
Defines functions readLD getPos getMap getMarkers ldscore regionLD plotLD createLDsets splitSparseLD getSparseLD getLD getLDsets sparseLD getW getG writeBED gfilter summaryBED gprep

Documented in getG getLD getLDsets getMap getMarkers getPos getSparseLD gfilter gprep ldscore plotLD writeBED

#  Prepare (processed genotypes) for target population

#' Prepare genotype data for all statistical analyses
#' @description
#' All functions in qgg relies on a simple data infrastructure that takes five main input sources;
#' phenotype data (y), covariate data (X), genotype data (G or Glist), a genomic relationship
#' matrix (GRM or GRMlist) and genetic marker sets (sets).
#' The genotypes are stored in a matrix (n x m (individuals x markers)) in memory (G) or in a
#' binary file on disk (Glist).
#' It is only for small data sets that the genotype matrix (G) can stored in memory. For large data
#' sets the genotype matrix has to stored in a binary file on disk (Glist). Glist is as a list
#' structure that contains information about the genotypes in the binary file.
#' The gprep function prepares the Glist, and is required for downstream analyses of large-scale
#' genetic data. Typically, the Glist is prepared once, and saved as an *.Rdata-file.
#' The gprep function reads genotype information from binary PLINK files, and creates the Glist
#' object that contains general information about the genotypes such as reference alleles,
#' allele frequencies and missing genotypes, and construct a binary file on the disk that contains
#' the genotypes as allele counts of the alternative allele (memory usage = (n x m)/4 bytes).
#' The gprep function can also be used to prepare sparse ld matrices.
#' The r2 metric used is the pairwise correlation between markers (allele count alternative allele)
#' in a specified region of the genome. The marker genotype is allele count of the alternative allele
#' which is assumed to be centered and scaled.
#' The Glist structure is used as input parameter for a number of qgg core functions including:
#' 1) construction of genomic relationship matrices (grm), 2) construction of sparse ld matrices,
#' 3) estimating genomic parameters (greml), 4) single marker association analyses (glma),
#' 5) gene set enrichment analyses (gsea), and 6) genomic prediction from genotypes
#' and phenotypes (gsolve) or genotypes and summary statistics (gscore).
#' @param Glist A list containing information about the genotype matrix stored on disk.
#' @param task A character string specifying the task to perform. Possible tasks are "prepare" (default), "sparseld", "ldscores", and "geneticmap".
#' @param study The name of the study.
#' @param fnBED Path and filename of the .bed binary file used to store genotypes on disk.
#' @param bedfiles A vector of filenames for the PLINK bed-files.
#' @param famfiles A vector of filenames for the PLINK fam-files.
#' @param bimfiles A vector of filenames for the PLINK bim-files.
#' @param mapfiles A vector of filenames for the mapfiles.
#' @param ids A vector of individual identifiers used in the study.
#' @param rsids A vector of marker rsids used in the study.
#' @param ldfiles Path and filename of the .ld binary files used for storing the sparse LD matrix on disk.
#' @param msize Number of markers used in the computation of sparseld.
#' @param overwrite A logical value; if TRUE, the binary genotype/LD file will be overwritten.
#' @param ncores Number of processing cores to be used for genotype processing.
#' @param assembly Character string indicating the name of the assembly.
#' @param r2 A threshold value (more context might be beneficial, e.g., threshold for what?).
#' @param kb Size of the genomic region in kilobases (kb).
#' @param cm Size of the genomic region in centimorgans (cm).
#' @return Returns a list structure (Glist) with information about the genotypes.

#' @author Peter Soerensen

#' @examples
#' bedfiles <- system.file("extdata", "sample_chr1.bed", package = "qgg")
#' bimfiles <- system.file("extdata", "sample_chr1.bim", package = "qgg")
#' famfiles <- system.file("extdata", "sample_chr1.fam", package = "qgg")
#' Glist <- gprep(study="Example", bedfiles=bedfiles, bimfiles=bimfiles,
#'              famfiles=famfiles)

#' @export

gprep <- function(Glist = NULL, task = "prepare", study = NULL, fnBED = NULL, ldfiles = NULL,
                  bedfiles = NULL, bimfiles = NULL, famfiles = NULL, mapfiles=NULL, 
                  ids = NULL, rsids = NULL, assembly=NULL,
                  overwrite = FALSE, msize = 100, r2=NULL, kb=NULL, cm=NULL, ncores = 1) {

  if (task == "prepare") {
    nfiles <- length(bedfiles)
    Glist <- NULL
    Glist$study <- study
    Glist$fnBED <- fnBED
    if (!is.null(fnBED)) {
      if (file.exists(fnBED)) warning(paste("fnBED allready exist"))
    Glist$bedfiles <- bedfiles
    if (!is.null(bimfiles)) Glist$bimfiles <- bimfiles
    if (!is.null(famfiles)) Glist$famfiles <- famfiles
    if (is.null(bimfiles)) Glist$bimfiles <- gsub(".bed", ".bim", bedfiles)
    if (is.null(famfiles)) Glist$famfiles <- gsub(".bed", ".fam", bedfiles)

    # Read fam information
    fam <- data.table::fread(input = famfiles[1], header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
    Glist$ids <- as.character(fam[, 2])
    #Glist$study_ids <- Glist$ids
    Glist$study_ids <- NULL
    Glist$n <- length(Glist$ids)
    if (!is.null(ids)) {
      if (any(!ids %in% as.character(fam[, 2]))) warning(paste("some ids not found in famfiles"))
      Glist$study_ids <- Glist$ids[Glist$ids %in% as.character(ids)]
    if (any(duplicated(Glist$ids))) stop("Duplicated ids found in famfiles")

    Glist$rsids <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$mchr <- vector( length = nfiles)
    Glist$a1 <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$a2 <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$pos <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$chr <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$cpra <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$map <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$nmiss <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$af <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$af1 <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$af2 <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$maf <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$hom <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$het <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$n0 <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$n1 <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)
    Glist$n2 <- vector(mode = "list", length = nfiles)

    for (chr in 1:length(bedfiles)) {
      bim <- data.table::fread(input = bimfiles[chr], header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
      rsidsBIM <- as.character(bim[, 2])
      if (!is.null(rsids)) bim <- droplevels(bim[rsidsBIM %in% rsids, ])
      fam <- data.table::fread(input = famfiles[chr], header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
      if (any(!Glist$ids %in% as.character(fam[, 2]))) stop(paste("some ids not found in famfiles"))
      message(paste("Finished processing fam file", famfiles[chr]))
      Glist$a1[[chr]] <- as.character(bim[, 5])
      Glist$a2[[chr]] <- as.character(bim[, 6])
      Glist$pos[[chr]] <- as.numeric(bim[, 4])
      Glist$map[[chr]] <- as.numeric(bim[, 3])
      Glist$rsids[[chr]] <- as.character(bim[, 2])
      Glist$mchr[chr] <- length(Glist$rsids[[chr]]) 
      Glist$chr[[chr]] <- as.character(bim[, 1])
      Glist$cpra[[chr]] <- paste(Glist$chr[[chr]],Glist$pos[[chr]],Glist$a1[[chr]],Glist$a2[[chr]],sep="_")
      message(paste("Finished processing bim file", bimfiles[chr]))
      #if (is.null(Glist$fnBED)) Glist <- summaryBED(Glist=Glist, chr=chr, ids = Glist$ids, ncores = ncores)
      if (is.null(Glist$fnBED)) Glist <- summaryBED(Glist=Glist, chr=chr, ids = Glist$study_ids, ncores = ncores)
      message(paste("Finished processing bed file", bedfiles[chr]))
      #names(Glist$nmiss[[chr]]) <- Glist$rsids[[chr]]
      cnames <- Glist$rsids[[chr]]
      Glist$af1[[chr]] <- Glist$af[[chr]]
      Glist$af2[[chr]] <- 1-Glist$af[[chr]]
      #names(Glist$af[[chr]]) <- cnames
      #names(Glist$af1[[chr]]) <- NULL
      #names(Glist$af2[[chr]]) <- NULL
      #names(Glist$maf[[chr]]) <- Glist$rsids[[chr]]
      #names(Glist$a1[[chr]]) <- cnames
      #names(Glist$a2[[chr]]) <- cnames
      #names(Glist$pos[[chr]]) <- cnames
      #names(Glist$map[[chr]]) <- Glist$rsids[[chr]]
      #names(Glist$het[[chr]]) <- Glist$rsids[[chr]]
      #names(Glist$hom[[chr]]) <- Glist$rsids[[chr]]
      #names(Glist$n0[[chr]]) <- Glist$rsids[[chr]]
      #names(Glist$n1[[chr]]) <- Glist$rsids[[chr]]
      #names(Glist$n2[[chr]]) <- Glist$rsids[[chr]]
      #names(Glist$cpra[[chr]]) <- cnames
      #names(Glist$rsids[[chr]]) <- Glist$cpra[[chr]]
      #names(Glist$chr[[chr]]) <- cnames

    Glist$nchr <- length(Glist$bedfiles)
    Glist$assembly <- assembly

     # if (task == "combine") {
     #      writeBED(bedfiles = bedfiles, bimfiles = bimfiles, famfiles = famfiles, 
     #               fnBED=fnBED, ids = ids, rsids = rsids, overwrite = FALSE) {
     # }

  if (task == "sparseld") {
    message("Computing ld")
    Glist$msize <- msize
    Glist$ldfiles <- ldfiles
    if (is.null(ldfiles)) Glist$ldfiles <- gsub(".bed", ".ld", Glist$bedfiles)
    Glist$rsidsLD <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(Glist$ldfiles))
    Glist$ldscores <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(Glist$ldfiles))
    if (is.null(ids)) ids <- Glist$ids
    Glist$idsLD <- as.character(ids)
    for( chr in 1:length(Glist$ldfiles)) {
      message(paste("Compute sparse LD matrix for chromosome:",chr))
      Glist <- sparseLD(Glist = Glist, fnLD = Glist$ldfiles[chr], msize = msize, chr = chr, rsids = rsids,
        ids = ids, ncores = 1, overwrite=overwrite)
      Glist$ldscores[[chr]] <- ldscore( Glist=Glist, chr=chr) 
  if (task == "geneticmap") {
    message("Add Genetic map to Glist")
    if(is.null(Glist)) stop("Please provide Glist")
    if(is.null(mapfiles)) stop("Please provide mapfiles")
    Glist$map <- NULL
    for (chr in 1:Glist$nchr) {
      Glist$map[[chr]] <- rep(NA,Glist$mchr[chr])
      names(Glist$map[[chr]]) <- Glist$rsids[[chr]]
      map <- data.table::fread(mapfiles[chr],data.table=F)
      dups <- map[duplicated(map[,2]),2]
      map <- map[!map[,2]%in%dups,]
      map <- map[map[,2]%in%Glist$rsids[[chr]],]
      rownames(map) <- map[,2]
      Glist$map[[chr]][rownames(map)] <- map[,3]
      message(paste("Finished processing map file", mapfiles[chr]))
  if (task == "ldscores") {
    message("Computing ldscores")
    if(is.null(Glist)) stop("Please provide Glist")
    if(!is.null(cm)) message(paste("Computing ldscores using cm:",cm))
    if(!is.null(kb)) message(paste("Computing ldscores using kb:",kb))
    ldscores <- NULL
    for (chr in 1:22) { 
      ldscores[[chr]] <- ldscore(Glist=Glist, chr=chr, cm=cm, kb=kb) 

summaryBED <- function(Glist = NULL, ids = NULL, rsids = NULL, rws = NULL, cls = NULL, chr = NULL, ncores = 1) {

  n <- Glist$n
  m <- Glist$mchr[chr]
  rws <- 1:n
  if (!is.null(ids)) rws <- match(ids, Glist$ids)
  if (!is.null(Glist$study_ids)) {
    warning("Study ids used in calculating genotype frequencies etc.")
  nr <- length(rws)

  if (is.null(cls)) cls <- 1:m
  if (!is.null(rsids)) cls <- match(rsids, Glist$rsids)
  nc <- length(cls)

  #  00 01 10 11         bit level  corresponds to
  #  0  1  2  3          xij level  corresponds to
  #  2  NA  1  0         number of copies of first allele in bim file
  mask <- rep(0,n)
  mask[rws] <- 1
  freq <- .Call("_qgg_freqbed", Glist$bedfiles[chr], Glist$n, mask, cls)
  nmiss <- freq[2,]
  hom <- (freq[1,] + freq[4,]) / (freq[1,] + freq[3,] + freq[4,])
  het <- (freq[3,]) / (freq[1,] + freq[3,] + freq[4,])
  #af <- (2*freq[1,] + freq[3,])/(2*freq[1,] + 2*freq[3,] + 2*freq[4,])
  #nalleles <- 2*(n-nmiss)
  nalleles <- 2*(nr-nmiss)
  af <- 2*freq[1,] + freq[3,]
  af[nalleles>0] <- af[nalleles>0]/nalleles[nalleles>0]
  af[nalleles==0] <- 0.5
  tol_upper <- 0.99999
  tol_lower <- 0.00001
  af[af>tol_upper] <- tol_upper
  af[af<tol_lower] <- tol_lower

  maf <- af
  maf[maf > 0.5] <- 1 - maf[maf > 0.5]
  if(!is.null(chr)) {
    Glist$nmiss[[chr]] <- nmiss
    Glist$af[[chr]] <- af
    Glist$maf[[chr]] <- maf
    Glist$hom[[chr]] <- hom
    Glist$het[[chr]] <- het
    Glist$n0[[chr]] <- freq[4,]
    Glist$n1[[chr]] <- freq[3,]
    Glist$n2[[chr]] <- freq[1,]

#' Filter genetic marker data based on different quality measures
#' @description
#' Quality control is a critical step for working with summary statistics (in particular
#'                                                                         for external). 
#' Processing and quality control of GWAS summary statistics includes:                                                                      
#' - map marker ids (rsids/cpra (chr, pos, ref, alt)) to LD reference panel data 
#' - check effect allele (flip EA, EAF, Effect)
#' - check effect allele frequency
#' - thresholds for MAF and HWE
#' - exclude INDELS, CG/AT and MHC region
#' - remove duplicated marker ids
#' - check which build version
#' - check for concordance between marker effect and LD data
#' External summary statistics format:
#'  marker, chr, pos, effect_allele, non_effect_allele, effect_allele_freq, effect, effect_se, stat, p, n    
#' Internal summary statistics format:
#'  rsids, chr, pos, a1, a2, af, b, seb, stat, p, n
#' @param Glist A list containing information about the genotype matrix stored on disk.
#' @param excludeMAF A scalar threshold. Exclude markers with a minor allele frequency (MAF) below this threshold. Default is 0.01.
#' @param excludeINFO A scalar threshold. Exclude markers with an info score (INFO) below this threshold. Default is 0.8.
#' @param excludeMISS A scalar threshold. Exclude markers with missingness (MISS) above this threshold. Default is 0.05.
#' @param excludeHWE A scalar threshold. Exclude markers where the p-value for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium test is below this threshold. Default is 0.01.
#' @param excludeCGAT A logical value; if TRUE exclude markers if the alleles are ambiguous (i.e., either CG or AT combinations).
#' @param excludeMHC A logical value; if TRUE exclude markers located within the MHC region.
#' @param excludeINDEL A logical value; if TRUE exclude markers that are insertions or deletions (INDELs).
#' @param excludeDUPS A logical value; if TRUE exclude markers if their identifiers are duplicated.
#' @param assembly A character string indicating the name of the genome assembly (e.g., "GRCh38").

#' @author Peter Soerensen

#' @export

gfilter <- function(Glist = NULL, excludeMAF=0.01, excludeMISS=0.05, excludeINFO=NULL,excludeCGAT=TRUE,
                    excludeINDEL=TRUE, excludeDUPS=TRUE, excludeHWE=1e-12, excludeMHC=FALSE, assembly="GRCh37") {
# excludeINFO is a numeric value of the info score used for filtering
  rsids <- unlist(Glist$rsids)
  if(is.null(Glist$study_ids)) Glist$study_ids <- Glist$ids
  if(!is.null(excludeMAF)) isMAF <- unlist(lapply(Glist$maf, function(x){x<=excludeMAF}))
  if(!is.null(excludeMISS)) isMISS <- unlist(lapply(Glist$nmiss,function(x) {x/length(Glist$study_ids)>excludeMISS}))
  if(!is.null(excludeHWE)) isHWE <- unlist(hwe(Glist)) < excludeHWE 
  isHWE[is.na(isHWE)] <- TRUE
  if(excludeMHC) {
        isMHC <-  Glist$pos[[6]] > 28477797 & Glist$pos[[6]] < 33448354
        rsidsMHC <- Glist$rsids[[6]]
        rsidsMHC <- rsidsMHC[isMHC]
        isMHC <-  Glist$pos[[6]] > 28510120 & Glist$pos[[6]] < 33480577
        rsidsMHC <- Glist$rsids[[6]]
        rsidsMHC <- rsidsMHC[isMHC]
  a1 <- unlist(Glist$a1)
  a2 <- unlist(Glist$a2)
  isAT <- a1=="A" & a2=="T"
  isTA <- a1=="T" & a2=="A"
  isCG <- a1=="C" & a2=="G"
  isGC <- a1=="G" & a2=="C"
  isCGAT <- isAT | isTA | isCG | isGC
  CGTA <- c("C","G","T","A")
  isINDEL <- !((a1%in%CGTA) & (a2%in%CGTA))

  message(paste("Number of markers excluded by low MAF:", sum(isMAF)))
  message(paste("Number of markers excluded by deviation from HWE:", sum(isHWE)))
  message(paste("Number of markers excluded by missingnes:", sum(isMISS)))

  rsidsQC <- isMAF | isMISS | isHWE

  if(excludeCGAT) {
    rsidsQC <- rsidsQC | isCGAT
    message(paste("Number of markers excluded by ambiguity (CG or AT):", sum(isCGAT)))
  if(excludeINDEL) {
    rsidsQC <- rsidsQC | isINDEL
    message(paste("Number of markers excluded by being INDEL:", sum(isINDEL)))
  if(excludeDUPS) {
    rsidsDUPS <- rsids[duplicated(rsids)]
    isDUPS <- rsids%in%rsidsDUPS
    rsidsQC <- rsidsQC | isDUPS
    message(paste("Number of markers excluded by duplicated rsids", sum(isDUPS)))
    rsidsINFO <- unlist(Glist$info)
    rsidsINFO <- rsidsINFO[rsidsINFO>excludeINFO]
    exINFO <- length(unlist(Glist$info)) - length(rsidsINFO)
    rsidsQC <- rsidsQC[names(rsidsQC)%in%names(rsidsINFO)]
    message(paste("Number of markers excluded by info score", exINFO))

  #if(excludeCG_AT) rsidsQC <- isMAF | isMISS | isHWE | isCGAT
  rsidsQC <- names(rsidsQC)[!rsidsQC]
  if(excludeMHC) {
    rsidsQC <- rsidsQC[!rsidsQC%in%rsidsMHC]
    message(paste("Number of markers excluded in MHC region:", length(rsidsMHC)))
  rsidsQC <- unlist(lapply(Glist$rsids,function(x){x[x%in%rsidsQC]}))
  message(paste("Number of markers excluded:", length(rsids)-length(rsidsQC)))
  message(paste("Number of markers retained:", length(rsidsQC)))

#' Write a subset of data from a BED file
#' This function reads a BED file and writes a subset of it based on a list of
#' SNP (rsids) identifiers to output BED, BIM, and FAM files.
#' @param bedRead The full path to the input BED file to read.
#' @param bimRead The full path to the input BIM file to read.
#' @param famRead The full path to the input FAM file to read.
#' @param bedWrite The full path to the output BED file to write.
#' @param bimWrite The full path to the output BIM file to write.
#' @param famWrite The full path to the output FAM file to write.
#' @param rsids A character vector containing SNP rsids to select from the BIM file.
#' @return No return value. Files are written to the specified output paths.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export

writeBED <- function(bedRead = NULL, bimRead = NULL, famRead = NULL,
                     bedWrite = NULL, bimWrite = NULL, famWrite = NULL,
                     rsids = NULL, endian=.Platform$endian, useBytes=TRUE) {
  # Input validation
  if (any(sapply(list(bedRead, bimRead, famRead, bedWrite, bimWrite, famWrite, rsids), is.null))) {
    stop("All input arguments must be provided.")
  bim <- data.table::fread(input = bimRead, header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
  fam <- data.table::fread(input = famRead, header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
  if (is.null(rsids)) stop("Missing rsids argument")
  n <- nrow(fam)
  m <- nrow(bim)
  # Number of bytes for each marker
  nbytes <- ceiling(n / 4)
  # Check file size
  if (!file.size(bedRead) == nbytes * m + 3) stop("Size of bed file does not match the number of individuals in fam file")
  selected <- bim[, 2] %in% rsids
  data.table::fwrite(bim[selected, ], file = bimWrite, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep=" ")
  data.table::fwrite(fam, file = famWrite, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep=" ")
  # Check magic number
  bfbedRead <- file(bedRead, "rb")
  magic <- readBin(bfbedRead, "raw", n = 3, size=1,
                   signed=FALSE, endian=endian)
  if (!all(magic[1] == "6c", magic[2] == "1b", magic[3] == "01")) {
    stop("Wrong magic number for bed file; should be -- 0x6c 0x1b 0x01 --.")
  bfbedWrite <- file(bedWrite, "wb")
  # Read/write magic number
  writeBin(magic, bfbedWrite, size=1, endian=endian, useBytes=useBytes)
  # Read/write genotypes for each marker
  for (i in 1:m) {
    g <- readBin(bfbedRead, "raw", n = nbytes, size=1,
                 signed=FALSE, endian=endian)
    if (selected[i]) writeBin(g, bfbedWrite, size=1, 
                              endian=endian, useBytes=useBytes)

# writeBED <- function(bedRead=NULL, bimRead=NULL, famRead=NULL, 
#                      bedWrite=NULL, bimWrite=NULL, famWrite=NULL,
#                      rsids=NULL) {
#   bim <- data.table::fread(input = bimRead, header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
#   fam <- data.table::fread(input = famRead, header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
#   if(is.null(rsids)) stop("Missing rsids argument")
#   n <- nrow(fam)
#   m <- nrow(bim)
#   # Number of bytes for each marker
#   nbytes <- ceiling(n/4)
#   if(!file.size(bedRead)==nbytes*m+3) stop("Size of bedfile does not number of individuals in famfile")
#   selected <- bim[,2]%in%rsids
#   data.table::fwrite(bim[selected,], file=bimWrite, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
#   data.table::fwrite(fam, file=famWrite, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
#   # Check magic number
#   bfbedRead <- file(bedRead, "rb")
#   magic <- readBin(bfbedRead, "raw", n = 3)
#   if (!all(magic[1] == "6c", magic[2] == "1b", magic[3] == "01")) {
#     close(bfbedRead)
#     stop("Wrong magic number for bed file; should be -- 0x6c 0x1b 0x01 --.")
#   }
#   bfbedRead <- file(bedRead, "rb")
#   bfbedWrite <- file(bedWrite, "wb")
#   # Read/write magic number
#   magic <- readBin(bfbedRead, "raw", n = 3)
#   writeBin(magic, bfbedWrite)
#   # Read/write genotypes for each marker
#   for(i in 1:m) {
#     g <- readBin(bfbedRead, "raw", n = nbytes)
#     if(selected[i]) writeBin(g, bfbedWrite)
#   }
#   close(bfbedRead)
#   close(bfbedWrite)
# }

# writeBED <- function(bedfiles = NULL, bimfiles = NULL, famfiles = NULL, 
#                      fnBED=NULL, fnBIM=NULL, fnFAM=NULL, ids = NULL, rsids = NULL, overwrite = FALSE) {
#      if (file.exists(fnBED)) {
#           warning(paste("fnBED file allready exist"))
#           if (!overwrite) stop(paste("fnBED file allready exist"))
#      }
#      if (is.null(bimfiles)) bimfiles <- gsub(".bed", ".bim", bedfiles)
#      if (is.null(famfiles)) famfiles <- gsub(".bed", ".fam", bedfiles)
#      if (is.null(fnBIM)) fnBIM <- gsub(".bed", ".bim", fnBIM)
#      if (is.null(fnFAM)) fnFAM <- gsub(".bed", ".fam", fnFAM)
#      if (file.exists(fnBIM)) {
#           stop(paste("fnBIM file allready exist"))
#      }
#      if (file.exists(fnFAM)) {
#           stop(paste("fnFAM file allready exist"))
#      }
#      bim_combined <- NULL
#      for (chr in 1:length(bedfiles)) {
#           message(paste("Processing bedfile:", bedfiles[chr]))
#           bim <- data.table::fread(input = bimfiles[chr], header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
#           fam <- data.table::fread(input = famfiles[chr], header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE)
#           n <- nrow(fam)
#           m <- nrow(bim)
#           rsidsBIM <- as.character(bim[, 2])
#           keep <- rep(TRUE, m)
#           if (!is.null(rsids)) keep <- rsidsBIM %in% rsids
#           cls <- (1:m)[keep]
#           fnBEDCHR <- bedfiles[chr]
#           bfBEDCHR <- file(fnBEDCHR, "rb")
#           magic <- readBin(bfBEDCHR, "raw", n = 3)
#           if (!all(magic[1] == "6c", magic[2] == "1b", magic[3] == "01")) {
#                stop("Wrong magic number for bed file; should be -- 0x6c 0x1b 0x01 --.")
#           }
#           close(bfBEDCHR)
#           append <- 1
#           if (chr == 1) append <- 0
#           result <- .Call("_qgg_bed2bed", fnBED, bedfiles[chr], n, cls)
#           bim_combined <- rbind(bim_combined,bim[keep,])
#           #res <- .Fortran("bed2raw",
#           #                m = as.integer(m),
#           #                cls = as.integer(keep),
#           #                nbytes = as.integer(nbytes),
#           #                append = as.integer(append),
#           #                fnBEDCHAR = as.integer(unlist(sapply(as.character(fnBED),charToRaw),use.names=FALSE)),
#           #                fnBEDCHAR = as.integer(unlist(sapply(as.character(fnBED),charToRaw),use.names=FALSE)),
#           #                ncharbed = nchar(as.character(fnBED)),
#           #                ncharraw = nchar(as.character(fnBED)),
#           #                PACKAGE = "qgg"
#           #)
#           message(paste("Finished processing bedfile:", bedfiles[chr]))
#      }
#      fwrite(bim_combined, file.name=fnBIM)
#      fwrite(fam_combined, file.name=fnFAM)
# }

#' Get elements from genotype matrix stored in PLINK bedfiles
#' Extracts specific rows (based on ids or row numbers) and columns (based on rsids or column numbers) 
#' from a genotype matrix stored on disk. The extraction is based on provided arguments such as chromosome 
#' number, ids, rsids, etc. Genotypes can be optionally scaled and imputed.
#' @param Glist A list structure containing information about genotypes stored on disk.
#' @param chr An integer representing the chromosome for which the genotype matrix is to be extracted. 
#'            It is required.
#' @param bedfiles A vector of filenames for the PLINK bed-file.
#' @param bimfiles A vector of filenames for the PLINK bim-file.
#' @param famfiles A vector of filenames for the PLINK fam-file.
#' @param ids A vector of individual IDs for whom the genotype data needs to be extracted.
#' @param rsids A vector of SNP identifiers for which the genotype data needs to be extracted.
#' @param rws A vector of row numbers to be extracted from the genotype matrix.
#' @param cls A vector of column numbers to be extracted from the genotype matrix.
#' @param scale A logical. If TRUE, the genotype markers are scaled to have a mean of zero and variance of one.
#' @param impute A logical or integer. If TRUE, missing genotypes are replaced with their expected values 
#'               (2 times the allele frequency). If set to an integer, missing values are replaced by that integer.
#' @return A matrix with extracted genotypic data. Rows correspond to individuals, and columns correspond 
#'         to SNPs. Row names are set to individual IDs, and column names are set to rsids.
#' @details
#' This function facilitates the extraction of specific genotype data from storage based on various criteria. 
#' The extracted genotype data can be optionally scaled or imputed. If rsids are provided that are not found 
#' in the `Glist`, a warning is raised.
#' @export

getG <- function(Glist = NULL, chr = NULL, bedfiles = NULL, bimfiles = NULL, famfiles = NULL, ids = NULL, rsids = NULL,
                 rws = NULL, cls = NULL, impute = TRUE, scale = FALSE) {
  if(is.null(chr)) stop("Please provide chr argument e.g. chr=1")
  if(!is.null(chr)) bedfiles <- Glist$bedfiles[chr]
  if(!file.exists(bedfiles)) stop("Glist$bedfiles[chr] does not exist")
  if(is.null(cls)) cls <-  1:Glist$mchr[chr]
  if (!is.null(rsids)) cls <- match(rsids, Glist$rsids[[chr]])
  if (any(is.na(cls))) {
    warning(paste("some rsids not found in Glist"))
  cls <- cls[!is.na(cls)]
  af <- Glist$af[[chr]][cls]
  if(scale) W <- .Call("_qgg_readW", bedfiles, Glist$n,cls,af)
  if(!scale) W <- .Call("_qgg_readG", bedfiles, Glist$n,cls)
  colnames(W) <- Glist$rsids[[chr]][cls]
  rownames(W) <- Glist$ids
  if (!is.null(ids)) {
    rws <- match(ids,Glist$ids)
    if(any(is.na(rws))) stop("Some ids not found in Glist")
  if(!is.null(rws)) W <- W[rws,, drop = FALSE]
  if(is.integer(impute)) W[W==impute] <- impute

getW <- function(Glist = NULL, chr = NULL, bedfiles = NULL, bimfiles = NULL, famfiles = NULL, ids = NULL, rsids = NULL,
                     rws = NULL, cls = NULL, impute = TRUE, scale = FALSE,
                     allele = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(Glist)) {
    if (is.null(chr)) stop("please provide chr")
    m <- Glist$mchr[chr]
    if (is.null(cls)) cls <- 1:m
    if (!is.null(rsids)) cls <- match(rsids, Glist$rsids[[chr]])
    if (any(is.na(cls))) {
      warning(paste("some rsids not found in Glist"))
    if (!is.null(allele)) allele <- allele[!is.na(cls)]
    cls <- cls[!is.na(cls)]
    nc <- length(cls)
    if (is.null(allele)) direction <- rep(1, nc)
    if (!is.null(allele)) direction <- as.integer(allele == Glist$a1[[chr]][cls])
    if (is.null(rws)) rws <- 1:Glist$n
    if (!is.null(ids)) rws <- match(ids, Glist$ids)
    nr <- length(rws)
    ids <- Glist$ids[rws]
    rsids <- Glist$rsids[[chr]][cls]

  if (!is.null(bedfiles)) {
    if (is.null(bimfiles)) bimfiles <- gsub(".bed", ".bim", bedfiles)
    if (is.null(famfiles)) famfiles <- gsub(".bed", ".fam", bedfiles)
    bim <- data.table::fread(
      input = bimfiles, header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, showProgress = FALSE,
      colClasses = "character"
    fam <- data.table::fread(
      input = famfiles, header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, showProgress = FALSE,
      colClasses = "character"
    n <- nrow(fam)
    m <- nrow(bim)
    if (is.null(cls)) cls <- 1:m
    if (!is.null(rsids)) cls <- match(rsids, as.character(bim[, 2]))
    if (sum(is.na(cls))==length(cls)) {
         stop(paste("no rsids found in bimfiles"))
    if (any(is.na(cls))) {
      warning(paste("some rsids not found in bimfiles"))
    if (!is.null(allele)) allele <- allele[!is.na(cls)]
    cls <- cls[!is.na(cls)]
    nc <- length(cls)
    if (is.null(allele)) direction <- rep(1, nc)
    if (!is.null(allele)) direction <- as.integer(allele == as.character(bim[cls, 6]))
    if (length(cls) == 0) stop("No rsids found in bimfiles")
    if (is.null(rws)) rws <- 1:n
    if (!is.null(ids)) rws <- match(ids, as.character(fam[, 2]))
    nr <- length(rws)
    ids <- as.character(fam[rws, 2])
    rsids <- as.character(bim[cls, 2])
  W <- .Call("_qgg_readW", Glist$bedfiles[chr], Glist$n, cls, Glist$af[[chr]][cls])
  W <- W[rws,]     
  rownames(W) <- ids
  colnames(W) <- rsids

sparseLD <- function(Glist = NULL, fnLD = NULL, bedfiles = NULL, bimfiles = NULL, famfiles = NULL, msize = 100, chr = NULL, rsids = NULL, allele = NULL,
                     ids = NULL, ncores = 1, overwrite=FALSE) {

  if (!overwrite && file.exists(fnLD) && !interactive()) stop("LD file allready exists - please specify other file names")
  if (overwrite && file.exists(fnLD)) warning("LD file allready exists - replacing existing file")
  if (!overwrite && file.exists(fnLD) && interactive()) askYesNo(paste("LD file",fnLD,"allready exists - do you want to replace existing file?"))
  if(!is.null(bedfiles)) {
     if(is.null(bimfiles)) bimfiles <- gsub(".bed",".bim",bedfiles)
     if(is.null(famfiles)) famfiles <- gsub(".bed",".fam",bedfiles)

     Glist <- NULL
     Glist$fnBED <- bedfiles

     bim <- data.table::fread(input = bimfiles, header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
     Glist$a1 <- as.character(bim[, 5])
     Glist$a2 <- as.character(bim[, 6])
     Glist$pos <- as.numeric(bim[, 4])
     Glist$rsids <- as.character(bim[, 2])
     Glist$chr <- as.character(bim[, 1])

     fam <- data.table::fread(input = famfiles, header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
     Glist$n <- nrow(fam)
     Glist$ids <- as.character(fam[, 2])
     if (any(!ids %in% as.character(fam[, 2]))) stop(paste("some ids not found in famfiles"))

  n <- Glist$n
  rws <- 1:n
  if (!is.null(ids)) rws <- match(ids, Glist$ids)
  message(paste("Compute LD using individuals listed in ids"))
  nr <- length(rws)

  rsidsLD <- Glist$rsids[[chr]]
  if(!is.null(rsids)) rsidsLD <- rsidsLD[rsidsLD%in%rsids]
  if(length(rsidsLD)<msize) stop("LD marker window size is to big - use smaller number for msize")
  Glist$rsidsLD[[chr]] <- rsidsLD
  cls <- match(rsidsLD, Glist$rsids[[chr]])
  nc <- length(cls)
  af <- rep(0.5, nc)
  af <- Glist$af[[chr]][cls]
  cls <- split(cls, ceiling(seq_along(cls) / msize))
  af <- split(af, ceiling(seq_along(af) / msize))
  msets <- sapply(cls, length)
  nsets <- length(msets)
  W1 <- matrix(0, nrow = nr, ncol = msize)
  W2 <- matrix(0, nrow = nr, ncol = msize)
  W3 <- matrix(0, nrow = nr, ncol = msize)
  bfLD <- file(fnLD, "wb")
  for (j in 1:nsets) {
    nc <- length(cls[[j]])
    W1 = W2
    W2 = W3
    W3 <- .Call("_qgg_readW", Glist$bedfiles[chr], Glist$n, cls[[j]], af[[j]])
    #W3 <- W3[rws,]
    W3 <- scale(W3[rws,])
    #if(j == nsets) W3 <- cbind(W3[rws,],matrix(0, nrow = nr, ncol = msize-nc))     
    if(j == nsets) W3 <- cbind(W3,matrix(0, nrow = nr, ncol = msize-nc))     
    LD <- t(crossprod(cbind(W1, W2, W3), W2))
    LD <- LD / (nr - 1) 
    LD[is.na(LD)] <- 0
    if (j > 1) {
      for (k in 1:msize) {
        ld <- as.vector(LD[k, k:(k + 2 * msize)])
        writeBin(ld, bfLD, size = 4, endian = "little")
    if (j == nsets) {
      W1 = W2
      W2 = W3
      W3 = matrix(0, nrow = nr, ncol = msize)
      LD <- t(crossprod(cbind(W1, W2, W3), W2))
      LD <- LD / (nr - 1) 
      LD[is.na(LD)] <- 0
      for (k in 1:msets[j]) {
        ld <- as.vector(LD[k, k:(k + 2 * msize)])
        writeBin(ld, bfLD, size = 4, endian = "little")
    if(nsets>1) message(paste("Finished segment", j,"out of", nsets,"segments on plink file", Glist$bedfiles[chr]))
    if(nsets==1) message(paste("Finished plink file", Glist$bedfiles[chr]))

#' Get marker LD sets
#' @description
#' Extracts marker LD sets based on a sparse LD matrix stored in the Glist object.
#' @param Glist A list structure containing information about genotypes stored on disk.
#' @param chr A numeric value specifying the chromosome for which LD sets are to be extracted.
#' @param r2 A numeric threshold, defaulting to 0.5, used for extracting LD sets.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
getLDsets <- function(Glist = NULL, chr = NULL, r2 = 0.5) {
  if(!is.null(chr)) {
    msize <- Glist$msize
    rsidsChr <- Glist$rsidsLD[[chr]]
    mchr <- length(rsidsChr)
    rsidsLD <- c(rep("start", msize), rsidsChr, rep("end", msize))
    ldSetsChr <- vector(length = mchr, mode = "list")
    names(ldSetsChr) <- rsidsChr
    fnLD <- Glist$ldfiles[chr]
    bfLD <- file(fnLD, "rb")
    nld <- as.integer(msize * 2 + 1)
    for (i in 1:mchr) {
      ld <- readBin(bfLD, "numeric", n = nld, size = 4, endian = "little")
      ld[msize + 1] <- 1
      cls <- which((ld**2) > r2) + i - 1
      ldSetsChr[[i]] <- rsidsLD[cls]

#' Retrieve Sparse LD Matrix for a Given Chromosome
#' Extracts and returns a sparse LD (Linkage Disequilibrium) matrix for the specified chromosome based on genotypic data provided in `Glist`.
#' @param Glist A list structure containing genotypic data, including rsids for LD calculation (`rsidsLD`), LD file locations (`ldfiles`), and `msize` which indicates the size for surrounding region to consider for LD.
#' @param chr A specific chromosome from which LD sets need to be extracted.
#' @param rsids A vector of rsids that need to be included in the sparse LD matrix. Default is NULL, implying all rsids in the chromosome will be used.
#' @return A matrix containing LD values. The matrix is of size (msize * 2 + 1) x mchr, where mchr is the number of rsids in the chromosome.
#'         The returned matrix has column names corresponding to rsids in the chromosome, and row names representing relative positions to the current SNP, from -msize to msize.
#' @details
#' The function constructs the LD matrix by reading LD values from binary files stored in `Glist$ldfiles`.
#' Each column of the matrix represents a SNP from `rsidsLD`, and rows represent LD values for surrounding SNPs. 
#' The main diagonal (msize + 1 row) is set to 1 for all SNPs.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
getLD <- function(Glist = NULL, chr = NULL, rsids=NULL) {
  msize <- Glist$msize
  rsidsChr <- Glist$rsidsLD[[chr]]
  mchr <- length(rsidsChr)
  ld = matrix(0, ncol = mchr, nrow=(msize * 2 + 1))
  colnames(ld) <- rsidsChr
  rownames(ld) <- c(-(msize:1), 0, 1:msize)
  fnLD <- Glist$ldfiles[chr]
  bfLD <- file(fnLD, "rb")
  nld <- as.integer(msize * 2 + 1)
  k = 1
  for (i in 1:mchr) {
    ld[,i] = readBin(bfLD, "numeric", n = nld, size = 4, endian = "little")
    ld[msize + 1,i] <- 1
  if(!is.null(rsids)) ld <- ld[,colnames(ld)%in%rsids]

#' Extract Sparse Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) Information
#' Retrieves and formats linkage disequilibrium (LD) data from binary files based on a specified chromosome and LD threshold.
#' It provides options for returning the data in sparse or dense format.
#' @param Glist A list containing details such as the LD file path, msize, rsids for LD.
#' @param chr A numeric value representing the chromosome for which LD data is to be extracted.
#' @param r2 A numeric value specifying the LD threshold for extraction. Default is 0.
#' @param onebased A logical value indicating whether indices are one-based (default) or zero-based.
#' @param rsids A vector of rsids for which the LD data needs to be extracted in dense format. Default is NULL.
#' @param format A character string specifying the format of the result, either "sparse" (default) or "dense".
#' @return If `format` is "sparse", a list with two components: `indices` and `values`. Each component is a list 
#' of length equal to the number of rsids in the specified chromosome. If `format` is "dense", a matrix with rows 
#' and columns named after the rsids is returned.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export

getSparseLD <- function(Glist = NULL, chr = NULL, r2 = 0, onebased=FALSE, rsids=NULL, format="sparse") {
  msize <- Glist$msize
  rsidsLD <- Glist$rsidsLD[[chr]]
  mchr <- length(rsidsLD)
  #if(!is.null(rsids)) rsids <- rsidsLD[rsidsLD%in%rsids]
  #if(is.null(rsids)) rsids <- rsidsLD
  #mapped <- rsidsLD%in%rsids
  #indices <- match(rsidsLD, rsids)
  indices <- 1:mchr
  if(!onebased) indices <- indices - 1
  rsids_indices <- c(rep(NA, msize), indices, rep(NA, msize))
  ld_indices <- vector(length = mchr, mode = "list")
  ld_values <- vector(length = mchr, mode = "list")
  names(ld_indices) <- names(ld_values) <- rsidsLD
  if(is.null(Glist$ldfiles[chr])) stop("LD file not found")
  fnLD <- Glist$ldfiles[chr]
  bfLD <- file(fnLD, "rb")
  nld <- as.integer(msize * 2 + 1)
  for (i in 1:mchr) {
    ld <- readBin(bfLD, "numeric", n = nld, size = 4, endian = "little")
    #if(mapped[i]) {
      ld[msize + 1] <- 1
      cls <- which((ld^2) > r2) + i - 1
      ld_indices[[i]] <- rsids_indices[cls]
      ld_values[[i]] <- ld[(ld^2) > r2]
      #isNA <- is.na(ld_indices[[i]])
      #if(any(isNA)) ld_indices[[i]] <- ld_indices[[i]][!isNA]
      #if(any(isNA)) ld_values[[i]] <- ld_values[[i]][!isNA]
  #ld_indices <- ld_indices[mapped]
  #ld_values <- ld_values[mapped]
  return(list(indices=ld_indices,values=ld_values, rsids=names(ld_indices), onebased=onebased, msize=msize, fnLD=fnLD))

splitSparseLD <- function(sparseLD = NULL, rsids=NULL, format="sparse", onebased=FALSE) {
  rsidsLD <-names(sparseLD$indices)
  inLD <- rsids%in%rsidsLD
  if(any(!inLD)) stop("Some rsids not not found in sparseLD")
  rsids <- rsidsLD[rsidsLD%in%rsids]
  new_indices <- match(rsidsLD,rsids)
  if(!onebased) new_indices <- new_indices - 1
  if(format=="sparse") {
    sparseLD$indices <- sparseLD$indices[rsids]
    sparseLD$values <- sparseLD$values[rsids]
    for(i in 1:length(rsids)) {
      indx <- sparseLD$indices[[i]]
      if(!sparseLD$onebased) indx <- indx + 1
      new_indx <- new_indices[indx]
      sparseLD$indices[[i]] <- new_indx[!is.na(new_indx)]
      sparseLD$values[[i]] <- sparseLD$values[[i]][!is.na(new_indx)]
    sparseLD$rsids <- rsids
    sparseLD$onebased <- onebased

createLDsets <- function(ldscores=NULL, msize=200, maxsize=2000, nsplit=200, verbose=FALSE) {
  csum <- cumsum(ldscores)
  csum <- (csum[(msize+1):length(csum)] - csum[1:(length(csum) - msize)]) / msize
  names(csum) <- names(ldscores)[(msize+1):length(csum)]
  rsum <- csum
  maxsum <- max(csum)
  csum[1:maxsize] <- maxsum
  csum[(length(csum)-maxsize):length(csum)] <- maxsum
  psplit <- NULL
  for (i in 1:nsplit) {
    pos <- which.min(csum)
    if(csum[pos] < maxsum) {
      psplit <- c(psplit,pos)
      csum[max(1,pos-maxsize):min(pos+maxsize,length(csum))] <- maxsum
  splitAt <- function(x, pos) unname(split(x, cumsum(seq_along(x) %in% pos)))
  sets <- splitAt(1:length(csum),psplit)
  # M <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(csum),ncol=length(sets))
  # for(i in 1:length(sets)) {
  #   M[sets[[i]],i] <- i
  #   if(i>1) {
  #     if(length(intersect(sets[[i]],sets[[i-1]]))>0) stop("length(intersect(sets[[i]],sets[[i-1]]))>0")
  #   }
  # }
  if(verbose) {
    plot(sort(sapply(sets,length)),frame.plot=FALSE, xlab="Block", ylab="Size")
    plot(rsum, type = "n", xlab = "Genome Position", ylab = "LD Scores", frame.plot=FALSE)
    points(rsum, col = "grey", cex = 0.25)
    #points(x=psplit, y = 1:length(psplit), col="red", pch=as.character(1:length(psplit)))
    abline(v = c(1,psplit,length(rsum)), col = "red",lty=2)
  psplit <- match(names(psplit),names(ldscores))
  sets <- splitAt(names(ldscores),psplit)

# getSparseLD <- function(Glist = NULL, chr = NULL, r2 = 0, onebased=TRUE, rsids=NULL, format="sparse") {
#   msize <- Glist$msize
#   rsidsChr <- Glist$rsidsLD[[chr]]
#   mchr <- length(rsidsChr)
#   rsidsLD <- c(rep("start", msize), rsidsChr, rep("end", msize))
#   mapped <- rep(T,length(rsidsLD))
#   if(!is.null(rsids)) mapped <- rsidsLD%in%rsids
#   if(onebased) rsids_indices <- c(rep(0, msize), 1:mchr, rep(0, msize))
#   if(!onebased) rsids_indices <- c(rep(0, msize), 0:(mchr-1), rep(0, msize))
#   ld_indices <- vector(length = mchr, mode = "list")
#   ld_values <- vector(length = mchr, mode = "list")
#   names(ld_indices) <- names(ld_values) <- rsidsChr
#   if(format=="dense") {
#     fnLD <- Glist$ldfiles[chr]
#     bfLD <- file(fnLD, "rb")
#     nld <- as.integer(msize * 2 + 1)
#     for (i in 1:mchr) {
#       ld <- readBin(bfLD, "numeric", n = nld, size = 4, endian = "little")
#       ld[msize + 1] <- 1
#       cls <- which((ld**2) > r2) + i - 1
#       ld_indices[[i]] <- rsids_indices[cls]
#       ld_values[[i]] <- ld[(ld**2) > r2]
#     }
#     close(bfLD)
#     #if(format=="sparse") return(list(indices=ld_indices,values=ld_values))
#     if(is.null(rsids)) {
#       LD <- matrix(0,nrow=length(ld_values),ncol=length(ld_values), 
#                    dimnames=list(names(ld_values),names(ld_values) ) )  
#       for(i in 1:length(ld_values)) {
#         LD[i,ld_indices[[i]]] <- ld_values[[i]]
#       }
#     }
#     if(!is.null(rsids)) {
#       LD <- matrix(0,nrow=length(rsids),ncol=length(rsids), 
#                    dimnames=list(rsids,rsids) )
#       for(i in 1:length(rsids)) {
#         ldrsids <-rsidsChr[ld_indices[[rsids[i]]]]
#         ldvals <- ld_values[[rsids[i]]]
#         inlist <- ldrsids%in%rsids 
#         LD[rsids[i],ldrsids[inlist]] <- ldvals[inlist]
#       }
#     }
#     return(LD)
#   }
#   if(format=="sparse") {
#     fnLD <- Glist$ldfiles[chr]
#     bfLD <- file(fnLD, "rb")
#     nld <- as.integer(msize * 2 + 1)
#     for (i in 1:mchr) {
#       ld <- readBin(bfLD, "numeric", n = nld, size = 4, endian = "little")
#       ld[msize + 1] <- 1
#       cls <- 1:length(ld) + i - 1
#       ldok <- (ld**2) > r2
#       mapok <- mapped[cls]
#       cls <- cls[mapok & ldok]
#       #ld_indices[[i]] <- rsids_indices[cls]
#       ld_indices[[i]] <- rsidsLD[cls]
#       ld_values[[i]] <- ld[mapok & ldok]
#     }
#     close(bfLD)
#     names(ld_indices) <- names(ld_values) <- rsidsChr
#     isnull <- sapply(ld_indices,length)==0
#     ld_indices <- ld_indices[!isnull]
#     ld_values <- ld_values[!isnull]
#     if(!is.null(rsids)) ld_indices <- ld_indices[names(ld_indices)%in%rsids]
#     if(!is.null(rsids)) ld_values <- ld_values[names(ld_values)%in%rsids]
#     ld_indices <- qgg::mapSets(sets=ld_indices,rsids=rsids, index=TRUE)
#     ld_indices <- lapply(ld_indices,function(x){x-1})
#     return(list(indices=ld_indices,values=ld_values))
#   }
# }

# getSparseLD <- function(Glist = NULL, chr = NULL, r2 = 0, onebased=TRUE, rsids=NULL, rsids=NULL, format="sparse") {
#   msize <- Glist$msize
#   rsidsChr <- Glist$rsidsLD[[chr]]
#   mchr <- length(rsidsChr)
#   rsidsLD <- c(rep("start", msize), rsidsChr, rep("end", msize))
#   if(onebased) rsids_indices <- c(rep(0, msize), 1:mchr, rep(0, msize))
#   if(!onebased) rsids_indices <- c(rep(0, msize), 0:(mchr-1), rep(0, msize))
#   ld_indices <- vector(length = mchr, mode = "list")
#   ld_values <- vector(length = mchr, mode = "list")
#   names(ld_indices) <- names(ld_values) <- rsidsChr
#   fnLD <- Glist$ldfiles[chr]
#   bfLD <- file(fnLD, "rb")
#   nld <- as.integer(msize * 2 + 1)
#   for (i in 1:mchr) {
#     ld <- readBin(bfLD, "numeric", n = nld, size = 4, endian = "little")
#     ld[msize + 1] <- 1
#     cls <- which((ld**2) > r2) + i - 1
#     ld_indices[[i]] <- rsids_indices[cls]
#     ld_values[[i]] <- ld[(ld**2) > r2]
#   }
#   close(bfLD)
#   if(format=="sparse") return(list(indices=ld_indices,values=ld_values))
#   if(format=="dense") {
#     if(is.null(rsids)) {
#       LD <- matrix(0,nrow=length(ld_values),ncol=length(ld_values), 
#                    dimnames=list(names(ld_values),names(ld_values) ) )  
#       for(i in 1:length(ld_values)) {
#         LD[i,ld_indices[[i]]] <- ld_values[[i]]
#       }
#     }
#     if(!is.null(rsids)) {
#       LD <- matrix(0,nrow=length(rsids),ncol=length(rsids), 
#                    dimnames=list(rsids,rsids) )
#       for(i in 1:length(rsids)) {
#         ldrsids <-rsidsChr[ld_indices[[rsids[i]]]]
#         ldvals <- ld_values[[rsids[i]]]
#         inlist <- ldrsids%in%rsids 
#         LD[rsids[i],ldrsids[inlist]] <- ldvals[inlist]
#       }
#     }
#     return(LD)
#   }
# }

#' Plot LD Matrix
#' Visualizes the linkage disequilibrium (LD) matrix using a color gradient.
#' The function produces an image plot with custom color mapping.
#' @param LD A matrix representing the LD values to be plotted. Each element should be 
#'           a numeric value, typically between 0 and 1, representing the degree of LD.
#'           Rows and columns of the matrix should correspond to specific genetic markers (e.g., SNPs).
#' @param cols A color palette to use for the plot. By default, it creates a blue gradient 
#'             ranging from light blue ('#f0f3ff') to dark blue ('#0033BB').
#' @return A plot visualizing the LD matrix. Row and column names of the LD matrix are used 
#'         as labels on the x and y axes, respectively.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
plotLD <- function(LD=NULL, cols=NULL) {
  if(is.null(cols)) cols <- colorRampPalette(c('#f0f3ff','#0033BB'))(256)
  LD <- LD[,ncol(LD):1]
  image(LD, col=cols, axes = FALSE)
  axis(1, at = seq(0, 1, length = nrow(LD)), labels = rownames(LD), las=2, cex.axis=0.5)
  axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, length = ncol(LD)), labels = colnames(LD), las=2, cex.axis=0.5)

regionLD <- function(sparseLD = NULL, onebased=TRUE, rsids=NULL, format="matrix") {
  rsidsChr <- names(sparseLD$values)
  if(sum(!rsids%in%rsidsChr)) {
    warning("Some rsids not in sparseLD")
    rsids <- rsids[rsids%in%rsidsChr]
  msize <- (max(sapply(sparseLD$values,length))-1)/2
  if(length(rsids)>msize) warning("region requested larger than region in SparseLD matrix")
  mchr <- length(rsidsChr)
  rsidsLD <- c(rep("start", msize), rsidsChr, rep("end", msize))
  if(onebased) rsids_indices <- c(rep(0, msize), 1:mchr, rep(0, msize))
  if(!onebased) rsids_indices <- c(rep(0, msize), 0:(mchr-1), rep(0, msize))
  ld_indices <- vector(length = mchr, mode = "list")
  ld_values <- vector(length = mchr, mode = "list")
  names(ld_indices) <- names(ld_values) <- rsidsChr
  ld <- matrix(0,nrow=length(rsids),ncol=length(rsids),
               dimnames=list(rsids,rsids) )
  for(i in 1:length(rsids)) {
    ldrsids <- rsidsChr[sparseLD$indices[[rsids[i]]]]
    ldvals <- sparseLD$values[[rsids[i]]]
    inlist <- ldrsids%in%rsids
    ld[rsids[i],ldrsids[inlist]] <- ldvals[inlist]
  if(format=="dense") return(ld)
  if(format=="sparse") {
    LD <- NULL
    LD$values <- split(ld, rep(1:ncol(ld), each = nrow(ld)))
    if(onebased) LD$indices <- lapply(1:ncol(ld),function(x) {1:ncol(ld)} )
    if(!onebased) LD$indices <- lapply(1:ncol(ld),function(x) { (1:ncol(ld))-1 } )
    LD$rsids <- rsids

#' Compute LD (Linkage Disequilibrium) Scores for a Given Chromosome.
#' This function calculates LD scores for the specified chromosome(s) based on genotypic data provided in `Glist`.
#' The LD score quantifies the amount of Linkage Disequilibrium at a given SNP.
#' @param Glist A list structure with genotypic data stored, including positions (`pos`), map information (`map`), rsids for LD calculation (`rsidsLD`), and LD file locations (`ldfiles`).
#' @param chr A single chromosome or a vector of chromosomes for which LD scores need to be computed. Default is NULL, implying all chromosomes in `Glist` will be used.
#' @param onebased Logical, if `TRUE`, the indexing of positions and other genomic information is 1-based. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param nbytes The size (in bytes) of each numeric value to read from the binary LD files. Default is 4.
#' @param cm The threshold in centiMorgans for filtering LD values. Default is NULL.
#' @param kb The threshold in kilobases for filtering LD values. Default is NULL. If specified, it will be converted to base pairs internally.
#' @return A list containing computed LD scores for each chromosome in the input.
#' @details
#' The function computes the LD scores for each SNP by reading LD values from binary files stored in `Glist$ldfiles`.
#' It can filter SNPs based on physical distance (`kb`) or genetic map distance (`cm`). 
#' If both `cm` and `kb` are NULL, all LD values are used in computation.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export

ldscore <- function(Glist=NULL, chr=NULL, onebased=TRUE, nbytes=4, cm=NULL, kb=NULL) {
  chromosomes <- chr
  if(is.null(chr)) chromosomes <- 1:Glist$nchr  
  ldscores2 <- vector(length=length(chromosomes),mode="list")
  for (chr in chromosomes) {
    message(paste("Compute LD scores for chromosome:",chr))
    rsids <- Glist$rsidsLD[[chr]]
    m <- length(rsids)
    msize <- Glist$msize
    # LD indexes
    k1 <- rep(1, m)
    k1[1:msize] <- msize - 1:msize + 2
    k2 <- rep((2 * msize + 1), m)
    k2[(m - msize + 1):m] <- msize + m - ((m - msize + 1):m) + 1
    ldchr <- rep(0,m)
    names(ldchr) <- rsids
    if(!is.null(kb)) kb <- kb*1000
    #if(!is.null(cm)) cm <- cm*1000000
    map <- Glist$map[[chr]][rsids]
    #if(!is.null(cm)) if(any(is.na(map))) stop("Missing values in Glist$map")
    ldmap <- c(rep(NA, msize),map, rep(NA, msize))
    pos <- Glist$pos[[chr]][rsids]
    #if(!is.null(kb)) if(any(is.na(pos))) stop("Missing values in Glist$pos")
    ldpos <- c(rep(NA, msize),pos, rep(NA, msize))
    nld <- 1:as.integer(msize * 2 + 1)
    fnLD <- Glist$ldfiles[[chr]]
    bfLD <- file(fnLD, "rb")
    for (j in 1:m) {
      ld <- readBin(bfLD, "numeric", n = (2*msize+1), size = nbytes, endian = "little")
      rwsLD <- k1[j]:k2[j]
      ld <- ld[rwsLD]
      rwsMAP <- rwsPOS <- (nld + j - 1)
      if(!is.null(kb)) {
        if(!is.na(pos[j])) {
          posdiff <- abs(ldpos[rwsPOS][rwsLD]-pos[j])
          ld <- ld[!is.na(posdiff)]
          posdiff <- posdiff[!is.na(posdiff)]
          ld <- ld[posdiff<kb]
          ldchr[j] <- sum(ld**2)
      if(!is.null(cm)) {
        if(!is.na(map[j])) {
          mapdiff <- abs(ldmap[rwsMAP][rwsLD]-map[j])
          ld <- ld[!is.na(mapdiff)]
          mapdiff <- mapdiff[!is.na(mapdiff)]
          ld <- ld[mapdiff<cm]
          ldchr[j] <- sum(ld**2)
      if(is.null(cm) && is.null(kb)) ldchr[j] <- sum(ld**2)
    ldchr <- ldchr[ldchr>0]
    ldscores2[[chr]] <- ldchr

#' Retrieve marker rsids in a specified genome region.
#' Get marker rsids (reference SNP cluster IDs) from a specified genome region 
#' based on markers present in `Glist`.
#' @param Glist A list structure with information about genotypes stored on disk.
#' @param chr A chromosome from which markers are extracted.
#' @param region A genome region (in base pairs) from which markers are extracted.
#' @return A vector of rsids that fall within the specified region on the given chromosome.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
getMarkers <- function(Glist = NULL, chr = NULL, region = NULL) {
  minpos <- min(region)
  maxpos <- max(region)
  select <-  Glist$pos[[chr]] > minpos & Glist$pos[[chr]] < maxpos

#' Retrieve the map for specified rsids on a given chromosome.
#' Fetch the map associated with provided rsids for a given chromosome from the list `Glist`.
#' @param Glist A list structure with information about genotypes stored on disk.
#' @param chr A chromosome from which the map is retrieved.
#' @param rsids A vector of rsids for which the map is needed.
#' @return A vector containing the map corresponding to the specified rsids on the given chromosome.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
getMap <- function(Glist = NULL, chr = NULL, rsids = NULL) {
  rws <- match(rsids, Glist$rsids[[chr]])
  map <- Glist$map[[chr]][rws]

#' Retrieve the positions for specified rsids on a given chromosome.
#' Fetch the genomic positions associated with provided rsids for a given chromosome from the list `Glist`.
#' @param Glist A list structure with information about genotypes stored on disk.
#' @param chr A chromosome from which the positions are retrieved.
#' @param rsids A vector of rsids for which the positions are needed.
#' @return A vector containing the positions corresponding to the specified rsids on the given chromosome.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
getPos <- function(Glist = NULL, chr = NULL, rsids = NULL) {
  rws <- match(rsids, Glist$rsids[[chr]])
  pos <- Glist$pos[[chr]][rws]

readLD <- function(fileLD=NULL, onebased=FALSE, r2=0, p=NULL, nbytes=8, full=TRUE) {
  # Read/write LD matrix from LDPRED
  p <- as.integer(sqrt(file.size(fileLD)/8))
  r2 <- 0
  onebased <- FALSE
  cls <- 1:p
  if (!onebased) cls <- cls-1
  ld_indices <- vector(length = p, mode = "list")
  ld_values <- vector(length = p, mode = "list")
  bfLD <- file(fileLD, "rb")
  for(i in 1:p) {
    ld <- readBin(bfLD, "numeric", n = p)
    nonzeroes <- which((ld**2) > r2)
    ld_indices[[i]] <- cls[nonzeroes]
    ld_values[[i]] <- ld[nonzeroes]
  LD <- NULL
  LD$values <- ld_values
  LD$indices <- ld_indices
psoerensen/qgg documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:51 p.m.