#' @export
process_config_file <- function(
storage_env = NULL, # globalenv(),
get_initial_list_fcs_files... = list(),
bead_normalize... = list(),
list_files... = list(),
rename_fcs_parameters_name_desc... = list(),
debarcode... = list(),
guess_channels... = list(
channels_regex = list(
flow = "",
cytof =
spectral = ""
channel_sheet_path = NULL,
skip_interactive_channel_sheet_exists = TRUE,
prepare_metadata... = list(),
metadata_sheet_path = NULL,
metadata_required_columns = c("id", "group"),
skip_interactive_metadata_sheet_exists = TRUE,
impute_metadata = TRUE,
b = NULL,
plot_channel_densities_by_sample... = list(),
prepare_augmented_fcs_data... = list(),
get_expression_subset... = list(),
plot_cell_counts... = list(),
make_metaclusters... = list(),
make_clusters... = list(),
merge_clusters... = list(),
do_differential_expression... = list(),
test_contrasts... = list(),
make_umap_embedding... = list(),
summarize_all_clusters... = list(),
plot_common_umap_viz... = list(),
plot_heatmaps... = list(),
plot_differential_abundance... = list(),
export_cluster_summary... = list(),
split_pmm_by_cluster... = list(),
flowpipe_interactive_off <-
!(is.null(getOption("flowpipe_interactive_off")) || !getOption("flowpipe_interactive_off"))
if (missing(path) || is_invalid(path)) {
if (interactive() && !flowpipe_interactive_off) {
msg <-
Choose the TOML configuration file used to describe this analysis. It should
contain a subsection "fcs_files" that gives paths to individual FCS files or
to a directory containing those files.
message(msg); utils::flush.console()
path <- svDialogs::dlg_open(title = "Open flowpipe configuration file",
filters = c("TOML files (*.toml)", "*.toml"))$res
if (is_invalid(path))
stop("flowpipe is unable to find an experimental configuration file")
} else {
stop("A valid 'path' value must be provided to run this function non-interactively")
#i <- RcppTOML::parseTOML(path, escape = FALSE)
i <- blogdown::read_toml(path)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("config_toml", i, envir = storage_env)
ii <- rlang::duplicate(i, shallow = FALSE)
clear_1_cache <- FALSE
### Setup
## Stop pipeline here? (Errors & data can be evaluated from the command line.)
do_stop_check(ii, "setup")
type <- i$setup$type %>% stringr::str_trim() %>% tolower %>% substr(0, 1) %>%
{ c(f = "flow", c = "cytof", s = "spectral")[.] } %>% as.vector
if (is_invalid(type)) {
warning("Cytometry type is missing or misspecified; defaulting to \"flow\"", immediate. = TRUE)
type <- "flow"
data_dir <- i$setup$data_dir %>% keystone::normalize_path()
if (is_invalid(data_dir) || stringr::str_trim(data_dir) == "") {
data_dir <- "./data"
warning("Missing 'data_dir' has been set to the default directory", immediate. = TRUE)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("data_dir", data_dir, envir = storage_env)
if (!dir.exists(data_dir)) dir.create(data_dir, recursive = TRUE)
assign(".cm", memoise::cache_filesystem(path = data_dir), envir = globalenv())
memoise_all_package_functions(key = as.character(i$setup$key))
## Directory for saving reports
report_dir <- i$setup$report_dir
if (is_invalid(report_dir) || stringr::str_trim(report_dir) == "") {
report_dir <- "./report"
warning("Missing 'report_dir' has been set to the default directory", immediate. = TRUE)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("report_dir", report_dir, envir = storage_env)
## Directory for saving images
image_dir <- i$setup$image_dir
if (is_invalid(image_dir) || stringr::str_trim(image_dir) == "") {
image_dir <- paste(report_dir, "images", sep = "/")
warning("Missing 'image_dir' has been set to the default directory", immediate. = TRUE)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("image_dir", image_dir, envir = storage_env)
fcs_files <- readLines(textConnection(i$setup$fcs_files), skipNul = TRUE) %>%
keystone::normalize_path() %>% stringr::str_trim() %>% stringi::stri_remove_empty()
## Are any of these paths directories? If so, find the FCS files in them.
## Arg 'list_files... = list(recursive = 𝘯)' or 'recursive = TRUE' to traverse subdirectories
get_initial_list_fcs_files <- (function(...)
fcs_files %<>% sapply(
if (!fs::is_dir(a))
return (a)
list_filesArgs <- list(
path = a,
pattern = "\\.fcs$",
ignore.case = TRUE,
absolute = TRUE
list_filesArgs <- utils::modifyList(list_filesArgs, list_files..., keep.null = TRUE)
do.call(keystone::list_files, list_filesArgs)
}, simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE) %>% keystone::normalize_path() %>% unique
}) %>% memoise::memoise(cache = .cm) %>%
keystone::patch_memoised_for_subcaching(name = "get_initial_list_fcs_files", key = as.character(i$setup$key))
get_initial_list_fcs_filesArgs <- list(SUFFIX = "_initial-fcs", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache)
get_initial_list_fcs_filesArgs <-
get_initial_list_fcs_files..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(get_initial_list_fcs_filesArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
fcs_files <- do.call(get_initial_list_fcs_files, get_initial_list_fcs_filesArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("fcs_files", fcs_files, envir = storage_env)
## Check whether 'memoise()'d function should be rerun:
get_caching_status <- function(args_list, status = clear_1_cache)
if (!is_invalid(args_list$clear_1_cache) && is.logical(args_list$clear_1_cache)) {
status <- FALSE
if (args_list$clear_1_cache)
status <- TRUE
if (is_invalid(status))
status <- FALSE
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(get_initial_list_fcs_files...)
### Data preparation
## Stop pipeline here? (Errors & data can be evaluated from the command line.)
do_stop_check(ii, "data_prep")
fcs_output_dir <- i$data_prep$fcs_output_dir
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("fcs_output_dir", fcs_output_dir, envir = storage_env)
fcs_files_01 <- fcs_files
### Bead normalization for CyTOF (if necessary)
norm_beads <- i$data_prep$norm_beads %>% stringr::str_trim() %>% tolower %>% substr(0, 1) %>%
{ c(d = "dvs", b = "beta")[.] } %>% as.vector
if (!is_invalid(norm_beads)) {
bead_normalizeArgs <- list(
input_path = fcs_files,
output_dir = paste(fcs_output_dir, "bead-normalized", sep = "/"),
outfile_suffix = "-bead-normalized",
## "dvs" (for bead masses 140, 151, 153, 165, 175) or
## "beta" (for masses 139, 141, 159, 169, 175) or numeric vector of masses:
beads = "dvs",
normCytof... = list(plot = FALSE),
SUFFIX = "_beadnorm", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
bead_normalizeArgs <-
utils::modifyList(bead_normalizeArgs, bead_normalize..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(bead_normalizeArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
fcs_files_01 <- do.call(bead_normalize, bead_normalizeArgs)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(bead_normalize...)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("fcs_files_01", fcs_files_01, envir = storage_env)
## Check channel names & descriptions among FCS files
## Add argument 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' to clear cache & rerun
cbs <- get_channels_by_sample(x = fcs_files_01, SUFFIX = "_cbs", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("cbs", cbs, envir = storage_env)
## Create common channel names & descriptions among FCS files; save new FCS files
name_remap <- sapply(i$data_prep$name_remap,
function(a) { r <- a; if (stringr::str_trim(r) == "NA") r <- NA_character_; r })
desc_remap <- c(attr(cbs, "desc_remap"), i$data_prep$description_remap %>% unlist)
rename_fcs_parameters_name_descArgs <- list(
channels_by_sample = cbs,
desc_remap = desc_remap,
name_remap = name_remap,
output_dir = paste(fcs_output_dir, "renamed", sep = "/"),
SUFFIX = "_rename-fcs", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
rename_fcs_parameters_name_descArgs <-
rename_fcs_parameters_name_desc..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(rename_fcs_parameters_name_descArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
fcs_files_01 <- do.call(rename_fcs_parameters_name_desc, rename_fcs_parameters_name_descArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("fcs_files_01", fcs_files_01, envir = storage_env)
if (interactive() && !flowpipe_interactive_off) {
msg <-
Here's a current, numbered list of this experiment's FCS files so far
(possibly after channel reorganizing & renaming). If debarcoding of some files
is necessary, use these numbers to match barcoding keys to the file names:
}---" %>%
paste("\n", paste(seq_along(fcs_files_01) %_% ".", basename(fcs_files_01), collapse = "\n"),
"\n", sep = "")
message(msg); utils::flush.console()
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(rename_fcs_parameters_name_desc...)
## Check that renames/deletions worked; should produce no warnings
cbs_check <-
get_channels_by_sample(x = fcs_files_01, SUFFIX = "_cbs-check", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("cbs_check", cbs_check, envir = storage_env)
if (any_noncommon_descs(cbs_check))
warning("FCS files may still not share common channel descriptions", immediate. = TRUE)
### Debarcoding (if necessary)
## Create memoise()'d function that works in "debarcode" package namespace
debarcode_fun <<- debarcode::debarcode %>%
memoise::memoise(cache = .cm) %>%
keystone::patch_memoised_for_subcaching(name = "debarcode")
## N.B. To wholly replace 'debarcode::debarcode' for this session, v.
## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24331690/modify-package-function/58238931#58238931
fcs_files_02 <- fcs_files_01
if (!is_invalid(i$data_prep$barcoding_keys)) {
fcsIndexRe <- "^\\s*\\[\\s*(\\d+)\\s*\\]\r*\n"
flit <- i$data_prep$barcoding_keys %>% stringr::str_split_1("(\r*\n){2,}")
fcs_index <- flit %>% stringr::str_extract(fcsIndexRe, group = 1) %>% readr::parse_number()
barcoding_keys <- flit %>% stringr::str_remove(fcsIndexRe) %>%
sapply(function(a) read.table(text = a, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE), simplify = FALSE) %>%
structure(.Names = fcs_files_01[fcs_index])
debarcodeArgs <- list(
input_path = fcs_files_01,
key = barcoding_keys,
output_dir = paste(fcs_output_dir, "deconvoluted", sep = "/"),
SUFFIX = "_debarcoding", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
debarcodeArgs <- utils::modifyList(debarcodeArgs, debarcode..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(debarcodeArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
debarcoding_details <- do.call(debarcode_fun, debarcodeArgs); gc()
## Debarcoding event counts:
# attr(debarcoding_details, "details") %>% sapply(function(a) attr(a, "sample_id") %>% table)
fcs_files_02 <- debarcoding_details %>% as.vector
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(debarcode...)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("fcs_files_02", fcs_files_02, envir = storage_env)
### Channel selection
## Stop pipeline here? (Errors & data can be evaluated from the command line.)
do_stop_check(ii, "channels")
## Prepare a spreadsheet that selects channels for subsequent analyses
guess_channelsArgs <- list(
cbs = cbs_check,
type = type
#SUFFIX = "_channels", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
guess_channelsArgs <- utils::modifyList(guess_channelsArgs, guess_channels..., keep.null = TRUE)
if (!is_invalid(i$channels$channels_regex))
guess_channelsArgs$channels_regex[[type]] <- i$channels$channels_regex
channel_sheet <- do.call(guess_channels, guess_channelsArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("channel_sheet", channel_sheet, envir = storage_env)
if (is_invalid(channel_sheet_path))
channel_sheet_path <- paste(data_dir, "experiment-channels.xlsx", sep = "/")
## Have interactive user review 'channel_sheet':
if (interactive() && !flowpipe_interactive_off &&
!(skip_interactive_channel_sheet_exists && fs::file_exists(channel_sheet_path))) {
msg <-
The channels/markers sheet for this analysis is ready.
You can:
• REVIEW or edit the new channels/markers sheet
• SAVE this sheet to file system for review or external editing
• CONTINUE flowpipe analysis using saved parameters sheet
• QUIT flowpipe for now
message(msg); utils::flush.console()
repeat {
choice <- keystone::ask_multiple_choice(c("Review", "Save", "Continue", "Quit"))
## React to each possible choice:
quit = {
return (invisible(NULL))
review = {
msg <-
After making changes to the channels/markers sheet, click "synchronize" button,
then click "Done". If no changes, click "Done" and return to the R console.
message(msg); utils::flush.console()
channel_sheet <- DataEditR::data_edit(channel_sheet)
save = {
# defaultFileName <- sprintf("experiment-channels_%s",
# keystone::make_current_timestamp(use_seconds = TRUE, seconds_sep = "+"))
# params_path <- svDialogs::dlg_save(default = defaultFileName, title = "Save channels/markers sheet",
# filters = svDialogs::dlg_filters[c("xls", "csv"), ])$res
rio::export(channel_sheet, channel_sheet_path)
msg <- paste0(
The channels/marker spreadsheet has been generated & can be found here:
message(msg); utils::flush.console()
continue = {
if(!fs::file_exists(channel_sheet_path)) {
rio::export(channel_sheet, channel_sheet_path)
message("Channels/markers sheet was saved to file system for further use")
msg <- paste0(
The channels/marker spreadsheet has been generated & can be found here:
message(msg); utils::flush.console()
} else {
warning("Retrieving channels/markers sheet from file system",
immediate. = TRUE)
} else if (!fs::file_exists(channel_sheet_path)) {
rio::export(channel_sheet, channel_sheet_path)
channel_sheet <- rio::import(channel_sheet_path) %>%
use = stringr::str_trim(use),
use =
dplyr::case_when(use == "" | is.na(use) ~ NA_character_, TRUE ~ formals(guess_channels)$usage_marker)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("channel_sheet", channel_sheet, envir = storage_env)
### Prepare metadata
## Stop pipeline here? (Errors & data can be evaluated from the command line.)
do_stop_check(ii, "metadata")
## Prepare a spreadsheet that provides metadata for subsequent analyses
if (is_invalid(metadata_sheet_path))
metadata_sheet_path <- paste(data_dir, "experiment-metadata.xlsx", sep = "/")
prepare_metadataArgs <- list(
x = fcs_files_02
#SUFFIX = "_metadata", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
prepare_metadataArgs <-
utils::modifyList(prepare_metadataArgs, prepare_metadata..., keep.null = TRUE)
if (!is_invalid(i$metadata$table)) {
metadata_sheet <- read.table(text = i$metadata$table, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
if (!is_invalid(i$metadata$overwrite_spreadsheet) && i$metadata$overwrite_spreadsheet) {
rio::export(metadata_sheet, metadata_sheet_path)
} else {
metadata_sheet <- do.call(prepare_metadata, prepare_metadataArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("metadata_sheet", metadata_sheet, envir = storage_env)
## Warn that metadata "id" must contain a unique character sequence from each FCS file
if (interactive() && !flowpipe_interactive_off) {
msg <-
Here's a current, numbered list of this experiment's FCS files so far. When
editing the metadata file, be sure that each "id" variable matched to a file
contains a UNIQUE character sequence from the corresponding file name:
}---" %>%
paste("\n", paste(seq_along(fcs_files_02) %_% ".", basename(fcs_files_02), collapse = "\n"),
"\n", sep = "")
message(msg); utils::flush.console()
## Have interactive user review 'channel_sheet':
if (interactive() && !flowpipe_interactive_off &&
!(skip_interactive_metadata_sheet_exists && fs::file_exists(metadata_sheet_path))) {
msg <- c(paste0(
The metadata sheet for this analysis is ready for review/editing. It MUST have}---",
sprintf("\ncolumns %s, but it can also include any additional\n",
stringr::str_flatten_comma(dQuote(metadata_required_columns, q = FALSE))),
r"---{clinicopathological data suitable for differential-analysis modeling.
You can:
• REVIEW or edit the new metadata sheet
• SAVE this sheet to file system for review or external editing
• CONTINUE flowpipe analysis using saved metadata sheet
• QUIT flowpipe for now
message(msg); utils::flush.console()
repeat {
choice <- keystone::ask_multiple_choice(c("Review", "Save", "Continue", "Quit"))
## React to each possible choice:
quit = {
return (invisible(NULL))
review = {
msg <-
After making changes to the metadata sheet, click "synchronize" button,
then click "Done". If no changes, click "Done" and return to the R console.
message(msg); utils::flush.console()
metadata_sheet <- DataEditR::data_edit(metadata_sheet)
save = {
# defaultFileName <- sprintf("experiment-metadata_%s",
# keystone::make_current_timestamp(use_seconds = TRUE, seconds_sep = "+"))
# params_path <- svDialogs::dlg_save(default = defaultFileName, title = "Save metadata sheet",
# filters = svDialogs::dlg_filters[c("xls", "csv"), ])$res
rio::export(metadata_sheet, metadata_sheet_path)
msg <- paste0(
The metadata spreadsheet has been generated & can be found here:
message(msg); utils::flush.console()
continue = {
if(!fs::file_exists(metadata_sheet_path)) {
rio::export(metadata_sheet, metadata_sheet_path)
message("Metadata sheet was saved to file system for further use")
msg <- paste0(
The metadata spreadsheet has been generated & can be found here:
message(msg); utils::flush.console()
} else {
warning("Retrieving metadata sheet from file system", immediate. = TRUE)
## Does 'metadata_sheet' have all the requisite columns?
if (!all(metadata_required_columns %in% names(metadata_sheet))) {
warning(sprintf('Metadata does not contain required columns %s; please correct it',
stringr::str_flatten_comma(dQuote(metadata_required_columns, q = FALSE))),
immediate. = TRUE)
} else if (!fs::file_exists(metadata_sheet_path)) {
rio::export(metadata_sheet, metadata_sheet_path)
metadata_sheet <- rio::import(metadata_sheet_path) %>%
across(where(~ is.character(.x)) & !matches("^id$"), as.factor)
## If variables' reference levels are provided in config sheet, set them:
if (!is_invalid(i$metadata$reference_levels)) {
metadata_sheet <<- metadata_sheet %>%
dplyr::mutate(!!a := forcats::fct_relevel(.[[a]], i$metadata$reference_levels[[a]]))
metadata <- metadata_sheet
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("metadata", metadata, envir = storage_env)
### Some "constants"
## arcsinh scale parameter
if (is_invalid(b)) {
b <- switch(type,
spectral = 1/3000, # den Braanker &al 2021
cytof = 1/8,
1/150 # default, FCM
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("b", b, envir = storage_env)
## Counter
flowpipe_params(current_image_set = 0)
## Channels
primary_channels <- channel_sheet %>% dplyr::filter(use == "X") %>%
{ structure(dplyr::pull(., name), .Names = dplyr::pull(., description)) }
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("primary_channels", primary_channels, envir = storage_env)
### Density plots
## Bump up image number:
flowpipe_params(current_image_set = flowpipe_params("current_image_set") + 1)
plot_channel_densities_by_sampleArgs <- list(
x = fcs_files_02,
image_dir = image_dir,
current_image = flowpipe_params("current_image_set"),
save_plot = TRUE,
get_fcs_expression_subset... = list(
b = b,
channels_subset = primary_channels,
channels_by_sample = cbs_check
SUFFIX = "_channel-densities", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
plot_channel_densities_by_sampleArgs <-
plot_channel_densities_by_sample..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(plot_channel_densities_by_sampleArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
do.call(plot_channel_densities_by_sample, plot_channel_densities_by_sampleArgs)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(plot_channel_densities_by_sample...)
### Prepare aggregate analysis data set
## Stop pipeline here? (Errors & data can be evaluated from the command line.)
do_stop_check(ii, "aggregate_data")
remove_outliers <- i$aggregate_data$remove_outliers
if (is_invalid(remove_outliers)) remove_outliers <- TRUE
aggregate_files_parallel <- i$aggregate_data$parallel_processing
options_keystone_parallel <- getOption("keystone_parallel")
if (!is_invalid(aggregate_files_parallel) && !aggregate_files_parallel) {
options(keystone_parallel = FALSE)
## Make augmented flowCore::flowFrame objects.
prepare_augmented_fcs_dataArgs <- list(
x = fcs_files_02,
b = b,
data_dir = paste(data_dir, "samples", sep = "/"),
remove_outliers = remove_outliers,
pmm_channels = primary_channels,
multisect... = list(max_sample = 5000),
outfile_suffix = NULL,
outfile_prefix = expression(outfile_prefix <- paste0(x %>% dirname %>% basename, "-")),
overwrite = FALSE,
SUFFIX = "_pmm-files", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
prepare_augmented_fcs_dataArgs <-
prepare_augmented_fcs_data..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(prepare_augmented_fcs_dataArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
pmm_files <-
do.call(prepare_augmented_fcs_data, prepare_augmented_fcs_dataArgs,
quote = any(sapply(prepare_augmented_fcs_dataArgs, is.expression))); gc()
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("pmm_files", pmm_files, envir = storage_env)
## Restore state of parallel processing to before this function call:
options(keystone_parallel = options_keystone_parallel)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(prepare_augmented_fcs_data...)
## Stop pipeline here? (Errors & data can be evaluated from the command line.)
do_stop_check(ii, "pregating")
i$pregating$stop <- NULL
## Create "pregating" expressions from the pseudocode in the config file.
## N.B. Currently supports 1 or 2 channels, & or | comparison, in-/equalities & "between" ranges.
pg_channel_expr_template <- "x[, \"%s\"] %%>%% { %s }"
pg_channel_expr_template_true <- "x[, \"%s\"] %%>%% { rep(%s, length(.)) }"
pregating_strategies <- sapply(i$pregating,
compare <- a$compare; a$compare <- NULL
strategy <- sapply(names(a),
template <- pg_channel_expr_template
if (is.logical(a[[b]]))
template <- pg_channel_expr_template_true
## Turn pseudocode into R code:
r <- stringr::str_trim(a[[b]]) %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("(\\()", "\\1., ") %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("(between)\\s+(.*)", "dplyr::\\1(., \\2)") %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("(\\<|\\>|\\!\\=|\\=\\=)", ". \\1")
sprintf(template, b, r)
}, simplify = FALSE)
## Turn pseudocode into valid R expression:
parse(text = (strategy %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>%
paste(collapse = stringr::str_pad(compare[1L], 3, side = "both"))))
}, simplify = FALSE)
max_events_per_sample <- i$aggregate_data$max_events_per_sample
if (is_invalid(max_events_per_sample)) max_events_per_sample <- Inf
## Get stacked subsets of augmented expression matrices IDed by sample.
get_expression_subsetArgs <- list(
x = pmm_files,
gate... = list(strategy = pregating_strategies),
save_plot... = list(file = paste(image_dir, "sample-pregating.pdf", sep = "/")), # 'file' must be given to save PDF
sample_size = max_events_per_sample,
SUFFIX = "_expression-subset", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
get_expression_subsetArgs <-
utils::modifyList(get_expression_subsetArgs, get_expression_subset..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(get_expression_subsetArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
e <- do.call(get_expression_subset, get_expression_subsetArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("e", e, envir = storage_env)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(get_expression_subset...)
### Add sample IDs in attributes of aggregate 'e' matrix to metadata
## N.B. This can fail in the case of ties:
# sampleId <- adist(names(attributes(e)$id_map), metadata$id) %>% apply(1, which.min)
flit <- sapply(metadata$id, function(a) stringr::str_which(names(attributes(e)$id_map), a),
simplify = FALSE)
if (any(sapply(flit, length)) > 1)
stop("Metadata contains non-unique IDs or IDs incorrectly matched to sample file names")
sampleId <- attributes(e)$id_map[flit %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)] %>% as.vector
metadata %<>% dplyr::mutate(sample_id = sampleId, .before = 1)
metadata_i <- rlang::duplicate(metadata, shallow = FALSE)
## Impute metadata
if (!is_invalid(i$metadata$impute) && i$metadata$impute) {
metadata_i %<>%
{ mice::complete(mice::mice(., printFlag = FALSE),
action = 1) } # 'action = n' returns nth imputation
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("metadata", metadata, envir = storage_env)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("metadata_i", metadata_i, envir = storage_env)
### Plot sample cell counts before & after gating for comparison at this point
## Bump up image number:
flowpipe_params(current_image_set = flowpipe_params("current_image_set") + 1)
plot_cell_countsArgs <- list(
x = e,
## If bead normalization, use starting FCS files before normalization:
pmm_files = dplyr::case_when(!is_invalid(norm_beads) ~ fcs_files, .default = pmm_files),
m = metadata,
sample_name_re = NULL, # E.g. "D\\d{3}-.*-\\d{1,2}", or use 'm$id' when NULL
image_dir = image_dir,
current_image = flowpipe_params("current_image_set"),
save_plot = TRUE,
#devices = flowpipe:::graphics_devices["grDevices::pdf"],
SUFFIX = "_cell-counts", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
plot_cell_countsArgs <-
utils::modifyList(plot_cell_countsArgs, plot_cell_counts..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(plot_cell_countsArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
do.call(plot_cell_counts, plot_cell_countsArgs)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(plot_cell_counts...)
### Clustering
i$metaclustering$stop <- NULL
do_metaclustering <- i$metaclustering$do_metaclustering
i$metaclustering$do_metaclustering <- NULL
i_metaclustering <- i$metaclustering[1]
if (!is_invalid(i_metaclustering) &&
!(is_invalid(names(i_metaclustering)) || stringr::str_trim(names(i_metaclustering)) == "")) {
make_metaclusters_dots <-
utils::modifyList(list(method = names(i_metaclustering)), i_metaclustering[[1]],
keep.null = TRUE)
} else {
make_metaclusters_dots <- list(method = "Rphenograph", Rphenograph_k = 15)
warning("Using default metaclustering parameters", immediate. = TRUE)
i$clustering$stop <- NULL
label_threshold <- i$clustering$label_threshold
i$clustering$label_threshold <- NULL
i_clustering <- i$clustering[1]
if (!is_invalid(i_clustering) &&
!(is_invalid(names(i_clustering)) || stringr::str_trim(names(i_clustering)) == "")) {
make_clusters_dots <-
utils::modifyList(list(method = names(i_clustering)), i_clustering[[1]],
keep.null = TRUE)
} else {
make_clusters_dots <- list(method = "Rphenograph", Rphenograph_k = 50)
warning("Using default clustering parameters", immediate. = TRUE)
## Stop pipeline here? (Errors & data can be evaluated from the command line.)
do_stop_check(ii, "metaclustering")
## Metaclustering
cluster_id_mc <- NULL
if (!is_invalid(do_metaclustering) && do_metaclustering) {
make_metaclustersArgs <- list(
x = e,
channels = primary_channels,
make_clusters... = make_clusters_dots,
make_metaclusters... = make_metaclusters_dots,
#centroid_fun = mean,
SUFFIX = "_cluster-id-mc", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
make_metaclustersArgs <-
utils::modifyList(make_metaclustersArgs, make_metaclusters..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(make_metaclustersArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
cluster_id_mc <- do.call(make_metaclusters, make_metaclustersArgs)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(make_metaclusters...)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("cluster_id_mc", cluster_id_mc, envir = storage_env)
## Stop pipeline here? (Errors & data can be evaluated from the command line.)
do_stop_check(ii, "clustering")
## Clustering
make_clustersArgs <- list(
x = e,
channels = primary_channels,
SUFFIX = "_cluster-id", clear_1_cache = FALSE
make_clustersArgs <-
utils::modifyList(make_clustersArgs, make_clusters_dots, keep.null = TRUE)
make_clustersArgs <-
utils::modifyList(make_clustersArgs, make_metaclusters..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(make_clustersArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
cluster_id <- do.call(make_clusters, make_clustersArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("cluster_id", cluster_id, envir = storage_env)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(make_clusters...)
## Which set has more clusters? Assume that more is better:
clusterDiff <- dplyr::n_distinct(cluster_id) - dplyr::n_distinct(cluster_id_mc)
if (clusterDiff >= 0)
attr(e, "cluster_id") <- cluster_id
attr(e, "cluster_id") <- cluster_id_mc
## Analysis channels
e_channels_abo <- structure(colnames(e), .Names = colnames(e))
analysis_channels <- channel_sheet %>% dplyr::filter(use == "X") %>%
{ structure(dplyr::pull(., description), .Names = dplyr::pull(., name)) }
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("analysis_channels", analysis_channels, envir = storage_env)
## Rename columns of combined events to match markers
colnames(e) <- e_channels_abo %>% `[<-`(names(analysis_channels), analysis_channels) %>%
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("e", e, envir = storage_env)
### Clusters based on investigator-supplied cell-subtype definitions
## Stop pipeline here? (Errors & data can be evaluated from the command line.)
do_stop_check(ii, "cell_subtypes")
i$cell_subtypes$stop <- NULL
cluster_sets <- list(auto = attr(e, "cluster_id"))
if (is_invalid(label_threshold))
label_threshold <- 0.55
merged_labels <- i$clustering$merged_labels
cell_subtype_parallel_processing <- i$cell_subtypes$parallel_processing
i$cell_subtypes$parallel_processing <- NULL
cell_subtypes <- i$cell_subtypes
if (!is_invalid(cell_subtypes)) {
options_keystone_parallel <- getOption("keystone_parallel")
if (!is_invalid(cell_subtype_parallel_processing) && !cell_subtype_parallel_processing) {
options(keystone_parallel = FALSE)
## Find event clusters, i.e. manually gated events
merge_clustersArgs <- list(
x = e,#[, analysis_channels],
clusters = cell_subtypes,
channels = analysis_channels,
label_threshold = label_threshold, # Default is 0.90
which_cluster_set = NULL, # Search every event for cluster definitions
make_gating_poster = paste(image_dir, "gated-clusters-poster", sep = "/"),
SUFFIX = "_gated-clusters-poster", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
if (!is_invalid(merged_labels))
merge_clustersArgs$search...$summary...$merged_labels <- merged_labels
merge_clustersArgs <-
utils::modifyList(merge_clustersArgs, merge_clusters..., keep.null = TRUE)
if (!is_invalid(merge_clustersArgs$search...$summary...$merged_labels))
merged_labels <- merge_clustersArgs$search...$summary...$merged_labels
if (is_invalid(merged_labels))
merged_labels <- formals(summary.pmm)$merged_labels %>% eval
do_stop_check(merge_clustersArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
gated_clusters <- do.call(merge_clusters, merge_clustersArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("gated_clusters", gated_clusters, envir = storage_env)
## Search clusters for user-defined cell types & merge them if necessary
merge_clustersArgs$which_cluster_set <- 1
merge_clustersArgs$make_gating_poster <- NULL
merge_clustersArgs$SUFFIX = "_merged-clusters"
merged_clusters <- do.call(merge_clusters, merge_clustersArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("merged_clusters", merge_clusters, envir = storage_env)
## Restore state of parallel processing to before this function call:
options(keystone_parallel = options_keystone_parallel)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(make_clusters...)
cluster_sets %<>%
utils::modifyList(list(gated = gated_clusters$new_cluster_id,
merged = merged_clusters$new_cluster_id), keep.null = FALSE)# %>% purrr::compact()
## Make 'cluster_sets$gated' the automatic-cluster labels if there are no user-defined clusters:
if (is_invalid(cluster_sets$gated))
cluster_sets$gated <- cluster_sets$auto
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("cluster_sets", cluster_sets, envir = storage_env)
### Differential expression
## Stop pipeline here? (Errors & data can be evaluated from the command line.)
do_stop_check(ii, "differential_expression")
model_formula <- i$differential_expression$model_formula
if (is_invalid(model_formula))
model_formula <- "~ group"
model_formula %<>% as.formula
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("model_formula", model_formula, envir = storage_env)
do_differential_expressionArgs <- list(
x = e,
m = metadata_i,
cluster_set = cluster_sets$gated,
#id_map_re = sample_name_re,
model_formula = model_formula
do_differential_expressionArgs <-
utils::modifyList(do_differential_expressionArgs, do_differential_expression...,
keep.null = TRUE)
fits <- do.call(do_differential_expression, do_differential_expressionArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("fits", fits, envir = storage_env)
## Follow-up testing e.g.:
#sapply(fits, edgeR::gof, simplify = FALSE) %>% print
## N.B. The 'coef' arg of 'edgeR::glmQLFTest()' defaults to the last regressor of the design matrix, so name/number it explicitly.
#sapply(fits, function(a) { edgeR::glmQLFTest(a, coef = 2) %>% edgeR::topTags(Inf) %>% as.data.frame %>% dplyr::filter(FDR < 0.05) }, simplify = FALSE)
interesting_contrasts <- i$differential_expression$interesting_contrasts
if (is_invalid(interesting_contrasts) && is_invalid(test_contrasts...$contrasts))
stop("No contrasts supplied for differential analysis")
interesting_contrasts %<>% sapply(
a %<>% stringr::str_trim()
if (stringr::str_detect(a, "^makeContrasts\\(")) {
a %<>% stringr::str_replace("(makeContrasts\\()", "\\1a = ") %>%
stringr::str_replace("(\\))$", ", levels = fit$design\\1") %>%
parse(text = .)
}, simplify = FALSE)
alpha <- i$differential_expression$alpha
if (is_invalid(alpha))
alpha <- 0.05
test_contrastsArgs <- list(
fit = fits,
## These should be group var + factor level of interest, or contrasts:
contrasts = interesting_contrasts,
include_other_vars = FALSE,
alpha = alpha
test_contrastsArgs <-
utils::modifyList(test_contrastsArgs, test_contrasts..., keep.null = TRUE)
inference <- do.call(test_contrasts, test_contrastsArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("inference", inference, envir = storage_env)
#sapply(inference, function(a) a$sig_results, simplify = FALSE)
#sapply(inference, function(a) plyr::llply(a$res, function(b) b %>% edgeR::topTags(Inf) %>% as.data.frame), simplify = FALSE)
if (!is_invalid(cluster_sets$merged)) {
do_differential_expressionArgs$cluster_set <- cluster_sets$merged
do_differential_expressionArgs <-
utils::modifyList(do_differential_expressionArgs, do_differential_expression...,
keep.null = TRUE)
fitsm <- do.call(do_differential_expression, do_differential_expressionArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("fitsm", fitsm, envir = storage_env)
## Follow-up testing e.g.:
#sapply(fitsm, edgeR::gof, simplify = FALSE) %>% print
## N.B. The 'coef' arg of 'edgeR::glmQLFTest()' defaults to the last regressor of the design matrix, so name/number it explicitly.
#sapply(fitsm, function(a) { edgeR::glmQLFTest(a, coef = 2) %>% edgeR::topTags(Inf) %>% as.data.frame %>% dplyr::filter(FDR < 0.05) }, simplify = FALSE)
test_contrastsArgs$fit <- fitsm
test_contrastsArgs <-
utils::modifyList(test_contrastsArgs, test_contrasts..., keep.null = TRUE)
inferencem <- do.call(test_contrasts, test_contrastsArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("inferencem", inferencem, envir = storage_env)
#sapply(inferencem, function(a) a$sig_results, simplify = FALSE)
#sapply(inferencem, function(a) plyr::llply(a$res, function(b) b %>% edgeR::topTags(Inf) %>% as.data.frame), simplify = FALSE)
## Borrowed from 'test_contrasts()':
interesting_contrasts <- local({
fit <- fits[[1]]
sapply(test_contrastsArgs$contrasts, function(b) keystone::poly_eval(b), simplify = FALSE)
### Plots & reporting
## UMAP; results in variable 'umap'.
make_umap_embeddingArgs <- list(
x = e[, analysis_channels],
#seed = 667,
n_threads =
ifelse(future::availableCores() > 1L, trunc(future::availableCores()/2), 1L),
fast_sgd = TRUE,
#n_sgd_threads = "auto", batch = TRUE,
SUFFIX = "_umap", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
make_umap_embeddingArgs <-
utils::modifyList(make_umap_embeddingArgs, make_umap_embedding..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(make_umap_embeddingArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
umap <- do.call(make_umap_embedding, make_umap_embeddingArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("umap", umap, envir = storage_env)
#set.seed(666); plot(umap, col = randomcoloR::distinctColorPalette(cluster_id %>% unique %>% length)[cluster_id])
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(make_umap_embedding...)
## Summarize cluster phenotypes (gated clusters)
summarize_all_clustersArgs <- list(
x = e[, analysis_channels],
cluster_set = cluster_sets$gated,
summary... = list(merged_labels = merged_labels, label_threshold = 0.55, collapse = ";"),
callback = expression({
summarize_all_clusters_latex(sac, type = "table") %>% paste(collapse = "\n\n"),
file_path = paste(report_dir, "cluster-phenotypes.tex", sep = "/")
SUFFIX = "_sac", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
summarize_all_clustersArgs <-
utils::modifyList(summarize_all_clustersArgs, summarize_all_clusters..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(summarize_all_clustersArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
sac <- do.call(summarize_all_clusters, summarize_all_clustersArgs, quote = TRUE)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("sac", sac, envir = storage_env)
## Then:
# summarize_all_clusters_latex(sac, type = "table")
## Summarize cluster phenotypes (merged clusters)
if (!is_invalid(cluster_sets$merged)) {
summarize_all_clustersArgs$cluster_set <- cluster_sets$merged
summarize_all_clustersArgs$callback <- expression({
summarize_all_clusters_latex(sac, type = "table") %>% paste(collapse = "\n\n"),
file_path = paste(report_dir, "cluster-phenotypes-merged.tex", sep = "/")
summarize_all_clustersArgs$SUFFIX <- "_sacm"
summarize_all_clustersArgs <-
utils::modifyList(summarize_all_clustersArgs, summarize_all_clusters..., keep.null = TRUE)
sacm <- do.call(summarize_all_clusters, summarize_all_clustersArgs, quote = TRUE)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("sacm", sacm, envir = storage_env)
## Then:
# summarize_all_clusters_latex(sacm, type = "table")
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(summarize_all_clusters...)
## Bump up image number:
flowpipe_params(current_image_set = flowpipe_params("current_image_set") + 1)
## UMAP plots (gated clusters)
plot_common_umap_vizArgs <- list(
x = e,
cluster_set = cluster_sets$gated,
channels = analysis_channels,
m = metadata,
umap = umap,
#sample_name_re = sample_name_re,
label_clusters = TRUE,
image_dir = paste(image_dir, "gated-clusters-umap", sep = "/"),
current_image = flowpipe_params("current_image_set"),
save_plot = TRUE,
#devices = flowpipe:::graphics_devices["grDevices::pdf"],
use_complete_centroids = TRUE,
SUFFIX = "_umap-viz_gated", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
plot_common_umap_vizArgs <-
utils::modifyList(plot_common_umap_vizArgs, plot_common_umap_viz..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(plot_common_umap_vizArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
do.call(plot_common_umap_viz, plot_common_umap_vizArgs)
## Bump up image number:
flowpipe_params(current_image_set = flowpipe_params("current_image_set") + 1)
## UMAP plots (merged clusters)
if (!is_invalid(cluster_sets$merged)) {
plot_common_umap_vizArgs$cluster_set <- cluster_sets$merged
plot_common_umap_vizArgs$current_image <- flowpipe_params("current_image_set")
plot_common_umap_vizArgs$image_dir <- paste(image_dir, "merged-clusters-umap", sep = "/")
plot_common_umap_vizArgs$SUFFIX <- "_umap-viz-merged"
plot_common_umap_vizArgs <-
utils::modifyList(plot_common_umap_vizArgs, plot_common_umap_viz..., keep.null = TRUE)
do.call(plot_common_umap_viz, plot_common_umap_vizArgs)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(plot_common_umap_viz...)
## Bump up image number:
flowpipe_params(current_image_set = flowpipe_params("current_image_set") + 1)
## Plot heatmaps (gated clusters)
plot_heatmapsArgs <- list(
x = e[, analysis_channels],
m = metadata,
cluster_set = cluster_sets$gated,
image_dir = paste(image_dir, "heatmaps", sep = "/"),
current_image = flowpipe_params("current_image_set"),
save_plot = TRUE,
#devices = flowpipe:::graphics_devices["grDevices::pdf"],
file_path_template = expression(sprintf("%s/%03d%s-%s", image_dir, current_image, "_heatmap_channels-gated-clusters",
fs::path_sanitize(stringr::str_trunc(as.character(which_cluster_set), 31), "_"))),
SUFFIX = "_medians-gated", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
plot_heatmapsArgs <-
utils::modifyList(plot_heatmapsArgs, plot_heatmaps..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(plot_heatmapsArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
cluster_median_matrices <- do.call(plot_heatmaps, plot_heatmapsArgs, quote = TRUE)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("cluster_median_matrices", cluster_median_matrices,
envir = storage_env)
## Bump up image number:
flowpipe_params(current_image_set = flowpipe_params("current_image_set") + 1)
## Plot heatmaps (merged clusters)
if (!is_invalid(cluster_sets$merged)) {
plot_heatmapsArgs$cluster_set <- cluster_sets$merged
plot_heatmapsArgs$current_image <- flowpipe_params("current_image_set")
plot_heatmapsArgs$file_path_template <- expression(sprintf("%s/%03d%s-%s", image_dir,
current_image, "_heatmap_channels-merged-clusters",
fs::path_sanitize(stringr::str_trunc(as.character(which_cluster_set), 31), "_")))
plot_heatmapsArgs$SUFFIX <- "_medians-merged"
plot_heatmapsArgs <-
utils::modifyList(plot_heatmapsArgs, plot_heatmaps..., keep.null = TRUE)
cluster_median_matrices_merged <- do.call(plot_heatmaps, plot_heatmapsArgs, quote = TRUE)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("cluster_median_matrices_merged",
cluster_median_matrices_merged, envir = storage_env)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(plot_heatmaps...)
## Bump up image number:
flowpipe_params(current_image_set = flowpipe_params("current_image_set") + 1)
## Plot differential abundance (gated clusters)
plot_differential_abundanceArgs <- list(
x = e,
m = metadata,
umap = umap,
fit = fits,
contrasts = interesting_contrasts,
cluster_set = cluster_sets$gated,
alpha = alpha,
#sample_name_re = sample_name_re,
image_dir = paste(image_dir, "diff-expression-umap/gated", sep = "/"),
current_image = flowpipe_params("current_image_set"),
save_plot = TRUE,
#devices = flowpipe:::graphics_devices["grDevices::pdf"],
SUFFIX = "_diff-abundance-gated", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
plot_differential_abundanceArgs <-
utils::modifyList(plot_differential_abundanceArgs, plot_differential_abundance...,
keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(plot_differential_abundanceArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
do.call(plot_differential_abundance, plot_differential_abundanceArgs)
## Bump up image number:
flowpipe_params(current_image_set = flowpipe_params("current_image_set") + 1)
## Plot differential abundance (merged clusters)
if (!is_invalid(cluster_sets$merged)) {
plot_differential_abundanceArgs$cluster_set <- cluster_sets$merged
plot_differential_abundanceArgs$image_dir <-
paste(image_dir, "diff-expression-umap/merged", sep = "/")
plot_differential_abundanceArgs$current_image <- flowpipe_params("current_image_set")
plot_differential_abundanceArgs$SUFFIX <- "_diff-abundance-merged"
plot_differential_abundanceArgs <-
utils::modifyList(plot_differential_abundanceArgs, plot_differential_abundance...,
keep.null = TRUE)
do.call(plot_differential_abundance, plot_differential_abundanceArgs)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(plot_differential_abundance...)
details <- list(gated = list(fits, sac, cluster_median_matrices))
if (!is_invalid(cluster_sets$merged)) {
details %<>%
utils::modifyList(list(merged = list(fitsm, sacm, cluster_median_matrices_merged)),
keep.null = TRUE)
export_cluster_summaryArgs <- list(
details = details,
spreadsheet_path = paste(report_dir, "cluster-summary-tables.xlsx", sep = "/"),
keep_pm_lists = FALSE,
overwrite = TRUE,
SUFFIX = "_cluster-summary", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
export_cluster_summaryArgs <-
utils::modifyList(export_cluster_summaryArgs, export_cluster_summary..., keep.null = TRUE)
do_stop_check(export_cluster_summaryArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
cluster_summary_tables <- do.call(export_cluster_summary, export_cluster_summaryArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("cluster_summary_tables",
cluster_summary_tables, envir = storage_env)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(export_cluster_summary...)
## Stop pipeline here? (Errors & data can be evaluated from the command line.)
do_stop_check(ii, "cluster_fcs")
l <- list(gated = cluster_sets$gated)
if (!is_invalid(cluster_sets$merged)) {
l %<>% utils::modifyList(list(merged = cluster_sets$merged), keep.null = TRUE)
cluster_fcs_dir <- i$cluster_fcs$directory
if (!is_invalid(cluster_fcs_dir)) {
## Break up "pmm" matrices into FCS files by cluster
lfs <- split_pmm_by_clusterArgs <- list(
x = e,
l = l,
fcs_dir = cluster_fcs_dir, # Set above near version check
export_id_map = TRUE,
SUFFIX = "_cluster-fcs", clear_1_cache = clear_1_cache
do_stop_check(split_pmm_by_clusterArgs, stop_var = "STOP")
split_pmm_by_clusterArgs <-
utils::modifyList(split_pmm_by_clusterArgs, split_pmm_by_cluster..., keep.null = TRUE)
lfs <- do.call(split_pmm_by_cluster, split_pmm_by_clusterArgs)
if (!is_invalid(storage_env)) assign("lfs", lfs, envir = storage_env)
## If 'clear_1_cache = TRUE' for this function, rerun all subsequent cached functions
clear_1_cache <- get_caching_status(split_pmm_by_cluster...)
guess_channels <- function(
cbs, # "cbs" object from calling 'get_channels_by_sample()'
type, # cytometry type
extract_marker_regex = ".*?_(.*)",
usage_marker = "X"
cre <- channels_regex[[type]]
cs <- cbs %>% dplyr::select(name = 1, description = 2)
## Assume 'cre' of length > 1 is a vector of channel names, not a RegEx
if (length(cre) > 1) {
cre %<>% stringr::str_trim() %>% { stringr::str_flatten(rex::escape(.), "|") }
analysis_channels_index <-
sapply(cs, stringr::str_detect, pattern = cre, simplify = FALSE) %>%
purrr::reduce(`|`) %>% tidyr::replace_na(FALSE)
} else {
analysis_channels_index <-
cbs %>% { stringr::str_detect(attr(., "channels_by_sample_full_desc")$desc_01,
stringr::regex(cre, ignore_case = TRUE), negate = TRUE) }
cs %<>%
description =
dplyr::case_when(analysis_channels_index ~ stringr::str_extract(description,
extract_marker_regex, group = 1), TRUE ~ description),
use = NA_character_,
use =
dplyr::case_when(analysis_channels_index ~ usage_marker, TRUE ~ use),
prepare_metadata <- function(
x, # vector of file paths
... # additional data to add to the metadata table
d <- purrr::reduce(
#list(sample_id = seq_along(x), id = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(x))),
list(id = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(x))),
as.data.frame(d, optional = TRUE)
do_stop_check <- function(
toml, # List object returned by 'blogdown::read_toml()' or other list
table_name, # Name of top-level table to search in
stop_var = "stop"
st <- NULL
msg <- "No error: program halted by user request."
if (!is_invalid(table_name)) {
if (!is_invalid(toml[[table_name]])) {
st <- toml[[table_name]][[stop_var]]
msg <- sprintf("No error: program halted by user request at step \"%s\".", table_name)
} else {
st <- toml[[stop_var]]
if (!is_invalid(toml$SUFFIX))
msg <-
sprintf("No error: program halted by user request at function w/ output suffix \"%s\"",
if (!is_invalid(st) && is.logical(st) && st)
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