Defines functions generateTPsCTS runCTS

Documented in generateTPsCTS

#' @include main.R
#' @include TP-structure.R

#' @rdname transformationProductsStructure-class
transformationProductsCTS <- setClass("transformationProductsCTS", contains = "transformationProductsStructure")

setMethod("initialize", "transformationProductsCTS",
          function(.Object, ...) callNextMethod(.Object, algorithm = "cts", ...))

# NOTE: this function is called by a withProg() block, so handles progression updates
runCTS <- function(parentRow, transLibrary, generations, errorRetries, neutralizeTPs, calcLogP)
    CTSURL <- "https://qed.epa.gov/cts/rest/metabolizer/run"
    # CTSURL <- "https://qed.epacdx.net/cts/rest/metabolizer/run" # older version??
    resp <- httr::RETRY("POST", url = CTSURL, encode = "json", times = errorRetries,
                        body = list(structure = parentRow$SMILES, generationLimit = generations,
                                    transformationLibraries = list(transLibrary)))
    # HACK: do here to simplify NULL returns below
    if (httr::status_code(resp) != 200)
    cont <- httr::content(resp, "parsed")
    if (is.null(cont) || is.null(cont[["data"]]) || cont$data$total_products == 0)

    curTPID <- 0L
    processChilds <- function(chi, parent_ID)
        curTPID <<- curTPID + 1L
        res <- c(list(ID = curTPID, parent_ID = parent_ID), chi$data)
        if (length(chi$children) > 0)
            sub <- lapply(chi$children, processChilds, parent_ID = res$ID) # NOTE: this will alter curTPID, so don't use it for parent_ID!
            return(rbindlist(c(list(res), sub)))
    ret <- rbindlist(lapply(cont$data$data$children, processChilds, parent_ID = NA_integer_))
    setnames(ret, c("smiles", "routes"), c("SMILES", "transformation"))
    ret <- prepareChemTable(ret, prefCalcChemProps = FALSE, neutralChemProps = neutralizeTPs, verbose = FALSE)
    if (calcLogP != "none")
        ret[, LogP := calculateLogP(SMILES, method = calcLogP, mustWork = FALSE)]
        ret[, retDir := fifelse(LogP < parentRow$LogP, -1, 1)]
        ret[, retDir := 0]
    # convert row IDs to unique IDs
    ret[, chem_ID := match(InChIKey, unique(InChIKey))]
    # Assign some unique identifier
    ret[, name := paste0(parentRow$name, "-TP", chem_ID)]
    setcolorder(ret, c("name", "ID", "parent_ID", "chem_ID", "SMILES", "InChI", "InChIKey", "formula", "neutralMass"))

#' Obtain transformation products (TPs) with Chemical Transformation Simulator (CTS)
#' Uses \href{https://qed.epa.gov/cts/}{Chemical Transformation Simulator (CTS)} to predict TPs.
#' @templateVar algo CTS
#' @templateVar do obtain transformation products
#' @templateVar generic generateTPs
#' @templateVar algoParam cts
#' @template algo_generator
#' @details This function uses the \CRANpkg{httr} package to access the Web API of CTS for automatic TP prediction.
#'   Hence, an Internet connection is mandatory. Please take care to not 'abuse' the CTS servers, \emph{e.g.} by running
#'   very large batch calculations in parallel, as this may result in rejected connections.
#' @param transLibrary A \code{character} specifying which transformation library should be used. Currently supported
#'   are: \code{"hydrolysis"}, \code{"abiotic_reduction"}, \code{"photolysis_unranked"}, \code{"photolysis_ranked"},
#'   \code{"mammalian_metabolism"}, \code{"combined_abioticreduction_hydrolysis"},
#'   \code{"combined_photolysis_abiotic_hydrolysis"}, \code{"pfas_environmental"}, \code{"pfas_metabolism"}.
#' @param generations An \code{integer} that specifies the number of transformation generations to predict.
#' @param errorRetries The maximum number of connection retries. Sets the \code{times} argument to the
#'   \code{\link[httr:RETRY]{http::RETRY}} function.
#' @param calcLogP A \code{character} specifying whether \code{Log P} values should be calculated with
#'   \code{\link[rcdk:get.xlogp]{rcdk::get.xlogp}} (\code{calcLogP="rcdk"}),
#'   \href{https://github.com/openbabel/openbabel}{OpenBabel} (\code{calcLogP="obabel"}) or not at all
#'   (\code{calcLogP="none"}). The \code{log P} values will be calculated of parent and TPs to predict their retention
#'   order (\code{retDir}).
#' @return The TPs are stored in an object derived from the \code{\link{transformationProductsStructure}} class.
#' @template parallel-arg
#' @template tp_gen-scr
#' @template tp_gen-sim
#' @template fp-args
#' @templateVar whatCP parent suspect list
#' @template chemPropCalc
#' @seealso The website: \url{https://qed.epa.gov/cts/} and the
#'   \href{https://www.epa.gov/chemical-research/users-guide-chemical-transformation-simulator-cts}{CTS User guide}.
#' @references \insertRef{Wolfe2016}{patRoon} \cr\cr \insertRef{TebesStevens2017}{patRoon} \cr\cr
#'   \insertRef{Yuan2020}{patRoon} \cr\cr \insertRef{Yuan2021}{patRoon} \cr\cr \insertRef{OBoyle2011}{patRoon}
#' @export
generateTPsCTS <- function(parents, transLibrary, generations = 1, errorRetries = 3, skipInvalid = TRUE,
                           prefCalcChemProps = TRUE, neutralChemProps = FALSE, neutralizeTPs = TRUE, calcLogP = "rcdk",
                           calcSims = FALSE, fpType = "extended", fpSimMethod = "tanimoto", parallel = TRUE)
        checkmate::checkClass(parents, "data.frame"),
        checkmate::checkClass(parents, "compounds"),
        checkmate::checkClass(parents, "featureGroupsScreening"),
        checkmate::checkClass(parents, "featureGroupsScreeningSet"),
        .var.name = "parents"
    ac <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
    if (is.data.frame(parents))
        assertSuspectList(parents, needsAdduct = FALSE, skipInvalid = TRUE, add = ac)
    checkmate::assertChoice(transLibrary, c("hydrolysis", "abiotic_reduction", "photolysis_unranked", 
                                            "photolysis_ranked", "mammalian_metabolism",
                                            "pfas_environmental", "pfas_metabolism"), add = ac)
    aapply(checkmate::assertCount, . ~ generations + errorRetries, positive = TRUE, fixed = list(add = ac))
    aapply(checkmate::assertFlag, . ~ skipInvalid + prefCalcChemProps + neutralChemProps + neutralizeTPs + calcSims +
               parallel, fixed = list(add = ac))
    checkmate::assertChoice(calcLogP, c("rcdk", "obabel", "none"), add = ac)
    aapply(checkmate::assertString, . ~ fpType + fpSimMethod, min.chars = 1, fixed = list(add = ac))
    parents <- getTPParents(parents, skipInvalid, prefCalcChemProps, neutralChemProps)
    if (nrow(parents) == 0)
        results <- list()
        cacheDB <- openCacheDBScope()
        if (calcLogP != "none")
            ph <- makeHash(parents, calcLogP)
            cd <- loadCacheData("TPsCTSLogP", ph, cacheDB)
            if (is.null(cd))
                printf("Calculating parent LogP values... ")
                parents[, LogP := calculateLogP(SMILES, method = calcLogP, mustWork = FALSE)]
                saveCacheData("TPsCTSLogP", parents, ph, cacheDB)
                parents <- cd
        parsSplit <- split(parents, seq_len(nrow(parents)))
        names(parsSplit) <- parents$name
        baseHash <- makeHash(transLibrary, generations, errorRetries, skipInvalid, prefCalcChemProps,
                             neutralChemProps, neutralizeTPs, calcLogP, calcSims, fpType, fpSimMethod)
        setHash <- makeHash(parents, baseHash)
        cachedSet <- loadCacheSet("TPsCTS", setHash, cacheDB)
        hashes <- sapply(parsSplit, function(par) makeHash(baseHash, par[, c("name", "SMILES")], with = FALSE))
        cachedResults <- pruneList(sapply(hashes, function(h)
            result <- NULL
            if (!is.null(cachedSet))
                result <- cachedSet[[h]]
            if (is.null(result))
                result <- loadCacheData("TPsCTS", h, cacheDB)
        }, simplify = FALSE))
        parsTBD <- setdiff(parents$name, names(cachedResults))
        newResults <- list()
        if (length(parsTBD) > 0)
            lapfunc <- if (parallel) future.apply::future_sapply else sapply
            newResults <- withProg(length(parsTBD), parallel,
                                   do.call(lapfunc, list(parsSplit[parsTBD], patRoon:::runCTS,
                                                         transLibrary, generations, errorRetries,
                                                         neutralizeTPs, calcLogP, simplify = FALSE)))

            for (pn in names(newResults))
                if (!is.null(newResults[[pn]]))
                    saveCacheData("TPsCTS", newResults[[pn]], hashes[[pn]], cacheDB)
            newResults <- pruneList(newResults, checkZeroRows = TRUE)
        if (is.null(cachedSet))
            saveCacheSet("TPsCTS", hashes, setHash, cacheDB)
        results <- c(cachedResults, newResults)
        results <- results[intersect(parents$name, names(results))]
        parents <- parents[name %in% names(results)]
    return(transformationProductsCTS(calcSims = calcSims, fpType = fpType, fpSimMethod = fpSimMethod,
                                     parents = parents, products = results))
rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:32 p.m.