

dat <- readxl::read_xlsx("~/Downloads/2006_2017 QMS TAC catch limit allocations.xlsx")
names(dat) <- tolower(names(dat))
dat$spp_agr_nme <- tolower(dat$spp_agr_nme)
dat$season_desc <- tolower(dat$season_desc)
dat$fishery_nme <- tolower(dat$fishery_nme)
dat$year <- lubridate::year(dat$effective_dtt)
dat <- rename(dat,
  area = faagr_nme, season = season_desc, fishery = fishery_nme,
  tac = tac_allocation, species = spp_agr_nme
dat <- mutate(dat, area = gsub(", ", "", area))

# Aggregate TAC by each fishery, year, species, and area:
dat <- group_by(dat, species, fishery, year, area) %>%
  summarize(tac = sum(tac))

dat <- group_by(dat, species) %>%
  mutate(n = n()) %>%
  filter(n > 1)

survey_look_up <- tribble(
  ~area, ~survey_syn, ~survey_ll,
  "3C", "SYN WCVI", "HBLL OUT S",
  "3C3D", "SYN WCVI", "HBLL OUT S",
  "3C3D5A", "SYN WCVI", NA,
  "3C3D5A5B", NA, NA,
  "3D", "SYN WCVI", "HBLL OUT S",
  "3D5A5B", NA, "HBLL OUT S",
  "4B", NA, NA,
  "5A5B", "SYN QCS", "HBLL OUT S",
  "5A5BArea 12", "SYN QCS", "HBLL OUT S",
  "5B", "SYN QCS", "HBLL OUT S",
  "5C", "SYN QCS", "HBLL OUT N",
  "5C5D", "SYN HS", "HBLL OUT N",
  "5C5D5E", NA, "HBLL OUT N",
  "5D5E", NA, "HBLL OUT N",
  "5E", "SYN WCHG", "HBLL OUT N",
  "3C3D5A5B5C5D5E", NA, "IPHC FISS",
  "3D5A5B5C5D5E", NA, "IPHC FISS",
  "Coastwide", NA, "IPHC FISS",
  "Gulf", NA, NA,
  "Offshore", NA, NA,
  "Offshore JV", NA, NA

dat <- inner_join(dat, survey_look_up, by = "area")

trawl <- group_by(dat, species, year, survey_syn) %>%
  summarize(tac_total = sum(tac, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  rename(survey = survey_syn)

ll <- group_by(dat, species, year, survey_ll) %>%
  summarize(tac_total = sum(tac, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  rename(survey = survey_ll)

dat_condensed <- bind_rows(trawl, ll) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  rename(survey_abbrev = survey)

# Make sure the species names match:
dat_condensed <- dat_condensed %>% mutate(species = gsub("thornyheads", "thornyhead", species))
dat_condensed <- dat_condensed %>% mutate(species = gsub("rock sole", "southern rock sole", species))
dat_condensed <- dat_condensed %>% mutate(species = gsub("spiny dogfish", "north pacific spiny dogfish", species))
dat_condensed <- dat_condensed %>% mutate(species = gsub("long nose skate", "longnose skate", species))
dat_condensed <- dat_condensed %>% mutate(species = gsub("rougheye rockfish", "rougheye blackspotted rockfish complex", species))

add_survey_data <- function(x) {
  species <- gsub(" ", "-", x$species[1])
  file <- file.path("report/data-cache/", paste0(species, ".rds"))
  if (!file.exists(file)) {
    warning("Missing: ", species)
  if (file.exists(file)) {
    message("Joining data for ", species)
    .d <- readRDS(file)
    .d <- .d$survey_index
    .d <- filter(.d, survey_abbrev %in% unique(x$survey_abbrev))
    .d <- select(
      .d, year, biomass, lowerci,
      upperci, re, survey_abbrev
    out <- inner_join(.d, x, by = c("year", "survey_abbrev"))

data_merged <- dat_condensed %>%
  group_by(species) %>%

data_merged %>%
  group_by(species, survey_abbrev) %>%
  mutate(tac_total = scale(tac_total), biomass = scale(biomass)) %>%
  ggplot() +
  aes(biomass, tac_total) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(survey_abbrev ~ species)

d <- data_merged %>%
  group_by(species, survey_abbrev) %>%
  mutate(biomass_scaled = scale(biomass)) %>%
  mutate(tac_total / 100) %>%
  mutate( # tac_total = tac_total / max(tac_total, na.rm = TRUE),
    species_survey = paste(species, survey_abbrev)
  ) %>%
  mutate(tac_total = tac_total + 1) %>%
  filter(! %>%

# library(glmmTMB)
# m <- glmmTMB(log(tac_total) ~ biomass_scaled + (1 + biomass_scaled | species_survey),
#   data = d)
# random_effects <- ranef(m)[[1]]$species_survey
# random_effects$species_survey <- row.names(random_effects)
# row.names(random_effects) <- NULL

m <- lme4::lmer(log(tac_total) ~ biomass_scaled + (1 + biomass_scaled | species_survey),
  data = d

random_effects <- %>%
  filter(term %in% "biomass_scaled") %>%
  arrange(condval) %>%
  mutate(grp = forcats::fct_reorder(grp, condval)) %>%
  mutate(condval = condval + summary(m)$coef[2, 1])

ggplot(random_effects, aes(grp, condval)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = condval - 2 * condsd, ymax = condval + 2 * condsd)) +
  coord_flip() + xlab("") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 2)
pbs-assess/gfsynopsis documentation built on March 26, 2024, 7:30 p.m.