#' A global-variable to hold custom annotations loaded in an R session
#' Code thanks to Martin Morgan. This is a global variable that will store custom
#' annotations that a user reads in during a session in which annotatr is loaded.
#' @return An environment to contain custom annotations from \code{read_annotations}.
#' @examples
#' # Example usage
#' annotatr_cache$set("foo", 1:10)
#' annotatr_cache$get("foo")
#' # Read in a BED3 file as a custom annotation
#' file = system.file('extdata', 'test_annotations_3.bed', package='annotatr')
#' # The custom annotation is added to the annotatr_cache environment in this function
#' read_annotations(con = file, name = 'test', genome = 'hg19')
#' # The result of read_annotations() is not visible in .GlobalEnv, instead
#' # need to use the get method
#' print(annotatr_cache$get('hg19_custom_test'))
#' # See what is in the annotatr_cache
#' annotatr_cache$list_env()
#' @export
annotatr_cache <- local({
env = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
list(set=function(key, value) {
env[[key]] = value
}, get = function(key) {
if (!exists(key, env))
stop(sQuote(key), " not in annotatr_cache", call.=FALSE)
}, list_env=function() {
#' A function to build annotations from TxDb.* and AnnotationHub resources
#' Create a \code{GRanges} object consisting of all the desired \code{annotations}. Supported annotation codes are listed by \code{builtin_annotations()}. The basis for enhancer annotations are FANTOM5 data, the basis for CpG related annotations are CpG island tracks from \code{AnnotationHub}, and the basis for genic annotations are from the \code{TxDb.*} and \code{org.db} group of packages.
#' @param genome The genome assembly.
#' @param annotations A character vector of annotations to build. Valid annotation codes are listed with \code{builtin_annotations()}. The "basicgenes" shortcut builds the following regions: 1-5Kb upstream of TSSs, promoters, 5UTRs, exons, introns, and 3UTRs. The "cpgs" shortcut builds the following regions: CpG islands, shores, shelves, and interCGI regions. NOTE: Shortcuts need to be appended by the genome, e.g. \code{hg19_basicgenes}.
#' Custom annotations whose names are of the form \code{[genome]_custom_[name]} should also be included. Custom annotations should be read in and converted to \code{GRanges} with \code{read_annotations()}. They can be for a \code{supported_genome()}, or for an unsupported genome.
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object of all the \code{annotations} combined. The \code{mcols} are \code{id, tx_id, gene_id, symbol, type}. The \code{id} column is a unique name, the \code{tx_id} column is either a UCSC knownGene transcript ID (genic annotations) or a Ensembl transcript ID (lncRNA annotations), the \code{gene_id} is the Entrez ID, the \code{symbol} is the gene symbol from the \code{org.*.eg.db} mapping from the Entrez ID, and the \code{type} is of the form \code{[genome]_[type]_[name]}.
#' @examples
#' # Example with hg19 gene promoters
#' annots = c('hg19_genes_promoters')
#' annots_gr = build_annotations(genome = 'hg19', annotations = annots)
#' # See vignette for an example with custom annotation
#' @export
build_annotations = function(genome, annotations) {
# Expand annotations first
annotations = expand_annotations(annotations)
# Collect built-in annotations
hmm_annotations = grep('_chromatin_', annotations, value=TRUE)
enh_annotations = grep('_enhancers_', annotations, value=TRUE)
gene_annotations = grep('_genes_', annotations, value=TRUE)
cpg_annotations = grep('_cpg_', annotations, value=TRUE)
lncrna_annotations = grep('_lncrna_', annotations, value=TRUE)
builtin_annotations = c(hmm_annotations, enh_annotations, gene_annotations, cpg_annotations, lncrna_annotations)
# Check builtin_annotations
if(length(builtin_annotations) > 0) {
# Collect custom and AnnotationHub annotations
other_annotations = setdiff(annotations, builtin_annotations)
# Container for the annotations
annots_grl = GenomicRanges::GRangesList()
# Do the other_annotations first because we don't want to fail unexpectedly at the end
if(length(other_annotations) > 0) {
annots_grl = c(annots_grl, GenomicRanges::GRangesList(sapply(other_annotations, function(ca){annotatr_cache$get(ca)})))
# Take the builtin_annotations piece by piece
if(length(enh_annotations) != 0) {
annots_grl = c(annots_grl, GenomicRanges::GRangesList(enhancers_fantom = suppressWarnings(build_enhancer_annots(genome = genome))))
if(length(hmm_annotations) != 0) {
annots_grl = c(annots_grl, GenomicRanges::GRangesList(chromatin = suppressWarnings(build_hmm_annots(genome = genome, annotations = hmm_annotations))))
if(length(gene_annotations) != 0) {
annots_grl = c(annots_grl, suppressWarnings(build_gene_annots(genome = genome, annotations = gene_annotations)))
if(length(cpg_annotations) != 0) {
annots_grl = c(annots_grl, suppressWarnings(build_cpg_annots(genome = genome, annotations = cpg_annotations)))
if(length(lncrna_annotations) != 0) {
annots_grl = c(annots_grl, GenomicRanges::GRangesList(lncrna_gencode = suppressWarnings(build_lncrna_annots(genome = genome))))
gr = unlist(annots_grl, use.names=FALSE)
names(gr) = NULL
#' A helper function to build arbitrary annotatinos from AnnotationHub
#' @param genome The genome assembly.
#' @param ah_codes A named character vector giving the AnnotationHub accession number (e.g. AH23256), and whose name describes what the annotation is (e.g. Gm12878_H3K4me3).
#' @param annotation_class A string to name the group of annotations in \code{ah_codes}
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object stored in \code{annotatr_cache}. To view an annotation built with this function, do \code{annotatr_cache$get(name)}. To add these annotations to a set of annotations, include \code{'[genome]_[annotation_class]_[name]'} in the call to \code{build_annotations()}. See example below.
#' @examples
#' # Create a named vector for the AnnotationHub accession codes with desired names
#' h3k4me3_code = c('Gm12878' = 'AH23256')
#' # Fetch ah_codes from AnnotationHub and create annotations annotatr understands
#' build_ah_annots(genome = 'hg19', ah_codes = h3k4me3_code, annotation_class = 'H3K4me3')
#' # The annotations as they appear in annotatr_cache
#' annot_name = c('hg19_H3K4me3_Gm12878')
#' # Build the annotations right before annotating any regions
#' annotations = build_annotations(genome = 'hg19', annotations = annot_name)
#' @export
build_ah_annots = function(genome, ah_codes, annotation_class) {
# Check that all ah_codes have non-empty names
ah_names = names(ah_codes)
if(any(ah_names == '')) {
stop('All ah_codes should have non-empty names.')
# Create an AnnotationHub instance and get all the accession codes
ah = AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub()
all_ah_codes = names(ah)
# Check that ah_codes are valid and throw informative error
invalid_ah_codes = setdiff(ah_codes, all_ah_codes)
if(length(invalid_ah_codes) > 0) {
stop(sprintf('The following ah_codes are invalid: %s.', paste(invalid_ah_codes, collapse=', ')))
# Check that ah_codes are GRanges and throw informative error
ah_rdataclass = ah[ah_codes]$rdataclass
if(any(ah_rdataclass != 'GRanges')) {
non_rdataclass = which(ah_rdataclass != 'GRanges')
stop(sprintf('The following ah_codes are not GRanges: %s. Only AnnotationHub accessions with rdataclass == GRanges are allowed.', paste(ah_codes[non_rdataclass], collapse=', ')))
for(i in seq_along(ah_codes)) {
message(sprintf('Building annotation %s from AnnotationHub resource %s ...', names(ah_codes)[i], ah_codes[i]))
gr = ah[[ah_codes[i]]]
gr = GenomicRanges::granges(gr)
gr = GenomicRanges::sort(gr)
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)$id = paste0(sprintf('%s_%s:', annotation_class, names(ah_codes[i])), seq_along(gr))
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)$tx_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)$gene_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)$symbol = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)$type = sprintf('%s_%s_%s', genome, annotation_class, names(ah_codes[i]))
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)[, c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')]
# Write the object named [genome]_[annotation_class]_[name] to the annotatr_cache
annotatr_cache$set(sprintf('%s_%s_%s', genome, annotation_class, names(ah_codes[i])), gr)
#' A helper function to build chromHMM annotations for hg19 from UCSC Genome Browser.
#' @param genome The genome assembly.
#' @param annotations A character vector of valid chromatin state annotatin codes.
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object.
build_hmm_annots = function(genome = c('hg19'), annotations = annotatr::builtin_annotations()) {
# Ensure valid arguments
genome = match.arg(genome)
annotations = match.arg(annotations, several.ok = TRUE)
message('Building hmms...')
cell_lines = unique(sapply(annotations, get_cellline_from_code, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
# If chromHMMs for different cell lines are requested, need to get them all
hmms_list = GenomicRanges::GRangesList(lapply(cell_lines, function(line){
message(sprintf('Downloading chromHMM track for %s', line))
# Fetch the correct information for the line
con = sprintf('http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/%s/database/wgEncodeBroadHmm%sHMM.txt.gz', genome, line)
# Read from URL. There is surprisingly nothing in base that
# does this as easily, so here we are with readr again.
tbl = readr::read_tsv(con,
col_names = c('chr','start','end','type'),
col_types = '-ciic-----')
# Reformat types
types = sprintf('%s_chromatin_%s', genome, paste(line, reformat_hmm_codes(tbl$type), sep='-'))
# Convert to GRanges
gr = tryCatch({
seqnames = tbl$chr,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = tbl$start, end = tbl$end),
strand = '*',
type = types,
seqinfo = GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(genome=genome))
}, error = function(e) {
seqnames = tbl$chr,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = tbl$start, end = tbl$end),
strand = '*',
type = types)
hmms_gr = unlist(hmms_list, use.names = FALSE)
# Split the GRanges into a GRangesList for subsetting and id population
hmms_grl = S4Vectors::splitAsList(hmms_gr, GenomicRanges::mcols(hmms_gr)$type)
hmms_grl = hmms_grl[names(hmms_grl) %in% annotations]
hmms_grl = GenomicRanges::GRangesList(lapply(names(hmms_grl), function(n) {
gr = hmms_grl[[n]]
gr$id = paste0(n,':',seq_along(gr))
hmms_gr = unlist(hmms_grl, use.names=FALSE)
GenomicRanges::mcols(hmms_gr)$tx_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(hmms_gr)$gene_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(hmms_gr)$symbol = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(hmms_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(hmms_gr)[, c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')]
#' A helper function to build enhancer annotations for hg19 and mm10 from FANTOM5.
#' @param genome The genome assembly.
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object.
build_enhancer_annots = function(genome = c('hg19','hg38','mm9','mm10')) {
# Ensure valid arguments
genome = match.arg(genome)
message('Building enhancers...')
# NOTE: Since something like hg38_enhancers_fantom will be caught by check_annotations() there is no need to worry about anything other than hg19 or mm10 will get to this point.
# Get the enhancer annotations from FANTOM5
if(genome == 'hg19') {
enhancers = rtracklayer::import.bed('http://fantom.gsc.riken.jp/5/datafiles/phase2.0/extra/Enhancers/human_permissive_enhancers_phase_1_and_2.bed.gz', genome = 'hg19')
} else if(genome == 'hg38') {
# Create AnnotationHub connection
ah = AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub()
chain = ah[['AH14150']]
# Get hg19 enhancers
hg19_enhancers = rtracklayer::import.bed('http://fantom.gsc.riken.jp/5/datafiles/phase2.0/extra/Enhancers/human_permissive_enhancers_phase_1_and_2.bed.gz', genome = 'hg19')
enhancers = rtracklayer::liftOver(x = hg19_enhancers, chain = chain)
enhancers = sort(unlist(enhancers))
} else if (genome == 'mm9') {
enhancers = rtracklayer::import.bed('http://fantom.gsc.riken.jp/5/datafiles/phase2.0/extra/Enhancers/mouse_permissive_enhancers_phase_1_and_2.bed.gz', genome = 'mm9')
} else if (genome == 'mm10') {
# Create AnnotationHub connection
ah = AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub()
chain = ah[['AH14596']]
# Get hg19 enhancers
mm9_enhancers = rtracklayer::import.bed('http://fantom.gsc.riken.jp/5/datafiles/phase2.0/extra/Enhancers/mouse_permissive_enhancers_phase_1_and_2.bed.gz', genome = 'mm9')
enhancers = rtracklayer::liftOver(x = mm9_enhancers, chain = chain)
enhancers = sort(unlist(enhancers))
enhancers = GenomicRanges::granges(enhancers)
GenomicRanges::mcols(enhancers)$id = paste0('enhancer:', seq_along(enhancers))
GenomicRanges::mcols(enhancers)$tx_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(enhancers)$gene_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(enhancers)$symbol = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(enhancers)$type = sprintf('%s_enhancers_fantom', genome)
#' A helper function to build CpG related annotations.
#' Using the \code{AnnotationHub} package, extract CpG island track for the appropriate \code{genome} and construct the shores, shelves, and interCGI annotations as desired.
#' @param genome The genome assembly.
#' @param annotations A character vector with entries of the form \code{[genome]_cpg_{islands,shores,shelves,inter}}.
#' @return A list of \code{GRanges} objects.
build_cpg_annots = function(genome = annotatr::builtin_genomes(), annotations = annotatr::builtin_annotations()) {
# Ensure valid arguments
genome = match.arg(genome)
annotations = match.arg(annotations, several.ok = TRUE)
annot_codes = data.frame(
code = c(sprintf('%s_cpg_islands', genome),
sprintf('%s_cpg_shores', genome),
sprintf('%s_cpg_shelves', genome),
sprintf('%s_cpg_inter', genome)),
var = c('islands','shores','shelves','inter_cgi'),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Decide whether to use URL or AnnotationHub
ah_genomes = c('hg19','mm9','rn5','rn4')
if(genome == 'hg19' || genome == 'mm9' || genome == 'rn5' || genome == 'rn4') {
use_ah = TRUE
} else if (genome == 'hg38') {
use_ah = FALSE
con = 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/hg38/database/cpgIslandExt.txt.gz'
} else if (genome == 'mm10') {
use_ah = FALSE
con = 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/mm10/database/cpgIslandExt.txt.gz'
} else if (genome == 'rn6') {
use_ah = FALSE
con = 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/rn6/database/cpgIslandExt.txt.gz'
} else if (genome == 'galGal5') {
use_ah = FALSE
con = 'http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/galGal5/database/cpgIslandExt.txt.gz'
} else {
stop(sprintf('CpG features are not supported for genome %s', genome))
if(use_ah) {
# Create AnnotationHub connection
ah = AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub()
# And do the query for available CpG Islands
query = AnnotationHub::query(ah, c('CpG Islands'))
# Determine the correct ID to extract data from AnnotationHub
ID = row.names(GenomicRanges::mcols(query)[GenomicRanges::mcols(query)$genome == genome, ])
if(any(grepl('islands', annotations)) || any(grepl('shores', annotations)) || any(grepl('shelves', annotations)) || any(grepl('inter', annotations))) {
message('Building CpG islands...')
### Islands
# Extract and sort the islands based on use_ah
if(use_ah) {
islands = ah[[ID]]
} else {
# Read from URL. There is surprisingly nothing in base that
# does this as easily, so here we are with readr again.
islands_tbl = readr::read_tsv(con,
col_names = c('chr','start','end'),
col_types = '-cii-------')
# Convert to GRanges
islands = tryCatch({
seqnames = islands_tbl$chr,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = islands_tbl$start, end = islands_tbl$end),
strand = '*',
seqinfo = GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(genome=genome))
}, error = function(e){
seqnames = islands_tbl$chr,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = islands_tbl$start, end = islands_tbl$end),
strand = '*')
islands = GenomicRanges::sort(islands)
# Rename the islands
GenomicRanges::mcols(islands)$id = paste0('island:', seq_along(islands))
# Add tx_name, gene_id, and symbol columns
GenomicRanges::mcols(islands)$tx_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(islands)$gene_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(islands)$symbol = NA
# Give it the correct type
GenomicRanges::mcols(islands)$type = sprintf('%s_cpg_islands', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(islands) = GenomicRanges::mcols(islands)[, c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')]
if(any(grepl('shores', annotations)) || any(grepl('shelves', annotations)) || any(grepl('inter', annotations))) {
message('Building CpG shores...')
### Shores
# Construct the shores based on:
# upstream from the island start and downstream from the island end
up_shores = GenomicRanges::flank(islands, width = 2000, start = TRUE, both = FALSE)
down_shores = GenomicRanges::flank(islands, width = 2000, start = FALSE, both = FALSE)
# Combine, sort, trim, and reduce combined up_shores and down_shores
shores = c(up_shores, down_shores)
shores = GenomicRanges::sort(shores)
shores = GenomicRanges::trim(shores)
shores = GenomicRanges::reduce(shores)
# Remove islands from the shores
shores = GenomicRanges::setdiff(shores, islands)
# Rename the shores
GenomicRanges::mcols(shores)$id = paste0('shore:', seq_along(shores))
# Add tx_name, gene_id, and symbol columns
GenomicRanges::mcols(shores)$tx_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(shores)$gene_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(shores)$symbol = NA
# Give it the correct type
GenomicRanges::mcols(shores)$type = sprintf('%s_cpg_shores', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(shores) = GenomicRanges::mcols(shores)[, c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')]
if(any(grepl('shelves', annotations)) || any(grepl('inter', annotations))) {
message('Building CpG shelves...')
### Shelves
# Construct the shelves based on:
# upstream from the up_shores start and downstream from the down_shores end
up_shelves = GenomicRanges::flank(shores, width = 2000, start = TRUE, both = FALSE)
down_shelves = GenomicRanges::flank(shores, width = 2000, start = FALSE, both = FALSE)
# Combine, sort, trim, and reduce combined up_shelves and down_shelves
shelves = c(up_shelves, down_shelves)
shelves = GenomicRanges::sort(shelves)
shelves = GenomicRanges::trim(shelves)
shelves = GenomicRanges::reduce(shelves)
# Remove islands and/or shores from the shelves
shelves = GenomicRanges::setdiff(shelves, islands)
shelves = GenomicRanges::setdiff(shelves, shores)
# Rename the shelves
GenomicRanges::mcols(shelves)$id = paste0('shelf:', seq_along(shelves))
# Add gene_id, and symbol columns
GenomicRanges::mcols(shelves)$tx_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(shelves)$gene_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(shelves)$symbol = NA
# Give it the correct type
GenomicRanges::mcols(shelves)$type = sprintf('%s_cpg_shelves', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(shelves) = GenomicRanges::mcols(shelves)[, c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')]
if(any(grepl('inter', annotations))) {
message('Building inter-CpG-islands...')
### interCGI
# Take the union of all the objects so far
extended_cgi = Reduce(
list(islands, shores, shelves)
# A quirk of GenomicRanges::gaps() on unstranded ranges gives the whole
# chroms on the + and - strands in addition to the * gaps. Remove +/- gaps.
inter_cgi = GenomicRanges::gaps(extended_cgi)
inter_cgi = inter_cgi[GenomicRanges::strand(inter_cgi) == '*']
# Rename the interCGI
GenomicRanges::mcols(inter_cgi)$id = paste0('inter:', seq_along(inter_cgi))
# Add gene_id, and symbol columns
GenomicRanges::mcols(inter_cgi)$tx_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(inter_cgi)$gene_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(inter_cgi)$symbol = NA
# Give it the correct type
GenomicRanges::mcols(inter_cgi)$type = sprintf('%s_cpg_inter', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(inter_cgi) = GenomicRanges::mcols(inter_cgi)[, c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')]
### Put it all together
mgets = annot_codes[annot_codes$code %in% annotations, 'var']
cpgs = do.call('GRangesList', mget(mgets))
names(cpgs) = annotations
#' A helper function to build genic annotations.
#' Using the \code{TxDb.*} group of packages, construct genic annotations consisting of any combination of 1-5kb upstream of a TSS, promoters (< 1kb from TSS), 5UTRs, CDS, exons, first exons, introns, intron/exon and exon/intron boundaries, 3UTRs, and intergenic.
#' @param genome The genome assembly.
#' @param annotations A character vector with entries of the form \code{[genome]_genes_{1to5kb,promoters,5UTRs,cds,exons,firstexons,introns,intronexonboundaries,exonintronboundaries,3UTRs,intergenic}}.
#' @return A list of \code{GRanges} objects with unique \code{id} of the form \code{[type]:i}, \code{tx_id} being the UCSC knownGene transcript name, \code{gene_id} being the Entrez Gene ID, \code{symbol} being the gene symbol from the Entrez ID to symbol mapping in \code{org.db} for that species, and \code{type} being the annotation type.
build_gene_annots = function(genome = annotatr::builtin_genomes(), annotations = annotatr::builtin_annotations()) {
# Ensure valid arguments
genome = match.arg(genome)
annotations = match.arg(annotations, several.ok = TRUE)
annot_codes = data.frame(
code = c(sprintf('%s_genes_promoters', genome),
sprintf('%s_genes_1to5kb', genome),
sprintf('%s_genes_cds', genome),
sprintf('%s_genes_5UTRs', genome),
sprintf('%s_genes_exons', genome),
sprintf('%s_genes_firstexons', genome),
sprintf('%s_genes_introns', genome),
sprintf('%s_genes_intronexonboundaries', genome),
sprintf('%s_genes_exonintronboundaries', genome),
sprintf('%s_genes_3UTRs', genome),
sprintf('%s_genes_intergenic', genome)),
var = c('promoters_gr','onetofive_gr','cds_gr','fiveUTRs_gr','exons_gr',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Load the appropriate TxDb.* library and get the txdb
err_mess = NULL
txdb_name = get_txdb_name(genome)
if(requireNamespace(txdb_name, quietly = TRUE)) {
library(txdb_name, character.only = TRUE)
} else {
err_mess = sprintf('The package %s is not installed, please install it via Bioconductor.', txdb_name)
txdb = get(txdb_name)
# Get the org.XX.eg.db mapping from Entrez ID to gene symbol
# First element returned is package name, second is eg2SYMBOL name
orgdb_name = get_orgdb_name(genome)
if(requireNamespace(sprintf('org.%s.eg.db', orgdb_name), quietly = TRUE)) {
library(sprintf('org.%s.eg.db', orgdb_name), character.only = TRUE)
} else {
err_mess = paste(
sprintf('The package org.%s.eg.db is not installed, please install it via Bioconductor.', orgdb_name),
if(!is.null(err_mess)) {
x = get(sprintf('org.%s.egSYMBOL', orgdb_name))
mapped_genes = mappedkeys(x)
eg2symbol = as.data.frame(x[mapped_genes])
# Build the base transcripts
tx_gr = transcripts(txdb, columns = c('TXID','GENEID','TXNAME'))
# Create TSS GRanges for later use with intronexon boundaries
tss_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = seqnames(tx_gr),
ranges = IRanges(start = start(tx_gr), end = start(tx_gr)),
strand = '*'
GenomicRanges::mcols(tss_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(tx_gr)
seqinfo(tss_gr) = seqinfo(tx_gr)
# Create TES GRanges for later use with exonintron boundaries
tes_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = seqnames(tx_gr),
ranges = IRanges(start = end(tx_gr), end = end(tx_gr)),
strand = '*'
GenomicRanges::mcols(tes_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(tx_gr)
seqinfo(tes_gr) = seqinfo(tx_gr)
# Build tables to map TXID to TXNAME and GENEID
id_maps = AnnotationDbi::select(txdb, keys = as.character(GenomicRanges::mcols(tx_gr)$TXID), columns = c('TXNAME','GENEID'), keytype = 'TXID')
# Each annotation should be a GRanges object with the following mcols:
# id, tx_id, gene_id, symbol, type
if(any(grepl('promoters', annotations)) || any(grepl('1to5kb', annotations)) || any(grepl('intergenic', annotations))) {
message('Building promoters...')
### promoters
promoters_gr = GenomicFeatures::promoters(txdb, upstream = 1000, downstream = 0)
# Add Entrez ID, symbol, and type
GenomicRanges::mcols(promoters_gr)$gene_id = id_maps[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(promoters_gr)$tx_id, id_maps$TXID), 'GENEID']
GenomicRanges::mcols(promoters_gr)$symbol = eg2symbol[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(promoters_gr)$gene_id, eg2symbol$gene_id), 'symbol']
GenomicRanges::mcols(promoters_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_genes_promoters', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(promoters_gr)$id = paste0('promoter:', seq_along(promoters_gr))
GenomicRanges::mcols(promoters_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(promoters_gr)[, c('id','tx_name','gene_id','symbol','type')]
colnames(GenomicRanges::mcols(promoters_gr)) = c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')
if(any(grepl('1to5kb', annotations)) || any(grepl('intergenic', annotations))) {
message('Building 1to5kb upstream of TSS...')
### 1-5kb
onetofive_gr = GenomicRanges::flank(promoters_gr, width = 4000, start = TRUE, both = FALSE)
onetofive_gr = GenomicRanges::trim(onetofive_gr)
# Add Entrez ID, symbol, and type (all but type are inherited from promoters_gr)
GenomicRanges::mcols(onetofive_gr)$id = paste0('1to5kb:', seq_along(onetofive_gr))
GenomicRanges::mcols(onetofive_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_genes_1to5kb', genome)
if(any(grepl('intergenic', annotations))) {
message('Building intergenic...')
### intergenic
genic_gr = c(GenomicRanges::granges(tx_gr), GenomicRanges::granges(promoters_gr), GenomicRanges::granges(onetofive_gr))
GenomicRanges::strand(genic_gr) = '*'
intergenic_gr = GenomicRanges::reduce(genic_gr)
intergenic_gr = GenomicRanges::gaps(intergenic_gr)
# A quirk in gaps gives the entire + and - strand of a chromosome, ignore those
intergenic_gr = intergenic_gr[GenomicRanges::strand(intergenic_gr) == '*']
GenomicRanges::mcols(intergenic_gr)$id = paste0('intergenic:', seq_along(intergenic_gr))
GenomicRanges::mcols(intergenic_gr)$tx_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(intergenic_gr)$gene_id = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(intergenic_gr)$symbol = NA
GenomicRanges::mcols(intergenic_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_genes_intergenic', genome)
if(any(grepl('cds', annotations))) {
message('Building cds...')
### cds
cds_grl = GenomicFeatures::cdsBy(txdb, by = 'tx', use.names = TRUE)
# Create Rle of the tx_names
cds_txname_rle = S4Vectors::Rle(names(cds_grl), S4Vectors::elementNROWS(cds_grl))
cds_txname_vec = as.character(cds_txname_rle)
# Unlist and add the tx_names
cds_gr = unlist(cds_grl, use.names = FALSE)
GenomicRanges::mcols(cds_gr)$tx_name = cds_txname_vec
# Add Entrez ID, symbol, and type
GenomicRanges::mcols(cds_gr)$gene_id = id_maps[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(cds_gr)$tx_name, id_maps$TXNAME), 'GENEID']
GenomicRanges::mcols(cds_gr)$symbol = eg2symbol[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(cds_gr)$gene_id, eg2symbol$gene_id), 'symbol']
GenomicRanges::mcols(cds_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_genes_cds', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(cds_gr)$id = paste0('CDS:', seq_along(cds_gr))
GenomicRanges::mcols(cds_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(cds_gr)[, c('id','tx_name','gene_id','symbol','type')]
colnames(GenomicRanges::mcols(cds_gr)) = c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')
if(any(grepl('5UTR', annotations))) {
message('Building 5UTRs...')
### fiveUTRs
fiveUTRs_grl = GenomicFeatures::fiveUTRsByTranscript(txdb, use.names = TRUE)
# Create Rle of the tx_names
fiveUTRs_txname_rle = S4Vectors::Rle(names(fiveUTRs_grl), S4Vectors::elementNROWS(fiveUTRs_grl))
fiveUTRs_txname_vec = as.character(fiveUTRs_txname_rle)
# Unlist and add the tx_names
fiveUTRs_gr = unlist(fiveUTRs_grl, use.names = FALSE)
GenomicRanges::mcols(fiveUTRs_gr)$tx_name = fiveUTRs_txname_vec
# Add Entrez ID, symbol, and type
# NOTE: here we match on the tx_name because the tx_id is not given
GenomicRanges::mcols(fiveUTRs_gr)$gene_id = id_maps[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(fiveUTRs_gr)$tx_name, id_maps$TXNAME), 'GENEID']
GenomicRanges::mcols(fiveUTRs_gr)$symbol = eg2symbol[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(fiveUTRs_gr)$gene_id, eg2symbol$gene_id), 'symbol']
GenomicRanges::mcols(fiveUTRs_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_genes_5UTRs', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(fiveUTRs_gr)$id = paste0('5UTR:', seq_along(fiveUTRs_gr))
GenomicRanges::mcols(fiveUTRs_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(fiveUTRs_gr)[, c('id','tx_name','gene_id','symbol','type')]
colnames(GenomicRanges::mcols(fiveUTRs_gr)) = c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')
if(any(grepl('3UTR', annotations))) {
message('Building 3UTRs...')
### threeUTRs
threeUTRs_grl = GenomicFeatures::threeUTRsByTranscript(txdb, use.names = TRUE)
# Create Rle of the tx_names
threeUTRs_txname_rle = S4Vectors::Rle(names(threeUTRs_grl), S4Vectors::elementNROWS(threeUTRs_grl))
threeUTRs_txname_vec = as.character(threeUTRs_txname_rle)
# Unlist and add the tx_names
threeUTRs_gr = unlist(threeUTRs_grl, use.names = FALSE)
GenomicRanges::mcols(threeUTRs_gr)$tx_name = threeUTRs_txname_vec
# NOTE: here we match on the tx_name because the tx_id is not given
GenomicRanges::mcols(threeUTRs_gr)$gene_id = id_maps[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(threeUTRs_gr)$tx_name, id_maps$TXNAME), 'GENEID']
GenomicRanges::mcols(threeUTRs_gr)$symbol = eg2symbol[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(threeUTRs_gr)$gene_id, eg2symbol$gene_id), 'symbol']
GenomicRanges::mcols(threeUTRs_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_genes_3UTRs', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(threeUTRs_gr)$id = paste0('3UTR:', seq_along(threeUTRs_gr))
GenomicRanges::mcols(threeUTRs_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(threeUTRs_gr)[, c('id','tx_name','gene_id','symbol','type')]
colnames(GenomicRanges::mcols(threeUTRs_gr)) = c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')
if(any(grepl('exon', annotations)) || any(grepl('intron', annotations))) {
message('Building exons...')
### exons
exons_grl = GenomicFeatures::exonsBy(txdb, by = 'tx', use.names = TRUE)
# Create Rle of the tx_names
exons_txname_rle = S4Vectors::Rle(names(exons_grl), S4Vectors::elementNROWS(exons_grl))
exons_txname_vec = as.character(exons_txname_rle)
# Unlist and add the tx_names
exons_gr = unlist(exons_grl, use.names = FALSE)
GenomicRanges::mcols(exons_gr)$tx_name = exons_txname_vec
# Add Entrez ID, symbol, and type
GenomicRanges::mcols(exons_gr)$gene_id = id_maps[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(exons_gr)$tx_name, id_maps$TXNAME), 'GENEID']
GenomicRanges::mcols(exons_gr)$symbol = eg2symbol[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(exons_gr)$gene_id, eg2symbol$gene_id), 'symbol']
GenomicRanges::mcols(exons_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_genes_exons', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(exons_gr)$id = paste0('exon:', seq_along(exons_gr))
# This needs to be here before we remove the exon_rank mcol in exons_gr
if(any(grepl('firstexons', annotations))) {
message('Building first exons...')
### first exons
firstexons_gr = exons_gr[sapply(exons_gr$exon_rank, function(er){1 %in% er})]
# NOTE: The mcol() contents are CharacterLists and IntegerLists, which requires a different approach from previous
GenomicRanges::mcols(firstexons_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_genes_firstexons', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(firstexons_gr)$id = paste0('firstexon:', seq_along(firstexons_gr))
GenomicRanges::mcols(firstexons_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(firstexons_gr)[, c('id','tx_name','gene_id','symbol','type')]
colnames(GenomicRanges::mcols(firstexons_gr)) = c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')
GenomicRanges::mcols(exons_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(exons_gr)[, c('id','tx_name','gene_id','symbol','type')]
colnames(GenomicRanges::mcols(exons_gr)) = c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')
message('Building introns...')
### introns
introns_grl = GenomicFeatures::intronsByTranscript(txdb, use.names = TRUE)
# Create Rle of the tx_names
introns_txname_rle = S4Vectors::Rle(names(introns_grl), S4Vectors::elementNROWS(introns_grl))
introns_txname_vec = as.character(introns_txname_rle)
# Unlist and add the tx_names
introns_gr = unlist(introns_grl, use.names = FALSE)
GenomicRanges::mcols(introns_gr)$tx_name = introns_txname_vec
# NOTE: here we match on the tx_name because the tx_id is not given
GenomicRanges::mcols(introns_gr)$gene_id = id_maps[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(introns_gr)$tx_name, id_maps$TXNAME), 'GENEID']
GenomicRanges::mcols(introns_gr)$symbol = eg2symbol[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(introns_gr)$gene_id, eg2symbol$gene_id), 'symbol']
GenomicRanges::mcols(introns_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_genes_introns', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(introns_gr)$id = paste0('intron:', seq_along(introns_gr))
GenomicRanges::mcols(introns_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(introns_gr)[, c('id','tx_name','gene_id','symbol','type')]
colnames(GenomicRanges::mcols(introns_gr)) = c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')
if(any(grepl('intronexonboundaries', annotations))) {
message('Building intron exon boundaries...')
### Intron/exon boundary
# Intron to exon transition will be the starts of exons_gr for + strand
# and ends of exons_gr for - strand
split_exons = split(exons_gr, GenomicRanges::strand(exons_gr))
intronexon_plus_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = seqnames(split_exons[['+']]),
ranges = IRanges(start = start(split_exons[['+']]), end = start(split_exons[['+']])),
strand = GenomicRanges::strand(split_exons[['+']]))
GenomicRanges::mcols(intronexon_plus_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(split_exons[['+']])
intronexon_minus_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = seqnames(split_exons[['-']]),
ranges = IRanges(start = end(split_exons[['-']]), end = end(split_exons[['-']])),
strand = GenomicRanges::strand(split_exons[['-']]))
GenomicRanges::mcols(intronexon_minus_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(split_exons[['-']])
intronexon_gr = sort(c(intronexon_plus_gr, intronexon_minus_gr))
seqinfo(intronexon_gr) = seqinfo(exons_gr)
# Need to remove those boundaries that are TSSs
tss_idx = unique(S4Vectors::queryHits(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(intronexon_gr, tss_gr)))
intronexon_gr = intronexon_gr[-tss_idx]
# Expand 200bp up and down
intronexon_gr = GenomicRanges::flank(intronexon_gr, width = 200, both = TRUE)
GenomicRanges::mcols(intronexon_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_genes_intronexonboundaries', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(intronexon_gr)$id = paste0('intronexonboundary:', seq_along(intronexon_gr))
GenomicRanges::mcols(intronexon_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(intronexon_gr)[, c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')]
if(any(grepl('exonintronboundaries', annotations))) {
message('Building exon intron boundaries...')
### Exon/intron boundary
if(!exists('split_exons')) {
split_exons = split(exons_gr, GenomicRanges::strand(exons_gr))
# Exon to intron transition will be the ends of exons_gr for + strand
# and starts of exons_gr for - strand
exonintron_plus_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = seqnames(split_exons[['+']]),
ranges = IRanges(start = end(split_exons[['+']]), end = end(split_exons[['+']])),
strand = GenomicRanges::strand(split_exons[['+']]))
GenomicRanges::mcols(exonintron_plus_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(split_exons[['+']])
exonintron_minus_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = seqnames(split_exons[['-']]),
ranges = IRanges(start = start(split_exons[['-']]), end = start(split_exons[['-']])),
strand = GenomicRanges::strand(split_exons[['-']]))
GenomicRanges::mcols(exonintron_minus_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(split_exons[['-']])
exonintron_gr = sort(c(exonintron_plus_gr, exonintron_minus_gr))
seqinfo(exonintron_gr) = seqinfo(exons_gr)
# Need to remove those boundaries that are TSSs
tss_idx = unique(S4Vectors::queryHits(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(exonintron_gr, tss_gr)))
exonintron_gr = exonintron_gr[-tss_idx]
# Expand 200bp up and down
exonintron_gr = GenomicRanges::flank(exonintron_gr, width = 200, both = TRUE)
GenomicRanges::mcols(exonintron_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_genes_exonintronboundaries', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(exonintron_gr)$id = paste0('exonintronboundary:', seq_along(exonintron_gr))
GenomicRanges::mcols(exonintron_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(exonintron_gr)[, c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')]
### Put it all together
mgets = annot_codes[annot_codes$code %in% annotations, 'var']
genes = do.call('GRangesList', mget(mgets))
names(genes) = annotations
#' A helper function to build lncRNA annotations.
#' Using the \code{AnnotationHub} package, retrieve transcript level lncRNA annotations for either human (GRCh38) or mouse (GRCm38). If the genome is 'hg19', use the permalink from GENCODE and \code{rtracklayer::import()} to download and process.
#' @param genome The genome assembly.
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object with \code{id} giving the \code{transcript_type} from the GENCODE file, \code{tx_id} being the Ensembl transcript ID, \code{gene_id} being the Entrez ID coming from a mapping of gene symbol to Entrez ID, \code{symbol} being the gene_name from the GENCODE file, and the \code{type} being \code{[genome]_lncrna_gencode}.
build_lncrna_annots = function(genome = c('hg19','hg38','mm10')) {
# Ensure valid arguments
genome = match.arg(genome)
# Get the org.XX.eg.db mapping from Entrez ID to gene symbol
# First element returned is package name, second is eg2SYMBOL name, third is egENSEMBLTRANS2EG name
orgdb_name = get_orgdb_name(genome)
library(sprintf('org.%s.eg.db', orgdb_name), character.only = TRUE)
# Get Entrez ID to gene symbol mappings
x = get(sprintf('org.%s.egSYMBOL', orgdb_name))
mapped_genes = mappedkeys(x)
eg2symbol = as.data.frame(x[mapped_genes])
if(genome == 'hg19') {
use_ah = FALSE
con = 'ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_19/gencode.v19.long_noncoding_RNAs.gtf.gz'
} else if (genome == 'hg38') {
use_ah = TRUE
hub_genome = 'GRCh38'
ID = 'AH75123'
} else if (genome == 'mm10') {
use_ah = TRUE
hub_genome = 'GRCm38'
ID = 'AH49550'
if(use_ah) {
# Create AnnotationHub connection
ah = AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub()
# Each annotation should be a GRanges object with the following mcols:
# id, tx_id, gene_id, symbol, type
message('Building lncRNA transcripts...')
### lncRNA transcripts
# Get the lncRNAs either with AnnotationHub or rtracklayer::import()
if(use_ah) {
lncrna_gr = ah[[ID]]
} else {
lncrna_gr = rtracklayer::import(con, genome = genome)
lncrna_gr = lncrna_gr[lncrna_gr$type == 'transcript']
# Subset the mcols()
GenomicRanges::mcols(lncrna_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(lncrna_gr)[, c('gene_name','transcript_id','transcript_type')]
colnames(GenomicRanges::mcols(lncrna_gr)) = c('symbol','tx_id','transcript_type')
# Give the lncRNAs their ids according to the transcript_type
lncrna_grl = split(lncrna_gr, GenomicRanges::mcols(lncrna_gr)$transcript_type)
lncrna_grl = S4Vectors::endoapply(lncrna_grl, function(gr){
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)$id = paste0(GenomicRanges::mcols(gr)$transcript_type,':', seq_along(gr))
lncrna_gr = unlist(lncrna_grl, use.names=FALSE)
lncrna_gr = GenomicRanges::sort(lncrna_gr)
# Get the Entrez Gene IDs from the Gene Symbols
GenomicRanges::mcols(lncrna_gr)$gene_id = eg2symbol[match(GenomicRanges::mcols(lncrna_gr)$symbol, eg2symbol$symbol), 'gene_id']
# Give it the correct type
GenomicRanges::mcols(lncrna_gr)$type = sprintf('%s_lncrna_gencode', genome)
GenomicRanges::mcols(lncrna_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(lncrna_gr)[, c('id','tx_id','gene_id','symbol','type')]
if(use_ah) {
GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(lncrna_gr) = GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(genome = genome)
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