighted proportion by catch in each state
    # Remember to normalize males and females together to retain sex ratio

    # read in total catches by year, area, season for final expansion
    Catch <- read.csv(catchFile, header = T)
    tmp <- unlist(Catch[, -1])
    Catch <- data.frame(year = Catch[, 1], state = substring(names(tmp), 1, 2), catch = tmp)

    normalizeLF.fn <- function(xx, catch) {
      lapply(xx, function(x) {
        prop <- x$x / sum(x$x)
        prop <- catch[catch$state == x$state[1] & catch$year == x$year[1], "catch"] * prop
        ret <- data.frame(state = x$state, year = x$year, length = x$length, sex = x$sex, lf = prop)
        if (ageComp) names(ret)[3] <- "age"
    # Only bothSexLenComps has both sexes normalized together.
    # maleLenComps and femaleLenComps set the sex ratio to 50:50 is used together
    maleLenComps <- lapply(maleLenComps, normalizeLF.fn, catch = Catch)
    femaleLenComps <- lapply(femaleLenComps, normalizeLF.fn, catch = Catch)
    unsexedLenComps <- lapply(unsexedLenComps, normalizeLF.fn, catch = Catch)
    allSexLenComps <- lapply(allSexLenComps, normalizeLF.fn, catch = Catch)
    bothSexLenComps <- lapply(bothSexLenComps, normalizeLF.fn, catch = Catch)

    cat("Comps weighted by state specific catches.\nThey can simply be added together for a coastwide comp\n")

  if (!is.null(state)) { # only expand up to state if all states are included, but format all lists here for a single state
    if (normalize) {
      normalizeLF.fn <- function(xx) {
        lapply(xx, function(x) {
          prop <- x$x / sum(x$x)
          # prop <- x$x/sum(x$x, na.rm = TRUE)
          ret <- data.frame(state = x$state, year = x$year, sex = x$sex, length = x$length, lf = prop)
          if (ageComp) names(ret)[4] <- "age"

    if (!normalize) {
      normalizeLF.fn <- function(xx) {
        lapply(xx, function(x) {
          prop <- x$x
          ret <- data.frame(state = x$state, year = x$year, sex = x$sex, length = x$length, lf = prop)
          if (ageComp) names(ret)[4] <- "age"
    maleLenComps <- lapply(maleLenComps, normalizeLF.fn)
    femaleLenComps <- lapply(femaleLenComps, normalizeLF.fn)
    unsexedLenComps <- lapply(unsexedLenComps, normalizeLF.fn)
    allSexLenComps <- lapply(allSexLenComps, normalizeLF.fn)
    bothSexLenComps <- lapply(bothSexLenComps, normalizeLF.fn)

  return(list(female = femaleLenComps, male = maleLenComps, both = bothSexLenComps, unsexed = unsexedLenComps, all = allSexLenComps, bds = bds[, ]))

# atseaComp.yr.r
# Expand and summarize the size- or age-compositions for the hake at-sea fishery.
# first written by Andi Stephens, August 2010
# updated by Allan Hicks, December 2015
#### Fixed a few things and use new extraction from database after it changed
#### Assumes extraction is from SQUASH table from NORPAC database
# Filters the atsea bilogical data,
# expands it by tow,
# then summarizes the composition as specied
# This is a wrapper function that calls other functions
# Input:
#    a dataframe from an extraction from the NORPAC database SQUASH table
#    Specific columns must be provided:
###      FREQUENCY if doing length comps
###   Assumes that only one species is present in both dat and ncatch
# Arguments:
#    in.pctl       Threshhold quantile for expansion factors.  Default:  0.95.
#    in.filename   Data file.
#    out.filename  Results file.
#    rpt.filename  Report file.
#' @import stats
process_atsea_year <- function(dat,
                               minAge = 1,
                               maxAge = 15,
                               vesselType = c(1, 2),
                               in.pctl = 0.95) {
  stopifnot(length(unique(ncatch[["SPECIES"]])) == 1)
  # Create some variables
  # Create trip, haul identifiers; use HAUL_JOIN b/c CRUISE is not unique to a
  # single trip but rather an observer deployment
  # Calculate the total haul weight for hake only use the catch file extracted
  # from NORPAC (ncatch) link ncatch hauls to dat hauls EXTRAPOLATED_WEIGHT is
  # the weight of hake in the haul
  # subset by vessel_type if desired
  colname_haul <- grep("HAUL[_]{0,1}JOIN", colnames(ncatch), value = TRUE)
  dat <- dat %>%
      SEX = "U",
      AGE = ifelse(AGE < 0, NA_integer_, AGE)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(AGE)) %>%
      y = dplyr::select(
        .data = ncatch,
      by = c(HAUL_JOIN = colname_haul, HAUL_OFFLOAD = "HAUL")
    ) %>%
    dplyr::filter(VESSEL_TYPE %in% vesselType)
  if (NROW(dat) == 0) {

  # calculate sample weight by summing weights first, fill in missing weights
  # with median of weight-at-length or -age do this by month first, if still
  # missing weights, do it by year.
  # Calculate lm before filling with means
  max_age <- max(dat[["AGE"]], na.rm = TRUE)
  lm_results <- lm(WEIGHT ~ Year + AGE, data = dat)
  newdata <- tidyr::expand(dat, Year, AGE)
  lm_predict <- cbind(
    WEIGHT = predict(
      newdata = newdata
  # Fill with age-specific weight-at-age means for Month, then Year
  dat <- dat %>%
    dplyr::group_by(AGE, Year, Month) %>%
      WEIGHT = tidyr::replace_na(WEIGHT, mean(WEIGHT, na.rm = TRUE)),
    ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(AGE, Year) %>%
      WEIGHT = tidyr::replace_na(WEIGHT, mean(WEIGHT, na.rm = TRUE))
    ) %>%

  # Fill in remaining missing weights with results from linear model
  dat[["WEIGHT"]][is.na(dat[["WEIGHT"]])] <-
      dat[is.na(dat[["WEIGHT"]]), ],
      by = c("Year", "AGE")
  # Expansion factor
  # Sum up weight per group
  # Fill in missing values with median
  dat <- dat %>%
    dplyr::group_by(Year, HAUL_JOIN, HAUL_OFFLOAD) %>%
      sampWt = sum(WEIGHT),
      expFactor = EXTRAPOLATED_WEIGHT / sampWt
    ) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::group_by(Year) %>%
      pctl = quantile(expFactor, in.pctl, na.rm = TRUE),
      medExpFact = median(expFactor, na.rm = TRUE)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      expFactor = ifelse(is.na(expFactor), medExpFact, expFactor),
      expFactor = ifelse(expFactor > pctl, pctl, expFactor),
      AGE = ifelse(AGE < minAge, minAge, AGE),
      AGE = ifelse(AGE > maxAge, maxAge, AGE)

  # Output comp data
  out <- dplyr::full_join(
    dat %>%
      dplyr::mutate(id = paste(CRUISE, PERMIT, HAUL_OFFLOAD)) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(Year) %>%
        `num_fish` = dplyr::n(),
        `num_samples` = length(unique(id))
      ) %>%
    dat %>%
      dplyr::group_by(Year, AGE = factor(AGE, levels = minAge:maxAge)) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(comp = sum(expFactor)) %>%
      tidyr::complete(AGE, fill = list(comp = 0)) %>%
      dplyr::relocate(starts_with("n"), .after = Year) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(Year) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(comp = comp / sum(comp, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    by = "Year"
  ) %>%
    dplyr::rename(year = "Year")
pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Jan. 14, 2025, 9:12 p.m.