
Defines functions tree_get_singleton_outgroup get_mrbayes_node_constraints run_mrbayes make_mrbayes_runfile make_mrbayes_tree

Documented in get_mrbayes_node_constraints make_mrbayes_runfile make_mrbayes_tree run_mrbayes tree_get_singleton_outgroup

#' Take a constraint tree and use mrBayes to get node ages and branch lengths
#' given a set of node calibrations without any data.
# we can add the option to use data and no constraint tree
#' @inheritParams make_mrbayes_runfile
#' @return A `phylo` object with branch lengths proportional to time. It saves all
#'   mrBayes outputs in the working directory.
#' @export
make_mrbayes_tree <- function(constraint = NULL,
                              taxa = NULL,
                              ncalibration = NULL,
                              missing_taxa = NULL,
                              age_distribution = "fixed",
                              root_calibration = FALSE,
                              mrbayes_output_file = "mrbayes_run.nexus") {
  make_mrbayes_runfile(constraint = constraint,
                       taxa = taxa,
                       ncalibration = ncalibration,
                       age_distribution = age_distribution,
                       root_calibration = root_calibration,
                       missing_taxa = missing_taxa,
                       mrbayes_output_file = mrbayes_output_file)
  message("Running MrBayes. This might take a while.")
  run_mrbayes(mrbayes_output_file = mrbayes_output_file)
  mrbayes_contre <- tryCatch(ape::read.nexus(paste0(mrbayes_output_file, ".con.tre")), error = function(e) NA)
  if (length(mrbayes_contre) == 1) {
    if (is.na(mrbayes_contre)) {
      stop("MrBayes ran, but output files cannot be found.", "\n", "  Please check the log file for errors.")

#' Make a mrBayes run block file with a constraint topology and a set of node
#' calibrations and missing taxa
#' @inheritParams get_mrbayes_node_constraints
# add #' @param outgroup = NULL argument
#' @param mrbayes_output_file A character vector specifying the name of mrBayes run file and outputs (can specify directory too).
#' @return A MrBayes block run file in nexus format.
#' @export
make_mrbayes_runfile <- function(constraint = NULL,
                                 taxa = NULL,
                                 ncalibration = NULL,
                                 missing_taxa = NULL,
                                 age_distribution = "fixed",
                                 root_calibration = FALSE,
                                 mrbayes_output_file = "mrbayes_run.nexus") {
  if (!is.null(constraint)) {
    # constraint <- phylo_tiplabel_space_to_underscore(constraint)
    node_constraints <- get_mrbayes_node_constraints(constraint = constraint,
                                                     taxa = taxa,
                                                     ncalibration = ncalibration,
                                                     age_distribution = age_distribution,
                                                     root_calibration = root_calibration,
                                                     missing_taxa = missing_taxa)
    og <- tree_get_singleton_outgroup(tree = constraint) # if(is.null(outgroup))
  } else {
    stop("constraint is NULL")
  ogroup <- c()
  if (!is.na(og)) {
    ogroup <- paste0("outgroup ", og, ";")
  # start mrbayes block:
  bayes_data <- c(
    paste("   Begin DATA; \nDimensions ntax=", length(node_constraints$taxa), "nchar = 1;"),
    "Format datatype = DNA gap=- missing=?;",
    paste(node_constraints$taxa, "?"),
  bayes_set <- c(
    "   Begin MRBAYES;",
    "unlink shape=(all) tratio=(all) statefreq=(all) revmat=(all) pinvar=(all);\n",
    ogroup, "",
    node_constraints$node_constraints[length(node_constraints$node_constraints)], "",
    if (!is.null(ncalibration)) "prset nodeagepr = calibrated;", "",
    node_constraints$node_calibrations, "\n",
    "   set usebeagle = no Beaglesse = no;", "",
    paste("prset ", c(
      "brlenspr = clock:birthdeath", "Extinctionpr = Fixed(0)",
      "Speciationpr = exponential(1)", "clockvarpr = ibr", "ibrvarpr = exponential(10)"
    ), ";", sep = ""),
    "mcmcp nruns = 1 nchains = 1 ngen = 50000000 samplefreq = 1000;",
    "mcmc;", "",
    paste0("sumt filename=", mrbayes_output_file, " burnin = 5000000 contype = halfcompat;\n"),
  all <- c(bayes_data, "\n", bayes_set)
  write(all, mrbayes_output_file)

#' Runs MrBayes from R
#' @inheritParams make_mrbayes_tree
#' @return A phylo object with the consensus tree. MrBayes output files are stored in the working directory.
#' @export
run_mrbayes <- function(mrbayes_output_file = NULL) {
  file <- mrbayes_output_file
  # chunck of code borrowed from phyloch::mrbayes()
  if (is.null(file)) {
    stop("You must provide a block file for MrBayes run")
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    system(paste("mb > execute", file))
  } else {
    system(paste0("mrbayes ", file, ".bayes"))

# #' Makes a node calibrations block for a MrBayes run file from a list of taxa and ages or from a dated tree. It can follow a constraint tree.
# #' @inheritParams make_mrbayes_tree
# #' @inheritParams tree_fix_brlen
# #' @param mrbayes_calibration_file NULL or a character vector indicating the name of mrbayes calibration block file.
# #' @param age_distribution A character string specifying the type of calibration. Only "fixed" is implemented for now.
# #' @return A set of MrBayes calibration commands printed in console as character strings or as a text file with name specified in file.
# #' @export
# # This function is set to match node names with constraints obtained from paleotree::GetMrBayesConstraints
# get_mrbayes_node_calibrations <- function(constraint = NULL, ncalibration = NULL, age_distribution = "fixed", 	mrbayes_calibration_file = NULL){
# 	if(!is.null(constraint)){
# 		phy <- tree_check(tree = constraint)
# 	}
# 	if(length(ncalibration) == 2){  # if it is a list of descendant tips labels and node ages, from tree_get_node_data function
# 		if(!is.list(ncalibration)) {
# 			stop("ncalibration must be a newick character string, a phylo object or a list with taxon names and dates")
# 		}
# 		includes.ncalibration <- lapply(ncalibration$descendant_tips_label, function(x) gsub(" ", "_", x))
# 		nages <- ncalibration$node_age
# 	} else {  # if it is a tree
# 			ncalibration <- tree_check(tree = ncalibration, dated = TRUE)
# 	    phy <- phylo_tiplabel_space_to_underscore(phy)
# 	    ncalibration <- phylo_tiplabel_space_to_underscore(ncalibration)
# 	    splits.ncalibration <- ape::prop.part(ncalibration)
# 	    includes.ncalibration <- lapply(splits.ncalibration, function(x) ncalibration$tip.label[x])
# 			nages <- ape::branching.times(ncalibration)
# 	}
# 	nodes <- sapply(includes.ncalibration, function(tax)
# 				phytools::findMRCA(phy, tax, type="node")) - length(phy$tip.label)
# 	calibrations <- paste0("calibrate node", nodes, " = ", age_distribution, "(", nages, ");")
# 	root <- which(nodes == 1)  # tests for the presence of a root calibration, which should be implemented with treeagepr and not with calibrate
# 	if(length(root) != 0){
# 		nodes <- nodes[-root]
# 		nages <- nages[-root]
# 		calibrations <- c(calibrations, paste0("prset treeagepr = ", age_distribution, "(",
# 		nages[root], ");"))
# 	}
#     if (!is.null(mrbayes_calibration_file)) {
#         write(calibrations, mrbayes_calibration_file)
#     }
#     else {
#         return(calibrations)
#     }
# }

#' Makes a block of node constraints and node calibrations for a MrBayes run file
#' from a list of taxa and ages, or from a dated tree
#' @param constraint The constraint tree: a phylo object or a newick character string, with or without branch lengths.
#' @param taxa A character vector with taxon names to be maintained in tree
#' @inheritParams missing_taxa_check
#' @param ncalibration The node calibrations: a phylo object with branch lengths
#'   proportional to time; in this case all nodes from ncalibration will be used
#'   as calibration points. Alternatively, a list with two elements: the first is
#'   a character vector with node names from phy to calibrate; the second is a numeric
#'   vector with the corresponding ages to use as calibrations.
#' @param age_distribution A character string specifying the type of calibration.
#' Only "fixed" and "uniform" are implemented for now.
#' \describe{
#' 	 \item{fixed}{The age given in ncalibration will be used as fixed age.}
#' 	 \item{lognormal}{The age given in ncalibration will be used as mean age.
#' 		The standard deviation can be provided. # still need to add this option.
#' 		By default, a 95 CI sd is used.}
#' 	 \item{uniform}{The age given in ncalibration will be used as mean age.
#' 		Where min_age = 0.9 * mean age, and max_age = 1.1 * mean age.}
#' }
#' @param root_calibration Used to set a calibration at the root or not. Default
#'   to FALSE. Only relevant if ncalibration is specified.
#' @param mrbayes_constraints_file NULL or a character vector indicating the name
#'   of mrbayes constraint and/or calibration block file.
#' @param clockratepr A character vector indicating the clockrateprior to be used.
#' @return A set of MrBayes constraints and/or calibration commands printed in console
#'   as character strings or as a text file specified in mrbayes_constraints_file.
#' @export
get_mrbayes_node_constraints <- function(constraint = NULL,
                                         taxa = NULL,
                                         missing_taxa = NULL,
                                         ncalibration = NULL,
                                         age_distribution = "fixed",
                                         root_calibration = FALSE,
                                         mrbayes_constraints_file = NULL,
                                         clockratepr = "prset clockratepr = fixed(1);") {
  stop_flag <- TRUE
  if (is.list(constraint) & "descendant_tips_label" %in% names(constraint)) {
    stop_flag <- FALSE
  } else {
    constraint <- try(tree_check(tree = constraint), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(constraint, "phylo")) { # if it is a tree and we want all its nodes to be used as calibrations over a constraint tree
      stop_flag <- FALSE
      constraint <- tree_get_node_data(tree = constraint, node_data = c("descendant_tips_label"))
      # constraint <- # if there are problems with setting a constraint at the root node, we should eliminate it. But check it, since it might not affect results
  if (stop_flag) {
    stop("constraint must be a newick character string, a phylo object or a list of taxon names. See details.")
  # all names with underscores:
  constraint$descendant_tips_label <- sapply(constraint$descendant_tips_label, gsub, pattern = " ", replacement = "_")
  if (!is.null(taxa)) {
    taxa <- gsub(" ", "_", taxa)
  # make sure that all taxa are included:
  taxa <- unique(c(taxa, unique(unlist(constraint$descendant_tips_label)))) # if taxa is NULL it will keep names from constraint OK
  missing_taxa <- missing_taxa_check(missing_taxa)
  if (!is.null(missing_taxa)) {
    # for now missing taxa is only accepted as a vector:
    if (is.vector(missing_taxa)) {
      missing_taxa <- gsub(" ", "_", missing_taxa)
      taxa <- unique(c(taxa, missing_taxa))
  # remove a constraint including all taxa, which is not allowed by mrbayes
  # only remove the lines that have all taxa in them or names not included in taxa:
  taxaINconst <- lapply(constraint$descendant_tips_label, match, taxa) # match names in taxa over constraints
  # we should think about the following line; maybe we should keep taxon names that are in constraints but not in taxa
  # I think we already make sure above that we have all taxon names in constraints in taxa vector; it is impossible to obtain the following scenario then:
  remove <- which(sapply(taxaINconst, anyNA)) # removes constraints with taxon names in constraints but not in taxa
  remove <- c(remove, which(length(taxa) == sapply(taxaINconst, length))) # keep constraints that contain less than all taxa
  if (length(remove) > 0) {
    constraint$descendant_tips_label <- constraint$descendant_tips_label[-remove]
  # text block:
  node_constraints <- paste0(
    "constraint node",
    " = ",
    sapply(constraint$descendant_tips_label, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = " ")),

  node_constraints <- c(
    node_constraints, " ",
      "prset topologypr = constraints(",
      paste0("node", names(constraint$descendant_tips_label), collapse = ", "),
  node_constraints <- list(node_constraints = node_constraints)

  if (!is.null(ncalibration)) {
    stop_flag <- TRUE
    if (is.list(ncalibration) & "node_age" %in% names(ncalibration) &
      "descendant_tips_label" %in% names(ncalibration)) { # if it is a list of descendant tips labels and node ages, from tree_get_node_data function
      stop_flag <- FALSE
    } else {
      ncalibration <- try(tree_check(tree = ncalibration, dated = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(ncalibration, "phylo")) { # if it is a tree and we want all its nodes to be used as calibrations over a constraint tree
        ncalibration <- tree_get_node_data(tree = ncalibration, node_data = c("node_age", "descendant_tips_label"))
        stop_flag <- FALSE
    if (stop_flag) {
      stop("ncalibration must be a newick character string or a phylo object with branch lengths, or a list of two elements containing taxon names and ages. See details.")
    # all names with underscores too:
    ncalibration$descendant_tips_label <- sapply(ncalibration$descendant_tips_label, gsub, pattern = " ", replacement = "_")
    index <- match(constraint$descendant_tips_label, ncalibration$descendant_tips_label) # this is useful to match ncalibration nodes to constraint nodes, it gets the order of ncalibration nodes
    index <- index[!is.na(index)] # removes NA that appear when a constraint has no calibration
    if (length(index) != length(ncalibration$descendant_tips_label)) {
      warning("not all calibrations are present as constraints")
    } else {
      message("all calibrations are present as constraints")
    age_distribution <- match.arg(arg = age_distribution, choices = c("fixed", "lognormal", "gamma", "uniform"), several.ok = FALSE)
    if (age_distribution == "fixed") {
      age_distribution_set <- paste0(
        ncalibration$node_age[index], # we make ncalibration nodes match constraint nodes
    if (age_distribution == "lognormal") {
      # tried changing to mean_log, but that is not the problem with mrbayes
      # meanlog <- function(age_mu, age_var){
      # 	log(age_mu / sqrt(1 + (age_var / age_mu^2)))
      # }
      # sdlog <- function(age_mu, age_var){
      # 	sqrt(log(1 + age_var / age_mu^2))
      # }
      # mean_log <- meanlog(ncalibration$node_age[index], age_var = 1)
      # sd_log <- sdlog(ncalibration$node_age[index], age_var = 1)
      # exp(mean_log + sd_log^2/2)
      # sqrt((exp(sd_log^2) - 1) * (exp(2 * mean_log +sd_log^2)))
      age_distribution_set <- paste0(
        ncalibration$node_age[index], # ncalibration nodes match constraint nodes
        ncalibration$node_age[index] * 0.1, # sd is set to 10% of mean age
    if (age_distribution == "uniform") {
      age_distribution_set <- paste0(
        ncalibration$node_age[index] * 0.9, # index makes ncalibration nodes match constraint nodes
        ncalibration$node_age[index] * 1.1,

    if (age_distribution == "lognormal_uniform") {
      my_rlnorm <- function(n, age_mu, age_var) {
        res <- stats::rlnorm(n = n, meanlog = log(age_mu / sqrt(1 + (age_var / age_mu^2))), sdlog = sqrt(log(1 + age_var / age_mu^2)))
      min_max_age <- lapply(
        function(x) {
          y <- my_rlnorm(n = 100, age_mu = x, age_var = x * 0.1)
          return(c(min(y), max(y)))
      age_distribution_set <- paste0(
        sapply(min_max_age, "[", 1), # index makes ncalibration nodes match constraint nodes
        sapply(min_max_age, "[", 2),

    node_calibrations <- paste0(
      "calibrate node",
      names(constraint$descendant_tips_label[index]), # we maintain the nodes from constraint that have calibrations in index
      " = ",

    if (is.character(clockratepr)) {
      node_calibrations <- c(node_calibrations, clockratepr)

    if (root_calibration) {
      node_calibrations <- c(node_calibrations, paste0(
        "prset treeagepr = ", age_distribution, "(",
        max(ncalibration$node_age), ");"
    } else if (is.numeric(root_calibration)) {
      node_calibrations <- c(node_calibrations, paste0(
        "prset treeagepr = ", age_distribution, "(",
        root_calibration, ");"
    node_constraints <- c(node_constraints, list(node_calibrations = node_calibrations))
  # nodes <- sapply(includes.ncalibration, function(tax)
  # phytools::findMRCA(phy, tax, type="node")) - length(phy$tip.label)

  if (!is.null(mrbayes_constraints_file)) {
    for (i in 1:length(node_constraints)) {
      write(node_constraints[[i]], sep = "\n", file = mrbayes_constraints_file, append = TRUE)
  node_constraints$taxa <- taxa

#' Identify the presence of a single lineage outgroup in a phylogeny
#' @inheritParams make_mrbayes_tree
#' @inheritParams tree_fix_brlen
#' @return A character vector with the name of the single lineage outgroup.
#'         Returns `NA` if there is none.
#' @export
tree_get_singleton_outgroup <- function(tree = NULL) {
  phy <- tree_check(tree = tree)
  phy <- phylo_tiplabel_space_to_underscore(phy)
  outgroup <- NA
  splits <- ape::prop.part(phy)
  if (length(splits) > 1) {
    index <- which.max(sapply(splits, length))
    s1 <- splits[[index]]
    index2 <- which.max(sapply(splits[-index], length))
    s2 <- splits[-index][[index2]]
    if (length(s1) - length(s2) == 1) {
      outgroup <- phy$tip.label[s1[!(s1 %in% s2)]]
phylotastic/datelife documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:50 p.m.