
Defines functions getToyData

Documented in getToyData

#' Create a toy subclone and mixture data set
#' @param n The number of observations.
#' @param len The number of loci in each subclone.
#' @param nbClones The number of subclones.
#' @param nbSegs The total number of segments.
#' @param eps A numeric value, the signal to noise ratio for simulated data.
#' @param weightSparsity A numeric value in \eqn{[0,1]}: weights under 
#'   `weightSparsity` are set to 0. This parameter controls the sparsity of
#'   the weight matrix.
#' @param dimension An integer value in {1,2}, the dimension of the signals to
#'   be generated (e.g. 1 for total copy numbers and 2 for minor and major copy
#'   numbers)
#' @param intercept A logical value indicating whether an intercept should be
#'   added (this corresponds to the presence of a normal subclone).
#' @param returnLocus A logical value indicating whether the locus-level data
#'   should be returned. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @return 
#'  \item{W}{A `n`-by-`nbClones` matrix of weights}
#'  \item{segment}{A list of two elements:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{Y}{An `n`-by-`nbSegs` matrix of observed CN signals if `dimension==1`, or a list of two such matrices if `dimension==2`}
#'     \item{Z}{An `nbClones`-by-`nbSegs` matrix of latent features
#'              (subclones)} if `dimension==1`, or a list of two such matrices if `dimension==2`}
#'  }
#'  \item{locus}{only returned if `returnLocus` is `TRUE`: A list of two elements:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{Y}{An `n`-by-`len` matrix of observed CN signals, if `dimension==1`, or a list of two such matrices if `dimension==2`}
#'     \item{Z}{An `nbClones`-by-`len` matrix of latent features (subclones), if `dimension==1`, or a list of two such matrices if `dimension==2`}
#'   }
#'  }
#' @details For simplicity, the breakpoints positions are drawn uniformly from 
#'   the set of all possible positions.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' len <- 100L     ## Number of loci
#' nbClones <- 3L  ## Number of subclones
#' nbSegs <- 6L    ## Number of segments
#' n <- 10L        ## Number of samples
#' dat <- getToyData(n, len, nbClones, nbSegs, eps = 0.0)  ## noiseless
#' matplot(t(dat$locus$Y), t = "s")
#' matplot(t(dat$segment$Y), t = "s")
#' dat <- getToyData(n, len, nbClones, nbSegs, eps = 0.2)  ## noisy
#' matplot(t(dat$locus$Y), t="s")
#' matplot(t(dat$segment$Y), t="s")
#' \dontrun{
#' l1 <- seq(from = 1e-6, to = 1e-4, length.out = 10L)
#' parameters.grid <- list(lambda = l1, nb.arch = 2:6)
#' Y <- dat$segment$Y
#' fit <- fitC3co(Y, parameters.grid=parameters.grid)
#' pvePlot2(fit$config$best)
#' }
getToyData <- function(n, len, nbClones, nbSegs, eps, 
                       weightSparsity = 0.1, dimension = 1L,
                       intercept = TRUE, returnLocus = TRUE) {
    ## sanity checks
    stop_if_not(dimension %in% 1:2)
    stop_if_not(weightSparsity >= 0, weightSparsity <= 1)
    stop_if_not(n >= nbClones)
    stop_if_not(nbSegs >= nbClones)  # otherwise rank of Z < nbClones!
    ## breakpoint positions
    bkp <- sample(len, size = nbSegs - 1, replace = FALSE)
    bkp <- sort(bkp)
    ## segment lengths
    segLens <- diff(c(0, bkp))
    segLens <- c(segLens, len - sum(segLens))
    ## weights
    weightsDone <- FALSE
    while (!weightsDone) {
        ru <- runif(n*nbClones)
        ru[ru < weightSparsity] <- 0
        W <- matrix(ru, nrow = n, ncol = nbClones)
        weightsDone <- all(rowSums(W) > 0)  ## to cover the case where all weights in a row are NULL
    W <- sweep(W, MARGIN = 1L, STATS = rowSums(W), FUN = `/`)
    ## sanity checks
    err <- max(abs(rowSums(W) - 1))
    stopifnot(err < 1e-8) 
    stopifnot(all(W >= 0))
    stopifnot(all(W <= 1))
    YsegList <- list()
    YlocList <- list()
    ZsegList <- list()
    ZlocList <- list()
    for (dd in 1:dimension) {
        ## subclones (segment-level)
        rankDef <- TRUE  ## making sure Z is full row rank
        while(rankDef) {
            z <- rnorm(nbSegs*nbClones)
            Zs <- matrix(z, nrow = nbClones, ncol = nbSegs)
            if (intercept) {  ## last clone should be 'normal'
                Zs[nbClones, ] <- 1
            rankDef <- (qr(Zs)$rank < nbClones)
        ## subclones (locus-level)
        Zl <- t(apply(Zs, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = rep, times = segLens))

        ## segment-level data
        e <- rnorm(n*nbSegs, sd=eps)
        Es <- matrix(e, nrow=n, ncol=nbSegs)  ## noise
        Ys <- W %*% Zs + Es                   ## observations
        YsegList[[dd]] <- Ys
        ZsegList[[dd]] <- Zs

        ## locus-level data
        if (returnLocus) {
            e <- rnorm(n*len, sd = eps)
            El <- matrix(e, nrow = n, ncol = len)  ## noise
            Yl <- W %*% Zl + El                ## observations
            YlocList[[dd]] <- Yl
            ZlocList[[dd]] <- Zl
    seg <- list(Y = YsegList, Z = ZsegList)
    loc <- list(Y = YlocList, Z = ZlocList)
    ## more sanity checks
    stop_if_not(length(YsegList) == dimension)
    nrows <- sapply(seg$Y, nrow); stop_if_not(all(nrows == n))
    nrows <- sapply(seg$Z, nrow); stop_if_not(all(nrows == nbClones))

    if (returnLocus) {
        stop_if_not(length(YlocList) == dimension)
        nrows <- sapply(loc$Y, nrow); stop_if_not(all(nrows == n))
        nrows <- sapply(loc$Z, nrow); stop_if_not(all(nrows == nbClones))
    ## /more sanity checks
    if (dimension == 1L) { ## for backward compatibility
        seg$Y <- seg$Y[[1]]
        seg$Z <- seg$Z[[1]]
        if (returnLocus) {
            loc$Y <- loc$Y[[1]]
            loc$Z <- loc$Z[[1]]
    res <- list(W = W, segment = seg)
    if (returnLocus) {
        res$locus <- loc
pneuvial/c3co documentation built on May 25, 2019, 10:21 a.m.