
Defines functions print.rMSIprocPeakMatrix summary.rMSIprocPeakMatrix plot.rMSIprocPeakMatrix `[.rMSIprocPeakMatrix`

Documented in plot.rMSIprocPeakMatrix print.rMSIprocPeakMatrix summary.rMSIprocPeakMatrix

#     rMSIproc - R package for MSI data processing
#     Copyright (C) 2019 Pere Rafols Soler
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Subsetting operator for rMSIproc peak matrices.
#' @param x rMSIproc peak matrix object.
#' @param pixels the selected rows to retain in the peak matrix. 
#'               This argument can be an integer, a boolean or a character.
#' @param columns an integer vector with the peak matrix columns to retain.
#' @return rMSIproc peak matrix object.
#' @examples
#' #For the following example we will load an rMSIproc peak matrix in the pks variable:
#' pks <- rMSIproc::LoadPeakMatrix("/path/to/my/peak/matrix.zip")
#' #Subsetting a peak marix by pixel ID's:
#' pks1_100 <- pks[1:100, ]
#' #Subsetting a peak matrix using a boolean expression:
#' clus <- kmeans(pks$intensity/pks$normalizations$TIC, centers = 5) #perform a kmeans clustering with the whole peak matrix (TIC normalized)
#' clus2SubImg <- pks[clus$cluster==2, ] #Creat a subdataset with only pixels belonging to cluster 2
#' #Subsetting a peak matrix using image names:
#' pks_brain1 <- pks["Brain_img1", ]
#' #Subsetting to a specific column range:
#' pks_massrange <- pks[, 10:50]
#' #Subsetting by columns and rows:
#' pks_brain1 <- pks["Brain_img1", 10:50]
#' @export
`[.rMSIprocPeakMatrix` <- function(x, pixels = 1:sum(x$numPixels), columns = 1:length(x$mass) )
  if(class(pixels) == "character")
    if(any(!(pixels %in% x$names )))
      stop("Invalid pixels: some of the provided names do not exist in the peak matrix.")
    pixels <- (unlist(lapply(1:length(x$numPixels), function(iimg){ rep(x$names[iimg], x$numPixels[iimg])  }))) %in% pixels
    #Now pixels has been converted to logical so this is the first step, nect logical will be converter to integers
  if(class(pixels) == "logical")
    pixels <- as.integer(which(pixels))
  if( (any(pixels) == 0) || (max(pixels) > sum(x$numPixels)) || (min(pixels) < (-sum(x$numPixels))))
    stop("Error: invalid pixel ID's: out of range.")  
  if( (any(columns) == 0) || (max(columns) > length(x$mass)) || (min(columns) < (-length(x$mass))))
    stop("Error: invalid columns: out of range.")  
  # Columns subsetting
  if(all(columns < 0))
    columns <- unique(sort(columns, decreasing = T))
    columns <- (1:length(x$mass))[columns]
    columns <- unique(sort(columns)) #columns index must be always in accending order
  # Pixels subsetting
  if(all(pixels < 0))
    pixels <- unique(sort(pixels, decreasing = T)) 
    pixels <- (1:nrow(x$intensity))[pixels]
    pixels <- unique(sort(pixels)) #Pixel index must be always in accending order
  x$mass <- x$mass[columns]  
  x$intensity <- x$intensity[pixels, columns]
  x$area <- x$area[pixels, columns]
  x$SNR <- x$SNR[pixels, columns]
  firstID <- 1
  originalNumPixelsSubImages <- x$numPixels
  originalNameSubImages <- x$names
  originalUUIDSubImages <- x$uuid
  x$numPixels <- c() #Start with empty images
  x$names <- c() #Start with empty images
  x$uuid <- c() #Start with empty images
  for(i in 1:length(originalNumPixelsSubImages))
    lastID <- firstID + originalNumPixelsSubImages[i] - 1
    IDinSubImg <- which(firstID:lastID %in% pixels)
    if(length(IDinSubImg) > 0)
      x$numPixels <- c(x$numPixels, length(IDinSubImg))
      x$names <- c(x$names, originalNameSubImages[i])
      x$uuid <- c(x$uuid, originalUUIDSubImages[i])
    firstID <- lastID + 1
  x$posMotors <- x$posMotors[pixels,]
  x$pos <- x$pos[pixels,]
  x$normalizations <- x$normalizations[pixels,]

#' Generic plot method for rMSIproc peak matrix.
#' @md 
#' @param x rMSIproc peak matrix object.
#' @param values the values used by the plot. 
#'               The behaviour of this parameter is controlled by the 'method' argument.
#' @param method a method used by the plot. Available options are: "mz", "values" and "clusters".
#' @param use_ggplot a boolean specifing if a ggplot2 backed must be used for plotting.
#' @details 
#' This generic plot method allows to create different graphics from an rMSIproc peak matrix.
#' The plot type is controlled by the 'method' argument with the following option:\itemize{
#' \item __mz__: produce an ion map using the 'values' argument as the target m/z channel to display (this is the default behaviour).
#' \item __values__: produce an image using the values given in the 'values' argument as pixel intensities. 
#'   This method is useful to display the results of user's calculation directly over the image.
#' \item __clusters__: the 'values' argument contains a vector of integers indicating at which cluster belong each pixel in the image. 
#'   This method produce an image automatically coloured according the clusters vector. The colours codes are returned to be reused in further graphics. 
#'   }
#' @examples
#' #For the following example we will load an rMSIproc peak matrix in the pks variable:
#' pks <- rMSIproc::LoadPeakMatrix("/path/to/my/peak/matrix.zip")
#' #Plot the m/z 848.7 distribution:
#' plot(pks, 848.7)
#' #Plot the TIC value of each pixel using the 'values' method:
#' plot(pks, values = pks$normalizations$TIC, method = "values")
#' #Cluster the peak matrix using kmeans and display each cluster on the image:
#' clus <- kmeans(pks$intensity/pks$normalizations$TIC, centers = 5)
#' plot(pks, clus$cluster, method = "clusters")
#' @export
plot.rMSIprocPeakMatrix <- function(x, values, method = "mz", use_ggplot=FALSE)
  if(method == "mz")
    #TODO if mz values in a vector produce multiple plots
    values <- values[1] #Currently only one ion image is allowed
      return(plotPeakImageG(x, values))
      plotPeakImage(x, values)  
  else if(method == "values")
      return(plotValuesImageG(x, values))
      plotValuesImage(x, values)
  else if(method == "clusters")
      return(plotClusterImageG(x, values))
      return(plotClusterImage(x, values))
    stop("Error: Invalid plot method. Valid methods are: \"mz\", \"values\" and \"clusters\".")

#' Displays a summary of a peak matrix.
#' @param x rMSIproc peak matrix object.
#' @export
summary.rMSIprocPeakMatrix <- function(x)
  cat(paste("rMSIproc Peak Matrix containing"), length(x$numPixels), "images:\n")
  for(i in 1:length(x$names))
    cat(paste0("- Image ", i, ": ", x$names[i], " (", x$numPixels[i], " pixels)\n"))
  cat(paste0("\n",sum(x$numPixels)," pixels in total.\n"))
  cat(paste0(length(x$mass), " mass channels ranging from m/z ", round(min(x$mass), digits = 2), " to ", round(max(x$mass), digits = 2), ".\n" ))
  cat(paste0(format(object.size(x), units = "Mb"), " of used memory.\n\n"))

#' Displays a summary of a peak matrix.
#' @param x rMSIproc peak matrix object.
#' @export
print.rMSIprocPeakMatrix <- function(x)
prafols/rMSIproc documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 7:31 p.m.